Grandmix: verschil tussen versies

Uit Radiopedia
(319 tussenliggende versies door 3 gebruikers niet weergegeven)
Regel 1: Regel 1:

De Grandmix is een geregistreerd handelsmerk van [[Ben Liebrand]]<ref>Handelsmerk [] ''Handelsmerk Grandmix'' (Gevonden 18 juli 2021)</ref>
De Grandmix is een geregistreerd handelsmerk van [[Ben Liebrand]]<ref>Handelsmerk [] ''Handelsmerk Grandmix'' | (Gevonden 18 juli 2021)</ref>

== Ontstaan Grandmix ==
== Ontstaan Grandmix ==
Uit het [[In The Mix]] programma van [[Ben Liebrand]] ontstond in 1983 de Grandmix <ref> Grandmix[] ''Grandmix Index'' (Gevonden 17 juli 2021)</ref>. Deze jaarlijkse afsluiting, die in de laatste week van de maand december werd uitgezonden, bestond uit meer dan 100 van de beste dansplaten van het desbetreffende jaar en kwamen in een uur tijd aan elkaar gemixt voorbij. Tussen 1983 en 1992 zijn erin totaal 10 jaarmixen door [[Ben Liebrand]] gemaakt. Detail, de Grandmix 1983 werd in eerste instantie bij de afkondiging benoemd als "Monstermix" <ref> Monstermix [ Mixhistory] ''Ben Liebrand Monstermix'' (Gevonden 17 juli 2021)</ref>.
Uit het [[In The Mix]] programma van [[Ben Liebrand]] ontstond in 1983 de Grandmix <ref> Grandmix[] ''Grandmix Index'' | (Gevonden 17 juli 2021)</ref>. Deze jaarlijkse afsluiting, die in de laatste week van de maand december werd uitgezonden, bestond uit meer dan 100 van de beste dansplaten van het desbetreffende jaar en kwamen in een uur tijd aan elkaar gemixt voorbij. Tussen 1983 en 1992 zijn erin totaal 10 jaarmixen door [[Ben Liebrand]] gemaakt. Detail, de Grandmix 1983 werd in eerste instantie bij de afkondiging benoemd als "Monstermix" <ref> Monstermix [ Mixhistory] ''Ben Liebrand Monstermix'' | (Gevonden 17 juli 2021)</ref>. Volgens Liebrand kwam het idee voor de naam van de Grandmix af van een NOS technicus.<ref> [] '' Friends and family had arranged a wonderful surprise video...'' | Posted by Ben Liebrand 4 april 2023 om 23:15 uur | (Gevonden 9 april 2023)</ref>

== Grandmix stopt ==
== Grandmix stopt ==
Mede door de weinige response op zijn mixen (er was immers in die tijd nog geen internet!), als ook de vele illegale [ bootlegs] die van zijn Grandmixen werden gemaakt, waardoor hij aan inkomstenderving <ref> ''Telegraaf Interview Ben Liebrand'' (12-02-2000)[ Interview] ''Telegraaf Interview Ben Liebrand'' (Gevonden 17 juli 2021)</ref> leed, besloot hij in 1993 om te stoppen met het maken van nieuwe Grandmixen.
Mede door de weinige response op zijn mixen (er was immers in die tijd nog geen internet!), als ook de vele illegale [ bootlegs] die van zijn Grandmixen werden gemaakt, waardoor Liebrand aan inkomstenderving <ref> ''Telegraaf Interview Ben Liebrand'' (12-02-2000)[ Interview] ''Telegraaf Interview Ben Liebrand'' | (Gevonden 17 juli 2021)</ref> leed, besloot hij in 1993 om te stoppen met het maken van nieuwe Grandmixen.

== Terugkeer Grandmix ==
== Terugkeer Grandmix ==
Mede door de opkomst van het internet, waaruit bleek dat er een grote schare Liebrand fans actief waren in een [ Mixfreaks] mailinglist, als ook door de inzet van Ben Liebrand zelf, keerde in 1999 de Grandmix terug op de radio. Iedere maand werd er een Grandmix uitgezonden op de commerciële radiozender [[Radio 538]]. Op 31 december van dat jaar kwam er een nieuwe Grandmix uit met als titel de Grandmix The Millennium Edition <ref> Grandmix [ Ben] ''Grandmix The Millennium Edition, 31 december 1999'' (Gevonden 17 juli 2021) </ref> en duurde bijna 3 uur, wat uniek was. In deze bijna 3 uur lange mix kwamen de beste dansplaten van de jaren 1975 t/m 1999 voorbij en werd tevens uitgebracht op [ CD]. Vanaf het jaar 2000 keerde de officiële Grandmix terug. De lengte werd in overleg met [[Sony]], gewijzigd naar 3 uur, waarbij de mix tevens op een 3 CD-box verscheen, wat voorheen niet mogelijk was t.g.v. het niet vrij kunnen krijgen van alle rechten.
Mede door de opkomst van het internet, waaruit bleek dat er een grote schare Liebrand fans actief waren in een [ Mixfreaks] mailinglist, als ook door de inzet van Liebrand zelf, keert in 1999 de Grandmix terug op de radio.<ref>[] ''Liebrand revival bij Radio 538. Vanaf eind januari… '' (Publicatie: 29 januari 1999) (Gevonden 9 januari 2022)</ref> Iedere maand wordt er een "oude" Grandmix in een speciale "directors cut" uitgezonden op de commerciële radiozender [[Radio 538]].<ref>[] ''Liebrand revival bij Radio 538. Sinds afgelopen za…'' (Publicatie: 4 februari 1999)(Gevonden 9 januari 2022)</ref> Op 31 december 1999 komt er een nieuwe Grandmix uit getiteld: ''"Grandmix The Millennium Edition"''<ref> Grandmix [ Ben] ''Grandmix The Millennium Edition, 31 december 1999'' (Gevonden 17 juli 2021) </ref> en duurt bijna drie uur, wat voor die tijd uniek was. In deze drie uur durende mix kwamen de beste dansplaten van de jaren 1975 t/m 1999 voorbij en wordt de mix tevens uitgebracht op [ CD].

== Internationale uitzendingen ==
Vanaf het jaar 2000 keert de officiële Grandmix terug. De lengte wordt in overleg met [[Sony]], gewijzigd naar 3 uur, waarbij de mix tevens op een 3 CD-box uit werd gebracht, wat voorheen niet mogelijk was t.g.v. het niet vrij kunnen krijgen van alle rechten.
Sinds het jaar 2000 is de Grandmix op meerdere radiostations, zowel binnen als buiten Nederland, uitgezonden. Over de jaren heen was dit bij onder andere: [[Radio 538]] (Nederland), [[Slam!FM]] (Nederland),[[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Radio [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland), [[Radio One]] (Curaçao), [[Ping Fm]] (België), [[Radio Calletti]] (Italië), [[Radio ABC]] (Denemarken), [[Lebonmix Radio]] (Frankrijk), [[Radio ISLA 106]] (Spanje).
== Grandmix Internationaal ==
Sinds het jaar 2000 is de Grandmix op meerdere radiostations, zowel binnen als buiten Nederland, uitgezonden. Over de jaren heen was dit bij onder andere: [[Radio 538]] (Nederland), [[Slam!FM]] (Nederland),[[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), [ 101.5 KOOL FM] (Calgary Canada), Radio [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland), [[Radio One]] (Curaçao), [[Ping FM]] (België), [[Radio Calletti]] (Italië), [[Radio ABC]] (Denemarken), [[Lebonmix Radio]] (Frankrijk), [[Radio ISLA 106]] (Spanje).

==Grandmix niet meer op CD ==
==Grandmix niet meer op CD ==
Met ingang van 2019 wordt er na 20 jaar helaas geen Grandmixen meer uitgebracht op CD t.g.v. problemen met het vrij krijgen van de licenties en het aanhoudende illegaal verspreiden van de mixen via het internet, waardoor inkomsten worden misgelopen.
Met ingang van 2019 wordt er na 20 jaar geen Grandmixen meer uitgebracht op CD t.g.v. problemen met het vrij krijgen van de licenties en het aanhoudende illegaal verspreiden van de mixen via het internet, waardoor inkomsten worden misgelopen.
Met ingang van 2019 worden er géén Grandmixen meer uitgebracht op CD t.g.v. problemen met het vrij krijgen van de licenties en het aanhoudend illegaal verspreiden van de mixen via het internet, waardoor inkomsten worden misgelopen. <ref> Uitleg Ben Liebrand [ Ben webpagina] '''Waarom kan de Grandmix niet op CD of Digitaal worden uitgebracht?'' (Gevonden 17 juli 2021)</ref>

Hieronder volgt een ''citaat'', vertaald uit het engels van wat [[Ben Liebrand]] op zijn webpagina <ref> Uitleg Ben Liebrand [ Ben webpagina] '''Waarom kan de Grandmix niet op CD of Digitaal worden uitgebracht?'' (Gevonden 17 juli 2021)</ref> bekend maakte omtrent deze beslissing:
Desondanks betekent dit niet het einde van de Grandmix en gaat anno 2020 nog wel door als radio uitzending op [[Radio 538]]!

==Grandmix stopt op Radio 538==
Op 30 november 2023 maakt Liebrand, via zijn Facebook pagina bekend, dat na 24 jaar er definitief géén Grandmix 2023 komt op [[Radio 538]] ten gevolge van veranderingen bij de zender.<ref>[ Ben Liebrand DJ Facebook] ''Grandmix, A bit of sad news, and how it came to be'' | Publicatie: 30 november 2023 | Gevonden: 30 november 2023</ref>

'' "Allereerst jarenlang illegaal kopiëren, en de daaropvolgende afname van de steun van de samenwerkende platenmaatschappijen. Het is geen kwestie van royalty's, die betalen we al jaren en jaren graag uit. Het is een kwestie van platenmaatschappijen die een licentie willen kopen. Die bereidheid hangt af van verkoopcijfers, en met de vele illegale kopieën is die bereidheid de afgelopen jaren afgenomen. Hoe het werkt: Met het uitbrengen van een album is ongeveer een vijfde van de inkomsten beschikbaar voor royalty's. Met een tracklijst van 100 nummers ontvangt elke track 1/100 van dat 1/5e deel van de royalty-inkomsten. Het is dus belangrijk dat er voldoende inkomsten worden gegenereerd zodat bedrijven bereid blijven om mee te doen. De verkoop is sinds eind jaren 90 gedaald, maar toch bleef de verkoop van Grandmix in vergelijking sterk. De illegale kopieën werden het probleem. Mensen denken gewoon dat die ene kopie (hun eigen illegale kopie) het verschil niet zal maken. Maar met velen op die manier denken, hebben die mensen de Grandmix-serie tot een einde gebracht. Zie je, als de kosten voor het opstellen van het papierwerk meer bedragen dan die 1/100ste van een aandeel in de royalty's, verdween de steun voor een project als The Grandmix langzaamaan. Daar bovenop kwamen de recente veranderingen en fusies tussen bedrijven, met nieuw beleid, die nu helemaal geen licenties meer hebben. De bereidheid om te steunen en die beleidswijzigingen hebben het lot van de Grandmix-jaarmixen bezegeld. Het is voorbij... Het is inderdaad heel triest." ''
==Grandmix gaat door==
Op 20 december 2023 maakt Liebrand, via zijn Facebook pagina bekend, dat er op 30 december 2023 nog wel '''''The Grandmix - DJ History created by Ben Liebrand''''' zal worden uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]].<ref>[] ''Going back decades in Dance History!''
''(The Grandmix - Dec 30 - 23:00-24:00 - Radio 10)'' | Publicatie: 20 december om 19:44 uur | Gevonden: 22 december 2023</ref> Hij verrast vervolgens een ieder toen bleek dat hij verder ging waar hij in 1992 was gestopt. Het werd de Grandmix 1993, gemaakt in het oude formaat met meer dan 100 platen in 1 uur uitzending!<ref>[] ''Grandmix 1993'' | Gevonden: 3 december 2023</ref>''

Dit betekent niet het einde van de Grandmix en gaat anno 2020 nog wel door als radio uitzending!
= '''Uitzenddata & draailijsten / playlists Ben Liebrand's Grandmixen''' =

= Uitzenddata Grandmixen =
== Uitzendschema Grandmixen 1983-1992 ==

{| class="wikitable"
! width="140px" | '''Datum''' || width="140px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="200px" | '''Tijd'''|| width="300px" | '''Titel'''|| width="300px" | '''Radiozender''' || width="300px" | '''Land'''
|[[Grandmix#30_december_1983|1983-12-31]]||  || 02.00-03.00 uur||Grandmix 1983 (Gedeeltelijk)|| [[Hilversum 1]], [[VOO]] || Nederland
|[[Grandmix#14_januari_1984|1984-01-14]] ||  ||02.00-03.00 uur||[ Grandmix 1983] (Volledig)|| [[Hilversum 1]], [[VOO]] || Nederland
|[[Grandmix#28_juli_1984|1984-07-28]] || [[Grandmix#30_december_1983|1983-12-30]]  ||02.00-03.00 uur||Grandmix 1983 (Tracks 2 t/m 59)|| [[Hilversum 1]], [[VOO]] || Nederland
|[[Grandmix#28_december_1984|1984-12-28]]||  || 18.00-19.00 uur||[ Grandmix 1984] || [[Hilversum 3]], [[VOO]] || Nederland
|[[Grandmix#16_februari_1985|1985-02-16]]||[[Grandmix#28_december_1984|1984-12-28]]  || 02.00-03.00 uur||Grandmix 1984 || [[Hilversum 1]], [[VOO]] || Nederland
|[[Grandmix#6_juli_1985|1985-07-06]]||[[Grandmix#28_december_1984|1984-12-28]]  || 02.00-03.00 uur||Grandmix 1984|| [[Hilversum 1]], [[VOO]] || Nederland
|[[Grandmix#23_november_1985|1985-11-23]]||    || 02.00-03.00 uur||[ Classics Mix] || [[Radio 1]], [[VOO]] || Nederland
|[[Grandmix#27_december_1985|1985-12-27]]||  || 20.00-21.00 uur ||[ Grandmix 1985] || [[Radio 3]], [[VOO]] || Nederland
|[[Grandmix#26_december_1986|1986-12-26]]||  || 18.00-19.00 uur ||[ Grandmix 1986] || [[Radio 3]], [[VOO]] || Nederland
|[[Grandmix#30_januari_1987|1987-01-30]]||[[Grandmix#26_december_1986|1986-12-26]]|| 20.00-21.00 uur ||[ Grandmix 1986] || [[Radio 3]], [[VOO]] || Nederland
|[[Grandmix#6_februari_1987|1987-02-06]]||[[Grandmix#26_december_1986|1986-12-26]]|| 20.00-21.00 uur ||[ Grandmix 1986] || [[Radio 3]], [[VOO]] || Nederland
|[[Grandmix#25_december_1987|1987-12-25]]||  || 18.00-19.00 uur ||[ Grandmix 1987] || [[Radio 3]], [[VOO]] || Nederland
|[[Grandmix#1_januari_1988|1988-01-01]]||[[Grandmix#25_december_1987|1987-12-25]] || 13.00-14.00 uur ||[ Grandmix 1987] || [[Radio 3]], [[VOO]] || Nederland
|[[Grandmix#30_december_1988|1988-12-30]]||  || 18.00-19.00 uur ||[ Grandmix 1988] || [[Radio 3]], [[VOO]] || Nederland
|[[Grandmix#29_december_1989|1989-12-29]]||  || 18.00-19.00 uur ||[ Grandmix 1989] || [[Radio 3]], [[VOO]] || Nederland
|[[Grandmix#5_januari_1990|1990-01-05]]||[[Grandmix#29_december_1989|1989-12-29]]  || 14.00-15.00 uur ||[ Grandmix 1989] || [[Radio 3]], [[VOO]] || Nederland
|[[Grandmix#28_december_1990|1990-12-28]]||  || 18.00-19.00 uur ||[ Grandmix 1990] || [[Radio 3]], [[VOO]] || Nederland
|[[Grandmix#4_januari_1991|1991-01-04]]||[[Grandmix#28_december_1990|1990-12-28]]  || 14.00-15.00 uur ||[ Grandmix 1990] || [[Radio 3]], [[VOO]] || Nederland
|[[Grandmix#27_december_1991|1991-12-27]]||  || 18.00-19.00 uur ||[ Grandmix 1991] || [[Radio 3]], [[VOO]] || Nederland
|[[Grandmix#26_december_1992|1992-12-26]]||  || 18.00-19.00 uur ||[ Grandmix 1992] || [[Radio 3]], [[VOO]] || Nederland
|[[Grandmix#16_januari_1993|1993-01-16]]|| [[Grandmix#26_december_1992|1992-12-26]]  || 19.00-20.00 uur ||[ Grandmix 1992] || [[Radio 3]], [[VOO]] || Nederland


===30 december 1983===
===31 december 1983===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

18.00-19.00 uur:
02.00-03.00 uur:

Dit is de [ Grandmix 1983] uitgezonden op [[Hilversum 3]] bij de [[VOO]] (Nederland)
Dit is de [ Grandmix 1983] uitgezonden op [[Hilversum 1]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)<ref>[] Het vrije volk : democratisch-socialistisch dagblad | Publicatie: vrijdag 30 december 1983 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022</ref>

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
Regel 59: Regel 111:
|09 ||Gazebo || I Like Chopin  
|09 ||Gazebo || I Like Chopin  
|10 ||Dimples D. || Sucker DJ (A Witch For Love)  
|10 ||Dimples D. || Sucker DJ (A Witch For Love) (Acapella)
|11 ||Herbie Hancock || Rockit  
|11 ||Herbie Hancock || Rockit  
Regel 116: Regel 168:
|38 ||Unique || What I've Got Is What You Need  
|38 ||Unique || What I've Got Is What You Need  
Doordat de doos, waar de tweede tape reel van de Grandmix in had moeten zitten leeg bleek te zijn, eindigde na 38 minuten de Grandmix 1983 en werd er de [ High Fashion Dance-Music - Volume 2 (Non Stop Dance Remix)], kant B afgedraaid. Ben had deze mix namelijk wel meegenomen en dus werd deze mix gebruikt om de laatste 20 minuten mee op te vullen. Op [[In_The_Mix_(VOO)_draailijsten_van_1984#14_januari_1984|14 januari 1984]] wordt de Grandmix 1983 alsnog in zijn totaliteit uitgezonden!<ref>[] ''Grandmix 83'' | (Gevonden 12 januari 2022)</ref>
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|39 ||Sharon Red || Activate
|01||Freeez || I.O.U.
|40 ||Imagination || New Dimension
|02||Fun Fun || Happy Station
|03||Freeez || I.O.U.
|41 ||Gary's Gang || Making Music
|04||The Broads || Sing Sing Sing (Ballroom Big Band Version)
|42 ||Michael Jackson || Thriller
|05||Fresh Face || Huevo Dancing
|43 ||My Mine || Hypnotic Tango
|06||Lafleur || Boogie Nights
|44 ||Corey Josias || Takin' It Straight
|07||Esavù || Sia-Sioù (Breakin’ Up)
|45 ||Ryan Paris || Dolce Vita
|08||Freeez || I.O.U. (Sample)
|46 ||Freeez ||I.O.U.
|09||Fresh Face || Huevo Dancing

Doordat de doos, waar de tweede tape reel van de Grandmix in had moeten zitten leeg bleek te zijn, eindigde hier de Grandmix 1983 en werd er een High Fashion Dance Music elpee kant 1 afgedraaid (welke?). Ben had deze mix namelijk wel meegenomen en dus werd deze mix gebruikt om het tweede half uur mee op te vullen. Op [[In_The_Mix_(VOO)_draailijsten_van_1984#14_januari_1984|14 januari 1984]] wordt de Grandmix 1983 alsnog in zijn totaliteit uitgezonden!
Let op: Tijdens Fresh Face hoor je de afkondiging van [[Peter Teekamp]] en dat het jaaroverzicht 1983 in de volgende uitzending wel helemaal te horen zal zijn.

Regel 166: Regel 226:
|09 ||Gazebo || I Like Chopin  
|09 ||Gazebo || I Like Chopin  
|10 ||Dimples D. || Sucker DJ (A Witch For Love)  
|10 ||Dimples D. || Sucker DJ (A Witch For Love) (Acapella)
|11 ||Herbie Hancock || Rockit  
|11 ||Herbie Hancock || Rockit  
Regel 224: Regel 284:
|38 ||Unique || What I've Got Is What You Need  
|38 ||Unique || What I've Got Is What You Need  
|39 ||Sharon Red || Activate  
|39 ||Sharon Redd || Activate  
|40 ||Imagination || New Dimension  
|40 ||Imagination || New Dimension  
|41 ||Gary's Gang || Making Music  
|41 ||Gary's Gang || Makin' Music  
|42 ||Michael Jackson || Thriller  
|42 ||Michael Jackson || Thriller  
Regel 234: Regel 294:
|43 ||My Mine || Hypnotic Tango  
|43 ||My Mine || Hypnotic Tango  
|44 ||Corey Josias || Takin' It Straight  
|44 ||Cori Josias || Takin' It Straight  
|45 ||Ryan Paris || Dolce Vita  
|45 ||Ryan Paris || Dolce Vita  
Regel 240: Regel 300:
|46 ||Freeez ||I.O.U.  
|46 ||Freeez ||I.O.U.  
|47 ||Sharon Red || I Love How You Feel  
|47 ||Sharon Redd || I Love How You Feel  
|48 ||First Choice || Let No Man Put Asunder  
|48 ||First Choice || Let No Man Put Asunder  
Regel 258: Regel 318:
|55 ||C.O.D. || In The Bottle (Sample)
|55 ||C.O.D. || In The Bottle (Sample)
|56 ||Michael Jackson || Wanna Be Startin' Something
|56 ||Michael Jackson || Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
|57 ||Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire || Weekend
|57 ||Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire || Weekend
Regel 266: Regel 326:
|59 ||Cuba Gooding || Happiness, Is Just Around The Bend
|59 ||Cuba Gooding || Happiness, Is Just Around The Bend
|60 ||Sharon Red || In The Name Of Love
|60 ||Sharon Redd || In The Name Of Love
|61 ||Risqué || Burn It Up  
|61 ||Risqué || Burn It Up  
Regel 285: Regel 345:

Hier stopt de mix, die eigenlijk langer duurde. [[Ben Liebrand]] schreef hierover later het volgende op zijn website:
Hier stopt de mix, die eigenlijk langer duurde. [[Ben Liebrand]] schreef<ref>[] ''Grandmix 1983 - About the "Directors Cut" '' | Geraadpleegd op 8 februari 2022</ref> hierover later het volgende op zijn website:

''Tracks 69 to 77 were in the original mix, but not broadcasted due to the maximum time available in 1983. As the mix now runs on for 4 more tracks, it will be more complete than the one broadcasted in 1983. Among the tracks removed from the very end are "Zarah - Nina Hagen", "Beat it - Michael Jackson", "Maniac - Michael Sembello" and some obscure tracks I don't even remember.''
''Tracks 69 to 77 were in the original mix, but not broadcasted due to the maximum time available in 1983. As the mix now runs on for 4 more tracks, it will be more complete than the one broadcasted in 1983. Among the tracks removed from the very end are "Zarah - Nina Hagen", "Beat it - Michael Jackson", "Maniac - Michael Sembello" and some obscure tracks I don't even remember.''
Regel 303: Regel 363:
|74|| [[Ben Liebrand]]|| Grandmix 1983 Blast-off
|74|| [[Ben Liebrand]]|| Grandmix 1983 Blast-off
Tracks die verwijderd zijn:
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|75|| Nina Hagen || Zarah
|75|| Nina Hagen || Zarah
Regel 317: Regel 383:

Dit was een samenstelling van een megamix van Change (tracks 1 t/m 9; onduidelijkheid bestaat of dit ook een [[Minimix]] is geweest?) en vanaf track 10 is een groot gedeelte uit de [ Grandmix 1983] (tracks 2 t/m 59) te horen. Uitgezonden op [[Hilversum 1]] bij de [[VOO]] (Nederland)
Dit was een samenstelling van een megamix van Change (tracks 1 t/m 9; onduidelijkheid bestaat of dit ook een [[Minimix]] is geweest?) en vanaf track 10 is een groot gedeelte uit de [ Grandmix 1983] (tracks 2 t/m 59) te horen. Uitgezonden op [[Hilversum 1]] bij de [[VOO]] (Nederland)
===28 december 1984===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-19.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 1984] uitgezonden op [[Hilversum 3]] bij de [[VOO]] (Nederland)

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001|| Love Unlimited Orchestra ‎||Bring It On Up (Van het album Music Maestro Please)
|01|| Change || Change Of Heart
|002|| Golden Earring || Something Heavy Going Down
|02|| Change || Heaven Of My Life
|003|| The Breakout Krew || Matt's Mood
|03|| Change || Hold Tight
|004|| Howard Jones || What Is Love
|04|| Change || Paradise
|005|| Tears For Fears||Shout
|05|| Change || A Lover's Holiday
|006|| Tina Turner||What's Love Got To Do With It
|06|| Change || On Top
|007|| Ashford & Simpson||Solid
|07|| Change|| The Glow Of Love
|008|| Cherrelle || When You Look In My Eyes
|08 || Change || It's A Girls Affair
|009|| The S.O.S. Band||Just The Way You Like It
|09 || Change || Angel In My Pocket
|010|| Patrice Rushen||Feel So Real (Won't Let Go)
|10|| Natasha King || AM-FM
|011||Jocelyn Brown||Somebody Else's Guy
|11|| The S.O.S. Band || Just Be Good To Me
|012||Laura Branigan||Self Control
|12|| Nina Hagen || New York
|013||Righeira|| Tanzen Mit Righuera
|13|| Tina Turner || Let's Stay Together
|014||Rufus & Chaka Khan||Ain't Nobody
|14|| Indeep || Last Night A D.J. Saved My Life
|015||Nuance Feat. Vikki Love||Loveride
|016||Tulio De Piscopo||Stop Bajon
|15|| Indeep || When Boys Talk
|017||De De ||S & M (Sexy Music)
|16|| Lionel Richie || All Night Long (All Night)
|018||Thomas Dolby||Hyperactivate
|17|| Gazebo || I Like Chopin
|019||Boogie Boys ||Break Dancer
|18|| Dimples D. || Sucker D.J.
|020||Shannon||Sweet Somebody
|19|| Herbie Hancock || Rockit
|021||Boogie Boys ||Zodiac
|20|| Spence || Get It On
|022||Art Of Noise ||Beat Box (Diversion One)
|21|| Newcleus || Jam On Revenge
|023||Matt Bianco||Matt's Mood
|22|| Kajagogoo || Too Shy
|024||Change ||Change Of Heart
|23|| Gary Byrd & The G.B. Experience || The Crown
|025||Billy Ocean||Loverboy
|24|| Valerie Oliver || Get The Money
|026||Murray Head||One Night In Bangkok
|25|| Clubhouse || Good Times / Superstition (Medley)
|027||Robey||One Night In Bangkok
|26|| Robert Palmer || You Are In My System
|028||Sade||Hang On To Your Love
|27|| NV || It's Alright
|029||Jeff Lorber Feat. Audrey Wheeler||Step By Step
|28|| Man Parrish || Hip Hop Be Bop, Don't Stop
|030||Chaka Khan||This Is My Night
|29|| Whodini || Magic's Wand
|031||Thelma Houston||You Used To Hold Me So Tight
|30|| Chic || You Are Beautiful
|032||Claire Hicks & Love Exchange||Push In The Bush
|31|| Rock Steady Crew || (Hey You) The Rock Steady Crew
|033||Dan Hartman||I Can Dream About You
|32|| G.L.O.B.E. & Whiz Kid || Play That Beat Mr. D.J.
|034||The Earrons||Land Of Hunger
|33|| Doctor's Cat || Feel The Drive
|035||American Gypsy||You Are In My System
|34|| MDMC (Modern Danceable Music Company) || How About It
|036||Valerie Dore||The Night
|35|| Eartha Kitt || Where Is My Man
|037||Mai Tai||What Goes On
|36|| Madonna || Holiday
|038||Mai Tai||Body & Soul
|37|| Steve Harley || Something Special
|039||Boney M||Kalimba De Luna
|38|| Oliver Cheatham || Get Down Saturday Night
|040||Stephanie Mills||The Medicine Song
|39|| Michael Jackson || Billie Jean
|041||Pointer Sisters||Automatic
|40|| T-Ski Valley || Valley Style
|042||Shakatak||Down On The Street
|41|| Shannon || Let The Music Play
|043||The Temptations||Treat Her Like A Lady
|42|| Gzina || On The Upside
|044||Harold Melvin & The Bluenotes Feat. Nikko||Today's Your Lucky Day
|43|| C.O.D. || In The Bottle
|045||Linda Lewis||Class Style (I've Got It)
|44|| Unique || What I've Got Is What You Need
|45|| Sharon Redd || Activate
|047||Billy Ocean||Carribean Queen (No More Love On The Run)
|46|| Imagination || New Dimension
|048||Billy Ocean||European Queen (No More Love On The Run)
|47|| Gary's Gang || Makin' Music
|049||Billy Ocean||African Queen (No More Love On The Run)
|48|| Michael Jackson || Thriller
|050||Phil Fearon & Galaxy||What Do I Do
|49|| My Mine || Hypnotic Tango
|051||Scritti Politti||Wood Beez (Pray Like Aretha Franklin)
|50|| Corey Yourkshike || Takin' it Straight
|052||Scritti Politti||Absolute
|51|| Ryan Paris || Dolce Vita
|053||R.J.'s Latest Arrival||Cry Like A Wolf
|52|| Freeez || I.O.U.
|054||My Mine||Zorro
|53|| Sharon Redd || Love How You Feel
|055||Doctor's Cat||Feel The Drive
|54|| First Choice || Let No Man Put Asunder
|056||Terri Wells||I'll Be Around
|55|| Yello || I Love You
|057||First Choice||Doctor Love
|56|| Pure Energy || Love Game
|058||Claudio Simonetti||I Love The Piano
|57|| Rocker's Revenge || Walking On Sunshine
|059||Rocksteady Crew||Uprock
|58|| Michael Jackson || Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
|060||Answering Service||Calling Mr. Telephone
|59|| Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire || Weekend
|061||Sister Sledge||Lost In Music
|60|| Fun Fun || Happy Station
|062||Frankie Goes To Hollywood||Relax
|61|| Cuba Gooding || Happiness, Is Just Around The Bend
Hier stopt de uitzending: dit is dus niet de complete Grandmix 1983!
===28 december 1984===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
19.00-20.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 1984] uitgezonden op [[Hilversum 3]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)<ref>[] | ''Radio programma tijden'' | Nederlands Dagblad | Publicatie: Vrijdag 28 december 1984 | Gevonden 24 november 2022</ref> binnen het tijdstip van Curry & Van Inkel!
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|063||Dan Hartman||We Are The Young
|001|| Love Unlimited Orchestra ‎||Intro: Bring It On Up (Van het album "Music Maestro Please")
|064||Ollie & Jerry||Breakin'...There's No Stoppin' Us
|002|| Golden Earring || Something Heavy Going Down (Heavy 12 Inch-Version)
|065||Unlimited Touch Feat. Audrey Wheeler||Reach Out (Ever Lasting Lover)
|003|| The Breakout Krew || Matt's Mood
|066||Jellybean Feat. Jenny Haan||The Mexican
|004|| Howard Jones || What Is Love
|067||Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel||White Lines (Don't Do It)
|005|| Tears For Fears||Shout
|068||Dazz Band||Let It All Blow
|006|| Tina Turner||What's Love Got To Do With It
|069||Talk Talk||Such A Shame
|007|| Ashford & Simpson||Solid
|008|| Cherrelle || When You Look In My Eyes
|071||Fox The Fox||Precious Little Diamond
|009|| The S.O.S. Band||Just The Way You Like It
|072||Paul Sharada||Florida
|010|| Patrice Rushen||Feel So Real (Won't Let Go)
|073||Shannon||My Heart's Divided
|011||Jocelyn Brown||Somebody Else's Guy
|074||Roni Griffith||Dancing Machine
|012||Laura Branigan||Self Control
|075||Culture Club||The War Song
|013||Righeira|| Tanzen Mit Righuera
|076||Duran Duran||The Wild Boys
|014||Rufus & Chaka Khan||Ain't Nobody
|077||Gwen Presley & Portable Control||Running
|015||Nuance Feat. Vikki Love||Loveride
|078||Miami Sound Machine||Dr. Beat
|016||Tulio De Piscopo||Stop Bajon
|079||Ray Parker Jr.||Ghostbusters
|017||De De ||S & M (Sexy Music)
|080||M + M||Black Stations / White Stations
|018||Thomas Dolby||Hyperactivate
|081||Eurythmics||Sexcrime (Nineteen Eighty Four)
|019||Boogie Boys ||Break Dancer
|082||Maria Vidal||Bodyrock
|020||Shannon||Sweet Somebody
|083||Paul Hardcastle||You´re The One For Me (A.M. Daybreak)
|021||Boogie Boys ||Zodiac
|084||Kim Wilde||The Second Time
|022||The Art Of Noise ||Beat Box (Diversion One)
|085||Michael Zager Band||Shot In The Dark
|023||Matt Bianco||Matt's Mood
|086||The Time||Jungle Love
|024||Change ||Change Of Heart
|087||Shakatak||Watching You
|025||Billy Ocean||Loverboy
|088||Madonna||Like A Virgin
|026||Murray Head||One Night In Bangkok
|027||Robey||One Night In Bangkok
|028||Sade||Hang On To Your Love
|029||Jeff Lorber Feat. Audrey Wheeler||Step By Step
|030||Chaka Khan||This Is My Night
|031||Thelma Houston||You Used To Hold Me So Tight
|089||Peter Brown||They Only Come Out Of Night
|032||Claire Hicks & Love Exchange||Push In The Bush
|090||Hugh Masekela||Don't Go Loose It Baby
|033||Dan Hartman||I Can Dream About You
|091||The Limit||Say Yeah
|034||The Earrons||Land Of Hunger
|092||Culture Club||Miss Me Blind
|035||American Gypsy||You Are In My System
|093||Fun Fun||Color My Love
|036||Valerie Dore||The Night
|094||Appolonia Six||Sex Shooter
|037||Mai Tai||What Goes On
|095||Deniece Williams||Let's Hear It For The Boy
|038||Mai Tai||Body & Soul
|096||Eddy And The Soulband||Theme From Shaft ([[Ben Liebrand]] Hot Pursuit Remix)
|039||Boney M||Kalimba De Luna
|097||Peter Brown||(Love Is Just) The Game
|040||Stephanie Mills||The Medicine Song
|098||Chaka Khan||I Feel For You
|041||Pointer Sisters||Automatic
|099||Prince & The Revolution||Erotic City
|042||Shakatak||Down On The Street
|100||Deodato||S.O.S., Fire In The Sky
|043||The Temptations||Treat Her Like A Lady
|101||Rockwell||Somebody's Watching Me
|044||Harold Melvin & The Bluenotes Feat. Nikko||Today's Your Lucky Day
|102||Sheryl Lee Ralph||In The Evening
|045||Linda Lewis||Class Style (I've Got It)
|103||Sheila E.||The Glamorous Life
|104||Prince & The Revolution||When Doves Cry
|047||Billy Ocean||Carribean Queen (No More Love On The Run)
|105||Kraftwerk||Tour De France
|048||Billy Ocean||European Queen (No More Love On The Run)
|106||Duran Duran||The Reflex
|049||Billy Ocean||African Queen (No More Love On The Run)
|107||Frankie Goes To Hollywood||Two Tribes
|050||Phil Fearon & Galaxy||What Do I Do
===16 februari 1985===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
02.00-03.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 1984], zoals uitgezonden op [[Hilversum 1]] bij de [[VOO]] (Nederland)
=== 6 juli 1985===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
02.00-03.00 uur:
Dit is opnieuw de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 1984], zoals uitgezonden op [[Hilversum 1]] bij de [[VOO]] (Nederland)
=== 23 november 1985===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
02.00-03.00 uur:
Dit is de laatste uitzending van [[In The Mix]], met een speciale [ Classics Mix] uitgezonden op [[Hilversum 1]] bij de [[VOO]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01|| Hot R.S. || [ Slow Blow] (Sound Effect)
|051||Scritti Politti||Wood Beez (Pray Like Aretha Franklin)
|02|| Gene Page || [ Close Encounters Of The Third Kind] (Intro Spraak Effect)
|052||Scritti Politti||Absolute
|03|| Love Deluxe || Here Comes That Sound (Drum intro Sample)
|053||R.J.'s Latest Arrival||Cry Like A Wolf
|04|| M (Robin Scott)|| Popmuzik
|054||My Mine||Zorro
|05|| Fern Kinney||Groove Me
|055||Doctor's Cat||Feel The Drive
|06|| Sugarhill Gang || Rapper's Delight
|056||Terri Wells||I'll Be Around
|07|| Chic || Good Times
|057||First Choice||Doctor Love
|08|| Kurtis Blow || The Breaks
|058||Claudio Simonetti||I Love The Piano
|09|| Instant Funk || Got My Mind Made Up
|059||Rocksteady Crew||Uprock
|10|| Trussel || Love Injection
|060||Answering Service||Calling Mr. Telephone
|11|| Kool & the Gang || Ladies Night
|061||Sister Sledge||Lost In Music
|12|| McFadden & Whitehead || Ain't No Stopping Us Now
|062||Frankie Goes To Hollywood||Relax
|13|| Jocko || Rhythm Talk
|063||Dan Hartman||We Are The Young
|14|| T-Connection || At Midnight
|064||Ollie & Jerry||Breakin'...There's No Stoppin' Us
|15|| Shalamar || Second Time Around
|065||Unlimited Touch Feat. Audrey Wheeler||Reach Out (Ever Lasting Lover)
|16|| Crown Heights Affair || You Gave Me Love
|066||Jellybean Feat. Jenny Haan||The Mexican
|17|| Al Hudson & The Partners || You Can Do It  
|067||Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel||White Lines (Don't Do It)
|18|| The Whispers || And The Beat Goes On
|068||Dazz Band||Let It All Blow
|19|| Dynasty || I Don't Wanna Be A Freak (But I Can't Help Myself)
|069||Talk Talk||Such A Shame
|20|| Gene Chandler || Get Down
|21|| Billy Ocean || Are You Ready
|071||Fox The Fox||Precious Little Diamond
|22|| The Jacksons || Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground)
|072||Paul Sharada||Florida
|23|| Michael Jackson || Don't Stop Till You Get Enough
|073||Shannon||My Heart's Divided
|24|| Sister Sledge || He's The Greatest Dancer
|074||Roni Griffith||Dancing Machine
|25|| Sister Sledge || We Are Family
|075||Culture Club||The War Song
|26|| Chic || Le Freak
|076||Duran Duran||The Wild Boys
|27|| Karen Young || Hot Shot
|077||Gwen Presley & Portable Control||Running
|28|| Santa Esmeralda Feat. Leroy Gomez|| Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
|078||Miami Sound Machine||Dr. Beat
|29|| Frantique || Strut Your Funky Stuff
|079||Ray Parker Jr.||Ghostbusters
|30|| Michael Zager Band || Let's All Chant
|080||M + M||Black Stations / White Stations
|31|| Poussez! || Come On And Do It ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|081||Eurythmics||Sexcrime (Nineteen Eighty Four)
|32|| Antonia Rodriquez || La Bamba
|082||Maria Vidal||Bodyrock
|33|| G.Q. || Disco Nights (Rock-Freak)
|083||Paul Hardcastle||You´re The One For Me (A.M. Daybreak)
|34|| Herbie Hancock || Tell Everybody
|084||Kim Wilde||The Second Time
|35|| Gino Soccio || Dancer
|085||Michael Zager Band||Shot In The Dark
|36|| Donna Summer || Bad Girls
|086||The Time||Jungle Love
|37|| Lipps Inc. || Funky Town
|087||Shakatak||Watching You
|38|| Dan Hartman || Relight My Fire
|088||Madonna||Like A Virgin
|39|| Ashford & Simpson || Found A Cure
|089||Peter Brown||They Only Come Out Of Night
|40|| Sergio Mendez & Brasil '88 || I'll Tell You
|090||Hugh Masekela||Don't Go Loose It Baby
|41|| Narada Michael Walden || Tonight I'm Alright
|091||The Limit||Say Yeah
|42|| Gary's Gang || Showtime
|092||Culture Club||Miss Me Blind
|43|| Baby 'O || In The Forest
|093||Fun Fun||Color My Love
|44|| The Jacksons || Can You Feel It
|094||Appolonia Six||Sex Shooter
|45|| Anita Ward || Ring My Bell
|095||Deniece Williams||Let's Hear It For The Boy
|46|| Sparks || Beat The Clock
|096||Eddy And The Soulband||Theme From Shaft ([[Ben Liebrand]] Hot Pursuit Remix)
|47|| Gary's Gang || Keep On Dancin'
|097||Peter Brown||(Love Is Just) The Game
|48|| The Manhattan Transfer || Twilight Zone
|098||Chaka Khan||I Feel For You
|49|| Georgio Moroder || Chase
|099||Prince & The Revolution||Erotic City
|50|| Donna Summer || I Feel Love
|100||Deodato||S.O.S., Fire In The Sky
|51|| Telex || Moskow Diskow
|101||Rockwell||Somebody's Watching Me
|52|| Harry Thumann || Underwater
|102||Sheryl Lee Ralph||In The Evening
|53|| Earth, Wind & Fire with The Emotions || Boogie Wonderland
|103||Sheila E.||The Glamorous Life
|54|| Nightlife Unlimited || Love Is In You
|104||Prince & The Revolution||When Doves Cry
|55|| Poussez! || Never Gonna Say Goodbye
|105||Kraftwerk||Tour De France
|56|| The Jacksons || Walk Right Now
|106||Duran Duran||The Reflex
|57|| Kat Mandu || The Break
|107||Frankie Goes To Hollywood||Two Tribes
|58|| Helicopter Landing||Sound Effect
|59|| Destination || The Party's Over Now

===27 december 1985===
===16 februari 1985===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
02.00-03.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 1984], zoals uitgezonden op [[Hilversum 1]] bij de [[VOO]] (Nederland)
=== 6 juli 1985===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
02.00-03.00 uur:
Dit is opnieuw de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 1984], zoals uitgezonden op [[Hilversum 1]] bij de [[VOO]] (Nederland)
=== 23 november 1985===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

20.00-21.00 uur:
02.00-03.00 uur:

Dit is de [ Grandmix 1985], zoals uitgezonden op [[Hilversum 3]] bij de [[VOO]] (Nederland)
Dit is de laatste uitzending van [[In The Mix]], met een speciale [ Classics Mix] uitgezonden op [[Hilversum 1]] bij de [[VOO]] (Nederland)

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001|| [[Ben Liebrand]] / Grace Jones || Soundeffect / intro Grandmix 1985 / This is what Edith Piaf Used To Say
|01|| Hot R.S. || [ Slow Blow] (Sound Effect)
|002|| Propaganda || Duel
|02|| Gene Page || [ Close Encounters Of The Third Kind] (Intro Spraak Effect)
|003|| Grace Jones || Slave To The Rhythm
|03|| Love Deluxe || Here Comes That Sound (Drum intro Sample)
|004|| Wally Badarou || Chief Inspector
|04|| M (Robin Scott)|| Popmuzik
|005|| Jenny Burton || Bad Habits
|05|| Fern Kinney||Groove Me
|006|| Chaka Khan || Eye To Eye
|06|| Sugarhill Gang || Rapper's Delight
|007|| Al Jarreau & Shakatak || Day By Day
|07|| Chic || Good Times
|008|| Princess || Say I'm Your Number One
|08|| Kurtis Blow || The Breaks
|009|| Rah Band || Clouds Across The Moon
|09|| Instant Funk || Got My Mind Made Up
|010|| The Cool Notes || Spend The Night
|10|| Trussel || Love Injection
|011|| Mai Tai || History
|11|| Kool & the Gang || Ladies Night
|012|| 52nd Street || Tell Me How It Feels
|12|| McFadden & Whitehead || Ain't No Stopping Us Now
|013|| Sandra || Maria Magdalena
|13|| Jocko || Rhythm Talk
|014|| Loose Ends || Hangin' On A String (Contemplating)
|14|| T-Connection || At Midnight
|015|| Jaki Graham & David Grant || Could It Be I'm Falling In Love
|15|| Shalamar || Second Time Around
|016|| The Family || Screams of Passion
|16|| Crown Heights Affair || You Gave Me Love
|017|| Level 42 || Something About You
|17|| Al Hudson & The Partners || You Can Do It
|018|| Miquel Browne || Close To Perfection
|18|| The Whispers || And The Beat Goes On
|019|| Aurra || Like I like It
|19|| Dynasty || I Don't Wanna Be A Freak (But I Can't Help Myself)
|020|| Talking Heads || Road To Nowhere
|20|| Gene Chandler || Get Down
|021|| Skipworth & Turner || Thinking About Your Love
|21|| Billy Ocean || Are You Ready
|022|| Hot Cold || Love Is Like A Game
|22|| The Jacksons || Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground)
|023|| The System || This is for you
|23|| Michael Jackson || Don't Stop Till You Get Enough
|024|| Collage || Romeo where is Juliet
|24|| Sister Sledge || He's The Greatest Dancer
|025|| Baltimora || Tarzan Boy
|25|| Sister Sledge || We Are Family
|026|| Propaganda || P-Machinery
|26|| Chic || Le Freak
|027|| Kate Bush || Running Up That Hill
|27|| Karen Young || Hot Shot
|028|| Aretha Franklin || Who Zoomin' who
|28|| Santa Esmeralda Feat. Leroy Gomez|| Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
|029|| Chaka Kahn || Krush Groove
|29|| Frantique || Strut Your Funky Stuff
|030|| Skool Boyz || Superfine (From Behind)
|30|| Michael Zager Band || Let's All Chant
|031|| The Three Degrees || The Heaven I Need
|31|| Poussez! || Come On And Do It ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|032|| Jeff Lorber Band Feat. Gavin Christopher || Best Of The Night
|32|| Antonia Rodriquez || La Bamba
|033|| Tina Turner || One Of The Living
|33|| G.Q. || Disco Nights (Rock-Freak)
|034|| Patti Austin || Honey For The Bees
|34|| Herbie Hancock || Tell Everybody
|035|| Total Contrast || Takes A Little Time
|35|| Gino Soccio || Dancer
|036|| Evelyn "Champagne" King || Your Personal Touch
|36|| Donna Summer || Bad Girls
|037|| René and Angela || Save Your Love (For #1)
|37|| Lipps Inc. || Funky Town
|038|| Simply Red || Money's Too Tight (To Mention)
|38|| Dan Hartman || Relight My Fire
|039|| Thompson Twins || Don’t Mess With Dr. Dream
|39|| Ashford & Simpson || Found A Cure
|040|| René & Angela || I'll Be Good
|40|| Sergio Mendez & Brasil '88 || I'll Tell You
|041|| Billy Crystal || You Look Marvelous
|41|| Narada Michael Walden || Tonight I'm Alright
|042|| André Cymone || The Dance Electric
|42|| Gary's Gang || Showtime
|043|| The S.O.S. Band || Break Up
|43|| Baby 'O || In The Forest
|044|| Shakatak || City Rhythm
|44|| The Jacksons || Can You Feel It
|045|| Rochelle || Magic Man
|45|| Anita Ward || Ring My Bell
|046|| Arcadia || Election Day
|46|| Sparks || Beat The Clock
|47|| Gary's Gang || Keep On Dancin'
|48|| The Manhattan Transfer || Twilight Zone
|49|| Georgio Moroder || Chase
|50|| Donna Summer || I Feel Love
|51|| Telex || Moskow Diskow
|047|| Steve Arrington || Feel So Real
|52|| Harry Thumann || Underwater
|53|| Earth, Wind & Fire with The Emotions || Boogie Wonderland
|048|| George Duke || Thief In The Night
|54|| Nightlife Unlimited || Love Is In You
|049|| Haywoode || Gettin' Closer
|55|| Poussez! || Never Gonna Say Goodbye
|050|| Steve Arrington || Dancing In The Key Of Life
|56|| The Jacksons || Walk Right Now
|051|| Total Contrast || Hit And Run
|57|| Kat Mandu || The Break
|052|| One Way || Let's Talk
|58|| Helicopter Landing||Sound Effect
|053|| Ian Dury || Sex And Drugs And Rock 'N Roll
|59|| Destination || The Party's Over Now
===27 december 1985===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
20.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 1985], zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 3]] bij de [[VOO]] (Nederland)<ref>[] Het Parool, Pagina 2 | Publicatie: vrijdag 27 december 1985 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022</ref>
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|054|| Frankie Goes To Hollywood || Welcome to the Pleasure Dome
|001|| [[Ben Liebrand]] / Grace Jones || Soundeffect / intro [[Grandmix#27_december_1985|Grandmix 1985]] / This is what Edith Piaf Used To Say
|055|| Lisa Lisa And Cult Jam Feat. Full Force || I wonder if I take you home
|002|| Propaganda || Duel (Sound Effect)
|056|| Five Star || All Fall Down
|003|| Grace Jones || Slave To The Rhythm
|057|| Five Star || Let Me Be The One
|004|| Wally Badarou || Chief Inspector
|058|| Change || Oh, What A Feeling (Remix)
|005|| Jenny Burton || Bad Habits
|059|| Art Of Noise || Legs
|006|| Chaka Khan || Eye To Eye
|060|| Artists United Against Apartheid || Sun City
|007|| Al Jarreau & Shakatak || Day By Day
|061|| Hazell Dean || They Say It's Gonna Rain
|008|| Princess || Say I'm Your Number One
|062|| Skipworth & Turner || Hot Pursuit!
|009|| Rah Band || Clouds Across The Moon
|063|| Nikki || So In Love
|010|| The Cool Notes || Spend The Night
|064|| Mark Fisher Feat. Dotty Green || Love Situation
|011|| Mai Tai || History
|065|| Colonel Abrams || Trapped
|012|| 52nd Street || Tell Me (How It Feels)
|066|| 9.9 || All Of Me For All Of You
|013|| Sandra || Maria Magdalena
|067|| Alisha || Baby Talk
|014|| Loose Ends || Hangin' On A String (Contemplating)
|068||Madonna || Into The Groove
|015|| Jaki Graham & David Grant || Could It Be I'm Falling In Love
|069|| DeBarge || Rhythm Of The Night
|016|| The Family || Screams Of Passion
|070|| Simply Red || Come To My Aid
|017|| Level 42 || Something About You
|071|| Jan Hammer || Miami Vice Theme
|018|| Miquel Browne || Close To Perfection
|072|| Harold Faltermeyer || Axel F
|019|| Aurra || Like I Like It
|073|| Huey Lewis & The News || Power Of Love
|020|| Talking Heads || Road To Nowhere
|074|| Rick James || Glow
|021|| Skipworth & Turner || Thinking About Your Love
|075|| Val Young || Seduction
|022|| Hot Cold || Love Is Like A Game
|076|| Sheena Easton || Do It For Love
|023|| The System || This Is For You
|077|| Mary Jane Girls || In My House
|024|| Collage || Romeo Where Is Juliet
|078|| Paul Hardcastle || Nineteen
|025|| Baltimora || Tarzan Boy
|079|| Paul Hardcastle || Neunzehn
|026|| Propaganda || P-Machinery
|080|| Paul Hardcastle || Dix Neuf
|027|| Kate Bush || Running Up That Hill
|081|| Paul Hardcastle || Just For Money
|028|| Jeff Lorber Feat. Audrey Wheeler || Step By Step
|082|| Paul Hardcastle || Pig Bag (Remix)
|029|| Aretha Franklin || Who Zoomin' Who
|083|| Goon Squad || Eight Arms To Hold You
|030|| Chaka Kahn || Krush Groove (Can't Stop The Street)
|084|| Tavares || Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|031|| Skool Boyz || Superfine (From Behind)
|085|| Kool And The Gang || Fresh
|032|| The Three Degrees || The Heaven I Need
|086|| Flash And The Pan || Midnight Man
|033|| Jeff Lorber Band Feat. Gavin Christopher || Best Of The Night
|087|| Koto || Visitors
|034|| Tina Turner || One Of The Living
|088|| Rochelle || Love Me Tonight
|035|| Patti Austin || Honey For The Bees
|089|| Midnight Star || Operator
|036|| Total Contrast || Takes A Little Time
|090|| Maurice White || Stand By Me
|037|| Evelyn "Champagne" King || Your Personal Touch
|091|| Kasso || Running
|038|| René And Angela || Save Your Love (For #1)
|092|| Tramaine || Fall Down (Spirit Of Love)
|039|| Simply Red || Money's Too Tight (To Mention)
|093|| Five Star || Love Take Over
|040|| Thompson Twins || Don’t Mess With Dr. Dream
|094|| Siedah Garrett || Do You Want It Right Now
|041|| René & Angela || I'll Be Good
|095|| Ian Dury || Reasons To Be Cheerful Part Three
|042|| Billy Crystal || You Look Marvelous
|096|| Jellybean Feat. Madonna|| Sidewalk Talk
|043|| André Cymone || The Dance Electric
|097|| Lorna Wright || Police Woman (Queen Of The Neon Jungle)
|044|| The S.O.S. Band || Break Up (Remix)
|098|| Pink Rhythm || Can't Get Enough
|045|| Shakatak || City Rhythm
|099|| Peter Jacques Band|| Going Dancin' Down The Street
|046|| Rochelle || Magic Man
|100|| Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam || Can You Feel The Beat
|047|| Arcadia || Election Day
|101|| Fun Fun || Give Me Your Love
|048|| Steve Arrington || Feel So Real
|102|| Tramaine || Fall down (Spirit Of Love)
|049|| George Duke || Thief In The Night
|103|| Poussez! || Come On And Do It ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|050|| Haywoode || Gettin' Closer
|104|| Zinno || What's Your Name
|051|| Steve Arrington || Dancing In The Key Of Life
|105|| 400 Blows || Movin'
|052|| Total Contrast || Hit And Run
|106|| Pet Shop Boys || West End Girls
|053|| One Way || Let's Talk
|107|| El DeBarge With DeBarge || You Wear It Well
|054|| Ian Dury || Sex And Drugs And Rock 'N Roll
|108|| Arnie's Love || Date With The Rain
|055|| Frankie Goes To Hollywood || Welcome To The Pleasure Dome
|109|| Time Bandits || Endless Road
|056|| Lisa Lisa And Cult Jam Feat. Full Force || I Wonder If I Take You Home
|110|| Aretha Franklin || Freeway Of Love
|057|| Five Star || All Fall Down
|111|| Tavares || Don’t Take Away The Music ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|058|| Five Star || Let Me Be The One
|112|| Mainframe || 5 Minutes
|059|| Change || Oh, What A Feeling (Remix)
|113|| David Bowie & Mick Jagger || Dancing In The Street
|114|| Dead Or Alive || You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)
|060|| The Art Of Noise || Legs
|115|| Ready For The World || Oh Sheila
|061|| Artists United Against Apartheid || Sun City
|116|| Cerrone || The Collector
|062|| Hazell Dean || They Say It's Gonna Rain
|117|| Yello || Vicious Games
|063|| Skipworth & Turner || Hot Pursuit!
|118|| Grace Jones || Slave To The Rhythm Outro
|064|| Nikki || So In Love
===26 december 1986===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-19.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 1986], zoals uitgezonden op [[Hilversum 3]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001|| [[Ben Liebrand]] / Janet Jackson || Grandmix 1986 Intro / Control
|065|| Mark Fisher Feat. Dotty Green || Love Situation
|002|| Peter Gabriël || Sledgehammer
|066|| Colonel Abrams || Trapped
|003|| Nat Augustin || Ego
|067|| 9.9 || All Of Me For All Of You
|004|| Sly Fox || Let's Go All The Way
|068|| Sonique || Let Me Hold You
|005|| Full Force || Alice, I Want You Just For Me!
|069|| Alisha || Baby Talk
|006|| The Real Roxanne || (Bang Zoom) Let's Go-Go
|070|| Madonna || Into The Groove
|007|| Centerfold || Radar Love
|071|| DeBarge || Rhythm Of The Night
|008|| Whistle || (Nothing Serious) Just Buggin'
|072|| Simply Red || Come To My Aid
|009|| Paul Hardcastle Feat.Carol Kenyon || Don't Waste My Time
|073|| Jan Hammer || Miami Vice Theme
|010|| Midnight Star || Headlines
|074|| Latin Rascals || Axel F: The Beverly Hills Version
|011|| Five Star || Rain Or Shine
|075|| Huey Lewis & The News || Power Of Love
|012|| Mr. Mister || Broken Wings
|076|| Rick James || Glow
|013|| Aretha Franklin || Ain't Nobody Ever Loved You
|077|| Val Young || Seduction
|014|| Earlene Bentley || Point Of No Return
|078|| Sheena Easton || Do It For Love
|015|| The S.O.S. Band || Borrowed Love
|079|| Mary Jane Girls || In My House
|016|| Loose Ends || Stay A Little While, Child
|080|| Paul Hardcastle || 19 (Nineteen)
|017|| Loose Ends || Nights Of Pleasure
|081|| Paul Hardcastle || 19 (Neunzehn)
|018|| Robbie Nevil || C'est La Vie
|082|| Paul Hardcastle || 19 (Dix Neuf)
|019|| The Human League || Human
|083|| Paul Hardcastle || Just For Money
|020|| Jaki Graham || Set Me Free
|084|| Paul Hardcastle || Pig Bag (Remix)
|021|| Prince & The Revolution || Mountains
|085|| Goon Squad || Eight Arms To Hold You
|022|| Janet Jackson ||Nasty
|086|| Tavares || Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel (Irresistible Angel Mix By [[Ben Liebrand]])
|023|| Nu Shooz || I Can't Wait
|087|| Kool And The Gang || Fresh
|024|| RUN DMC Feat. Aerosmith || Walk This Way
|088|| Flash And The Pan || Midnight Man
|025|| Tina Turner ||Typical Male
|089|| Koto || Visitors
|026|| Gwen Guthrie || Ain't Nothin' Goin' On But The Rent
|090|| Rochelle || Love Me Tonight
|027|| Shannon || Prove Me Right
|091|| Midnight Star || Operator
|028|| Jeff Lorber Feat. Karyn White || Facts Of Love
|092|| Maurice White || Stand By Me
|029|| Five Star || Can't Wait Another Minute
|093|| Kasso || Running
|030|| Duran Duran || Notorious
|094|| Tramaine || Fall Down (Spirit Of Love)
|031|| Grace Jones || I'm Not Perfect (But I'm Perfect For You)
|095|| Five Star || Love Take Over
|032|| Pointer Sisters || Goldmine
|096|| Siedah Garrett || Do You Want It Right Now
|033|| Timex Social Club || Rumors
|097|| Ian Dury || Reasons To Be Cheerful (Part 3)
|034|| Club Nouveau || Jealousy
|098|| Jellybean Feat. Madonna|| Sidewalk Talk
|035|| Timex Social Club || Mixed Up World
|099|| Lorna Wright || Police Woman (Queen Of The Neon Jungle)
|036|| Kraftwerk || Musique Non Stop
|100|| Pink Rhythm || Can't Get Enough Of Your Love
|037|| George Duke || Broken Glass
|101|| Peter Jacques Band|| Going Dancin' Down The Street
|038|| The S.O.S. Band || The Finest
|102|| Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam || Can You Feel The Beat
|039|| The Art Of Noise with Max Headroom || Paranoimia
|103|| Fun Fun || Give Me Your Love
|040|| Millie Scott || Automatic
|104|| Tramaine || Fall Down (Spirit Of Love)
|041|| B.B. & Q. Band || (I'm A) Dreamer
|105|| Poussez! || Come On And Do It (1985 Erotic Mix By [[Ben Liebrand]])
|042|| Nu Shooz || Point Of No Return
|106|| Zinno || What's Your Name
|043|| Aurra || You And Me Tonight
|107|| 400 Blows || Movin'
|044|| Mildred Scott || Prisoner Of Love
|108|| Pet Shop Boys || West End Girls
|045|| Haywoode || I Can't Let You Go
|109|| El DeBarge With DeBarge || You Wear It Well
|046|| Yarbrough & Peoples || I Wouldn't Lie
|110|| Arnie's Love || Date With The Rain
|047|| Richenel || Dance Around The World
|111|| Time Bandits || Endless Road
|048|| Atlantic Starr || Armed And Dangerous
|112|| Aretha Franklin || Freeway Of Love
|049|| Bruce Hornsby & The Range || The Way It Is
|113|| Tavares || Don’t Take Away The Music (Hands Off The Music Mix By [[Ben Liebrand]])
|050|| El DeBarge || Who's Johnny
|114|| Mainframe || 5 Minutes
|115|| David Bowie & Mick Jagger || Dancing In The Street
|051|| Prince & The Revolution || Kiss
|116|| Dead Or Alive || You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)
|052||James Brown || Gravity
|117|| Ready For The World || Oh Sheila
|053||O'Chi Brown || 100% Pure Pain
|118|| Cerrone || The Collector
|054|| E.G. Daily || Say It, Say It
|119|| Yello || Vicious Games
|055|| Madonna || Open Your Heart
|120|| Grace Jones || Slave To The Rhythm
|056|| Mai Tai || Female Intuition
|121|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro [[Grandmix#27_december_1985|Grandmix 1985]]
===26 december 1986===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-19.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 1986], zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 3]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|057|| Krystol || Passion From A Woman
|001|| [[Ben Liebrand]] / Janet Jackson || Grandmix 1986 Intro / Control
|058|| Con Funk Shun || Burnin' Love
|002|| Peter Gabriël || Sledgehammer
|059|| Michael Jonzun || Burnin' Up
|003|| Nat Augustin || Ego
|060|| Michael McDonald || Sweet Freedom
|004|| Sly Fox || Let's Go All The Way
|061|| Level 42 || Lessons In Love
|005|| Full Force || Alice, I Want You Just For Me!
|062|| King MC Feat. Screamin' K ||What Have I Done For You?
|006|| The Real Roxanne || (Bang Zoom) Let's Go-Go
|063|| Janet Jackson || What Have You Done For Me Lately
|007|| Centerfold || Radar Love
|064|| Chico DeBarge || Talk To Me
|008|| Whistle || (Nothing Serious) Just Buggin'
|065|| LaToya Jackson & Cerrone || Oops, Oh No!
|009|| Paul Hardcastle Feat.Carol Kenyon || Don't Waste My Time
|066|| Cameo || Word Up!
|010|| Midnight Star || Headlines
|067|| The Walkers || Hey Don't Waste My Time
|011|| Five Star || Rain Or Shine
|068|| Commodores || Goin' To The Bank
|012|| Mr. Mister || Broken Wings
|069|| Sheila E. || A Love Bizarre
|013|| Aretha Franklin || Ain't Nobody Ever Loved You
|070|| L.I.F.E. || All Played Out
|014|| Earlene Bentley || Point Of No Return
|071|| Janet Jackson || When I Think Of You
|015|| The S.O.S. Band || Borrowed Love
|072|| Colonel Abrams || I'm Not Gonna Let
|016|| Loose Ends || Stay A Little While, Child
|073|| Cock Robin || The Promise You Made
|017|| Loose Ends || Nights Of Pleasure
|074|| Hollywood Beyond || What's The Colour Of Money?
|018|| Robbie Nevil || C'est La Vie
|075|| TKA || Come Get My Love
|019|| The Human League || Human
|076|| Anthony & The Camp || What I Like
|020|| Jaki Graham || Set Me Free
|077|| Cherrelle with Alexander O'Neal || Saturday Love
|021|| Prince & The Revolution || Mountains
|078|| Willie Colón || Set Fire To Me
|022|| Janet Jackson ||Nasty
|079|| MC Miker 'G' & Deejay Sven || Holiday Rap
|023|| Nu Shooz || I Can't Wait
|080|| Midnight Star || Midas Touch
|024|| RUN DMC Feat. Aerosmith || Walk This Way
|081|| Rick James || Sweet And Sexy Thing
|025|| Tina Turner ||Typical Male
|082|| James "D-Train" Williams || You Are Everything
|026|| Gwen Guthrie || Ain't Nothin' Goin' On But The Rent
|083|| Five Star || Find The Time
|027|| Shannon || Prove Me Right
|084|| Pauli Carmen || Dial My Number
|028|| Jeff Lorber Feat. Karyn White || Facts Of Love
|085|| Johnny Kemp || Just Another Lover
|029|| Five Star || Can't Wait Another Minute
|086|| J.M. Silk || Shadows Of Your Love
|030|| Duran Duran || Notorious
|087|| Whitney Houston || How Will I Know
|031|| Grace Jones || I'm Not Perfect (But I'm Perfect For You)
|088|| Full Force || Unfaithful So Much
|032|| Pointer Sisters || Goldmine
|089|| Princess || In The Heat Of A Passionate Moment
|033|| Timex Social Club || Rumors
|090|| Mel & Kim || Showing Out (Get Fresh At The Weekend)
|034|| Club Nouveau || Jealousy
|091|| Five Star || If I Say Yes
|035|| Timex Social Club || Mixed Up World
|092|| Nirvana || Say When
|036|| Kraftwerk || Musique Non Stop
|093|| Centerfold || Dictator
|037|| George Duke || Broken Glass
|094|| Janet Jackson || Control
|038|| The S.O.S. Band || The Finest
|095|| Matia Bazar || Ti Sento
|039|| The Art Of Noise with Max Headroom || Paranoimia
|096||Shawn Christopher || People Of All Nations
|040|| Millie Scott || Automatic
|097|| Private Possession Feat. Hunter Hayes || This Time
|041|| B.B. & Q. Band || (I'm A) Dreamer
|098|| Colonel Abrams || Speculation
|042|| Nu Shooz || Point Of No Return
|099|| Concept || Mr. DJ
|043|| Aurra || You And Me Tonight
|100|| J.M. Silk || Jack Your Body
|044|| Mildred Scott || Prisoner Of Love
|101|| Symphonia || You And Me
|045|| Haywoode || I Can't Let You Go
|102|| Wired || To The Beat Of The Drum
|046|| Yarbrough & Peoples || I Wouldn't Lie
|103|| Brenda K. Starr || What You See Is What You Get
|047|| Richenel || Dance Around The World
|104|| Raw || Don't You Try It
|048|| Atlantic Starr || Armed And Dangerous
|105||Phil Fearon || Ain't Nothin' But A House Party
|049|| Bruce Hornsby & The Range || The Way It Is
|106|| Farley "Jackmaster" Funk & Jesse Saunders Feat. Darryl Pandy || Love Can't Turn Around
|050|| El DeBarge || Who's Johnny
|107|| Moses || We Just
|051|| Prince & The Revolution || Kiss
|108|| J.M. Silk || I Can't Turn Around
|052||James Brown || Gravity
|109|| Madonna || Papa Don't Preach
|053||O'Chi Brown || 100% Pure Pain
|110||Bananarama || Venus
|054|| E.G. Daily || Say It, Say It
|111|| Frankie Goes To Hollywood || Warriors (Of The Wasteland)
|055|| Madonna || Open Your Heart
|112|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Grandmix 1986 Blast-Off
|056|| Mai Tai || Female Intuition
===30 januari 1987===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
20.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 1986], zoals uitgezonden op [[Hilversum 3]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)
===25 december 1987===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18:00-19:00 uur:
Let op: dit is de [ Grandmix 1987], zoals uitgezonden op [[Hilversum 3]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001 || [[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 1987
|057|| Krystol || Passion From A Woman
|002 || The Art Of Noise || Dragnet
|058|| Con Funk Shun || Burnin' Love
|003 || Eric B. & Rakim || Paid In Full
|059|| Michael Jonzun || Burnin' Up
|004 || Club Nouveau || Lean On Me
|060|| Michael McDonald || Sweet Freedom
|005 || Levert || Casanova
|061|| Level 42 || Lessons In Love
|006 || Dennis Edwards Feat. Siedah Garrett || Don't Look Any Further
|062|| King MC Feat. Screamin' K ||What Have I Done For You?
|007 || Jan Hammer || Crockett's Theme
|063|| Janet Jackson || What Have You Done For Me Lately
|008 || Sly & Robbie || Boops Here To Go
|064|| Chico DeBarge || Talk To Me
|009 || George Michael || I Want Your Sex
|065|| LaToya Jackson & Cerrone || Oops, Oh No!
|010 || Prince || Sign 'O' The Times
|066|| Cameo || Word Up!
|011 || Abigeal Mead & Nigel Gold || Full Metal Jacket
|067|| The Walkers || Hey Don't Waste My Time
|012 || Madonna || La Isla Bonita
|068|| Commodores || Goin' To The Bank
|013 || Stock, Aitken & Waterman || Packjammed (With The Party Posse)
|069|| Sheila E. || A Love Bizarre
|014 || Lillo Thomas || Down Town (Ritme Track)
|070|| L.I.F.E. || All Played Out
|015 || Stock, Aitken & Waterman || Roadblock
|071|| Janet Jackson || When I Think Of You
|016 || Shakatak || Mr. Manic & Sister Cool
|072|| Colonel Abrams || I'm Not Gonna Let
|017 || Boogie Box High || Jive Talkin’
|073|| Cock Robin || The Promise You Made
|018 || Say When! || Boys
|074|| Hollywood Beyond || What's The Colour Of Money?
|019 || Stephanie Mills || (You’re Puttin’) A Rush On Me
|075|| TKA || Come Get My Love
|020 || Millie Scott || Love Me Right
|076|| Anthony & The Camp || What I Like
|021 || Hot Chocolate || Sexy Thing ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|077|| Cherrelle with Alexander O'Neal || Saturday Love
|022 || Hot Chocolate || Every One's A Winner ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|078|| Willie Colón || Set Fire To Me
|023 || Hot Chocolate || Every One's A Winner (Groove Mix)
|079|| MC Miker 'G' & Deejay Sven || Holiday Rap
|024 || Terence Trent D' Arby || Wishing Well
|080|| Midnight Star || Midas Touch
|025 || Swing Out Sister || Surrender
|081|| Rick James || Sweet And Sexy Thing
|026 || Nat Augustin || That Girl
|082|| James "D-Train" Williams || You Are Everything
|027 || Aretha Franklin & George Michael || I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)
|083|| Five Star || Find The Time
|028 || Tina Charles || Dance Little Lady (’87 Remix)
|084|| Pauli Carmen || Dial My Number
|029 || Bangles || Walk Like An Egyptian
|085|| Johnny Kemp || Just Another Lover
|030 || John Adams || Strip This Heart
|086|| J.M. Silk || Shadows Of Your Love
|031 || Orange "Juice" Jones || The Rain
|087|| Whitney Houston || How Will I Know
|032 || INXS || Need You Tonight
|088|| Full Force || Unfaithful So Much
|033 || Jody Watley || Looking For A New Love
|089|| Princess || In The Heat Of A Passionate Moment
|034 || The Pointer Sisters || Be There (Acapella)
|090|| Mel & Kim || Showing Out (Get Fresh At The Weekend)
|035 || Tramaine || The Rock
|091|| Five Star || If I Say Yes
|036 || Prince || Hot Thing
|092|| Nirvana || Say When
|037 || Donna Allen || Serious
|093|| Centerfold || Dictator
|038 || Donna Summer || Dinner With Gershwin
|094|| Janet Jackson || Control
|039 || Living In A Box || Living In A Box
|095|| Matia Bazar || Ti Sento
|040 || Alexander O' Neal || Fake
|096||Shawn Christopher || People Of All Nations
|041 || Pebbles || Love/Hate
|097|| Private Possession Feat. Hunter Hayes || This Time
|042 || Herb Alpert Feat. Janet Jackson ||Diamonds
|098|| Colonel Abrams || Speculation
|043 || Shanice Wilson || (Baby Tell Me) Can You Dance
|099|| Concept || Mr. DJ
|044 || Jody Watley || Don't You Want Me
|100|| J.M. Silk || Jack Your Body
|045 || Cameo || Back And Forth
|101|| Symphonia || You And Me
|046 || Richenel || Temptation
|102|| Wired || To The Beat Of The Drum
|047 || Shalamar || Circumstantial Evidence
|103|| Brenda K. Starr || What You See Is What You Get
|048 || One Way || Better Quit
|104|| Raw || Don't You Try It
|049 || ABC || The Night You Murdered Love
|105||Phil Fearon || Ain't Nothin' But A House Party
|050 || ABC || The Reply
|106|| Farley "Jackmaster" Funk & Jesse Saunders Feat. Darryl Pandy || Love Can't Turn Around
|051 || ABC || The Sheer Chic Mix
|107|| Moses || We Just
|052 || Johnny Hates Jazz || I Don't Want To Be A Hero
|108|| J.M. Silk || I Can't Turn Around
|053 || Starpoint || D.Y.B.O.
|109|| Madonna || Papa Don't Preach
|054 || Tina Turner || Afterglow
|110||Bananarama || Venus
|055 || M/A/R/R/S || Pump Up The Volume
|111|| Frankie Goes To Hollywood || Warriors (Of The Wasteland)
|056 || Was (Not Was) || Walk The Dinosaur
|112|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Grandmix 1986 Blast-Off
|057 || Mico Wave || Misunderstood
|058 || Dance Like A Mother || You Ain't So Tough
===30 januari 1987===
|059 || Mason || Pour It On
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|060 || Donna Allen || Sweet Somebody
20.00-21.00 uur:
|061 || Jellybean Feat. Steven Dante || The Real Thing
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 1986], tijdens het programma van Curry en Van Inkel uitgezonden op [[Radio 3]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)<ref>[] '' Grand Mix nog 'n keer'' | Het vrije volk : democratisch-socialistisch dagblad, Pagina 2 | Publicatie: donderdag 29 januari 1987 | Geraadpleegd 5 februari 2022 </ref><ref>[] ''Grandmix '86 opnieuw op de radio'' | Leeuwarder Courant, Pagina 2  | Publicatie: vrijdag 30 januari 1987 | Geraadpleegd 5 februari 2022 </ref>
===6 februari 1987===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
20.03-21.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 1986], tijdens het programma van Curry en Van Inkel uitgezonden op [[Radio 3]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)<ref>[] Het Parool, pagina 2 | Publicatie: vrijdag 6 februari 1987 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022</ref>
===25 december 1987===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18:00-19:00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 1987], zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 3]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)<ref>[] Limburgsch dagblad, Pagina 37 | Publicatie: donderdag 24 december 1987 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022</ref>
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|062 || Michael Jackson || Bad
|001 || [[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 1987
|063 || Rick Astley || Never Gonna Give You Up
|002 || The Art Of Noise || Dragnet
|064 || Rick Astley || Whenever You Need Somebody
|003 || Eric B. & Rakim || Paid In Full
|065 || Off || Electrica Salsa
|004 || Club Nouveau || Lean On Me
|066 || Spagna || Easy Lady
|005 || Levert || Casanova
|067 || Spagna || Call Me
|006 || Dennis Edwards Feat. Siedah Garrett || Don't Look Any Further
|068 || Herb Alpert || Keep Your Eye On Me
|007 || Jan Hammer || Crockett's Theme
|069 || Prince || Housequake
|008 || Sly & Robbie || Boops Here To Go
|070 || Terence Trent D' Arby || Dance Little Sister
|009 || George Michael || I Want Your Sex
|071 || Mai Tai || Bet That's What You Say
|010 || Prince || Sign 'O' The Times
|072 || Voices In The Dark || Keep It Warm
|011 || Abigeal Mead & Nigel Gold || Full Metal Jacket
|073 || Nona Hendryx || Why Should I Cry
|012 || Madonna || La Isla Bonita
|074 || Breakfast Club || Right On Track
|013 || Stock, Aitken & Waterman || Packjammed (With The Party Posse)
|075 || Alexander O' Neal || Criticize
|014 || Lillo Thomas || Down Town (Ritme Track)
|076 || Georgio || Tina Cherry
|015 || Stock, Aitken & Waterman || Roadblock
|077 || Five Star || Whenever Your Ready
|016 || Shakatak || Mr. Manic & Sister Cool
|078 || Kool & The Gang || Peacemaker
|017 || Boogie Box High || Jive Talkin’
|079 || Mick Jagger || Let's Work
|018 || Say When! || Boys
|080 || Total Contrast || Kiss
|019 || Stephanie Mills || (You’re Puttin’) A Rush On Me
|081 || Jellybean Feat. Elisa Fiorillo || Who Found Who
|020 || Millie Scott || Love Me Right
|082 || Georgio || Lover's Lane
|021 || Hot Chocolate || Sexy Thing ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|083 || The Jets || Cross My Broken Heart
|022 || Hot Chocolate || Every One's A Winner ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|084 || The Whispers || Rock Steady
|023 || Hot Chocolate || Every One's A Winner (Groove Mix)
|024 || Terence Trent D' Arby || Wishing Well
|085 || Daryl Duncan || Rock The House
|025 || Swing Out Sister || Surrender
|086 || Colonel Abrams || How Soon We Forget
|026 || Nat Augustin || That Girl
|087 || Janet Jackson || Pleasure Principle
|027 || Aretha Franklin & George Michael || I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)
|088 || Bananarama || Love In The 1st Degree
|028 || Tina Charles || Dance Little Lady (’87 Remix)
|089 || Teen Dream || Slip-Slide
|029 || Bangles || Walk Like An Egyptian
|090 || Whitney Houston || I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)
|030 || John Adams || Strip This Heart
|091 || Madonna || Causing A Commotion
|031 || Orange "Juice" Jones || The Rain
|092 || Rick Astley || My Arms Keep Missing You
|032 || INXS || Need You Tonight
|093 || Pet Shop Boys & Dusty Springfield || What Have I Done To Deserve This
|033 || Jody Watley || Looking For A New Love
|094 || Jesse Johnson || She (I Can't Resist)
|034 || The Pointer Sisters || Be There (Acapella)
|095 || Total Contrast || Jody
|035 || Tramaine || The Rock
|096 || Deja || Serious
|036 || Prince || Hot Thing
|097 || Company B || Fascinated
|037 || Donna Allen || Serious
|098 || J.M. Silk || Let The Music Take Control
|038 || Donna Summer || Dinner With Gershwin
|099 || Rick & Lisa || When You Gonna
|039 || Living In A Box || Living In A Box
|100 || Edwin Starr || Whatever Makes Our Love Grow
|040 || Alexander O' Neal || Fake
|101 || Steve Hurley || Jack Your Body
|041 || Pebbles || Love/Hate
|102 || Jack E. Makossa || The Opera House
|042 || Herb Alpert Feat. Janet Jackson ||Diamonds
|103 || Blue Mercedes || I Want To Be Your Property
|043 || Shanice Wilson || (Baby Tell Me) Can You Dance
|104 || Chic || Jack Le Freak (Remix ’87)
|044 || Jody Watley || Don't You Want Me
|105 || Earth, Wind & Fire || System Of Survival
|045 || Cameo || Back And Forth
|106 || Whitney Houston || So Emotional
|046 || Richenel || Temptation
|107 || Mel & Kim || F.L.M.
|047 || Shalamar || Circumstantial Evidence
|108 || Mel & Kim || Respectable
|048 || One Way || Better Quit
|109 || Samantha Fox || Nothing's Gonna Stop Me Now
|049 || ABC || The Night You Murdered Love
|110 || Prince Feat. Sheena Easton || U Got The Look
|050 || ABC || The Night You Murdered Love (The Reply)
|111 || Alf / [[Ben Liebrand]] || Cruisin’ On Melmac Interstate
|051 || ABC || The Night You Murdered Love (The Sheer Chic Mix)
|112 || [[Ben Liebrand]] || Blast Off Grandmix 1987
|052 || Johnny Hates Jazz || I Don't Want To Be A Hero
===30 december 1988===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18:00-19:00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 1988], zoals uitgezonden op [[Hilversum 3]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01|| [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Intro Grandmix 1988
|053 || Starpoint || D.Y.B.O.
|02|| Phil Collins || In The Air Tonight
|054 || Tina Turner || Afterglow
|03|| Bomb The Bass Feat. Maureen || Say A Little Prayer
|055 || M/A/R/R/S || Pump Up The Volume
|04|| Midnight Star Feat. Ecstacy Of Whodini || Don't Rock The Boat
|056 || Was (Not Was) || Walk The Dinosaur
|05|| Joyce Sims || Come Into My Life
|057 || Mico Wave || Misunderstood
|06|| Wee Papa Girl Rappers || Wee Rule
|058 || Dance Like A Mother || You Ain't So Tough
|07|| Jermaine Stewart || Say It Again
|059 || Mason || Pour It On
|08|| Derek B || Goodgroove
|060 || Donna Allen || Sweet Somebody
|09|| Milli Vanilli || Girl You Know It's True
|061 || Jellybean Feat. Steven Dante || The Real Thing
|10|| Ellis, Beggs & Howard || Big Bubbles, No Troubles
|062 || Michael Jackson || Bad
|11||Milli Vanilli || Baby Don't Forget My Number
|063 || Rick Astley || Never Gonna Give You Up
|12|| Robbie Nevil || Back On Holiday
|064 || Rick Astley || Whenever You Need Somebody
|13|| Rick James Feat. Roxanne Shante || Loosey's Rap
|065 || Off || Electrica Salsa
|14|| Mantronix || Simple Simon (You Gotta Regard)
|066 || Spagna || Easy Lady
|15|| George Michael || Monkey
|067 || Spagna || Call Me
|16|| Code 61 || Drop The Deal
|068 || Herb Alpert || Keep Your Eye On Me
|17|| B.V.S.M.P. || I Need You
|069 || Prince || Housequake
|18|| Bill Withers || Lovely Day (Original & Sunshine Mix)
|070 || Terence Trent D' Arby || Dance Little Sister
|19|| The Boys || Dial My Number
|071 || Mai Tai || Bet That's What You Say
|20|| Jesse Johnson || Every Shade Of Love
|072 || Voices In The Dark || Keep It Warm
|21|| Salt 'N' Pepa Feat. E.U. || Shake Your Thang
|073 || Nona Hendryx || Why Should I Cry
|22||Michael Jackson with Jackson 5 || I Want You Back
|074 || Breakfast Club || Right On Track
|23|| Erik B. & Rakim || I Know You Got Soul
|075 || Alexander O' Neal || Criticize
|24||Wee Papa Girl Rappers || Faith
|076 || Georgio || Tina Cherry
|25|| Vanessa Williams || He's Got The Look
|077 || Five Star || Whenever Your Ready
|26|| Jermaine Stewart || Get Lucky
|078 || Kool & The Gang || Peacemaker
|27||Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons || Oh, What A Night ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|079 || Mick Jagger || Let's Work
|28.||James Brown || I'm Real
|080 || Total Contrast || Kiss
|29||Mark Anthony || 1919 Main St.
|081 || Jellybean Feat. Elisa Fiorillo || Who Found Who
|30|| Eighth Wonder || I'm Not Scared
|082 || Georgio || Lover's Lane
|31|| Prince || Alphabet St.
|083 || The Jets || Cross My Broken Heart
|32|| Alexander O'Neal || The Lovers
|084 || The Whispers || Rock Steady
|33|| James "D-Train" Williams || In Your Eyes
|085 || Daryl Duncan || Rock The House
|34|| Scritti Politti Feat. Roger || Boom! There She Was
|086 || Colonel Abrams || How Soon We Forget
|35|| Cookie Crew || Females (Get On Up)
|087 || Janet Jackson || Pleasure Principle
|36|| Coldcut || Stop This Crazy Thing
|088 || Bananarama || Love In The 1st Degree
|37|| B.V.S.M.P. || Be Gentle
|089 || Teen Dream || Slip-Slide
|38|| Duran Duran || I Don't Want Your Love
|090 || Whitney Houston || I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)
|39|| Mac Band Feat. The McCampbell Brothers || Roses Are Red
|091 || Madonna || Causing A Commotion
|40|| The Pasadenas || Tribute (Right On)
|092 || Rick Astley || My Arms Keep Missing You
|41|| James Brown || Static
|093 || Pet Shop Boys & Dusty Springfield || What Have I Done To Deserve This
|42|| Icarus || Stone Fox Chase
|094 || Jesse Johnson || She (I Can't Resist)
|43|| Electra || Jibaro
|095 || Total Contrast || Jody
|44|| The Confetti's ||The Sound Of C
|096 || Deja || Serious
|45|| Lyn Collins || Think (About It)
|097 || Company B || Fascinated
|46|| Michael Jackson || Another Part Of Me
|098 || J.M. Silk || Let The Music Take Control
|47|| The Pasadenas || Riding On A Train
|099 || Rick & Lisa || When You Gonna
|48|| Taja Sevelle || Love Is Contagious
|100 || Edwin Starr || Whatever Makes Our Love Grow
|49|| Rick Astley || It Would Take A Strong Man
|101 || Steve Hurley || Jack Your Body
|50|| Evelyn "Champagne" King || Hold On To What You've Got
|102 || Jack E. Makossa || The Opera House
|51|| Morris Day || Fishnet
|103 || Blue Mercedes || I Want To Be Your Property
|52|| Giant Steps || Another Lover
|104 || Chic || Jack Le Freak (Remix ’87)
|53|| The Real Roxanne || Respect
|105 || Earth, Wind & Fire || System Of Survival
|54|| Five Star || Another Weekend
|106 || Whitney Houston || So Emotional
|55|| Vanessa Williams || The Right Stuff
|107 || Mel & Kim || F.L.M.
|56|| Cut To Shock || Put That Record Back On
|108 || Mel & Kim || Respectable
|57|| Matt Bianco || Good Times
|109 || Samantha Fox || Nothing's Gonna Stop Me Now
|58|| Level 42 || Children Say
|110 || Prince Feat. Sheena Easton || U Got The Look
|59|| Simon Harris || Bass (How Low Can You Go)
|111 || Alf / [[Ben Liebrand]] || Cruisin’ On Melmac Interstate
|60|| Bomb The Bass || Beat Dis
|112 || [[Ben Liebrand]] || Blast Off Grandmix 1987
===1 januari 1988===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
13:00-14:00 uur:
Let op: dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 1987], zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 3]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)<ref> ''De jaarmix 1987 van Ben Liebrand'' | Disco Dance Magazine, Pagina 23 | Uitgave: nummer 2, februari 1988 | Geraadpleegd op 6 februari 2022</ref>
===30 december 1988===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18:00-19:00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 1988], zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 3]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)<ref>[] Het Parool, Pagina 11 | Publicatie: vrijdag 30 december 1988 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022</ref>
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|61|| NT Gang || Wam Bam
|01|| [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Intro Grandmix 1988
|62|| Tyka Nelson || L.O.V.E.
|02|| Phil Collins || In The Air Tonight
|63|| Womack & Womack || Life's Just A Ballgame
|03|| Bomb The Bass Feat. Maureen || Say A Little Prayer
|64|| Londonbeat || There's A Beat Going On
|04|| Midnight Star Feat. Ecstacy Of Whodini || Don't Rock The Boat
|65|| Jesse Johnson || Love Struck
|05|| Joyce Sims || Come Into My Life
|66|| Shanice Wilson || No 1/2 Stoppin'
|06|| Wee Papa Girl Rappers || Wee Rule
|67|| Rick Astley || Together Forever
|07|| Jermaine Stewart || Say It Again
|68|| Jellybean Feat. Richard Darbyshire || Coming Back For More
|08|| Derek B || Goodgroove
|69||Pebbles || Mercedes Boy
|09|| Milli Vanilli || Girl You Know It's True
|70|| Bomb The Bass || Megablast
|10|| Ellis, Beggs & Howard || Big Bubbles, No Troubles
|71||Alexander O'Neal || (What Can I Say) To Make You Love Me
|11||Milli Vanilli || Baby Don't Forget My Number
|72||Johnny Hates Jazz || Don't Say It's Love
|12|| Robbie Nevil || Back On Holiday
|73||Art Of Noise Feat. Tom Jones || Kiss
|13|| Rick James Feat. Roxanne Shante || Loosey's Rap
|74|| Steven Dante || I'm Too Scared
|14|| Mantronix || Simple Simon (You Gotta Regard)
|75|| The Beatmasters || Burn It Up
|15|| George Michael || Monkey
|76|| L.A. Mix || Check This Out
|16|| Code 61 || Drop The Deal
|77||Whitney Houston || Love Will Save The Day
|17|| B.V.S.M.P. || I Need You
|78|| Dale || Simon Simon
|18|| Bill Withers || Lovely Day (Original & Sunshine Mix)
|79|| Johnny Kemp || Just Got Paid
|19|| The Boys || Dial My Number
|80|| Nia Peeples || Trouble
|20|| Jesse Johnson || Every Shade Of Love
|81|| Narada || Divine Emotions
|21|| Salt 'N' Pepa Feat. E.U. || Shake Your Thang
|82|| S-Express || Theme From S-Express
|22||Michael Jackson with Jackson 5 || I Want You Back
|83||Coldcut Feat. Yazz & The Plastic Population || Doctorin' The House
|23|| Erik B. & Rakim || I Know You Got Soul
|84|| S-Express || Superfly Guy
|24||Wee Papa Girl Rappers || Faith
|85||Billy Ocean || Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car
|25|| Vanessa Williams || He's Got The Look
|86|| Rick Astley || She Wants To Dance With Me
|26|| Jermaine Stewart || Get Lucky
|87|| The Jets || Sendin' All My Love
|27||Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons || Oh, What A Night ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|88|| Kim Wilde || You Came
|28.||James Brown || I'm Real
|89|| Taylor Dayne || Prove Your Love
|29||Mark Anthony || 1919 Main St.
|90|| Ceejay || A Little Love (What's Going On)
|30|| Eighth Wonder || I'm Not Scared
|91|| Michael Jackson || Smooth Criminal
|31|| Prince || Alphabet St.
|92|| Inner City || Big Fun
|32|| Alexander O'Neal || The Lovers
|93|| Samantha Fox || Love House
|33|| James "D-Train" Williams || In Your Eyes
|94|| Hithouse || Jack To The Sound Of The Underground
|34|| Scritti Politti Feat. Roger || Boom! There She Was
|95|| Jack 'N' Chill || Beatin' The Heat
|35|| Cookie Crew || Females (Get On Up)
|96|| Yazz & The Plastic Population || The Only Way Is Up
|36|| Coldcut || Stop This Crazy Thing
|97|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro Grandmix 1988 Blast-Off
|37|| B.V.S.M.P. || Be Gentle
===29 december 1989===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-19.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 1989] uitgezonden op [[Hilversum 3]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 1989
|38|| Duran Duran || I Don't Want Your Love
|002|| Soul II Soul || Keep On Movin'
|39|| Mac Band Feat. The McCampbell Brothers || Roses Are Red
|003|| Rap IV Rap || Keep On Movin' (The Rap Version)
|40|| The Pasadenas || Tribute (Right On)
|004|| Sybil || Don't Make Me Over
|41|| James Brown || Static
|005|| Paula Abdul || Straight Up
|42|| Icarus || Stone Fox Chase
|006|| Malcolm McLaren And The Bootzilla Orchestra || Waltz Darling
|43|| Electra || Jibaro
|007|| Milli Vanilli || Blame It On The Rain
|44|| The Confetti's ||The Sound Of C
|008|| Jody Watley || Friends
|45|| Lyn Collins || Think (About It)
|009|| Lisa Stansfield || All Around The World
|46|| Michael Jackson || Another Part Of Me
|010|| Soul II Soul || Back To Life (However Do You Want Me)
|47|| The Pasadenas || Riding On A Train
|011|| Wrecks 'N' Effect || New Jack Swing
|48|| Taja Sevelle || Love Is Contagious
|012|| Wang Chung ||Dance Hall Days (Revisited)
|49|| Rick Astley || It Would Take A Strong Man
|013|| Bobby Brown || On Our Own
|50|| Evelyn "Champagne" King || Hold On To What You've Got
|014|| Bobby Brown || Every Little Step
|51|| Morris Day || Fishnet
|015|| Beastie Boys || Hey Ladies
|52|| Giant Steps || Another Lover
|016|| Arthur Baker And The Backbeat Disciples || The Message Is Love
|53|| The Real Roxanne || Respect
|017|| Ruth Joy || Don't Push It
|54|| Five Star || Another Weekend
|018|| Wendy & Lisa || Are You My Baby
|55|| Vanessa Williams || The Right Stuff
|019|| Inner City || Whatcha Gonna Do With My Lovin'
|56|| Cut To Shock || Put That Record Back On
|020|| Guy || Teddy's Jam
|57|| Matt Bianco || Good Times
|021|| Will Downing || Test Of Time
|58|| Level 42 || Children Say
|022|| Grace Jones || Love On Top Of Love (Killer Kiss)
|59|| Simon Harris || Bass (How Low Can You Go)
|023|| Public Enemy || Fight The Power
|60|| Bomb The Bass || Beat Dis
|024|| Diana Ross || Workin’ Overtime
|61|| NT Gang || Wam Bam
|025|| The Jacksons || Nothin' (That Compares 2 U)
|62|| Tyka Nelson || L.O.V.E.
|026|| The S.O.S. Band || I'm Still Missing Your Love
|63|| Womack & Womack || Life's Just A Ballgame
|027|| Tone Loc || I Got It Goin' On
|64|| Londonbeat || There's A Beat Going On
|028|| Neneh Cherry || Buffalo Stance
|65|| Jesse Johnson || Love Struck
|029|| Alyson Williams || Sleep Talk
|66|| Shanice Wilson || No 1/2 Stoppin'
|030|| Alyson Williams || My Love Is So Raw
|67|| Rick Astley || Together Forever
|031|| David A. Stewart Feat. Candy Dulfer|| Lily Was Here
|68|| Jellybean Feat. Richard Darbyshire || Coming Back For More
|032|| Sydney Youngblood ||Sit And Wait
|69||Pebbles || Mercedes Boy
|033|| Redhead Kingpin And The F.B.I. || Do The Right Thing
|70|| Bomb The Bass || Megablast
|034|| Jody Watley || Real Love
|71||Alexander O'Neal || (What Can I Say) To Make You Love Me
|035|| Fine Young Cannibals || She Drives Me Crazy
|72||Johnny Hates Jazz || Don't Say It's Love
|036|| Donna Allen || Joy And Pain
|73||Art Of Noise Feat. Tom Jones || Kiss
|037|| De La Soul || Eye Know
|74|| Steven Dante || I'm Too Scared
|038|| Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock || Joy And Pain
|75|| The Beatmasters || Burn It Up
|039|| Janet Jackson || Rhythm Nation
|76|| L.A. Mix || Check This Out
|040|| Bobby Brown ||My Prerogative
|77||Whitney Houston || Love Will Save The Day
|041|| The Chimes || 1-2-3
|78|| Dale || Simon Simon
|042|| Stetsasonic || Miami Bass
|79|| Johnny Kemp || Just Got Paid
|043|| De La Soul || Say No Go
|80|| Nia Peeples || Trouble
|044|| Tony Scott || The Chief
|81|| Narada || Divine Emotions
|045|| Sly & Robbie || Dance Hall
|82|| S-Express || Theme From S-Express
|046|| Karyn White || Secret Rendezvous
|83||Coldcut Feat. Yazz & The Plastic Population || Doctorin' The House
|047|| Madonna || Like A Prayer
|84|| S-Express || Superfly Guy
|048|| Paul Simpson Feat. Adeva || Musical Freedom (Free At Last)
|85||Billy Ocean || Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car
|049|| Scram || Running Away
|86|| Rick Astley || She Wants To Dance With Me
|050|| Chaka Khan || I'm Every Woman
|87|| The Jets || Sendin' All My Love
|051|| Donna Allen || Can We Talk
|88|| Kim Wilde || You Came
|052|| Guy || Spend The Night
|89|| Taylor Dayne || Prove Your Love
|053|| Teddy Riley Feat. Guy || My Fantasy
|90|| Ceejay || A Little Love (What's Going On)
|054|| Heavy D. & The Boyz || We Got Our Own Thang
|91|| Michael Jackson || Smooth Criminal
|055|| Sugarhill Gang || Rapper's Delight ([[Ben Liebrand]] Hip Hop Remix '89)
|92|| Inner City || Big Fun
|056|| De La Soul || Me Myself And I
|93|| Samantha Fox || Love House
|057|| The Real Roxanne || Roxanne's On A Roll
|94|| Hithouse || Jack To The Sound Of The Underground
|058|| Tony Terry || Forget The Girl
|95|| Jack 'N' Chill || Beatin' The Heat
|059|| Malcolm McLaren And The Bootzilla Orchestra || Deep In Vogue
|96|| Yazz & The Plastic Population || The Only Way Is Up
|060|| Sheena Easton ||The Lover In Me
|97|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro Grandmix 1988 Blast-Off
===29 december 1989===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.04-19.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 1989] uitgezonden op [[Radio 3]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)<ref>[] Algemeen Dagblad | Publicatie: vrijdag 29 december 1989 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022</ref>
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|061|| Janet Jackson || Miss You Much
|001||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 1989
|062|| Flame With Tony Terry || On The Strength
|002|| Soul II Soul || Keep On Movin'
|063|| Madonna || Express Yourself
|003|| Rap IV Rap || Keep On Movin' (The Rap Version)
|064|| Donna Summer || This Time I Know It's For Real
|004|| Sybil || Don't Make Me Over
|065|| Rob 'N' Raz Feat. Leila K || Got To Get
|005|| Paula Abdul || Straight Up
|066|| Monie Love || I Can Do This
|006|| Malcolm McLaren And The Bootzilla Orchestra || Waltz Darling
|067|| Aretha Franklin & Whitney Houston || It Isn't, It Wasn't, It Ain't Never Gonna Be
|007|| Milli Vanilli || Blame It On The Rain
|068||James Ingram || It's Real
|008|| Jody Watley || Friends
|069|| Tone Loc || Funky Cold Medina
|009|| Lisa Stansfield || All Around The World
|070|| Prince || Partyman
|010|| Soul II Soul || Back To Life (However Do You Want Me)
|071|| Double Trouble & Rebel MC || Street Tuff
|011|| Wrecks 'N' Effect || New Jack Swing
|072|| Doug Lazy || Let It Roll
|012|| Wang Chung ||Dance Hall Days (Revisited)
|073||Young MC || Bust A Move
|013|| Bobby Brown || On Our Own
|074|| Sueño Latino || Sueño Latino
|014|| Bobby Brown || Every Little Step
|075|| Twin Hype || For Those Who Like To Groove
|015|| Beastie Boys || Hey Ladies
|076||Neneh Cherry ||Kisses In The Wind
|016|| Arthur Baker And The Backbeat Disciples || The Message Is Love
|077||Twin Hype ||For Those Who Like To Groove
|017|| Ruth Joy || Don't Push It
|078|| Adeva || Respect
|018|| Wendy & Lisa || Are You My Baby
|079|| Adeva || Warning!
|019|| Inner City || Whatcha Gonna Do With My Lovin'
|080|| Adeva || I Thank You
|020|| Guy || Teddy's Jam
|081|| Ten City || That's The Way Love Is
|021|| Will Downing || Test Of Time
|082|| D-Mob || It Is Time To Get Funky
|022|| Grace Jones || Love On Top Of Love (Killer Kiss)
|083|| Robert Howard & Kym Mazelle || Wait
|023|| Public Enemy || Fight The Power
|084||Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock || Get On The Dancefloor
|024|| Diana Ross || Workin’ Overtime
|085|| K.A. Posse || Dig This
|025|| The Jacksons || Nothin' (That Compares 2 U)
|086|| Home Boys Only || Turn It Out
|026|| The S.O.S. Band || I'm Still Missing Your Love
|087|| FPI Project || Rich In Paradise (Going Back To My Roots)
|027|| Tone Loc || I Got It Goin' On
|088|| D-Mob || C'Mon And Get My Love
|028|| Neneh Cherry || Buffalo Stance
|089|| Exposé || What You Don't Know
|029|| Alyson Williams || Sleep Talk
|090|| Living In A Box ||Blow The House Down
|030|| Alyson Williams || My Love Is So Raw
|091|| Paula Abdul || Forever Your Girl
|031|| David A. Stewart Feat. Candy Dulfer|| Lily Was Here
|092||Sydney Youngblood || If Only I Could
|032|| Sydney Youngblood ||Sit And Wait
|093|| Black Box || Ride On Time
|033|| Redhead Kingpin And The F.B.I. || Do The Right Thing
|094|| Steve "Silk" Hurley || Work It Out
|034|| Jody Watley || Real Love
|095|| Petra & Co || Just Let Go
|035|| Fine Young Cannibals || She Drives Me Crazy
|096|| [[Ben Liebrand]] ||The Eve Of The War
|036|| Donna Allen || Joy And Pain
|097|| Kiss AMC || A Bit Of...
|037|| De La Soul || Eye Know
|098|| Coldcut Feat. Lisa Stansfield|| People Hold On
|038|| Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock || Joy And Pain
|099|| DJ Fast Eddie || Yo Yo Get Funky
|039|| Janet Jackson || Rhythm Nation
|100|| Kraze || Let's Play House
|040|| Bobby Brown ||My Prerogative
|101|| Starlight || Numero Uno
|041|| The Chimes || 1-2-3
|102|| Lil’ Louis || French Kiss
|042|| Stetsasonic || Miami Bass
|103|| Double Trouble & Rebel MC || Just Keep Rockin'
|043|| De La Soul || Say No Go
|104|| The Beatmasters || Ska Train
|044|| Tony Scott || The Chief
|105|| The Beatmasters with Merlin || Who's In The House
|045|| Sly & Robbie || Dance Hall
|106|| Mr. Lee || Get Busy
|046|| Karyn White || Secret Rendezvous
|107||Technotronic Feat. Felly || Pump Up The Jam
|047|| Madonna || Like A Prayer
|108|| Monie Love || Grandpa's Party
|048|| Paul Simpson Feat. Adeva || Musical Freedom (Free At Last)
|109|| Raul Orellana ||The Real Wild House
|049|| Scram || Running Away
|110|| Lisa Marie With Malcolm McLaren And The Bootzilla Orchestra || Something's Jumpin' In Your Shirt
|050|| Chaka Khan || I'm Every Woman
|111|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro / Blast Off Grandmix 1989
|051|| Donna Allen || Can We Talk
===28 december 1990===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-19.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 1990] uitgezonden op [[Hilversum 3]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 1990
|052|| Guy || Spend The Night
|002||Enigma ||The Voice Of Enigma
|053|| Teddy Riley Feat. Guy || My Fantasy
|003||Enigma ||Sadeness (Part 1)
|054|| Heavy D. & The Boyz || We Got Our Own Thang
|004||Double Trouble ||[ Love Don't Live Here Anymore]
|055|| Sugarhill Gang || Rapper's Delight ([[Ben Liebrand]] Hip Hop Remix '89)
|005||Maxi Priest ||Close To You
|056|| De La Soul || Me Myself And I
|006||Beats International Feat. Lindy Layton ||Dub Be Good To Me
|057|| The Real Roxanne || Roxanne's On A Roll
|007||Maureen Walsh ||Thinking Of You
|058|| Tony Terry || Forget The Girl
|008||After 7 ||Can't Stop
|059|| Malcolm McLaren And The Bootzilla Orchestra || Deep In Vogue
|009||En Vogue ||Hold On
|060|| Sheena Easton ||The Lover In Me
|010||En Vogue ||Lies
|061|| Janet Jackson || Miss You Much
|011||ICE MC ||Easy
|062|| Flame With Tony Terry || On The Strength
|012||Neneh Cherry ||Inner City Mama
|063|| Madonna || Express Yourself
|013||Madonna ||Justify My Love
|064|| Donna Summer || This Time I Know It's For Real
|014||DNA Feat. Suzanne Vega ||Tom's Diner
|065|| Rob 'N' Raz Feat. Leila K || Got To Get
|015||Aswad ||Next To You
|066|| Monie Love || I Can Do This
|016||Loose Ends|| Don't Be A Fool
|067|| Aretha Franklin & Whitney Houston || It Isn't, It Wasn't, It Ain't Never Gonna Be  
|017||Bassomatic|| Fascinating Rhythm
|068||James Ingram || It's Real
|018||Milli Vanilli ||All Or Nothing
|069|| Tone Loc || Funky Cold Medina
|019||Soul II Soul ||Get A Life
|070|| Prince || Partyman
|020||Glenn Medeiros & Bobby Brown ||She Ain't Worth It
|071|| Double Trouble & Rebel MC || Street Tuff
|021||Pebbles ||Giving You The Benefit
|072|| Doug Lazy || Let It Roll
|022||Innocence ||Natural Thing
|073||Young MC || Bust A Move
|023||Caron Wheeler ||Living In The Light
|074|| Sueño Latino || Sueño Latino
|024||Innocence ||Silent Voice
|075|| Twin Hype || For Those Who Like To Groove
|025||Soul II Soul ||A Dream's A Dream
|076||Neneh Cherry ||Kisses In The Wind
|026||Snap! ||Oops Up
|077||Twin Hype ||For Those Who Like To Groove
|027||Neneh Cherry ||I've Got You Under My Skin
|078|| Adeva || Respect
|028||Caron Wheeler ||UK Blak
|029||EMF ||Unbelievable
|079|| Adeva || Warning!
|030||The Family Stand ||Ghetto Heaven
|080|| Adeva || I Thank You
|031||En Vogue ||Don't Worry
|081|| Ten City || That's The Way Love Is
|032||Jane Child ||Welcome To The Real World
|082|| D-Mob || It Is Time To Get Funky
|033||Keith Sweat ||Make You Sweat
|083|| Robert Howard & Kym Mazelle || Wait
|034||Innocence ||Let's Push It
|084||Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock || Get On The Dancefloor
|035||TKA ||I Won't Give Up On You
|085|| K.A. Posse || Dig This
|036||Public Enemy ||911 Is A Joke
|086|| Home Boys Only || Turn It Out
|037||Seduction ||Breakdown
|087|| FPI Project || Rich In Paradise (Going Back To My Roots)
|038||Kid Frost ||La Raza
|088|| D-Mob || C'Mon And Get My Love
|039||Monie Love ||It's A Shame (My Sister)
|089|| Exposé || What You Don't Know
|040||Mantronix Feat. Wondress ||Take Your Time
|090|| Living In A Box ||Blow The House Down
|041||The Winans|| It's Time
|042||Snap! ||The Power
|091|| Paula Abdul || Forever Your Girl
|043||Troop ||That's My Attitude
|092||Sydney Youngblood || If Only I Could
|044||Chad Jackson ||Hear The Drummer Get Wicked
|093|| Black Box || Ride On Time
|045||Jungle Brothers ||What 'U' Waitin' 4
|094|| Steve "Silk" Hurley || Work It Out
|046||Milli Vanilli ||Keep On Running
|095|| Petra & Co || Just Let Go
|047||Dimples D. ||Sucker DJ (A Witch For Love) ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|096|| [[Ben Liebrand]] ||The Eve Of The War
|048||Snap! ||Cult Of Snap
|097|| Kiss AMC || A Bit Of...
|049||Bell Biv Devoe ||Do Me!
|098|| Coldcut Feat. Lisa Stansfield|| People Hold On
|050||Whistle! ||Bad Habit
|051||The Deff Boyz ||Swing
|099|| DJ Fast Eddie || Yo Yo Get Funky
|052||Guy ||I Wanna Get With U
|100|| Kraze || Let's Play House
|053||Today ||Why You Get Funky On Me
|101|| Starlight || Numero Uno
|054||Hi-Five ||Just Can't Handle It
|102|| Lil’ Louis || French Kiss
|055||Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E. ||Psyko Funk
|103|| Double Trouble & Rebel MC || Just Keep Rockin'
|056||Dom.I.No ||Up The Par
|104|| The Beatmasters || Ska Train
|057||Prince And The New Power Generation ||New Power Generation
|105|| The Beatmasters with Merlin || Who's In The House
|058||Johnny Gill ||Rub You The Right Way
|106|| Mr. Lee || Get Busy
|059||Public Enemy ||Welcome To The Terrordome
|107||Technotronic Feat. Felly || Pump Up The Jam
|060||Whitney Houston ||I'm Your Baby Tonight
|108|| Monie Love || Grandpa's Party
|061||The Chimes ||Heaven
|062||Bell Biv Devoe ||Poison
|109|| Raul Orellana ||The Real Wild House
|063||King Bee ||Back By Dope Demand
|110|| Lisa Marie With Malcolm McLaren And The Bootzilla Orchestra || Something's Jumpin' In Your Shirt
|064||The Stone Roses ||Fools Gold
|111|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro / Blast Off Grandmix 1989
|065||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott ||Move To The Big Band
|066||Tongue 'N Cheek ||Nobody
===5 januari 1990===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
14.04-15.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 1989] uitgezonden op [[Radio 3]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)<ref>[] Het Parool, Pagina 19 | Publicatie: vrijdag 5 januari 1990 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022</ref>
===28 december 1990===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-19.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 1990] uitgezonden op [[Radio 3]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)<ref>[] Trouw, Pagina 17 | Publicatie: vrijdag 28 december 1990 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022</ref>
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|067||Londonbeat ||I've Been Thinking About You
|001||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 1990
|068||Basic Black ||She's Mine
|002||Enigma ||The Voice Of Enigma
|069||Basic Black ||Nothing But A Party
|003||Enigma ||Sadeness (Part 1)
|070||Jungle Brothers ||Doin' Our Own Thing
|004||Double Trouble ||[ Love Don't Live Here Anymore]
|071||Janet Jackson ||Black Cat
|005||Maxi Priest ||Close To You
|072||Was (Not Was) ||Papa Was A Rolling Stone
|006||Beats International Feat. Lindy Layton ||Dub Be Good To Me
|073||Soul II Soul ||People
|074||Vanilla Ice ||Ice Ice Baby
|007||Maureen Walsh ||Thinking Of You
|075||Monie Love ||Monie In The Middle
|008||After 7 ||Can't Stop
|076||Janet Jackson ||Escapade
|009||En Vogue ||Hold On
|077||King Bee Feat. Michéle ||Must Bee The Music
|010||En Vogue ||Lies
|078||Tony! Toni! Toné! ||Feels Good
|011||ICE MC ||Easy
|079||Madonna ||Vogue
|012||Neneh Cherry ||Inner City Mama
|080||Quincy Jones ||Listen Up
|013||Madonna ||Justify My Love
|081||MC Wildski ||Warrior
|014||DNA Feat. Suzanne Vega ||Tom's Diner
|082||Rebel MC ||Better World
|015||Aswad ||Next To You
|083||Hypnoteck And DJ Patrice "G" Stiker ||Pump Pump It Up
|016||Loose Ends|| Don't Be A Fool
|084||Black Box ||Everybody
|017||Bassomatic|| Fascinating Rhythm
|085||Deskee ||Dance Dance
|018||Milli Vanilli ||All Or Nothing
|086||Deee-Lite ||What Is Love?
|019||Soul II Soul ||Get A Life
|087||The KLF ||What Time Is Love
|020||Glenn Medeiros & Bobby Brown ||She Ain't Worth It
|088||The Adventures Of Stevie V. ||Body Language
|021||Pebbles ||Giving You The Benefit
|089||2 In A Room ||Do What You Wanna Do
|022||Innocence ||Natural Thing
|090||Doug Lazy ||Let The Rhythm Pump
|023||Caron Wheeler ||Living In The Light
|024||Innocence ||Silent Voice
|091||F.A.B. Feat. MC Parker ||Thunderbirds Are Go!
|025||Soul II Soul ||A Dream's A Dream
|092||DNA ||La Serenissima
|026||Snap! ||Oops Up
|093||Sinéad O'Connor ||Nothing Compares 2 U
|027||Neneh Cherry ||I've Got You Under My Skin
|028||Caron Wheeler ||UK Blak
|094||Adamski Feat. Seal ||Killer
|029||EMF ||Unbelievable
|095||MC Hammer ||Pray
|030||The Family Stand ||Ghetto Heaven
|096||Morris Day ||Jerk Out
|031||En Vogue ||Don't Worry
|097||Adamski ||The Space Jungle
|032||Jane Child ||Welcome To The Real World
|098||Snap! ||Don't Believe The Hype
|033||Keith Sweat ||Make You Sweat
|099||Snap! ||Mary Had A Little Boy
|034||Innocence ||Let's Push It
|100||Black Box ||I Don't Know Anybody Else
|035||TKA ||I Won't Give Up On You
|101||The Adventures Of Stevie V. ||Dirty Cash
|036||Public Enemy ||911 Is A Joke
|102||Technotronic Feat. Ya Kid K ||Rockin' Over The Beat
|037||Seduction ||Breakdown
|103||Clubland & Quartz Feat. King Bee ||Let's Get Busy (Pump It Up)(Snap! Remix)
|038||Kid Frost ||La Raza
|104||Betty Boo ||Doin' The Doo
|039||Monie Love ||It's A Shame (My Sister)
|105||Deee-Lite ||Groove Is In The Heart
|040||Mantronix Feat. Wondress ||Take Your Time
|106||Simon Harris ||Ragga House
|041||The Winans|| It's Time
|107||49-ers ||Don't You Love Me
|042||Snap! ||The Power
|108||Jazzi P ||Feel The Rhythm
|043||Troop ||That's My Attitude
|109||D-Mob ||Put Your Hands Together
|044||Chad Jackson ||Hear The Drummer Get Wicked
|110||Twenty 4 Seven ||I Can't Stand It
|111||Fast Eddie ||Most Wanted
|045||Jungle Brothers ||What 'U' Waitin' 4
|112||ICE MC ||Cinema
|046||Milli Vanilli ||Keep On Running
|113||2 In A Room ||Wiggle It
|047||Dimples D. ||Sucker DJ (A Witch For Love) ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|114||49-ers ||Touch Me
|048||Snap! ||Cult Of Snap
|115||Kim Appleby ||Don't Worry
|049||Bell Biv Devoe ||Do Me!
|116||D-Shake ||Yaaaaah!
|050||Whistle! ||Bad Habit
|117||Technotronic Feat. MC Eric ||This Beat Is Technotronic
|051||The Deff Boyz ||Swing
|118||Technotronic Feat. Ya Kid K ||Get Up (Before The Night Is Over)
|052||Guy ||I Wanna Get With U
|119||MC Fixx It ||Move Your Body
|053||Today ||Why You Get Funky On Me
|120||Fast Eddie Feat. Sundance ||Git On Up
|054||Hi-Five ||Just Can't Handle It
|121||Deskee ||Let There Be House
|055||Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E. ||Psyko Funk
|122||808 State ||Cubic
|056||Dom.I.No ||Up The Par
|123||Atahualpa ||Ultimo Imperio
|057||Prince And The New Power Generation ||New Power Generation
|124||WestBam ||Hold Me Back
|058||Johnny Gill ||Rub You The Right Way
|125||Twenty 4 Seven ||Are You Dreaming?
|059||Public Enemy ||Welcome To The Terrordome
|126||Mr. Lee ||Pump That Body
|060||Whitney Houston ||I'm Your Baby Tonight
|061||The Chimes ||Heaven
|127||Tony Scott ||Gangster Boogie
|062||Bell Biv Devoe ||Poison
|128||[[Ben Liebrand]] With Voice-Over Tony Scott ||Outtro Grandmix 1990
|063||King Bee ||Back By Dope Demand
|129||MC Hammer ||U Can't Touch This
|064||The Stone Roses ||Fools Gold
===27 december 1991===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18:00-19:00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 1991] uitgezonden op [[Hilversum 3]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 1991
|065||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott ||Move To The Bigband
|002||Shanice || I Love Your Smile
|066||Tongue 'N Cheek ||Nobody
|003||Kenny Thomas || Thinking About Your Love
|067||Londonbeat ||I've Been Thinking About You
|004||DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince || Summertime
|068||Basic Black ||She's Mine
|005||Ralph Tresvant || Sensitivity
|069||Basic Black ||Nothing But A Party
|006||Dr. Alban || No Coke
|070||Jungle Brothers ||Doin' Our Own Thing
|007||A Tribe Called Quest || Can I Kick It
|071||Janet Jackson ||Black Cat
|008||PM Dawn || Set A Drift On Memory Bliss
|072||Was (Not Was) ||Papa Was A Rolling Stone
|073||Soul II Soul ||People
|009||Candyman || Knockin' Boots
|074||Vanilla Ice ||Ice Ice Baby
|010||Color Me Badd || I Wanna Sex You Up
|075||Monie Love ||Monie In The Middle
|011||L.L. Cool J || Around The Way Girl
|076||Janet Jackson ||Escapade
|012||The Simpsons || Do The Bartman
|077||King Bee Feat. Michéle ||Must Bee The Music
|013||Dr. Alban || Hello Afrika
|078||Tony! Toni! Toné! ||Feels Good
|014||Kenny Thomas || Best Of You
|079||Madonna ||Vogue
|015||Army Of Lovers || Obsession
|080||Quincy Jones ||Listen Up
|016||Salt 'N' Pepa || Let's Talk About Sex
|081||MC Wildski ||Warrior
|017||De La Soul || Ring Ring Ring
|082||Rebel MC ||Better World
|018||Salt 'N' Pepa ||You Showed Me
|083||Hypnoteck And DJ Patrice "G" Stiker||Pump Pump It Up
|019||Powercut || Girls
|084||Black Box ||Everybody, Everybody
|020||Lisa Stansfield || Change
|085||Deskee ||Dance Dance
|021||Color Me Badd || All 4 Love
|086||Deee-Lite ||What Is Love?
|022||Guy || Do Me Right
|087||The KLF ||What Time Is Love
|023||Sheena Easton || You Can Swing
|088||The Adventures Of Stevie V.||Body Language
|024||Karen White || Romantic
|089||2 In A Room ||Do What You Wanna Do
|025||Christopher Williams || I'm Dreamin'
|090||Doug Lazy ||Let The Rhythm Pump
|026||Incognito Feat. Chyna || Crazy For You
|091||F.A.B. Feat. MC Parker ||Thunderbirds Are Go!
|027||Prince & The New Power Generation || Gett Off
|092||DNA ||La Serenissima
|028||De La Soul || Keepin' The Faith
|093||Sinéad O'Connor ||Nothing Compares 2 U
|029||Ice T. || New Jack Hustler
|094||Adamski Feat. Seal ||Killer
|030||Joey B. Ellis || Go For It
|095||MC Hammer ||Pray
|031||B.G. The Prince Of Rap || This Beat Is Hot
|096||Morris Day ||Jerk Out
|032||The Clash || Should I Stay
|097||Adamski ||The Space Jungle
|033||Simply Red ||Something Got Me Started
|098||Snap! ||Don't Believe The Hype
|034||Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam || Let The Beat Hit Em
|099||Snap! ||Mary Had A Little Boy
|035||C&C Music Factory Feat. Freedom Williams || Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)
|100||Black Box ||I Don't Know Anybody Else
|036||C&C Music Factory || Here We Go (Let's Rock & Roll)
|101||The Adventures Of Stevie V. ||Dirty Cash
|037||C&C Music Factory || Things That Make You Go Hmmm
|102||Technotronic Feat. Ya Kid K ||Rockin' Over The Beat
|038||Redhead Kingpin & The F.B.I. || Get It Together
|103||Clubland & Quartz Feat. King Bee ||Let's Get Busy (Pump It Up)(Snap! Remix)
|039||Boyz II Men Feat. Tony Scott || Under Pressure
|104||Betty Boo ||Doin' The Doo
|040||Guy || Her
|105||Deee-Lite ||Groove Is In The Heart
|106||Simon Harris ||Ragga House
|041||De La Soul || A Rollerskating Jam Named Saturdays
|107||49-ers ||Don't You Love Me
|042||Michael Jackson || Black Or White
|108||Jazzi P ||Feel The Rhythm
|043||Incognito Feat. Jocelyn Brown ||Always There
|109||D-Mob ||Put Your Hands Together
|110||Twenty 4 Seven ||I Can't Stand It
|044||Nomad Feat. MC Mikee Freedom|| (I Wanna Give You) Devotion
|111||Fast Eddie ||Most Wanted
|045||Prince & The New Power Generation|| Cream
|112||ICE MC ||Cinema
|046||Adeva || It Should Have Been Me
|113||2 In A Room ||Wiggle It
|047||Colin England || I Got What You Need
|114||49-ers ||Touch Me
|048||Madonna ||Rescue Me
|115||Kim Appleby ||Don't Worry
|049||King Bee Feat. Ultramagnetic MC's & Rude Boy Remington|| Cold Slammin'
|116||D-Shake ||Yaaaaah!
|050||Black Box || Strike It Up
|117||Technotronic Feat. MC Eric ||This Beat Is Technotronic
|051||The Bingo Boys || How To Dance
|118||Technotronic Feat. Ya Kid K ||Get Up (Before The Night Is Over)
|052||Cathy Dennis || Touch Me
|119||MC Fixx It ||Move Your Body
|053||DJ Jazzy Jeff || Ring My Bell
|120||Fast Eddie Feat. Sundance ||Git On Up
|054||The KLF || 3AM Eternall
|121||Deskee ||Let There Be House
|055||Sonic Surfers Feat. Prhyme and Vivian Black || Beat Of Zen
|122||808 State ||Cubic
|056||Technotronic Feat. Reggie || Move That Body
|123||Atahualpa ||Ultimo Imperio
|057||Frankie Knuckles || The Whistle Song
|124||WestBam ||Hold Me Back
|058||Heavy D. & The Boyz || Now That We Found Love
|125||Twenty 4 Seven ||Are You Dreaming?
|059||Salt 'N' Pepa || Do You Really Want Me
|126||Mr. Lee ||Pump That Body
|060||Crystal Waters || Makin' Happy
|127||Tony Scott ||Gangster Boogie
|061||Mosai III || Dance Now
|128||[[Ben Liebrand]] With Voice-Over Tony Scott ||Outtro Grandmix 1990
|062||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
|129||MC Hammer ||U Can't Touch This
===4 januari 1991===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
14.04-15.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 1990] uitgezonden op [[Radio 3]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)<ref>[] Het Parool | Publicatie: vrijdag 4 januari 1991 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022</ref>
===27 december 1991===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18:04-19:00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 1991] uitgezonden op [[Radio 3]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)<ref>[] Trouw | Publicatie: vrijdag 27 december 1991 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022</ref>
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|063||Lonnie Gordon || Gonna Catch You
|001||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 1991
|064||C&C Music Factory || Just A Touch Of Love
|002||Shanice || I Love Your Smile
|065||2 In A Room || Wiggle It
|003||Kenny Thomas || Thinking About Your Love
|066||The Shamen || ProGen 1991 (Move Any Mountain)
|004||DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince || Summertime
|067||Monie Love & Adeva ||Ring My Bell
|005||Ralph Tresvant || Sensitivity
|068||Tony Scott ||Gimme Some
|006||Dr. Alban || No Coke
|069||Cut 'N' Move || Spread Love
|007||A Tribe Called Quest || Can I Kick It
|070||Clubhouse || Deep In My Heart
|008||PM Dawn || Set A Drift On Memory Bliss
|071||Xpansions || Elevation
|009||Candyman || Knockin' Boots
|072||Musto & Bones || Dangerous On The Dancefloor
|010||Color Me Badd || I Wanna Sex You Up
|073||The KLF || Last Train To Trance Central
|011||L.L. Cool J || Around The Way Girl
|074||R.F.T.R. || Extrasyn
|012||The Simpsons || Do The Bartman
|075||Little Louie Vega || Ride On The Rhythm
|013||Dr. Alban || Hello Afrika
|076||Army Of Lovers || Crucified
|014||Kenny Thomas || Best Of You
|077||Nomad || Just A Groove
|015||Army Of Lovers || Obsession
|078||Culture Beat || No Deeper Meaning
|016||Salt 'N' Pepa || Let's Talk About Sex
|079||Afrika Bambaataa || Just Get Up And Dance
|017||De La Soul || Ring Ring Ring
|080||Human Resource || Dominator
|018||Salt 'N' Pepa ||You Showed Me
|081||Chimo Bayo || A Si Mi Gusta A Mi
|019||Powercut || Girls
|082||D-Shake || My Heart The Beat
|020||Lisa Stansfield || Change
|083||Jamie Dee || Burnin' Up
|021||Color Me Badd || All 4 Love
|084||R.A.F. || We Gonna Get
|022||Guy || Do Me Right
|085||Sounds Of Blackness ||The Pressure (Part 1)
|023||Sheena Easton || You Can Swing
|086||Breakboys || My House Is Your House
|024||Karen White || Romantic
|087||808 State ||Cubik
|025||Christopher Williams || I'm Dreamin'
|088||A Homeboy, A Hippy And A Funki Dredd|| Total Confusion
|026||Incognito Feat. Chyna || Crazy For You
|089||Monie Love || Down To Earth
|027||Prince & The New Power Generation || Gett Off
|090||Off Shore ||Can't Take The Power
|028||De La Soul || Keepin' The Faith
|091||Capella || Everybody
|029||Ice T. || New Jack Hustler
|092||2 Brothers On The 4th Floor Feat. Da Smooth Baron MC || I Can't Help Myself
|030||Joey B. Ellis || Go For It
|093||Latour || People Are Still Having Sex
|031||B.G. The Prince Of Rap || This Beat Is Hot
|094||N-Joi || Anthem
|032||The Clash || Should I Stay
|095||Katherine E. || I'm Alright
|033||Simply Red ||Something Got Me Started
|096||Meditation || Air Of Gloom
|034||Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam || Let The Beat Hit Em
|097||2 Unlimited || Get Ready For This
|035||C&C Music Factory Feat. Freedom Williams || Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)
|098||Moby || Go
|036||C&C Music Factory || Here We Go (Let's Rock & Roll)
|099||Cubik 22 || Night In Motion
|037||C&C Music Factory || Things That Make You Go Hmmm
|100||Bizarre Inc.|| Raise Me
|038||Redhead Kingpin & The F.B.I. || Get It Together
|101||Channel X || Groove To Move
|039||Boyz II Men Feat. Tony Scott || Under Pressure
|102||Channel X || Rave The Rhythm
|040||Guy || Her
|103||Egma || Let The Bass Kick
|041||De La Soul || A Rollerskating Jam Named Saturdays
|104||Quadrophenia ||The Way Of The Future
|042||Michael Jackson || Black Or White
|105||80 Aum || Mindcontroller
|043||Incognito Feat. Jocelyn Brown ||Always There
|106||T99 || Nocturne
|044||Nomad Feat. MC Mikee Freedom|| (I Wanna Give You) Devotion
|107||T99 || Anasthasia
|045||Prince & The New Power Generation|| Cream
|108||Quazar || The Future
|046||Adeva || It Should Have Been Me
|109||The Hypnotist || This Is My House
|047||Colin England || I Got What You Need
|110||Praga Kahn || Rave Alarm
|048||Madonna ||Rescue Me
|111||The Prodigy || Charlie
|049||King Bee Feat. Ultramagnetic MC's & Rude Boy Remington|| Cold Slammin'
|112||Rozalla || Everybody's Free (To Feel Good)
|050||Black Box || Strike It Up
|113||L.A. Style || James Brown Is Dead
|051||The Bingo Boys || How To Dance
|114||[[Ben Liebrand]]||Outro Grandmix 1991
|052||Cathy Dennis || Touch Me
===25 december 1992===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18:00-19:00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 1992] uitgezonden op [[Hilversum 3]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 1992
|053||DJ Jazzy Jeff || Ring My Bell
|002||En Vogue||My Lovin'
|054||The KLF || 3AM Eternall
|003||Shabba Ranks||Mr. Loverman
|055||Sonic Surfers Feat. Prhyme and Vivian Black || Beat Of Zen
|004||Del Tha Funkee Homosapien||Mistadobalina
|056||Technotronic Feat. Reggie || Move That Body
|005||En Vogue||Free Your Mind
|057||Frankie Knuckles || The Whistle Song
|006||Salt'N'Pepa ||Start Me Up
|058||Heavy D. & The Boyz || Now That We Found Love
|007||George Michael||Too Funky
|059||Salt 'N' Pepa || Do You Really Want Me
|008||Arrested Development||People Everyday
|060||Crystal Waters || Makin' Happy
|009||Arrested Development||Tennessee
|061||Mosai III || Dance Now
|010||Soul II Soul||Joy
|062||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
|011||The Cover Girls ||Wishing On A Star
|063||Lonnie Gordon || Gonna Catch You
|012||Kriss Kross||Jump
|064||C&C Music Factory || Just A Touch Of Love
|013||Madonna|| Erotica
|065||2 In A Room || Wiggle It
|014||Kriss Kross|| Warm It Up
|066||The Shamen || ProGen 1991 (Move Any Mountain)
|015||Soul II Soul || Move The Mountain
|067||Monie Love & Adeva ||Ring My Bell
|016||Ce Ce Peniston || Keep On Walking
|068||Tony Scott ||Gimme Some
|017||John Secada||Just Another Day
|069||Cut 'N' Move || Spread Love
|018||Black Machine||How Gee
|070||Clubhouse || Deep In My Heart
|019||Joe Public||Live and Learn
|071||Xpansions || Elevation
|020||House Of Pain||Jump Around
|072||Musto & Bones || Dangerous On The Dancefloor
|021||Kriss Kross||I Missed The Bus
|073||The KLF || Last Train To Trance Central
|022||Teddy Riley & Tammy||Is It Good To You
|074||R.F.T.R. || Extrasyn
|023||Black Machine||Funky Funky People
|075||Little Louie Vega || Ride On The Rhythm
|024||Incognito||Don't Worry 'Bout A Thing
|076||Army Of Lovers || Crucified
|025||Bobby Brown||Humpin' Aroud
|077||Nomad || Just A Groove
|026||C&C Music Factory Feat. Q-Unique & D.Cooper|| Keep It Comin' (Dance Till You Can't Dance No More!)
|078||Culture Beat || No Deeper Meaning
|027||Kym Sims ||A Little Bit More
|079||Afrika Bambaataa || Just Get Up And Dance
|028||The Pasadenas || I'm Doing Fine Now
|080||Human Resource || Dominator
|029||Heavy D. & The Boyz || The Lover's Got What U Need
|081||Chimo Bayo || A Si Mi Gusta A Mi
|030||DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince || The Things That U Do
|082||D-Shake || My Heart The Beat
|031||Paris Red||Promises
|083||Jamie Dee || Burnin' Up
|032||Michael Jackson||Remember The Time
|084||R.A.F. || We Gonna Get
|085||Sounds Of Blackness ||The Pressure (Part 1)
|034||Mass Order || Lift Every Voice (Take Me Away)
|086||Breakboys || My House Is Your House
|035||Jamie Principle|| Hot Body
|087||808 State ||Cubik
|036||Cookie Crew|| Brother Like Sister
|088||A Homeboy, A Hippy And A Funki Dredd|| Total Confusion
|037||T.L.C.||Ain't 2 Proud To Beg
|089||Monie Love || Down To Earth
|038||Shawn Christopher || Don't Lose The Magic
|090||Off Shore ||Can't Take The Power
|039||Double You||Please Don't Go
|091||Capella || Everybody
|040||Beckie Bell || I'll Never Know
|092||2 Brothers On The 4th Floor Feat. Da Smooth Baron MC || I Can't Help Myself
|041||Sophia|| Running So Hard
|093||Latour || People Are Still Having Sex
|042||Aly Us || Follow Me
|094||N-Joi || Anthem
|043||Ce Ce Peniston||Finally
|095||Katherine E. || I'm Alright
|044||Michael Jackson|| Jam
|096||Meditation || Air Of Gloom
|045||Luther Vandross & Janet Jackson With BBD & Ralph Tresvant || The Best Things In Life Are Free
|097||2 Unlimited || Get Ready For This
|046||Ce Ce Peniston ||We Got A Love Thang
|098||Moby || Go
|047||Clubland|| Hypnotized
|099||Cubik 22 || Night In Motion
|048||Lidell Townsel||Nu Nu
|100||Bizarre Inc.|| Raise Me
|049||Nomad || Your Love Is Lifting Me
|101||Channel X || Groove To Move
|050||Sleepwalker || Saying Hi There
|102||Channel X || Rave The Rhythm
|051||K-yze || Sweat Dance
|103||Egma || Let The Bass Kick
|052||Clivilles' & Cole || A Deeper Love
|104||Quadrophenia ||The Way Of The Future
|053||Larry Spinosa|| Guitar
|105||80 Aum || Mindcontroller
|054||Innercity|| Pennies From Heaven
|106||T99 || Nocturne
|107||T99 || Anasthasia
|056||C&C Music Factory Feat. Q-Unique & D.Cooper|| Keep It Comin' (Dance Till You Can't Dance No More!)
|108||Quazar || The Future
|057||Dance To Trance||Hello San Fransisco
|109||The Hypnotist || This Is My House
|058||Snap! ||Rhythm Is A Dancer
|110||Praga Kahn || Rave Alarm
|059||Lil Louis & The World||Club Lonely
|111||The Prodigy || Charlie
|060||Opus III||It's A Fine Day
|112||Rozalla || Everybody's Free (To Feel Good)
|061||World Series Of Life Feat. Claudine Nelson || I Would Give Anything
|113||L.A. Style || James Brown Is Dead
|062||Beckie Bell ||Steppin' Out Tonight
|114||[[Ben Liebrand]]||Outro Grandmix 1991
===26 december 1992===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18:00-19:00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 1992] uitgezonden op [[Radio 3]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)<ref>[] Trouw, Pagina 21 | Publicatie: donderdag 24 december 1992 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022</ref>
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|063||Gat Decor||Passion
|001||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 1992
|064||Zeon||No Faith
|002||En Vogue||My Lovin'
|065||Ramirez||La Musica Tremenda
|003||Shabba Ranks||Mr. Loverman
|066||Mambo Kings||Para Los Rumberos
|004||Del Tha Funkee Homosapien||Mistadobalina
|067||Sadomasy & DJ One||Body Motion
|005||En Vogue||Free Your Mind
|068||Bizarre Inc. Feat. Angie Brown || I'm Gonna Get You
|006||Salt'N'Pepa ||Start Me Up
|069||X-es || Roller-Coaster
|007||George Michael||Too Funky
|070||Format|| Solid Session
|008||Arrested Development||People Everyday
|071||2 Unlimited||The Magic Friend
|009||Arrested Development||Tennessee
|072||Andronicus||Make You Hole
|010||Soul II Soul||Joy
|073||Dr. Alban||It's My Life
|011||The Cover Girls ||Wishing On A Star
|074||Paradise 3001 || Tales Of Northern & Southern Hemispheres
|012||Kriss Kross||Jump
|075||Transformer 2||Pacific Symphony
|013||Madonna|| Erotica
|076||Obstruction ‎|| I Want You Forever
|014||Kriss Kross|| Warm It Up
|077||2 The Core || Have A Nice Day
|015||Soul II Soul || Move The Mountain
|078||Felix||Don't You Want Me
|016||Ce Ce Peniston || Keep On Walking
|079||Dr. Baker || Turn Up The Music
|017||John Secada||Just Another Day
|080||2 Unlimited||Workaholic
|018||Black Machine||How Gee
|081||Ramirez || El Ritmo Barbaro
|019||Joe Public||Live and Learn
|082||Bass Bumpers || The Music's Got Me
|020||House Of Pain||Jump Around
|083||Aquastep||Oumpa Loempa
|021||Kriss Kross||I Missed The Bus
|084||Ramirez & Pizarro||Hablando
|022||Teddy Riley & Tammy||Is It Good To You
|085||Chestnut||Pot Of Gold
|023||Black Machine||Funky Funky People
|086||The Age Of Love || The Age Of Love
|024||Incognito||Don't Worry 'Bout A Thing
|087||Sequencial||Big Boom
|025||Bobby Brown||Humpin' Aroud
|088||2 Unlimited||Twilight Zone
|026||C&C Music Factory Feat. Q-Unique & D.Cooper|| Keep It Comin' (Dance Till You Can't Dance No More!)
|089||House Nation||Ultimate Seduction
|027||Kym Sims ||A Little Bit More
|090||Ultimate Seduction||The Ultimate Seduction
|028||The Pasadenas || I'm Doing Fine Now
|091||Speedy J||Pull Over
|029||Heavy D. & The Boyz || The Lover's Got What U Need
|092||Westbam||The Mayday Anthem
|030||DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince || The Things That U Do
|093||Interactive ||Dildo
|031||Paris Red||Promises
|094||N.U.K.E. || Nana
|032||Michael Jackson||Remember The Time
|095||Intrance Feat. D-Sign||Te Quierro
|096||3 Phase|| Der Klang Der Familie
|034||Mass Order || Lift Every Voice (Take Me Away)
|097||[[Ben Liebrand]]||Outro Grandmix 92 "There Can Only Be One"
|035||Jamie Principle|| Hot Body
|036||Cookie Crew|| Brother Like Sister
|037||T.L.C.||Ain't 2 Proud To Beg
===30 januari 1999===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|038||Shawn Christopher || Don't Lose The Magic
19.00-20.00 uur:
|039||Double You||Please Don't Go
Dit is de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1983] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
|040||Beckie Bell || I'll Never Know
===27 februari 1999===
|041||Sophia|| Running So Hard
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|042||Aly Us || Follow Me
19.00-20.00 uur:
|043||Ce Ce Peniston||Finally
Dit is de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1984] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
|044||Michael Jackson|| Jam
===27 maart 1999===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|045||Luther Vandross & Janet Jackson With BBD & Ralph Tresvant || The Best Things In Life Are Free
19.00-20.00 uur:
|046||Ce Ce Peniston ||We Got A Love Thang
Dit is de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1985] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
|047||Clubland|| Hypnotized
===24 april 1999===
|048||Lidell Townsel||Nu Nu
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|049||Nomad || Your Love Is Lifting Me
19.00-20.00 uur:
Dit is de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1986] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
===29 mei 1999===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
19.00-20.00 uur:
Dit is de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1987] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
===26 Juni 1999===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
19.00-20.00 uur:
Dit is de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1988] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
===31 juli 1999===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
19.00-20.00 uur:
Dit is de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1989] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
===28 augustus 1999===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
19.00-20.00 uur:
Dit is de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1990] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
===25 september 1999===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
19.00-20.00 uur:
Dit is de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1991] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
===30 oktober 1999===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
19.00-20.00 uur:
Dit is de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1992] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
===27 november 1999===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
19.00-20.00 uur:
Dit is de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Classicsmix], met 4 extra tracks, aangegeven met een '''(*)''', uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01|| Hot R.S. || [ Slow Blow] (Sound Effect)
|050||Sleepwalker || Saying Hi There
|02|| Gene Page || [ Close Encounters Of The Third Kind] (Intro Spraak Effect)
|051||K-yze || Sweat Dance
|03|| Love Deluxe || Here Comes That Sound (Drum intro Sample)
|052||Clivilles' & Cole || A Deeper Love
|04|| M (Robin Scott)|| Popmuzik
|053||Larry Spinosa|| Guitar
|05|| Fern Kinney||Groove Me
|054||Innercity|| Pennies From Heaven
|06|| Sugarhill Gang || Rapper's Delight
|07|| Chic || Good Times
|056||C&C Music Factory Feat. Q-Unique & D.Cooper|| Keep It Comin' (Dance Till You Can't Dance No More!)
|08|| Kurtis Blow || The Breaks
|057||Dance To Trance||Hello San Fransisco
|09|| Instant Funk || Got My Mind Made Up
|058||Snap! ||Rhythm Is A Dancer
|10|| Trussel || Love Injection
|059||Lil Louis & The World||Club Lonely
|11|| Kool & the Gang || Ladies Night
|060||Opus III||It's A Fine Day
|12|| McFadden & Whitehead || Ain't No Stopping Us Now
|061||World Series Of Life Feat. Claudine Nelson || I Would Give Anything
|13|| Jocko || Rhythm Talk
|062||Beckie Bell ||Steppin' Out Tonight
|14|| T-Connection || At Midnight
|063||Gat Decor||Passion
|15|| Shalamar || Second Time Around
|064||Zeon||No Faith
|16|| Crown Heights Affair || You Gave Me Love
|065||Ramirez||La Musica Tremenda
|17|| Al Hudson & The Partners || You Can Do It
|066||Mambo Kings||Para Los Rumberos
|18|| The Whispers || And The Beat Goes On
|067||Sadomasy & DJ One||Body Motion
|19|| Dynasty || I Don't Wanna Be A Freak (But I Can't Help Myself)
|068||Bizarre Inc. Feat. Angie Brown || I'm Gonna Get You
|20|| Gene Chandler || Get Down
|069||X-es || Roller-Coaster
|21|| Billy Ocean || Are You Ready
|070||Format|| Solid Session
|22|| The Jacksons || Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)
|071||2 Unlimited||The Magic Friend
|23|| Michael Jackson || Don't Stop Till You Get Enough
|072||Andronicus||Make You Hole
|24|| Sister Sledge || He's The Greatest Dancer
|073||Dr. Alban||It's My Life
|25|| Sister Sledge || We Are Family
|074||Paradise 3001 || Tales Of Northern & Southern Hemispheres
|26|| Chic || Le Freak
|075||Transformer 2||Pacific Symphony
|27|| Karen Young || Hot Shot
|076||Obstruction ‎|| I Want You Forever
|28|| Santa Esmeralda Feat. Leroy Gomez|| Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
|077||2 The Core || Have A Nice Day
|29|| Frantique || Strut Your Funky Stuff
|078||Felix||Don't You Want Me
|30|| Michael Zager Band || Let's All Chant
|079||Dr. Baker || Turn Up The Music
|31|| First Choice || Let No Man Put Asunder '''(*)'''
|080||2 Unlimited||Workaholic
|32|| Rocker's Revenge Feat. Donny Calvin || Walking On Sunshine '''(*)'''
|081||Ramirez || El Ritmo Barbaro
|33|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Let's Groove '''(*)'''
|34|| Poussez! || Come On And Do It ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|082||Bass Bumpers || The Music's Got Me
|35|| Antonia Rodriquez || La Bamba
|083||Aquastep||Oumpa Loempa
|36|| G.Q. || Disco Nights (Rock-Freak)
|084||Ramirez & Pizarro||Hablando
|37|| Herbie Hancock || Tell Everybody
|085||Chestnut||Pot Of Gold
|38|| Gino Soccio || Dancer
|086||The Age Of Love || The Age Of Love
|39|| Donna Summer || Bad Girls
|087||Sequencial||Big Boom
|40|| Lipps Inc. || Funky Town
|088||2 Unlimited||Twilight Zone
|41|| Dan Hartman || Relight My Fire
|089||House Nation||Ultimate Seduction
|42|| Ashford & Simpson || Found A Cure
|090||Ultimate Seduction||The Ultimate Seduction
|43|| Sergio Mendez & Brasil '88 || I'll Tell You
|091||Speedy J||Pull Over
|44|| Narada Michael Walden || Tonight I'm Alright
|092||Westbam||The Mayday Anthem
|45|| Gary's Gang || Showtime
|093||Interactive ||Dildo
|46|| Baby 'O || In The Forest
|094||N.U.K.E. || Nana
|47|| The Jacksons || Can You Feel It
|095||Intrance Feat. D-Sign||Te Quierro
|48|| Anita Ward || Ring My Bell
|096||3 Phase|| Der Klang Der Familie
|49|| Sparks || Beat The Clock
|097||[[Ben Liebrand]]||Outro Grandmix 92 "There Can Only Be One"
|50|| Gary's Gang || Keep On Dancin'
|51|| The Manhattan Transfer || Twilight Zone
===16 januari 1993===
|52||Cuba Gooding|| Happiness, Is Just Around The Bend (Acapella) '''(*)'''
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|53|| Georgio Moroder || Chase
19:00-20:00 uur:
|54|| Donna Summer || I Feel Love
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 1992] uitgezonden op [[Radio 3]] bij [[VOO]] (Nederland)<ref>[] Limburgsch dagblad, Pagina 43 | Publicatie: zaterdag 16 januari 1993 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022</ref>
|55|| Telex || Moskow Diskow
|56|| Harry Thumann || Underwater
===30 januari 1999===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|57|| Earth, Wind & Fire with The Emotions || Boogie Wonderland
19.00-20.00 uur:
|58|| Nightlife Unlimited || Love Is In You
Dit is de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1983] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)<ref>[] ''Liebrand revival bij Radio 538. Vanaf eind januari… '' (Publicatie: 29 januari 1999) (Gevonden 9 januari 2022)</ref><ref>[] ''Liebrand revival bij Radio 538. Sinds afgelopen za…'' (Publicatie: 4 februari 1999)(Gevonden 9 januari 2022)</ref>
|59|| Poussez! || Never Gonna Say Goodbye
===27 februari 1999===
|60|| The Jacksons || Walk Right Now
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|61|| Kat Mandu || The Break
19.00-20.00 uur:
|62|| Helicopter Landing||Sound Effect
Dit is de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1984] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
|63||Destination ||The Party Is Over

===31 december 1999===
===27 maart 1999===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

18.00-21.00 uur:
19.00-20.00 uur:

Dit is de [ Grandmix Millennium Edition] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
Dit is de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1985] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)

{| class="wikitable"
===24 april 1999===
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|001||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix Millenium Edition
19.00-20.00 uur:
|002||Milli Vanilli || Girl You Now It's True
Dit is de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1986] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
|003||Wee Papa Girl Rappers || Wee Rule
===29 mei 1999===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|004||Stock, Aitken & Waterman || Roadblock
19.00-20.00 uur:
|005||Bill Withers || Lovely Day
Dit is de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1987] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
|006||Lisa Stansfield || All Around The World
===26 Juni 1999===
|007||Jocelyn Brown || Somebody Else's Guy
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|008||Imagination || Just An Illusion
19.00-20.00 uur:
|009||Nu Shooz || I Can't Wait
Dit is de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1988] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
|010||The Pasadenas || Tribute (Right On)
===31 juli 1999===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|011||Odyssey || Going Back To My Roots
19.00-20.00 uur:
|012||Miquel Brown || Close To Perfection
Dit is de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1989] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
|013||People's Choice || Do It Any Way You Wanna
===28 augustus 1999===
|014||Herbie Hancock || Rock It
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|015||Stephanie Mills || Medicine Song
19.00-20.00 uur:
|016||Bar-Kays || Sex-O-Matic
Dit is de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1990] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
|017||King Bee || Back By Dope Demand
===25 september 1999===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|018||Linda Lewis || Class Style (I've Got It)
19.00-20.00 uur:
|019||Rick Astley || Never Gonna Give You Up
Dit is de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1991] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
|020||London Beat || I've Been Thinking About You
===30 oktober 1999===
|021||Gloria Gaynor || I Will Survive
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
19.00-20.00 uur:
Dit is de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1992] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
===27 november 1999===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
19.00-20.00 uur:
Dit is de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Classicsmix], met 4 extra tracks, aangegeven met een '''(*)''', uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|022||M/A/R/R/S || Pump Up The Volume
|01|| Hot R.S. || [ Slow Blow] (Sound Effect)
|023||Dazz Band || Let It All Blow
|02|| Gene Page || [ Close Encounters Of The Third Kind] (Intro Spraak Effect)
|024||Alisha || Babytalk
|03|| Love Deluxe || Here Comes That Sound (Drum intro Sample)
|025||Five Star || All Fall Down
|04|| M (Robin Scott)|| Popmuzik
|026||The Jacksons || Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground)
|05|| Fern Kinney||Groove Me
|027||Suēno Latino || Suēno Latino
|06|| Sugarhill Gang || Rapper's Delight
|028||Loleatta Holloway || Love Sensation
|07|| Chic || Good Times
|029||Santa Esmeralda Feat. Leroy Gomez|| Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
|08|| Kurtis Blow || The Breaks
|030||First Choice || Let No Man Put Us Under
|09|| Instant Funk || Got My Mind Made Up
|031||Weeks & Company || Rock Your World
|10|| Trussel || Love Injection
|032||Robin S. || Love 4 Love
|11|| Kool & the Gang || Ladies Night
|033||Pointer Sisters || Fire
|12|| McFadden & Whitehead || Ain't No Stopping Us Now
|034||Hithouse || Jack To The Sound Of The Underground
|13|| Jocko || Rhythm Talk
|035||Raze || Brake For Love
|14|| T-Connection || At Midnight
|036||MC Sar & The Real Mc Coy || It's On You
|15|| Shalamar || Second Time Around
|037||2 In A Room || Do What You Want
|16|| Crown Heights Affair || You Gave Me Love
|038||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
|17|| Al Hudson & The Partners || You Can Do It
|039||Ce Ce Peniston || Finally
|18|| The Whispers || And The Beat Goes On
|040||Jenny Bee || Wanna Get Your Love
|19|| Dynasty || I Don't Wanna Be A Freak (But I Can't Help Myself)
|041||Fun Fun || Happy Station
|20|| Gene Chandler || Get Down
|042||Peter Brown || They Only Come Out At Night
|21|| Billy Ocean || Are You Ready
|043||Carol Jiani || Hit & Run Lover
|22|| The Jacksons || Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)
|044||Dan Hartman || Relight My Fire
|23|| Michael Jackson || Don't Stop Till You Get Enough
|045||Herbie Hancock || Tell Everybody
|24|| Sister Sledge || He's The Greatest Dancer
|046||Michael Zager Band || Let's All Chant
|25|| Sister Sledge || We Are Family
|047||Poussez! || Come On And Do It
|26|| Chic || Le Freak
|048||Viola Wills || If You Could Read My Mind
|27|| Karen Young || Hot Shot
|049||Lipps Inc. || Funkytown
|28|| Santa Esmeralda Feat. Leroy Gomez|| Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
|050||Moloko || Sing It Back
|29|| Frantique || Strut Your Funky Stuff
|051||Twenty 4 Seven || I Can't Stand It
|30|| Michael Zager Band || Let's All Chant
|052||Mousse T. || Horny '98
|31|| First Choice || Let No Man Put Asunder '''(*)'''
|052||Black & White Brothers || Put Your Hands Up
|32|| Rocker's Revenge Feat. Donny Calvin || Walking On Sunshine '''(*)'''
|33|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Let's Groove '''(*)'''
|053||The Limit || Say Yeah
|34|| Poussez! || Come On And Do It ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|054||Haddaway || What Is Love
|35|| Antonia Rodriquez || La Bamba
|055||Snap! || Rhythm Is A Dancer
|36|| G.Q. || Disco Nights (Rock-Freak)
|056||Technotronic Feat. Ya Kid K || Get Up (Before The Night Is Over)
|37|| Herbie Hancock || Tell Everybody
|057||Course || Ready Or Not
|38|| Gino Soccio || Dancer
|058||M-People || Moving On Up
|39|| Donna Summer || Bad Girls
|059||Goodmen ||Give It Up
|40|| Lipps Inc. || Funky Town
|060||Wamdue Project || King Of My Castle
|41|| Dan Hartman || Relight My Fire
|061||The Jacksons || Can You Feel It
|42|| Ashford & Simpson || Found A Cure
|062||Anita Ward || Ring My Bell
|43|| Sergio Mendez & Brasil '88 || I'll Tell You
|063||Alisha Bridges || I Love The Nightlife
|44|| Narada Michael Walden || Tonight I'm Alright
|064||Moby || Go
|45|| Gary's Gang || Showtime
|065||Powerhouse Feat. Duane Harden || What You Need
|46|| Baby 'O || In The Forest
|066||Dominica || Gotta Let You Go
|47|| The Jacksons || Can You Feel It
|067||Kristine W || Feel What You Want
|48|| Anita Ward || Ring My Bell
|068||Faithless || Insomnia
|49|| Sparks || Beat The Clock
|069||T99 || Anastasia
|50|| Gary's Gang || Keep On Dancin'
|070||Dead Or Alive || You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)
|51|| The Manhattan Transfer || Twilight Zone
|071||Ultra Nate || Free
|52||Cuba Gooding|| Happiness, Is Just Around The Bend (Acapella) '''(*)'''
|072||Dr. Alban || It's My Life
|53|| Georgio Moroder || Chase
|073||Gala || Freed From Desire
|54|| Donna Summer || I Feel Love
|074||RUN DMC vs. Jason Nevins || It's Like That
|55|| Telex || Moskow Diskow
|075||Jaydee || Plastic Dreams
|56|| Harry Thumann || Underwater
|076||Quadrophonia || Quadrophonia
|57|| Earth, Wind & Fire with The Emotions || Boogie Wonderland
|077||Earth, Wind & Fire || September '99 (Remix)
|58|| Nightlife Unlimited || Love Is In You
|078||Phats & Small || Feel Good
|59|| Poussez! || Never Gonna Say Goodbye
|079||Tag Team || Whoomp! There It Is
|60|| The Jacksons || Walk Right Now
|080||Avantgarde || Get Down
|61|| Kat Mandu || The Break
|081||Ann Lee || 2 Times
|62|| Helicopter Landing||Sound Effect
|082||Tina Cousins || Killing Time
|63||Destination ||The Party Is Over
===31 december 1999===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix Millennium Edition] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|083||ATB || 9PM
|001||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix Millenium Edition
|002||Milli Vanilli || Girl You Now It's True
|003||Wee Papa Girl Rappers || Wee Rule
|004||Stock, Aitken & Waterman || Roadblock
|084||2 Eivissa || Oh Lalala
|005||Bill Withers || Lovely Day
|085||Earth, Wind & Fire with The Emotions || Boogie Wonderland
|006||Lisa Stansfield || All Around The World
|086||Sash! || Encore Une Fois
|007||Jocelyn Brown || Somebody Else's Guy
|087||The Sunclub || Fiesta
|008||Imagination || Just An Illusion
|088||Cappella || Move On Baby
|009||Nu Shooz || I Can't Wait
|089||Atlantic Ocean || Waterfall
|010||The Pasadenas || Tribute (Right On)
|090||Mark Van Dale & Enrico || Water Verve
|011||Odyssey || Going Back To My Roots
|091||Culture Beat || Mr. Vain
|012||Miquel Brown || Close To Perfection
|092||R.O.O.S. || Instant Moments
|013||People's Choice || Do It Any Way You Wanna
|093||T-Spoon || No Time To Waste
|014||Herbie Hancock || Rock It
|094||DJ Jean & Peran || I Give My Life
|015||Stephanie Mills || Medicine Song
|095||La Bouche || Be My Lover
|016||Bar-Kays || Sex-O-Matic
|096||De Bos || On The Run
|017||King Bee || Back By Dope Demand
|097||John Scatman || Scatman
|018||Linda Lewis || Class Style (I've Got It)
|098||The Vengaboys || We Like To Party
|019||Rick Astley || Never Gonna Give You Up
|099||DJ Jean|| The Launch
|020||London Beat || I've Been Thinking About You
|100||Jam & Spoon || Right In The Night
|021||Gloria Gaynor || I Will Survive
|101||Robert Miles || Children
|022||M/A/R/R/S || Pump Up The Volume
|102||BBE || 7 Days & 1 Week
|023||Dazz Band || Let It All Blow
|103||Gouryella || Gouryella
|024||Alisha || Babytalk
|104||Kadoc || The Nighttrain
|025||Five Star || All Fall Down
|105||System F || Out Of The Blue
|026||The Jacksons || Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground)
|106|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro Grandmix Millenium Edition
|027||Suēno Latino || Suēno Latino
===31 december 2000===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2000], zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 2000
|028||Loleatta Holloway || Love Sensation
|002|| Spiller Feat. Sophie Ellis-Bextor || Groove Jet (If This Ain't Love)
|029||Santa Esmeralda Feat. Leroy Gomez|| Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
|003|| Madison Avenue || Don't Call Me Baby
|030||First Choice || Let No Man Put Us Under
|004|| Daf Fader || Da Bridge
|031||Weeks & Company || Rock Your World
|005|| Triple X || Feel The Same
|032||Robin S. || Love 4 Love
|006|| Anastacia || I'm Outta Love
|033||Pointer Sisters || Fire
|007|| Black Legend || You See The Trouble With Me
|034||Hithouse || Jack To The Sound Of The Underground
|008|| Sunkids Feat. Chance || Rise Up
|035||Raze || Brake For Love
|009|| Negrocan || Cada Vez
|036||MC Sar & The Real Mc Coy || It's On You
|010|| ATFC Presents. OnePhatDeeva || Bad Habit
|037||2 In A Room || Do What You Want
|011|| Soul Providers || Rise
|038||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
|012|| Bini & Martini || Happiness
|039||Ce Ce Peniston || Finally
|013|| Master Freakz || Let Yourself Go
|040||Jenny Bee || Wanna Get Your Love
|014|| Superfunk || Lucky Star
|041||Fun Fun || Happy Station
|015|| Masters At Work Feat. India || To Be In Love
|042||Peter Brown || They Only Come Out At Night
|016|| Da Groove Feat. Luis Anthony|| I'm Falling In Love
|043||Carol Jiani || Hit & Run Lover
|017|| DJ Jean || Love Come Home
|044||Dan Hartman || Relight My Fire
|018|| Madison Avenue || Who The Hell Are You
|045||Herbie Hancock || Tell Everybody
|019|| Love Connection || The Bomb
|046||Michael Zager Band || Let's All Chant
|020|| Big Ron|| Let The Freak
|047||Poussez! || Come On And Do It
|021|| DJ Antoine vs. Mad Mark Presents. Pizza Boyz ‎|| La Chitara
|048||Viola Wills || If You Could Read My Mind
|022|| York || OTB (On The Beach)
|049||Lipps Inc. || Funkytown
|023|| Robbie Rivera || I Can't Take It
|050||Moloko || Sing It Back
|024|| Stéphane Malca || Next To You
|051||Twenty 4 Seven || I Can't Stand It
|025|| DJ Rene || Music All Over The World
|052||Mousse T. || Horny '98
|026|| Future Groove Express || Thru Tha Roof
|052||Black & White Brothers || Put Your Hands Up
|027|| Artful Dodger Feat. Craig David || Re-Rewind (The Crowd Say Bo Selecta)
|053||The Limit || Say Yeah
|028|| Lonyo || Summer of Love
|054||Haddaway || What Is Love
|029|| Artful Dodger || Movin' Too Fast
|055||Snap! || Rhythm Is A Dancer
|030|| B-15 Project Feat. Crissy D & Lady G || Girls Like Us
|056||Technotronic Feat. Ya Kid K || Get Up (Before The Night Is Over)
|031|| Craig David || Fill Me In
|057||Course || Ready Or Not
|032|| Chicane Feat. Bryan Adams || Don't Give Up
|058||M-People || Moving On Up
|033|| Dance Valley Crew Feat. Junkie Xl || Dance Valley 2000
|059||Goodmen ||Give It Up
|034|| Le Voix Du Monde || Tribal Tunes
|060||Wamdue Project || King Of My Castle
|035|| Olav Basoski || Opium Scumbagz
|061||The Jacksons || Can You Feel It
|036|| First Choice || The Player
|037|| Twin || A New Day
|062||Anita Ward || Ring My Bell
|038|| Grooveyard Feat. Michel de Hey || Let The Music Be Your Guide
|063||Alisha Bridges || I Love The Nightlife
|039|| E. Craig || Dutch Drum Attack
|064||Moby || Go
|040|| S.O. Project || Direct Dizko
|065||Powerhouse Feat. Duane Harden || What You Need
|041|| Sander Kleinenberg || My Lexicon
|066||Dominica || Gotta Let You Go
|042|| Cut Masters || Front To The Back
|067||Kristine W || Feel What You Want
|043|| Those 2 || Get Wicked
|068||Faithless || Insomnia
|044|| Armin van Buuren || Communication
|069||T99 || Anastasia
|045|| Fragma || Toca´s Miracle
|070||Dead Or Alive || You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)
|046|| Libra Presents. Taylor || Anomaly (Calling Your Name)
|071||Ultra Nate || Free
|047|| Baby D. || Let Me Be Your Fantasy
|072||Dr. Alban || It's My Life
|048|| Rank 1 || Airwave
|073||Gala || Freed From Desire
|049|| Gaia || 4 Elements
|074||RUN DMC vs. Jason Nevins || It's Like That
|050|| Signum || Solar Level
|075||Jaydee || Plastic Dreams
|051|| Gouryella || Walhalla
|076||Quadrophonia || Quadrophonia
|052|| 8th Wonder Feat. DJ Marco ||She Loves House Music
|077||Earth, Wind & Fire || September '99 (Remix)
|053|| Darude || Sandstorm
|078||Phats & Small || Feel Good
|054|| The Phunky Tec Brother || Phat & Phunky
|079||Tag Team || Whoomp! There It Is
|055|| DJ Rob Fabrie || Going Out To All The DJ's
|080||Avantgarde || Get Down
|056|| Enrico|| Discoclubber
|081||Ann Lee || 2 Times
|057|| Klubbheads || Big Bass Bomb
|082||Tina Cousins || Killing Time
|058|| Klubbheads || Turn Up The Bass
|083||ATB || 9PM
|059|| Scoop || Rock the House
|084||2 Eivissa || Oh Lalala
|060|| Potatoheads || Pump It Up
|085||Earth, Wind & Fire with The Emotions || Boogie Wonderland
|061|| Jetson ||Starlight(Massive Mix)
|086||Sash! || Encore Une Fois
|062|| Hiper || Gimme More
|087||The Sunclub || Fiesta
|063|| Sash! || Adelante
|088||Cappella || Move On Baby
|064|| Darude|| Feel The Beat
|089||Atlantic Ocean || Waterfall
|065|| Warp Brothers || Phatt Bass
|090||Mark Van Dale & Enrico || Water Verve
|066|| Hi-Gate || Pitchin'
|091||Culture Beat || Mr. Vain
|067|| System F || Cry (Ferry Corsten Clubmix)
|092||R.O.O.S. || Instant Moments
|068|| Delerium Feat. Sarah McLachlan || Silence
|093||T-Spoon || No Time To Waste
|069|| Mario Piu || Communication
|094||DJ Jean & Peran || I Give My Life
|070|| Loop 35 || Lay Down The Beat
|095||La Bouche || Be My Lover
|071|| Agnelli & Nelson || Hudson Street
|096||De Bos || On The Run
|072|| DJ Onne || Get It On
|097||John Scatman || Scatman
|073|| LiQuid Feat. Silvy || Turn The Tide
|098||The Vengaboys || We Like To Party
|074|| Club Robbers || Search For The Ball
|099||DJ Jean|| The Launch
|075|| DJ Jurgen || Higher & Higher
|100||Jam & Spoon || Right In The Night
|076|| Simone Angel || Contact
|101||Robert Miles || Children
|077|| Southside Spinners || Luvstruck 2000
|102||BBE || 7 Days & 1 Week
|078|| DJ Peter G. vs. B.O.B. Ltd. || Funky Hornblower
|103||Gouryella || Gouryella
|079|| Cyber Human|| The Scene
|104||Kadoc || The Nighttrain
|080|| Paffendorf ||Where Are You
|105||System F || Out Of The Blue
|081|| Perfect Phase ||Horny Horns
|106|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro Grandmix Millenium Edition
===14 januari 2000===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Millennium Edition] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)<ref>[] ''Liebrands Millennium Grandmix in de herhaling'' | Publicatie: 8 januari 2000, 14.37 uur | (Gevonden 7 februari 2022)</ref>
===31 december 2000===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2000], zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|082|| Lock 'n Load ||Blow Ya Mind
|001||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 2000
|083|| Hi-Gate|| I Can Hear Voices
|002|| Spiller Feat. Sophie Ellis-Bextor || Groove Jet (If This Ain't Love)
|084|| Cygnus X|| Superstring
|003|| Madison Avenue || Don't Call Me Baby
|085|| Gouryella|| Tenshi
|004|| Daf Fader || Da Bridge
|086|| Svenson & Gielen ||Beauty Of Silence
|005|| Triple X || Feel The Same
|087|| Alibi ||Eternity
|006|| Anastacia || I'm Outta Love
|088|| Airscape ||L’Esperanza
|007|| Black Legend || You See The Trouble With Me
|089|| DJ Jose vs. G-spott|| The House Of Justice
|008|| Sunkids Feat. Chance || Rise Up
|090|| DJ Tiësto ||Sparkles
|009|| Negrocan || Cada Vez
|091|| Blank & Jones|| The Nightfly
|010|| ATFC Presents. OnePhatDeeva || Bad Habit
|092|| Collusion ||Impetuous
|011|| Soul Providers || Rise
|093|| Mac Zimms|| Doobeedoo
|012|| Bini & Martini || Happiness
|094|| G-spott ||Melo G
|013|| Master Freakz || Let Yourself Go
|095|| The Sunclub ||Movin' On
|014|| Superfunk || Lucky Star
|096|| Kernkraft 400|| Zombie Nation
|015|| Masters At Work Feat. India || To Be In Love
|097|| Southeast Players || The Horny Drummachine
|016|| Da Groove Feat. Luis Anthony|| I'm Falling In Love
|098|| Milk Inc. ||Walk On Water
|017|| DJ Jean || Love Come Home
|099|| Storm ||Time To Burn
|018|| Madison Avenue || Who The Hell Are You
|100|| Manjaro Kili ||Conflicts
|019|| Love Connection || The Bomb
|101|| Aria ||Dido
|020|| Big Ron|| Let The Freak
|102|| Kosmonova|| Dance Avec Moi
|021|| DJ Antoine vs. Mad Mark Presents. Pizza Boyz ‎|| La Chitara
|103|| Major League|| Wonder
|022|| York || OTB (On The Beach)
|104|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro Grandmix 2000
|023|| Robbie Rivera || I Can't Take It
===31 december 2001===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2001], zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001 || [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Intro Grandmix 2001
|024|| Stéphane Malca || Next To You
|002 || The Ones|| Flawless
|025|| DJ Rene || Music All Over The World
|003 || Gypsymen ||Babarabatiri
|026|| Future Groove Express || Thru Tha Roof
|004 || Felix Da Housecat || Silver Screen (Shower Scene)
|027|| Artful Dodger Feat. Craig David || Re-Rewind (The Crowd Say Bo Selecta)
|005 || Mark Van Dale Feat. CB Milton || Something Goin’ On
|028|| Lonyo || Summer of Love
|006 || Warm|| It’s The Music
|029|| Artful Dodger || Movin' Too Fast
|007 || Soulvation || I Just Can't Stop
|030|| B-15 Project Feat. Crissy D & Lady G || Girls Like Us
|008 || Ultra Nate ||Get It Up
|031|| Craig David || Fill Me In
|009 || Disco-Tex || I Can Cast A Spell
|032|| Chicane Feat. Bryan Adams || Don't Give Up
|010 || M&S Presents. Salsoul ||Nugget
|033|| Dance Valley Crew Feat. Junkie Xl || Dance Valley 2000
|011 || Stuart || Now I’m Free
|034|| Le Voix Du Monde || Tribal Tunes
|012 ||Ian Pooley ||Balmes
|035|| Olav Basoski || Opium Scumbagz
|036|| First Choice || The Player
|013 ||Shorte vs. Black Legend || Somebody
|037|| Twin || A New Day
|014 ||Max Linen ||The Soulshaker
|038|| Grooveyard Feat. Michel de Hey || Let The Music Be Your Guide
|015 ||Big World ||Open Your Heart
|039|| E. Craig || Dutch Drum Attack
|016 ||Raven Maze ||The Real Life
|040|| S.O. Project || Direct Dizko
|017 ||Deepswing || In The Music
|041|| Sander Kleinenberg || My Lexicon
|018 ||Different Gear vs. Sia || Drink To Get Drunk
|042|| Cut Masters || Front To The Back
|019 ||Delerium || Innocente (Falling In Love)
|043|| Those 2 || Get Wicked
|020 ||IIO || Rapture
|044|| Armin van Buuren || Communication
|021 ||Kosheen ||Catch
|045|| Fragma || Toca´s Miracle
|022 ||Bastian ||You’ve Got My Love
|046|| Libra Presents. Taylor || Anomaly (Calling Your Name)
|023 ||Roger Sanchez ||Another Chance
|047|| Baby D. || Let Me Be Your Fantasy
|024 ||Silverstone || If I Had A Choice
|048|| Rank 1 || Airwave
|025 ||G Club Presents. Banda Sonora || Guitarra
|049|| Gaia || 4 Elements
|026 ||Static Revenger ||Happy People
|050|| Signum || Solar Level
|027 ||Decoy Casa|| Fiesta
|051|| Gouryella || Walhalla
|028 ||Mantira ||Mas Y Mas
|052|| 8th Wonder Feat. DJ Marco ||She Loves House Music
|029 ||Solid Sessions|| Janeiro
|053|| Darude || Sandstorm
|030 ||G-Starr ||Morning Light
|054|| The Phunky Tec Brother || Phat & Phunky
|031 ||ATB ||Let U Go
|055|| DJ Rob Fabrie || Going Out To All The DJ's
|032 ||Gigi D’Agostino|| La Passion
|056|| Enrico|| Discoclubber
|033 ||Rui Da Silva ||Touch Me
|057|| Klubbheads || Big Bass Bomb
|034 ||Roger Sanchez ||You Can’t Change Me
|058|| Klubbheads || Turn Up The Bass
|035 ||Chocolate Puma|| I Wanna Be U
|059|| Scoop || Rock the House
|036 ||Rising Star ||Touch Me
|060|| Potatoheads || Pump It Up
|037 ||Storm ||Storm
|061|| Jetson ||Starlight(Massive Mix)
|038 ||Gigi D’Agostino || Super
|062|| Hiper || Gimme More
|039 ||Alice Deejay ||Celebrate Our Love
|063|| Sash! || Adelante
|040 ||Daddy DJ || Daddy DJ
|064|| Darude|| Feel The Beat
|041 ||Parla & Pardoux ||Jump Let’s Party
|065|| Warp Brothers || Phatt Bass
|042 ||Parla & Pardoux|| Liberte
|066|| Hi-Gate || Pitchin'
|043 ||ATC || My Heart Beats Like A Drum
|067|| System F || Cry (Ferry Corsten Clubmix)
|044 ||Coast 2 Coast Feat. Discovery ||Home
|068|| Delerium Feat. Sarah McLachlan || Silence
|046 ||Klubbheads ||Here We Go
|069|| Mario Piu || Communication
|047 ||Perpetuous Dreamer ||Sound Of Goodbye
|070|| Loop 35 || Lay Down The Beat
|048 ||Storm Storm ||Animal
|071|| Agnelli & Nelson || Hudson Street
|049 ||The Groove Brothers ||Work
|072|| DJ Onne || Get It On
|050 ||DJ Prince & Justin K || Got To Have
|073|| LiQuid Feat. Silvy || Turn The Tide
|051 ||Fatboy Slim ||Star 69
|074|| Club Robbers || Search For The Ball
|052 ||System F|| Dance Valley Theme
|075|| DJ Jurgen || Higher & Higher
|053 ||Dreamcatcher || I Don't Wanna Lose My Way
|076|| Simone Angel || Contact
|054 ||DJ Jose vs G-Spott ||Access
|077|| Southside Spinners || Luvstruck 2000
|055 ||Mauro Picotto ||Komodo
|078|| DJ Peter G. vs. B.O.B. Ltd. || Funky Hornblower
|056 ||Fragma Feat. Maria Rubia || Everytime You Need Me
|079|| Cyber Human|| The Scene
|057 ||Collusion ||Mutual Consent
|080|| Paffendorf ||Where Are You
|058 ||DJ Tiësto ||Flight 643
|081|| Perfect Phase ||Horny Horns
|059 ||Madelyne ||A Deeper Love
|082|| Lock 'n Load ||Blow Ya Mind
|060 ||Zippora ||What About You
|083|| Hi-Gate|| I Can Hear Voices
|061 ||Hammerhouse ||The Jumper
|084|| Cygnus X|| Superstring
|062 ||System F ||Soul On Soul
|085|| Gouryella|| Tenshi
|063 ||Members of Mayday ||10 In 01
|086|| Svenson & Gielen ||Beauty Of Silence
|064 ||The Thrillseekers Feat. Sheryl Deane || Synaesthesia
|087|| Alibi ||Eternity
|065 ||Joy Kitikonti ||Energizer
|088|| Airscape ||L’Esperanza
|066 ||DJ Jean|| Lift Me Up
|089|| DJ Jose vs. G-spott|| The House Of Justice
|067 ||Beam & Yanou ||The Freefall
|090|| DJ Tiësto ||Sparkles
|068 ||Tukan|| Like A Rainbow
|091|| Blank & Jones|| The Nightfly
|069 ||Mauro Picotto|| Like This Like That
|092|| Collusion ||Impetuous
|070 ||Alcazar || Crying At The Discoteque
|093|| Mac Zimms|| Doobeedoo
|071 ||Plaything|| Into Space
|094|| G-spott ||Melo G
|072 ||Dance Nation ||Sunshine
|095|| The Sunclub ||Movin' On
|073 ||Rollercoaster || Don't Hold Me Back
|096|| Kernkraft 400|| Zombie Nation
|074 ||Mauro Picotto ||Proximus
|097|| Southeast Players || The Horny Drummachine
|075 ||Peran ||Good Time
|098|| Milk Inc. ||Walk On Water
|076 ||The Moon || Blow Up The Speakers
|099|| Storm ||Time To Burn
|077 ||O.T. Quartet || Hold That Sucker Down
|100|| Manjaro Kili ||Conflicts
|078 ||System F Feat. Armin van Buuren || Exhale
|101|| Aria ||Dido
|079 ||The Ard ||Sound Of Silverspace
|102|| Kosmonova|| Dance Avec Moi
|080 ||G-Spott || N-R-G
|103|| Major League|| Wonder
|081 ||David Forbes || Questions Must Be Asked
|104|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro Grandmix 2000
=== 19 januari 2001 ===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
21.00-24.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 2000], zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland) <ref>[] ''538 newz week 2'' | Publicatie: 9 januari 2001 | (Gevonden 23 juli 2022)</ref><ref>[] ''Stuur van Inkel een SMS'' | Publicatie: 10 januari 2001 | (Gevonden 23 juli 2022)</ref>
===31 december 2001===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2001], zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)<ref>[] ''538 Report'' | Publicatie: 31 december 2001, 14:05 uur | (Gevonden 23 juli 2022)</ref>
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|082 ||System F || Needle Juice
|001 || [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Intro Grandmix 2001
|083 ||Lock 'N Load || House Some More
|002 || The Ones|| Flawless
|084 ||The Crazy Drummer|| Rollercoaster
|003 || Gypsymen ||Babarabatiri
|085 ||Fragma With Damae || You Are Alive
|004 || Felix Da Housecat || Silver Screen (Shower Scene)
|086 ||Natural Born Grooves ||Kickback
|005 || Mark Van Dale Feat. CB Milton || Something Goin’ On
|087 ||Sylver|| Forgiven
|006 || Warm|| It’s The Music
|088 ||Public Domain ||Operation Blade
|007 || Soulvation || I Just Can't Stop
|089 ||DJ Jose vs. G-Spott || II Symbols
|008 || Ultra Nate ||Get It Up
|090 ||Blank & Jones ||Beyond Time
|009 || Disco-Tex || I Can Cast A Spell
|091 ||Ian Van Dahl ||Castles In The Sky
|010 || M&S Presents. Salsoul ||Nugget
|092 ||Klubbheads ||Hiphopping
|011 || Stuart || Now I’m Free
|012 ||Ian Pooley ||Balmes
|013 ||Shorte vs. Black Legend || Somebody
|014 ||Max Linen ||The Soulshaker
|015 ||Big World ||Open Your Heart
|016 ||Raven Maze ||The Real Life
|017 ||Deepswing || In The Music
|018 ||Different Gear vs. Sia || Drink To Get Drunk
|093 ||Collusion ||Conspiracy
|019 ||Delerium || Innocente (Falling In Love)
|094 ||Lasgo || Something
|020 ||IIO || Rapture
|095 ||Mario Piu ||The Vision
|021 ||Kosheen ||Catch
|096 ||Sylver|| Turn The Tide
|022 ||Bastian ||You’ve Got My Love
|097 ||Svenson & Gielen || Twisted
|023 ||Roger Sanchez ||Another Chance
|098 ||Milk Inc. || Land Of The Living
|024 ||Silverstone || If I Had A Choice
|099 ||DJ Tiësto ||Suburban Train
|025 ||G Club Presents. Banda Sonora || Guitarra
|100 ||Justin K & DJ K-Mixx ||Northern Lights
|026 ||Static Revenger ||Happy People
|101 ||Milk Inc. || Livin' A Lie
|027 ||Decoy Casa|| Fiesta
|102 ||PPK ||Resurrection
|028 ||Mantira ||Mas Y Mas
|103 ||Rank 1 ||Such Is Life
|029 ||Solid Sessions|| Janeiro
|104 ||Barthezz ||Infected
|030 ||G-Starr ||Morning Light
|105 ||Barthezz ||On The Move
|031 ||ATB ||Let U Go
|106 ||Gigi D’Agostino ||L’amour Toujours
|032 ||Gigi D’Agostino|| La Passion
|107 ||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| Outro Grandmix 2001
|033 ||Rui Da Silva ||Touch Me
===18 januari 2002===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
12.00-15.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 2001], uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
===9 januari 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
23.00-24.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1983], zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===9 april 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
23.00-24.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Millennium Edition], zoals uitgezonden op 31 december 1999 op [[Radio 538]], Deel 1 (Tracks 1 t/m 36 van CD1)
===30 april 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
23.00-24.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Millennium Edition], zoals uitgezonden op 31 december 1999 op [[Radio 538]], Deel 2 (Tracks 1 t/m 36 van CD2)
===14 mei 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
23.00-24.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Millennium Edition], zoals uitgezonden op 31 december 1999 op [[Radio 538]], Deel 3 (Tracks 1 t/m 34 van CD3)
===31 december 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2004], zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 2004
|034 ||Roger Sanchez ||You Can’t Change Me
|002||Elize || Shake
|035 ||Chocolate Puma|| I Wanna Be U
|003|| Nina Sky || Move Ya Body
|036 ||Rising Star ||Touch Me
|004|| Eric Prydz || Call On Me
|037 ||Storm ||Storm
|005|| Junior Jack || Stupidisco
|038 ||Gigi D’Agostino || Super
|006|| Soulvation || Deeper
|039 ||Alice Deejay ||Celebrate Our Love
|007|| Shapeshifters || Lola's Theme
|040 ||Daddy DJ || Daddy DJ
|008|| Ritmo-Dynamic || Calinda
|041 ||Parla & Pardoux ||Jump Let’s Party
|009|| Bratt Carter ||Morning Always Comes Too Soon
|042 ||Parla & Pardoux|| Liberte
|010|| Danni Minogue vs. Flower Power || You Won't Forget About Me
|043 ||ATC || My Heart Beats Like A Drum
|011|| Spankox || To The Club
|044 ||Coast 2 Coast Feat. Discovery ||Home
|012|| Armand Van Helden || My My My
|046 ||Klubbheads ||Here We Go
|013|| Mylo || Drop The Pressure
|047 ||Perpetuous Dreamer ||Sound Of Goodbye
|014|| Michael Gray || The Weekend
|048 ||Storm Storm ||Animal
|015|| Marly || You Never Know
|049 ||The Groove Brothers ||Work
|016|| DJ Casper || Cha Cha Slide
|050 ||DJ Prince & Justin K || Got To Have
|017|| Danzel || Pump It Up
|051 ||Fatboy Slim ||Star 69
|018||Boogie Pimps || Somebody To Love
|052 ||System F|| Dance Valley Theme
|019|| Narcotic Trust || I Like It
|053 ||Dreamcatcher || I Don't Wanna Lose My Way
|020|| LMC vs. U2 || Take Me To The Clouds Above
|054 ||DJ Jose vs G-Spott ||Access
|021|| Dr. Kucho! Feat. Jodie || Belmondo Rulez 2.0 (It’s All About You)
|055 ||Mauro Picotto ||Komodo
|022|| Royal Gigolos || California Dreamin'
|056 ||Fragma Feat. Maria Rubia || Everytime You Need Me
|023|| Scent || Up & Down
|057 ||Collusion ||Mutual Consent
|024|| Danny Howells & Dick Trevor || Dusk ‘Til Dawn
|058 ||DJ Tiësto ||Flight 643
|025|| DT8 Project || The Sun Is Shining (Down On Me)
|059 ||Madelyne ||A Deeper Love
|026|| Fight Club Feat. Laurent Konrad || Spread Love
|060 ||Zippora ||What About You
|027|| Ridgewalkers Feat. El || Find
|061 ||Hammerhouse ||The Jumper
|028|| Origene || Sanctuary
|062 ||System F ||Soul On Soul
|029|| Da Hool || Set The Stakes High
|063 ||Members of Mayday ||10 In 01
|030|| Amuka || Appreciate Me
|064 ||The Thrillseekers Feat. Sheryl Deane || Synaesthesia
|031|| Aven || All I Wanna Do
|065 ||Joy Kitikonti ||Energizer
|032|| Benassi Bros. Feat. Sandy || Illusion
|066 ||DJ Jean|| Lift Me Up
|033|| Dance Valley || A Decade of Dance
|067 ||Beam & Yanou ||The Freefall
|034|| Paul van Dyk || Crush
|068 ||Tukan|| Like A Rainbow
|035|| Magnolia || It's All Vain
|069 ||Mauro Picotto|| Like This Like That
|036|| Mike Heart || Sex Machine
|070 ||Alcazar || Crying At The Discoteque
|037|| Benjamin Bates || Whole
|071 ||Plaything|| Into Space
|038|| Benny Benassi || Able to love
|072 ||Dance Nation ||Sunshine
|039|| Axwell || Feel the Vibe
|073 ||Rollercoaster || Don't Hold Me Back
|040|| Andain || Beautiful Things
|074 ||Mauro Picotto ||Proximus
|041|| Motorcycle || As The Rush Comes
|075 ||Peran ||Good Time
|042|| Peter Martin Presents. Anthanasia || Perfect Wave
|076 ||The Moon || Blow Up The Speakers
|043|| Michael Woods || Solex
|077 ||O.T. Quartet || Hold That Sucker Down
|044|| Rank 1 || Symsonic
|078 ||System F Feat. Armin van Buuren || Exhale
|045|| Remy & Roland Klinkenberg || Till Ya Drop
|079 ||The Ard ||Sound Of Silverspace
|046|| True Form || Forbidden Colors
|080 ||G-Spott || N-R-G
|047|| Novaspace || Run To You
|081 ||David Forbes || Questions Must Be Asked
|048|| Randy Katana || One Solid Wave
|082 ||System F || Needle Juice
|049|| DJ Jose || Hecitate
|083 ||Lock 'N Load || House Some More
|050|| DJ Cor Fijneman Feat. Anita Kelsey || Healing
|084 ||The Crazy Drummer|| Rollercoaster
|051|| Ferry Corsten || Everything Goes
|085 ||Fragma With Damae || You Are Alive
|052|| Ron van den Beuken Presents. Clokx || Overdrive
|086 ||Natural Born Grooves ||Kickback
|053|| Freeloader || Pure Devotion
|087 ||Sylver|| Forgiven
|054|| Above & Beyond ||No One On Earth
|088 ||Public Domain ||Operation Blade
|055|| DJ Shog || Live 4 Music
|089 ||DJ Jose vs. G-Spott || II Symbols
|056|| Manyou || Drifting Away
|090 ||Blank & Jones ||Beyond Time
|057|| Tiësto || Love Comes Again
|091 ||Ian Van Dahl ||Castles In The Sky
|058|| DJ Ton t.b. || Dreammachine
|092 ||Klubbheads ||Hiphopping
|059|| Marco V vs. Jens  || Loops And Things Relooped
|093 ||Collusion ||Conspiracy
|060|| Marco V ||Automanual
|094 ||Lasgo || Something
|061|| Futureshock ||Pride's Paranoia (Marco V Remix)
|095 ||Mario Piu ||The Vision
|062|| Freestylers  ||Push Up
|096 ||Sylver|| Turn The Tide
|063|| Solid Globe  ||Sahara
|097 ||Svenson & Gielen || Twisted
|064|| Outback  ||State Of Emergency
|098 ||Milk Inc. || Land Of The Living
|065|| N & K vs. Dennis The Menace  ||Cruising
|099 ||DJ Tiësto ||Suburban Train
|066|| Bossanova  ||Stonecold
|100 ||Justin K & DJ K-Mixx ||Northern Lights
|067|| Mojado Feat. Mr. Sam  ||Naranja
|101 ||Milk Inc. || Livin' A Lie
|068|| Sensation  ||The Anthem 2004
|102 ||PPK ||Resurrection
|069|| DJ Ton t.b.  ||Electronic Malfunction
|103 ||Rank 1 ||Such Is Life
|070|| Tiësto  ||Just Be
|104 ||Barthezz ||Infected
|071|| Blank & Jones Feat. Robert Smith  ||A Forest
|105 ||Barthezz ||On The Move
|072|| Klubbers Revenge  ||Mental Atmosphere
|106 ||Gigi D’Agostino ||L’amour Toujours
|073|| Oceanlab  ||Satellite
|107 ||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| Outro Grandmix 2001
===18 januari 2002===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
12.00-15.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 2001], zoals uitgezonden op 31 december 2001 op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)<ref>[] ''538 Report'' | Publicatie: 7 januari 2002 | (Gevonden 23 juli 2022)</ref>
===31 december 2002===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2002], zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|074|| Armin Van Buuren  ||Burned With Desire
|001|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 2002
|075|| Sam Sharp vs. Ron Van Den Beuken  ||Twister!
|002|| Galleon ||So I Begin
|076|| V-Lock  ||Birth Of Light
|003|| Gare Du Nord ||Boogie All Night Long
|077|| JX  ||Restless
|004|| Praful ||Inspiracio
|078|| Ferry Corsten  ||Right Of Way
|005|| J.C.A. ||I Begin To Wonder
|006|| Alcazar ||Sexual Guarantee
|079|| Mark Norman  ||Phantom Manor
|007|| The Soundbluntz ||Billie Jean
|008|| Moony || Dove
|080|| DJ Jean  ||Every Single Day
|009|| Robin S. || Show Me Love 2002
|081|| Ron Van Den Beuken  ||Endless
|010|| Pink Cofee || Another Brick In The Wall
|082|| Enmass  ||CQ
|011|| Mad'house || Like A Prayer
|012|| Reckless Still || In The Groove
|013|| David Guetta || Love Don't Let Me Go
|083|| 4 Strings  ||Turn It Around
|014|| Shakedown || At Night
|015|| Brio From Rio || Just For Me
|084|| Haak Presents. Annuanaki  ||Frenzy
|016|| Masters At Work (M.A.W.) || Work
|085|| Firewall  ||Kilimanjaro
|017|| Floris || One More Day (SW Remix)
|086|| Babylon Feat. Riny  ||23 Minutes
|018|| Db Boulevard || Point Of View (Clubmix)
|019|| Mad'house || Holiday
|087|| Tiësto  ||Adagio For Strings
|020|| D-Note || Shed My Skin
|088|| Katana  ||In Silence (Txitarro Mix)
|021|| Goldtrix Presents. A Brown ||It's Love
|022|| De Nuit || All That Mattered
|089|| Svenson  ||Sunlight Theory (O-Zone Edit)
|023|| Jakatta || So Lonely
|090|| G-Spott  || No Comment
|024|| Tim Deluxe || It Just Won't Do
|025|| Milky ||Just The Way You Are
|091|| Armin vs. Mike  || Intruder
|026|| Kooki ||Imagination
|092|| Freeloader  ||Pure Devotion
|027|| X-Press 2 Feat. David Byrne || Lazy
|093|| The Freak || Rising Angel
|028|| Safri Duo ||Sweet Freedom
|094|| 8Ball  ||Phunky Muzic
|029|| Jackmasters ||Love Can't Turn Around
|030|| Richard F || Cookie Dough Dynamo
|095|| Candee Jay || If I Were You
|031|| Tiga & Zyntherius ||Sunglasses At Night
|096|| DJ Luna || Mindspace (Black Anthem)
|032|| Helen Garcia ||Soul Soothing Sunshine
|033|| Missy Elliott ||4 My People
|097|| Lasgo  ||Surrender
|034|| Karaja || She Moves
|098|| [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||Outro Grandmix 2004
|035|| Praise Cats || Shine On Me
22.00-23.00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1983] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
23.00-24.00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1984] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===1 januari 2005===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
00.00-01.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Classics Mix] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
Na track 62 stopt hier de uitzending en hoor je een vuurwerk sound-effect met een Radio Veronica Jingle van Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!
===26 november 2005===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
21.00-24.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 90's Edition 2] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 90's Edition 2
|036|| Riva ||Time Is The Healer
|02||2 Brothers On The 4th Floor & Des'ray & D-Rock || Come Take My Hand
|037|| Riva || Who Do You Love Now?
|03||Dream Warriors || My Definition Of A Boombastic Jazzstyle
|038|| Nigel & Marvin || Follow The Leader 2002
|039|| Tiësto ||643 (Love's On Fire)
|04||PM Dawn || Set Adrift On Memory Bliss
|040|| Michel De Hey, Secret Cinema & Mc Marxman ||Dance Valley Theme 2002
|041|| Dance Nation || Dance
|05||LL Cool J || Mamam Said Knock You Out
|042|| Sinead O'connor || Troy
|06||DNA Feat. Suzanne Vega || Tom's Diner
|043|| Lost Witness ||Did I Dream (Tiësto Remix)
|07||Los Del Rio || Macarena
|044|| ATB ||You're Not Alone
|08||Montell Jordan || This Is How We Do It
|045|| Dave Swayze || Yasmine's Garden
|046|| Perpetual Dreamer ||Dust
|047|| Mauro Picotto ||Back To Kali
|09||RUN DMC Feat. Aerosmith || Walk This Way
|048|| Marco V. || Simulated
|10||David A. Stewart & Candy Dulfer || Lily Was Here
|049|| Orion ||See Me Here
|11||Fine Young Cannibals || She Drives Me Crazy
|050|| DJ Jose vs. G-Spott || Access
|051|| Antillas Feat. Clannad ||I Will Find You
|12||Incognito || Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing
|052|| Ago ||Put On Your Red Shoes
|13||R. Kelly || She's Got That Vibe
|053|| Jurgen Vries ||The Theme
|054|| Soulvation ||Summer In The City
|14||C&C Music Factory Feat. Q-Unique & D.Cooper|| Keep It Comin' (Dance Till You Can't Dance No More!)
|055|| Mauro Picotto || Pulsar 2002
|15||Heavy D. & The Boyz || We Got Our Own Thing
|056|| Minimalistix || Close Cover
|16||Tony! Toni! Tone! || Feels Good
|057|| DJ Melvin ||L.O.I.S.
|17||Cathy Dennis || All night Long (Touch Me)
|058|| Josh Gabriel ||Wave 3 (Kublikana Dub)
|18||Dina Carroll || Ain't No Man
|059|| Faithless ||Tarantula
|19||East Side Beat || Ride Like The Wind (Subway Mix)
|060|| Novacane Vs. No One Driving ||Playa Sol
|20||49-ers || Touch Me (Sexual Version)
|061|| Sonic Inc || The Taste Of Summer
|21||Off-Shore || Can't Take The Power
|062|| Silvio Ecomo ||No Dip
|063|| Novaspace ||Time After Time
|064|| DJ Jurgen ||One Step Away
|22||Culture Beat || No Deeper Meaning
|065|| DJ Marc Aurel ||Running
|23||Cappella || Everybody
|066|| Future Breeze || Temple Of Dreams
|24||Atahualpha || Ultimo Imperio (Tendethia)
|067|| G-Spott || G-Licious
|25||D-Shake || My Heart The Beat
|068|| 4 Strings || Diving
|26||Lidell Townsell || Nu Nu
|069|| Aquagen Feat. Rozalla || Everybody's Free
|070|| Ian Van Dahl ||Reason
|27||Double Trouble & The Rebel MC || Just Keep Rockin'
|071|| Mystery || Devotion (All I Ever Wanted)
|28||De'lacy || Hideaway
|072|| Armani & Ghost || Airport
|29||Simply Red || Fairground
|073|| Ferry Corsten ||Punk
|30||Raul Orellana || The Real Wild House
|074|| Sensation ||The Anthem 2002
|075|| Brooklyn Bounce || Born To Bounce
|076|| Rank 1|| Awakening
|31||C&C Music Factory Feat. Q-Unique & D.Cooper|| Keep It Comin' (Dance Till You Can't Dance No More!) (House Mix)
|077|| Svenson & Gielen|| We Know What You Did
|32||Wild Child || Renegade Master
|078|| Lasgo ||Alone
|079|| The Nightflyer ||Voyage Voyage
|33||Katherine E. || I'm Alright
|080|| Hampenberg ||Ducktoy
|34||Total Touch || Touch Me There
|081|| Ultra ||Free (Svenson & Gielen Mix)
|35||M-People || Moving On Up
|82|| DJ Sammy & Yanou ||Heaven
|36||Gusto || Disco Revenge (Female Revenge Mix)
|083|| 4 Strings ||Take Me Away
|37||Sadomasy & DJ One ||Bodymotion
|084|| Gouryella || Ligaya
|085|| Basement Jaxx ||Where's You're Head At
|086|| Marco V. ||Godd
|38||Kadoc || Rock The Bells
|087|| Tiësto || Lethal Industry
|39||Ramirez || La Musica Tremenda
|088|| Khemistry ||Lights Of Fire
|40||House Of Venus || Dish And Tell
|089|| Klubbheads ||Let The Party Begin
|41||Format 1 ||Solid Session
|090|| Zippora ||Time Stood Still (Rudie Gouda Mix)
|42|||2 Brothers On The 4th Floor Feat. Da Smooth Baron MC and Peggy 'The Dutchess' || Can't Help Myself
|091|| Driftwood || Freeloader
|43||Malcolm McLaren || Something's Jumpin' In Your Shirt
|092|| Brooklyn Bounce ||Club Bizarre
|44||Cubic 22 || Night In Motion
|093|| DJ Boozywoozy ||One More Try
|45||2 Brothers On The 4th Floor || Never Alone
|094|| Tillmann Uhrmacher || On The Run
|46||Armando || 100% Of Dissin' You
|095|| Jan Wayne || Because The Night
|47||Corona || The Rhythm Of The Night
|096|| Drunkenmonky ||E
|48||Faithless || Salva Mea
|097|| Jan Wayne || Only You
|49||Chicane || Offshore (Original Mix)
|098|| DJ Boozywoozy ||Jumpin' Around
|099|| DJ Boozywoozy ||Party Affair
|50||2 Unlimited || Tribal Dance
|100|| Energy 52 || Café Del Mar
|51||Celvin Rotane || Push Me To The Limit
|101|| Jan Wayne || Total Eclipse Of The Heart
|52||Ann Lee || 2 Times
|102|| Solid Solution ||The Logical Song
|53||Klatsch! || Oh Boy
|103|| Scooter || Nessaja
|54||Mainx || 88 To Piano
|104|| CK & Supreme Dream Team ||Dreamer
|105|| [[Ben Liebrand]]|| 0utro Grandmix 2002
===3 januari 2003===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 2002], zoals uitgezonden op 31 december 2002 op  [[Radio 538]] (Nederland) <ref>[] ''Grandmix vanavond in de herhaling op Radio 538'' | Publicatie 3 januari 2003 | (Gevonden 23 juli 2022)</ref>
===17 oktober 2003===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is [ The Grandmix Disco Edition 2], uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|55||Sil || Blue Oyster
|01||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| Intro Grandmix Disco Edition 2
|56||Gala || Freed From Desire
|02 ||Full Force ||Alice, I Want You Just For Me
|57||740 Boyz || Shimmy Shake
|03 ||Joyce Sims ||Come Into My Life
|58||L.A. Style || James Brown Is Dead
|04 ||Yarbrough & Peoples ||Don't Stop The Music
|59||Cappella || Move On Baby
|05 ||Stargard ||(Theme From) Which Way Is Up
|60||The Ultimate Seduction || The Ultimate Seduction
|06 ||Odyssey ||Going Back To My Roots
|61||Culture Beat || Got To Get It
|07 ||Change ||Change Of Heart
|62||2 Unlimited || The Workaholic
|08 ||Millie Scott ||Automatic
|63||Rednex || Cotton Eye Joe
|09 ||Robert Palmer ||You Are In My System
|64||The Sunclub || Fiesta
|10 ||Hall & Oates ||I Can't Go For That
|65||Klubbers Revenge || Mental Atmosphere
|11 ||Diana Ross ||I'm Coming Out
|66||Playahitty || The Summer Is Magic
|12 ||Tom Browne ||Funkin'For Jamaica
|67||R.O.O.S. || Instant Moments
|13 ||Jimmy "Bo" Horne ||Dance Across The Floor
|68||The Ultimate Seduction || House Nation
|14 ||Nu Shooz ||I Can't Wait
|69||Cappella || Move It Up
|15 ||Peter Jacques Band|| Going Dancing Down The Street
|70||Cappella || U Got 2 Know
|16 ||Commodores|| Brick House
|71||2 Unlimited || Spread Your Love
|17 ||Millie Scott ||Prisoner Of Love
|72||Boston DJ's || Move Your Body
|18 ||Dan Hartman ||I Can Dream About You
|73||2 Brothers On The 4th Floor Feat. Des'ray & D-Rock || Fly (Through The Starry Night)
|19 ||Gayle Adams ||Stretchin' Out
|74||Speedy J. || Something For Your Mind
|20 ||Level 42 ||Hot Water
|75||Interactive || Dildo
|21 ||Steve Arrington|| Feel So Real
|76||Energy 52 || Cafe Del Mar
|22 ||Positive Force ||We Got The Funk
|77||Westbam || Mayday Anthem
|23 ||Sister Sledge ||Lost In Music (Original mix)
|78||DJ Jean || The Launch
|24 ||Bar-Kays|| Sex-O-Matic
|79||Southside Spinners || Luvstruck (Original Mix)
|25 ||Gino Soccio ||Try It Out
|80||Alexia || Summer Is Crazy
|26 ||Linda Lewis|| Class Style (I've Got It)
|81||Ramirez || Bomba
|27 ||Sharon Brown ||I Specialize In Love
|82||Yves De Ruyter || Calling Earth
|28 ||Kool & The Gang|| Ladies Night
|83||N.U.K.E. || Nana
|29 ||Leon Haywood ||Don't Push It, Don't Force It
|84||2 Unlimited || No Limit
|30 ||Trussel ||Love Injection
|85||Culture Beat || Anything
|31 ||Gene Chandler ||Get Down
|86||Soca Boys || Follow The Leader
|32 ||Geraldine Hunt|| Can't Fake The Feeling
|87||Rotterdam Termination Source || Poing
|33 ||Chaz Jankel ||Glad To Know You
|88||Ramirez || El Gallinero
|34 ||Dan Hartman ||We Are The Young
|89||Pin-Occhio || Pinocchio
|35||Ollie & Jerry|| Breakin'... There's No Stopping Us
|90||Interactive || Forever Young
|36||Cameo ||Word Up!
|91||Mental Theo & Charly Lownoise || Together In Wonderland
|37 ||Sheila E ||A Love Bizarre
|92||Marusha || Somewhere Over The Rainbow
|38 ||Billy Ocean ||Stay The Night
|93||Mental Theo & Charly Lownoise || Wonderfull Days
|39 ||Steve Arrington ||Dancin' In The Key Of Life
|94||DJ Paul || Luv U More
|40 ||Al Hudson ||You Can Do It
|95||Mental Theo & Charly Lownoise || Stars
|41 ||The Reddings ||Remote Control
|96||2 Brothers On The 4th Floor Feat. Des'ray & D-Rock || Come Take My Hand
|42 ||DeBarge ||Rhythm Of The Night
|97||Mental Theo & Charly Lownoise || Hardcore Feelings
|43 ||Lakeside ||Fantastic Voyage
|98||Technohead || I Wanna Be A Hippy
|44 ||Gwen Guthrie ||It Should Have Been You
===31 december 2005===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2005] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 2005
|45 ||Colonel Abrams ||I'm Not Gonna Let You
|002||Elize || Automatic (I'm Talking to You)
|46 ||The Bangles ||Walk Like An Egyptian
|003|| Freeloaders & The Real Thing|| So Much Love to Give
|47 ||Wham! ||Club Tropicana
|004|| Bob Sinclar || Love Generation
|48|| D-Train|| Keep On
|005|| Inaya Day || Nasty Girl
|49|| Tyrone Brunson ||The Smurf
|006||Bon Garcon ||Freek U
|50|| Midnight Star|| Midas Touch
|007||Tiga || You Gonna Want Me
|51|| Billy Ocean ||Are You Ready
|008|| Ethan || In my Heart
|52|| Dynasty ||I Don't Want To Be A Freak (But I Can't Help Myself)
|009||Infernal || From Paris to Berlin
|53|| Rose Royce ||Is It Love You're After
|010||Porno || Music Power
|54|| Weeks & Company|| Rock Your World (Joho, Joho)
|011|| Supafly & Fishbowl || Let's Get Down
|55|| Midnight Star ||Operator
|012|| Shapeshifters || Back to Basics
|56|| Blackbox Feat. Martha Wash|| Everybody, Everybody
|013|| Studio B ||I See Girls (Crazy)
|57|| Jimmy "Bo" Horne ||Spank
|014|| Rockefeller || Do It 2 Nite
|58|| Rick James ||Glow
|015|| Axwell || Feel The Vibe
|59|| Hithouse ||Jack To The Sound Of The Underground
|016|| Dennis Christopher vs. Tony Cha Cha || Slut!
|60|| Yazoo ||Situation
|017|| The House Keepers || Go Down
|61|| Blackbox Feat. Martha Wash||Strike It Up
|018|| Deep Dish || Flashdance
|62|| Freeze ||I.O.U
|019|| StoneBridge || Put 'Em High
|63|| The Brothers Johnson ||Stomp!
|020|| StoneBridge || Take Me Away
|64|| Bobby Thurston ||Check Out The Groove
|021|| Cabin Crew || Waiting For A Star To Fall
|65|| Peter Brown ||They Only Come Out At Night
|022|| Lil' Love || Little Love
|66|| Harvey Mason ||Groovin' You
|023|| Freemasons || Love On My Mind
|67|| Carol Jiani ||Hit 'N' Run Lover
|024|| Faith Evans || Mesmerized (Freemasons Radio Edit)
|68|| Mr. Lee||Get Busy
|025|| Gregor Salto || Looking Good
|69|| Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire|| Weekend
|026|| Dr. Kucho! & Gregor Salto || Can't Stop Playing
|70|| Narada Michael Walden|| Tonight I'm Alright
|027|| Carolina Marquez || The Killer's Song
|71||Ashford & Simpson ||Found A Cure
|028|| Yves Larock || Zookey (Lift Your Leg Up)
|72|| Latoya Jackson ||If You Feel The Funk
|029|| The Lovefreekz || Shine
|73|| Technotronic Feat. Ya Kid K || Get Up (Before The Night Is Over)
|030|| Narcotic Thrust || When The Dawn Breaks
|74|| Divine ||Native Love
|031|| Reflekt || Need To Feel Loved
|75|| Gino Soccio ||Dancer
|032|| D.O.N.S. || Pump Up The Jam (Kurd Maverick aka Gian's Crowd Is Jumpin' Mix)
|76|| Two Tons O'Fun ||I Got The Feeling
|033|| David Guetta || The World Is Mine
|77|| Chaka Kahn ||I Feel For You
|034|| Roger Sanchez || Turn On The Music
|78|| Aretha Franklin ||Think
|035|| Gadjo || So Many Times
|79|| Odyssey ||Use It Up (And Wear It Out)
|036|| Olav Basoski || Waterman
|80|| Gwen McCrea ||Keep The Fire Burning
|037|| Uniting Nations || You And Me
|81|| Azoto ||San Salvador
|038|| Tom Novy || Your Body
|82|| Manhattan Transfer ||Twilight Zone
|039|| Deep Dish || Say Hello
|83|| Patrick Cowley ||Megatron Man
|040|| Jupiter Ace || 1000 Years
|84|| Patrick Cowley ||Menergy
|041|| Gabriel & Dresden || Arcadia
|85|| Salt 'N' Pepa ||Push It
|042|| 100% || Just Can't Wait (Saturday)
|86 ||Rick James ||Superfreak
|043|| Armand van Helden || Into Your Eyes
|87 ||Afrika Bambaata & The Soul Sonic Force ||Planet Rock
|044|| Mylo vs. Miami Sound Machine || Doctor Pressure
|88 ||The Trammps ||Disco Inferno
|045|| Andy Moor || Halcyon
|89 ||Bombers ||Everybody Get Dancin'
|046|| Rachael Starr || Till There Was You (Gabriel & Dresden Mix)
|90 ||Kat Mandu ||The Break
|047|| Uniting Nations || Out Of Touch
|91 ||Edwin Starr|| Contact
|048|| Mike Foyle vs. Signalrunners || Love Theme Dusk
|92 ||The Jacksons ||Walk Right Now
|049|| Johnson || Push The Feeling On
|93 ||Musique ||In The Bush
|050|| Erick E || Boogie Down
|94 ||Supermax ||Love Machine
|051|| Above & Beyond vs. Andy Moor || Air For Life
|95 ||Peaches & Herb ||Shake Your Groove Thing
|052|| Global Deejays || The Sound Of San Francisco
|96 ||Lime ||Your Love
|053|| Global Deejays || What A Feeling (Flashdance)
|97 ||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| Outro Grandmix The Disco Edition 2
===25 oktober 2003===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
00.00-03.00 uur:
Let op: dit is de herhaling van [ The Grandmix Disco Edition 2], uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
===31 december 2003===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2003], zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]]<ref>[] ''31 december en 1 januari in het teken van jaarmixen'' | Publicatie: 30 december 2003 | (Gevonden: 23 juli 2022)</ref> (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|054|| Ferry Corsten || Fire
|001|| [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Intro Grandmix 2003
|055|| Ritmo-Dynamic || Calinda (2005 Radio Edit)
|002|| Junior Senior || Move Your Feet
|056|| Dave McCullen || B*tch
|003|| Geyster Bye ||Bye Superman
|057|| Lasgo || All Night Long
|004|| Fab For Feat. Robert Owens ||Last Night A Dj Blew My Mind
|058|| Purple Haze || Adrenaline
|005|| Sophie Ellis-Bextor ||Music Gets The Best Of Me
|059|| Markus Schulz & Departure with Gabriel & Dresden || Without You Near (Gabriel & Dresden Mix)
|006|| Jason Nevins Feat. Holly James ||I'm In Heaven
|060|| FB || Who's Knockin'? (Ferry Corsten Remix)
|007|| Room 5 ||Make Luv
|061|| Marco V || Second Bite
|008|| Room 5 ||Music In You
|062|| Randy Katana || Pleasure Island
|009|| Junior Jack ||E Samba
|063|| Armin van Buuren || Serenity
|010|| Safri Duo ||Falling High
|064|| Clokx || Tibet
|011|| Rogue Traders vs. INXS ||One Of My Kind
|065|| Armin van Buuren || Shivers
|012|| iio ||At The End
|066|| DJ Tiësto || UR (Junkie XL Air Guitar Edit)
|013|| Bob Sinclar ||Kiss My Eyes
|067|| G-Spott || City Streets
|014|| Narcotic Trust ||Safe From Harm
|068|| Mr. Sam || Lyteo (Rank 1 Remix)
|015|| Holy Ghost ||Superman
|069|| Manyou || Drifting Away
|016|| Kurtis Mantronik Presents Chamonix ||How Did You Know
|070|| Van Helsing & Van Giessen || Enjoy The Silence
|017|| Panjabi MC Mundian ||To Bach Me
|071|| Project X || Streaming Summer Love
|018|| Hanayo ||Joe Le Taxi
|072|| Southside Spinners || Luvstruck (Klubbheads 2005 Remix)
|019|| DJ Sneak ||Fix My Sink
|073|| 4 Strings || Sunrise
|020|| Michelle Weeks ||The Light
|074|| Randy Katana || Play It Loud
|021|| Fafa Monteco Presents Elesse ||Pop Corn
|075|| Rank 1 || Beats At Rank-1 Dotcom
|022|| Deepest Blue ||Deepest Blue
|076|| DJ Jose || Stepping To The Beat
|023|| R-One ||Happy TV
|077|| Jonas Steur || Castamara
|024|| Bob Sinclar ||The Beat Goes On
|078|| Kuffdam & Plant || Summerdream (PvD Remix)
|025|| Lee Cabrera Feat. Alex Cartana ||Shake It
|079|| Roy Gates || We Rock Together
|026|| Saffron Hill Feat Ben Onono ||My Love Is Always
|080|| DJ Tiësto || Adagio For Strings
|027|| Mint Royale ||Sexiest Man In Jamaica
|081|| Roy Gates || On My Way
|028|| DJ Spud ||Set It Off
|082|| DJ Jean || Feel It
|029|| Birgit ||Everybody Wants To Be
|083|| Ron Van Den Beuken || Sunset (Ron Van Den Beuken Mix)
|030|| Drumatic Twins ||Feelin’ Kinda Strange (Jive)
|084|| Fred Baker vs. Nyram || Confirmation
|031|| 4 Tune 500 ||Dancing In The Dark
|085|| John Marks || Do It Again
|032|| Stuart ||Fuel To Fire
|033|| Sweet Coffee || Don't Need You
|034|| Artificial ||Funk Together
|035|| Cassius ||Sound Of Violence
|036|| K-Klass ||Talk To Me
|037|| Benny Benassi Presents The Biz ||Satisfaction
|038|| Ferry Corsten ||Rock Your Body Rock
|039|| JXL Feat.Peter Tosh ||Don't Wake Up Policeman
|040|| The Underdog Project vs. Sunclub ||Summer Jam 2003
|041|| Futureshock Feat. Brian Onono ||On My Mind
|042|| Despina Vandi ||Gia
|043|| Saxo ||Les Bruit De La Forêt
|044|| Dave Gahan ||Dirty Sticky Floors
|045|| Tomcraft ||Loneliness
|046|| Kira ||I'll Be Your Angel
|047|| Cygnus X ||Positron
|048|| Riva ||Morning Dust
|049|| Armin Van Buuren ||Yet Another Day
|050|| Flores ||Read My Lips
|051|| Michel De Hey vs. Literon ||Keep On Movin
|052|| Laidback Luke Feat. Mc Marxman ||We Can Not Get Enough
|053|| Solid Globe ||North Pole
|054|| Armin Van Buuren ||Sunburn (Walk Through The Fire)
|086|| Ernesto vs. Bastian || Dark Side Of The Moon
|055|| Lambda ||Hold On Tight
|087|| Clokx || Feelings
|056|| DJ Cor Fijneman Feat. Jan Johnston ||Venus
|088|| Thomas Bronzwaer || Close Horizon
|057|| Sylver ||Why Worry?
|089|| Frank Van Polanen || Denmark
|058|| Klubbers Revenge ||Mental Athmosphere
|090|| John Marks || Update
|059|| Conjure One Feat. Sinéad O'Connor ||Tears From The Moon
|091|| The Rush vs. Thalamus || Shock Your Senses
|060|| Scott Bond vs. Solar Stone ||3Rd Earth
|092|| Dogzilla || Without You
|061|| Jurgen Vries ||The Opera Song
|093|| D.H.T. || Listen To Your Heart (Furious F.EZ Radio Edit)
|062|| Oceanlab ||Beautiful Together
|094|| Bart Claessen || Playmo (1st Play)
|063|| Pirate ||Leaving The Sun
|095|| Paul van Dyk || The Other Side (Deep Dish Remix)
|064|| Svenson & Gielen ||Beachbreeze
|096|| Randy Katana || Fancy Fair 2005
|065|| Mr.Sam vs. Fred Baker Presents As One ||Forever Waiting
|097|| A Force || Behind Silence
|066|| DJ Alpha ||Life Goes On
|098|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro Grandmix 2005
|067|| Paul Van Dyk Feat. Hemstock ||Nothing But You
|068|| Pulser ||My Religion
23.00-24.00 uur:
|069|| M.I.K.E. ||Turn Out The Lights
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|070|| Darude ||Music
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1985] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
|071|| Driftwood ||Anything Goes
|072|| Sensation ||The Anthem 2003
===30 december 2006===
|073|| Kai Tracid ||For Just One Day
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|074|| G-Spot || Louder
23.00-24.00 uur:
|075|| Tiësto || Traffic
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1986] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
|076|| Clokx ||Clokx
|077|| Freeloader ||Pure Devotion
===23 juni 2007===
|078|| Orion Too ||Travelling
|079|| E-Craig || Beat Goes On
|080|| Paul Oakenfold ||Hypnotized
|081|| Divine Inspiration ||The Way
|82|| Delerium ||After All
|083|| 56 K Feat. Bejay ||Save A Prayer
|084|| Rank 1 ||Breathing
|085|| Igor S. ||Boomerang
|086|| Marco V. ||Del C:/*.Mp3
|087|| Jules & Raoul ||Progress
|088|| Base Attack ||Nobody Listens To Techno
|089|| Paul Van Dyk ||Times Of Our Lives
|090|| E- Craig Drum ||Beats
|091|| Jordan & Baker ||Explode
|092|| Ultra Beat ||Pretty Green Eyes
|093|| Michael Splint Presents Eruption ||I Feel Free
|094|| Lasgo ||Pray
|095|| Sylver || Livin’ My Life
|096|| Ricky Fobis || No Regular
|097|| Oxygen Feat. Andrea Britton ||Am I On Your Mind?
|098|| Underworld ||Born Slippery
|099|| 4 Strings ||Let It Rain
|100|| Ron Van Den Beuken ||Timeless
|101|| Flashrider ||Attenzione
|102|| Scooter vs. Marc Acardipane ||Maria (I Like It Loud)
|103|| [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Outro Grandmix 2003
===9 januari 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

18.00-19.00 uur:
23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is een klein gedeelte uit de [ Grandmix 2005] (Tracks 1 t/m 13 van CD 1) in een extended versie, uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1983] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)

===9 april 2004===
===30 december 2007===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

00.00-01.00 uur:
23.00-24.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1986] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)

Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Millennium Edition] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Deel 1 (Tracks 1 t/m 36 van CD 1)

===31 december 2007===
===30 april 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

22:00-23:00 uur:
23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1987] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Millennium Edition] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Deel 2 (Tracks 1 t/m 36 van CD 2)
===14 mei 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Millennium Edition] uitgezonden op  [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Deel 3 (Tracks 1 t/m 34 van CD 3)

===3 januari 2009===
===18 juni 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

18.00-19.00 uur:
23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1983] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
Dit is de [ Grandmix Summer Edition] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Deel 1 (Tracks 1 t/m 35 van CD 1)  

{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01|| [[Ben Liebrand]]|| Intro Summer Grandmix
|02||DJ Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince || Summertime
|03||Shanice || I Love Your Smile
|04||Diana King || Shy Guy
|05||Shabba Ranks || Mister Loverman
|06||Joyce Simms || Come Into My Life
|07||Full Force || Alice, I Want You Just For Me
|08||B.V.S.M.P. || I Need You
|09||Los Del Rio || Macarena
|10||Black Machine || How Gee
|11||Gazebo || I Like Chopin (Remix)
|12||Dimples D. || Sucker DJ (A Witch For Love)
|13||Timex Social Club || Rumours
|14||Jimmy Cliff || Reggae Nights
|15||Kid Creole  & The Coconuts || Que Pasa
|16||Will Smith || Gettin' Jiggy With It
|17||Indeep || Last Night A DJ Saved My life (Acapella)
|18||De La Soul || Say No Go
|19||Valerie Dore || The Night
|20||Jovanotti || Libera L’Animal
|21||Silver Pozzoli || Around My Dream
|22||Shalamar || Second Time Around
|23||Lisa lisa & The Cult Jam ||Let The Beat Hit Em
|24||The Whispers || And The Beat Goes On
|25||Kool & the Gang || Ladies Night (Original Mix)
|26||Sugarhill gang || Rappers Delight ([[Ben Liebrand]] '89 Remix)
|27||Billy Ocean || Caribbean Queen
|28||The Jacksons|| Blame It On The Boogie
|29||Rocker’s Revenge Feat. Donny Calvin|| Walking On Sunshine
|30||Colonel Abrams || Trapped
|31||C&C Music Factory Feat. Freedom Williams & Martha Wash || Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)
|32||Off || Electrica Salsa
|33||Incognito Feat. Jocelyn Brown|| Always There
|34||Nomad Feat. MC Mikee Freedom|| (I Wanna Give You) Devotion
|35||Tony Lee || Reach up

23:00-24:00 uur:
===20 juni 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Classics Mix] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Summer Edition] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Deel 1 (Tracks 1 t/m 35 van CD 1)

===26 december 2009===
===27 juni 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

18:00-19:00 uur:
01.00-02.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1988] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Millennium Edition] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Deel 2 (Tracks 1 t/m 36 van CD 2)
===2 juli 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de [ Grandmix Summer Edition], uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Deel 2 (Tracks 1 t/m 33 van CD 2 en tracks 1 t/m 3 van CD 3)

23:00-24:00 uur:
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01||Doctor’s Cat || Feel The Drive
|02||Ivan ||Baila
|03||Oliver Cheatman || Get Down Saturdaynight
|04||Kool & The Gang || Fresh
|05||Miami Sound Machine || Dr. Beat
|06||Bobby Thurston || You Got What It Takes
|07||Bohannon|| Let’s Start The Dance
|08||Koto || Visitors
|09||My Mine || Hypnotic Tango
|10||Double You || Please Don’t Go
|11||Heavy D & The Boyz || Now That We Found Love
|12||Cuba Gooding || Happiness, Is Just Around The Bend (Acapella)
|13||D-Train || You’re The One For Me
|14||Bobby Thurston || Check Out The Groove
|15||Inner City || Good Life (Normal Mix)
|16||Robin S. || Show Me Love
|17||Nomads || Yakalelo
|18||Mystic ||Ritmo De La Noche
|19||Bobby Brown || Two Can Play That Game
|20||Xpansions || Elevation
|21||Wes || Alane
|22||Ryan Paris || Dolce Vita
|23||Hugh Masakela || Don’t Go Loose It Baby
|24||Fun Fun || Color My Love
|25||Klein & MBO || Dirty Talk
|26||Starlight || Numero Uno
|27||Moses || We Just
|28||Kasso || Kasso
|29||Clivilles & Cole || Pride (A Deeper Love)
|30||Nerio’s Dubwork || Sunshine & Happiness
|31||Beckie Bell || Steppin’ Out Tonight
|32||Dr. Alban ||Sing Hallelujah
|33||Madison Avenue || Don’t Call Me Baby
|34||Azoto || San Salvador
|35||Alcatraz || Give Me Love
|36||Santana || Jingo

===4 juli 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1989] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
00.00-01.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Summer Edition], uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Deel 2 (Tracks 1 t/m 33 van CD 2 en Tracks 1 t/m 3 van CD 3)

===31 december 2009===
===11 juli 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

23.00-24.00 uur:
01.00-02.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Classics Mix] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)

Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Millennium Edition], uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Deel 3 (Tracks 1 t/m 34 van CD 3)

===1 januari 2010===
===15 augustus 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

02.00-03.00 uur:
01.00-02.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Classics Mix] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Summer Edition], uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Deel 1 (Tracks 1 t/m 35 van CD 1)

===20 augustus 2004===
===3 december 2011===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

23:00-24:00 uur:
23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1987] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
Dit is de [ Grandmix Summer Edition], uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Deel 3 (Tracks 4 t/m 34 van CD 3)

===17 december 2011===
{| class="wikitable"
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
23:00-24:00 uur:
|01|| KC & the Sunshine Band || Give It Up
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1988] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
|02|| DJ Jean || Love Come Home
|03|| Mory Kante || Yeke Yeke (Hardfloor mix)
|04||Soulsearcher || Can’t Get Enough
|05|| Mirando || Vamos A la Playa
|06|| Righera || Vamos a la playa
|07|| The Outhere Brothers || Boom Boom Boom
|08|| Jam & Spoon || Stella
|09|| Artful Dodger || Re-Rewind
|10|| Delerium Feat. Sarah McLachlan || Silence
|11|| Chicane Feat. Bryan Adams || Don’t Give Up
|12|| Karen Young ||Hot Shot
|13|| [[Ben Liebrand]]|| Music & Passion
|14|| Sash || Equador
|15|| Loona || Bailando
|16|| Carillio || Samba di Janeiro
|17|| Rozella || Everybody’s Free
|18|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Chase
|19|| Dial M For Moguai || Beatbox
|20|| The Weather Girls || It’s Raining Men
|21|| The Vengaboys || To Brazil (Remix)
|22|| Ruffdrivers || Dreaming
|23|| Klubbheads || six-pack 2000 megamix
|24|| DJ Jürgen || Higher & Higher
|25|| Blow Your Mind || Lock ‘N Load
|26|| Perfect Phase || Horny horns
|27|| Poco Loco Gang || Poco Loco
|28|| The Sunclub || Fiesta (de los tamborileros)
|29|| Airscape || L’esperanza
|30|| Soca Boys || follow the leader (roof is on fire)
|31|| [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Outro Summer Grandmix

===24 december 2011===
===22 augustus 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

23:00-24:00 uur:
00.00-01.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1989] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Summer Edition], uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Deel 3 (Tracks 4 t/m 34 van CD 3)

===25 december 2011===
===27 augustus 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

00:00-01:00 uur:
23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1990] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
Dit is de [ Grandmix The Disco Edition 2], uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Deel 1 (Tracks 1 t/m 34 van CD 1)

===31 december 2011===
{| class="wikitable"
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]] (Nederland)
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
23:00-24:00 uur:
|01|| [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Intro Grandmix Disco Edition 2
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1991] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
|02 ||Full Force ||Alice, I Want You Just For Me
|03 ||Joyce Sims ||Come Into My Life
|04 ||Yarbrough & Peoples ||Don't Stop The Music
|05 ||Stargard ||Which Way Is Up
|06 ||Odyssey ||Going Back To My Roots
|07 ||Change ||Change Of Heart
|08 ||Millie Scott ||Automatic
|09 ||Robert Palmer ||You Are In My System
|10 ||Hall & Oates ||I Can't Go For That
|11 ||Diana Ross ||I'm Coming Out
|12 ||Tom Browne ||Funkin'For Jamaica
|13 ||Jimmy "Bo" Horne ||Dance Across The Floor
|14 ||Nu Shooz ||I Can't Wait
|15 ||Peter Jacques Band|| Going Dancing Down The Street
|16 ||Commodores|| Brick House
|17 ||Millie Scott ||Prisoner Of Love
|18 ||Dan Hartman ||I Can Dream About You
|19 ||Gayle Adams ||Stretchin' Out
|20 ||Level 42 ||Hot Water
|21 ||Steve Arrington|| Feel So Real
|22 ||Positive Force ||We Got The Funk
|23 ||Sister Sledge ||Lost In Music (Original mix)
|24 ||Bar-Kays|| Sex-O-Matic
|25 ||Gino Soccio ||Try It Out
|26 ||Linda Lewis|| Class Style (I've Got It)
|27 ||Sharon Brown ||I Specialize In Love
|28 ||Kool & The Gang|| Ladies Night
|29 ||Leon Haywood ||Don't Push It, Don't Force It
|30 ||Trussel ||Love Injection
|31 ||Gene Chandler ||Get Down
|32 ||Geraldine Hunt|| Can't Fake The Feeling
|33 ||Chaz Jankel ||Glad To Know You
|34 ||Dan Hartman ||We Are The Young

===1 januari 2012===
===29 augustus 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

00.00-01.00 uur:
00.00-01.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Classics Mix] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix The Disco Edition 2], uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Deel 1 (Tracks 1 t/m 34 van CD 1)

Na track 62 stopt hier de uitzending en hoor je een vuurwerk sound-effect met een Radio Veronica Jingle van Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!
01.00-02.00 uur:

Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

02.00-03.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Summer Edition], uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Deel 2 (Tracks 1 t/m 33 van CD 2 en Tracks 1 t/m 3 van CD 3)

===3 september 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Classics Mix] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
23.00-24.00 uur:

Na track 62 stopt hier de uitzending en hoor je een vuurwerk sound-effect met een Radio Veronica Jingle van Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!
Dit is de [ Grandmix The Disco Edition 2], uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Deel 2 (Tracks 1 t/m 36 CD 2)

{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
===6 april 2013===
|01||Ollie & Jerry|| Breakin'... There's No Stopping Us
|02 ||Cameo ||Word Up!
|03 ||Sheila E ||A Love Bizarre
|04 ||Billy Ocean ||Stay The Night
|05 ||Steve Arrington ||Dancin' In The Key Of Life
|06 ||Al Hudson ||You Can Do It
|07 ||The Reddings ||Remote Control
|08 ||DeBarge ||Rhythm Of The Night
|09 ||Lakeside ||Fantastic Voyage
|10 ||Gwen Guthrie ||It Should Have Been You
|11 ||Colonel Abrams ||I'm Not Gonna Let You
|12 ||The Bangles ||Walk Like An Egyptian
|13 ||Wham! ||Club Tropicana
|14|| D-Train|| Keep On
|15|| Tyrone Brunson ||The Smurf
|16|| Midnight Star|| Midas Touch
|17|| Billy Ocean ||Are You Ready
|18|| Dynasty ||I Don't Want To Be A Freak (But I Can't Help Myself)
|19|| Rose Royce ||Is It Love You're After
|20|| Weeks & Company|| Rock Your World (Joho, Joho)
|21|| Midnight Star ||Operator
|22|| Blackbox Feat. Martha Wash|| Everybody, Everybody
|23|| Jimmy "Bo" Horne ||Spank
|24|| Rick James ||Glow
|25|| Hithouse ||Jack To The Sound Of The Underground
|26|| Yazoo ||Situation
|27|| Blackbox Feat. Martha Wash||Strike It Up
|28|| Freeeze ||I.O.U
|29|| The Brothers Johnson ||Stomp!
|30|| Bobby Thurston ||Check Out The Groove
|31|| Peter Brown ||They Only Come Out At Night
|32|| Harvey Mason ||Groovin' You
|33|| Carol Jiani ||Hit 'N' Run Lover
|34|| Mr. Lee||Get Busy
|35|| Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire|| Weekend
|36|| Narada Michael Walden|| Tonight I'm Alright
===5 september 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

23:00-24:00 uur:
00.00-01.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1983] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix The Disco Edition 2], uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Deel 2 (Tracks 1 t/m 36 CD 2)

===31 december 2013===
===10 september 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

23.00-24.00 uur:
23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Classics Mix] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
Dit is de [ Grandmix The Disco Edition 2], uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Deel 3 (Tracks 32 t/m 36 CD 2 en tracks 1 t/m 27 CD 3)
Na track 62 stopt hier de uitzending en hoor je een vuurwerk sound-effect met een Radio Veronica Jingle van Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!

{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
===1 januari 2014===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|01|| Harvey Mason ||Groovin' You
00.00-01.00 uur:
|02|| Carol Jiani ||Hit 'N' Run Lover
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1983] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
|03|| Mr. Lee||Get Busy
|04|| Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire|| Weekend
|05|| Narada Michael Walden|| Tonight I'm Alright
|06||Ashford & Simpson ||Found A Cure
|07|| Latoya Jackson ||If You Feel The Funk
|08|| Technotronic Feat. Ya Kid K || Get Up (Before The Night Is Over)
|09|| Divine ||Native Love
|10|| Gino Soccio ||Dancer
|11|| Two Tons O'Fun ||I Got The Feeling
|12|| Chaka Kahn ||I Feel For You
|13|| Aretha Franklin ||Think
|14|| Odyssey ||Use It Up (And Wear It Out)
|15|| Gwen McCrea ||Keep The Fire Burning
|16|| Azoto ||San Salvador
|17|| Manhattan Transfer ||Twilight Zone
|18|| Patrick Cowley ||Megatron Man
|19|| Patrick Cowley ||Menergy
|20|| Salt 'N' Pepa ||Push It
|21 ||Rick James ||Superfreak
|22 ||Afrika Bambaata & The Soul Sonic Force ||Planet Rock
|23 ||The Trammps ||Disco Inferno
|24 ||Bombers ||Everybody Get Dancin'
|25 ||Kat Mandu ||The Break
|26 ||Edwin Starr|| Contact
|27 ||The Jacksons ||Walk Right Now
|28 ||Musique ||In The Bush
|29 ||Supermax ||Love Machine
|30 ||Peaches & Herb ||Shake Your Groove Thing
|31 ||Lime ||Your Love
|32 ||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| Outro Grandmix The Disco Edition 2

===12 september 2004===
===5 december 2015===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

20.30-21.00 uur:
00.00-01.00 uur:

Dit is een herhaling van het eerste half uur van de [ Grandmix 1984], tracks 1 t/m 46, uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix The Disco Edition 2], uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Deel 3 (Tracks 32 t/m 36 CD 2 en Tracks 1 t/m 27 CD 3)

===12 december 2015===
===24 oktober 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

20.30-21.00 uur:
01.00-02.00 uur:

Dit is een herhaling van het tweede half uur van de [ Grandmix 1984], tracks 48 t/m 99, uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix The Disco Edition 2], uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Deel 1 (Tracks 1 t/m 34 van CD 1)

===19 december 2015===
===31 oktober 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

20.30-21.00 uur:
01.00-02.00 uur:

Dit is een herhaling van het eerste half uur uit de [ Grandmix 1985], tracks 1 t/m 47, uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix The Disco Edition 2], uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Deel 2 (Tracks 1 t/m 36 CD 2)

===26 december 2015===
===7 november 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

20.30-21.00 uur:
01.00-02.00 uur:

Dit is een herhaling van het tweede half uur uit de [ Grandmix 1985], tracks 51 t/m 108, uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix The Disco Edition 2], uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), Deel 3 (Tracks 32 t/m 36 CD 2 en tracks 1 t/m 27 CD 3)

===31 december 2015===
===12 november 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

21.00-24.00 uur:
22.00-01.00 uur:

Dit is de [ Grandmix 2015] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
Dit is de [ Grandmix The 90's Edition], uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)<ref> [] ''Ben Liebrand’s Grandmix 90’s Edition vanavond op Veronica'' | Publicatie: vrijdag 12 november 2004 07:39 uur | Gevonden: 4 oktober 2021</ref><ref>[]'' Background '' | Gevonden: 25 december 2023</ref>

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 2015
|01||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 90’s Edition
|002||Kygo Feat. Parson James || Stole The Show
|02||DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince || Boom! Shake The Room
|003||Chris Brown X Tyga || Ayo
|03||Naughty By Nature || Hip Hop Hooray
|004||Major Lazer Feat. Mo & DJ Snake || Lean On
|04||Snow || Informer
|005||Sharon Doorson || Something Beautiful
|05||Salt 'N' Pepa || Let's Talk About Sex
|006||Gabriel Rios || Gold (Thomas Jack Remix)
|06||House Of Pain || Jump Around
|007||Eva Simons Feat. Konshens || Policeman
|07||Joe Public || Live & Learn
|008||Kygo Feat. Ella Henderson || Here For You
|08||Snap! || The Power
|009||Disclosure Feat. Sam Smith || Omen
|09||Redhead Kingpin And The F.B.I.  || Do The Right Thing
|010||Lady Bee Feat. Rochelle || Return Of The Mack
|10||King Bee || Back By Dope Demand
|011||Natalie La Rose Feat. Jeremih || Somebody
|11||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott || Move To The Bigband (Acapella)
|012||Demi Lovato || Cool For The Summer
|12||C+C Music Factory Feat. Freedom Williams & Martha Wash || Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)
|013||Sam Feldt || Show Me Love
|13||Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam || Let The Beat Hit 'Em
|014||Kygo Feat. Conrad Sewell || Firestone
|14||Incognito Feat. Jocelyn Brown || Always There
|015||Larrykoek Feat. Bodhi Jones || Honeybee (Première Fois)
|15||Rob 'N' Raz Feat. Leila K || Got To Get
|016||Felix Jaehn Feat. Jasmine Thompson || Ain't Nobody (Loves Me Better)
|16||Nomad Feat. MC Mikee Freedom|| (I Wanna Give You) Devotion
|017||Filous Feat. James Hersey || How Hard I Try
|17||TLC || Ain't To Proud To Beg
|018||Seinabo Sey || Younger (Kygo Remix)
|18||Franky Knuckles || The Whistle Song
|019||Alex Adair || Make Me Feel Better
|19||Ce Ce Peniston || We Got A Love Thang
|020||Thomas Jack || Rivers
|20||Suēno Latino || Suēno Latino
|021||Lil' Kleine & Ronnie Flex || Drank & Drugs
|21||Robin S. || Luv 4 Luv
|022||The Avener & Phoebe Killdeer || Fade Out Lines
|22||Crystal Waters || 100% Pure Love
|023||Feder Feat. Lyse || Goodbye
|23||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
|024||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. James "D-Train" Williams || Weekend
|24||Afrika Bambaataa || Just Get Up And Dance
|025||Gregory Porter || Liquid Spirit (Claptone Remix)
|25||Robin S. || Show Me Love
|026||Omi || Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn Remix)
|26||S-Express || Theme From S-Express
|027||Redondo & Bolier Feat. She Keeps Bees || Every Single Piece
|27||R.F.T.R. || Extrasyn
|028||Years & Years || King
|28||2 In A Room || Wiggle It
|029||Ne-Yo || Coming With You
|29||Human Resource || Dominator
|030||Rudimental Feat. Anne-Marie And Will Heard || Rumour Mill
|30||Black & White Brothers || Put Your Hands Up
|031||Listenbee Feat. Naz Tokio || Save Me
|31||Everything But The Girl || Missing
|032||Anna Naklab Feat. Alle Farben & Younotus || Supergirl
|32||Snap! || Rhythm Is A Dancer
|033||Jess Glynne || Hold My Hand
|33||The Shamen || Move Any Mountain
|034||Philip George || Wish You Were Mine
|34||Clivilles & Cole || Pride (A Deeper Love)
|035||Oliver Heldens & Shaun Frank Feat. Delaney Jane || Shades Of Grey
|35||Nightcrawlers || Push The Feeling
|036||Madcon Feat. Ray Dalton || Don't Worry
|36||Ce Ce Peniston || Finally
|037||Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Feat. Ne-Yo || Higher Place (Radio Edit)
|37||Inner City || Big Fun
|038||Sigala || Easy Love
|38||Shawn Christopher || Don't Lose The Magic
|039||Måns Zelmerlöw || Heroes
|39||Double You || Please Don't Go
|040||Beth || Don’t You Worry Child (Charming Horses Remix)
|40||Adamski Feat. Seal || Killer
|041||Larco || Andes
|41||Tony Scott || Get Into It
|042||Alina Baraz & Galimatias || Fantasy (Felix Jaehn Remix)
|42||Deee-Lite || Groove Is In The Heart
|043||Lost Frequencies Feat. Janieck Devy || Reality
|43||D-Shake || Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
|044||Zeds Dead & Oliver Heldens || You Know
|44||Joey Beltram || Energy Flash
|045||Swanky Tunes & Going Deeper || Far From Home (Radio Edit)
|45||Technotronic & Ya Kid K || Get Up (Before The Night Is Over)
|046||Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Ummet Ozcan || The Hum (Lost Frequencies Edit)
|46||Haddaway || What Is Love
|047||Michael Calfan || Treasured Soul
|47||Club 69 || Let Me Be Your Underwear
|048||Joe Stone & Daser || Freak (And You Know It)
|48||Dr. Alban || Sing Hallelujah
|049||Martin Solveig Feat. Sam White || +1
|49||Technotronic Feat. Felly || Pump Up The Jam
|050||Don Diablo Feat. Emeni || Universe
|50||Duke || So In Love With You
|051||Michael Woods || London Baby!
|51||Rozalla || Are You Ready To Fly
|052||Calvin Harris + Disciples || How Deep Is Your Love
|52||Inner City || Good Life
|053||Borgeous & Shaun Frank Feat. Delaney Jane || This Could Be Love
|53||The Goodmen || Give It Up
|054||Gorgon City Feat. Romans || Saving My Life
|54||Opus III || It's A Fine Day
|055||Rondé || Run (East & Young Remix)
|55||2 Unlimited || Get Ready For This
|056||Olly Murs Feat. Travie Mccoy || Wrapped Up
|56||Moby || Go
|057||Omi || Hula Hoop
|57||Ramirez || La Musica Tremenda
|058||Pitbull & Ne-Yo || Time Of Our Lives
|58||Kristine W || Feel What You Want
|059||Ariana Grande || One Last Time
|59||2 Unlimited || Twilight Zone
|060||Justin Bieber || What Do You Mean?
|60||Quadrophonia || Quadrophonia
|061||Otto Knows || Next To Me
|61||Format 1 || Solid Session
|062||Emma Bale & Lost Frequencies || Run (Lost Frequencies Radio Edit)
|62||Capricorn || 20 Hrz
|063||Oliver Heldens || Melody
|63||Felix || Don’t You Want Me
|064||Nils Van Zandt Feat. Sharon Doorson || Feel Like Dancing
|64||Dr. Alban || It’s My Life
|065||Pep & Rash || Rumors
|65||T-99 || Anasthasia
|066||Lost Frequencies || Are You With Me
|66||Mory Kante || Yeke Yeke (Hardfloor Mix)
|067||Lunchmoney Lewis || Bills
|67||Jaydee || Plastic Dreams
|068||Alesso Feat. Tove Lo || Heroes (We Could Be)
|68||Bass Bumpers || The Music's Got Me
|069||Moguai Feat. Cheat Codes || Hold On
|69||Transformer 2 || Pacific Symphony
|070||Martin Solveig & Gta || Intoxicated
|70||The Age Of Love || The Age Of Love
|071||Don Diablo || On My Mind
|71||Urban Cookie Collective || The Key The Secret
|072||Shaun Frank & Kshmr Feat. Delaney Jane || Heaven
|72||Katana || Erotmania
|073||Martin Garrix vs. Matisse & Sadko || Dragon
|73||Klatsch! || Oh Boy
|074||Made In June || Perfect Storm
|74||Speedy J || Pull Over
|075||Deorro X Chris Brown || Five More Hours
|75||The Outhere Brothers || Boom Boom Boom
|076||Calvin Harris Feat. Ellie Goulding || Outside
|76||The Outhere Brothers || La La La Hey Hey
|077||Showtek Feat. Mc Ambush || 90S By Nature
|77||The Outhere Brothers || Don't Stop (Wiggle Wiggle)
|078||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Mr. Probz || Another You
|78||LA Style || James Brown Is Dead
|079||Afrojack Feat. Mike Taylor || Summerthing!
|79||Praga Khan || Rave Alarm
|080||Timmy Trumpet & Savage || Freaks
|80||Tom Wilson || Techno Cat
|081||Kshmr || Jammu
|81||Celvin Rotane || I Believe
|082||Ummet Ozcan || Lose Control
|82||Atlantic Ocean || Waterfall
|083||Tiësto Feat. Kshmr & Vassy || Secrets
|83||Snap! || Do You See The Light
|084||Broiler Feat. Ravvel || Wild Eyes
|84||The Grid || Swamp Thing
|085||Lea Rue || I Can't Say No! (Broiler Remix)
|85||Rozalla || Everybody‘s Free (To Feel Good)
|086||Martin Garrix vs. Matisse & Sadko || Break Through The Silence
|86||Culture Beat || Mr. Vain
|087||Quintino Feat. Una || Escape (Into The Sunset)
|87||The Sunclub || Fiesta
|088||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Cimo Frankel || Strong Ones
|88||Cappella || Move On Baby
|089||Zedd Feat. Jon Bellion || Beautiful Now
|89||Emmanuel Top || Acid Phase
|090||Joe Stone Feat. Montell Jordan || The Party (This Is How We Do It)
|90||The Ultimate Seduction || House Nation
|091||Mike Mago & Dragonette || Outlines
|91||Kadoc || The Nighttrain
|092||Avicii || Waiting For Love
|92||2 Unlimited || No Limit
|093||Hardwell Feat. Jason Derulo || Follow Me
|93||Yves De Ruyter || Calling Earth
|094||Martin Garrix || Forbidden Voices
|94||Sl2 || On A Ragga Tip
|095||Nicki Minaj || The Night Is Still Young
|95||Sven Vath || L'esperanza
|096||Hardwell Feat. Harrison || Sally
|96||Rotterdam Termination Sound (RTS) || Poing!
|097||Fox Stevenson || Tico
|97||Jens || Loops & Things
|098||Hardwell Feat. Jake Reese || Mad World
|98||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro Grandmix 90’s Edition
===14 november 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
00.00-02.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de eerste 2 uren van de [ Grandmix The 90's Edition], uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland), (Tracks 1 t/m 67)
===31 december 2004===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2004], uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
Deze Grandmix kun je [ HIER] beluisteren!
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|099||Fono || Real Joy
|001|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 2004
|100||Martin Garrix Feat. Usher || Don't Look Down
|002||Elize || Shake
|101||Hardwell & Armin Van Buuren || Off The Hook
|003|| Nina Sky || Move Ya Body
|102||Ferry Corsten & Gouryella || Anahera
|004|| Eric Prydz || Call On Me
|103||Axwell Ingrosso || Sun Is Shining
|005|| Junior Jack || Stupidisco
|104||Silento || Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)
|006|| Soulvation || Deeper
|105||Shawn Mendes || Stitches
|007|| The Shapeshifters || Lola's Theme
|106||DJ Fresh Feat. Ella Eyre || Gravity
|008|| Ritmo-Dynamic || Calinda
|107||Netsky Feat. Digital Farms Animals || Rio
|009|| Bratt Carter ||Morning Always Comes Too Soon
|108||[[Ben Liebrand]]||Outro Grandmix 2015
|010|| Danni Minogue vs. Flower Power || You Won't Forget About Me
===31 december 2016===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
21.00-24.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2016] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 2016
|011|| Spankox || To The Club
|002||Mike Perry Feat. Shy Martin || The Ocean
|012|| Armand Van Helden || My My My
|003||Digital Farm Animals & Cash Cash Feat. Nelly || Millionaire
|013|| Mylo || Drop The Pressure
|004||Rochelle Feat. Kalibwoy || Way Up
|014|| Michael Gray || The Weekend
|005||Frenship & Emily Warren || Capsize
|015|| Marly || You Never Know
|006||Era Istrefi || Bonbon
|016|| DJ Casper || Cha Cha Slide
|007||Major Lazer Feat. Moti, Ty Dolla $Ign, Wizkid & Kranium || Boom
|017|| Danzel || Pump It Up
|008||Møwe & Daniel Nitt || Lovers Friends
|018||Boogie Pimps || Somebody To Love
|009||Sak Noel Feat. Sean Paul || Trumpets
|019|| Narcotic Trust || I Like It
|010||Nathan Goshen || Thinking About It (Let It Go) (Kvr Remix)
|020|| LMC vs. U2 || Take Me To The Clouds Above
|011||Daya || Hide Away
|021|| Dr. Kucho! Feat. Jodie || Belmondo Rulez 2.0 (It’s All About You)
|012||Major Lazer Feat. Justin Bieber & Mø || Cold Water
|022|| Royal Gigolos || California Dreamin'
|013||Charlie Puth Feat. Selena Gomez || We Don't Talk Anymore (Attom Remix)
|023|| Scent || Up & Down
|014||Kygo Feat. Kodaline || Raging
|024|| Danny Howells & Dick Trevor || Dusk ‘Til Dawn
|015||Alan Walker || Faded
|025|| DT8 Project || The Sun Is Shining (Down On Me)
|016||Willy William || Ego
|026|| Fight Club Feat. Laurent Konrad || Spread Love
|017||Timeflies || Once In A While
|027|| Ridgewalkers Feat. El || Find
|018||Kygo Feat. Tom Odell || Fiction
|028|| Origene || Sanctuary
|019||Yellow Claw Feat. Yade Lauren || Invitation
|029|| Da Hool || Set The Stakes High
|020||Starley || Call On Me
|030|| Amuka || Appreciate Me
|021||Campsite Dream || No Diggity
|031|| Aven || All I Wanna Do
|022||Gavin James || Nervous (The Ooh Song) Mark Mccabe Remix
|032|| Benassi Bros. Feat. Sandy || Illusion
|023||Kygo Feat. Julia Michaels || Carry Me
|033|| Dance Valley || A Decade of Dance
|024||Dua Lipa || Hotter Than Hell
|034|| Paul van Dyk || Crush
|025||Robin Schulz Feat. Akon || Heatwave
|035|| Magnolia || It's All Vain
|026||Cheat Codes X Kris Kross Amsterdam || Sex
|036|| Mike Heart || Sex Machine
|027||Tove Lo || Cool Girl
|037|| Benjamin Bates || Whole
|028||Major Lazer Feat. Nyla & Fuse Odg || Light It Up (Remix)
|038|| Benny Benassi || Able to love
|029||DJ Snake Feat. Bipolar Sunshine || Middle
|039|| Axwell || Feel the Vibe
|030||Dnce || Toothbrush
|040|| Andain || Beautiful Things
|031||Matt Simons || Catch & Release (Deepend Remix)
|041|| Motorcycle || As The Rush Comes
|032||Alunageorge Feat. Popcaan || I'm In Control
|042|| Peter Martin Presents. Anthanasia || Perfect Wave
|033||Cheat Codes Feat. Dante Klein || Let Me Hold You (Turn Me On)
|043|| Michael Woods || Solex
|034|||| Final Song
|044|| Rank 1 || Symsonic
|035||Matoma & Becky Hill || False Alarm
|045|| Remy & Roland Klinkenberg || Till Ya Drop
|036||Matt Simons || Lose Control
|046|| True Form || Forbidden Colors
|037||Kygo Feat. Maty Noyes || Stay
|047|| Novaspace || Run To You
|038||Martin Jensen || All I Wanna Do
|048|| Randy Katana || One Solid Wave
|039||Jonas Blue Feat. Jp Cooper || Perfect Strangers
|049|| DJ Jose || Hecitate
|040||Izzy Bizu || White Tiger
|050|| DJ Cor Fijneman Feat. Anita Kelsey || Healing
|041||Pablo Nouvelle Feat. Sam Wills || I Will
|051|| Ferry Corsten || Everything Goes
|042||Eva Simons & Sidney Samson || Escape From Love
|052|| Ron van den Beuken Presents. Clokx || Overdrive
|043||Dnce || Cake By The Ocean
|053|| Freeloader || Pure Devotion
|044||Campsite Dream || Don't Worry
|054|| Above & Beyond ||No One On Earth
|045||Riton Feat. Kah-Lo || Rinse & Repeat
|055|| DJ Shog || Live 4 Music
|046||Sam Feldt || Been A While
|056|| Manyou || Drifting Away
|047||Bolier || Ipanema
|057|| Tiësto || Love Comes Again
|048||Hardwell & Jay Sean || Thinking About You
|058|| DJ Ton t.b. || Dreammachine
|049||Bob Marley Feat. Lvndscape & Bolier || Is This Love (Remix)
|059|| Marco V vs. Jens  || Loops And Things Relooped
|050||Lil Kleine Feat. Ronnie Flex || 1, 2, 3
|060|| Marco V ||Automanual
|051||Disciples & David Guetta || No Worries
|061|| Futureshock ||Pride's Paranoia (Marco V Remix)
|052||Jennifer Lopez || Ain't Your Mama
|062|| Freestylers  ||Push Up
|053||Duke Dumont || Ocean Drive
|063|| Solid Globe  ||Sahara
|054||Lil Kleine || Vakantie
|064|| Outback  ||State Of Emergency
|055||Janieck || Feel The Love (Sam Feldt Edit)
|065|| N & K vs. Dennis The Menace  ||Cruising
|056||Rudimental Feat. Ed Sheeran || Lay It All On Me
|066|| Bossanova  ||Stonecold
|057||Sam Feldt X Lucas & Steve Feat. Wulf || Summer On You
|067|| Mojado Feat. Mr. Sam  ||Naranja
|058||Dillon Francis Feat. Will Heard || Anywhere
|068|| Sensation  ||The Anthem 2004
|059||Seeb Feat. Neev || Breathe
|069|| DJ Ton t.b.  ||Electronic Malfunction
|060||Rui Feat. Sam Ashworth || Million Times
|070|| Tiësto  ||Just Be
|061||Calvin Harris || My Way
|071|| Blank & Jones Feat. Robert Smith  ||A Forest
|062||Lost Frequencies Feat. Sandro Cavazza || Beautiful Life
|072|| Klubbers Revenge  ||Mental Atmosphere
|063||Chris Brown || Fine By Me
|073|| Oceanlab  ||Satellite
|064||Flume Feat. Kai || Never Be Like You
|074|| Armin Van Buuren  ||Burned With Desire
|065||Bakermat Feat. Alex Clare || Living
|075|| Sam Sharp vs. Ron Van Den Beuken  ||Twister!
|066||Michael Feiner || Mantra
|076|| V-Lock  ||Birth Of Light
|067||Sigala Feat. John Newman & Nile Rodgers || Give Me Your Love
|077|| JX  ||Restless
|068||Hardwell Feat. Jake Reese || Run Wild (Alternative Radio Edit)
|078|| Ferry Corsten  ||Right Of Way
|069||Craig David & Sigala || Ain't Givin' Up
|079|| Mark Norman  ||Phantom Manor
|070||R3Hab & Quintino || Freak
|080|| DJ Jean  ||Every Single Day
|071||Justin Bieber || Children
|081|| Ron Van Den Beuken  ||Endless
|072||Bakermat & Goldfish Feat. Marie Plassard || Games Continued (Radio Edit)
|082|| Enmass  ||CQ
|073||Robin Schulz & J.U.D.G.E. || Show Me Love
|083|| 4 Strings  ||Turn It Around
|074||Maan || Perfect World (Produced By Hardwell)
|084|| Haak Presents. Annuanaki  ||Frenzy
|075||Jay Hardway || Electric Elephants
|085|| Firewall  ||Kilimanjaro
|076||Fais Feat. Afrojack || Hey
|086|| Babylon Feat. Riny  ||23 Minutes
|077||Galantis || No Money
|087|| Tiësto  ||Adagio For Strings
|078||Lost Frequencies || What Is Love 2016
|088|| Katana  ||In Silence (Txitarro Mix)
|079||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Kensington || Heading Up High
|089|| Svenson  ||Sunlight Theory (O-Zone Edit)
|080||Bob Sinclar || Someone Who Needs Me
|090|| G-Spott  || No Comment
|081||Tiësto + Oliver Heldens Feat. Natalie La Rose || The Right Song (Wombass)
|091|| Armin vs. Mike  || Intruder
|082||Armin Van Buuren & W&W || If It Ain't Dutch
|092|| Freeloader  ||Pure Devotion
|083||Sigala Feat. Bryn Christopher || Sweet Lovin'
|093|| The Freak || Rising Angel
|084||Martin Garrix Feat. John & Michel || Now That I've Found You
|094|| 8Ball  ||Phunky Muzic
|085||Tiësto Feat. John Legend || Summer Nights
|095|| Candee Jay || If I Were You
|086||Martin Solveig Feat. Tkay Maidza || Do It Right
|096|| DJ Luna || Mindspace (Black Anthem)
|087||Headhunterz & Skytech || Kundalini
|097|| Lasgo  ||Surrender
|088||Otto Knows Feat. Avicii || Back Where I Belong
|098|| [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||Outro Grandmix 2004
|089||Martin Garrix & Third Party || Lions In The Wild
22.00-23.00 uur:
|090||Lucas & Steve || Make It Right
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|091||Dvbbs Feat. Dante Leon || Angel
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1983] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
|092||Deorro Feat. Elvis Crespo || Bailar
23.00-24.00 uur:
|093||Tobtok Feat. River || Fast Car
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|094||Klingande Feat. M-22 || Somewhere New
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1984] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
|095||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Bullysongs || Freefall
|096||Martin Garrix & Bebe Rexha || In The Name Of Love
===1 januari 2005===
|097||Hardwell Feat. Craig David || No Holding Back
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|098||Clean Bandit Feat. Louisa Johnson || Tears
00.00-01.00 uur:
|099||Afrojack Feat. Ty Dolla $Ign || Gone
|100||Dvbbs & Shaun Frank Feat. Delaney Jane || La La Land
|101||Major Lazor & Showtek || Believer
|102||Showtek Feat. Technoboy & Tuneboy || Mellow
|103||Dua Lipa || Be The One
|104||The Chainsmokers Feat. Daya || Don't Let Me Down
|105||Sigma & Rita Ora || Coming Home
|106||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro Grandmix 2016

Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Classics Mix] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)

Na track 62 stopt hier de uitzending en hoor je een vuurwerk sound-effect met een Radio Veronica Jingle van Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!

===31 december 2018===
===26 november 2005===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

18:00-21:00 uur:
21.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de [ Grandmix 2018] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)
Dit is de [ Grandmix 90's Edition 2] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)<ref>[]''Radio Veronica zendt Grandmix 90’s Edition 2 uit'' (Publicatie: woensdag 23 november 2005 16:13) (Gevonden 5 oktober 2021)</ref>

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 2018
|01||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 90's Edition 2
|002 ||Marshmello & Anne Marie || Friends
|02||2 Brothers On The 4th Floor & Des'ray & D-Rock || Come Take My Hand
|003 ||Liam Payne & J Balvin || Familiar
|03||Dream Warriors || My Definition Of A Boombastic Jazzstyle
|004 ||Nicky Jam X J Balvin || X
|04||PM Dawn || Set Adrift On Memory Bliss
|005 ||The Chainsmokers || Sick Boy
|05||LL Cool J || Mamam Said Knock You Out
|006 ||Arlissa & Jonas Blue || Hearts Ain't Gonna Lie
|06||DNA Feat. Suzanne Vega || Tom's Diner
|007 ||Dua Lipa || Idgaf
|07||Los Del Rio || Macarena
|008 ||Kygo Feat. Miguel || Remind Me To Forget
|08||Montell Jordan || This Is How We Do It
|009 ||Rudimental Feat. Jess Glynne, Macklemore & Dan Caplen || These Days
|09||RUN DMC Feat. Aerosmith || Walk This Way
|010 ||Luis Fonsi & Demi Lovato || Échame La Culpa
|10||David A. Stewart & Candy Dulfer || Lily Was Here
|011 ||David Guetta & Sia || Flames
|11||Fine Young Cannibals || She Drives Me Crazy
|012 ||Justin Timberlake || Filthy
|12||Incognito || Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing
|013 ||Years & Years || Sanctify
|13||R. Kelly || She's Got That Vibe
|014 ||Robin Schulz & Hugel || I Believe I'm Fine
|14||C&C Music Factory Feat. Q-Unique & D.Cooper|| Keep It Comin' (Dance Till You Can't Dance No More!)
|015 ||Aya Nakamura || Djadja
|15||Heavy D. & The Boyz || We Got Our Own Thing
|016 ||Alvaro Soler || La Cintura
|16||Tony! Toni! Tone! || Feels Good
|017 ||Clean Bandit Feat. Demi Lovato || Solo
|17||Cathy Dennis || All night Long (Touch Me)
|018 ||Sofi Tukker Feat. Nervo, The Knocks & Alisa Ueno || Best Friend
|18||Dina Carroll || Ain't No Man
|019 ||Dennis Lloyd || Nevermind
|19||East Side Beat || Ride Like The Wind (Subway Mix)
|020 ||Shawn Mendes & Zedd || Lost In Japan (Remix)
|20||49-ers || Touch Me (Sexual Version)
|021 ||Kris Kross Amsterdam, Ally Brooke & Messiah || Vamanos
|21||Off-Shore || Can't Take The Power
|022 ||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Conrad Sewell || Sex, Love & Water
|22||Culture Beat || No Deeper Meaning
|023 ||Martin Garrix Feat. Mike Yung || Dreamer
|23||Cappella || Everybody
|024 ||Cheat Codes X Little Mix || Only You
|24||Atahualpha || Ultimo Imperio (Tendethia)
|025 ||Kris Kross Amsterdam X The Boy Next Door Feat. Conor Maynard || Whenever
|25||D-Shake || My Heart The Beat
|026 ||The Chainsmokers Feat. Emily Warren || Side Effects
|26||Lidell Townsell || Nu Nu
|027 ||Justin Timberlake || Soulmate
|27||Double Trouble & The Rebel MC || Just Keep Rockin'
|028 ||Kraak & Smaak Feat. Ivar || I'll Be Loving You
|28||De'lacy || Hideaway
|029 ||Armin Van Buuren Feat. James Newman || Therapy
|29||Simply Red || Fairground
|030 ||Noah Kahan + Julia Michaels || Hurt Somebody
|30||Raul Orellana || The Real Wild House
|031 ||Calvin Harris Feat. Partynextdoor || Nuh Ready Nuh Ready
|31||C&C Music Factory Feat. Q-Unique & D.Cooper|| Keep It Comin' (Dance Till You Can't Dance No More!) (House Mix)
|032 ||Don Diablo & Calum Scott || Give Me Love
|32||Wild Child || Renegade Master
|033 ||Duke Dumont Feat. Ebenezer || Inhale
|33||Katherine E. || I'm Alright
|034 ||Kygo Feat. Sandro Cavazza || Happy Now
|34||Total Touch || Touch Me There
|035 ||Lost Frequencies Feat. The Nghbrs || Like I Love You
|35||M-People || Moving On Up
|036 ||Troye Sivan Feat. Ariana Grande || Dance To This
|36||Gusto || Disco Revenge (Female Revenge Mix)
|037 ||Chico Rose Feat. Afrojack & Lyrica Anderson || Where Did The Love Go
|37||Sadomasy & DJ One ||Bodymotion
|038 ||Alesso || Remedy
|38||Kadoc || Rock The Bells
|039 ||Mk || 17
|39||Ramirez || La Musica Tremenda
|040 ||Dom Dolla || Take It
|40||House Of Venus || Dish And Tell
|041 ||Fais || Make Me Do
|41||Format 1 ||Solid Session
|042 ||Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano, Bruno Martini Feat. Mayra || Savages
|42|||2 Brothers On The 4th Floor Feat. Da Smooth Baron MC and Peggy 'The Dutchess' || Can't Help Myself
|043 ||Tiësto Feat. Gucci Mane & Sevenn || Boom
|43||Malcolm McLaren || Something's Jumpin' In Your Shirt
|044 ||Kav Verhouzer & Sjaak || Stap Voor Stap
|44||Cubic 22 || Night In Motion
|045 ||George Ezra || Shotgun (Kvr Remix)
|45||2 Brothers On The 4th Floor || Never Alone
|046 ||Sam Feldt & Mowe Feat. Karra || Down For Anything
|46||Armando || 100% Of Dissin' You
|047 ||Sigala Feat. Paloma Faith || Lullaby
|47||Corona || The Rhythm Of The Night
|048 ||Axwell/\Ingrosso Feat. Romans || Dancing Alone
|48||Faithless || Salva Mea
|049 ||Purple Disco Machine || Dished (Male Stripper)
|49||Chicane || Offshore (Original Mix)
|050 ||Calvin Harris Feat. Sam Smith || Promises
|50||2 Unlimited || Tribal Dance
|051 ||Weiss || Feel My Needs
|51||Celvin Rotane || Push Me To The Limit
|052 ||Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano Feat. Blaq Tuxedo || Thinking About You
|52||Ann Lee || 2 Times
|053 ||Lucas & Steve X Brandy || I Could Be Wrong
|53||Klatsch! || Oh Boy
|054 ||Mk X Jonas Blue X Becky Hill || Back & Forth
|54||Mainx || 88 To Piano
|055 ||Au/Ra & Camelphat || Panic Room
|55||Sil || Blue Oyster
|056 ||Atfc & David Penn || Hipcats
|56||Gala || Freed From Desire
|057 ||Dennis Quinn & Shermanology || Move Out Of My Way
|57||740 Boyz || Shimmy Shake
|058 ||Lucas & Steve || Where Have You Gone (Anywhere)
|58||L.A. Style || James Brown Is Dead
|059 ||Fisher || Losing It
|59||Cappella || Move On Baby
|060 ||Calvin Harris & Dua Lipa || One Kiss
|60||The Ultimate Seduction || The Ultimate Seduction
|061 ||Valentino Khan || Lick It
|61||Culture Beat || Got To Get It
|062 ||Moguai & Zonderling || Lee
|62||2 Unlimited || The Workaholic
|063 ||El Profesor || Bella Ciao (Hugel Remix)
|63||Rednex || Cotton Eye Joe
|064 ||Martin Garrix & Justin Mylo Feat. Dewain Whitmore || Burn Out
|64||The Sunclub || Fiesta
|065 ||Dubvision & Afrojack || New Memories
|65||Klubbers Revenge || Mental Atmosphere
|066 ||Jax Jones Feat. Ina Wroldsen || Breathe
|66||Playahitty || The Summer Is Magic
|067 ||Martin Garrix Feat. Bonn || High On Life
|67||R.O.O.S. || Instant Moments
|068 ||Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino || In My Mind
|68||The Ultimate Seduction || House Nation
|069 ||Keanu Silva || Fine Day
|69||Cappella || Move It Up
|070 ||Oliver Heldens Feat. Shungudzo || Fire In My Soul
|70||Cappella || U Got 2 Know
|071 ||Sigala & Ella Eyre & Meghan Trainor Feat. French Montana || Just Got Paid
|71||2 Unlimited || Spread Your Love
|072 ||R3Hab & Mike Williams || Lullaby
|72||Boston DJ's || Move Your Body
|073 ||Robin Schulz Feat. Erika Sirola || Speechless
|73||2 Brothers On The 4th Floor Feat. Des'ray & D-Rock || Fly (Through The Starry Night)
|074 ||Janieck || Does It Matter
|74||Speedy J. || Something For Your Mind
|075 ||Lucas & Steve X Janieck || You Don't Have To Like It
|75||Interactive || Dildo
|076 ||San Holo Feat. Bipolar Sunshine || Brighter Days
|76||Energy 52 || Cafe Del Mar
|077 ||Nicky Romero & Stadiumx Feat. Matluck || Rise
|77||Westbam || Mayday Anthem
|078 ||Showtek & Moby || Natural Blues
|78||DJ Jean || The Launch
|079 ||Axwell X Ingrosso || Dreamer
|79||Southside Spinners || Luvstruck (Original Mix)
|080 ||Kygo Feat. John Newman || Never Let You Go
|80||Alexia || Summer Is Crazy
|081 ||Tiësto & Dzeko Feat. Preme & Post Malone || Jackie Chan
|81||Ramirez || Bomba
|082 ||Hardwell & Kaaze Feat. Loren Allred || This Is Love
|82||Yves De Ruyter || Calling Earth
|083 ||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Sam Martin || Wild Wild Son
|83||N.U.K.E. || Nana
|084 ||Armin Van Buuren || Blah Blah Blah
|84||2 Unlimited || No Limit
|085 ||Steve Aoki, Deorro, Makj & Max Styler || Shakalaka
|85||Culture Beat || Anything
|086 ||Martin Garrix Feat. Khalid || Ocean
|86||Soca Boys || Follow The Leader
|087 ||Afrojack Feat. Stanaj || Bed Of Roses
|87||Rotterdam Termination Source || Poing
|088 ||R3Hab & Sofia Carson || Rumors
|88||Ramirez || El Gallinero
|089 ||Martin Garrix & David Guetta Feat. Jamie Scott & Romy Dya || So Far Away
|89||Pin-Occhio || Pinocchio
|090 ||Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Feat. Gucci Mane || All I Need
|90||Interactive || Forever Young
|091 ||Sam Feldt Feat. Jeremy Renner || Heaven (Don't Have A Name)
|91||Mental Theo & Charly Lownoise || Together In Wonderland
|092 ||Brennan Heart Feat. Trevor Guthrie || Won't Hold Me Down (Gravity)
|92||Marusha || Somewhere Over The Rainbow
|093 ||The Galaxy Feat. Jvzel || Hero
|93||Mental Theo & Charly Lownoise || Wonderfull Days
|094 ||W&W & Darren Styles Feat. Giin || Long Way Down
|94||DJ Paul || Luv U More
|095 ||Bebe Rexha Feat. Florida Georgia Line || Meant To Be
|95||Mental Theo & Charly Lownoise || Stars
|096 ||Afrojack X Jewelz & Sparks || One More Day
|96||2 Brothers On The 4th Floor Feat. Des'ray & D-Rock || Come Take My Hand
|097 ||Alan Walker Feat. Au/Ra & Tomine Harket || Darkside
|97||Mental Theo & Charly Lownoise || Hardcore Feelings
|098 ||Zedd & Elley Duhé || Happy Now
|98||Technohead || I Wanna Be A Hippy
|099 ||Mr. Probz || Space For Two
|100 ||Cmc$ & Grx Feat. Icona Pop || X's
|101 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro Grandmix 2018

===31 december 2005===
===31 december 2019===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

18:00-21:00 uur:
21.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de [ Grandmix Decade Edition] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland) en integraal via [[Radio Calletti]] (Italië)!
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2005] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)<ref>[] ''538 Report: 538 blikt terug op 2005'' | Publicatie: 27 december 2005 | (Gevonden: 23 juli 2005)</ref>

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001 || [[Ben Liebrand]]|| Intro Grandmix Decade Edition
|001||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 2005
|002 ||Mike Perry || The Ocean
|002||Elize || Automatic (I'm Talking to You)
|003 ||Flume || Holdin' On
|003|| Freeloaders & The Real Thing|| So Much Love to Give
|004 ||Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Vs. David Guetta Feat. Kiara || Complicated (Extended)
|004|| Bob Sinclar || Love Generation
|005 ||Kygo Feat. Ellie Goudling || First Time
|005|| Inaya Day || Nasty Girl
|006 ||Frenship & Emily Warren || Capsize
|006||Bon Garcon ||Freek U
|007 ||Lost Frequencies & Mokita || Black & Blue
|007||Tiga || You Gonna Want Me
|008 ||Lost Frequencies & Netsky || Here With You
|008|| Ethan || In my Heart
|009 ||Macklemore Feat. Mary Lambert || Same Love
|009||Infernal || From Paris to Berlin
|010 ||Alan Walker || Faded (Luke Christopher Remix)
|010||Porno || Music Power
|011 ||David Guetta & Sia || Flames
|011|| Supafly & Fishbowl || Let's Get Down
|012 ||Justin Timberlake Feat. Chris Stapleton || Say Something
|012|| Shapeshifters || Back to Basics
|013 ||DJ Snake & Lil' Jon || Turn Down For What
|013|| Studio B ||I See Girls (Crazy)
|014 ||Major Lazor Feat. Bruno Mars, Tyga & Mystic || Bubble Butt
|014|| Rockefeller || Do It 2 Nite
|015 ||Dua Lipa || IDGAF
|015|| Axwell || Feel The Vibe
|016 ||Calvin Harris Feat. Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry & Big Sean || Feels
|016|| Dennis Christopher vs. Tony Cha Cha || Slut!
|017 ||Daya ||Hide Away
|017|| The House Keepers || Go Down
|018 ||Peking Duk Feat. Icona Pop || Let You Down (Main Mix)
|018|| Deep Dish || Flashdance
|019 ||Bad Bunny Feat. Drake|| Mia (Bengro & Apollo Vice Remix Clean)
|019|| StoneBridge || Put 'Em High
|020 ||DJ Snake Feat. Cardi B, Ozuna, Selena Gomez || Taki Taki
|020|| StoneBridge || Take Me Away
|021 ||Mr. Probz || Till You're Loved
|021|| Cabin Crew || Waiting For A Star To Fall
|022 ||Major Lazer Feat. Justin Bieber & Mo || Cold Water
|022|| Lil' Love || Little Love
|023 ||Years & Years || Sanctify
|023|| Freemasons || Love On My Mind
|024 ||Alan Walker Feat. Noah Cyrus With Digital Farm Animals || All Falls Down
|024|| Faith Evans || Mesmerized (Freemasons Radio Edit)
|025 ||Kygo || Stole The Show
|025|| Gregor Salto || Looking Good
|026 ||Nicki Minaj Feat. Drake|| Moment 4 Life
|026|| Dr. Kucho! & Gregor Salto || Can't Stop Playing
|027 ||Italobrothers || Summer Air
|027|| Carolina Marquez || The Killer's Song
|028 ||Marshmello Feat. Bastille || Happier
|028|| Yves Larock || Zookey (Lift Your Leg Up)
|029 ||Klingande & Bright Sparks || Messiah
|029|| The Lovefreekz || Shine
|030 ||Digital Farm Animals & Cash Cash Feat. Nelly || Millionaire (Alan Walker Remix)
|030|| Narcotic Thrust || When The Dawn Breaks
|031 ||DJ Snake Feat. Justin Bieber || Let Me Love You
|031|| Reflekt || Need To Feel Loved
|032 ||JP Cooper || September Song (Indian Summer Mix)
|032|| D.O.N.S. || Pump Up The Jam (Kurd Maverick aka Gian's Crowd Is Jumpin' Mix)
|033 ||Major Lazer Feat. Mø & Dj Snake || Lean On
|033|| David Guetta || The World Is Mine
|034 ||Major Lazer Feat. Moti, Ty Dolla $Ign, Wixkid & Kranium || Boom (Original Mix)
|034|| Roger Sanchez || Turn On The Music
|035 ||Alan Walker || Alone
|035|| Gadjo || So Many Times
|036 ||Usher || Good Kisser
|036|| Olav Basoski || Waterman
|037 ||Mapei || Don't Wait
|037|| Uniting Nations || You And Me
|038 ||Saknoel || Trumpets
|038|| Tom Novy || Your Body
|039 ||The Chainsmokers || Paris
|039|| Deep Dish || Say Hello
|040 ||Freddy Moreira & Capital Candy Feat. Patexx || Mood For Lovin' (Extended Mix)
|040|| Jupiter Ace || 1000 Years
|041 ||Sean Paul Feat. Dua Lipa || No Lie
|041|| Gabriel & Dresden || Arcadia
|042 ||Galantis || Hunter
|042|| 100% || Just Can't Wait (Saturday)
|043 ||Tove Lo || Cool Girl
|043|| Armand van Helden || Into Your Eyes
|044 ||Katy Perry Feat. Skip Marley || Chained To The Rhythm
|044|| Mylo vs. Miami Sound Machine || Doctor Pressure
|045 ||Marshmello & Anne-Marie || Friends
|045|| Andy Moor || Halcyon
|046 ||Clean Bandit Feat. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie || Rockabye
|046|| Rachael Starr || Till There Was You (Gabriel & Dresden Mix)
|047 ||Hardwell Feat. Conor Maynard & Snoop Dogg || How You Love Me
|047|| Uniting Nations || Out Of Touch
|048 ||Cheat Codes X Kris Kross Amsterdam || Sex (Extended Mix)
|048|| Mike Foyle vs. Signalrunners || Love Theme Dusk
|049 ||Calvin Harris Feat. Frank Ocean & Migos || Slide
|049|| Johnson || Push The Feeling On
|050 ||Matt Simons || Catch & Release (Deepend Remix)
|050|| Erick E || Boogie Down
|051 ||J. Balvin & Willy William || Mi Gente
|051|| Above & Beyond vs. Andy Moor || Air For Life
|052 ||Bruno Mars (Without Cardi B) || Finesse
|052|| Global Deejays || The Sound Of San Francisco
|053 ||Zedd & Alessia Cara || Stay
|053|| Global Deejays || What A Feeling (Flashdance)
|054 ||Martin Garrix Feat. Mike Yung || Dreamer
|054|| Ferry Corsten || Fire
|055 ||Kygo || Here For You
|055|| Ritmo-Dynamic || Calinda (2005 Radio Edit)
|056 ||Justin Bieber & Bloodpop(R) || Friends
|056|| Dave McCullen || B*tch
|057 ||Disclosure Feat. Sam Smith || Omen
|057|| Lasgo || All Night Long
|058 ||Starley || Call On Me (Ryan Riback Remix)
|058|| Purple Haze || Adrenaline
|059 ||Campsite Dream || No Diggity (Extended Mix)
|059|| Markus Schulz & Departure with Gabriel & Dresden || Without You Near (Gabriel & Dresden Mix)
|060 ||Rudimental Feat. James Arthur|| Sun Comes Up
|060|| FB || Who's Knockin'? (Ferry Corsten Remix)
|061 ||Martin Garric & Troye Sivan || There For You
|061|| Marco V || Second Bite
|062 ||Eva Simons Feat. Konshens || Policeman (Radio Edit)
|062|| Randy Katana || Pleasure Island
|063 ||Cheat Codes & Dante Klein || Let Me Hold You (Turn Me On) (Extended Mix)
|063|| Armin van Buuren || Serenity
|064 ||Mo || Final Song
|064|| Clokx || Tibet
|065 ||Thomas Gold Feat. Jillian Edwards || Magic
|065|| Armin van Buuren || Shivers
|066 ||Armin Van Buuren & Garibay || Phone Down
|066|| DJ Tiësto || UR (Junkie XL Air Guitar Edit)
|067 ||Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Era Istrefi || Selfish
|067|| G-Spott || City Streets
|068 ||Lost Frequencies Feat. Flynn || Recognise (Extended Mix)
|068|| Mr. Sam || Lyteo (Rank 1 Remix)
|069 ||Major Lazer || Watch Out For This (Bumaye)
|069|| Manyou || Drifting Away
|070 ||The Boy Next Door, Fresh Coast Feat. Jody Bernal || La Colegiala
|070|| Van Helsing & Van Giessen || Enjoy The Silence
|071 ||Zedd & Maren Morris & Grey || The Middle
|071|| Project X || Streaming Summer Love
|072 ||Justin Timberlake || Soulmate
|072|| Southside Spinners || Luvstruck (Klubbheads 2005 Remix)
|073 ||Neiked Feat. Dyo || Sexual
|073|| 4 Strings || Sunrise
|074 ||Cheat Codes X Little Mix || Only You
|074|| Randy Katana || Play It Loud
|075 ||Dua Lipa || Hotter Than Hell
|075|| Rank 1 || Beats At Rank-1 Dotcom
|076 ||Major Lazer, The Flexican, FS Green & Busy Signal || Watch Out for This (Bumaye)
|076|| DJ Jose || Stepping To The Beat
|077 ||Armin Van Buuren & Garibay Feat. Olaf Blackwood || I Need You (Original Extended Mix)
|077|| Jonas Steur || Castamara
|078 ||DJ Snake Feat. Cardi B, Ozuna, Selena Gomez, Cardi B || Taki Taki (Milan Variable Remix)  
|078|| Kuffdam & Plant || Summerdream (PvD Remix)
|079 ||Steve Aoki Feat. The Backstreet Boys || Let It Be Me
|079|| Roy Gates || We Rock Together
|080 ||Kygo Feat. Conrad Sewell || Firestone (Original Version)
|080|| DJ Tiësto || Adagio For Strings
|081 ||Armin Van Buuren Feat. James Newman || Therapy
|081|| Roy Gates || On My Way
|082 ||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Josh Cumbee || Sunny Days
|082|| DJ Jean || Feel It
|083 ||Daft Punk Feat. Pharrell Williams|| Get Lucky
|083|| Ron Van Den Beuken || Sunset (Ron Van Den Beuken Mix)
|084 ||Steve Aoki & Louis Tomlinson || Just Hold On
|084|| Fred Baker vs. Nyram || Confirmation
|085 ||Martin Jensen || Solo Dance
|085|| John Marks || Do It Again
|086 ||Lost Frequencies Feat. The Nghbrs || Like I Love You (Extended Mix)
|086|| Ernesto vs. Bastian || Dark Side Of The Moon
|087 ||Noah Kahan & Julia Michaels || Hurt Somebody
|087|| Clokx || Feelings
|088 ||Mr. Probz || Waves (Robin Schulz Remix)
|088|| Thomas Bronzwaer || Close Horizon
|089 ||Martin Garrix Feat. Macklemore & Patrick Stump ||Summer Days
|089|| Frank Van Polanen || Denmark
|090 ||Klangkarussell || Sonnentanz (Extended)
|090|| John Marks || Update
|091 ||Fais || Make Me Do (Môwe Extended Remix)
|091|| The Rush vs. Thalamus || Shock Your Senses
|092 ||Silk City & Dua Lipa Feat. Diplo & Mark Ronson  || Electricity More Mixes (Extended Clean)
|092|| Dogzilla || Without You
|093 ||Alesso || Remedy
|093|| D.H.T. || Listen To Your Heart (Furious F.EZ Radio Edit)
|094 ||Calvin Harris|| My Way
|094|| Bart Claessen || Playmo (1st Play)
|095 ||Izzy Bizu || White Tiger (Marcus Layton Radio Edit)
|095|| Paul van Dyk || The Other Side (Deep Dish Remix)
|096 ||Felix Jaehn Feat. Jasmin Thompson || Ain't Nobody (Loves Me Better)
|096|| Randy Katana || Fancy Fair 2005
|097 ||Pitbull || Wild Wild Love
|097|| A Force || Behind Silence
|098 ||Storm Queen || Look Right Through (Mk Vocal Extended)
|098|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro Grandmix 2005
23.00-24.00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1985] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===30 december 2006===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
23.00-24.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1986] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===31 december 2006===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2006] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland) en op [[Radio One]] (Curaçao)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|099 ||Lucas & Steve || Up Till Dawn (On The Move)
|001|| [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Intro Grandmix 2006
|100 ||Rudimental Feat. Anne-Marie And Will Heard || Rumour Mill
|002|| The Shapeshifters & Chic ||Sensitivity
|101 ||Ottoknows || Parachute (Remix)
|003|| Gregor Salto ||Viajar (Mas Que Nada)
|102 ||Camelphat || Cola (Radio Edit)
|004|| The Shapeshifters ||Incredible
|103 ||Duke Dumont Feat. Jax Jones || I Got U
|005|| Mish Mash Feat. Lois ||Speechless
|104 ||Sam Feldt X Lucas & Steve Feat. Wulf || Summer On You (Extended Radio Mix)
|006|| Blaze Feat. Barbara Tucker ||Most Precious Love
|105 ||ATFC & David Penn || Hipcats (Extended Mix)
|007|| Baggi Begovic & Bryan Dalton ||Safe
|106 ||Maggie Lindemann || Pretty Girl (Cheat Codes X Cade Remix)
|008|| Supafly Inc. ||Moving Too Fast
|107 ||MK || Body 2 Body (Club Mix)
|009|| Michael Gray Feat. Shelly Poole ||Borderline (Ready For Your Love)
|108 ||Ariana Grande || No Tears Left To Cry
|010|| Till West & DJ Delicious ||Same Man
|109 ||Loud Luxury And Bryce Vine || I'm Not Alright (Extended Mix)
|011|| Paul Oakenfold Feat. Brittany Murphy ||Faster Kill Pussycat
|110 ||OMI || Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn Remix)
|012|| Ricky Rivaro ||The Beat Inside
|111 ||DNCED || Cake By The Ocean
|013|| Bodyrox ||Yeah Yeah
|112 ||Gregory Porter || Liquid Spirit (Claptone Remix)
|014|| Camile Jones ||CREEPS
|113 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. James "D-Train" Williams || Weekend
|015|| Fedde Le Grand ||Just Trippin’
|114 ||Calvin Harris + Disciples || How Deep Is Your Love
|016|| Outwork Feat. Mr.Gee ||Electro
|115 ||Riton Feat. Kah-Lo || Rinse & Repeat (Original Mix)
|017|| Mason ||Exceeder
|116 ||Hardwell & Jay Sean || Thinking About You
|018|| Sidney Samson ||Shake And Rock This (Remix)
|117 ||Duke Dumont Feat. Ebenezer || Inhale
|019|| Untouchable 3 ||That Once In A Lifetime
|118 ||Sigala X Ella Eyre X Meghan Trainor Feat. French Montana || Just Got Paid
|020|| Erick Morillo ||Jazz In Your Face
|119 ||Stromae || Alors On Danse
|021|| Erick E ||The Beat Is Rockin’
|120 ||Studio Killers || Ode To The Bouncer (Radio Edit)
|022|| Roger Sanchez ||Lost
|121 ||Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano Feat. Blaq Tuxedo || Thinking About You
|023|| Real El Canario ||U Rock
|122 ||Loud Luxury Feat. Brando || Body
|024|| Fedde Le Grand ||Put Your Hands Up 4 Detroit
|123 ||Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike X Armin Van Buuren X W&W || Repeat After Me (Extended Mix)
|025|| Benjamin Bates ||Shelter
|124 ||MK X Jonas Blue X Becky Hill || Back & Forth
|026|| Beatfreakz ||Superfreak
|125 ||AJR || Weak
|027|| Yoshimoto ||Du What U Du
|126 ||Axwell ^ Ingrosso || More Than You Know
|028|| Mischa Daniels ||Take Me Higher (The Remixes)
|127 ||Pep & Rash || Rumors (Original Mix)
|029|| Ian Carey & Mochico Feat. Miss Bunty ||Say What You Want
|128 ||Lil Kleine & Ronnie Flex || Drank & Drugs
|030|| Groove Cats ||Once In A Lifetime Groove
|129 ||Lost Frequencies || Are You With Me (Radio Edit)
|031|| Bob Sinclar Feat. Steve Edwards ||World, Hold On (Children Of The Sky)
|130 ||George Ezra || Shotgun (The Wild Remix), (Extended Mix), (Original Mix)
|032|| The Source Feat. Candi Staton ||You Got The Love
|131 ||Pitbull Feat. John Ryan || Fireball
|033|| Dennis Christopher ||Soulshakin’
|132 ||Chocolate Puma || Step Back
|034|| Chanel ||My Life
|133 ||Au/Ra & CamelPhat || Panic Room
|035|| Phunk-A-Delic ||Rockin’
|134 ||Dennis Quin & Shermanology || Move Out Of My Way (Original)
|036|| Hound Dogs ||I Like Girls
|135 ||Fisher || Losing It
|037|| Jenn Cuneta ||Come Rain Come Shine
|136 ||Oliver Heldens || Gecko (Original Mix)
|038|| Solu Music Feat. Kimblee ||Fade
|137 ||Swedish House Mafia vs. Tinie Tempah || Miami 2 Ibiza
|039|| Bob Sinclar & Cutee B Feat. Dollarman & Big Ali ||Rock This Party (Everybody Dance Now)
|138 ||Far East Movement Feat. The Cataracs, DEV || Like A G6
|040|| Axwell Feat. Steve Edwards ||Watch The Sunrise
|139 ||Swedish House Mafia || Greyhound (Original Version)
|041|| Freemasons Feat. Amanda Wilson ||Watchin’
|140 ||Avicii || Hey Brother
|042|| The Caramel Club ||Mama Say Mama Sa
|141 ||Sigala & Digital Farm Animals|| Only One
|043|| Meck Feat. Leo Sayer ||Thunder In My Heart Again
|142 ||Tiësto Feat Gucci Mane & Sevenn || Boom (Extended Mix)
|044|| Fonzerelli ||Moonlight Party
|143 ||Avicii Feat. Aloe Blacc || Wake Me Up
|045|| Johnny Crockett ||E For Electro
|144 ||Eelke Kleijn || Ein Tag Am Strand (Instrumental Mix)
|046|| Armin Van Buuren vs. Herman Brood ||Saturday Night
|145 ||Calvin Harris & Dua Lipa || One Kiss
|047|| Simon & Shaker ||Zero
|146 ||Michael Feiner || Mantra (Axwell Cut)
|048|| Olav Basoski Presents. Proper Tunes ||Like Dis (Fedde Le Grand Remix)
|147 ||Oliver Heldens & Shaun Frank Feat. Delaney Jane || Shades Of Grey Club Mix)
|049|| Hi_Tack ||Say Say Say (Waiting 4 U)
|148 ||Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Paris Hilton || Best Friend's Ass
|050|| Deux ||Sun Rising Up
|149 ||Martin Solveig & GTA || Intoxicated (Original Mix)
|051|| Supermode ||Tell Me Why
|150 ||Sigala ||Easy Love (Original Mix)
|052|| Pakito ||Living On Video
|151 ||Joe Stone & Daser || Freak (And You Know It) (Radio Edit)
|053|| Tiësto Feat. Maxi Jazz ||EADance4Life
|152 ||Martin Solveig Feat. Sam White || « +1 » (Club Mix)
|054|| Pakito ||Moving On Stereo
|153 ||Michael Calfan || Treasured Soul (Original Mix)
|055|| Mischa Daniels ||Off My Rocker
|154 ||Jax Jones & Raye || You Don't Know Me
|056|| DJ Jose ||Dedication
|155 ||Selena Gomez & Marshmello || Wolves
|057|| Abel Ramos ||Electro Fun
|156 ||Sigala & Ella Eyre || Came Here For Love
|058|| Aaron Smith Feat. Luvli ||Dancin’
|157 ||Tim Berg || Bromance (Avicii's Arena Mix)
|059|| Marco V. ||Any Better, Or?
|158 ||Alex De Guirior Feat. Jay Colin || The Girl That I Want (Extended Mix)
|060|| Filterfunk ||S.O.S. (Message In A Bottle)
|159 ||Usher || Numb (Original Version)
|061|| Shocksteady ||Take A Ride
|160 ||San Holo || I Still See Your Face
|062|| Above & Beyond ||Good For Me
|161 ||Ariana Grande || One Last Time
|063|| Super8 & P.O.S. Presents. Aalto ||5
|162 ||Justin Bieber || What Do You Mean
|064|| Club Scene Investigation ||Direct Dizko
|163 ||Martin Solveig Feat. Kele || Ready 2 Go (Club Edit)
|065|| Carl B ||Social Suicide
|164 ||Calvin Harris & Sam Smith || Promises
|066|| Armin Van Buuren ||Control Freak (Sander van Doorn Remix)
|165 ||Dennis Ferrer || Hey Hey Hey
|067|| Gabriel & Dresden Feat. Molly ||Tracking Treasure Down
|166 ||Bingo Players || When I Dip (Original Mix)
|068|| Marcel Woods ||Advanced
|167 ||Martin Solveig & Dragonette || Hello (Club Edit)
|069|| Thomas Bronzwaer ||Shadow World
|168 ||Duck Sauce || Barbra Streisand (Original Mix)
|070|| Armin Van Buuren Feat. Racoon ||Love You More
|169 ||Hardwell Feat. Mitch Crown||Call Me A Spaceman (Extended Mix)
|071|| Fragma ||Radio Air Waves
|170 ||Chris Brown & Benny Benassi || Beautiful People (Radio Edit)
|072|| Roy Gates ||Lose Myself
|171 ||Chocolate Puma & Firebeatz||Just One More Time Baby (Original Mix)
|073|| Roy Gates ||Midnight Sun
|172 ||Jenifer Lopez ||Live It Up
|074|| Astatic ||Cascada
|173 ||R.I.O. || One Heart (Extended Mix)
|075|| Karen Overton ||Your Loving Arms
|174 ||Tiësto & Dzeko Feat. Preme & Post Malone || Jackie Chan
|076|| Super8 + DJ Tab ||Helsinki Scorchin’
|175 ||Nils Van Zandt Feat. Sharon Doorson || Feel Like Dancing (Radio Edit)
|077|| Cara Dillon vs. 2Devine ||Black Is The Colour (Coco & Green Remix)
|176 ||Axwell Λ Ingrosso Feat. Trevor Guthrie || Dreamer
|078|| Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Talla 2Xlc ||Full Prelude (Re:Locate vs. Solid Globe Remix)
|177 ||David Guetta Feat. Kid Cudi || Memories (Extended)
|079|| Menno De Jong & Leon Bolier Presents. Solar Express ||Magma
|178 ||Duck Sauce || Big Bad Wolf (Original Mix)
|080|| Armin Van Buuren ||Sail
|179 ||Yolanda Be Cool vs DCUP || We No Speak Americano (Original Mix)
|081|| Interstate ||Remember Me
|180 ||Chelley || Took The Night (Alvaro Mix)
|082|| Divini & Warning ||4 L.B.
|181 ||Avicii F. Salem Al Fakir||Silhouettes (Disco Fries Club Mix)
|083|| 8Ball ||My Love
|182 ||Showtek Justin Prime || Cannonball (Original Mix)
|084|| G-Spott ||Sadness
|183 ||Martin Garrix || Animals (Original Mix)
|085|| Selu Vibra ||Divine
|184 ||Fox Stevenson || Tico (Original Mix)
|086|| Chocolate Puma ||Always and Forever (Bart Claessen Dub)
|185 ||Redfoo || Let's Get Ridiculous (Main Version)
|087|| John Marks ||Carnival
|186 ||Daddysgroove ||Tilt (Club Mix)
|088|| Orjan ||Arctic Globe
|187 ||Chainsmokers|| Selfie
|089|| Ron Van Den Beuken ||Find The Way
|188 ||Martin Garrix & Moti || Virus (How About Now) (Original Mix)
|090|| Arksun ||Arisen
|189 ||Afrojack & Martin Garrix || Turn Up The Speakers (Original Mix)
|091|| Fable ||Above
|190 ||Lucas & Steve X Janieck || You Don't Have To Like It (Extended Mix)
|092|| Galen Behr vs. Hydroid ||Carabella (Galen Behr vs. Orjan Nilsen Remix)
|191 ||W&W || Bigfoot (Original Mix)
|093|| Jonas Steur ||Second Turn
|192 ||New World Sound & Thomas Newson || Flute (Original Mix)
|094|| Bart Claessen ||When Morning Comes (Bart Claessen Rework)
|193 ||Pitbull || Give Me Everything
|095|| Grooveyard ||Mary Go Wild!
|194 ||Quintino Feat. Mitch Crown || You Can't Deny (Alvaro Remix)
|096|| Re:Locate ||Rogue
|195 ||Martin Garrix || Proxy (Original Mix)
|097|| Gott & Gordon ||Midnight
|196 ||Fedde Le Grand Feat. Mitch Crown ||Rockin High (Nicky Romero Remix)
|098|| Re:Locate Feat. M.I.D.O.R ||Alcatraz
|197 ||Martin Garrix Feat. Usher || Don't Look Down
|099|| Bloodhound Gang ||Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss (The Scooter Remix)
|198 ||W&W || Lift Off! (Original Mix)
|100|| [[Ben Liebrand ]] ||Outro Grandmix 2006
|199 ||AronChupa || I'm An Albatraoz
|200 ||David Guetta, Martin Garrix & Brooks || Like I Do
===21 april 2007===
|201 ||Usher || Scream (Project 46 Remix)
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|202 ||Cascada || Pyromania
18.00-19.00 uur:
|203 ||Basto || Gregory's Theme (Extended Mix)
Dit is een klein gedeelte uit de [ Grandmix 2006] (Tracks 1 t/m 14 van CD 1), uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)
|204 ||Martin Garrix & Jay Hardway || Wizard (Original Mix)
|205 ||Fatboy Slim & Riva Starr Feat. Beardymann ||Eat Sleep Rave Repeat (Original Clean Edit)
|206 ||Calvin Harris || Summer (Extended Mix)
|207 ||Showtek Feat. Mc Ambush || 90S By Nature (Original Mix)
|208 ||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Mr. Probz|| Another You
|209 ||Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs Tujamo & Felguk || Nova (Original Edit)
|210 ||Calvin Harris || Bounce Feat Kelis (Extended Mix)
|211 ||Swedish House Mafia || Save The World
|212 ||The Black Eyed Peas || The Time (Dirty Bit)
|213 ||Ricky L Feat. Mick|| Born Again (Balearic Soul Club Mix)
|214 ||The Shapeshifters|| Helter Skelter (Original Edit)
|215 ||Deadmau5 & Wolfgang Gartner || Animal Rights (Radio Edit)
|216 ||Afrojack And Steve Aoki Feat. Miss Palmer || No Beef (Vocal Mix)
|217 ||Basto || Again And Again (Extended Mix)
|218 ||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Adam Young || Youtopia (Michael Woods Remix)
|219 ||Tiësto Feat. Kshmr & Vassy || Secrets
|220 ||Martin Garrix Feat. Jrm || These Are The Times
|221 ||Kesha || Die Young [My Digital Enemy Remix]
|222 ||sebastian Ingrosso And Alesso Feat. Ryan Tedder || Calling (Lose My Mind) (Radio Edit)
|223 ||Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs Ummet Ozcan || The Hum (Lost Frequencies Remix)
|224 ||Britney Spears || Work Bitch [Explicit Version]Sony
|225 ||DVBBS & Borgeous || Tsunami (Original Mix)
|226 ||Swedish House Mafia Feat. John Martin || Don't You Worry Child (Extended Mix)
|227 ||Firebeatz & Schella||Dear New York (Original Mix)
|228 ||Steve Angello || Knas
|229 ||Kelis|| Acapella
|230 ||Zedd Feat. Jon Bellion || Beautiful Now
|231 ||Avicii || Waiting For Love
|232 ||Fais Feat. Afrojack || Hey
|233 ||Oliver Heldens Feat. Shungudzo || Fire In My Soul
|234 ||Galantis || No Money
|235 ||Asino vs DJ Jean || Yo DJ (Original Mix)
|236 ||Usher || Scream (Project 46 Remix)
|237 ||Icona Pop Feat. Charli XCX || I Love It (Hot Mouth Remix)
|238 ||Gorgon City || Saving My Life
|239 ||Pitbull Feat. Keha || Timber
|240 ||Ariana Grande || Break Free
|241 ||Otto Knows || Million Voices (Original Version)
|242 ||LMFAO Feat. Lauren Bennett & Goonrock|| Party Rock Anthem
|243 ||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Trevor Guthrie || This Is What It Feels Like (Extended)
|244 ||Chris Brown || Turn Up The Music (Main Version)
|245 ||Fono || Real Joy
|246 ||Will-I-Am Feat. Eva Simons || This Is Love (Album Version)
|247 ||David Guetta Feat. Flo Rida & Nicki Minaj || Where Them Girls At
|248 ||LMFAO || Sexy And I Know It (Original Version)
|249 ||Hardwell & Armin van Buuren || Off The Hook
|250 ||Armin Van Buuren ||Ping Pong (Hardwell Remix)
|251 ||PSY || Gangnam Style (Original Version)
|252 ||Axwell ^ Ingrosso || Sun Is Shining
|253 ||Avicii || Without You
|254 ||Ziggy || Orbit (Original Mix)
|255 ||Calvin Harris || Feels So Close (Nero Dub)
|256 ||Steve Aoki, Deorro, Makj & Max Styler || Shakalaka
|257 ||Armin Van Buuren ||Blah Blah Blah (Extended Mix)
|258 ||Hardwell & Kshmr || Power (Extended Mix)
|259 ||Pharrell Williams || Happy
|260 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro Grandmix Decade Edition

===28 april 2007===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-19.00 uur:
Dit is een klein gedeelte uit de [ Grandmix 2004] (Tracks 3 t/m 17 van CD 1), uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)

===8 augustus 2020===
===5 mei 2007===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

22.30-23.00 uur:
18.00-19.00 uur:
Dit is het vervolg van de [ Grandmix 2004] (Tracks 18 t/m 31 van CD 1), uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)
===12 mei 2007===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

Dit is de [ Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends Editie], deel 1, Tracks 1 t/m 18 van CD 1, zoals  uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland)
18.00-19.00 uur:

{| class="wikitable"
Dit is het vervolg van de [ Grandmix 2006] (Tracks 14 t/m 27 van CD 1), uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends
|02||Earth, Wind & Fire || Fantasy
|03||Ramsey Lewis || Sun Goddess
|04||Earth, Wind & Fire ||On Your Face
|05||Earth, Wind & Fire With Angie Stone || Wonderland
|06||Deniece Williams || Cause You Love Me Baby
|07||Earth, Wind & Fire || In The Name Of Love
|08||Earth, Wind & Fire Feat. Mc Hammer || Wanna Be The Man
|09||Earth, Wind & Fire || Star
|10||Earth, Wind & Fire || Kalimba Story
|11||Earth, Wind & Fire || Shining Star
|12||Ramsey Lewis || Whisper Zone
|13||Earth, Wind & Fire || Saturday Night
|14||Earth, Wind & Fire With The Emotions || Side By Side
|15||Ramsey Lewis || Tequila Mockingbird
|16||Earth, Wind & Fire ||Every Now And Then
|17||The Emotions || Flowers
|18||Deniece Williams || Baby Baby My Love's All For You

===15 augustus 2020===
===19 mei 2007===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

22.30-23.00 uur:
18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is de [ Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends Editie], deel 2, Tracks 19 t/m 35 van CD 1, zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland)
Let op: dit is het vervolg van de [ Grandmix 2004] (Tracks 33 van CD 1 en Tracks 1 t/m 8 van CD 2), uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)

{| class="wikitable"
===26 mei 2007===
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|00|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends
18.00-19.00 uur:
|01||Earth, Wind & Fire || Getaway
Dit is het vervolg van de [ Grandmix 2004] (Tracks 9 t/m 19 van CD 2), uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)
|02|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Let Me Talk
===2 juni 2007===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|03|| The Emotions || The Best Of My Love
18.00-19.00 uur:
|04|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Spread Your Love
Dit is het vervolg van de [ Grandmix 2006] (Tracks 28 t/m 32 van CD 1 en Tracks 1 t/m 8 van CD 2), uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)
|05|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Thinking Of You
|06|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Mighty Mighty
|07|| Earth, Wind & Fire || I've Had Enough
|08|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Pride
|09|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Jupiter
|10|| Earth, Wind & Fire || In The Stone
|11|| Maurice White || Stand By Me
|12|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Fall In Love With Me
|13|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Evil
|14|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Sing A Song
|15|| The Pockets || Come Go With Me
|16|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Turn On (The Beat Box)
|17|| Earth, Wind & Fire || System Of Survival

===22 augustus 2020===
===9 juni 2007===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

22.30-23.00 uur:
18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is de[ Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends Editie], deel 3, Tracks 36 t/m 42 van CD 1 en Tracks 1 t/m van 11 van CD 2, zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland)
Dit is het vervolg van de [ Grandmix 2004] (Tracks 20 t/m 32 van CD 2), uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)

{| class="wikitable"
===16 juni 2007===
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
|00|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends
18.00-19.00 uur:
|01||Earth, Wind & Fire ||My Promise
Dit is het vervolg van de [ Grandmix 2004] (Tracks 1 t/m 13 van CD 3), uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)
|02||Earth, Wind & Fire || Let Your Feelings Show
|03||The Emotions || I Should Be Dancing
|04||Earth, Wind & Fire || And Love Goes On
|05||The Emotions || I Don't Wanna Loose Your Love
|06||Earth, Wind & Fire || Why
|07||Earth, Wind & Fire || Reasons
|08||Earth, Wind & Fire || September
|09||Earth, Wind & Fire || Let's Groove
|10||Earth, Wind & Fire || Magic Mind
|11||Philip Bailey Feat. Phil Collins || Easy Lover
|12||Earth, Wind & Fire || After The Love Has Gone
|13||Earth, Wind & Fire || Can't Let Go
|14||The Emotions || Smile
|15||Earth, Wind & Fire With The Emotions || Boogie Wonderland
|16||Earth, Wind & Fire || Serpentine Fire
|17||Earth, Wind & Fire || Got To Get You Into My Life
|18||Earth, Wind & Fire || Magnetic

===26 september 2020===
===23 juni 2007===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

22.30-23.00 uur:
18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van een gedeelte uit de [ Grandmix 1983], tracks 1 t/m 37 uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland)
Dit is een klein gedeelte uit de [ Grandmix 2005] (Tracks 1 t/m 13 van CD 1) in een extended versie, uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)

===30 juni 2007===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

===31 december 2020===
18.00-19.00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

15:00-18:00 uur:
Dit is het vervolg van de [ Grandmix 2005] (Tracks 14 t/m 29 van CD 1), uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)

Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Decade Edition] uitgezonden op [[Radio ISLA 106]] (Spanje)
===7 juli 2007===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

18.00-19.00 uur:

18:00-21:00 uur:
Dit is het vervolg van de [ Grandmix 2005] (Tracks 29 t/m 35 van CD 1 en Tracks 1 t/m 9 van CD 2), uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)

===14 juli 2007===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

Dit is de [ Grandmix 2020] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland), [[Radio ISLA 106]] (Spanje), [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland) en [[Radio ABC]] (Denemarken)
18.00-19.00 uur:
Dit is het vervolg van de [ Grandmix 2005] (Tracks 8 t/m 21 van CD 2), uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)
===21 juli 2007===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-19.00 uur:
Dit is het vervolg van de [ Grandmix 2005] (Tracks 21 t/m 31 van CD 2), uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)
===28 juli 2007===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-19.00 uur:
Dit is het vervolg van de [ Grandmix 2005] (Tracks 31 van CD 2 en Tracks 1 t/m 11 van CD 3), uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)
===4 augustus 2007===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-19.00 uur:
Dit is het vervolg van de [ Grandmix 2005] (Tracks 12 t/m 25 van CD 3), uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)
===11 augustus 2007===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-19.00 uur:
Dit is het vervolg van de [ Grandmix 2005] (Tracks 26 t/m 30 van CD 3 en aangevuld met een viertal andere tracks), uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)
===1 september 2007===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-19.00 uur:
Dit is het vervolg uit de [ Grandmix 2004] (Tracks 14 t/m 25 van CD 3), uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)
===8 september 2007===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-19.00 uur:
Dit is het vervolg uit de [ Grandmix 2004] (Tracks 25 t/m 30 van CD 3 en aangevuld met een viertal andere tracks), uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)
===30 december 2007===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
00.00-01.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1986] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===31 december 2007===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
17.00-20.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2007] uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001 || [[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 2020
|001|| [[Ben Liebrand ]] ||Intro Grandmix 2007
|002 ||Davian Michelle || Beat Me
|002|| Samim ||Heater
|003 ||Rita Ora || How To Be Lonely
|003|| Jaymen ||Ooh La Lishious
|004 ||Duncan Laurence || Love Don't Hate It
|004|| Peter Gelderblom ||Waiting 4
|005 ||Ludwig Göransson ||Theme From The Mandalorian
|005|| Eric Prydz vs. Floyd ||Proper Education
|006 ||J. Balvin, Dua Lipa, Bad Bunny, Tainy || One Day
|006|| Jes ||Ghos
|007 ||Major Lazor, The Weekend || Blinding Lights
|007|| Sander Van Doorn Feat. Mc Prime ||By Any Demand
|008 ||Sia || Together
|008|| Booty Luv ||Shine
|009 ||Ava Max || Who's Laughing Now
|009|| King Amir ||Samir's Theme
|010 ||Dababy Feat. Roddy Ricch || Rockstar
|010|| Ricky L Feat. M:Ck ||Born Again
|011 ||Maroon 5 || Memories
|011|| Chris Lake Feat. Emma Hewitt || Carry Me Away
|012 ||Arizona Zervas ||Roxanne
|012|| Chris Lake Feat. Laura V || Changes
|013 ||Justin Bieber Feat. Chance The Rapper || Holy
|013|| DJ Tilo Hanssen || Mr. Perfect
|014 ||Ariana Grande & Justin Bieber || Stuck With U
|014|| Se:Sa Feat. Sharon Phillips || Like This Like That
|015 ||Alan Walker Feat. Ava Max || Alone (Part. 2)
|015|| Velvet || Fix Me
|016 ||Di-Rect || Soldier On
|016|| Ben Macklin Feat. Tiger Lily ||Feel Together
|017 ||Armin Van Buuren & Avalan|| Should I Wait
|017|| Funkerman & Fedde Le Grand Presents 'F To The F' ||Wheels In Motion
|018 ||Alicia Keys || Underdog
|018|| Funkerman ||Speed It Up
|019 ||David Guetta & Sia || Let S Love
|019|| Booty Luv ||Boogie 2 Nite
|020 ||Harry Styles || Watermelon Sugar
|020|| Cerf Mitiska And Jaren ||Light The Skies (Retrobyte Classic Electrobounce Mix)
|021 ||Shakira & Anuel Aa || Me Gusta
|021|| Out Of Office ||Hands Up
|022 ||Tones And I || Never Seen The Rain
|022|| Dr. Kucho ||Lies To Yourself
|023 ||Halsey Marshmello || Be Kind
|023|| Dr. Kucho & Gregor Salto ||Love Is My Game
|024 ||Goldkimono || To Tomorrow
|024|| Sandy Rivera & Haze ||Freak
|025 ||Jason Derulo & Jawsh 685 || Savage Love
|025|| Syke 'N' Sugarstarr ||Danz
|026 ||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Duncan Laurence || Feel Something
|026|| Freemasons ||Uninvited
|027 ||Duncan Laurence || Someone Else
|028 ||Ed Sheeran Feat. Camila Cabello & Cardi B || South Of The Border (Petedown Redrum)
|027|| Wi-Fi Feat. Melanie M ||Be Without You
|029 ||Beyoncé Feat. Shatta Wale & Major Lazer ||Already
|028|| Alex Gaudino Feat. Crystal Waters || Destination Calabria
|030 ||Calvin Harris, The Weeknd || Over Now (Petedown Flavor Mix)
|029|| Didier Sinclair ||Feel The Wave
|031 ||Camila Cabello & Sisco Kennedy || Liar
|030|| Bob Sinclar Sound Of || Freedom
|032 ||Chef'special || Trouble
|031|| Yves Larock ||Rise Up
|033 ||Mabel || Boyfriend
|032|| Masters At Work (M.A.W.) ||Work (2007 Remix)
|034 ||Tones And I || Dance Monkey (Boogie Heights Reggaeton Remix)
|033|| Delano & Crockett ||Missing
|035 ||Jason Derulo X Nuka || Love Not War
|034|| Dubfire ||Roadkill
|036 ||Shaggy And Conkarah || Banana
|035|| Rio ||De Janeiro
|037 ||Harry Styles ||Adore You
|036|| The Freaks ||Creeps
|038 ||Burna Boy, Sisco Kennedy, Stormzy, Ed Sheeran || Own It
|037|| DJ Jean ||Sexy Lady
|039 ||Clean Bandit Feat. 24Kgoldn Mabel ||Tick Tock
|038|| David Guetta ||Love Is Gone
|040 ||Khalid Disclosure || Know Your Worth
|039|| Yanou Feat. Liz || King Of My Castle
|041 ||Black Eyed Peas Feat. J. Rey Soul Ozuna ||Mamacita (Petedown Moomba Remix)
|040|| Fedde Le Grand Pres. Flamingo Project ||Take No Shhhhh
|042 ||Selena Gomez || Lose You To Love Me  
|041|| Ida Corr || Let Me Think About It
|043 ||Doja Cat Gucci Mane || Like That
|042|| David Vendetta ||Love To Love You Baby
|044 ||Nea || Some Say
|043|| Sunfreakz Feat. Andrea Britton ||Counting Down The Days
|045 ||Kelvin Jones Zonderling Lost Frequencies || Love To Go
|044|| Niels De Vries ||Suēno
|046 ||Sam Smith || Diamonds
|045|| Bobby Burns || From Holland
|047 ||Camila Cabello Feat. Dababy || My Oh My
|046|| Electric Junkies || My Drug (Is Electro)
|048 ||Coldplay || Orphans
|047|| Booty Luv ||Don't Mess With My Man
|049 ||Sam Feldt Feat. Rani || Post Malone
|048|| Bob Sinclar ||Together
|050 ||Miley Cyrus & Stevie Nicks || Midnight Sky
|049|| Seamus Haji Feat. Kayjay || Last Night A DJ Saved My Life
|051 ||YouNotUs, Janieck, Senex || Narcotic
|050|| Starkillers ||Discoteka (Erick E Edit)
|052 ||Nielson || Slowmotion
|051|| Sharam Patt ||(Party All The Time)
|053 ||Ariana Grande || 34 35 (Petedown Flavor Mix)
|052|| Gregor Salto & Chuckie ||Toys Are Nuts
|054 ||Ojam || Disco 2020 (Gm2020Mix)
|053|| Kate Ryan ||Voyage, Voyage
|055 ||Taylor Swift || The Man
|054|| Armin Van Buuren ||The Sound Of Goodbye
|056 ||Jason Derulo || Take You Dancing
|055|| Niels Van Gogh Vs Eniac ||Pulverturm 2.0
|057 ||Dua Lipa || Break My Heart (Remixes)
|056|| Olav Basoski || Da Beat Kicks
|058 ||Jonas Brothers || What A Man Gotta Do
|057|| Axwell ||I Found U
|059 ||Jonas Blue Max || Naked 1
|058|| DJ Jose ||Turn The Lights Off
|060 ||Selena Gomez || Look At Her Now (Acapella)
|059|| Dash Berlin ||Till The Sky Falls Down (Vocal Mix)
|061 ||Imanbek & Martin Jensen || I'm Just Feelin (Du Du Du)
|060|| Corenell vs. Lisa Marie Experience || Keep On Jumpin’
|062 ||Lady Gaga || 911
|061|| Tiësto Feat. Christian Burns ||In The Dark
|063 ||Kygo, Avicii, Sandro Cavazza || Forever Yours
|062|| Tiesto Feat. Bt ||Break My Fall
|064 ||Lucas Steve || Letters
|063|| Way Out West ||The Fall (Richard Durand Remix)
|065 ||Constantin X Domino|| Watermelon Sugar (BB Team Edit)
|064|| Abel Ramos ||Te Quiero Puta
|066 ||Sheppard || Die Young
|065|| Sander Van Doorn ||Riff
|067 ||Anabel Englund || Picture Us
|066|| DJ Falk ||House Of God
|068 ||Major Lazer Feat. Marcus Mumford || Lay Your Head On Me
|067|| Filo & Peri Feat. Eric Lumiere ||Anthem
|069 ||Martin Garrix Feat. Clinton Kane || Drown (Alle Farben Remix)
|068|| Ferry Corsten ||The Race
|070 ||Jonas Brothers Feat. Karol G || X (Petedown Coolie Mix)
|069|| Armin Van Buuren ||Rush Hour
|071 ||Twenty One Pilots || Level Of Concern
|070|| John Marks ||Insanity
|072 ||Sam Feldt & Sigma Feat. Gia Koka || 2 Hearts
|071|| Armin Van Buuren Feat. Rank 1 ||This World Is Watching Me
|073 ||Tiesto & Stevie Appleton || Blue
|072|| Randy Katana ||Another Wave
|074 ||Halsey || You Should Be Sad
|073|| Carlos ||The Silmarilla 2007
|075 ||Lucas Steve Haris || Perfect
|074|| Carlos ||Alanda
|076 ||Regard Raye || Secrets
|075|| David Forbes ||Super Imposed
|077 ||Tiesto & Mabel || God Is A Dancer
|076|| Markus Schulz ||Never Be the Same Again
|078 ||Robin Schulz Feat. Alida|| In Your Eyes
|077|| Above & Beyond Presents. Tranquility Base || Oceanic
|079 ||Topic A7S || Breaking Me
|078|| John O Callaghan Feat. Audrey Gallagher || Big Sky (Agnelli & Nelson Remix)
|080 ||Tiesto| The Business
|079|| Ron Van Den Beuken ||Alcatrazz
|081 ||Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Regard || Say My Name
|080|| Liz Kay || When Love Becomes A Lie
|082 ||Celeste || Stop This Flame
|081|| Milk Inc. || Sunrise (Jeckyll & Hyde Radio Mix)
|083||Dua Lipa || Hallucinate
|82|| The High Street Allstars ||To France
|084 ||Lady Gaga || Stupid Love
|083|| The Sunclub ||Fiësta Reloaded
|085 ||Tensnake Fiora ||Automatic (Kraak Smaak Extended Remix)
|084|| DJ Porny ||Me So Horny
|086 ||Johnny "Guitar" Watson ||A Real Mother For Ya ([[Ben Liebrand]] Gotta Go To A Disco Remix)
|085|| Superstar DJ ||Meet Her At The Love Parade
|087 ||Little Mix || Sweet Melody
|086|| Superstar DJ || Resurection
|088 ||The Weeknd ||Save Your Tears
|087|| Manian ||Heaven (Cascade Edit)
|089 ||Post Malone || Circles Version
|088|| Jeckyll & Hyde ||Freefall
|090 ||Rolf Sanchez || Más Más Más
|089|| Jump Project || The Wistle
|091 ||James Bay || Chew On My Heart (Madism Remix)
|090|| Jekyll & Hyde ||Frozen Flame
|092 ||Coldplay || Everyday Life
|091|| The Jumpmasters || Skydive
|093 ||Icona Pop || Feels In My Body (Radio Mix)
|092|| Jumping Jacks ||Life is Like a Dance
|094 ||Sam Feldt & Vize Feat. Leony || Far Away From Home (MOTi Extended Club Mix)
|093|| The High Street Allstars ||Rock That Beat
|095 ||Dubdogz Bhaskar || Infinity (Neubauer Remix)
|094|| The Jumpers ||Blue (Da Ba Dee)
|096 ||Marshmello Halsey || Be Kind (Joy Radio Remix)
|095|| Jeckyll & Hyde ||Time Flies
|097 ||Armin Van Buuren & Jake Reese || Need You Now
|096|| DJ Porny ||Je T'aime Porny
|098 ||Martin Garrix, Dean Lewis, Marc Stout, Tony Arzadon || Used To Love (Marc Stout & Tony Arzadon Radio Mix)
|097|| Pakito ||Are You Ready
|099 ||Gia Koka Sam Feldt Sigma || 2 Hearts Remixes (Club Mix)
|098|| Jumping Jacks ||Jumping In The Moonlight
|100 ||Tones And I || Ur So F*King Cool (DJ Louie Lou Remix)
|099|| Zany & Dv8 || Nothing Else Matters
|101 ||Tones And I || Never Seen The Rain (Back N Fourth Remix)
|100|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro Grandmix 2007
18.00-21.00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 2007] uitgezonden op [[Slam!FM]] (Nederland) <ref>[] ''Grandmix van Radio 538 naar Slam!FM'' (Publicatie: donderdag 8 november 2007 11:25) (Gevonden 5 oktober 2021)</ref><ref>[] ''Grandmix van Radio 538 naar Slam FM'' | Publicatie: 9 november 2007 | (Gevonden: 23 juli 2022)</ref><ref>[] ''Het Radio.NL maandoverzicht van november 2007'' | Publicatie: 11 januari 2008 | (Gevonden 23 juli 2022)</ref>
22:00-23:00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1987] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===1 januari 2008===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
00.00-03.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 2007] uitgezonden op [[Slam!FM]] (Nederland)
===31 december 2008===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2008] uitgezonden op [[Slam!FM]] (Nederland)<ref>[]'' Slam!FM sluit jaar af met De Beste Beat 2008 en jaarmixen'' (Gepubliceerd: donderdag 11 december 2008 16:36) (Gevonden 4 oktober 2021)</ref>
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|102 ||Billie Eilish & Barry Harris || Everything I Wanted (Charlie Lane Remix)
|001|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 2008
|103 ||Lost Frequencies & Mathieu Koss || Don't Leave Me
|002|| Kraak & Smaak Feat. Ben Westbeech ||  Squeeze Me
|003|| CRW || I Feel Love
|004|| Frank Rizardo ||  Flute Test
|005|| Jean Claude Ades ||  Shingaling
|006|| DJ Chus & Peter Gelderblom ||  Feelin’ 4 You
|007|| Kelly Rowland ||  Work (Freemasons Mix)
|008|| Fedde Le Grand & Funkerman ||  3 Minutes To Explain
|009|| Eric Prydz || Pjanoo
|104 ||Davina Michelle || My Own World
|010|| Bodyrox & Luciana || What Planet You On
|011|| Ian Oliver Feat. Eastenders || Vino Vino
|012|| Yves La Rock Feat. Jaba ||  By Your Side
|013|| Hardsoul Presents Roog & Greg Feat. Si Paul ||  Your Love (Jordy Lishious Remix)
|014|| Dave Armstrong & Redroche Feat. H-boogie ||  Love Has Gone
|105 ||Chef'Special || Maybe This Is Love
|015|| Dirty South Feat. Rudy || Let It Go
|106 ||Lady Gaga Ariana Grande || Rain On Me (Purple Disco Machine Remix)
|016|| Ian Oliver Feat. Shantel || Bucovina
|017|| Captcha ||  Close 2 Me
|107 ||Jax Jones, Martin Solveig, Europa, Raye || Tequila
|018|| Kate Ryan || Ella Elle L'a
|019|| Bingoplayers vs. Chocolat Puma ||  Touch Me
|020|| Turbofunk ||  Gotta Move'
|108 ||KC Lights || Girl
|021|| Soulcatcher || Falling In Love (Original / Olav Basoski / Bingoplayers Remix)
|022|| Gianluca Motta Feat. Molly ||  Not Alone
|109 ||Icona Pop X Sofi Tukker || Spa
|023|| Cahill Feat. Nikki Belle || Trippin On You
|024|| Emilio Fernandez ||  Reynosa
|025|| Mark Knight ||  Man With The Red Face
|026|| Eddie Thoneick ||  I Wanna Freak U
|027|| Booty Luv ||  Dance Dance
|028|| Andy Duguid Feat. Leah || Wasted
|029|| Ida Engberg ||  Disco Volante
|030|| Afrojack & Partysquad ||  Drop Down
|031|| Atlantic Ocean ||  Waterfall 2009
|032|| Bart Claessen ||  First Light
|110 ||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Ne Yo || Unlove You
|033|| Meck Feat. Dino || So Strong
|111 ||Ytram Elderbrook || Fire
|034|| Cliff Jones || I Am Ready
|112 ||Duke Dumont Feat. Ali B. || Love Song ((538 Samen Sterk Edit)
|035|| Marco Demark Feat. Casey Barnes || Tiny Dancer
|113 ||Major Lazer Feat. J Balvin Feat. El Alfa || Que Calor (Main Mix)
|036|| Booty Luv || Some Kinda Rush
|114 ||Lucas & Steve Feat. Alida || Another Life
|037|| Dirty South & Mync Project || Everybody Freakin'
|115 ||Becky Hill Feat. Tiesto || Nothing Really Matters (Phantoms Remix Extended Mix)
|038|| Hardsoul Presents TJ Cases Feat. Natalie Broomes||Nothin Better Than Your Lovin’ (Hardsoul Main Reconstructed)
|039|| Mr. V || Put Your Drink Down (Bob Sinclar Radio Edit)
|116 ||Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano Feat. Rani || Life After You
|040|| Jean Elan ||  Where's Your Head At (Klaas Radio Mix)
|041|| Jerry Ropero Feat. Cozi ||  The Storm
|042|| Moussa Clarke vs. The Police ||  She Wants Him
|043|| Sharam Feat. Daniel Bedingfield ||  The One
|044|| Elize || Hot Stuff (Hardwell Remix)
|117 ||Joel Corry X Mnek || Head Heart (Vip Extended Mix)
|045|| DJ Jurgen || A Higher Love
|046|| Robin S. ||  Show Me Love 2008
|118 ||Meduza X Becky Hill X Goodboys || Lose Control
|047|| Ian Carey || Red Light
|119 ||Nathan Dawe Feat. Jaykae || Flowers
|048|| Axwell, Bob Sinclar & Ron Carrol || What A Wonderful World
|120 ||Robin Schulz & Wes || Alane (Yves V Extended Remix)
|049|| Ron Carroll || Walking Down The Street
|121 ||Sofi Tukker & Gorgon City || House Arrest
|050|| Alex Gaudino Feat. Shena || Watch Out
|122 ||Armin Van Buuren & Brennan Heart Feat. Andreas Moe || All On Me
|051|| Spoon, Harris & Obernik || Baditude
|123 ||5 Seconds Of Summer || Old Me
|052|| Sia || The Girl You Lost To Cocaine
|124 ||Benee Feat. Gus Dapperton || Supalonely (Super Radio Edit)
|053|| David Guetta || Delirious
|125 ||BTS || Dynamite (Jack Chang Big Room Extended Mix)
|054|| Dobenbeck || Please Don't Go (Chris Reece Radio Mix)
|055|| DJ Jean ||  The Launch Relaunched
|126 ||The Chainsmokers Kygo ||Family (Lucas Steve Remix)
|056|| Scumfrog & Rafael Frost || Run To You
|127 ||Armin Van Buuren & Avian Grays Feat. Jordan Shaw  || Something Real
|057|| The Caramel Club || Jumbo Jumbo
|128 ||Ilse Delange  || Changes
|058|| Wippenberg || Chakalaka
|129 ||Ava Max || Kings Queens
|059|| Ian Carey Feat. Michelle Shellers || Keep On Rising
|130 ||Martin Garrix Feat. John Martin || Higher Ground
|060|| David Guetta & Chris Willis vs. Tocadisco || Tomorrow Can Wait
|131 ||Bonn Martin Garrix || Home
|061|| Deadmau5 || Not Exactly
|132 ||Ava Max || Salt
|062|| Dave Darrell || Children
|133 ||Black Eyed Peas Nicky Jam Tyga || Vida Loca (DJ leony Quick Edit More English)
|063|| John Dahlback || Pyramid
|134 ||The Script || The Last Time
|064|| Guru Josh Project || Infinity 2008 (Klaas Vocal Edit)
|135 ||The Script || Something Unreal
|065|| Orjan Nilsen Feat. Tarah || Be As One (La Guitarra)
|136 ||Avicii Feat. Noonie Bao || Fades Away
|066|| Black Box || Everybody Everybody (Benny Benassi Radio)
|137 ||Katy Perry || Resilient
|067|| R.i.o. || Shine On
|138 ||Billie Eilish || Bad Guy
|068|| Eva Jane || Spinning Around
|139 ||Kensington || Uncharted
|069|| Supafly Inc. || Be Together
|140 ||Dominic Fike ||3 Nights
|070|| Ernesto vs. Bastian || Thrill
|141 ||Di-Rect || Color
|071|| Geo Da Silva ||  I'll Do You Like A Truck
|072|| Robert Abigail ||  Mojito Song
|073|| James Doman || Everything Is Gonna Be Allright
|142 ||Banners || Someone To You
|074|| Fedo Mora || After The Rain
|143 ||Alesso Feat. Liam Payne || Midnight
|075|| Sun Lounger Feat. Zara || Lost (Club Mix)
|076|| Deadmau5 ||  Clockwork
|077|| Ercola Feat. Danielle ||  Every Word
|144 ||Dua Lipa || Physical
|078|| Armin Van Buuren & DJ Shah Feat. Chris Jones || Going Wrong
|145 ||Justin Bieber Feat. Quavo || Intentions (Main Mix)
|079|| Bellatrax Feat. Saphia May || I Can't Help Myself
|146 ||Jp Saxe Feat. Julia Michaels || If The World Was Ending
|080|| D-rashid || Latin Brutality (Original Radio Edit)
|147 ||Kygo Onerepublic || Lose Somebody
|081|| Laurent Wolf || No Stress
|148 ||Anne Marie || Birthday
|82|| Danzel || Clap Your Hands (Radio Mix)
|149 ||Tay Keith Aj Tracey Feat. Aitch || Rain
|083|| Lasgo ||  Out Of My Mind
|084|| John Marks Feat. Blain || What Do You Say
|150 ||JC Stewart || I Need You To Hate Me
|085|| Miller & Divini || One Way (Radio Edit)
|151 ||R3Hab Zayn Feat. Jungleboi || Flames
|086|| Azzido Da Bass || Dooms Night (Laidback Luke Remix)
|087|| Leon Bolier ||  Ocean Drive Boulevard
|088|| John Marks ||  Summerbreeze
|089|| Richard Durand ||  Weep
|152 ||Lil Nas X || Holiday (DJ Rocco & DJ Ever B Remix)
|090|| Jochen Miller || Lost Connection
|153 ||Jawsh 685, Jason Derulo, BTS || Savage Love (Acapella)
|091|| Armin Van Buuren Feat. Sharon Den Adel || In And Out Of Love (Radio Edit)
|092|| Ernesto vs. Bastian ||  Super Jupiter
|093|| Tiësto ||  Elements Of Life
|094|| Veracocha ||  Carte Blanche
|095|| Ferry Corsten ||  Radio Crash
|154 ||Sam Smith Demi Lovato ||I'm Ready
|096|| Rene Ablaze Presents Fallen Skies || Stealin' Love
|097|| Bart Claessen || Catch Me
|155 ||Cash Cash Georgia Ku || Love You Now
|098|| Simon Patterson || U
|156 ||Drake || Toosie Slide
|099|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Outtro Grandmix 2008
|157 ||The Weeknd || Blinding Lights
|158 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro Grandmix 2020


===3 januari 2009===
===2 januari 2021===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

22.30-23.00 uur:
18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van het eerste half uur van de [ Grandmix 1990] (Tracks 1 t/m 69) uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland)
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1983] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)

===9 januari 2021===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

22.30-23.00 uur:
23:00-24:00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van het tweede half uur van de [ Grandmix 1990] (Tracks  56 t/m 129) uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland)

===16 januari 2021===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

11.00-14.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Classics Mix] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)

Dit is de [ Grandmix 2020], uitgezonden op [[Lebonmix Radio]] (Frankrijk)
===26 december 2009===
===19 juni 2021===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

22.30-23.00 uur:
18:00-19:00 uur:

Let op: dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Summer Edition], tracks 2 t/m 18, zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland)
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1988] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)

===21 juni 2021===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]

19.00-20.00 uur:
23:00-24:00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1989] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===31 december 2009===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is de [ Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends Editie], CD 1 Tracks 1 t/m 40, uitgezonden op [[Lebonmix Radio]] (Frankrijk)
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2009] uitgezonden op [[Slam!FM]] (Nederland)<ref>[] ''Slam!FM eindigt jaar met jaarmixen en decenniumoverzicht'' (Gepubliceerd: dinsdag 15 december 2009 11:03) (Gevonden 4 oktober 2021)</ref>

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends
|01 || [[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 2009
|02|| Sidney Samson || Riverside
|03|| Fedde Le Grand Feat. Mitch Crown || Scared Of Me
|02||Earth, Wind & Fire || Fantasy
|04|| Asino vs. DJ Jean || The Bomb
|03||Ramsey Lewis || Sun Goddess
|05|| Bingo Players Feat. Dan’thony || I Will Follow
|04||Earth, Wind & Fire ||On Your Face
|06|| Chris Lake Feat. Nastala || If You Knew
|05||Earth, Wind & Fire With Angie Stone || Wonderland
|07|| Michel Cleis Feat. Toto La Momposina || La Mezcla
|06||Deniece Williams || Cause You Love Me Baby
|08|| Enur || Calabria (Ralvero Remix)
|07||Earth, Wind & Fire || In The Name Of Love
|09|| The Ian Carey Project || Get Shaky
|08||Earth, Wind & Fire Feat. Mc Hammer || Wanna Be The Man
|10|| Chuckie || Aftershock (Can’t Fight The Feeling)
|09||Earth, Wind & Fire || Star
|11|| Ralvero Feat. Mc Boogshe || Party People
|10||Earth, Wind & Fire || Kalimba Story
|12|| Quintin vs. DJ Jean || Original Dutch
|11||Earth, Wind & Fire || Shining Star
|13|| Chicane || Poppiholla
|12||Ramsey Lewis || Whisper Zone
|14|| Axwell, Ingrosso, Laidback Luke & Angello Feat. Deborah Cox || Leave The World Behind
|13||Earth, Wind & Fire || Saturday Night
|15|| John Dahlback || Pyramid
|14||Earth, Wind & Fire With The Emotions || Side By Side
|16|| Bob Sinclar Feat. Shabba Ranks || Love You No More
|15||Ramsey Lewis || Tequila Mockingbird
|17|| Deadmau5 Feat. Rob Swire || Ghosts ‘N’ Stuff
|16||Earth, Wind & Fire ||Every Now And Then
|18|| DJ Jean || Play That Beat
|17||The Emotions || Flowers
|19|| Agnes || Release Me
|18||Deniece Williams || Baby Baby My Love's All For You
|20|| Bob Sinclar & Sugarhill Gang || Lala Song
|19||Earth, Wind & Fire || Getaway
|21|| DJ Jose || Like That
|20|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Let Me Talk
|22|| Ida Corr || I Want You (Funkerman Remix)
|21|| The Emotions || The Best Of My Love
|23|| Basic Element Feat. D-Flex || Touch You Right Now
|24|| R.I.O. || After The Love  
|22|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Spread Your Love
|25|| Cidinho E Doca || Rap Das Armas (Quintino Remix)
|23|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Thinking Of You
|26|| Funkerman Feat. I-Fan || Remember
|24|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Mighty Mighty
|27|| Peter Gelderblom || Lost
|25|| Earth, Wind & Fire || I've Had Enough
|28|| Daniel Bovie & Roy Rox || Stop Playing With My Mind
|26|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Pride
|29|| Jonas Steur || Get Busy
|27|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Jupiter
|30|| Asino || Gimme Some More
|28|| Earth, Wind & Fire || In The Stone
|31|| Armand Van Helden & A-Trak Presents Duck Sauce || Anyway
|32|| Groovewatchers || Sexy Girl
|29|| Maurice White || Stand By Me
|33|| Quintin || Bleep It!
|30|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Fall In Love With Me
|34|| Meck Feat. Dino || So Strong
|31|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Evil
|35|| Inna || Hot
|32|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Sing A Song
|36|| Outsiders Feat. Amanda Wilson || Keep This Fire Burning
|33|| The Pockets || Come Go With Me
|37|| Cascada || Evacuate The Dancefloor
|34|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Turn On (The Beat Box)
|38|| Gregor Salto & Kaoma || Lambada 3000
|35|| Earth, Wind & Fire || System Of Survival
|39|| Pitbull || I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho)
|36||Earth, Wind & Fire ||My Promise
|40|| Fake Blood || Mars
|37||Earth, Wind & Fire || Let Your Feelings Show
|41|| Roog & Erick E. Presents Housequake & A Kelsey || Shed My Skin
|38||The Emotions || I Should Be Dancing
|42|| The Sunclub || Te Te (Shake That Heaven)
|39||Earth, Wind & Fire || And Love Goes On
|43|| Sidney Samson & Tony Cha Cha || Emporium 2009
|40||The Emotions || I Don't Wanna Loose Your Love
|44|| Tristan Garner vs. Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman 2009
|45|| Chuckie & LMFAO || Let The Bass Kick In Miami Bitch
Hier stopt de uitzending, onderstaande tracks horen nog wel bij de mix maar zijn niet uitgezonden!
|46|| David Guetta & Chris Willis || Everytime We Touch
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|47|| Sono || Keep Control
|48|| Delerium Feat. Sarah Mclachlan || Silence 2009
|49|| Mojado Feat. Akil || Too High
|50|| 2minds || I Am Not Krazy
|51|| Sidney Samson || Let’s Go
|52|| Bingo Players vs. Chocolate Puma || Disco Electrique
|53|| Silvio Ecomo & Chuckie || Moombah
|54|| Dizzee Rascal & Armand Van Helden || Bonkers
|55|| Kid Cudi vs. Crookers || Day ‘N Nite
|56|| Deadmau5 Feat. Kaskade || I Remember
|57|| Quintino Feat. Mitch Crown || Heaven
|58|| Pitbull || Hotel Room Service
|59|| De Bos || On The Run
|60|| DJ Jurgen || Crazy Sexy Cool
|61|| Paul & Fritz Kalkbrenner || Sky & Sand
|62|| Annagrace || Let The Feelings Go
|63|| Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina || Stereo Love
|41|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Why
|64|| Andy Duguid || Signals
|42|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Reasons
|65|| David Guetta Feat. Kelly Rowland || When Love Takes Over
20.00-21.00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is de [ Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends Editie], CD 2 tracks 1 t/m 32, uitgezonden op [[Lebonmix Radio]] (Frankrijk)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01||Earth, Wind & Fire || September
|66|| Fragma || Memory
|02||Earth, Wind & Fire || Let's Groove
|67|| Josh Gabriel || Deep Down
|03||Earth, Wind & Fire || Magic Mind
|68|| Mac & Mac || Solid Session (Superfly Edit)
|04||Philip Bailey Feat. Phil Collins || Easy Lover
|69|| Marco V || Coma Aid
|05||Earth, Wind & Fire || After The Love Has Gone
|70|| R.I.O. || When The Sun Comes Down
|06||Earth, Wind & Fire || Can't Let Go
|71|| Ton T.B. || Calculating Darkness
|07||The Emotions || Smile
|72|| Ferry Corsten || We Belong
|08||Earth, Wind & Fire With The Emotions || Boogie Wonderland
|73|| Chicane vs. Natasha Bedingfield || Bruised Water
|09||Earth, Wind & Fire || Serpentine Fire
|74|| Cosmic Gate Feat. Kyler England || Flatline
|10||Earth, Wind & Fire || Got To Get You Into My Life
|75|| Sander Van Doorn vs. Robbie Williams || Close My Eyes
|11||Earth, Wind & Fire || Magnetic
|76|| Kate Ryan || I Surrender
|12|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Daydreamin'
|77|| Rex Mundi Feat. Susana || Nothing At All
|13|| Earth, Wind & Fire || We're Living In Our Own Time
|78|| Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge Feat. Meighan Nealon || Faces
|14|| Earth, Wind & Fire || You
|79|| Markus Schulz || Do You Dream
|15|| The Emotions || Waiting The Line
|80|| Yanou || Brighter Day
|16|| Ramsey Lewis || Brazilica
|81|| Emilio Fernandez || Saltillo
|17|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Love's Holiday
|82|| Robbie Rivera || Closer To The Sun
|18|| Earth, Wind & Fire || I'll Write A Song For You
|83|| First State Feat. Sarah Howells || Brave
|19|| Earth, Wind & Fire || That's The Way Of The World
|84|| Armin Van Buuren Feat. Jaren || Unforgivable
|20|| Maurice White || I Need You
|85|| Armin Van Buuren Feat. Cathy Burton || Rain (Cosmic Gate Remix)
|86|| Calvin Harris || I’m Not Alone (Tiësto Remix)
|87|| Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren || Beggin’ You
|88|| Art Of Trance || Madagascar (Richard Durand Remix)
|89|| Dash Berlin Feat. Emma Hewitt || Waiting
|90|| Lasgo || Gone
|91|| Tiësto Presents Edward Carnby|| Alone In The Dark
|92|| Armin Van Buuren Feat. Sharon Den Adel || In And Out Of Love
|93|| Ferry Corsten Feat. Betsie Larkin || Made Of Love
|94|| Armin Van Buuren Feat. Jacqueline Govaert || Never Say Never
|95|| Gaia || Tuvan
|96|| Ron Hagen & Pascal M || Riddles In The Sand
|97|| Lasgo || Lost
|98|| Ram || Ramsterdam
|99|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro Grandmix 2009
23.00-24.00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Classics Mix] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===1 januari 2010===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
02.00-03.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Classics Mix] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===31 december 2010===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2010] uitgezonden op [[Slam!FM]] (Nederland) en gelijktijdig op [[Ping FM]] (België)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01|| [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Intro Grandmix 2010
|02|| Tim Berg ||Bromance (Avicii's Radio Edit)
|03|| Stromae ||Alors On Danse
|04|| Sidney Samson Feat. Lady Bee ||Shut Up & Let It Go (Chuckie Remix)
|05|| Alex De Giuiror Feat. Jay Colin || The Girl That I Want
|06|| Atb || Could You Believe
|07|| Asino vs. DJ Jean || Yo DJ
|08|| Firebeatz & Joey Suki ||Hidden Sound
|09|| Inna || Love
|10|| Tikos Groove Feat. Mendonca ||Do Rio Me Faz Amar
|11|| Yolanda Be Cool vs. D-cup || We No Speak Americano
|12|| Bingo Players || When I Dip
|13|| Tv Rock Feat Rudy || In the Air (Axwell Radio Edit)
|14|| Bob Sinclar & Sahara Feat. Shaggy || I Wanna
|15|| Armand Van Helden & A-trak Presents Duck Sauce || Barbara Streisand
|16|| R.i.o. ||One Heart
|17|| Issy Feat David Goncalves || Physical Love
|18|| Dennis Ferrer || Hey Hey
|19|| Deniz Koyu || What We Are
|20|| Flow 212 Feat. DJ Overule & Rusty || Ritmo Do Meu Flow (Ralvero & Bassjackers Edit)
|21|| David Guetta Feat. Kid Cudi || Memories
|22|| Chelley || Took the Night (DJ Alvaro Radio Edit)
|23|| Laserkraft 3d || Nein, Mann!
|24|| N.e.r.d. Feat. Nelly Furtado ||Hot-N-fun
|25|| Edward Maya || This Is My Life
|26|| Andy Duguid Feat. Leah ||Miracle Moments
|27|| Quintino Feat Mitch Crown || You Can't Deny
|28|| Fedde Le Grand Feat. Mitch Crown || Rockin High (Nicky Romero Remix)
|29|| Tony Jr. & Nicolas Nox || Loesje (Swingdance Mix)
|30|| Analog People In a Digital World vs. Tim Deluxe Feat. Sam Obernik || Just Won't Do
|31|| Afrojack Feat Eva Simons || Take Over Control
|32|| Swedish House Mafia Feat. Pharrell || Miami 2 Ibiza
|33|| Tiësto Feat. Nelly Furtado || Who Wants To Be Alone (Andy Duguid Mix)
|34|| Far East Movement Feat. Cataracs & Dev  ||Like A G6
|35|| Laidback Luke & Gregor Salto Feat. Mavis Acquah || Step By Step
|36|| Cascada || Pyromania
|37|| Gramophonedzie || Why Don't You
|38|| DJ Jean || Flawless 52
|39|| Steve Angello || Monday
|40|| Ørjan Nilsen || So Long (Radio Edit)
|41|| Swedish House Mafia Feat. Pharrell || One (Your Name)
|42|| Peter Luts || The Rain
|43|| Meck Feat Dino || Feels Like A Prayer
|44|| Boxer, Tom Feat. Antonia || Morena
|45|| R.i.o. ||Hot Girl
|46|| Mitch Crown || Crazy
|47|| Red Carpet Feat. Hardwell || Alright
|48|| Angie Be ||Soundwaves
|49|| Andrew Bennett Feat. Tiff Lacey || Say Your Prayers
|50|| Sidney Samson Feat. Sicerow || Fill U Up (Emporium Theme)
|51|| Ricky L Feat. Meck || Born Again (Balearic Soul Radio Edit)
|52|| The Shapeshifters || Helter Skelter
|53|| Dirty South || Phazing
|54|| James Talk & Ridney || Forever
|55|| Deadmau5 ||Animal Rights
|56|| Spencer & Hill vs. Dave Darell || It’s A Smash
|57|| Tom & Jerry Feat. Abigail Bailey || Touch Me
|58|| Robbie Rivera ||Closer To The Sun
|59|| Daddy's Groove vs. Bob Sinclar || Kiss My Agony
|60|| Steve Angello || Knas
|61|| East & Young || Reveal
|62|| Dany P-Jazz, Fedde Le Grand & Funkerman || New Life
|63|| Adrian Lux || Teenage Crime (Axwell Radio Edit)
|64|| Chicane || Come Back
|65|| Avicii & Sebastien Drums || My Feelings For You
|66|| Kelly Rowland ||Commander
|67|| Axwell Feat. Errol Reid || Nothing But Love
|68|| Grandmaster Issy || Don't Get Me Wrong
|69|| Kelis || Acapella
|70|| Bob Sinclar Feat. Vybrate & Queen Ifrica & Makedah || New New New
|71|| Inna || Amazing
|72|| Ray & Anita || In Da Name Of Love
|73|| Wildboyz Feat. Ameerah || Sound Of Missing You
|74|| Ron Hagen & Al Exander || Last Minute
|75|| First State Feat. Relyk ||Cross The Line
|76|| Ali Wilson || Pandora
|77|| Armin Van Buuren || Full Focus
|78|| Ferry Corsten Presents Pulse ||Once
|79|| Gareth Emery Feat. Lucy Saunders || Sanctuary
|80|| the Blizzard & Omnia || Metanoia
|81|| Ela Rose Feat. David Deejay ||I Can Feel
|82|| Sander Van Doorn || Renegade (Theme Trance Energy)
|83|| Markus Schulz Feat. Justine Suissa || Perception
|84|| Benny Benassi, Kelis, Apl & Jean-Baptiste || Spaceship (Original Clubmix)
|85|| Dash Berlin || Never Cry Again
|86|| Richard Durand Feat. Christian ||Burns Night & Day
|87|| Armin Van Buuren Feat Vanvelzen || Broken Tonight
|88||  Yuri Kane || Right Back
|89|| Rank 1 vs. Jochen Miller || The Great Escape
|90|| Armin Van Buuren vs. Sophie Ellis-Bextor || Not Giving Up On Love
|91|| Susana Feat Omnia & The Blizzard ||Closer
|92|| Andy Moor Feat. Carrie Skipper || She Moves
|93|| W&W || D.N.A
|94|| Shogun Feat. Emma Lock || Save Me
|95|| Gaia || Aisha
|96|| DJ’s United || Remember Love
|97|| Ron Van Den Beuken || Shelter Us
|97|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro Grandmix 2010
21.00-24.00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 2010] uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)
===3 december 2011===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
23:00-24:00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1987] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===17 december 2011===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
23:00-24:00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1988] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===24 december 2011===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
23:00-24:00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1989] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===25 december 2011===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
00:00-01:00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1990] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===31 december 2011===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2011] uitgezonden op [[Slam!FM]] (Nederland)<ref>[] ''Jaarmixen op 3FM, Slam!FM en Radio 538''
(Gepubliceerd: donderdag 15 december 2011 15:10) (Gevonden 4 oktober 2021)</ref>
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001|| [[Ben Liebrand ]] || Intro Grandmix 2011
|002|| Studio Killers || Ode To The Bouncer
|003|| David Tort Feat. Gosha || One Look
|004|| Pretty Boys From Saint Tropez Feat. Mel Jade || Aliens
|005|| Sak Noel || Loca People
|006|| Vato Gonzalez Feat. Foreign Beggars || Badman Riddim (Jump)
|007|| Tom Hangs Feat. Shermanology || Blessed (Avicii Radio Edit)
|008|| Spencer & Hill & Nadia Ali || Believe It
|009|| First State Feat. Sarah Howells || Skies On Fire
|010|| Klaas & Bodybangers || Freak
|011|| Martin Solveig & Dragonette || Hello
|012|| Martin Solveig Feat. Kele || Ready 2go
|013|| Wolfgang Gartner Feat. || Forever
|014|| Tim Berg vs. Oliver Ingrosso & Otto Knows || Itrack
|015|| Chris Brown Feat. Benny Benassi || Beautiful People
|016|| Firebeatz || It's Like That 2011
|017|| Robin S. & CTK || Shake It
|018|| Jean Elan Feat. Cosmo Klein || Feel Alive
|019|| Rene Amesz & Baggi Begovic || Smells Like Teen Spirit
|020|| Cascada ||San Francisco
|021|| Rio Feat. U-jean || Turn This Club Around
|022|| Afrojack & Quintino ||Selecta
|023|| Laurent Wery Feat. Swift K.i.d & Dev || Hey Hey Hey (Pop Another Bottle)
|024|| LMFAO Feat. Lauren Bennett & Goonrock || Party Rock Anthem
|025|| Gareth Emery Feat Mark Frisch || Into The Light
|026|| Nadia Ali, Starkillers & Alex Kenji || Pressure (Alesso Remix)
|027|| Pitbull Feat. Ne-yo, Afrojack & Nayer || Give Me Everything
|028|| Sander Van Doorn || Koko
|029|| DJ Antoine || Welcome To Saint Tropez
|030|| Arty || Kate
|031|| Glenn Morrison Feat. Christian Burns || Tokyo Cries
|032|| Peter Luts || Cayo
|033|| Lucien Foort Feat. Candy Dulfer & Earl S || Indian Dreams
|034|| Dominik De Leon vs. Burhan G || Everything Changes (Mark Simmons Remix)
|035|| Bob Sinclar Feat. Rafaella Carra || Far L'amore
|036|| Rlp & Barbara Tucker || R.e.s.p.e.c.t.
|037|| Joshua Kane & Gregor Salto || Bum Bum Bum (In The Club)
|038|| RJ Feat. Pitbull || U Know It Ain't Love
|039|| Basto! || Gregory's Theme
|040|| Deniz Koyu || Tung!
|041|| Bingo Players || Cry (Just A Little)
|042|| Avicii || Street Dancer
|043|| Alex Sayz Feat. Nadia Ali || Free To Go
|044|| Eric Chase || Everybody Surrender
|045|| Stiekz-O-Matic & Carlos Barbosa || Big Brazil 2.0
|046|| Hardwell || Encoded
|047|| Ferry Corsten || Feel It!
|048|| Swedish House Maffia || Save The World
|049|| Save The Robot ||Big Ben
|050|| Calvin Harris Feat. Kelis || Bounce
|051|| Maruja Retana || Right Through Me
|052|| Alex Gaudino Feat. Kelly Rowland || What A Feeling
|053|| Qwote Feat. Pitbull & Lucenzo || Throw Your Hands Up
|054|| Sandro Silva & Quintino || Epic
|055|| The Partysquad Feat. Rochelle & Jayh || Body Language (Ride)
|056|| The Black Eyed Peas || The Time
|057|| Afrojack & Steve Aoki || No Beef
|058|| Ian Carey Feat. Bobby Antonie & Snoop Dog || Last Night
|059|| Basto! || Again And Again
|060|| Armin Van Buuren Feat. Adam Young || Youtopia
|061|| Arty || Around The World
|062|| Diddy Dirty Money || Coming Home
|063|| Sander Van Doorn Presents Purple Haze Feat. Colin Janz || Timezone
|064|| Milan & Phoenix || Carnival
|065|| the Shrink Reloaded & Mc Pryme || Nervous Breakdown 2011
|066|| Sophie Ellis-Bextor || Bittersweet
|067|| Mike Candys & Evelyn || One Night In Ibiza
|068|| The Shapeshifters || She Freaks
|069|| Tiësto || Maximal Crazy
|070|| Avicii || Fade Into Darkness
|071|| Rio || Miss Sunshine
|072|| Ducksause || Big Bad Wolf
|073|| Nic Chagall & Duderstadt Feat. Relyk || Alone With YoII
|074|| Armin Van Buuren Feat. Nadia Ali || Feels So Good
|075|| Nadia Ali || Rapture
|076|| BT & Adam K || Tomahawk
|077|| Markus Schulz & Jochen Miller || Rotunda
|078|| David Guetta Feat. Nicki Minaj & Flo Rid || Where Them Girls At
|079|| Roger Sanchez & Far East Movement Feat. Kanobby || 2gether
|080|| Sander Van Doorn Feat. Carol Lee || Love Is Darkness
|081|| Tiësto vs. Diplo Feat. Busta Rhymes || C'mon (Catch 'Em By Surprise)
|82|| Beat Service || Outsider
|083|| LMFAO Feat. Natalia Kills || Champagne Showers
|084|| Snoop Dogg vs. David Guetta || Sweat
|085|| DJ Metzker Viktoria Feat. Mitch Crown || So Amazing
|086|| Armin Van Buuren Feat. Laura V || Drowning
|087|| Ummet Ozcan || Reboot
|088|| Dash Berlin Feat. Emma Hewitt || Disarm Yourself
|089|| Above & Beyond Feat. Richard Bedford || Sun And Moon
|090|| Aly & Fila Feat. Jwaydan || We Control the Sunlight (Original Club Mix)
|091|| Shogun || Skyfire
|092|| Above & Beyond Feat. Richard Bedford || Thing Called Love
|093|| Dennis Sheperd & Cold Blue Feat. Ana Criado || Fallen Angel
|094|| Orjan Nilsen || Between The Rays
|095|| Dash Berlin Feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn || Better Half Of Me
|096|| System F vs. Cosmic Gate || The Blue Theme (Ferry Corsten's Fix)
|097|| Grace || Not Over Yet
|098|| Dash Berlin || Earth Hour
|099|| Ferry Corsten Feat. Armin Van Buuren || Brute (Original Extended)
|100|| Benny Benassi And Gary Go || Cinema (Skrillex Remix)
|101|| Porter Robinson || Spitfirel
|102|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro Grandmix 2011
23:00-24:00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1991] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===1 januari 2012===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
00.00-01.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Classics Mix] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
Na track 62 stopt hier de uitzending en hoor je een vuurwerk sound-effect met een Radio Veronica Jingle van Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!
02.00-03.00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Classics Mix] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
Na track 62 stopt hier de uitzending en hoor je een vuurwerk sound-effect met een Radio Veronica Jingle van Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!
===31 december 2012===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2012] uitgezonden op [[Slam!FM]] (Nederland)<ref>[] ''Oud & Nieuw op de landelijke zender'' (Publicatie: zondag 30 december 2012 16:21) (Gevonden 6 oktober 2021)</ref>
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001|| [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||Intro Grandmix 2012
|002|| Martin Solveig || The Night Out
|003|| Basto || I Rave You
|004|| Tacabro || Tacata’
|005|| Omnia & Ira || The Fusion
|006|| Hardwell Feat. Mitch Crown || Call Me A Spaceman
|007|| Otto Knows || Million Voices
|008|| Chocolate Puma & Firebeatz || Just One More Time Baby
|009|| Inna || Wow
|010|| Patrick Miller || Dancing In London
|011|| Bob Sinclar Feat. Pitbull, Dragonfly & Fatman Scoop || Rock The Boat
|012|| Showtek Feat. Justin Prime || Cannonball
|013|| Avicii || Silhouettes
|014|| Chris Brown || Turn Up The Music
|015|| Nicky Romero || Toulouse
|016|| WillIAm Feat. Eva Simons || This Is Love
|017|| RIO Feat. U-Jean || Animal
|018|| Digitalism vs. Tommy Trash || Falling
|019|| Billy The Kit Feat. Stennis, Duvall & Bnann || Higher
|020|| Ne-Yo || Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself)
|021|| Afrojack & Shermanology || Can't Stop Me
|022|| Rihanna || Where Have You Been
|023|| Basto & Yves V || Cloudbreaker
|024|| Sean Paul || She Doesn't Mind
|025|| Spencer & Hill Feat. Ari || Surrender
|026|| LMFAO || Sexy And I Know It
|027|| Swedish House Mafia || Greyhound
|028|| Usher || Scream
|029|| Ivan Gough || In My Mind
|030|| Chris Brown || Don't Wake Me Up
|031|| Fedde Le Grand & Nicky Romero Feat. Matthew Koma || Sparks (Turn Off Your Mind)
|032|| La Fuente ||Dounia
|033|| Orjan Nilsen || Endymion
|034|| Orjan Nilsen || Burana
|035|| Lunde Bros || Can You Feel It
|036|| Erik Arbores || Gold
|037|| Alvaro || Make The Crowd Go
|038|| Norman Doray And Nervo Feat. Cookie || Something To Believe In (Short Edit)
|039|| Sidney Samson Feat. WillIAm || Better Than Yesterday
|040|| Deadmau5 || The Veldt
|041|| Hardwell || Cobra
|042|| Avicii Feat. Lenny Kravitz || Superlove
|043|| Laidback Luke Ft Martel || We Are The Stars
|044|| Sander Van Doorn & Mayaeni || Nothing Inside
|045|| Rita Ora || How We Do (Party)
|046|| Fedde Le Grand & Deniz Koyu & Johan Wedel || Turn It
|047|| David Guetta Ft Chris Brown & Lil' Wayne || I Can Only Imagine
|048|| Afrojack || Rock The House
|049|| Sebastian Ingrosso & Alesso Feat. Ryan Tedder || Calling (Lose My Mind)
|050|| Leo V || Go & Do
|051|| Jochen Miller || Zodiac
|052|| PSY || Gangnam Style
|053|| Taio Cruz || Troublemaker
|054|| Swedish House Mafia Feat. John Martin || Don't You Worry Child
|055|| Goldfish Feat. Morning Parade || Washing Over Me
|056|| Firebeatz & Schella || Dear New York
|057|| Don Diablo || The Golden Years
|058|| Loreen || Euphoria
|059|| Tujamo & Plastik Funk || Who
|060|| Pitbull Feat. Tjr || Don't Stop The Party
|061|| Porter Robinson || Language
|062|| Bingo Players Feat. Heather Bright || Don't Blame The Party (Mode)
|063|| Erik Arbores Feat. Esmee Denters || Dance4Life (Now Dance)
|064|| Madeon || Icarus
|065|| Arty || Open Space
|066|| Usher || Numb
|067|| Project 46 & Dubvision Feat. Donna Lewis || You & I
|068|| Armin Van Buuren Presents Gaia || J'ai Envie De Toi
|069|| Arty, Nadia Ali & Bt || Must Be The Love
|070|| Armin Van Buuren Feat. Ana Criado || I'll Listen
|071|| Ferry Corsten Feat Betsie Larkin || Not Coming Down
|072|| Cosmic Gate & Emma Hewitt || Calm Down
|073|| Andrew Rayel || Aeon Of Revenge
|074|| Armin Van Buuren Feat. Ana Criado || Suddenly Summer
|075|| Gareth Emery Feat. Christina Novelli || Concrete Angel
|076|| Emma Hewitt || Miss You Paradise
|077|| Andrew Rayel Feat. Jano || How Do I Know
|078|| Dash Berlin Feat. Chris Madin || Silence In Your Heart
|079|| Aruna || Save The Day
|080|| Armin Van Buuren || We Are Here To Make Some Noise
|081|| Andrew Rayel || 550 Senta (Aether Remix)
|082|| W&W || Invasion (Asot 550 Anthem)
|083|| Ferry Corsten Feat. Ben Hague ||Ain't No Stoppin’
|084|| Above & Beyond Feat. Richard Bedford || On My Way To Heaven
|085|| Orjan Nilsen || Amsterdam
|086|| Richard Durand Feat. Leah || Stand Again
|087|| Jorn Van Deynhoven || Headliner
|088|| Savoy Feat. Sofi || Under My Skin (Diy)
|089|| Ziggy || Orbit
|090|| Calvin Harris || Feel So Close
|091|| Ansol & Dyro || Top Of The World
|092|| Bingo Players || Rattle
|093|| Sander Van Doorn || Chasin' (In The City)
|094|| Nadia Ali, Starkillers & Alex Kenji || Pressure (Zomboy Remix)
|095|| Candyland Feat. Peter Dawson || Castle Of Affair
|096|| DJ Fresh Feat. Rita Ora || Hot Right Now
|097|| Hardwell Feat. Mitch Crown || Call Me A Spaceman (Drown The Fish Remix)
|098|| Labrinth Feat. Tinie Tempah || Earthquake
|099|| Major Lazer || Get Free (Andy C Remix)
|100|| Netsky || Love Has Gone
|101|| Madeon || Finale
|102|| [[Ben Liebrand ]] || Outro Grandmix 2012
21.00-24.00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 2012] uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)
23.00-24.00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1991] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===1 januari 2013===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
00.00-01.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de ''Classics Mix'' in de ''speciale directors cut'', uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
00.00-03.00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 2012] uitgezonden op [ 101.5 KOOL FM] Today & Back in the Day Calgary (Canada)
===6 april 2013===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
23:00-24:00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1983] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===31 december 2013===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
'''''Dit is het 30 jarige jubileum van de Grandmix!'''''
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2013] uitgezonden op [[Slam!FM]] (Nederland)
De teaser van deze Grandmix, gemaakt door Ben Liebrand zelf, kun je [ hier] bekijken
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001|| [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Intro Grandmix 2013
|002|| Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Feat. Mary Lambert ||Same Love
|003|| Flume ||Holdin' On
|004|| Major Lazer Feat. Bruno Mars, Tyga & Mystic ||Bubble Butt
|005|| Nicki Minaj Feat. Drake ||Moment Life
|006|| Chris Brown ||Fine China
|007|| Major Lazer Feat. Busy Signal, The Flexican & Fs Green ||Watch Out For This (Bumaye)
|008|| Bondax ||Giving It All
|009|| Le Youth ||C O O L
|010|| Capital Cities ||Safe And Sound
|011|| Nora En Pure ||Come With Me
|012|| Chris Malinchak ||So Good To Me
|013|| Ninetoes ||Finder (The Path)
|014|| Eelke Kleijn Feat. Tres:Or ||Stand Up (Ein Tag Am Strand)
|015|| Klangkarussell ||Sonnentanz
|016|| Mark Knight & Funkagenda ||Man With The Red Face (Hardwell Remix)
|017|| Duke Dumont Feat. A*M*E ||Need U (100 %)
|018|| Wankelmut & Emma Louise ||My Head Is A Jungle
|019|| Avicii ||Wake Me Up
|020|| Bakermat ||Zomer
|021|| Parra For Cuva Feat. Anna Naklab ||Wicked Games
|022|| Michel Cleis ||Hey Lady Luck
|023|| Sharon Doorson ||Fail In Love
|024|| Showtek Feat. We Are Loud & Sonny Wilson ||Booyah
|025|| DJ Antoine vs. Mad Mark ||Bella Vita
|026|| Carly Rae Jepsen ||Tonight I’m Getting Over You
|027|| PSY ||Gentleman
|028|| Martin Garrix ||Animals
|029|| Cosmic Gate ||So Get Up
|030|| Redfoo ||Let’s Get Ridiculous
|031|| Nils Van Zandt Feat. Nicci ||Johnny Cash
|032|| Armin Van Buuren Feat. Cindy Alma ||Beautiful Life
|033|| Armin Van Buuren & W&W ||D# Fat
|034|| The Aston Shuffle vs. Tommy Trash ||Sunrise (Won't Get Lost)
|035|| Daddy's Groove & Cryogenix ||Tilt
|036|| Audien Feat. Michael S ||Leaving You
|037|| Martin Solveig & The Cataracs Feat. Kyle ||Hey Now
|038|| Billy The Kit Feat. Duvall ||Burn It Down
|039|| Sharon Doorson ||High On Your Love
|040|| Nicky Romero vs. Krewella ||Legacy
|041|| Yanou Feat. Falco Luneau ||Lightyears Away
|042|| Ben Pearce ||What I Might Do
|043|| Dimitri Vegas, Like Mike & Gta Feat. Wolfpack ||Turn It Up
|044|| W&W ||Lift.Off!
|045|| W&W ||Thunder
|046|| Chuckie & Dzeko & Torris ||Down To This
|047|| Orjan Nilsen ||Violetta
|048|| Basto ||Stormchaser
|049|| Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano & Jaz Von D ||Firefaces (I'm Not Listening)
|050|| Nicky Romero & Nervo ||Like Home
|051|| Kat Krazy Feat. Elkka ||Siren
|052|| Serebro ||Mi Mi Mi
|053|| Bakermat ||Vandaag
|054|| Bakermat ||Uitzicht
|055|| Tiësto Feat. Kyler England ||Take Me
|056|| Fedde Le Grand ||Rockin' N' Rollin'
|057|| Sebastian Ingrosso, Tommy Trash & John Martin ||Reload
|058|| Blasterjaxx ||Faith
|059|| Hardwell Feat. Amba Shepherd ||Apollo
|060|| Alvaro & Mercer Feat. Lil Jon ||Welcome To The Jungle
|061|| Ke$Ha ||Die Young
|062|| Britney Spears ||Work B**ch
|063|| The Partsquad & Mitchell Niemeyer ||#PantsDown
|064|| Dvbbs & Borgeous ||Tsunami
|065|| Eva Simons ||Chemistry
|066|| Dirty Disco Youth ||Black Diamond
|067|| Hardwell Feat. Makj ||Countdown
|068|| Daddy's Groove ||Stellar
|069|| Fedde Le Grand & Di-Rect ||Where We Belong
|070|| Krewella ||Alive (Hardwell Remix)
|071|| Loreen ||My Heart Is Refusing Me
|072|| Sharon Doorson ||Run Run
|073|| Sharon Doorson ||Killer
|074|| Icona Pop Feat. Charli Xcx ||I Love It
|075|| Zedd Feat. Foxes ||Clarity
|076|| Steve Aoki, Chris Lake & Tujamo ||Boneless
|077|| Afrojack Feat. Chris Brown ||As Your Friend
|078|| Lau, Paris & Simo Feat. Bright Lights ||Escape
|079|| Calvin Harris Feat. Ayah Marar ||Thinking About You
|080|| Dash Berlin Feat. Christina Novelli ||Jar Of Hearts
|081|| Jennifer Lopez ||Live It Up
|82|| DJ Antoine vs. Mad Mark Feat. B-Case & U-Jean ||House Party
|083|| Deorro ||Yee
|084|| Showtek & Noisecontrollers ||Get Loose (Tiësto Remix)
|085|| Mark Knight & DRamirez V Underworld ||Downpipe (Armin Van Buuren Remix)
|086|| Armin Van Buuren Feat. Trevor Guthrie ||This Is What It Feels Like
|087|| Pitbull Feat. Ke$Ha ||Timber
|088|| Erik Arbores ||Get Ready
|089|| Dirtcaps & The Million Plan ||Money On My Mind
|090|| Rasmus Faber Feat. Linus Norda ||We Laugh We Dance We Cry
|091|| Hardwell & Dyro Feat. Bright Lights ||Never Say Goodbye
|092|| Armin Van Buuren Feat. Fiora ||Waiting For The Night
|093|| Alex MORPH & Natalie Gioia ||Dreams
|094|| Fisherman & Hawkins ||Apache
|095|| Jochen Miller Feat. Dogs With Jeans ||We Have Tonight
|096|| Showtek ||Slow Down (Anthem Emporium)
|097|| Pitbull Feat. Christina Aguilera ||Feel This Moment
|098|| Suspect ||Amazing
|099|| Andrew Rayel ||Dark Warrior
|100|| Armin Van Buuren Feat. Miri Ben-Ari ||Intense
|101|| Headhunterz Feat. Tatu ||Colors
|102|| Yellow Claw Feat. Lny Tnz ||Last Night Ever
|103|| Headhunterz Feat. Krewella ||United Kids Of The World
|104|| Wildstylez Feat. Niels Geusebroek ||Year Of Summer
|105|| Brennan Heart & Wildstylez ||Lose My Mind
|106|| Code Black ||Brighter Day
|107|| Brennan Heart Feat. Jonathan Mendelson ||Imaginary
|108|| Yellow Claw Feat. Rochelle ||Shotgun
|109|| [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Outro Grandmix 2013
23.00-24.00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Classics Mix] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
Na track 62 stopt hier de uitzending en hoor je een vuurwerk sound-effect met een Radio Veronica Jingle van Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!
===1 januari 2014===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
00.00-01.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1983] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===4 januari 2014===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
23:00-24:00 uur:
Dit is een speciale aflevering i.v.m. het 10-jarig bestaan van [[In The Mix]] op [[Radio Veronica]]; een terugblik op 2004
Dit is een groot gedeelte uit de [ Grandmix 2004], maar is niet de gehele mix, uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
De eerste 16 nummers zijn al eerder uitgezonden in een extended versie op 28 september 2013 (Dit zijn tracks 2 t/m 17 van CD 1). Nummer 17 t/m 31 zijn ook al eerder uitgezonden in een extended versie op 5 oktober 2013 (Dit zijn tracks 18 t/m 32 van CD 1)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01||Elize || Shake
|02|| Nina Sky || Move Ya Body
|03|| Eric Prydz || Call On Me
|04|| Junior Jack || Stupidisco
|05|| Soulvation || Deeper
|06|| Shapeshifters || Lola's Theme
|07|| Ritmo-Dynamic || Calinda
|08|| Bratt Carter ||Morning Always Comes to Soon
|09|| Danni Minogue Vs. Flower Power || You Won't Forget About Me
|10|| Spankox || To the Club
|11|| Armand van Helden || My My My
|12|| Mylo || Drop the Pressure
|13|| Michael Gray || The Weekend
|14|| Marly || You Never Know
|15|| DJ Casper || Cha Cha Slide
|16|| Danzel || Pump it Up
|17|| Boogie Pimps || Somebody to Love
|18|| Narcothic Trust || I Like It
|19|| LMC vs. U2 || Take Me Up the Clouds Above
|20|| Dr. Kucho! Feat. Jodie || Belmondo Rules 2.0 (It's all About You)
|21|| Royal Gigolos || California Dreamin'
|22|| Scent || Up & Down
|23|| Danny Howels || Dusk 'till Dawn
|24|| DT8 Project || The Sun is Shining (Down on Me)
|25|| Fight Club Feat. Laurent Konrad || Spread Love
|26|| Ridgewalkers Feat. El || Find
|27|| Origene || Sanctuary
|28|| Da Hool Feat. Heather Leigh West || Set the Stakes High
|29|| Amuka || Appreciate me
|30|| Aven || All I wanna do
|31|| Benassi Bros Feat. Sandy || Illusion
|32|| Dance Valley || A decade of dance
|33|| Paul van Dyk Feat. Second Sun || Crush
|34|| Magnolia || It's all vain
|35|| Mike Heart || Sex machine
|36|| Benjamin Bates || Whole
|37|| Benny Benassi Presents The Biz || Able to Love
|38|| Axwell || Feel the Vibe
|39|| Andain || Beautiful Things
|40|| Motorcycle || As the Rush Comes
|41|| Peter Martin Presents Anthanasia || Perfect Wave
|42|| Michael Woods || Solex (Close to the Edge)
|43|| Rank 1 || Symsonic (it's Up to you)
|44|| Remy & Roland Klinkenberg || Till ya Drop
|45|| True Form || Forbidden Colours
|46|| Novaspace || Run To You
|47|| Randy Katana || One Solid Wave
|48|| DJ Jose || Hecitate
|49|| DJ Cor Fijneman Feat. Anita Kelsey || Healing
|50|| Ferry Corsten || Everything Goes
|51|| Clokx || Overdrive
|52|| Freeloader || Pure Devotion
|53|| Above & Beyond || No One on Earth
|54|| DJ Shog || Live 4 music
|55|| Manyou || Drifting away
|56|| DJ Tiesto Feat. BT || Love comes again
|57|| DJ Ton T.B. || Dreammachine
|58|| Jens || Loops & tings relooped (Marco V remix)
|59|| Marco V || Automanual
|60|| Futureshock || Pride's Paranoia (Marco V. Remix)
|61|| Freestylers || Push Up
|62|| Solid Globe || Sahara
|63|| Outback || State Of Emergency
|64|| Nalin & Kane Vs. Dennis the Menace || Cruising
|65|| Bossanova || Stonecold
|66|| Mojado Feat. Mr. Sam || Naranja
|67|| Sensation || The Anthem 2004
|68|| DJ Ton T.B. || Electronic Malfunction
|69|| DJ Tiesto Feat. Kirsty Hawkshaw || Just Be
|70|| Blank & Jones Feat. Robert Smith || A Forest
|71|| Klubbers Revenge || Mental Atmosphere
|72|| Oceanlab || Satellite
|73|| Armin van Buuren Feat. Justine Suissa || Burned With Desire
|74|| Sam Sharp Vs. Ron van den Beuken || Twister
|75|| V-Lock || Birth of Light
|76|| JX || Restless
|77|| Ferry Corsten || Right of Way
|78|| Mark Norman || Phantom Manor
|79|| DJ Jean || Every Single Day
|80|| Ron van de Beuken || Endless
===18 januari 2014===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
23:00-24:00 uur:
Dit is een speciale aflevering i.v.m. het 10-jarig bestaan van [[In The Mix]], de [ Grandmix 2005] ingekort tot een 1 uurs versie, uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
Let op: dit is een samensmelting en ingekorte versie van de volgende [[In The Mix]] afleveringen: 12 oktober 2013 (tracks 01 t/m 12), 19 oktober 2013 (tracks 13 t/m 28), 26 oktober 2013 (tracks 29 t/m 42), 23 november 2013 (tracks 43 t/m 55)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01||Elize || Automatic (I'm talking to you)
|02|| Freeloaders || So much love to give
|03|| Bob Sinclar || Love generation
|04|| Inaya Day || Nasty girl
|05|| Bon Garcon || Freek U
|06|| Tiga || You gonna want me
|07|| Ethan || In my heart
|08|| Infernal || From Paris to Berlin
|09|| Powno || Music power
|10|| Supafly vs. Fishbowl || Let's get down
|11|| Shapeshifters || Back to basics
|12|| Studio B || I see girls
|13|| Rockefeller || Do it 2 nite
|14|| Axwell || Feel the vibe
|15|| Dennis Christopher Feat. Tony Chacha || Slut!
|16|| The House Keepers || Go down
|17|| Deep Dish || Flashdance
|18|| Stonebridge || Put 'em high
|19|| Stonebridge || Take me away
|20|| Cabin Crew || Waiting for a star to fall
|21|| Lil' Love || Little love
|22|| Freemasons Feat. Amanda Wilson || Love on my mind
|23|| Faith Evans || Mesmerized (Freemasons radio edit)
|24|| Gregor Salto Feat. Red || Looking good
|25|| Dr. Kucho! & Gregor Salto || Can't stop playing
|26|| Carolina Marquez || Killer song
|27|| Yves Larock Feat. Roland Richards || Zookey (lift your leg up)
|28|| The Lovefreekz || Shine
|29|| Narcotic Thrust || When Dawn Breaks
|30|| Reflekt || Need To Feel Loved
|31|| D.O.N.S. Feat. Technotronic Feat. Felly || Pump up the jam (Kurd Maverick aka Gian's crowd is jumpin' mix)
|32|| David Guetta || The world is mine
|33|| Roger Sanchez || Turn on the music
|34|| Gadjo || So many times
|35|| Olav Basoski Feat. Michie One || Waterman
|36|| Uniting Nations || You & me
|37|| Tom Novy || Your body
|38|| Deep Dish || Say hello
|39|| Jupiter Ace || 1000 Years
|40|| Gabriel & Dresden || Arcadia
|41|| 100% || Just can't wait (Saturday)
|42|| Armand van Helden || Into your eyes
|43|| Mylo Vs. Miami Sound Machine || Doctor Pressure
|44|| Andy Moore || Halcyon
|45|| Rachael Starr || Till there was you (Gabrield & Dresden mix)
|46|| Uniting Nations || Out of touch
|47|| Mike Foyle vs. Signalrunners || Love theme Dusk
|48|| Johnson || Push the feeling on
|49|| Erick E Feat. Gina J. || Boogie down
|50|| Above & Beyond vs. Andy Moor Feat. Carrie Skipper || Air for life
|51|| Global Deejays || The sound of San Fransisco
|52|| Global Deejays || What a feeling (Flashdance)
|53|| Ferry Corsten Feat. Simon le Bon || Fire
|54|| Ritmo-Dynamic || Calinda (2005 radio edit)
|55|| Dave McCullen || Bitch
|56|| Lasgo || All night long
|57|| Purple Haze || Adrenaline
|58|| Markus Schulz & Departure with Gabriel & Dresden || Without you near (Gabriel & Dresden mix)
|59|| FB Feat. Edun || Who's knockin' (Ferry Corsten remix)
|60|| Marco V || Second bite
|61|| Randy Katana || Pleasure island
|62|| Armin Van Buuren Feat. Jan Vayne || Serenity (Sensation white anthem 2005)
|63|| Clokx || Tibet
|64|| Armin Van Buuren Feat. Susana || Shivers
|65|| Tiesto || UR (Junkie XL air guitar edit)
|66|| G-Spott || City streets
|67|| Mr. Sam || Lyteo (Rank 1 remix)
|68|| Manyou || Drifting away
|69|| Van Helsing & Van Giessen || Enjoy the silence
|70|| Project X || Streaming summer love
|71|| Southside Spinners || Luvstruck (Klubbheads 2005 remix)
|72|| 4 Strings || Sunrise
|73|| Randy Katana || Play it loud
|74|| Rank 1 || Beats at Rank-1 dotcom
|75|| DJ Jose || Stepping to the beat
|76|| Jonas Steur || Castamara
|77|| Kuffdam & Plant || Summerdream (Paul van Dyk remix)
|78|| Roy Gates || We rock together
|79|| DJ Tiesto || Adagio for strings
|80|| Roy Gates || On my way
|81|| DJ Jean || Feel it
|82|| Ron van den Beuken || Sunset (Ron van den Beuken mix)
|83|| Fred Baker Vs. Nyram || Confirmation
|84|| John Marks || Do it again
|85|| Ernesto Vs. Bastian Feat. Susana || Dark side of the moon
|86|| Clokx || Feelings
|87|| Thomas Bronszwaer || Close horizon
===19 april 2014===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is de speciale directors cut van de [ Grandmix 2006], teruggebracht van 3 uur naar een 60 minuten versie! Uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
23:00-24:00 uur:
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01||The Shapeshifters & Chic || Sensitivity
|02||Gregor Salto || Viajar (Mas Que Nada)
|03||The Shapeshifters || Incredible
|04||Mish Mash Feat. Lois || Speechless
|05||Blaze Feat. Barbara Tucker || Most Precious Love
|06||Baggi Begovic & Bryan Dalton || Safe
|07||Supafly Inc || Moving Too Fast
|08||Michael Gray Feat. Shelly Poole || Borderline (Ready For Your Love)
|09||Till West & DJ Delicious || Same Man
|10||Paul Oakenfold Feat. Brittany Murphy || Faster Kill Pussycat
|11||Ricky Rivaro || The Beat Inside
|12||Bodyrox || Yeah Yeah
|13||Camile Jones || Creeps
|14||Fedde Le Grand || Just Trippin’
|15||Outwork Feat. Mr.Gee ||Electro
|16||Mason || Exceeder
|17||Sidney Samson || Shake And Rock This (Remix)
|18||Untouchable 3 || That Once In A Lifetime
|19||Erick Morillo || Jazz In Your Face
|20||Erick E || The Beat Is Rockin’
|21||Roger Sanchez || Lost
|22||Real El Canario || U Rock
|23||Fedde Le Grand || Put Your Hands Up for Detroit
|24||Benjamin Bates || Shelter
|25||Beatfreakz || Superfreak
|26||Yoshimoto || Du What U Du
|27||Mischa Daniels || Take Me Higher (The Remixes)
|28||Ian Carey & Mochico Feat. Miss Bunty || Say What You Want
|29||Groove Cats || Once In A Lifetime Groove
|30||Bob Sinclar Feat. Steve Edwards || World, Hold On (Children Of The Sky)
|31||The Source Feat. Candi Staton || You Got The Love
|32||Dennis Christopher || Soulshakin’
|33||Chanel || My Life
|34||Phunk-A-Delic || Rockin’
|35||Hound Dogs || I Like Girls
|36||Jenn Cuneta || Come Rain Come Shine
|37||Solu Music Feat. Kimblee || Fade
|38||Bob Sinclar & Cutee B Feat. Dollarman & Big Ali || Rock This Party (Everybody Dance Now)
|39||Axwell Feat. Steve Edwards ||Watch The Sunrise
|40||Freemasons Feat. Amanda Wilson || Watchin’
|41||The Caramel Club || Mama Say Mama Sa
|42||Meck Feat. Leo Sayer || Thunder In My Heart Again
|43||Fonzerelli || Moonlight Party
|44||Johnny Crockett || E For Electro
|45||Armin Van Buuren Vs Herman Brood || Saturday Night
|46||Simon & Shaker || Zero
|47||Olav Basoski Presents Proper Tunes || Like Dis (Fedde Le Grand Remix)
|48||Hi Tack || Say Say Say (Waiting 4 U)
|49||Deux || Sun Rising Up
|50||Supermode || Tell Me Why
|51||Pakito || Living On Video
|52||Tiësto Feat. Maxi Jazz || DanceLife
|53||Pakito || Moving On Stereo
|54||Mischa Daniels || Off My Rocker
|55||DJ Jose || Dedication
|56||Abel Ramos || Electro Fun
|57||Aaron Smith Feat. Luvli || Dancin’
|58||Marco V. || Any Better, Or?
|59||Filterfunk || S.O.S. (Message In A Bottle)
|60||Shocksteady || Take A Ride
|61||Above & Beyond || Good For Me
|62||Super & P.O.S. Presents Aalto || Five
|63||Club Scene Investigation || Direct Dizko
|64||Carl B || Social Suicide
|65||Armin Van Buuren || Control Freak (Sander Van Doorn Remix)
|66||Gabriel & Dresden Feat. Molly || Tracking Treasure Down
|67||Marcel Woods || Advanced
|68||Thomas Bronzwaer || Shadow World
|69||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Racoon || Love You More
|70||Fragma || Radio Air Waves
|71||Roy Gates || Lose Myself
|72||Roy Gates || Midnight Sun
|73||Astatic || Cascada
|74||Karen Overton || Your Loving Arms
|75||Super + DJ Tab || Helsinki Scorchin’
|76||Cara Dillon Vs. Devine || Black Is The Colour (Coco & Green Remix)
|77||Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Talla XLC || Full Prelude (Re:Locate Vs. Solid Globe Remix)
|78||Menno De Jong & Leon Bolier Presents Solar Express || Magma
|79||Armin Van Buuren || Sail
|80||Interstate || Remember Me
|81||Divini & Warning + Four L.Ball || My Love
|82||G-Spott || Sadness
|83||Selu Vibra || Divine
|84||Chocolate Puma || Always And Forever (Bart Claessen Dub)
===20 april 2014===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Let op: dit is een herhaling van 30 april 2004; Grandmix Millennium Edition Deel 2, uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
00:00-01:00 uur:
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01||2 In A Room || Do What You Want
|02||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
|03||Ce Ce Peniston || Finally
|04||Jenny Bee || Wanna Get Your Love
|05||Fun Fun || Happy Station
|06||Peter Brown || They Only Come Out At Night
|07||Carol Jiani || Hit & Run Lover
|08||Dan Hartman || Relight My Fire
|09||Herbie Hancock || Tell Everybody
|10||Michael Zager Band || Let's All Chant
|11||Poussez! || Come On And Do It
|12||Viola Wills || If You Could Read My Mind
|13||Lipps Inc. || Funkytown
|14||Moloko || Sing It Back
|15||Twenty 4 Seven || I Can't Stand It
|16||Mousse T. || Horny '98
|17||Black & White Brothers || Put Your Hands Up
|18||The Limit || Say Yeah
|19||Haddaway || What Is Love
|20||Snap! || Rhythm Is A Dancer
|21||Technotronic Feat. Ya Kid K  || Get Up (Before The Night Is Over)
|22||Course || Ready Or Not
|23||M-People || Moving On Up
|24||Goodmen ||Give It Up
|25||Wamdue Project || King Of My Castle
|26||The Jacksons || Can You Feel It
|27||Anita Ward || Ring My Bell
|28||Alisha Bridges || I Love The Nightlife
|29||Moby || Go
|30||Powerhouse Feat. Duane Harden || What You Need
|31||Dominica || Gotta Let You Go
|32||Kristine W || Feel What You Want
|33||Faithless || Insomnia
|34||T99 || Anastasia
|35||Dead Or Alive || You Spin Me Around
|36||Ultra Nate || Free
===10 mei 2014===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
23:00-24:00 uur:
Dit is een langere versie van de nummers 28 t/m 34 van CD2 en 01 t/m 05 van CD 3, uit de [ Grandmix 2008], zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01||David Guetta & Chris Willis vs. Tocadisco || Tomorrow can Wait
|02|| Deadmau5 || Not Exactly
|03|| Dave Darrell || Children
|04|| John Dahlback || Pyramid
|05|| Guru Josh Project || Infinity 2008 (Klaas vocal edit)
|06|| Orjan Nilsen Feat. Tarah || Be as one (la guitarra)
|07|| Black Box || Everybody, Everybody (Benny Benassi radio edit)
|08|| R.I.O. || Shine On
|09|| Eva Jane || Spinning Around
|10|| Supafly Inc. || Be Together
|11|| Ernesto vs. Bastian || Thrill
|12|| Geo da Silva || I'll do you like a Truck
===17 mei 2014===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
23:00-24:00 uur:
Dit is een langere versie van de nummers 05 t/m 17 van CD 3, uit de [ Grandmix 2008], zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01||Geo da Silva || I'll do you like a truck
|02|| Robert Abigail || Mojito song
|03|| James Doman || Everything's gonna be allright
|04|| Fedo Mora & Camurri || After the rain
|05|| Sun Lounger Feat. Zara || Lost (club mix)
|06|| Deadmau5 || Clockwork
|07|| Ercola Feat. Danielle || Every word
|08|| Armin van Buuren & DJ Shah Feat. Chris Jones || Going wrong
|09|| Bellatrax Feat. Sophia May || I can't help myself
|10|| D-Rashid || Latin brutality (original mix)
|11|| Laurent Wolf Feat. Eric Carter || No stress
|12||Danzel || Clap your hands (radio mix)
|13|| Lasgo || Out of my mind
===24 mei 2014===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
23:00-24:00 uur:
Dit is een langere versie van de nummers 02 t/m 14 van CD 1, uit de [ Grandmix 2009], zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01||  Sidney Samson || Riverside
|02|| Fedde Le Grand Feat. Mitch Crown || Scared of me
|03|| Asino vs. DJ Jean || The Bomb
|04|| Bingo Players Feat. Dan’thony || I Will Follow
|05|| Chris Lake Feat. Nastala || If you Knew
|06|| Michel Cleis Feat. Toto La Momposina || La mezcla
|07|| Enur || Calabria (Ralvero Remix)
|08|| The Ian Carey Project || Get Shaky
|09|| DJ Chuckie || Aftershock (can’t fight the feeling)
|10|| Ralvero Feat. MC Boogshe || Party People
|11|| Quintin vs. DJ Jean || Original Dutch
|12|| Chicane || Poppiholla
|13|| Axwell, Ingrosso, Laidback Luke & Angello Feat. Deborah Cox || Leave the world behind
===12 juli 2014===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
23:00-24:00 uur:
Dit is een speciale directors cut van de 3 uur durende [ Grandmix The 90's Edition]; in deze aflevering is enkel de eerste 57 minuten van de mix te beluisteren zonder intro, zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
De volledige 3 uurs versie werd al eerder uitgezonden op 12 november 2004
De Grandmix 90's aflevering kun je [ HIER] beluisteren
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01||DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince || Boom! Shake The Room
|02||Naughty By Nature || Hip Hop Hooray
|03||Snow || Informer
|04||Salt 'N' Pepa || Let's Talk About Sex
|05||House Of Pain || Jump Around
|06||Joe Public || Live & Learn
|07||Snap! || The Power
|08||Redhead Kingpin & The F.B.I.  || Do The Right Thing
|09||King Bee || Back By Dope Demand
|10||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott || Move To The Bigband
|11||C&C Music Factory Feat. Freedom Williams || Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)
|12||Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam || Let The Beat Hit 'Em
|13||Incognito Feat. Jocelyn Brown || Always There
|14||Rob 'N' Raz Feat. Leila K || Got To Get
|15||Nomad Feat. MC Mikee Freedom|| (I Wanna Give You) Devotion
|16||TLC || Ain't To Proud To Beg
|17||Franky Knuckles || The Whistle Song
|18||Ce Ce Peniston || We Got A Love Thang
|19||Suēno Latino || Suēno Latino
|20||Robin S. || Luv 4 Luv
|21||Crystal Waters || 100% Pure Love
|22||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
|23||Afrika Bambaataa || Just Get Up And Dance
|24||Robin S. || Show Me Love
|25||S-Express || Theme From S-Express
|26||R.F.T.R. || Extrasyn
|27||2 In A Room || Wiggle It
|28||Human Resource || Dominator
|29||Black & White Brothers || Put Your Hands Up
|30||Everything But The Girl || Missing
|31||Snap! || Rhythm Is A Dancer
|32||The Shamen || Move Any Mountain
|33||Clivilles & Cole || Pride (A Deeper Love)
|34||Nightcrawlers || Push The Feeling
|35||Ce Ce Peniston || Finally
|36||Inner City || Big Fun
|37||Shawn Christopher || Don't Lose The Magic
|38||Double You || Please Don't Go
|39||Adamski Feat. Seal || Killer
|40||Tony Scott || Get Into It
|41||Deee-Lite || Groove Is In The Heart
|42||D-Shake || Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
|43||Joey Beltram || Energy Flash
|44||Technotronic & Ya Kid K || Get Up (Before The Night Is Over)
|45||Haddaway || What Is Love
|46||Club 69 || Let Me Be Your Underwear
|47||Dr. Alban || Sing Hallelujah
|48||Technotronic Feat. Felly || Pump Up The Jam
|49||Duke || So In Love With You
|50||Rozalla || Are You Ready To Fly
|51||Inner City || Good Life
|52||The Goodmen || Give It Up
|53||Opus III || It's A Fine Day
|54||2 Unlimited || Get Ready For This
|55||Moby || Go
|56||Ramirez || La Musica Tremenda
|57||Kristine W || Feel What You Want
|58||2 Unlimited || Twilight Zone
|59||Quadrophonia || Quadrophonia
|60||Format 1 || Solid Session
|61||Capricorn || 20 Hrz
|62||Felix || Don’t You Want Me
|63||Dr. Alban || It’s My Life
|64||T-99 || Anasthasia
|65||Mory Kante || Yeke Yeke (Hardfloor Mix)
|66||Jaydee || Plastic Dreams
|67||Bass Bumpers || The Music's Got Me
|68||Transformer 2 || Pacific Symphony
|69||The Age Of Love || The Age Of Love
|70||Urban Cookie Collective || The Key The Secret
|71||Katana || Erotmania
|72||Klatsch! || Oh Boy
|73||Speedy J || Pull Over
|74||The Outhere Brothers || Boom Boom Boom
|75||The Outhere Brothers || La La La Hey Hey
|76||The Outhere Brothers || Don't Stop (Wiggle Wiggle)
|77||LA Style || James Brown Is Dead
|78||Praga Khan || Rave Alarm
|79||Tom Wilson || Techno Cat
|80||Celvin Rotane || I Believe
===15 november 2014===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
23.00-24.00 uur:
Dit is opnieuw de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 1985], uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===31 december 2014===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2014] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)<ref>[] ''Grandmix van Ben Liebrand dit jaar op Radio Veronica'' (Gepubliceerd: maandag 29 december 2014 14:14) (Gevonden 4 oktober 2021)</ref><ref>[] ''Ben Liebrand Grandmix op Radio Veronica'' (Publicatie: 31 december 2014) (Gevonden 9 januari 2022)</ref>
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001|| [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Intro Grandmix 2014
|002|| DJ Snake Feat. Lil Jon ||Turn Down For What
|003|| Kid Ink Feat. Chris Brown ||Show Me
|004|| Usher ||Good Kisser
|005|| Mapei ||Don't Wait
|006|| Cris Cab ||Liar Liar
|007|| Tiësto Feat. Matthew Koma ||Wasted
|008|| Pitbull Feat. G.R.L. ||Wild Wild Love
|009|| Alle Farben Feat. Graham Candy ||She Moves (Far Away)
|010|| Tove Lo ||Habits
|011|| Mr. Probz ||Waves (Robin Schultz Radio Edit)
|012|| Pitbull Feat. John Ryan ||Fireball
|013|| Chocolate Puma Feat. Kris Kiss ||Step Back
|014|| Röyksopp & Robyn ||Do It Again
|015|| Storm Queen ||Look Right Through
|016|| Otto Knows ||Parachute
|017|| Watermät ||Bullit
|018|| Duke Dumont Feat. Jax Jones ||I Got U
|019|| Klingande ||Jubel
|020|| Avicii ||Hey Brother
|021|| Eelke Klein ||Mistakes I've Made
|022|| Kiesza ||Hideaway
|023|| Gorgon City Feat. Mnek ||Ready For Your Love
|024|| Oliver Heldens ||Gecko
|025|| Chocolate Puma & Firebeatz ||I Can’t Understand
|026|| Spada Feat. Hosie Neal ||Feels Like Home (Red Velvet Dress) (Bakermat Radio Edit)
|027|| Fox Stevenson ||Sweets (Soda Pop)
|028|| The Chainsmokers ||#Selfie
|029|| Sharon Doorson ||Louder
|030|| Martin Garrix & Moti ||Virus (How About Now)
|031|| Afrojack & Martin Garrix ||Turn Up The Speakers
|032|| Ummet Ozcan ||Superwave
|033|| W&W ||Bigfoot
|034|| New World Sound & Thomas Newson ||Flute
|035|| Aronchupa ||I'm An Albatraoz
|036|| Sander Van Doorn, Martin Garrix & Dvbbs Feat. Aleesia ||Gold Skies
|037|| Napt ||Come On Surrender
|038|| Dubvison ||Backlash (Martin Garrix Edit)
|039|| Laidback Luke & Marc Benjamin ||We’re Forever
|040|| Firebeatz ||Bazooka
|041|| Afrojack Feat. Wrabel ||Ten Feet Tall
|042|| Bingo Players ||Knock You Out
|043|| Deorro & J-Trick ||Rambo (Hardwell Edit)
|044|| Martin Garrix ||Proxy
|045|| Martin Garrix & Firebeatz ||Helicopter
|046|| Martin Garrix & Jay Hardway ||Wizard
|047|| Armin Van Buuren Feat. Lauren Evans ||Alone
|048|| Joey Dale & Ares Carter Feat. Natalie Angiuli ||Step Into Your Light
|049|| Fatboy Slim & Riva Starr Feat. Beardyman ||Eat, Sleep, Rave, Repeat
|050|| Afrojack vs. Thirty Seconds To Mars ||Do Or Die
|051|| Blasterjaxx ||Mystica (Werewolf)
|052|| Cosmic Gate & Eric Lumiere ||Falling Back
|053|| Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Tujamo & Felguk ||Nova
|054|| Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. W&W ||Waves (Tomorrowland 2014 Anthem)
|055|| Jewelz & Scott Sparks Feat. Quilla ||Unless We Forget
|056|| Zhu ||Faded
|057|| Hardwell Feat. Matthew Koma ||Dare You
|058|| Giorgio Moroder ||74 Is The New 24
|059|| Calvin Harris ||Summer
|060|| Andrew Rayel Feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn ||One In A Million
|061|| Hardwell Feat. Chris Jones ||Young Again
|062|| Jenaux Feat. Jared Lee ||Turn Your World Around
|063|| Afrojack Feat. Spree Wilson ||The Spark
|064|| Zeds Dead Feat. Twin Shadow & D'Angelo Lacy ||Lost You
|065|| R3Hab & Trevor Guthrie ||Soundwave
|066|| Hardwell & Joey Dale Feat. Luciana ||Arcadia
|067|| Dimitri Vegas, Like Mike & Martin Garrix ||Tremor (Sensation 2014 Anthem)
|068|| Armin Van Buuren ||Ping Pong (Hardwell Remix)
|069|| Armin Van Buuren ||Save My Night (Mark Sixma Remix)
|070|| Jochen Miller Feat. Hellen ||Let Love Go
|071|| Paris Blohm & Taylr Renee ||Left Behinds
|072|| Sidney Samson & Eva Simons ||Celebrate The Rain
|073|| Dannic Feat. Bright Lights ||Dear Life
|074|| Cosmic Gate & Jerome Isma-Ae ||Telefunken
|075|| Showtek ||We Like To Party
|076|| Omnia ||Tomorrow People
|077|| Oliver Heldens ||Koala
|078|| Faul & Wad Ad vs. Pnau ||Changes
|079|| John Martin ||Anywhere For You
|080|| Ariana Grande Feat. Zedd ||Break Free
|081|| Tiësto ||Red Lights
|82|| Dash Berlin & Jay Cosmic Feat. Collin Mcloughlin ||Here Tonight
|083|| Hardwell ||Everybody Is In The Place
|084|| Gareth Emery Feat. Bo Bruce ||U (W&W Remix)
|085|| Marlo Feat. Jano ||Haunted
|086|| Armin Van Buuren ||Hystereo
|087|| Andrew Rayel Feat. Alexandra Badoi ||Goodbye
|088|| Armin Van Buuren & Andrew Rayel ||Eiforya
|089|| Simon Patterson Feat. Sarah Howells ||Dissolve
|090|| Armin Van Buuren Feat. Laura Jansen ||Sound Of The Drums (Bobina Remix)
|091|| Jorn Van Deynhoven ||New Horizons (A State of Trance 650 Anthem)
|092|| Gaia ||Empire Of Hearts (Johann Stone Remix)
|093|| Aly & Fila Meets Roger Shah Feat. Sylvia Tosun ||Eye 2 Eye (Extended Mix)
|094|| Aly & Fila With Jaren ||For All Time (Extended Mix)
|095|| Aly & Fila With Skypatrol Feat. Sue Mclaren ||Running (Extended Mix)
|096|| Ram & Susana ||RAMelia (Tribute To Amelia)
|097|| Afrojack Feat. Snoop Dogg ||Dynamite
|098|| Yellow Claw ||Till It Hurt
|099|| Sigma ||Nobody To Love
|100|| Sigma Feat. Paloma Faith ||Changing
|101|| [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Outro Grandmix 2014
23:00-24:00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is een herhaling van de [ Grandmix 1984] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===10 januari 2015===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 2014], uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===24 januari 2015===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
23.00-24.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van een gedeelte van de [ Grandmix 90's Edition], tracks 1 t/m 82, uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===31 januari 2015===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 2014] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)<ref>[] ''Grandmix 2014 op Radio Veronica'' (Gepubliceerd 30 januari 2015 15:34) (Gevonden 8 augustus 2021)</ref>
23.00-24.00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is een '''speciale Directors Cut''' van de [ Grandmix 2010] waarbij de Grandmix van 3 uur terug gemonteerd is tot 68 minuten! Deze uitgezonden versie was korter. Het bekende vocoder intro was niet te horen en de mix liep maar tot aan track 73! Uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===5 december 2015===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
20.30-21.00 uur:
Dit is een herhaling van het eerste half uur van de [ Grandmix 1984], tracks 1 t/m 46, uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===12 december 2015===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
20.30-21.00 uur:
Dit is een herhaling van het tweede half uur van de [ Grandmix 1984], tracks 48 t/m 99, uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===19 december 2015===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
20.30-21.00 uur:
Dit is een herhaling van het eerste half uur uit de [ Grandmix 1985], tracks 1 t/m 47, uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===26 december 2015===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
20.30-21.00 uur:
Dit is een herhaling van het tweede half uur uit de [ Grandmix 1985], tracks 51 t/m 108, uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===31 december 2015===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
21.00-24.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2015] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
De teaser van deze Grandmix, gemaakt door [[Ben Liebrand]] zelf, kun je [ hier] bekijken
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 2015
|002||Kygo Feat. Parson James || Stole The Show
|003||Chris Brown X Tyga || Ayo
|004||Major Lazer Feat. Mo & DJ Snake || Lean On
|005||Sharon Doorson || Something Beautiful
|006||Gabriel Rios || Gold (Thomas Jack Remix)
|007||Eva Simons Feat. Konshens || Policeman
|008||Kygo Feat. Ella Henderson || Here For You
|009||Disclosure Feat. Sam Smith || Omen
|010||Lady Bee Feat. Rochelle || Return Of The Mack
|011||Natalie La Rose Feat. Jeremih || Somebody
|012||Demi Lovato || Cool For The Summer
|013||Sam Feldt || Show Me Love
|014||Kygo Feat. Conrad Sewell || Firestone
|015||Larrykoek Feat. Bodhi Jones || Honeybee (Première Fois)
|016||Felix Jaehn Feat. Jasmine Thompson || Ain't Nobody (Loves Me Better)
|017||Filous Feat. James Hersey || How Hard I Try
|018||Seinabo Sey || Younger (Kygo Remix)
|019||Alex Adair || Make Me Feel Better
|020||Thomas Jack || Rivers
|021||Lil' Kleine & Ronnie Flex || Drank & Drugs
|022||The Avener & Phoebe Killdeer || Fade Out Lines
|023||Feder Feat. Lyse || Goodbye
|024||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. James "D-Train" Williams || Weekend
|025||Gregory Porter || Liquid Spirit (Claptone Remix)
|026||Omi || Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn Remix)
|027||Redondo & Bolier Feat. She Keeps Bees || Every Single Piece
|028||Years & Years || King
|029||Ne-Yo || Coming With You
|030||Rudimental Feat. Anne-Marie And Will Heard || Rumour Mill
|031||Listenbee Feat. Naz Tokio || Save Me
|032||Anna Naklab Feat. Alle Farben & Younotus || Supergirl
|033||Jess Glynne || Hold My Hand
|034||Philip George || Wish You Were Mine
|035||Oliver Heldens & Shaun Frank Feat. Delaney Jane || Shades Of Grey
|036||Madcon Feat. Ray Dalton || Don't Worry
|037||Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Feat. Ne-Yo || Higher Place (Radio Edit)
|038||Sigala || Easy Love
|039||Måns Zelmerlöw || Heroes
|040||Beth || Don’t You Worry Child (Charming Horses Remix)
|041||Larco || Andes
|042||Alina Baraz & Galimatias || Fantasy (Felix Jaehn Remix)
|043||Lost Frequencies Feat. Janieck Devy || Reality
|044||Zeds Dead & Oliver Heldens || You Know
|045||Swanky Tunes & Going Deeper || Far From Home (Radio Edit)
|046||Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Ummet Ozcan || The Hum (Lost Frequencies Edit)
|047||Michael Calfan || Treasured Soul
|048||Joe Stone & Daser || Freak (And You Know It)
|049||Martin Solveig Feat. Sam White || +1
|050||Don Diablo Feat. Emeni || Universe
|051||Michael Woods || London Baby!
|052||Calvin Harris + Disciples || How Deep Is Your Love
|053||Borgeous & Shaun Frank Feat. Delaney Jane || This Could Be Love
|054||Gorgon City Feat. Romans || Saving My Life
|055||Rondé || Run (East & Young Remix)
|056||Olly Murs Feat. Travie Mccoy || Wrapped Up
|057||Omi || Hula Hoop
|058||Pitbull & Ne-Yo || Time Of Our Lives
|059||Ariana Grande || One Last Time
|060||Justin Bieber || What Do You Mean?
|061||Otto Knows || Next To Me
|062||Emma Bale & Lost Frequencies || Run (Lost Frequencies Radio Edit)
|063||Oliver Heldens || Melody
|064||Nils Van Zandt Feat. Sharon Doorson || Feel Like Dancing
|065||Pep & Rash || Rumors
|066||Lost Frequencies || Are You With Me
|067||Lunchmoney Lewis || Bills
|068||Alesso Feat. Tove Lo || Heroes (We Could Be)
|069||Moguai Feat. Cheat Codes || Hold On
|070||Martin Solveig & Gta || Intoxicated
|071||Don Diablo || On My Mind
|072||Shaun Frank & Kshmr Feat. Delaney Jane || Heaven
|073||Martin Garrix vs. Matisse & Sadko || Dragon
|074||Made In June || Perfect Storm
|075||Deorro X Chris Brown || Five More Hours
|076||Calvin Harris Feat. Ellie Goulding || Outside
|077||Showtek Feat. Mc Ambush || 90S By Nature
|078||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Mr. Probz || Another You
|079||Afrojack Feat. Mike Taylor || Summerthing!
|080||Timmy Trumpet & Savage || Freaks
|081||Kshmr || Jammu
|082||Ummet Ozcan || Lose Control
|083||Tiësto Feat. Kshmr & Vassy || Secrets
|084||Broiler Feat. Ravvel || Wild Eyes
|085||Lea Rue || I Can't Say No! (Broiler Remix)
|086||Martin Garrix vs. Matisse & Sadko || Break Through The Silence
|087||Quintino Feat. Una || Escape (Into The Sunset)
|088||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Cimo Frankel || Strong Ones
|089||Zedd Feat. Jon Bellion || Beautiful Now
|090||Joe Stone Feat. Montell Jordan || The Party (This Is How We Do It)
|091||Mike Mago & Dragonette || Outlines
|092||Avicii || Waiting For Love
|093||Hardwell Feat. Jason Derulo || Follow Me
|094||Martin Garrix || Forbidden Voices
|095||Nicki Minaj || The Night Is Still Young
|096||Hardwell Feat. Harrison || Sally
|097||Fox Stevenson || Tico
|098||Hardwell Feat. Jake Reese || Mad World
|099||Fono || Real Joy
|100||Martin Garrix Feat. Usher || Don't Look Down
|101||Hardwell & Armin Van Buuren || Off The Hook
|102||Ferry Corsten & Gouryella || Anahera
|103||Axwell Ingrosso || Sun Is Shining
|104||Silento || Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)
|105||Shawn Mendes || Stitches
|106||DJ Fresh Feat. Ella Eyre || Gravity
|107||Netsky Feat. Digital Farms Animals || Rio
|108||[[Ben Liebrand]]||Outro Grandmix 2015
===2 januari 2016===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
21.00-24.00 uur:
Dit is een herhaling van de [ Grandmix 2015] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===31 december 2016===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
21.00-24.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2016] uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
Deze Grandmix kun je [ HIER] beluisteren!
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 2016
|002||Mike Perry Feat. Shy Martin || The Ocean
|003||Digital Farm Animals & Cash Cash Feat. Nelly || Millionaire
|004||Rochelle Feat. Kalibwoy || Way Up
|005||Frenship & Emily Warren || Capsize
|006||Era Istrefi || Bonbon
|007||Major Lazer Feat. Moti, Ty Dolla $Ign, Wizkid & Kranium || Boom
|008||Møwe & Daniel Nitt || Lovers Friends
|009||Sak Noel Feat. Sean Paul || Trumpets
|010||Nathan Goshen || Thinking About It (Let It Go) (Kvr Remix)
|011||Daya || Hide Away
|012||Major Lazer Feat. Justin Bieber & Mø || Cold Water
|013||Charlie Puth Feat. Selena Gomez || We Don't Talk Anymore (Attom Remix)
|014||Kygo Feat. Kodaline || Raging
|015||Alan Walker || Faded
|016||Willy William || Ego
|017||Timeflies || Once In A While
|018||Kygo Feat. Tom Odell || Fiction
|019||Yellow Claw Feat. Yade Lauren || Invitation
|020||Starley || Call On Me
|021||Campsite Dream || No Diggity
|022||Gavin James || Nervous (The Ooh Song) Mark Mccabe Remix
|023||Kygo Feat. Julia Michaels || Carry Me
|024||Dua Lipa || Hotter Than Hell
|025||Robin Schulz Feat. Akon || Heatwave
|026||Cheat Codes X Kris Kross Amsterdam || Sex
|027||Tove Lo || Cool Girl
|028||Major Lazer Feat. Nyla & Fuse Odg || Light It Up (Remix)
|029||DJ Snake Feat. Bipolar Sunshine || Middle
|030||Dnce || Toothbrush
|031||Matt Simons || Catch & Release (Deepend Remix)
|032||Alunageorge Feat. Popcaan || I'm In Control
|033||Cheat Codes Feat. Dante Klein || Let Me Hold You (Turn Me On)
|034||Mø || Final Song
|035||Matoma & Becky Hill || False Alarm
|036||Matt Simons || Lose Control
|037||Kygo Feat. Maty Noyes || Stay
|038||Martin Jensen || All I Wanna Do
|039||Jonas Blue Feat. Jp Cooper || Perfect Strangers
|040||Izzy Bizu || White Tiger
|041||Pablo Nouvelle Feat. Sam Wills || I Will
|042||Eva Simons & Sidney Samson || Escape From Love
|043||Dnce || Cake By The Ocean
|044||Campsite Dream || Don't Worry
|045||Riton Feat. Kah-Lo || Rinse & Repeat
|046||Sam Feldt || Been A While
|047||Bolier || Ipanema
|048||Hardwell & Jay Sean || Thinking About You
|049||Bob Marley Feat. Lvndscape & Bolier || Is This Love (Remix)
|050||Lil Kleine Feat. Ronnie Flex || 1, 2, 3
|051||Disciples & David Guetta || No Worries
|052||Jennifer Lopez || Ain't Your Mama
|053||Duke Dumont || Ocean Drive
|054||Lil Kleine || Vakantie
|055||Janieck || Feel The Love (Sam Feldt Edit)
|056||Rudimental Feat. Ed Sheeran || Lay It All On Me
|057||Sam Feldt X Lucas & Steve Feat. Wulf || Summer On You
|058||Dillon Francis Feat. Will Heard || Anywhere
|059||Seeb Feat. Neev || Breathe
|060||Rui Feat. Sam Ashworth || Million Times
|061||Calvin Harris || My Way
|062||Lost Frequencies Feat. Sandro Cavazza || Beautiful Life
|063||Chris Brown || Fine By Me
|064||Flume Feat. Kai || Never Be Like You
|065||Bakermat Feat. Alex Clare || Living
|066||Michael Feiner || Mantra
|067||Sigala Feat. John Newman & Nile Rodgers || Give Me Your Love
|068||Hardwell Feat. Jake Reese || Run Wild (Alternative Radio Edit)
|069||Craig David & Sigala || Ain't Givin' Up
|070||R3Hab & Quintino || Freak
|071||Justin Bieber || Children
|072||Bakermat & Goldfish Feat. Marie Plassard || Games Continued (Radio Edit)
|073||Robin Schulz & J.U.D.G.E. || Show Me Love
|074||Maan || Perfect World (Produced By Hardwell)
|075||Jay Hardway || Electric Elephants
|076||Fais Feat. Afrojack || Hey
|077||Galantis || No Money
|078||Lost Frequencies || What Is Love 2016
|079||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Kensington || Heading Up High
|080||Bob Sinclar || Someone Who Needs Me
|081||Tiësto + Oliver Heldens Feat. Natalie La Rose || The Right Song (Wombass)
|082||Armin Van Buuren & W&W || If It Ain't Dutch
|083||Sigala Feat. Bryn Christopher || Sweet Lovin'
|084||Martin Garrix Feat. John & Michel || Now That I've Found You
|085||Tiësto Feat. John Legend || Summer Nights
|086||Martin Solveig Feat. Tkay Maidza || Do It Right
|087||Headhunterz & Skytech || Kundalini
|088||Otto Knows Feat. Avicii || Back Where I Belong
|089||Martin Garrix & Third Party || Lions In The Wild
|090||Lucas & Steve || Make It Right
|091||Dvbbs Feat. Dante Leon || Angel
|092||Deorro Feat. Elvis Crespo || Bailar
|093||Tobtok Feat. River || Fast Car
|094||Klingande Feat. M-22 || Somewhere New
|095||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Bullysongs || Freefall
|096||Martin Garrix & Bebe Rexha || In The Name Of Love
|097||Hardwell Feat. Craig David || No Holding Back
|098||Clean Bandit Feat. Louisa Johnson || Tears
|099||Afrojack Feat. Ty Dolla $Ign || Gone
|100||Dvbbs & Shaun Frank Feat. Delaney Jane || La La Land
|101||Major Lazor & Showtek || Believer
|102||Showtek Feat. Technoboy & Tuneboy || Mellow
|103||Dua Lipa || Be The One
|104||The Chainsmokers Feat. Daya || Don't Let Me Down
|105||Sigma & Rita Ora || Coming Home
|106||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro Grandmix 2016
===1 januari 2017===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
00.00-01.00 uur:
Dit is een herhaling van de [ Grandmix 1986], uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland)
===31 december 2017===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18:00-21:00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2017] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)<ref>[] ''Dit hoor je met Oud & Nieuw op de landelijke radiozenders'' (Publicatie: zaterdag 30 december 2017 19:31) (Gevonden 5 oktober 2021)</ref>
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001|| [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Intro Grandmix 2017
|002|| Lost Frequencies Feat. Netsky || Here With You
|003|| Kygo Feat. Ellie Goulding ||First Time
|004|| Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. David Guetta Feat. Kiiara ||Complicated
|005|| Alan Walker ||Alone
|006|| Showtek & Brooks Feat. Natalie Major ||On Our Own
|007|| Galantis ||Hunter
|008|| Burak Yeter Feat. Danelle Sandoval ||Tuesday
|009|| Calvin Harris Feat. Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry & Big Sean ||Feels
|010|| Cnco & Little Mix ||Reggaéton Lento (Remix)
|011|| Freddy Moreira & Capital Candy Feat. Patexx ||Mood For Lovin'
|012|| The Chainsmokers ||Paris
|013|| Pitbull X Fifth Harmony ||Por Favor
|014|| Kygo Feat. Justin Jesso ||Stargazing
|015|| Italobrothers ||Summer Air
|016|| Kygo & Selena Gomez ||It Ain't Me
|017|| Clean Bandit Feat. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie ||Rockabye
|018|| Seeb Feat. Jacob Banks ||What Do You Love
|019|| Peking Duk Feat. Icona Pop ||Let You Down
|020|| French Montana Feat. Swae Lee ||Unforgettable
|021|| Sjur Feat. Chris Crone || Let Me Love You
|022|| Sean Paul Feat. Dua Lipa ||No Lie
|023|| Yellow Claw Feat. DJ Snake & Elliphant ||Good Day
|024|| J Balvin & Willy William ||Mi Gente
|025|| Calvin Harris Feat. Frank Ocean & Migos ||Slide
|026|| Mr. Probz ||Till You're Loved
|027|| Martin Garrix & Troye Sivan ||There For You
|028|| Kris Kross Amsterdam & Conor Maynard Feat. Ty Dolla $Ign ||Are You Sure?
|029|| Jay Sean ||Do You Love Me
|030|| Alan Walker Feat. Noah Cyrus With Digital Farm Animals ||All Falls Down
|031|| Thomas Gold Feat. Jillian Edwards ||Magic
|032|| Chris Brown ||Questions
|033|| Mr. Probz Feat. Anderson ||Paak Gone
|034|| Neiked Feat. Dyo ||Sexual
|035|| Nevada Feat. Mark Morrison & Fetty Wap ||The Mack
|036|| Rudimental Feat. James Arthur ||Sun Comes Up
|037|| The Boy Next Door, Fresh Coast Feat. Jody Bernal ||La Colegiala
|038|| Armin Van Buuren & Garibay Feat. Olaf Blackwood ||I Need You
|039|| Cheat Codes Feat. Demi Lovato ||No Promises
|040|| Lost Frequencies & Zonderling ||Crazy
|041|| Haevn Bright ||Lights (Sam Feldt Remix)
|042|| State Of Sound ||Wake Up Where You Are
|043|| Armin Van Buuren Feat. Josh Cumbee ||Sunny Days
|044|| Zayn Feat. Sia ||Dusk Till Dawn (John "J-C" Carr Mix)
|045|| Martin Jensen ||Solo Dance
|046|| Steve Aoki & Louis Tomlinson ||Just Hold On
|047|| Deepend Feat. Graham Candy ||Waiting For The Summer
|048|| Loud Luxury Feat. Brando ||Body
|049|| P!Nk ||What About Us (Tiësto's AFTR:HRS Remix)
|050|| Felix Jaehn, Hight & Alex Aiono ||Hot2Touch
|051|| Snakehips & Mø ||Don't Leave
|052|| Tiësto Feat. Stargate & Aloe Blacc ||Carry You Home
|053|| Alok & Bruno Martini Feat. Zeeba ||Hear Me Now
|054|| Lucas & Steve ||Up Till Dawn (On The Move)
|055|| Axwell …Ö Ingrosso ||More Than You Know
|056|| Camelphat & Elderbrook ||Cola
|057|| Jonas Blue & Edx Feat. Alex Mills ||Don't Call It Love
|058|| Lucas & Steve & Firebeatz Feat. Little Giants ||Keep Your Head Up
|059|| Kygo Feat. The Night Game Kids ||In Love
|060|| Ofenbach ||Be Mine
|061|| Sam Feldt & Alex Schulz ||Be My Lover
|062|| Disciples ||On My Mind
|063|| Sultan + Shepard Feat. Nadia Ali & Iro ||Almost Home
|064|| Sigala & Digital Farm Animals ||Only One
|065|| Sander Van Doorn & Lvndscape ||Need To Feel Loved
|066|| Jax Jones Feat. Raye ||You Don't Know Me
|067|| Lucas & Steve Feat. Jake Reese ||Calling On You
|068|| Bakermat Feat. Kiesza ||Don't Want You Back
|069|| Sigala & Ella Eyre ||Came Here For Love
|070|| Martin Solveig Feat. Alma ||All Stars
|071|| Pitbull Feat. Ty Dolla $Ign ||Better On Me
|072|| Ralph Felix & Sdjm ||The Heat (I Wanna Dance With Somebody)
|073|| Robin Schulz Feat. James Blunt ||Ok
|074|| Martin Garrix & Brooks ||Byte
|075|| Ajr ||Weak
|076|| Martin Garrix Feat. Dawn Golden ||Sun Is Never Going Down
|077|| Fais & Afrojack ||Used To Have It All
|078|| Duke Dumont & Gordon City Feat. Naations ||Real Life
|079|| Tiësto Feat. Bright Sparks ||On My Way
|080|| Alok, Bruno Martini, Zeeba ||Never Let Me Go
|081|| Martin Garrix ||Pizza
|82|| Sam Feldt ||What About The Love
|083|| Bakermat ||Baby
|084|| Yellow Claw Feat. Moksi & Jonna Fraser ||Open
|085|| Sia ||Move Your Body (Alan Walker Remix)
|086|| Vassy & Afrojack Feat. Oliver Rosa ||Lost
|087|| Martin Garrix & Matisse & Sadko ||Forever
|088|| San Holo ||I Still See Your Face
|089|| Armin Van Buuren ||My Symphony (The Best Of Armin Only Anthem)
|090|| Sigma Feat. Birdy ||Find Me
|091|| Hardwell & Kshmr ||Power
|092|| Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. W&W ||Crowd Control (Radio Edit)
|093|| Martin Garrix & Dua Lipa ||Scared To Be Lonely
|094|| Marshmello Feat. Khalid ||Silence
|095|| Afrojack & David Guetta Feat. Ester Dean ||Another Life
|096|| Cmc$ Feat. Jalise Romy ||Keys
|097|| Miley Cyrus ||Malibu (Alan Walker Remix)
|098|| David Guetta Feat. Justin Bieber ||2U
|099|| Don Diablo & Marnik ||Children Of A Miracle
|100|| Mø ||When I Was Young
|101|| Hardwell & Austin Mahone ||Creatures Of The Night
|102|| San Holo ||Light
|103|| Lny Tnz ||We Go Up
|104|| [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Outro Grandmix 2017
===6 oktober 2018===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
20.30-21.00 uur:
Speciale Preview aflevering van de [ Grandmix Special Edition (30 Years Of Dutch Dance)] Deel 1, uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland), Tracks 34 en 35 van CD 1 en Tracks 1 t/m 9 en Tracks 12 en 13 van CD 2
De teaser van deze Grandmix, gemaakt door Ben Liebrand zelf, kun je [ hier] bekijken
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01||Room 5 Feat. Oliver Cheatham|| Make Luv
|02||Junior Jack || E-Samba
|03||Technotronic Feat. Felly || Pump Up The Jam
|04||Duke || So In Love
|05||Au & Ra & Camel Phat || Panic Room
|06||Oliver Heldens || Gecko
|07||The Shapeshifters || Lola's Theme
|08||Avicii || Levels
|09||Paul & Fritz Kalkbrenner || Sky and Sand
|10||Asaf Avidan || One Day
|11||Lucas & Steve || I Could Be Wrong
|12||Erick E. || This Beat Is Rockin'
|13||Martin Garrix || Animals
|14||Jaydee || Plastic Dreams
|15||Dr. Kucho! & Gregor Salto || Can't Stop Playing
===13 oktober 2018===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
20.30-21.00 uur:
Speciale Preview aflevering van de [ Grandmix Special Edition (30 Years Of Dutch Dance)] Deel 2, uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland), Tracks 14 t/m 26, m.u.v. '''(X)''', deze tracks komen niet voor op de uiteindelijke CD!
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01||Roger Sanchez || Another Chance
|02||Eric Prydz || Pjanoo
|03||Fedde Le Grand || Put Your Hands Up For Detroit
|04||Calvin Harris || Summer
|05||Calvin Harris || Feels So Close
|06||Bakermat || One Day (Vandaag)
|07||D-Shake || Yaaaah '''(X)'''
|08||Kenny "Dope" Gonzalez Presents. The Bucketheads || The Bomb! (These Sounds Fall Into My Mind)
|09||Felix || Don’t You Want Me
|10||D*Note || Shed My Skin
|11||Rui Da Silva Feat. Cassandra || Touch Me
|12||Moby || Go '''(X)'''
|13||Sandro Silva & Quintino || Epic
|14||DVBBS & Borgeous || Tsunami
|15||Deadmau5 & Kaskade || I Remember
===20 oktober 2018===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Speciale Preview aflevering van de [ Grandmix Special Edition (30 Years Of Dutch Dance)] Deel 3, uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland), Tracks 27, 29 t/m 35 van CD 2 en Tracks 1 t/m 6 van CD 3
20.30-21.00 uur:
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01||Faithless || Insomnia
|02||Fais Feat. Afrojack || Hey
|03||Sil || Windows
|04||Dennis Ferrer || Hey Hey
|05||David Guetta Feat. Sia || Titanium
|06||Hardwell Feat. Mitch Crown || Call Me A Spaceman
|07||Ducksauce || Barbra Streisand
|08||Tiësto & Dzeko Feat. Preme & Post Malone || Jackie Chan
|09||René & Gaston ||Vallée De L'Armes
|10||Benny Benassi Presents The Biz || Satisfaction
|11||Swedish House Mafia Feat. John Martin || Don’t You Worry Child
|12||Hardwell Feat. Jake Reese || Mad World
|13||Age Of Love || Age Of Love
|14||Armin van Buuren Feat. Gwen Guthrie || This Is What It Feels Like
===3 november 2018===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Speciale Preview aflevering van de [ Grandmix Special Edition (30 Years Of Dutch Dance)] Deel 4, uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland), Tracks 10 t/m 19 van CD 1, m.u.v. '''(X)''', deze tracks komen niet voor op de uiteindelijke CD!
20.30-21.00 uur:
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01||Salt 'N' Peppa || Let's Talk About Sex
|02||Ben Liebrand Feat. Tony Scott || Move To The Bigband
|03||King Bee || Back By Dope Demand '''(X)'''
|04||Armin Van Buuren Feat. James Newman || Therapy
|05||Joans Blue Feat. Dakota || Fast Car
|06||Sam Veldt Feat. Kimberly Anne || Show Me Love
|07||Elvis & Junkie XL || Little Less Conversation '''(X)'''
|08||Klangkarussel || Sonnentanz
|09||Lost Frequencies || Are You With Me
|10||Mr. Probz || Waves
|11||Lucas & Steve || Up Till Dawn (On The Move)
|12||Alan Walker || Faded
===31 december 2018===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18:00-21:00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2018] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)<ref>[] ''Dit hoor je met Oud & Nieuw op de landelijke radiozenders'' (Publicatie: zondag 30 december 2018 21:44) (Gevonden 6 oktober 2021)</ref>
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 2018
|002 ||Marshmello & Anne Marie || Friends
|003 ||Liam Payne & J Balvin || Familiar
|004 ||Nicky Jam X J Balvin || X
|005 ||The Chainsmokers || Sick Boy
|006 ||Arlissa & Jonas Blue || Hearts Ain't Gonna Lie
|007 ||Dua Lipa || Idgaf
|008 ||Kygo Feat. Miguel || Remind Me To Forget
|009 ||Rudimental Feat. Jess Glynne, Macklemore & Dan Caplen || These Days
|010 ||Luis Fonsi & Demi Lovato || Échame La Culpa
|011 ||David Guetta & Sia || Flames
|012 ||Justin Timberlake || Filthy
|013 ||Years & Years || Sanctify
|014 ||Robin Schulz & Hugel || I Believe I'm Fine
|015 ||Aya Nakamura || Djadja
|016 ||Alvaro Soler || La Cintura
|017 ||Clean Bandit Feat. Demi Lovato || Solo
|018 ||Sofi Tukker Feat. Nervo, The Knocks & Alisa Ueno || Best Friend
|019 ||Dennis Lloyd || Nevermind
|020 ||Shawn Mendes & Zedd || Lost In Japan (Remix)
|021 ||Kris Kross Amsterdam, Ally Brooke & Messiah || Vamanos
|022 ||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Conrad Sewell || Sex, Love & Water
|023 ||Martin Garrix Feat. Mike Yung || Dreamer
|024 ||Cheat Codes X Little Mix || Only You
|025 ||Kris Kross Amsterdam X The Boy Next Door Feat. Conor Maynard || Whenever
|026 ||The Chainsmokers Feat. Emily Warren || Side Effects
|027 ||Justin Timberlake || Soulmate
|028 ||Kraak & Smaak Feat. Ivar || I'll Be Loving You
|029 ||Armin Van Buuren Feat. James Newman || Therapy
|030 ||Noah Kahan + Julia Michaels || Hurt Somebody
|031 ||Calvin Harris Feat. Partynextdoor || Nuh Ready Nuh Ready
|032 ||Don Diablo & Calum Scott || Give Me Love
|033 ||Duke Dumont Feat. Ebenezer || Inhale
|034 ||Kygo Feat. Sandro Cavazza || Happy Now
|035 ||Lost Frequencies Feat. The Nghbrs || Like I Love You
|036 ||Troye Sivan Feat. Ariana Grande || Dance To This
|037 ||Chico Rose Feat. Afrojack & Lyrica Anderson || Where Did The Love Go
|038 ||Alesso || Remedy
|039 ||Mk || 17
|040 ||Dom Dolla || Take It
|041 ||Fais || Make Me Do
|042 ||Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano, Bruno Martini Feat. Mayra || Savages
|043 ||Tiësto Feat. Gucci Mane & Sevenn || Boom
|044 ||Kav Verhouzer & Sjaak || Stap Voor Stap
|045 ||George Ezra || Shotgun (Kvr Remix)
|046 ||Sam Feldt & Mowe Feat. Karra || Down For Anything
|047 ||Sigala Feat. Paloma Faith || Lullaby
|048 ||Axwell/\Ingrosso Feat. Romans || Dancing Alone
|049 ||Purple Disco Machine || Dished (Male Stripper)
|050 ||Calvin Harris Feat. Sam Smith || Promises
|051 ||Weiss || Feel My Needs
|052 ||Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano Feat. Blaq Tuxedo || Thinking About You
|053 ||Lucas & Steve X Brandy || I Could Be Wrong
|054 ||Mk X Jonas Blue X Becky Hill || Back & Forth
|055 ||Au/Ra & Camelphat || Panic Room
|056 ||Atfc & David Penn || Hipcats
|057 ||Dennis Quinn & Shermanology || Move Out Of My Way
|058 ||Lucas & Steve || Where Have You Gone (Anywhere)
|059 ||Fisher || Losing It
|060 ||Calvin Harris & Dua Lipa || One Kiss
|061 ||Valentino Khan || Lick It
|062 ||Moguai & Zonderling || Lee
|063 ||El Profesor || Bella Ciao (Hugel Remix)
|064 ||Martin Garrix & Justin Mylo Feat. Dewain Whitmore || Burn Out
|065 ||Dubvision & Afrojack || New Memories
|066 ||Jax Jones Feat. Ina Wroldsen || Breathe
|067 ||Martin Garrix Feat. Bonn || High On Life
|068 ||Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino || In My Mind
|069 ||Keanu Silva || Fine Day
|070 ||Oliver Heldens Feat. Shungudzo || Fire In My Soul
|071 ||Sigala & Ella Eyre & Meghan Trainor Feat. French Montana || Just Got Paid
|072 ||R3Hab & Mike Williams || Lullaby
|073 ||Robin Schulz Feat. Erika Sirola || Speechless
|074 ||Janieck || Does It Matter
|075 ||Lucas & Steve X Janieck || You Don't Have To Like It
|076 ||San Holo Feat. Bipolar Sunshine || Brighter Days
|077 ||Nicky Romero & Stadiumx Feat. Matluck || Rise
|078 ||Showtek & Moby || Natural Blues
|079 ||Axwell X Ingrosso || Dreamer
|080 ||Kygo Feat. John Newman || Never Let You Go
|081 ||Tiësto & Dzeko Feat. Preme & Post Malone || Jackie Chan
|082 ||Hardwell & Kaaze Feat. Loren Allred || This Is Love
|083 ||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Sam Martin || Wild Wild Son
|084 ||Armin Van Buuren || Blah Blah Blah
|085 ||Steve Aoki, Deorro, Makj & Max Styler || Shakalaka
|086 ||Martin Garrix Feat. Khalid || Ocean
|087 ||Afrojack Feat. Stanaj || Bed Of Roses
|088 ||R3Hab & Sofia Carson || Rumors
|089 ||Martin Garrix & David Guetta Feat. Jamie Scott & Romy Dya || So Far Away
|090 ||Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Feat. Gucci Mane || All I Need
|091 ||Sam Feldt Feat. Jeremy Renner || Heaven (Don't Have A Name)
|092 ||Brennan Heart Feat. Trevor Guthrie || Won't Hold Me Down (Gravity)
|093 ||The Galaxy Feat. Jvzel || Hero
|094 ||W&W & Darren Styles Feat. Giin || Long Way Down
|095 ||Bebe Rexha Feat. Florida Georgia Line || Meant To Be
|096 ||Afrojack X Jewelz & Sparks || One More Day
|097 ||Alan Walker Feat. Au/Ra & Tomine Harket || Darkside
|098 ||Zedd & Elley Duhé || Happy Now
|099 ||Mr. Probz || Space For Two
|100 ||Cmc$ & Grx Feat. Icona Pop || X's
|101 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro Grandmix 2018
===31 december 2019===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18:00-21:00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix Decade Edition] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)<ref>[] ''Dit hoor je met Oud & Nieuw op de landelijke radiozenders'' (Publicatie: maandag 30 december 2019 20:55) (Gevonden 6 oktober 2021)</ref> en integraal via [[Radio Calletti]] (Italië)!
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''|| width="40px" | '''Jaar'''
|001 || [[Ben Liebrand]]|| Intro Grandmix Decade Edition||2019
|002 ||Mike Perry Feat. Shy Martin  || The Ocean|| 2016
|003 ||Flume || Holdin' On||2013
|004 ||Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Vs. David Guetta Feat. Kiara || Complicated (Extended)||2017
|005 ||Kygo Feat. Ellie Goudling || First Time||2017
|006 ||Frenship & Emily Warren || Capsize||2016
|007 ||Lost Frequencies & Mokita || Black & Blue||2019
|008 ||Lost Frequencies & Netsky || Here With You||2017
|009 ||Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Feat. Mary Lambert || Same Love||2012
|010 ||Alan Walker || Faded (Luke Christopher Remix)||2016
|011 ||David Guetta & Sia || Flames||2018
|012 ||Justin Timberlake Feat. Chris Stapleton || Say Something||2018
|013 ||DJ Snake & Lil' Jon || Turn Down For What (Main Version)||2013
|014 ||Major Lazor Feat. Bruno Mars, 2 Chainz, Tyga & Mystic || Bubble Butt||2013
|015 ||Dua Lipa || IDGAF||2018
|016 ||Calvin Harris Feat. Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry & Big Sean || Feels||2017
|017 ||Daya ||Hide Away||2016
|018 ||Peking Duk Feat. Icona Pop || Let You Down (Main Mix)|| 2017
|019 ||Bad Bunny Feat. Drake||  Mia (Bengro & Apollo Vice Remix Clean)||2018
|020 ||DJ Snake Feat. Selena Gomez, Cardi B, Ozuna || Taki Taki ||2018
|021 ||Mr. Probz || Till You're Loved|| 2017
|022 ||Major Lazer Feat. Justin Bieber & M0 || Cold Water||2016
|023 ||Years & Years || Sanctify||2018
|024 ||Alan Walker Feat. Noah Cyrus With Digital Farm Animals || All Falls Down||2017
|025 ||Kygo Feat. Parson James || Stole The Show||2015
|026 ||Nicki Minaj Feat. Drake|| Moment 4 Life||2011
|027 ||Italobrothers || Summer Air||2016
|028 ||Marshmello Feat. Bastille || Happier||2018
|029 ||Klingande & Bright Sparks || Messiah||2019
|030 ||Digital Farm Animals & Cash Cash Feat. Nelly || Millionaire (Alan Walker Remix)||2016
|031 ||DJ Snake Feat. Justin Bieber || Let Me Love You||2016
|032 ||JP Cooper || September Song (Indian Summer Mix)||2016
|033|| 5 Seconds Of Summer || Want You Back|| 2018
|034 ||Major Lazer Feat. M0 & DJ Snake || Lean On||2015
|035 ||Major Lazer Feat. Moti, Ty Dolla $Ign, Wixkid & Kranium || Boom (Original Mix)|| 2015
|036 ||Alan Walker || Alone||2016
|037 ||Usher || Good Kisser||2014
|038 ||Mapei || Don't Wait||2013
|039 ||Sak Noel & Salvi & Sean Paul || Trumpets||2016
|040 ||The Chainsmokers || Paris||2017
|041 ||Freddy Moreira & Capital Candy Feat. Patexx || Mood For Lovin' (Extended Mix)||2017
|042 ||Sean Paul Feat. Dua Lipa || No Lie||2016
|043 ||Galantis || Hunter||2017
|044 ||Tove Lo || Cool Girl||2016
|045 ||Katy Perry Feat. Skip Marley || Chained To The Rhythm||2017
|046 ||Marshmello & Anne-Marie || Friends||2018
|047 ||Clean Bandit Feat. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie || Rockabye||2016
|048 ||Hardwell Feat. Conor Maynard & Snoop Dogg || How You Love Me||2018
|049 ||Cheat Codes X Kris Kross Amsterdam || Sex (Extended Mix)||2016
|050 ||Calvin Harris Feat. Frank Ocean & Migos || Slide||2017
|051 ||Matt Simons || Catch & Release (Deepend Remix)||2015
|052 ||J. Balvin & Willy William || Mi Gente||2017
|053 ||Bruno Mars (Without Cardi B) || Finesse||2018
|054 ||Zedd & Alessia Cara || Stay||2017
|055 ||Martin Garrix Feat. Mike Yung || Dreamer||2018
|056 ||Kygo Feat. Ella Henderson || Here For You||2015
|057 ||Justin Bieber & Bloodpop® || Friends||2017
|058 ||Disclosure Feat. Sam Smith || Omen||2015
|059 ||Starley || Call On Me (Ryan Riback Remix)||2016
|060 ||Campsite Dream || No Diggity (Extended Mix)||2016
|061 ||Rudimental Feat. James Arthur|| Sun Comes Up||2017
|062 ||Martin Garric & Troye Sivan || There For You||2017
|063 ||Eva Simons Feat. Konshens || Policeman (Radio Edit)||2015
|064 ||Cheat Codes & Dante Klein || Let Me Hold You (Turn Me On) (Extended Mix)||2016
|065 ||M0 || Final Song||2016
|066 ||Thomas Gold Feat. Jillian Edwards || Magic||2016
|067 ||Armin Van Buuren & Garibay || Phone Down||2019
|068 ||Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Era Istrefi || Selfish||2019
|069 ||Lost Frequencies Feat. Flynn || Recognise (Extended Mix)||2019
|070 ||Major Lazer || Watch Out For This (Bumaye)||2013
|071 ||The Boy Next Door, Fresh Coast Feat. Jody Bernal || La Colegiala||2017
|072 ||Zedd & Maren Morris & Grey || The Middle||2018
|073 ||Justin Timberlake || Soulmate ||2018
|074 ||Neiked Feat. Dyo || Sexual||2016
|075 ||Cheat Codes & Little Mix || Only You||2018
|076 ||Dua Lipa || Hotter Than Hell||2016
|077 ||Armin Van Buuren & Garibay Feat. Olaf Blackwood || I Need You (Original Extended Mix)||2017
|078 ||DJ Snake Feat. Cardi B, Ozuna, Selena Gomez, Cardi B || Taki Taki (Milan Variable Remix) ||2018
|079 ||Steve Aoki Feat. The Backstreet Boys || Let It Be Me||2019
|080 ||Kygo Feat. Conrad Sewell || Firestone (Original Version)||2014
|081 ||Armin Van Buuren Feat. James Newman || Therapy||2018
|082 ||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Josh Cumbee || Sunny Days||2017
|083 ||Daft Punk Feat. Nile Rodgers & Pharrell Williams|| Get Lucky||2013
|084 ||Steve Aoki & Louis Tomlinson || Just Hold On||2016
|085 ||Martin Jensen || Solo Dance||2016
|086 ||Lost Frequencies Feat. The Nghbrs || Like I Love You (Extended Mix)||2018
|087 ||Noah Kahan & Julia Michaels || Hurt Somebody||2018
|088 ||Mr. Probz || Waves (Robin Schulz Remix)||2014
|089 ||Martin Garrix Feat. Macklemore & Patrick Stump ||Summer Days||2019
|090 ||Klangkarussell || Sonnentanz (Extended)||2012
|091 ||Fais || Make Me Do (Môwe Extended Remix)||2018
|092 ||Silk City & Dua Lipa Feat. Diplo & Mark Ronson  || Electricity More Mixes (Extended Clean)||2018
|093 ||Alesso || Remedy||2018
|094 ||Calvin Harris|| My Way||2016
|095 ||Izzy Bizu || White Tiger (Marcus Layton Radio Edit)||2015
|096 ||Felix Jaehn Feat. Jasmin Thompson || Ain't Nobody (Loves Me Better)||2015
|097 ||Pitbull Feat. G.R.L. || Wild Wild Love||2014
|098 ||Storm Queen || Look Right Through (Mk Vocal Extended)||2013
|099 ||Lucas & Steve || Up Till Dawn (On The Move)||2017
|100 ||Rudimental Feat. Anne-Marie & Will Heard || Rumour Mill||2014
|101 ||Otto Knows || Parachute (Camelphat Remix)||2014
|102 ||Camelphat & Elderbrook || Cola (Radio Edit)||2017
|103 ||Duke Dumont Feat. Jax Jones || I Got U||2014
|104 ||Sam Feldt X Lucas & Steve Feat. Wulf || Summer On You (Extended Radio Mix)||2016
|105 ||ATFC & David Penn || Hipcats (Extended Mix)||2018
|106 ||Maggie Lindemann || Pretty Girl (Cheat Codes X Cade Remix)||2017
|107 ||MK || Body 2 Body (Club Mix)||2019
|108 ||Ariana Grande || No Tears Left To Cry||2018
|109 ||Loud Luxury And Bryce Vine || I'm Not Alright (Extended Mix)||2019
|110 ||OMI || Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn Remix)||2014
|111 ||DNCE || Cake By The Ocean||2016
|112 ||Gregory Porter || Liquid Spirit (Claptone Remix)||2015
|113 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. James "D-Train" Williams || Weekend||2015
|114 ||Calvin Harris + Disciples || How Deep Is Your Love||2015
|115 ||Riton Feat. Kah-Lo || Rinse & Repeat (Original Mix)||2016
|116 ||Hardwell & Jay Sean || Thinking About You||2016
|117 ||Duke Dumont Feat. Ebenezer || Inhale||2018
|118 ||Sigala X Ella Eyre X Meghan Trainor Feat. French Montana || Just Got Paid||2018
|119 ||Stromae || Alors On Danse||2009
|120 ||Studio Killers || Ode To The Bouncer (Radio Edit)||2011
|121 ||Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano Feat. Blaq Tuxedo || Thinking About You||2018
|122 ||Loud Luxury Feat. Brando || Body||2017
|123 ||Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike X Armin Van Buuren X W&W || Repeat After Me (Extended Mix)||2019
|124 ||MK X Jonas Blue X Becky Hill || Back & Forth||2018
|125 ||AJR || Weak||2017
|126 ||Axwell ^ Ingrosso || More Than You Know||2017
|127 ||Pep & Rash || Rumors (Original Mix)||2015
|128 ||Lil' Kleine & Ronnie Flex || Drank & Drugs||2015
|129 ||Lost Frequencies || Are You With Me (Radio Edit)||2014
|130 ||George Ezra || Shotgun (The Wild Remix)||2018
|131 ||Pitbull Feat. John Ryan || Fireball||2014
|132 ||Chocolate Puma Feat. Kris Kriss|| Step Back||2014
|133 ||Au/Ra & CamelPhat || Panic Room (Camelphat Remix)||2018
|134 ||Dennis Quin & Shermanology || Move Out Of My Way (Original)||2018
|135 ||Fisher || Losing It||2018
|136 ||Oliver Heldens || Gecko (Original Mix)||2013
|137 ||Swedish House Maffia vs. Tinie Tempah || Miami 2 Ibiza||2010
|138 ||Far East Movement Feat. The Cataracs, DEV || Like A G6||2010
|139 ||Swedish House Maffia || Greyhound (Original Version)||2012
|140 ||Avicii || Hey Brother||2013
|141 ||Sigala & Digital Farm Animals|| Only One||2016
|142 ||Tiësto Feat Gucci Mane & Sevenn || Boom (Extended Mix)||2017
|143|| Swedish House Maffia || One ||2010
|144 ||Avicii Feat. Aloe Blacc || Wake Me Up||2013
|145 ||Eelke Kleijn || Ein Tag Am Strand (Instrumental Mix)||2013
|146 ||Calvin Harris & Dua Lipa || One Kiss||2018
|147 ||Michael Feiner || Mantra (Axwell Cut)||2016
|148 ||Oliver Heldens & Shaun Frank Feat. Delaney Jane || Shades Of Grey Club Mix)||2015
|149 ||Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Paris Hilton || Best Friend's Ass||2019
|150 ||Martin Solveig & GTA || Intoxicated (Original Mix)||2015
|151 ||Sigala ||Easy Love (Original Mix)||2015
|152 ||Joe Stone & Daser || Freak (And You Know It) (Radio Edit)||2015
|153 ||Martin Solveig Feat. Sam White || +1 (Club Mix)||2015
|154 ||Michael Calfan || Treasured Soul (Original Mix)||2014
|155 ||Jax Jones Feat. Raye || You Don't Know Me||2016
|156 ||Selena Gomez X Marshmello || Wolves||2017
|157 ||Sigala & Ella Eyre || Came Here For Love||2010
|158 ||Tim Berg || Bromance (Avicii's Arena Mix)||2010
|159 ||Alex De Guirior Feat. Jay Colin || The Girl That I Want (Extended Mix)||2010
|160 ||Usher || Numb (Original Version)||2012
|161 ||San Holo || I Still See Your Face||2017
|162 ||Ariana Grande || One Last Time||2014
|163 ||Justin Bieber || What Do You Mean?||2015
|164 ||Martin Solveig Feat. Kele || Ready 2 Go (Club Edit)||2011
|165 ||Calvin Harris & Sam Smith || Promises||2018
|166 ||Dennis Ferrer || Hey Hey Hey(DF's Attention Vocal Mix) ||2009
|167 ||Bingo Players || When I Dip (Original Mix)||2010
|168 ||Martin Solveig & Dragonette || Hello (Club Edit)||2010
|169 ||Duck Sauce || Barbra Streisand (Original Mix)||2010
|170 ||Hardwell Feat. Mitch Crown||Call Me A Spaceman (Extended Mix)||2012
|171 ||Chris Brown & Benny Benassi || Beautiful People (Radio Edit)||2011
|172 ||Chocolate Puma & Firebeatz||Just One More Time Baby (Original Mix)||2012
|173 ||JLO Feat. Pitbull ||Live It Up||2013
|174 ||R.I.O. || One Heart (Extended Mix)||2010
|175 ||Tiësto & Dzeko Feat. Preme & Post Malone || Jackie Chan||2018
|176 ||Nils Van Zandt Feat. Sharon Doorson || Feel Like Dancing (Radio Edit)||2015
|177 ||Axwell Λ Ingrosso Feat. Trevor Guthrie || Dreamer||2017
|178 ||David Guetta Feat. Kid Cudi || Memories (Extended)||2010
|179 ||Duck Sauce || Big Bad Wolf (Original Mix)||2011
|180 ||Yolanda Be Cool vs DCUP || We No Speak Americano (Original Mix)||2010
|181 ||Chelley || Took The Night (Alvaro Mix)||2009
|182 ||Avicii Feat. Salem El Fakir||Silhouettes (Disco Fries Club Mix)||2012
|183 ||Showtek + Justin Prime || Cannonball (Original Mix)||2012
|184 ||Martin Garrix || Animals (Original Mix)||2013
|185 ||Fox Stevenson || Tico (Original Mix)||2015
|186 ||Redfoo || Let's Get Ridiculous (Main Version)||2013
|187 ||Daddys Groove & Cyrogenix ||Tilt (Club Mix)||2013
|188 ||The Chainsmokers|| #Selfie||2014
|189 ||Martin Garrix & MOTi || Virus (How About Now) (Original Mix)||2014
|190 ||Afrojack & Martin Garrix || Turn Up The Speakers (Original Mix)||2014
|191 ||Lucas & Steve X Janieck || You Don't Have To Like It (Extended Mix)||2018
|192 ||W&W || Bigfoot (Original Mix)||2014
|193 ||New World Sound & Thomas Newson || Flute (Original Mix)||2013
|194||LunchMoney Lewis || Bills ||2015
|195 ||Pitbull Feat. Ne-Yo, Afrojack & Nayer || Give Me Everything (R3hab Remix) ||2011
|196 ||Quintino Feat. Mitch Crown || You Can't Deny (Alvaro Remix)||2010
|197 ||Martin Garrix || Proxy (Original Mix)||2014
|198 ||Fedde Le Grand Feat. Mitch Crown ||Rockin High (Nicky Romero Remix)||2010
|199 ||Martin Garrix Feat. Usher || Don't Look Down||2015
|200 ||W&W || Lift Off! (Original Mix)||2012
|201 ||AronChupa || I'm An Albatraoz||2014
|202 ||David Guetta, Martin Garrix & Brooks || Like I Do||2018
|203 ||Usher || Scream (Project 46 Clubmix)||2012
|204 ||Cascada || Pyromania||2010
|205 ||Basto! || Gregory's Theme (Extended Mix)||2010
|206 ||Martin Garrix & Jay Hardway || Wizard (Original Mix)||2013
|207 ||Fatboy Slim & Riva Starr Feat. Beardymann ||Eat Sleep Rave Repeat (Original Clean Edit)||2013
|208 ||Calvin Harris || Summer (Extended Mix)||2014
|209 ||Showtek Feat. Mc Ambush || 90s By Nature (Original Mix)||2014
|210 ||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Mr. Probz|| Another You||2015
|211 ||Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs Tujamo & Felguk || Nova (Original Edit)||2014
|212 ||Calvin Harris Feat. Kelis || Bounce (Extended Mix)||2011
|213 ||Swedish House Mafia || Save The World||2011
|214 ||The Black Eyed Peas || The Time (Dirty Bit)||2010
|215 ||Ricky L Feat. M:ck|| Born Again (Balearic Soul Club Mix)||2010
|216 ||The Shapeshifters|| Helter Skelter (Original Edit)||2010
|217 ||Deadmau5 & Wolfgang Gartner || Animal Rights (Radio Edit)||2010
|218 ||Afrojack And Steve Aoki Feat. Miss Palmer || No Beef (Vocal Mix)||2011
|219 ||Basto! || Again And Again (Extended Mix)||2011
|220 ||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Adam Young || Youtopia (Michael Woods Remix)||2011
|221 ||Tiësto Feat. KSHMR & Vassy || Secrets||2015
|222 ||Martin Garrix Feat. JRM || These Are The Times||2019
|223 ||Kesha || Die Young (My Digital Enemy Remix)||2013
|224 ||Sebastian Ingrosso + Alesso Feat. Ryan Tedder || Calling (Lose My Mind) (Radio Edit)||2012
|225 ||Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs Ummet Ozcan || The Hum (Lost Frequencies Remix)||2015
|226 ||Britney Spears || Work Bitch! (Explicit Version)||2013
|227 ||DVBBS & Borgeous || Tsunami (Original Mix)||2013
|228 ||Swedish House Mafia Feat. John Martin || Don't You Worry Child (Extended Mix)||2012
|229 ||Firebeatz & Schella||Dear New York (Original Mix)||2012
|230 ||Steve Angello || Knas||2010
|231 ||Kelis|| Acapella||2010
|232 ||Zedd Feat. Jon Bellion || Beautiful Now||2015
|233 ||Avicii || Waiting For Love||2015
|234 ||Fäis Feat. Afrojack || Hey||2016
|235 ||Oliver Heldens Feat. Shungudzo || Fire In My Soul ||2018
|236 ||Galantis || No Money||2016
|237 ||Asino vs DJ Jean || Yo DJ (Original Mix)||2010
|238 ||Project 46 & Dubvision Feat. Donna Lewis || You & I ||2012
|239 ||Icona Pop Feat. Charli XCX || I Love It (Hot Mouth Remix)||2013
|240 ||Gorgon City || Saving My Life||2015
|241 ||Pitbull Feat. Keha || Timber||2013
|242 ||Ariana Grande || Break Free||2014
|243 ||Otto Knows || Million Voices (Original Version)||2012
|244 ||L.M.F.A.O. Feat. Lauren Bennett & Goonrock|| Party Rock Anthem||2011
|245 ||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Trevor Guthrie || This Is What It Feels Like (Extended)||2013
|246 ||Chris Brown || Turn Up The Music (Main Version)||2012
|247 ||Fono || Real Joy||2015
|248 ||Will-I-Am Feat. Eva Simons || This Is Love (Album Version)||2012
|249 ||David Guetta Feat. Flo Rida & Nicki Minaj || Where Them Girls At||2011
|250 ||L.M.F.A.O. || Sexy And I Know It (Original Version)||2011
|251 ||Hardwell & Armin van Buuren || Off The Hook||2015
|252 ||Armin Van Buuren ||Ping Pong (Hardwell Remix)||2014
|253 ||PSY || Gangnam Style (Original Version)||2012
|254 ||Axwell ^ Ingrosso || Sun Is Shining||2015
|255 ||Avicii Feat. Sandro Cavazza || Without You||2017
|256 ||Ziggy || Orbit (Original Mix)||2012
|257 ||Calvin Harris || Feels So Close (Nero Dub)||2011
|258 ||Steve Aoki, Deorro, Makj & Max Styler || Shakalaka||2018
|259 ||Armin Van Buuren ||Blah Blah Blah (Extended Mix)||2018
|260 ||Hardwell & Kshmr || Power (Extended Mix)||2017
|261 ||Pharrell Williams || Happy||2013
|262 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro Grandmix Decade Edition||2019
=== 1 januari 2020===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
12:00-15:00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Decade Edition] uitgezonden op [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland)<ref>[ Sunshine] ''Ben Liebrand Grandmix Decade Edition'' | (Geraadpleegd op 12 februari 2022)</ref>
===8 augustus 2020===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
22.30-23.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends Editie], deel 1, Tracks 1 t/m 18 van CD 1, zoals  uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends
|02||Earth, Wind & Fire || Fantasy
|03||Ramsey Lewis || Sun Goddess
|04||Earth, Wind & Fire ||On Your Face
|05||Earth, Wind & Fire With Angie Stone || Wonderland
|06||Deniece Williams || Cause You Love Me Baby
|07||Earth, Wind & Fire || In The Name Of Love
|08||Earth, Wind & Fire Feat. Mc Hammer || Wanna Be The Man
|09||Earth, Wind & Fire || Star
|10||Earth, Wind & Fire || Kalimba Story
|11||Earth, Wind & Fire || Shining Star
|12||Ramsey Lewis || Whisper Zone
|13||Earth, Wind & Fire || Saturday Night
|14||Earth, Wind & Fire With The Emotions || Side By Side
|15||Ramsey Lewis || Tequila Mockingbird
|16||Earth, Wind & Fire ||Every Now And Then
|17||The Emotions || Flowers
|18||Deniece Williams || Baby Baby My Love's All For You
===15 augustus 2020===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
22.30-23.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends Editie], deel 2, Tracks 19 t/m 35 van CD 1, zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|00|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends
|01||Earth, Wind & Fire || Getaway
|02|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Let Me Talk
|03|| The Emotions || The Best Of My Love
|04|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Spread Your Love
|05|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Thinking Of You
|06|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Mighty Mighty
|07|| Earth, Wind & Fire || I've Had Enough
|08|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Pride
|09|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Jupiter
|10|| Earth, Wind & Fire || In The Stone
|11|| Maurice White || Stand By Me
|12|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Fall In Love With Me
|13|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Evil
|14|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Sing A Song
|15|| The Pockets || Come Go With Me
|16|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Turn On (The Beat Box)
|17|| Earth, Wind & Fire || System Of Survival
===22 augustus 2020===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
22.30-23.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends Editie], deel 3, tracks 36 t/m 42 van CD 1 en tracks 1 t/m van 11 van CD 2, zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|00|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends
|01||Earth, Wind & Fire ||My Promise
|02||Earth, Wind & Fire || Let Your Feelings Show
|03||The Emotions || I Should Be Dancing
|04||Earth, Wind & Fire || And Love Goes On
|05||The Emotions || I Don't Wanna Loose Your Love
|06||Earth, Wind & Fire || Why
|07||Earth, Wind & Fire || Reasons
|08||Earth, Wind & Fire || September
|09||Earth, Wind & Fire || Let's Groove
|10||Earth, Wind & Fire || Magic Mind
|11||Philip Bailey Feat. Phil Collins || Easy Lover
|12||Earth, Wind & Fire || After The Love Has Gone
|13||Earth, Wind & Fire || Can't Let Go
|14||The Emotions || Smile
|15||Earth, Wind & Fire With The Emotions || Boogie Wonderland
|16||Earth, Wind & Fire || Serpentine Fire
|17||Earth, Wind & Fire || Got To Get You Into My Life
|18||Earth, Wind & Fire || Magnetic
===26 september 2020===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
22.30-23.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van een gedeelte uit de [ Grandmix 1983], tracks 1 t/m 37 uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland)
===31 december 2020===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
15:00-18:00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Decade Edition] uitgezonden op [[Radio ISLA 106]] (Spanje)
18:00-21:00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2020] uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)<ref>[] ''Dit hoor je met Oud & Nieuw op de landelijke radiozenders'' (Publicatie: woensdag 30 december 2020 20:40) (Gevonden 6 oktober 2021)</ref>, [[Radio ISLA 106]] (Spanje), [[Sunshine Live]] (Duitsland) en [[Radio ABC]] (Denemarken)
'''De Grandmix 2020 is [ hier] in de speciale VU-Video van [[Ben Liebrand]] terug te beluisteren!'''
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001 || [[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 2020
|002 ||Davian Michelle || Beat Me
|003 ||Rita Ora || How To Be Lonely
|004 ||Duncan Laurence || Love Don't Hate It
|005 ||Ludwig Göransson ||Theme From The Mandalorian
|006 ||J. Balvin, Dua Lipa, Bad Bunny, Tainy || One Day
|007 ||Major Lazor, The Weekend || Blinding Lights
|008 ||Sia || Together
|009 ||Ava Max || Who's Laughing Now
|010 ||Dababy Feat. Roddy Ricch || Rockstar
|011 ||Maroon 5 || Memories
|012 ||Arizona Zervas ||Roxanne
|013 ||Justin Bieber Feat. Chance The Rapper || Holy
|014 ||Ariana Grande & Justin Bieber || Stuck With U
|015 ||Alan Walker Feat. Ava Max || Alone (Part. 2)
|016 ||Di-Rect || Soldier On
|017 ||Armin Van Buuren & Avalan|| Should I Wait
|018 ||Alicia Keys || Underdog
|019 ||David Guetta & Sia || Let S Love
|020 ||Harry Styles || Watermelon Sugar
|021 ||Shakira & Anuel Aa || Me Gusta
|022 ||Tones And I || Never Seen The Rain
|023 ||Halsey Marshmello || Be Kind
|024 ||Goldkimono || To Tomorrow
|025 ||Jason Derulo & Jawsh 685 || Savage Love
|026 ||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Duncan Laurence || Feel Something
|027 ||Duncan Laurence || Someone Else
|028 ||Ed Sheeran Feat. Camila Cabello & Cardi B || South Of The Border (Petedown Redrum)
|029 ||Beyoncé Feat. Shatta Wale & Major Lazer ||Already
|030 ||Calvin Harris, The Weeknd || Over Now (Petedown Flavor Mix)
|031 ||Camila Cabello & Sisco Kennedy || Liar
|032 ||Chef'Special || Trouble
|033 ||Mabel || Boyfriend
|034 ||Tones And I || Dance Monkey (Boogie Heights Reggaeton Remix)
|035 ||Jason Derulo X Nuka || Love Not War
|036 ||Shaggy And Conkarah || Banana
|037 ||Harry Styles ||Adore You
|038 ||Burna Boy, Sisco Kennedy, Stormzy, Ed Sheeran || Own It
|039 ||Clean Bandit Feat. 24Kgoldn Mabel ||Tick Tock
|040 ||Khalid Disclosure || Know Your Worth
|041 ||Black Eyed Peas Feat. J. Rey Soul & Ozuna ||Mamacita (Petedown Moomba Remix)
|042 ||Selena Gomez || Lose You To Love Me
|043 ||Doja Cat Feat. Gucci Mane || Like That
|044 ||Nea || Some Say
|045 ||Lost Frequencies, Zonderling & Kelvin Jones  || Love To Go
|046 ||Sam Smith || Diamonds
|047 ||Camila Cabello Feat. Dababy || My Oh My
|048 ||Coldplay || Orphans
|049 ||Sam Feldt Feat. Rani || Post Malone
|050 ||Miley Cyrus & Stevie Nicks || Midnight Sky
|051 ||YouNotUs, Janieck, Senex || Narcotic
|052 ||Nielson || Slowmotion
|053 ||Ariana Grande || 34 35 (Petedown Flavor Mix)
|054 ||Ojam || Disco 2020 (Gm2020Mix)
|055 ||Taylor Swift || The Man
|056 ||Jason Derulo || Take You Dancing
|057 ||Dua Lipa || Break My Heart (Remixes)
|058 ||Jonas Brothers || What A Man Gotta Do
|059 ||Jonas Blue Max || Naked 1
|060 ||Selena Gomez || Look At Her Now (Acapella)
|061 ||Imanbek & Martin Jensen || I'm Just Feelin (Du Du Du)
|062 ||Lady Gaga || 911
|063 ||Kygo, Avicii, Sandro Cavazza || Forever Yours
|064 ||Lucas Steve || Letters
|065 ||Constantin X Domino|| Watermelon Sugar (BB Team Edit)
|066 ||Sheppard || Die Young
|067 ||Anabel Englund || Picture Us
|068 ||Major Lazer Feat. Marcus Mumford || Lay Your Head On Me
|069 ||Martin Garrix Feat. Clinton Kane || Drown (Alle Farben Remix)
|070 ||Jonas Brothers Feat. Karol G || X (Petedown Coolie Mix)
|071 ||Twenty One Pilots || Level Of Concern
|072 ||Sam Feldt & Sigma Feat. Gia Koka || 2 Hearts
|073 ||Tiësto & Stevie Appleton || Blue
|074 ||Halsey || You Should Be Sad
|075 ||Lucas Steve Haris || Perfect
|076 ||Regard Raye || Secrets
|077 ||Tiësto & Mabel || God Is A Dancer
|078 ||Robin Schulz Feat. Alida|| In Your Eyes
|079 ||Topic A7S || Breaking Me
|080 ||Tiësto|| The Business
|081 ||Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Regard || Say My Name
|082 ||Celeste || Stop This Flame
|083||Dua Lipa || Hallucinate
|084 ||Lady Gaga || Stupid Love
|085 ||Tensnake Fiora ||Automatic (Kraak Smaak Extended Remix)
|086 ||Johnny "Guitar" Watson ||A Real Mother For Ya ([[Ben Liebrand]] Gotta Go To A Disco Remix)
|087 ||Little Mix || Sweet Melody
|088 ||The Weeknd ||Save Your Tears
|089 ||Post Malone || Circles Version
|090 ||Rolf Sanchez || Más Más Más
|091 ||James Bay || Chew On My Heart (Madism Remix)
|092 ||Coldplay || Everyday Life
|093 ||Icona Pop || Feels In My Body (Radio Mix)
|094 ||Sam Feldt & Vize Feat. Leony || Far Away From Home (MOTi Extended Club Mix)
|095 ||Dubdogz Bhaskar || Infinity (Neubauer Remix)
|096 ||Marshmello Halsey || Be Kind (Joy Radio Remix)
|097 ||Armin Van Buuren & Jake Reese || Need You Now
|098 ||Martin Garrix, Dean Lewis, Marc Stout, Tony Arzadon || Used To Love (Marc Stout & Tony Arzadon Radio Mix)
|099 ||Sam Feldt & Sigma Feat. Gia Koka || 2 Hearts (Club Mix)
|100 ||Tones And I || Ur So F*King Cool (DJ Louie Lou Remix)
|101 ||Tones And I || Never Seen The Rain (Back N Fourth Remix)
|102 ||Billie Eilish & Barry Harris || Everything I Wanted (Charlie Lane Remix)
|103 ||Lost Frequencies & Mathieu Koss || Don't Leave Me
|104 ||Davina Michelle || My Own World
|105 ||Chef'Special || Maybe This Is Love
|106 ||Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande || Rain On Me (Purple Disco Machine Remix)
|107 ||Jax Jones, Martin Solveig, Europa, Raye || Tequila
|108 ||KC Lights || Girl
|109 ||Icona Pop X Sofi Tukker || Spa
|110 ||Armin Van Buuren Feat. Ne Yo || Unlove You
|111 ||Ytram Elderbrook || Fire
|112 ||Duke Dumont Feat. Ali B. || Love Song ((538 Samen Sterk Edit)
|113 ||Major Lazer Feat. J Balvin Feat. El Alfa || Que Calor (Main Mix)
|114 ||Lucas & Steve Feat. Alida || Another Life
|115 ||Becky Hill Feat. Tiësto || Nothing Really Matters (Phantoms Remix Extended Mix)
|116 ||Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano Feat. Rani || Life After You
|117 ||Joel Corry X Mnek || Head Heart (Vip Extended Mix)
|118 ||Meduza X Becky Hill X Goodboys || Lose Control
|119 ||Nathan Dawe Feat. Jaykae || Flowers
|120 ||Robin Schulz & Wes || Alane (Yves V Extended Remix)
|121 ||Sofi Tukker & Gorgon City || House Arrest
|122 ||Armin Van Buuren & Brennan Heart Feat. Andreas Moe || All On Me
|123 ||5 Seconds Of Summer || Old Me
|124 ||Benee Feat. Gus Dapperton || Supalonely (Super Radio Edit)
|125 ||BTS || Dynamite (Jack Chang Big Room Extended Mix)
|126 ||The Chainsmokers With Kygo ||Family (Lucas Steve Remix)
|127 ||Armin Van Buuren & Avian Grays Feat. Jordan Shaw  || Something Real
|128 ||Ilse Delange  || Changes
|129 ||Ava Max || Kings Queens
|130 ||Martin Garrix Feat. John Martin || Higher Ground
|131 ||Martin Garrix Feat. Bonn || Home
|132 ||Ava Max || Salt
|133 ||Black Eyed Peas, Nicky Jam, Tyga || Vida Loca (DJ leony Quick Edit More English)
|134 ||The Script || The Last Time
|135 ||The Script || Something Unreal
|136 ||Avicii Feat. Noonie Bao || Fades Away
|137 ||Katy Perry || Resilient
|138 ||Billie Eilish || Bad Guy
|139 ||Kensington || Uncharted
|140 ||Dominic Fike ||3 Nights
|141 ||Di-Rect || Color
|142 ||Banners || Someone To You
|143 ||Alesso Feat. Liam Payne || Midnight
|144 ||Dua Lipa || Physical
|145 ||Justin Bieber Feat. Quavo || Intentions (Main Mix)
|146 ||Jp Saxe Feat. Julia Michaels || If The World Was Ending
|147 ||Kygo Onerepublic || Lose Somebody
|148 ||Anne Marie || Birthday
|149 ||Aitch x AJ Tracey Feat. Tay Keith || Rain
|150 ||JC Stewart || I Need You To Hate Me
|151 ||R3Hab Zayn Feat. Jungleboi || Flames
|152 ||Lil Nas X || Holiday (DJ Rocco & DJ Ever B Remix)
|153 ||Jawsh 685, Jason Derulo, BTS || Savage Love (Acapella)
|154 ||Sam Smith, Demi Lovato ||I'm Ready
|155 ||Cash Cash Georgia Ku || Love You Now
|156 ||Drake || Toosie Slide
|157 ||The Weeknd || Blinding Lights
|158 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro Grandmix 2020
===2 januari 2021===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
22.30-23.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van het eerste half uur van de [ Grandmix 1990] (Tracks 1 t/m 69) uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland)
===9 januari 2021===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
22.30-23.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van het tweede half uur van de [ Grandmix 1990] (Tracks  56 t/m 129) uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland)
===16 januari 2021===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
11.00-14.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 2020], uitgezonden op [[Lebonmix Radio]] (Frankrijk)
===19 juni 2021===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
22.30-23.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Summer Edition], Tracks 2 t/m 18 van CD 1, zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland)
===21 juni 2021===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
19.00-20.00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends Editie], Tracks 1 t/m 40 van CD 1, uitgezonden op [[Lebonmix Radio]] (Frankrijk)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01|| [[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends
|02||Earth, Wind & Fire || Fantasy
|03||Ramsey Lewis || Sun Goddess
|04||Earth, Wind & Fire ||On Your Face
|05||Earth, Wind & Fire With Angie Stone || Wonderland
|06||Deniece Williams || Cause You Love Me Baby
|07||Earth, Wind & Fire || In The Name Of Love
|08||Earth, Wind & Fire Feat. Mc Hammer || Wanna Be The Man
|09||Earth, Wind & Fire || Star
|10||Earth, Wind & Fire || Kalimba Story
|11||Earth, Wind & Fire || Shining Star
|12||Ramsey Lewis || Whisper Zone
|13||Earth, Wind & Fire || Saturday Night
|14||Earth, Wind & Fire With The Emotions || Side By Side
|15||Ramsey Lewis || Tequila Mockingbird
|16||Earth, Wind & Fire ||Every Now And Then
|17||The Emotions || Flowers
|18||Deniece Williams || Baby Baby My Love's All For You
|19||Earth, Wind & Fire || Getaway
|20|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Let Me Talk
|21|| The Emotions || The Best Of My Love
|22|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Spread Your Love
|23|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Thinking Of You
|24|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Mighty Mighty
|25|| Earth, Wind & Fire || I've Had Enough
|26|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Pride
|27|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Jupiter
|28|| Earth, Wind & Fire || In The Stone
|29|| Maurice White || Stand By Me
|30|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Fall In Love With Me
|31|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Evil
|32|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Sing A Song
|33|| The Pockets || Come Go With Me
|34|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Turn On (The Beat Box)
|35|| Earth, Wind & Fire || System Of Survival
|36||Earth, Wind & Fire ||My Promise
|37||Earth, Wind & Fire || Let Your Feelings Show
|38||The Emotions || I Should Be Dancing
|39||Earth, Wind & Fire || And Love Goes On
|40||The Emotions || I Don't Wanna Loose Your Love
Hier stopt de uitzending, onderstaande tracks horen nog wel bij de mix maar zijn niet uitgezonden!
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|41|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Why
|42|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Reasons
20.00-21.00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is de [ Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends Editie], Tracks 1 t/m 32 van CD 2, uitgezonden op [[Lebonmix Radio]] (Frankrijk)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01||Earth, Wind & Fire || September
|02||Earth, Wind & Fire || Let's Groove
|03||Earth, Wind & Fire || Magic Mind
|04||Philip Bailey Feat. Phil Collins || Easy Lover
|05||Earth, Wind & Fire || After The Love Has Gone
|06||Earth, Wind & Fire || Can't Let Go
|07||The Emotions || Smile
|08||Earth, Wind & Fire With The Emotions || Boogie Wonderland
|09||Earth, Wind & Fire || Serpentine Fire
|10||Earth, Wind & Fire || Got To Get You Into My Life
|11||Earth, Wind & Fire || Magnetic
|12|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Daydreamin'
|13|| Earth, Wind & Fire || We're Living In Our Own Time
|14|| Earth, Wind & Fire || You
|15|| The Emotions || Waiting The Line
|16|| Ramsey Lewis || Brazilica
|17|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Love's Holiday
|18|| Earth, Wind & Fire || I'll Write A Song For You
|19|| Earth, Wind & Fire || That's The Way Of The World
|20|| Maurice White || I Need You
|21|| Deniece Williams || Free
|21|| Deniece Williams || Free
|22|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Can't Hide Love
|22|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Can't Hide Love
|23|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Sign On
|23|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Sign On
|24|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Time Is On Your Side
|24|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Time Is On Your Side
|25|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Turn It Into Something Good
|25|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Turn It Into Something Good
|26|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Wanna Be With You
|26|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Wanna Be With You
|27|| Philip Bailey || Walking On The Chines Wall
|27|| Philip Bailey || Walking On The Chines Wall
|28|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Cruising
|28|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Cruising
|29|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Keep Your Head To The Sky
|29|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Keep Your Head To The Sky
|30|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Gratitude
|30|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Gratitude
|31|| Earth, Wind & Fire With The Emotions || All In The Way
|31|| Earth, Wind & Fire With The Emotions || All In The Way
|32|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Be Ever Wonderful
|32|| Earth, Wind & Fire || Be Ever Wonderful
===26 juni 2021===
===26 juni 2021===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
22.30-23.00 uur:
22.30-23.00 uur:
Let op: dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Summer Edition], tracks 20 t/m 37, zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland)
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Summer Edition], Tracks 20 t/m 36 van CD 1 en Track 1 van CD 2, zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland)
===3 juli 2021===
===3 juli 2021===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
22.30-23.00 uur:
22.30-23.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Summer Edition], tracks 38 t/m  56, zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland)
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Summer Edition], Tracks 2 t/m  18 van CD 2, zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland)
===10 juli 2021===
===10 juli 2021===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
22.30-23.00 uur:
22.30-23.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Summer Edition], tracks 57 t/m 74, zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland)
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Summer Edition], Tracks 19 t/m 33 van CD 2 en Tracks 1 t/m 3 van CD 3, zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland)
== Externe link ==
===24 december 2021===
* [ Officiële Website] Ben Liebrand
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
* [ Website] Radio Veronica
* [ Website] SLAM! Radio
19.00-20.00 uur:
* [ Website] Radio 538
* [ Website] Radio Sunshine Live
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends Editie] (CD 1 Tracks 1 t/m 39) NB. de laatste 3 tracks 40, 41 en 42 van CD 1 ontbreken in deze mix!), zoals uitgezonden op [[Lebonmix Radio]] (Frankrijk)
* [ Website] Radio Isla 106 Ibiza & Mallorca
* [ Website] Lebonmix Radio
20.00-21.00 uur:
== Referenties ==
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is de herhaling van het vervolg van de [ Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends Editie] (CD 2), zoals uitgezonden op [[Lebonmix Radio]] (Frankrijk)
===31 december 2021===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18:00-21:00 uur:
Dit is de [ Grandmix 2021], uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland)!!<ref>[] '''Dit hoor je met Oud & Nieuw op de landelijke zenders'' | Publicatie: donderdag 30 december 2021 20:47 | (Gevonden 17 januari 2022)</ref>
De Grandmix 2021 kun je op het officiële Vimeo kanaal van Ben Liebrand [ hier] of [ hier] terugkijken en luisteren!
''Thanks To '''The WOLF''' (World Of Liebrand Fans), for the correct titles and timestamps!!''
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel''' || width="100px" | '''Timestamp'''
|001||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Grandmix 2021 Intro || 00:00:11
|002||Glass Animals || Heat Waves || 00:01:48
|003||JC Stewart || Break My Heart || 00:03:11
|004||Pink feat. Willow Sage Hart || Cover Me In Sunshine || 00:04:10
|005||Major Lazer feat. Alessia Cara || Hell And High Water || 00:05:09
|006||Davina Michelle || Sweet Water || 00:06:17
|007||Olivia Rodrigo || Good 4 U || 00:07:47
|008||Rag'n'bone Man || All You Ever Wanted || 00:08:38
|009||Justin Bieber & Benny Blanco || Lonely || 00:09:35
|010||Kid LAROI & Justin Bieber || Stay || 00:10:42
|011||Taylor Swift || Willow || 00:11:39
|012||Ava Max || Who's Laughing Now || 00:12:35
|013||Doja Cat || Streets || 00:13:38
|014||Tesher & Jason Derulo || Jalebi Baby || 00:15:11
|015||Justin Bieber feat. Daniel Caesar & Giveon || Peaches || 00:17:01
|016||Coldplay || Higher Power || 00:18:04
|017||Netsky & Hybrid Minds || Let Me Hold You || 00:19:37
|018||Ed Sheeran || Overpass Graffiti || 00:20:41
|019||Maluma & The Weeknd || Hawái (Remix) || 00:22:12
|020||Lil Nas X || That's What I Want || 00:23:40
|021||Lil Nas X || Montero (Call Me By Your Name) || 00:24:33
|022||Doja Cat || Get Into It (Yuh) || 00:25:37
|023||Davina Michelle || Nobody Is Perfect || 00:26:52
|024||24kGoldn feat. Iann Dior || Mood || 00:27:56
|025||CKay feat. ElGrande Toto || Love Nwantiti (North African Remix) || 00:29:20
|026||The Kid LAROI || Without You || 00:30:33
|027||Billie Eilish || Therefore I Am || 00:32:05
|028||Maroon 5 & Megan Thee Stallion || Beautiful Mistakes || 00:33:12
|029||Clean Bandit & Mabel feat. 24K Goldn || Tick Tock || 00:35:18
|030||Jason Derulo & Nuka || Love Not War (The Tampa Beat) || 00:37:16
|031||Jonas Brothers || Who's In Your Head || 00:38:23
|032||Rondé || Hard To Say Goodbye || 00:39:20
|033||Regard feat. Troye Sivan & Tate Mcrae || You || 00:40:29
|034||Lil Tjay feat. 6Lack || Calling My Phone || 00:42:32
|035||Kris Kross Amsterdam, Shaggy & Conor Maynard || Early In The Morning || 00:44:04
|036||Clean Bandit feat. Iann Dior || Higher || 00:45:37
|037||Coldplay & BTS || My Universe || 00:46:32
|038||Tom Grennan || Little Bit Of Love || 00:47:36
|039||Sia & David Guetta || Floating Through Space || 00:49:02
|040||Justin Wellington feat. Small Jam || Iko Iko || 00:50:14
|041||P!nk || All I Know So Far || 00:51:31
|042||Camila Cabello || Don't Go Yet || 00:53:06
|043||Purple Disco Machine || Hypnotized (feat. Sophie And The Giants) || 00:53:54
|044||Ed Sheeran || Afterglow || 00:54:47
|045||Dua Lipa || Love Again || 00:56:00
|046||Justin Bieber || Anyone || 00:58:00
|047||Ava Max || My Head & My Heart || 00:59:06
|048||Elton John & Dua Lipa || Cold Heart || 01:00:04
|049||Lucas & Steve || I Want It All || 01:01:43
|050||Tiësto || The Business || 01:02:47
|051||Purple Disco Machine feat. Eyelar || Dopamine || 01:03:35
|052||Tiësto & Karol G || Don't Be Shy || 01:04:39
|053||Onerepublic || Run || 01:05:35
|054||Dragonette, Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano & Cat Dealers feat. Bruno Martini || Summer Thing || 01:07:12
|055||Alesso & Armin van Buuren || Leave A Little Love || 01:08:31
|056||Swedish House Mafia & The Weeknd || Moth To A Flame || 01:09:37
|057||Martin Garrix feat. Bono & The Edge || We Are The People || 01:11:05
|058||Jonas Brothers & Marshmello || Leave Before You Love Me || 01:12:59
|059||Tinlicker & Helsloot || Because You Move Me || 01:14:03
|060||Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano, Ginge, QG || Better Things (Extended Mix) || 01:15:22
|061||Jason Derulo || Acapulco || 01:16:50
|062||Shouse || Love Tonight || 01:18:01
|063||The Weeknd || Take My Breath || 01:19:34
|064||Showtek feat. Lxandra || Someone like me || 01:20:37
|065||Kream || Take Control || 01:21:40
|066||Jason Derulo feat. Adam Levine || Lifestyle || 01:22:43
|067||Shawn Mendes & Tainy || Summer Of Love || 01:23:45
|068||Riton & Nightcrawlers feat. Mufasa & Hypeman || Friday || 01:24:55
|069||Ofenbach || Wasted Love || 01:26:09
|070||Lost Frequencies & Calum Scott || Where Are You Now || 01:27:20
|071||Chef'special || Afraid Of The Dark || 01:28:32
|072||Sam Feldt feat. ALMA & Digital Farm Animals || Home Sweet Home || 01:29:50
|073||Afrojack & David Guetta || Hero || 01:30:52
|074||Kungs || Never Going Home || 01:32:34
|075||Kungs || Lipstick || 01:33:21
|076||ATB & Topic feat. A7S || Your Love (9Pm) || 01:34:30
|077||Tungevaag, Sick Individuals, Marf || Miss You || 01:35:54
|078||Imagine Dragons || Follow You || 01:37:42
|079||Ava Max || Everytime I Cry || 01:39:30
|080||Noizu || Summer 91 (Looking Back) || 01:41:17
|081||Ofenbach & Quarterhead || Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (feat. Norma Jean Martine) || 01:42:34
|082||Tom Grennan || Don't Break The Heart || 01:43:43
|083||Meduza feat. Hozier || Tell It To My Heart || 01:45:19
|084||Ed Sheeran || Bad Habits || 01:46:21
|085||Lost Frequencies & Mathieu Koss || Don't Leave Me Now || 01:47:45
|086||Joel Corry x Raye x David Guetta || Bed || 01:49:10
|087||Galantis, David Guetta & Little Mix || Heartbreak Anthem || 01:50:27
|088||Joel Corry X Jax Jones feat. Charli XCX & Saweetie || Out Out || 01:51:44
|089||Tate McRae || You Broke Me First || 01:53:33
|090||Meduza feat. Dermot Kennedy || Paradise || 01:54:35
|091||Lost Frequencies || Rise || 01:55:54
|092||Sheppard || Learning To Fly || 01:57:27
|093||Rain Radio & DJ Craig Gorman || Talk About || 01:58:44
|094||Afrojack, Lucas & Steve & Dubvision || Anywhere With You || 01:59:54
|095||Vinai || Rise Up (feat. Vamero) || 02:01:19
|096||Hvme || Goosebumps || 02:02:37
|097||Becky Hill & David Guetta || Remember || 02:03:46
|098||Kream & Millean. feat. Bemendé || What You've Done To Me || 02:05:19
|099||Robin Schulz & Felix Jaehn feat. Alida || One More Time || 02:06:37
|100||Nathan Evans || Wellerman (220 KID x Billen Ted Remix) || 02:08:10
|101||Shane Codd || Get Out My Head || 02:09:27
|102||Calvin Harris feat. Tom Grennan || By Your Side || 02:10:29
|103||Lucas & Steve X Tungevaag || Paper Planes || 02:11:39
|104||Joel Corry || Lonely || 02:12:56
|105||Ofenbach & Ella Henderson || Hurricane || 02:14:52
|106||Shane Codd feat. Charlotte Haining || Always on my mind || 02:15:54
|107||Majestic X Boney M || Rasputin || 02:17:11
|108||Doja Cat || Need To Know || 02:18:52
|109||Miley Cyrus feat. Dua Lipa || Prisoner || 02:20:00
|110||David Guetta feat. Kid Cudi || Memories 2021 || 02:21:12
|111||Mike Williams || Get Dirty || 02:22:20
|112||Navos || Believe Me || 02:23:39
|113||Doja Cat & The Weeknd || You Right || 02:24:47
|114||Armin van Buuren & Davina Michelle || Hold On || 02:26:31
|115||Billie Eilish || Your Power || 02:28:14
|116||Farruko || Pepas || 02:29:58
|117||Leony || Faded Love || 02:31:48
|118||Dua Lipa || We're Good || 02:32:54
|119||Gabry Ponte X Lum!X X Prezioso || Thunder || 02:34:32
|120||Banners || If I Didn't Have You || 02:35:31
|121||Adele || Easy On Me || 02:36:59
|122||Shawn Mendes || Wonder || 02:38:28
|123||Justin Bieber || Hold On || 02:39:23
|124||Ed Sheeran || Shivers || 02:40:38
|125||Ariana Grande || Positions || 02:41:46
|126||Shawn Mendes & Justin Bieber || Monster || 02:42:59
|127||Banners || Someone To You || 02:44:58
|128||Anne-Marie & Niall Horan || Our Song || 02:46:30
|129||Justin Bieber || Ghost || 02:47:47
|130||Doja Cat || I Don't Do Drugs (feat. Ariana Grande) || 02:49:14
|131||Olivia Rodrigo || Drivers License || 02:50:41
|132||Silk Sonic presents Bruno Mars & Anderson .Paak || Leave The Door Open || 02:52:45
|133||The Script || I Want It All || 02:54:46
|134||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Grandmix 2021 Outro || 02:55:29
18:00-21:00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Let op: dit is de herhaling van [ The Grandmix Disco Edition 1]. Uitgezonden op [[Lebonmix Radio]] (Frankrijk)
De videomix is [ hier] in zijn geheel terug te luisteren (Video edit made by [[Gustavo R. Irrazábal]])
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| Intro Disco Edition
|002||Carl Douglas|| Kung Fu Fighting
|003||Black Machine ||How Gee
|004||Jenny Burton ||Bad Habits
|005||Jocelyn Brown ||Somebody's Elses Guy
|006||Chaka Khan ||Ain't Nobody
|007||Grandmaster Flash|| The Message
|008||N-Trance ||Staying Alive
|009||Snap! ||The Power
|010||Joe Public ||Live And Learn
|011||Sharon Redd ||Can You Handle It?
|012||Blondie ||Rapture
|013||Indeep ||Last Night A Dj Saved My Life
|014||Pointer Sisters|| Automatic
|015||People's Choice|| Do It Anyway You Wanna
|016||Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam ||Let The Beat Hit 'Em
|017||Herbie Hancock|| Rock It
|018||René & Angela ||Save Your Love (For #1)
|019||Sugarhill Gang ||Rappers Delight
|020||Kurtis Blow ||The Breaks
|021||The Whispers ||And The Beat Goes On
|022||Quick ||The Rhythm Of The Jungle
|023||Stephanie Mills|| Medicine Song
|024||C&C Music Factory ||Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)
|025||King Bee Back ||By Dope Demand
|026||Sister Sledge ||Greatest Dancer
|027||The Jacksons|| Blame It On The Boogie
|028||Patrice Rushen ||Forget Me Nots
|029||Rose Royce|| RR Express
|030||C&C Music Factory ||Here We Go (Let's Rock And Roll)
|031||Shannon ||Let The Music Play
|032||C.O.D. ||In The Bottle
|033||Labelle|| Lady Marmelade
|034||Shannon|| Give Me Tonight
|035||The Trammps ||Love Epidemic
|036||Gloria Gaynor ||I Will Survive
|037||Sister Sledge ||We Are Family
|038||Change ||Lover's Holiday
|039||Miami Sound Machine|| Dr. Beat
|040||Kool & The Gang ||Fresh
|041||Colonel Abrams ||Trapped
|042||Oliver Cheatham ||Get Down Saturdaynight
|043||The Whispers ||It's A Love Thing
|044||Shalamar ||Take That To The Bank
|045||Chic|| Le Freak
|046||Bohannon ||Let's Start The Dance
|047||Stacy Lattisaw ||Jump To The Beat
|048||Kool & The Gang ||Celebration
|049||Dan Hartman ||Relight My Fire
|050||Taste Of Honey ||Boogie Oogie Oogie
|051||Crystal Waters ||Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
|052||Jerry knight ||Overnight Sensation
|053||Heatwave|| Boogie Nights
|054||Herbie Hancock ||Tell Everybody
|055||Clivilles & Cole ||A Deeper Love
|056||Michael Zager Band ||Let's All Chant
|057||Ce Ce Peniston ||Finally
|058||Bobby Thurston|| Check Out The Groove
|059||The Strikers ||Body Music
|060||D-Train|| You're The One For Me
|061||Cyndi Lauper|| Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
|062||Lipps Inc. ||Funkytown
|063||Starlight ||Numero Uno
|064||Karen Young|| Hot Shot
|065||Robin S. ||Show Me Love
|066||Robin S. ||Luv 4 Luv
|067||Sly & The Family Stone|| Dance To The Music
|068||Viola Wills ||If You Could Read My Mind
|069||Deniece Williams ||Let's Hear It For The Boy
|070||Earth, Wind & Fire ||Let’s Groove Tonight
|071||Miami Sound Machine ||Conga
|072||The Jacksons|| Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)
|073||Technotronic ||Get Up (Before The Night Is Over)
|074||Snap! ||Rhythm Is A Dancer
|075||Technotronic ||Pump Up The Jam
|076||Giorgio Moroder|| Chase
|077||Donna Summer ||I Feel Love
|078||Mory Kante ||Yeké Yeké
|079||Eurythmics ||Sweat Dreams (Are Made Of This)
|080||The Trammps ||Shout
|081||O'Jays ||I Love Music
|082||Anita Ward|| Ring My Bell
|083||The Jacksons|| Can You Feel It
|084||Dead Or Alive|| You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)
|085||Miquel Brown ||So Many Men, So Little Time
|086||Evelyn Thomas ||High Energy
|087||Sylvester ||Do You Wanna Funk
|088||Boys Town Gang ||Can't Take My Eyes Of You
|089||Dan Hartman ||Instant Replay
|090||Earth, Wind & Fire ||September
|091||Earth, Wind & Fire With The Emotions ||Boogie Wonderland
|092||Freddie James ||Get Up And Boogie
|093||The Real Thing ||Can You Feel The Force
|094||The Weather Girls|| It's Raining Men
|095||Sylvester ||You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)
|096||Gonzalez ||Haven't Stopped Dancing Yet
|097||Patrick Hernandez|| Born To Be Alive
|098||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| Outro Disco edition
21:00-24:00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Let op: dit is de herhaling van [ The Grandmix Disco Edition 2] zoals uitgezonden op [[Grandmix#17_oktober_2003|17 oktober 2003]] en [[Grandmix#25_oktober_2003|25 oktober 2003]] op [[Radio 538]]. Uitgezonden op [[Lebonmix Radio]] (Frankrijk)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|01||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| Intro Grandmix Disco Edition 2
|02 ||Full Force ||Alice, I Want You Just For Me
|03 ||Joyce Sims ||Come Into My Life
|04 ||Yarbrough & Peoples ||Don't Stop The Music
|05 ||Stargard || (Theme From) Which Way Is Up
|06 ||Odyssey ||Going Back To My Roots
|07 ||Change ||Change Of Heart
|08 ||Millie Scott ||Automatic
|09 ||Robert Palmer ||You Are In My System
|10 ||Hall & Oates ||I Can't Go For That
|11 ||Diana Ross ||I'm Coming Out
|12 ||Tom Browne ||Funkin' For Jamaica
|13 ||Jimmy "Bo" Horne ||Dance Across The Floor
|14 ||Nu Shooz ||I Can't Wait
|15 ||Peter Jacques Band|| Going Dancing Down The Street
|16 ||Commodores|| Brick House
|17 ||Millie Scott ||Prisoner Of Love
|18 ||Dan Hartman ||I Can Dream About You
|19 ||Gayle Adams ||Stretchin' Out
|20 ||Level 42 ||Hot Water
|21 ||Steve Arrington|| Feel So Real
|22 ||Positive Force ||We Got The Funk
|23 ||Sister Sledge ||Lost In Music (Original mix)
|24 ||Bar-Kays|| Sex-O-Matic
|25 ||Gino Soccio ||Try It Out
|26 ||Linda Lewis|| Class Style (I've Got It)
|27 ||Sharon Brown ||I Specialize In Love
|28 ||Kool & The Gang|| Ladies Night
|29 ||Leon Haywood ||Don't Push It, Don't Force It
|30 ||Trussel ||Love Injection
|31 ||Gene Chandler ||Get Down
|32 ||Geraldine Hunt|| Can't Fake The Feeling
|33 ||Chaz Jankel ||Glad To Know You
|34 ||Dan Hartman ||We Are The Young
|35||Ollie & Jerry|| Breakin'... There's No Stopping Us
|36||Cameo ||Word Up!
|37 ||Sheila E ||A Love Bizarre
|38 ||Billy Ocean ||Stay The Night
|39 ||Steve Arrington ||Dancin' In The Key Of Life
|40 ||Al Hudson ||You Can Do It
|41 ||The Reddings ||Remote Control
|42 ||DeBarge ||Rhythm Of The Night
|43 ||Lakeside ||Fantastic Voyage
|44 ||Gwen Guthrie ||It Should Have Been You
|45 ||Colonel Abrams ||I'm Not Gonna Let You
|46 ||The Bangles ||Walk Like An Egyptian
|47 ||Wham! ||Club Tropicana
|48|| D-Train|| Keep On
|49|| Tyrone Brunson ||The Smurf
|50|| Midnight Star|| Midas Touch
|51|| Billy Ocean ||Are You Ready
|52|| Dynasty ||I Don't Want To Be A Freak (But I Can't Help Myself)
|53|| Rose Royce ||Is It Love You're After
|54|| Weeks & Company|| Rock Your World (Joho, Joho)
|55|| Midnight Star ||Operator
|56|| Blackbox Feat. Martha Wash|| Everybody, Everybody
|57|| Jimmy "Bo" Horne ||Spank
|58|| Rick James ||Glow
|59|| Hithouse ||Jack To The Sound Of The Underground
|60|| Yazoo ||Situation
|61|| Blackbox Feat. Martha Wash||Strike It Up
|62|| Freeze ||I.O.U
|63|| The Brothers Johnson ||Stomp!
|64|| Bobby Thurston ||Check Out The Groove
|65|| Peter Brown ||They Only Come Out At Night
|66|| Harvey Mason ||Groovin' You
|67|| Carol Jiani ||Hit 'N' Run Lover
|68|| Mr. Lee||Get Busy
|69|| Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire|| Weekend
|70|| Narada Michael Walden|| Tonight I'm Alright
|71||Ashford & Simpson ||Found A Cure
|72|| Latoya Jackson ||If You Feel The Funk
|73|| Technotronic Feat. Ya Kid K || Get Up (Before The Night Is Over)
|74|| Divine ||Native Love
|75|| Gino Soccio ||Dancer
|76|| Two Tons O'Fun ||I Got The Feeling
|77|| Chaka Kahn ||I Feel For You
|78|| Aretha Franklin ||Think
|79|| Odyssey ||Use It Up (And Wear It Out)
|80|| Gwen McCrea ||Keep The Fire Burning
|81|| Azoto ||San Salvador
|82|| Manhattan Transfer ||Twilight Zone
|83|| Patrick Cowley ||Megatron Man
|84|| Patrick Cowley ||Menergy
|85|| Salt 'N' Pepa ||Push It
|86 ||Rick James ||Superfreak
|87 ||Afrika Bambaata & The Soul Sonic Force ||Planet Rock
|88 ||The Trammps ||Disco Inferno
|89 ||Bombers ||Everybody Get Dancin'
|90 ||Kat Mandu ||The Break
|91 ||Edwin Starr|| Contact
|92 ||The Jacksons ||Walk Right Now
|93 ||Musique ||In The Bush
|94 ||Supermax ||Love Machine
|95 ||Peaches & Herb ||Shake Your Groove Thing
|96 ||Lime ||Your Love
|97 ||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| Outro Grandmix The Disco Edition 2
===1 januari 2022===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
00.00-03.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van [ The Grandmix Millennium Edition] zoals uitgezonden op [[Grandmix#31_december_1999|31 december 1999]] op [[Radio 538]], maar nu uitgezonden op [[Lebonmix Radio]] (Frankrijk)
02.00-5.00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 2021], zoals uitgezonden op [[Grandmix#31_december_2021|31 december 2021]] op [[Radio 538]], maar nu uitgezonden op [[Boogie Bunker Radio]] (Spanje)!
===31 december 2022===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18:00-21:00 uur:
Grandmix 2022, uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland).
Check [ HIER] de VU meter video mix op het officiële Vimeo kanaal van [[Ben Liebrand]] en [ HIER] de videomix!
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 2022
|002 || The Script || I Want It All
|003 || Dean Lewis || How Do I Say Goodbye
|004 || Benson Boone || In The Stars
|005 || Imagine Dragons x J.I.D || Enemy
|006 || Glass Animals || Heat Waves
|007 || 5 Seconds of Summer || COMPLETE MESS
|008 || Shawn Mendes || It'll Be Okay
|009 || QUIQUE || Camino
|010 || Rosa Linn || SNAP
|011 || The Kid Laroi || Thousand Miles
|012 || Stromae || L’Enfer
|013 || Taylor Swift || All Too Well
|014 || 5 Seconds Of Summer || Me Myself & I
|015 || DI-RECT || 90s Kid
|016 || Sorana & David Guetta || RedruM
|017 || Adele || Oh My God
|018 || Camila Cabello Feat. Ed Sheeran || Bam Bam
|019 || Calvin Harris & Dua Lipa & Young Thug || Potion
|020 || Lewis Capaldi || Forget Me
|021 || Jason Derulo Feat. Kodak Black || Slidin'
|022 || Dermot Kennedy || Better Days
|023 || Rolf Sanchez || Darte Un Beso
|024 || Bastille || Remind Me
|025 || Coldplay x BTS || My Universe
|026 || Rema || Calm Down
|027 || Snelle || In Mijn Bloed
|028 || Suzan & Freek || Kwijt
|029 || George Ezra || Anyone For You (Tiger Lily)
|030 || Bastille || Shut Off The Lights
|031 || RONDÉ || Hard To Say Goodbye
|032 || Ellie Goulding Feat. Big Sean || Easy Lover
|033 || Kygo Feat. DNCE || Dancing Feet
|034 || Fireboy DML & Ed Sheeran || Peru
|035 || Sera || Take A Chance
|036 || Flemming || Zij Wil Mij
|037 ||Purple Disco Machine + Sophie And The Giants || In The Dark
|038 ||Flemming Feat. Ronnie Flex || Terug Bij Af
|039 || Maan & DJVT Mixmaster || Naar de Maan
|040 || [[Ben Liebrand]] & OJAM || Running Away
|041 || Elton John & Dua Lipa || Cold Heart (PNAU Remix)
|042 || George Ezra || Green Green Grass
|043 || Harry Styles || Late Night Talking
|044 || Imagine Dragons || Bones
|045 || Son Mieux || Multicolor
|046 || Suzan & Freek || Honderd Keer
|047 || Alvaro Soler x Topic || Solo Para Ti
|048 || Imanbek & BYOR || Belly Dancer
|049 || Claude || Ladada (Mon Dernier Mot)
|050 || Swedish House Mafia & The Weeknd || Moth To A Flame
|051 || Sick Individuals || More Than I Want To
|052 || Tiësto & Ava Max || The Motto
|053 || Ofenbach Feat. FAST BOY || Love Me Now
|054 || Gayle || Abcdefu
|055 || The Weeknd || Sacrifice
|056 || VIZE x R3HAB Feat. Enny-Mae || One Last Time
|057 || Sam Feldt x Rita Ora || Follow Me
|058 || Clean Bandit Feat. A7S || Everything But You
|059 || Rondé || Bright Eyes
|060 || Joel Corry x David Guetta x Bryson Tiller || What Would You Do?
|061 || Martin Garrix & DubVision Feat. Shaun Farrugia || Starlight (Keep Me Afloat)
|062 || Armin van Buuren & Billen Ted Feat. JC Stewart || Come Around Again
|063 || DubVision & Afrojack || Feels Like Home
|064 || DubVision & The Him || Sometimes
|065 || Alesso & Katy Perry || When I'm Gone
|066 || David Guetta & Becky Hill & Ella Henderson || Crazy What Love Can Do
|067 || Calvin Harris & Justin Timberlake & Halsey & Pharrell || Stay With Me
|068 || Tom Grennan || Don't Break The Heart
|069 || Charli XCX Feat. Rina Sawayama || Beg For You
|070 || Megan Thee Stallion & Dua Lipa || Sweetest Pie
|071 || Topic x A7S || Kernkraft 400 (A Better Day)
|072 || Meduza Feat. Hozier || Tell It To My Heart
|073 || Lucas & Steve, MARF || Give Me Your Love
|074 || Afrojack, Lucas & Steve & DubVision || Anywhere With You
|075 ||Robin Schulz & Tom Walker || Sun Will Shine
|076 || James Hype & Miggy Dela Rosa || Ferrari
|077 || Armin van Buuren Feat. Philip Strand|| Roll The Dice
|078 || John Summit || La Danza
|079 || Lost Frequencies & James Arthur || Questions
|080 || LF SYSTEM || Afraid To Feel (David Guetta & Dyro Remix)
|081 || Joel Corry & Tom Grennan || Lionheart (Fearless)
|082 || Joel Corry & Becky Hill || History
|083 || Swedish House Mafia & Connie Constance || Heaven Takes You Home
|084 || Alok, Sigala, Ellie Goulding || All By Myself
|085 || Nathan Dawe Feat. Ella Henderson || 21 Reasons
|086 || La Fuente || I Want You
|087 || Imagine Dragons || Sharks
|088 || Alesso + Zara Larsson || Words
|089 || Sigala || Melody
|090 ||David Guetta vs. Benny Benassi || Satisfaction
|091 || Sunnery James x Ryan Marciano || Run
|092 || Willy William || Trompeta
|093 || Ofenbach || 4U
|094 || Meduza x James Carter Feat. Elley Duhé + FAST BOY || Bad Memories
|095 || Lucas & Steve x 4 Strings Feat. Lagique || If It Ain't Love
|096 || Armin van Buuren Feat. Maia Wright || One More Time
|097 || Elton John, Britney Spears || Hold Me Closer
|098 || Tiësto & Charli XCX || Hot In It
|099 || Dimitri Vegas x David Guetta & Nicole Scherzinger x Azteck || The Drop
|100 ||Jax Jones Feat. MNEK || Where Did You Go?
|101 || Farruko || Nazareno
|102 || David Guetta & Bebe Rexha || I'm Good (Blue)
|103 || Gabry Ponte x LUM!X x Daddy DJ || We Could Be Together
|104 || Robin Schulz & Dennis Lloyd || Young Right Now
|105 || Acraze Feat. Cherish || Do It To It
|106 || Ed Sheeran || Celestial
|107 || Martin Garrix, Matisse & Sadko, John Martin || Won’t Let You Go
|108 || Ofenbach & Ella Henderson || Hurricane
|109 ||Alok, Ella Eyre & Kenny Dope Feat. Never Dull || Deep Down
|110 || Marf & Wulf || Somebody To Love
|111 || Meau || Dat Heb Jij Gedaan
|112 || Ava Max || Million Dollar Baby
|113 ||Gabry Ponte x LUM!X x Prezioso || Thunder
|114 ||The Black Eyed Peas, Shakira & David Guetta || Don't You Worry
|115 ||Tom Grennan || Remind Me
|116 ||Kensington || Island
|117 ||OneRepublic || I Ain't Worried
|118 ||Gabry Ponte x R3HAB x Timmy Trumpet || Call Me
|119 ||OneRepublic || Sunshine
|120 ||Shawn Mendes || When You're Gone
|121 ||Duncan Laurence || Electric Life
|122 ||Justin Bieber || Ghost
|123 ||Tate McRae || She's All I Wanna Be
|124 ||Tom Grennan || All These Nights
|125 ||Kris Kross Amsterdam x Antoon x Sigourney K || Vluchtstrook
|126 || Ava Max || Maybe You’re The Problem
|127 ||Harry Styles || As It Was
|128 ||DI-RECT || Through The Looking Glass
|129 || Davina Michelle || Hyper
|130 || Davina Michelle || I Love Me More
|131 || Ed Sheeran || Overpass Graffiti
|132 ||Iann Dior || Let You
|133 || Rondé || Love Myself
|134 ||Lil Nas X || Thats What I Want
|135 || [[Ben Liebrand]] || Outro Grandmix 2022
===1 januari 2023===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
02.10-05.10 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2022, zoals uitgezonden op [[Grandmix#31_december_2022|31 december 2022]] op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op [[Boogie Bunker Radio]] (Spanje)
17.55-20.55 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is opnieuw de herhaling van de Grandmix 2022, zoals uitgezonden op [[Grandmix#31_december_2022|31 december 2022]] op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op [[Boogie Bunker Radio]] (Spanje)
===7 januari 2023===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
00.00-03.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2022, zoals uitgezonden op [[Grandmix#31_december_2022|31 december 2022]] op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op [[Radio ISLA 106]] (Spanje)<ref>[] ''This Friday Night 00.00 - 03.00 CET'' | Publicatie 3 januari 2023 | Gevonden: 25 december 2023</ref>
01.00-04.00 uur:
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2022, zoals uitgezonden op [[Grandmix#31_december_2022|31 december 2022]] op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op [[Boogie Bunker Radio]] (Spanje)
===9 januari 2023===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
18.00-21.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2022, zoals uitgezonden op [[Grandmix#31_december_2022|31 december 2022]] op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op [[Boogie Bunker Radio]] (Spanje)
===12 mei 2023===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
15.00-18.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2022, zoals uitgezonden op [[Grandmix#31_december_2022|31 december 2022]] op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op [[Boogie Bunker Radio]] (Spanje)
===28 juni 2023===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
12.00-15.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2022, zoals uitgezonden op [[Grandmix#31_december_2022|31 december 2022]] op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op [[Boogie Bunker Radio]] (Spanje)
===2 augustus 2023===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
12.00-15.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2022, zoals uitgezonden op [[Grandmix#31_december_2022|31 december 2022]] op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op [[Boogie Bunker Radio]] (Spanje)
===8 september 2023===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
16.00-19.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2022, zoals uitgezonden op [[Grandmix#31_december_2022|31 december 2022]] op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op [[Boogie Bunker Radio]] (Spanje)
===30 december 2023===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
23.00-24.00 uur:
'''''Dit is het 40 jarige jubileum van de Grandmix!'''''
''Dit is de [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2023#30_december_2023|Grandmix 1993]]<ref>[] ''Grandmix 1993 '' | Gevonden: 3 december 2023</ref>'' zoals uitgezonden op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland)
Deze Grandmix kun je op Mastermixdj digitaal bestellen, via deze [ LINK]!
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001 || [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Intro [ Grandmix 1993]
|002 || Melodie MC || Dum Da Dum (Sample: Zero Minus One Hour...)
|003 || Clannad || Theme From Harry's Game
|004 || Ace Of Base || All That She Wants
|005 || Inner Circle || Rock With You
|006 || Ace Of Base || Wheel Of Fortune
|007 || TLC || Creep
|008 || Zapp & Roger || I Wanna Be Your Man
|009 || SWV || Right Here (Human Nature)
|010 || SWV || I'm So Into You (Funk Swingbeat)
|011 || M People || Don't Look Any Further
|012 || Salt-N-Pepa || Shoop
|013 || Janet Jackson || That's The Way Love Goes
|014 || Ace Of Base || The Sign
|015 || DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince || Boom! Shake The Room
|016 || Naughty By Nature || Hip Hop Hooray
|017 || Snow || Informer
|018 || Charles & Eddie || Would I Lie To You?
|019 || Snoop Dogg || Who Am I (What's My Name)?
|020 || Positive K || I Got A Man
|021 || Stakka Bo || Here We Go
|022 || The Poets Of Rhythm || Funky Runthrough
|023 || Michael Jackson || Who Is It
|024 || Take That || Pray
|025 || Melissa Etheridge || Like The Way I Do
|026 || House Of Pain || Shamrocks And Shenanigans
|027 || Marxman || All About Eve
|028 || Gloria Estefan || Mi Tierra
|029 || Los Del Rio || Macarena
|030 || Prince & The New Power Generation || 7
|031 || K7 || Come Baby Come
|032 || Peter Gabriel || Steam
|033 || Spin Doctors || Two Princes
|034 || Mariah Carey || Dreamlover
|035 || Taylor Dayne || Can't Get Enough Of Your Love
|036 || Tears For Fears || Break It Down Again
|037 || Bobby Brown || Humpin' Around
|038 || Candy Dulfer || Sax-A-Go-Go
|039 || Judy Cheeks || So In Love (The Real Deal)
|040 || Robin S. || Luv 4 Luv
|041 || Whitney Houston || Queen Of The Night
|042 || Madonna || Fever
|043 || Martha Wash || Carry On
|044 || Womack & Womack || Love Wars
|045 || U96 || Night In Motion
|046 || Pet Shop Boys || Can You Forgive Her? (Rollo Dub)
|047 || M People || Someday
|048 || Luther Vandross || Heaven Knows
|049 || Nightcrawlers || Push The Feeling On
|050 || Neneh Cherry || Buddy X (Masters At Work 12" House Remix)
|051 || Gabrielle || Dreams (The Red Underground Mix)
|052 || M People || One Night In Heaven
|053 || Masters At Work & India || I Can't Get No Sleep
|054 || Jenny Bee || Wanna Get Your Love
|055 || Nuyorican Soul || The Nervous Track
|056 || David Morales || Gimme Love
|057 || Bizarre Inc. || Took My Love
|058 || Janet Jackson || If
|059 || Rob'N'Raz || Clubhopping
|060 || Whitney Houston || I'm Every Woman
|061 || Joey Negro || What Happened To The Music
|062 || Felix (Jomanda) ||| Don't You Want My Love
|063 || Shawn Christopher || Make My Love
|064 || Pet Shop Boys || Go West
|065 || Jamiroquai || Emergency On Planet Earth
|066 || Hardrive || Deep Inside
|067 || Haddaway || What Is Love
|068 || Madonna || Deeper And Deeper
|069 || Bizarre Inc. || Took My Love
|070 || Robin S. || Show Me Love
|071 || Sonic Surfers Feat. Jocelyn Brown || Take Me Up
|072 || M.C. Sar & Real McCoy || Another Night
|073 || Freddie Mercury || Living On My Own
|074 || Take That Feat. Lulu || Relight My Fire
|075 || Lisa Stansfield || Little Bit Of Heaven
|076 || The Fog || Been A Long Time
|077 || Sagat || Funk That
|078 || The Shamen || Phorever People
|079 || Sybil || When I'm Good And Ready
|080 || BFI || Why Not Jazz
|081 ||| Aftershock || Slave To The Vibe
|082 || Undercover || Never Let Her Slip Away
|083 || Shaggy || Oh Carolina
|084 || Dr. Alban || Sing Hallelujah!
|085 || Us3 || Cantaloop
|086 || Bass Bumpers || The Music's Got Me
|087 || Staxx || Joy
|088 || Bizarre Inc. || I'm Gonna Get You
|089 || The Good Men || Give It Up
|090 || DJ Bobo || Somebody Dance With Me
|091 || Snap! || Exterminate
|092 || Captain Hollywood Project || More And More
|093 || CB Milton || Send Me An Angel
|094 || Lenny Kravitz || Are You Gonna Go My Way
|095 || RuPaul || Supermodel (You Better Work)
|096 || Twenty 4 Seven || Slave To The Music
|097 || Tag Team || Whoomp! (There It Is)
|098 || Urban Cookie Collective || Feels Like Heaven
|099 || Captain Hollywood Project || Only With You
|100 || 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor || Never Alone
|101 || Culture Beat || Got To Get (Sample 'I'm Gonna Have To Change')
|102 || 2 Unlimited || Faces
|103 || 2 Unlimited || Tribal Dance
|104 || Urban Cookie Collective || The Key, The Secret
|105 || Jaydee || Plastic Dreams
|106 || Haddaway || Life
|107 || Kim Sanders || Show Me
|108 || Melodie MC || I Wanna Dance
|109 || Melodie MC || Dum Da Dum
|110 || Moby || Move (You Make Me Feel So Good)
|111 || Usha || I Want You (Def J Club Mix)
|112 || Captain Hollywood Project || Impossible
|113 || Intermission || Piece Of My Heart (Acapella)
|114 || Cappella || U Got 2 Let The Music
|115 || Maxx || Get-A-Way
|116 || Prince Ital Joe Feat. Marky Mark || United
|117 || Culture Beat || Mr. Vain
|118 || Culture Beat || Got To Get It
|119 || Atlantic Ocean || Waterfall
|120 || Bass Bumpers || Keep Me Runnin' (Vocal Sample)
|121 || Dance 2 Trance || Power Of American Natives
|122 || T-Spoon || No Time To Waste
|123 || Cappella || U Got 2 Know
|124 || Klatsch! || Oh Boy!
|125 || Snap! Feat. Niki Haris || Do You See The Light? (Looking For)
|126 || U.S.U.R.A. || Open Your Mind
|127 || U96 || Love Sees No Colour
|128 || Pin-Occhio ||Ta Tatuta Tuta Ta (Tuta Mix)
|129 || Jam & Spoon Feat. Plavka || Ride In The Night
|130 || Bass Bumpers || Runnin'
|131 || PIN-OCCHIO || Pinocchio (Legno Mix)
|132 || The Prodigy || Wind It Up
|133 || Leila K || Open Sesame
|134 || Ramirez || El Gallinero (Original Mix)
|135 || [[Ben Liebrand]]|| Outro Grandmix 1993
===12 januari 2024===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
10.31-11.30 uur: (Nederlandse tijd)
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 1993], zoals uitgezonden op [[Grandmix#30_december_2023|30 december 2023]] op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op [[Kitten D'Amour Radio]] (Australië)
===13 januari 2024===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
19.00-20.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 1993], zoals uitgezonden op [[Grandmix#30_december_2023|30 december 2023]] op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op [[Radio ISLA 106]] (Spanje)<ref>[] ''Grandmix 1993 Re-Run on Isla106 Saturday January 13th 19:00 '' | Publicatie: 5 januari 2024 - 21.12 uur | Gevonden: 6 januari 2024</ref>
23.00-23.59 uur: (Nederlandse tijd(!), plaatselijke tijd is 5 uur vroeger! van 18 tot 19 uur!)
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 1993], zoals uitgezonden op [[Grandmix#30_december_2023|30 december 2023]] op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op [[Paradise FM]] (Curaçao - Nederlandse Antillen)
===19 januari 2024===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
19.00-20.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 1993], zoals uitgezonden op [[Grandmix#30_december_2023|30 december 2023]] op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op [[Radio ISLA 106]] (Spanje)
===2 februari 2024===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
12.42-13.42 uur: (Nederlandse tijd)
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 1993], zoals uitgezonden op [[Grandmix#30_december_2023|30 december 2023]] op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op [[Kitten D'Amour Radio]] (Australië)
===5 Juli 2024===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
23.00-24.00 uur:
Dit is de herhaling van de ''speciale directors cut'' van de [ Grandmix 1988], zoals uitgezonden op [[Grandmix#26_Juni_1999|26 Juni 1999]] op [[Radio 538]] (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]] (Nederland) in het kader van de Top 100 van 1988 vrijdag!
===6 juli 2024===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
19.00-20.00 uur:
Let op: Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 1993, zoals uitgezonden op [[Grandmix#30_december_2023|30 december 2023]] op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op [[SAM Ibiza Radio]] (Spanje)
Let op: De versie die vanavond is uitgezonden is de '''''Grandmix 1993 Mastermix Edition!''''' (In deze versie zijn een aantal tracks komen te vervallen; 002. Melodie MC - Dum Da Dum (Sample: Zero Minus One Hour...), 026. House Of Pain - Shamrocks And Shenanigans, 045. U96 - Night In Motion, 054. Jenny Bee - Wanna Get Your Love, 057. Bizarre Inc. - Took My Love, 061. Joey Negro - What Happened To The Music, 071. Sonic Surfers Feat. Jocelyn Brown - Take Me Up, 086. Bass Bumpers - The Music's Got Me, 090. DJ Bobo - Somebody Dance With Me,        101. Culture Beat - Got To Get (Sample 'I'm Gonna Have To Change'), 107. Kim Sanders - Show Me, 108. Melodie MC - I Wanna Dance, 120. Bass Bumpers - Keep Me Runnin' (Vocal Sample), 121. Dance 2 Trance - Power Of American Natives, 128. Pin-Occhio - Ta Tatuta Tuta Ta (Tuta Mix), 130. Bass Bumpers - Runnin', 131. PIN-OCCHIO - Pinocchio (Legno Mix))
'''''De Grandmix 1993 Mastermix Edition kun je op [ Mastermixdj] digitaal kopen!'''''
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001 || [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Intro [ Grandmix 1993]
|002 || Clannad || Theme From Harry's Game
|003 || Ace Of Base || All That She Wants
|004 || Inner Circle || Rock With You
|005 || Ace Of Base || Wheel Of Fortune
|006 || TLC || Creep
|007 || Zapp & Roger || I Wanna Be Your Man
|008 || SWV || Right Here (Human Nature)
|009 || SWV || I'm So Into You (Funk Swingbeat)
|010 || M People || Don't Look Any Further
|011 || Salt-N-Pepa || Shoop
|012 || Janet Jackson || That's The Way Love Goes
|013 || Ace Of Base || The Sign
|014 || DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince || Boom! Shake The Room
|015 || Naughty By Nature || Hip Hop Hooray
|016 || Snow || Informer
|017 || Charles & Eddie || Would I Lie To You?
|018 || Snoop Dogg || Who Am I (What's My Name)?
|019 || Positive K || I Got A Man
|020 || Stakka Bo || Here We Go
|021 || The Poets Of Rhythm || Funky Runthrough
|022 || Michael Jackson || Who Is It
|023 || Take That || Pray
|024 || Melissa Etheridge || Like The Way I Do
|025 || Marxman || All About Eve
|026 || Gloria Estefan || Mi Tierra
|027 || Los Del Rio || Macarena
|028 || Prince & The New Power Generation || 7
|029 || K7 || Come Baby Come
|030 || Peter Gabriel || Steam
|031 || Spin Doctors || Two Princes
|032 || Mariah Carey || Dreamlover
|033 || Taylor Dayne || Can't Get Enough Of Your Love
|034 || Tears For Fears || Break It Down Again
|035 || Bobby Brown || Humpin' Around
|036 || Candy Dulfer || Sax-A-Go-Go
|037 || Judy Cheeks || So In Love (The Real Deal)
|038 || Robin S. || Luv 4 Luv
|039 || Whitney Houston || Queen Of The Night
|040 || Madonna || Fever
|041 || Martha Wash || Carry On
|042 || Womack & Womack || Love Wars
|043 || Pet Shop Boys || Can You Forgive Her? (Rollo Dub)
|044 || M People || Someday
|045 || Luther Vandross || Heaven Knows
|046 || Nightcrawlers || Push The Feeling On
|047 || Neneh Cherry || Buddy X (Masters At Work 12" House Remix)
|048 || Gabrielle || Dreams (The Red Underground Mix)
|049 || M People || One Night In Heaven
|050 || Masters At Work & India || I Can't Get No Sleep
|051 || Nuyorican Soul || The Nervous Track
|052 || David Morales || Gimme Love
|053 || Janet Jackson || If
|054 || Rob'N'Raz || Clubhopping
|055 || Whitney Houston || I'm Every Woman
|056 || Felix (Jomanda) ||| Don't You Want My Love
|057 || Shawn Christopher || Make My Love
|058 || Pet Shop Boys || Go West
|059 || Jamiroquai || Emergency On Planet Earth
|060 || Hardrive || Deep Inside
|061 || Haddaway || What Is Love
|062 || Madonna || Deeper And Deeper
|063 || Bizarre Inc. || Took My Love
|064 || Robin S. || Show Me Love
|065 || M.C. Sar & Real McCoy || Another Night
|066 || Freddie Mercury || Living On My Own
|067 || Take That Feat. Lulu || Relight My Fire
|068 || Lisa Stansfield || Little Bit Of Heaven
|069 || The Fog || Been A Long Time
|070 || Sagat || Funk That
|071 || The Shamen || Phorever People
|072 || Sybil || When I'm Good And Ready
|073 || BFI || Why Not Jazz
|074 ||| Aftershock || Slave To The Vibe
|075 || Undercover || Never Let Her Slip Away
|076 || Shaggy || Oh Carolina
|077 || Dr. Alban || Sing Hallelujah!
|078 || Us3 || Cantaloop
|079 || Staxx || Joy
|080 || Bizarre Inc. || I'm Gonna Get You
|081 || The Good Men || Give It Up
|082 || Snap! || Exterminate
|083 || Captain Hollywood Project || More And More
|084 || CB Milton || Send Me An Angel
|085 || Lenny Kravitz || Are You Gonna Go My Way
|086 || RuPaul || Supermodel (You Better Work)
|087 || Twenty 4 Seven || Slave To The Music
|088 || Tag Team || Whoomp! (There It Is)
|089 || Urban Cookie Collective || Feels Like Heaven
|090 || Captain Hollywood Project || Only With You
|091 || 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor || Never Alone
|092 || 2 Unlimited || Faces
|093 || 2 Unlimited || Tribal Dance
|094 || Urban Cookie Collective || The Key, The Secret
|095 || Jaydee || Plastic Dreams
|096 || Haddaway || Life
|097 || Melodie MC || Dum Da Dum
|098 || Moby || Move (You Make Me Feel So Good)
|099 || Usha || I Want You (Def J Club Mix)
|100 || Captain Hollywood Project || Impossible
|101 || Intermission || Piece Of My Heart (Acapella)
|102 || Cappella || U Got 2 Let The Music
|103 || Maxx || Get-A-Way
|104 || Prince Ital Joe Feat. Marky Mark || United
|105 || Culture Beat || Mr. Vain
|106 || Culture Beat || Got To Get It
|107 || Atlantic Ocean || Waterfall
|108 || T-Spoon || No Time To Waste
|109 || Cappella || U Got 2 Know
|110 || Klatsch! || Oh Boy!
|111 || Snap! Feat. Niki Haris || Do You See The Light? (Looking For)
|112 || U.S.U.R.A. || Open Your Mind
|113 || U96 || Love Sees No Colour
|114 || Jam & Spoon Feat. Plavka || Ride In The Night
|115 || The Prodigy || Wind It Up
|116 || Leila K || Open Sesame
|117 || Ramirez || El Gallinero (Original Mix)
|118 || [[Ben Liebrand]]|| Outro Grandmix 1993
===7 juli 2024===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
00.00- 01.00 uur: ([[In_The_Mix_(Paradise_FM)_draailijsten_van_2024_/_Playlist_2024#6_juli_2024|6 juli 2024]] van 18.00-19.00 uur Plaatselijke Tijd!)
Dit is de herhaling van de [ Grandmix 1993], zoals uitgezonden op [[Grandmix#30_december_2023|30 december 2023]] op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op [[Paradise FM]] (Curaçao - Nederlandse Antillen)
Let op: De versie die vanavond is uitgezonden is de '''''Grandmix 1993 Mastermix Edition!'''''
===12 juli 2024===
Samenstelling: [[Ben Liebrand]]
19.07-20.00 uur:
Let op: Dit is opnieuw de herhaling van de Grandmix 1993, zoals uitgezonden op [[Grandmix#30_december_2023|30 december 2023]] op [[Radio 10]] (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op [[SAM Ibiza Radio]] (Spanje)
Let op: De versie die vanavond is uitgezonden is de '''''Grandmix 1993 Mastermix Edition!'''''
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|001 || [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Intro [ Grandmix 1993]
|002 || Clannad || Theme From Harry's Game
|003 || Ace Of Base || All That She Wants
|004 || Inner Circle || Rock With You
|005 || Ace Of Base || Wheel Of Fortune
|006 || TLC || Creep
|007 || Zapp & Roger || I Wanna Be Your Man
|008 || SWV || Right Here (Human Nature)
|009 || SWV || I'm So Into You (Funk Swingbeat)
|010 || M People || Don't Look Any Further
|011 || Salt-N-Pepa || Shoop
|012 || Janet Jackson || That's The Way Love Goes
|013 || Ace Of Base || The Sign
|014 || DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince || Boom! Shake The Room
|015 || Naughty By Nature || Hip Hop Hooray
|016 || Snow || Informer
|017 || Charles & Eddie || Would I Lie To You?
|018 || Snoop Dogg || Who Am I (What's My Name)?
|019 || Positive K || I Got A Man
|020 || Stakka Bo || Here We Go
|021 || The Poets Of Rhythm || Funky Runthrough
|022 || Michael Jackson || Who Is It
|023 || Take That || Pray
|024 || Melissa Etheridge || Like The Way I Do
|025 || Marxman || All About Eve
|026 || Gloria Estefan || Mi Tierra
|027 || Los Del Rio || Macarena
|028 || Prince & The New Power Generation || 7
|029 || K7 || Come Baby Come
|030 || Peter Gabriel || Steam
|031 || Spin Doctors || Two Princes
|032 || Mariah Carey || Dreamlover
|033 || Taylor Dayne || Can't Get Enough Of Your Love
|034 || Tears For Fears || Break It Down Again
|035 || Bobby Brown || Humpin' Around
|036 || Candy Dulfer || Sax-A-Go-Go
|037 || Judy Cheeks || So In Love (The Real Deal)
|038 || Robin S. || Luv 4 Luv
|039 || Whitney Houston || Queen Of The Night
|040 || Madonna || Fever
|041 || Martha Wash || Carry On
|042 || Womack & Womack || Love Wars
|043 || Pet Shop Boys || Can You Forgive Her? (Rollo Dub)
|044 || M People || Someday
|045 || Luther Vandross || Heaven Knows
|046 || Nightcrawlers || Push The Feeling On
|047 || Neneh Cherry || Buddy X (Masters At Work 12" House Remix)
|048 || Gabrielle || Dreams (The Red Underground Mix)
|049 || M People || One Night In Heaven
|050 || Masters At Work & India || I Can't Get No Sleep
|051 || Nuyorican Soul || The Nervous Track
|052 || David Morales || Gimme Love
|053 || Janet Jackson || If
|054 || Rob'N'Raz || Clubhopping
|055 || Whitney Houston || I'm Every Woman
|056 || Felix (Jomanda) ||| Don't You Want My Love
|057 || Shawn Christopher || Make My Love
|058 || Pet Shop Boys || Go West
|059 || Jamiroquai || Emergency On Planet Earth
|060 || Hardrive || Deep Inside
|061 || Haddaway || What Is Love
|062 || Madonna || Deeper And Deeper
|063 || Bizarre Inc. || Took My Love
|064 || Robin S. || Show Me Love
|065 || M.C. Sar & Real McCoy || Another Night
|066 || Freddie Mercury || Living On My Own
|067 || Take That Feat. Lulu || Relight My Fire
|068 || Lisa Stansfield || Little Bit Of Heaven
|069 || The Fog || Been A Long Time
|070 || Sagat || Funk That
|071 || The Shamen || Phorever People
|072 || Sybil || When I'm Good And Ready
|073 || BFI || Why Not Jazz
|074 ||| Aftershock || Slave To The Vibe
|075 || Undercover || Never Let Her Slip Away
|076 || Shaggy || Oh Carolina
|077 || Dr. Alban || Sing Hallelujah!
|078 || Us3 || Cantaloop
|079 || Staxx || Joy
|080 || Bizarre Inc. || I'm Gonna Get You
|081 || The Good Men || Give It Up
|082 || Snap! || Exterminate
|083 || Captain Hollywood Project || More And More
|084 || CB Milton || Send Me An Angel
|085 || Lenny Kravitz || Are You Gonna Go My Way
|086 || RuPaul || Supermodel (You Better Work)
|087 || Twenty 4 Seven || Slave To The Music
|088 || Tag Team || Whoomp! (There It Is)
|089 || Urban Cookie Collective || Feels Like Heaven
|090 || Captain Hollywood Project || Only With You
|091 || 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor || Never Alone
|092 || 2 Unlimited || Faces
|093 || 2 Unlimited || Tribal Dance
Hier stopt de mix, onderstaande tracks maken nog wel deel uit van de draailijst!
{| class="wikitable"
! width="40px" | '''Nr.''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|094 || Urban Cookie Collective || The Key, The Secret
|095 || Jaydee || Plastic Dreams
|096 || Haddaway || Life
|097 || Melodie MC || Dum Da Dum
|098 || Moby || Move (You Make Me Feel So Good)
|099 || Usha || I Want You (Def J Club Mix)
|100 || Captain Hollywood Project || Impossible
|101 || Intermission || Piece Of My Heart (Acapella)
|102 || Cappella || U Got 2 Let The Music
|103 || Maxx || Get-A-Way
|104 || Prince Ital Joe Feat. Marky Mark || United
|105 || Culture Beat || Mr. Vain
|106 || Culture Beat || Got To Get It
|107 || Atlantic Ocean || Waterfall
|108 || T-Spoon || No Time To Waste
|109 || Cappella || U Got 2 Know
|110 || Klatsch! || Oh Boy!
|111 || Snap! Feat. Niki Haris || Do You See The Light? (Looking For)
|112 || U.S.U.R.A. || Open Your Mind
|113 || U96 || Love Sees No Colour
|114 || Jam & Spoon Feat. Plavka || Ride In The Night
|115 || The Prodigy || Wind It Up
|116 || Leila K || Open Sesame
|117 || Ramirez || El Gallinero (Original Mix)
|118 || [[Ben Liebrand]]|| Outro Grandmix 1993
== Zie ook ==
===Ben Liebrand In The Mix (Nederlandse Zenders)===
* [[In The Mix (VOO) draailijsten van 1983]]
* [[In The Mix (VOO) draailijsten van 1984]]
* [[In The Mix (VOO) draailijsten van 1985]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2004]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2005]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2006]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2007]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2008]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2009]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2010]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2011]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2012]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2013]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2014]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2015]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2016]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio 10) draailijsten van 2017]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio 10) draailijsten van 2018]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio 10) draailijsten van 2019]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio 10) draailijsten van 2020]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio 10) draailijsten van 2021]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio 10) draailijsten van 2022]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio 10) draailijsten van 2023]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio 10) draailijsten van 2024]]
===Ben Liebrand In The Mix (Buitenlandse Zenders)===
* [[In The Mix (Sunshine Live) draailijsten van 2007]]
* [[In The Mix (Sunshine Live) draailijsten van 2008]]
* [[In The Mix (Ping FM) draailijsten van 2010]]
* [[In The Mix (Ping FM) draailijsten van 2011]]
* [[Dance Classics In The Mix (Nostalgie) draailijsten 2016]]
* [[Dance Classics In The Mix (Nostalgie) draailijsten 2017]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio ISLA 106) draailijsten van 2020 / Playlist 2020]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio ISLA 106) draailijsten van 2021 / Playlist 2021]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio ISLA 106) draailijsten van 2022 / Playlist 2022]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio ISLA 106) draailijsten van 2023 / Playlist 2023]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio ISLA 106) draailijsten van 2024 / Playlist 2024]]
* [[In The Mix (SAM Ibiza Radio) draailijsten van 2024 / Playlist 2024]]
* [[In The Mix (Lebonmix Radio) draailijsten van 2021 / Playlist 2021]]
* [[In The Mix (Lebonmix Radio) draailijsten van 2022 / Playlist 2022]]
* [[In The Mix (Lebonmix Radio) draailijsten van 2023 / Playlist 2023]]
* [[In The Mix (Boogie Bunker Radio) draailijsten van 2021 / Playlist 2021]]
* [[In The Mix (Boogie Bunker Radio) draailijsten van 2022 / Playlist 2022]]
* [[In The Mix (Boogie Bunker Radio) draailijsten van 2023 / Playlist 2023]]
* [[In The Mix (Boogie Bunker Radio) draailijsten van 2024 / Playlist 2024]]
* [[In The Mix (Paradise FM) draailijsten van 2021 / Playlist 2021]]
* [[In The Mix (Paradise FM) draailijsten van 2022 / Playlist 2022]]
* [[In The Mix (Paradise FM) draailijsten van 2023 / Playlist 2023]]
* [[In The Mix (Paradise FM) draailijsten van 2024 / Playlist 2024]]
* [[In The Mix (Antenne NRW) draailijsten van 2022 / Playlist 2022]]
* [[In The Mix (100% RETRO) draailijsten van 2022 / Playlist 2022]]
* [[In The Mix (100% RETRO) draailijsten van 2023 / Playlist 2023]]
* [[In The Mix (Kitten D'Amour Radio) draailijsten van 2022 / Playlist 2022]]
* [[In The Mix (Kitten D'Amour Radio) draailijsten van 2023 / Playlist 2023]]
* [[In The Mix (Kitten D'Amour Radio) draailijsten van 2024 / Playlist 2024]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Happy) draailijsten van 2023 / Playlist 2023]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Happy) draailijsten van 2024 / Playlist 2024]]
* [[In The Mix (Street Sounds Radio) draailijsten van 2024 / Playlist 2024]]
===Ben Liebrand In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment)===
* [[In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment) draailijsten van 2007]]
* [[In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment) draailijsten van 2008]]
* [[In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment) draailijsten van 2009]]
* [[In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment) draailijsten van 2010]]
* [[In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment) draailijsten van 2011]]
* [[In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment) draailijsten van 2012]]
* [[In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment) draailijsten van 2013]]
* [[In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment) draailijsten van 2014]]
* [[In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment) draailijsten van 2015]]
* [[In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment) draailijsten van 2016]]
===Ben Liebrand Minimixen===
* [[Minimix#Uitzenddata_Minimixen|Uitzenddata Minimixen (Nederlandse Radio)]]
* [[Minimix#Uitzenddata_Minimixen_.28Buitenlandse_Radio.29|Uitzenddata Minimixen (Buitenlandse Radio)]]
===Ben Liebrand In The House===
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Radio Calletti) Draailijsten / Playlist 2019]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Radio Calletti) Draailijsten / Playlist 2020]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Radio ISLA 106) Draailijsten / Playlist 2020]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Radio ISLA 106) Draailijsten / Playlist 2021]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Radio ISLA 106) Draailijsten / Playlist 2022]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Radio ISLA 106) Draailijsten / Playlist 2023]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Radio ISLA 106) Draailijsten / Playlist 2024]]
*[[Ben Liebrand In The House (SAM Ibiza Radio) Draailijsten / Playlist 2024]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Sunshine Live) Draailijsten / Playlist 2021]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Sunshine Live) Draailijsten / Playlist 2022]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Sunshine Live) Draailijsten / Playlist 2024]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Lebonmix Radio) Draailijsten 2021 / Playlist 2021]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Lebonmix Radio) Draailijsten 2022 / Playlist 2022]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Lebonmix Radio) Draailijsten 2023 / Playlist 2023]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Boogie Bunker Radio) Draailijsten van 2021 / Playlist 2021]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Boogie Bunker Radio) Draailijsten van 2022 / Playlist 2022]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Boogie Bunker Radio) Draailijsten van 2023 / Playlist 2023]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Boogie Bunker Radio) Draailijsten van 2024 / Playlist 2024]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Radio Happy) Draailijsten 2023 / Playlist 2023]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Radio Happy) Draailijsten 2024 / Playlist 2024]]
===Ben Liebrand Mash-Up Show===
* [[Ben Liebrand Mash-Up Show (Radio Calletti) Draailijsten / Playlist 2020]]
===Categorie Liebrand Discografie===
* [[:Category:Liebrand discografie|Discografie Ben Liebrand op]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The Mix Episodes]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House Episodes]]
= Externe link =
* [ Officiële Website] Ben Liebrand
* [ Officiële Website] Mastermix DJ Service UK
* [ Mastermix DJ] Ben Liebrand Page
* [ Website] Radio Veronica
* [ Website] SLAM! Radio
* [ Website] Radio 538
* [ Website] Radio Sunshine Live
* [ Website] Radio Isla 106 Ibiza & Mallorca
* [ Website] Lebonmix Radio
* [ Website] Mixcity-Video
* [ Stream] SAM Ibiza Live Stream
* [ Officiële Website] SAM Ibiza
= Referenties =
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{{Navigatie In The Mix Buitenlandse Radio}}
{{Navigatie Ben Liebrand In The House}}
{{Navigatie VOO programma's op Hilversum 1}}

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{{Navigatie Ben Liebrand In The House}}
{{Navigatie VOO programma's op Hilversum 1}}
[[Categorie:Veronica Omroep Organisatie]]
[[Categorie:Veronica Omroep Organisatie]]
[[Categorie:Radio Veronica (Talpa Radio)]]
[[Categorie:Hilversum 1]]
[[Categorie:Hilversum 1]]
[[Categorie:Hilversum 3]]
[[Categorie:NPO 3FM]]
[[Categorie:Radio 538]]
[[Category:Liebrand discografie]]
[[Category:Liebrand discografie]]

Huidige versie van 23 sep 2024 om 21:51


De Grandmix is een geregistreerd handelsmerk van Ben Liebrand[1]

Ontstaan Grandmix

Uit het In The Mix programma van Ben Liebrand ontstond in 1983 de Grandmix [2]. Deze jaarlijkse afsluiting, die in de laatste week van de maand december werd uitgezonden, bestond uit meer dan 100 van de beste dansplaten van het desbetreffende jaar en kwamen in een uur tijd aan elkaar gemixt voorbij. Tussen 1983 en 1992 zijn erin totaal 10 jaarmixen door Ben Liebrand gemaakt. Detail, de Grandmix 1983 werd in eerste instantie bij de afkondiging benoemd als "Monstermix" [3]. Volgens Liebrand kwam het idee voor de naam van de Grandmix af van een NOS technicus.[4]

Grandmix stopt

Mede door de weinige response op zijn mixen (er was immers in die tijd nog geen internet!), als ook de vele illegale bootlegs die van zijn Grandmixen werden gemaakt, waardoor Liebrand aan inkomstenderving [5] leed, besloot hij in 1993 om te stoppen met het maken van nieuwe Grandmixen.

Terugkeer Grandmix

Mede door de opkomst van het internet, waaruit bleek dat er een grote schare Liebrand fans actief waren in een Mixfreaks mailinglist, als ook door de inzet van Liebrand zelf, keert in 1999 de Grandmix terug op de radio.[6] Iedere maand wordt er een "oude" Grandmix in een speciale "directors cut" uitgezonden op de commerciële radiozender Radio 538.[7] Op 31 december 1999 komt er een nieuwe Grandmix uit getiteld: "Grandmix The Millennium Edition"[8] en duurt bijna drie uur, wat voor die tijd uniek was. In deze drie uur durende mix kwamen de beste dansplaten van de jaren 1975 t/m 1999 voorbij en wordt de mix tevens uitgebracht op CD.

Vanaf het jaar 2000 keert de officiële Grandmix terug. De lengte wordt in overleg met Sony, gewijzigd naar 3 uur, waarbij de mix tevens op een 3 CD-box uit werd gebracht, wat voorheen niet mogelijk was t.g.v. het niet vrij kunnen krijgen van alle rechten.

Grandmix Internationaal

Sinds het jaar 2000 is de Grandmix op meerdere radiostations, zowel binnen als buiten Nederland, uitgezonden. Over de jaren heen was dit bij onder andere: Radio 538 (Nederland), Slam!FM (Nederland),Radio Veronica (Nederland), 101.5 KOOL FM (Calgary Canada), Radio Sunshine Live (Duitsland), Radio One (Curaçao), Ping FM (België), Radio Calletti (Italië), Radio ABC (Denemarken), Lebonmix Radio (Frankrijk), Radio ISLA 106 (Spanje).

Grandmix niet meer op CD

Met ingang van 2019 wordt er na 20 jaar geen Grandmixen meer uitgebracht op CD t.g.v. problemen met het vrij krijgen van de licenties en het aanhoudende illegaal verspreiden van de mixen via het internet, waardoor inkomsten worden misgelopen.

Met ingang van 2019 worden er géén Grandmixen meer uitgebracht op CD t.g.v. problemen met het vrij krijgen van de licenties en het aanhoudend illegaal verspreiden van de mixen via het internet, waardoor inkomsten worden misgelopen. [9]

Desondanks betekent dit niet het einde van de Grandmix en gaat anno 2020 nog wel door als radio uitzending op Radio 538!

Grandmix stopt op Radio 538

Op 30 november 2023 maakt Liebrand, via zijn Facebook pagina bekend, dat na 24 jaar er definitief géén Grandmix 2023 komt op Radio 538 ten gevolge van veranderingen bij de zender.[10]

Grandmix gaat door

Op 20 december 2023 maakt Liebrand, via zijn Facebook pagina bekend, dat er op 30 december 2023 nog wel The Grandmix - DJ History created by Ben Liebrand zal worden uitgezonden op Radio 10.[11] Hij verrast vervolgens een ieder toen bleek dat hij verder ging waar hij in 1992 was gestopt. Het werd de Grandmix 1993, gemaakt in het oude formaat met meer dan 100 platen in 1 uur uitzending![12]

Uitzenddata & draailijsten / playlists Ben Liebrand's Grandmixen

Uitzendschema Grandmixen 1983-1992

Datum Eerste uitzenddatum Tijd Titel Radiozender Land
1983-12-31 02.00-03.00 uur Grandmix 1983 (Gedeeltelijk) Hilversum 1, VOO Nederland
1984-01-14 02.00-03.00 uur Grandmix 1983 (Volledig) Hilversum 1, VOO Nederland
1984-07-28 1983-12-30 02.00-03.00 uur Grandmix 1983 (Tracks 2 t/m 59) Hilversum 1, VOO Nederland
1984-12-28 18.00-19.00 uur Grandmix 1984 Hilversum 3, VOO Nederland
1985-02-16 1984-12-28 02.00-03.00 uur Grandmix 1984 Hilversum 1, VOO Nederland
1985-07-06 1984-12-28 02.00-03.00 uur Grandmix 1984 Hilversum 1, VOO Nederland
1985-11-23 02.00-03.00 uur Classics Mix Radio 1, VOO Nederland
1985-12-27 20.00-21.00 uur Grandmix 1985 Radio 3, VOO Nederland
1986-12-26 18.00-19.00 uur Grandmix 1986 Radio 3, VOO Nederland
1987-01-30 1986-12-26 20.00-21.00 uur Grandmix 1986 Radio 3, VOO Nederland
1987-02-06 1986-12-26 20.00-21.00 uur Grandmix 1986 Radio 3, VOO Nederland
1987-12-25 18.00-19.00 uur Grandmix 1987 Radio 3, VOO Nederland
1988-01-01 1987-12-25 13.00-14.00 uur Grandmix 1987 Radio 3, VOO Nederland
1988-12-30 18.00-19.00 uur Grandmix 1988 Radio 3, VOO Nederland
1989-12-29 18.00-19.00 uur Grandmix 1989 Radio 3, VOO Nederland
1990-01-05 1989-12-29 14.00-15.00 uur Grandmix 1989 Radio 3, VOO Nederland
1990-12-28 18.00-19.00 uur Grandmix 1990 Radio 3, VOO Nederland
1991-01-04 1990-12-28 14.00-15.00 uur Grandmix 1990 Radio 3, VOO Nederland
1991-12-27 18.00-19.00 uur Grandmix 1991 Radio 3, VOO Nederland
1992-12-26 18.00-19.00 uur Grandmix 1992 Radio 3, VOO Nederland
1993-01-16 1992-12-26 19.00-20.00 uur Grandmix 1992 Radio 3, VOO Nederland


31 december 1983

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

02.00-03.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 1983 uitgezonden op Hilversum 1 bij VOO (Nederland)[13]

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Koto Japanese Wargame (dub versie) (Intro Grandmix 1983)
02 Natascha King AM-FM
03 The S.O.S. Band Just Be Good To Me
04 Nina Hagen New York, New York
05 Tina Turner Let's Stay Together
06 Indeep Last Night A DJ Saved My Life
07 Indeep When Boys Talk
08 Lionel Richie All Night Long (All Night)
09 Gazebo I Like Chopin
10 Dimples D. Sucker DJ (A Witch For Love) (Acapella)
11 Herbie Hancock Rockit
12 Spence Get It On
13 New Cleus Jam On Revenge
14 Kajagogoo Too Shy
15 Gary Byrd & The G.B. Experience Feat. Stevie Wonder The Crown
16 Valerie Oliver Get The Money
17 David Bowie Let's Dance
18 Advance Take Me To The Top
19 Clubhouse Good Times / Superstition (Medley)
20 Robert Palmer You Are In My System
21 NV It's Alright
22 Man Parrish Hip Hop Bebop
23 Whodini Magic's Wand
24 Chic You Are Beautiful
25 Rock Steady Crew (Hey You) The Rock Steady Crew
26 G.L.O.B.E. & Whiz Kid Play That Beat Mr. DJ
27 Dr. Cat Feel The Drive
28 M.D.M.C. (Modern Danceable Music Company) How About It
29 Eartha Kitt Where Is My Man
30 Madonna Holiday
31 Steve Harley Something Special
32 Oliver Cheatham Get Down Saturdaynight
33 Michael Jackson Billie Jean
34 T Ski Valley Valley Style
35 Shannon Let The Music Play
36 Xina On The Upside
37 C.O.D. In The Bottle
38 Unique What I've Got Is What You Need

Doordat de doos, waar de tweede tape reel van de Grandmix in had moeten zitten leeg bleek te zijn, eindigde na 38 minuten de Grandmix 1983 en werd er de High Fashion Dance-Music - Volume 2 (Non Stop Dance Remix), kant B afgedraaid. Ben had deze mix namelijk wel meegenomen en dus werd deze mix gebruikt om de laatste 20 minuten mee op te vullen. Op 14 januari 1984 wordt de Grandmix 1983 alsnog in zijn totaliteit uitgezonden![14]

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Freeez I.O.U.
02 Fun Fun Happy Station
03 Freeez I.O.U.
04 The Broads Sing Sing Sing (Ballroom Big Band Version)
05 Fresh Face Huevo Dancing
06 Lafleur Boogie Nights
07 Esavù Sia-Sioù (Breakin’ Up)
08 Freeez I.O.U. (Sample)
09 Fresh Face Huevo Dancing

Let op: Tijdens Fresh Face hoor je de afkondiging van Peter Teekamp en dat het jaaroverzicht 1983 in de volgende uitzending wel helemaal te horen zal zijn.


14 januari 1984

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

02.00-03.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 1983 uitgezonden op Hilversum 1 bij de VOO, maar nu in z'n totaliteit zoals het had moeten zijn!

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Koto Japanese Wargame (dub versie) (Intro Grandmix 1983)
02 Natascha King AM-FM
03 The S.O.S. Band Just Be Good To Me
04 Nina Hagen New York, New York
05 Tina Turner Let's Stay Together
06 Indeep Last Night A DJ Saved My Life
07 Indeep When Boys Talk
08 Lionel Richie All Night Long (All Night)
09 Gazebo I Like Chopin
10 Dimples D. Sucker DJ (A Witch For Love) (Acapella)
11 Herbie Hancock Rockit
12 Spence Get It On
13 New Cleus Jam On Revenge
14 Kajagogoo Too Shy
15 Gary Byrd & The G.B. Experience Feat. Stevie Wonder The Crown
16 Valerie Oliver Get The Money
17 David Bowie Let's Dance
18 Advance Take Me To The Top
19 Clubhouse Good Times / Superstition (Medley)
20 Robert Palmer You Are In My System
21 NV It's Alright
22 Man Parrish Hip Hop Bebop
23 Whodini Magic's Wand
24 Chic You Are Beautiful
25 Rock Steady Crew (Hey You) The Rock Steady Crew
26 G.L.O.B.E. & Whiz Kid Play That Beat Mr. DJ
27 Dr. Cat Feel The Drive
28 MDMC (Modern Danceable Music Company) How About It
29 Eartha Kitt Where Is My Man
30 Madonna Holiday
31 Steve Harley Something Special
32 Oliver Cheatham Get Down Saturdaynight
33 Michael Jackson Billie Jean
34 T Ski Valley Valley Style
35 Shannon Let The Music Play
36 Xina On The Upside
37 C.O.D. In The Bottle
38 Unique What I've Got Is What You Need
39 Sharon Redd Activate
40 Imagination New Dimension
41 Gary's Gang Makin' Music
42 Michael Jackson Thriller
43 My Mine Hypnotic Tango
44 Cori Josias Takin' It Straight
45 Ryan Paris Dolce Vita
46 Freeez I.O.U.
47 Sharon Redd I Love How You Feel
48 First Choice Let No Man Put Asunder
49 Yello I Love You (Sample)
50 Pure Energy Love Game
51 Rocker's Revenge Feat. Donnie Calvin Walkin' On Sunshine
52 Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire Weekend (Sample)
53 Indeep Last Night A DJ Saved My Life (Sample)
54 Dolby's Cube Get On Out Of My Mix (Sample)
55 C.O.D. In The Bottle (Sample)
56 Michael Jackson Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
57 Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire Weekend
58 Fun Fun Happy Station
59 Cuba Gooding Happiness, Is Just Around The Bend
60 Sharon Redd In The Name Of Love
61 Risqué Burn It Up
62 Eurythmics Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)
63 Yes Owner Of A Lonely Heart
64 Eastbound Express Way Primitive Desire
65 New Order Blue Monday
66 Depeche Mode Get The Balance Right
67 Miquel Brown So Many Men, So Little Time
68 Hazell Dean Searchin'

Hier stopt de mix, die eigenlijk langer duurde. Ben Liebrand schreef[15] hierover later het volgende op zijn website:

Tracks 69 to 77 were in the original mix, but not broadcasted due to the maximum time available in 1983. As the mix now runs on for 4 more tracks, it will be more complete than the one broadcasted in 1983. Among the tracks removed from the very end are "Zarah - Nina Hagen", "Beat it - Michael Jackson", "Maniac - Michael Sembello" and some obscure tracks I don't even remember.

Nr. Artiest Titel
69 Julius Brown Party
70 Tapps Forbidden Lover
71 Righuerra Vamos A La Playa
72 Earlene Bentley Boys Come To Town
73 Trans-X Living On Video
74 Ben Liebrand Grandmix 1983 Blast-off

Tracks die verwijderd zijn:

Nr. Artiest Titel
75 Nina Hagen Zarah
76 Michael Jackson Beat It
77 Michael Sembello Maniac

28 juli 1984

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

02.00-03.00 uur:

Dit was een samenstelling van een megamix van Change (tracks 1 t/m 9; onduidelijkheid bestaat of dit ook een Minimix is geweest?) en vanaf track 10 is een groot gedeelte uit de Grandmix 1983 (tracks 2 t/m 59) te horen. Uitgezonden op Hilversum 1 bij de VOO (Nederland)

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Change Change Of Heart
02 Change Heaven Of My Life
03 Change Hold Tight
04 Change Paradise
05 Change A Lover's Holiday
06 Change On Top
07 Change The Glow Of Love
08 Change It's A Girls Affair
09 Change Angel In My Pocket
10 Natasha King AM-FM
11 The S.O.S. Band Just Be Good To Me
12 Nina Hagen New York
13 Tina Turner Let's Stay Together
14 Indeep Last Night A D.J. Saved My Life
15 Indeep When Boys Talk
16 Lionel Richie All Night Long (All Night)
17 Gazebo I Like Chopin
18 Dimples D. Sucker D.J.
19 Herbie Hancock Rockit
20 Spence Get It On
21 Newcleus Jam On Revenge
22 Kajagogoo Too Shy
23 Gary Byrd & The G.B. Experience The Crown
24 Valerie Oliver Get The Money
25 Clubhouse Good Times / Superstition (Medley)
26 Robert Palmer You Are In My System
27 NV It's Alright
28 Man Parrish Hip Hop Be Bop, Don't Stop
29 Whodini Magic's Wand
30 Chic You Are Beautiful
31 Rock Steady Crew (Hey You) The Rock Steady Crew
32 G.L.O.B.E. & Whiz Kid Play That Beat Mr. D.J.
33 Doctor's Cat Feel The Drive
34 MDMC (Modern Danceable Music Company) How About It
35 Eartha Kitt Where Is My Man
36 Madonna Holiday
37 Steve Harley Something Special
38 Oliver Cheatham Get Down Saturday Night
39 Michael Jackson Billie Jean
40 T-Ski Valley Valley Style
41 Shannon Let The Music Play
42 Gzina On The Upside
43 C.O.D. In The Bottle
44 Unique What I've Got Is What You Need
45 Sharon Redd Activate
46 Imagination New Dimension
47 Gary's Gang Makin' Music
48 Michael Jackson Thriller
49 My Mine Hypnotic Tango
50 Corey Yourkshike Takin' it Straight
51 Ryan Paris Dolce Vita
52 Freeez I.O.U.
53 Sharon Redd Love How You Feel
54 First Choice Let No Man Put Asunder
55 Yello I Love You
56 Pure Energy Love Game
57 Rocker's Revenge Walking On Sunshine
58 Michael Jackson Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
59 Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire Weekend
60 Fun Fun Happy Station
61 Cuba Gooding Happiness, Is Just Around The Bend

Hier stopt de uitzending: dit is dus niet de complete Grandmix 1983!

28 december 1984

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

19.00-20.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 1984 uitgezonden op Hilversum 3 bij VOO (Nederland)[16] binnen het tijdstip van Curry & Van Inkel!

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Love Unlimited Orchestra ‎ Intro: Bring It On Up (Van het album "Music Maestro Please")
002 Golden Earring Something Heavy Going Down (Heavy 12 Inch-Version)
003 The Breakout Krew Matt's Mood
004 Howard Jones What Is Love
005 Tears For Fears Shout
006 Tina Turner What's Love Got To Do With It
007 Ashford & Simpson Solid
008 Cherrelle When You Look In My Eyes
009 The S.O.S. Band Just The Way You Like It
010 Patrice Rushen Feel So Real (Won't Let Go)
011 Jocelyn Brown Somebody Else's Guy
012 Laura Branigan Self Control
013 Righeira Tanzen Mit Righuera
014 Rufus & Chaka Khan Ain't Nobody
015 Nuance Feat. Vikki Love Loveride
016 Tulio De Piscopo Stop Bajon
017 De De S & M (Sexy Music)
018 Thomas Dolby Hyperactivate
019 Boogie Boys Break Dancer
020 Shannon Sweet Somebody
021 Boogie Boys Zodiac
022 The Art Of Noise Beat Box (Diversion One)
023 Matt Bianco Matt's Mood
024 Change Change Of Heart
025 Billy Ocean Loverboy
026 Murray Head One Night In Bangkok
027 Robey One Night In Bangkok
028 Sade Hang On To Your Love
029 Jeff Lorber Feat. Audrey Wheeler Step By Step
030 Chaka Khan This Is My Night
031 Thelma Houston You Used To Hold Me So Tight
032 Claire Hicks & Love Exchange Push In The Bush
033 Dan Hartman I Can Dream About You
034 The Earrons Land Of Hunger
035 American Gypsy You Are In My System
036 Valerie Dore The Night
037 Mai Tai What Goes On
038 Mai Tai Body & Soul
039 Boney M Kalimba De Luna
040 Stephanie Mills The Medicine Song
041 Pointer Sisters Automatic
042 Shakatak Down On The Street
043 The Temptations Treat Her Like A Lady
044 Harold Melvin & The Bluenotes Feat. Nikko Today's Your Lucky Day
045 Linda Lewis Class Style (I've Got It)
046 Bar-Kays Sex-O-Matic
047 Billy Ocean Carribean Queen (No More Love On The Run)
048 Billy Ocean European Queen (No More Love On The Run)
049 Billy Ocean African Queen (No More Love On The Run)
050 Phil Fearon & Galaxy What Do I Do
051 Scritti Politti Wood Beez (Pray Like Aretha Franklin)
052 Scritti Politti Absolute
053 R.J.'s Latest Arrival Cry Like A Wolf
054 My Mine Zorro
055 Doctor's Cat Feel The Drive
056 Terri Wells I'll Be Around
057 First Choice Doctor Love
058 Claudio Simonetti I Love The Piano
059 Rocksteady Crew Uprock
060 Answering Service Calling Mr. Telephone
061 Sister Sledge Lost In Music
062 Frankie Goes To Hollywood Relax
063 Dan Hartman We Are The Young
064 Ollie & Jerry Breakin'...There's No Stoppin' Us
065 Unlimited Touch Feat. Audrey Wheeler Reach Out (Ever Lasting Lover)
066 Jellybean Feat. Jenny Haan The Mexican
067 Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel White Lines (Don't Do It)
068 Dazz Band Let It All Blow
069 Talk Talk Such A Shame
070 O'Brian Lovelite
071 Fox The Fox Precious Little Diamond
072 Paul Sharada Florida
073 Shannon My Heart's Divided
074 Roni Griffith Dancing Machine
075 Culture Club The War Song
076 Duran Duran The Wild Boys
077 Gwen Presley & Portable Control Running
078 Miami Sound Machine Dr. Beat
079 Ray Parker Jr. Ghostbusters
080 M + M Black Stations / White Stations
081 Eurythmics Sexcrime (Nineteen Eighty Four)
082 Maria Vidal Bodyrock
083 Paul Hardcastle You´re The One For Me (A.M. Daybreak)
084 Kim Wilde The Second Time
085 Michael Zager Band Shot In The Dark
086 The Time Jungle Love
087 Shakatak Watching You
088 Madonna Like A Virgin
089 Peter Brown They Only Come Out Of Night
090 Hugh Masekela Don't Go Loose It Baby
091 The Limit Say Yeah
092 Culture Club Miss Me Blind
093 Fun Fun Color My Love
094 Appolonia Six Sex Shooter
095 Deniece Williams Let's Hear It For The Boy
096 Eddy And The Soulband Theme From Shaft (Ben Liebrand Hot Pursuit Remix)
097 Peter Brown (Love Is Just) The Game
098 Chaka Khan I Feel For You
099 Prince & The Revolution Erotic City
100 Deodato S.O.S., Fire In The Sky
101 Rockwell Somebody's Watching Me
102 Sheryl Lee Ralph In The Evening
103 Sheila E. The Glamorous Life
104 Prince & The Revolution When Doves Cry
105 Kraftwerk Tour De France
106 Duran Duran The Reflex
107 Frankie Goes To Hollywood Two Tribes


16 februari 1985

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

02.00-03.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 1984, zoals uitgezonden op Hilversum 1 bij de VOO (Nederland)

6 juli 1985

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

02.00-03.00 uur:

Dit is opnieuw de herhaling van de Grandmix 1984, zoals uitgezonden op Hilversum 1 bij de VOO (Nederland)

23 november 1985

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

02.00-03.00 uur:

Dit is de laatste uitzending van In The Mix, met een speciale Classics Mix uitgezonden op Hilversum 1 bij de VOO (Nederland)

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Hot R.S. Slow Blow (Sound Effect)
02 Gene Page Close Encounters Of The Third Kind (Intro Spraak Effect)
03 Love Deluxe Here Comes That Sound (Drum intro Sample)
04 M (Robin Scott) Popmuzik
05 Fern Kinney Groove Me
06 Sugarhill Gang Rapper's Delight
07 Chic Good Times
08 Kurtis Blow The Breaks
09 Instant Funk Got My Mind Made Up
10 Trussel Love Injection
11 Kool & the Gang Ladies Night
12 McFadden & Whitehead Ain't No Stopping Us Now
13 Jocko Rhythm Talk
14 T-Connection At Midnight
15 Shalamar Second Time Around
16 Crown Heights Affair You Gave Me Love
17 Al Hudson & The Partners You Can Do It
18 The Whispers And The Beat Goes On
19 Dynasty I Don't Wanna Be A Freak (But I Can't Help Myself)
20 Gene Chandler Get Down
21 Billy Ocean Are You Ready
22 The Jacksons Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground)
23 Michael Jackson Don't Stop Till You Get Enough
24 Sister Sledge He's The Greatest Dancer
25 Sister Sledge We Are Family
26 Chic Le Freak
27 Karen Young Hot Shot
28 Santa Esmeralda Feat. Leroy Gomez Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
29 Frantique Strut Your Funky Stuff
30 Michael Zager Band Let's All Chant
31 Poussez! Come On And Do It (Ben Liebrand Remix)
32 Antonia Rodriquez La Bamba
33 G.Q. Disco Nights (Rock-Freak)
34 Herbie Hancock Tell Everybody
35 Gino Soccio Dancer
36 Donna Summer Bad Girls
37 Lipps Inc. Funky Town
38 Dan Hartman Relight My Fire
39 Ashford & Simpson Found A Cure
40 Sergio Mendez & Brasil '88 I'll Tell You
41 Narada Michael Walden Tonight I'm Alright
42 Gary's Gang Showtime
43 Baby 'O In The Forest
44 The Jacksons Can You Feel It
45 Anita Ward Ring My Bell
46 Sparks Beat The Clock
47 Gary's Gang Keep On Dancin'
48 The Manhattan Transfer Twilight Zone
49 Georgio Moroder Chase
50 Donna Summer I Feel Love
51 Telex Moskow Diskow
52 Harry Thumann Underwater
53 Earth, Wind & Fire with The Emotions Boogie Wonderland
54 Nightlife Unlimited Love Is In You
55 Poussez! Never Gonna Say Goodbye
56 The Jacksons Walk Right Now
57 Kat Mandu The Break
58 Helicopter Landing Sound Effect
59 Destination The Party's Over Now

27 december 1985

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

20.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 1985, zoals uitgezonden op Radio 3 bij de VOO (Nederland)[17]

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand / Grace Jones Soundeffect / intro Grandmix 1985 / This is what Edith Piaf Used To Say
002 Propaganda Duel (Sound Effect)
003 Grace Jones Slave To The Rhythm
004 Wally Badarou Chief Inspector
005 Jenny Burton Bad Habits
006 Chaka Khan Eye To Eye
007 Al Jarreau & Shakatak Day By Day
008 Princess Say I'm Your Number One
009 Rah Band Clouds Across The Moon
010 The Cool Notes Spend The Night
011 Mai Tai History
012 52nd Street Tell Me (How It Feels)
013 Sandra Maria Magdalena
014 Loose Ends Hangin' On A String (Contemplating)
015 Jaki Graham & David Grant Could It Be I'm Falling In Love
016 The Family Screams Of Passion
017 Level 42 Something About You
018 Miquel Browne Close To Perfection
019 Aurra Like I Like It
020 Talking Heads Road To Nowhere
021 Skipworth & Turner Thinking About Your Love
022 Hot Cold Love Is Like A Game
023 The System This Is For You
024 Collage Romeo Where Is Juliet
025 Baltimora Tarzan Boy
026 Propaganda P-Machinery
027 Kate Bush Running Up That Hill
028 Jeff Lorber Feat. Audrey Wheeler Step By Step
029 Aretha Franklin Who Zoomin' Who
030 Chaka Kahn Krush Groove (Can't Stop The Street)
031 Skool Boyz Superfine (From Behind)
032 The Three Degrees The Heaven I Need
033 Jeff Lorber Band Feat. Gavin Christopher Best Of The Night
034 Tina Turner One Of The Living
035 Patti Austin Honey For The Bees
036 Total Contrast Takes A Little Time
037 Evelyn "Champagne" King Your Personal Touch
038 René And Angela Save Your Love (For #1)
039 Simply Red Money's Too Tight (To Mention)
040 Thompson Twins Don’t Mess With Dr. Dream
041 René & Angela I'll Be Good
042 Billy Crystal You Look Marvelous
043 André Cymone The Dance Electric
044 The S.O.S. Band Break Up (Remix)
045 Shakatak City Rhythm
046 Rochelle Magic Man
047 Arcadia Election Day
048 Steve Arrington Feel So Real
049 George Duke Thief In The Night
050 Haywoode Gettin' Closer
051 Steve Arrington Dancing In The Key Of Life
052 Total Contrast Hit And Run
053 One Way Let's Talk
054 Ian Dury Sex And Drugs And Rock 'N Roll
055 Frankie Goes To Hollywood Welcome To The Pleasure Dome
056 Lisa Lisa And Cult Jam Feat. Full Force I Wonder If I Take You Home
057 Five Star All Fall Down
058 Five Star Let Me Be The One
059 Change Oh, What A Feeling (Remix)
060 The Art Of Noise Legs
061 Artists United Against Apartheid Sun City
062 Hazell Dean They Say It's Gonna Rain
063 Skipworth & Turner Hot Pursuit!
064 Nikki So In Love
065 Mark Fisher Feat. Dotty Green Love Situation
066 Colonel Abrams Trapped
067 9.9 All Of Me For All Of You
068 Sonique Let Me Hold You
069 Alisha Baby Talk
070 Madonna Into The Groove
071 DeBarge Rhythm Of The Night
072 Simply Red Come To My Aid
073 Jan Hammer Miami Vice Theme
074 Latin Rascals Axel F: The Beverly Hills Version
075 Huey Lewis & The News Power Of Love
076 Rick James Glow
077 Val Young Seduction
078 Sheena Easton Do It For Love
079 Mary Jane Girls In My House
080 Paul Hardcastle 19 (Nineteen)
081 Paul Hardcastle 19 (Neunzehn)
082 Paul Hardcastle 19 (Dix Neuf)
083 Paul Hardcastle Just For Money
084 Paul Hardcastle Pig Bag (Remix)
085 Goon Squad Eight Arms To Hold You
086 Tavares Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel (Irresistible Angel Mix By Ben Liebrand)
087 Kool And The Gang Fresh
088 Flash And The Pan Midnight Man
089 Koto Visitors
090 Rochelle Love Me Tonight
091 Midnight Star Operator
092 Maurice White Stand By Me
093 Kasso Running
094 Tramaine Fall Down (Spirit Of Love)
095 Five Star Love Take Over
096 Siedah Garrett Do You Want It Right Now
097 Ian Dury Reasons To Be Cheerful (Part 3)
098 Jellybean Feat. Madonna Sidewalk Talk
099 Lorna Wright Police Woman (Queen Of The Neon Jungle)
100 Pink Rhythm Can't Get Enough Of Your Love
101 Peter Jacques Band Going Dancin' Down The Street
102 Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam Can You Feel The Beat
103 Fun Fun Give Me Your Love
104 Tramaine Fall Down (Spirit Of Love)
105 Poussez! Come On And Do It (1985 Erotic Mix By Ben Liebrand)
106 Zinno What's Your Name
107 400 Blows Movin'
108 Pet Shop Boys West End Girls
109 El DeBarge With DeBarge You Wear It Well
110 Arnie's Love Date With The Rain
111 Time Bandits Endless Road
112 Aretha Franklin Freeway Of Love
113 Tavares Don’t Take Away The Music (Hands Off The Music Mix By Ben Liebrand)
114 Mainframe 5 Minutes
115 David Bowie & Mick Jagger Dancing In The Street
116 Dead Or Alive You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)
117 Ready For The World Oh Sheila
118 Cerrone The Collector
119 Yello Vicious Games
120 Grace Jones Slave To The Rhythm
121 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 1985


26 december 1986

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 1986, zoals uitgezonden op Radio 3 bij VOO (Nederland)

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand / Janet Jackson Grandmix 1986 Intro / Control
002 Peter Gabriël Sledgehammer
003 Nat Augustin Ego
004 Sly Fox Let's Go All The Way
005 Full Force Alice, I Want You Just For Me!
006 The Real Roxanne (Bang Zoom) Let's Go-Go
007 Centerfold Radar Love
008 Whistle (Nothing Serious) Just Buggin'
009 Paul Hardcastle Feat.Carol Kenyon Don't Waste My Time
010 Midnight Star Headlines
011 Five Star Rain Or Shine
012 Mr. Mister Broken Wings
013 Aretha Franklin Ain't Nobody Ever Loved You
014 Earlene Bentley Point Of No Return
015 The S.O.S. Band Borrowed Love
016 Loose Ends Stay A Little While, Child
017 Loose Ends Nights Of Pleasure
018 Robbie Nevil C'est La Vie
019 The Human League Human
020 Jaki Graham Set Me Free
021 Prince & The Revolution Mountains
022 Janet Jackson Nasty
023 Nu Shooz I Can't Wait
024 RUN DMC Feat. Aerosmith Walk This Way
025 Tina Turner Typical Male
026 Gwen Guthrie Ain't Nothin' Goin' On But The Rent
027 Shannon Prove Me Right
028 Jeff Lorber Feat. Karyn White Facts Of Love
029 Five Star Can't Wait Another Minute
030 Duran Duran Notorious
031 Grace Jones I'm Not Perfect (But I'm Perfect For You)
032 Pointer Sisters Goldmine
033 Timex Social Club Rumors
034 Club Nouveau Jealousy
035 Timex Social Club Mixed Up World
036 Kraftwerk Musique Non Stop
037 George Duke Broken Glass
038 The S.O.S. Band The Finest
039 The Art Of Noise with Max Headroom Paranoimia
040 Millie Scott Automatic
041 B.B. & Q. Band (I'm A) Dreamer
042 Nu Shooz Point Of No Return
043 Aurra You And Me Tonight
044 Mildred Scott Prisoner Of Love
045 Haywoode I Can't Let You Go
046 Yarbrough & Peoples I Wouldn't Lie
047 Richenel Dance Around The World
048 Atlantic Starr Armed And Dangerous
049 Bruce Hornsby & The Range The Way It Is
050 El DeBarge Who's Johnny
051 Prince & The Revolution Kiss
052 James Brown Gravity
053 O'Chi Brown 100% Pure Pain
054 E.G. Daily Say It, Say It
055 Madonna Open Your Heart
056 Mai Tai Female Intuition
057 Krystol Passion From A Woman
058 Con Funk Shun Burnin' Love
059 Michael Jonzun Burnin' Up
060 Michael McDonald Sweet Freedom
061 Level 42 Lessons In Love
062 King MC Feat. Screamin' K What Have I Done For You?
063 Janet Jackson What Have You Done For Me Lately
064 Chico DeBarge Talk To Me
065 LaToya Jackson & Cerrone Oops, Oh No!
066 Cameo Word Up!
067 The Walkers Hey Don't Waste My Time
068 Commodores Goin' To The Bank
069 Sheila E. A Love Bizarre
070 L.I.F.E. All Played Out
071 Janet Jackson When I Think Of You
072 Colonel Abrams I'm Not Gonna Let
073 Cock Robin The Promise You Made
074 Hollywood Beyond What's The Colour Of Money?
075 TKA Come Get My Love
076 Anthony & The Camp What I Like
077 Cherrelle with Alexander O'Neal Saturday Love
078 Willie Colón Set Fire To Me
079 MC Miker 'G' & Deejay Sven Holiday Rap
080 Midnight Star Midas Touch
081 Rick James Sweet And Sexy Thing
082 James "D-Train" Williams You Are Everything
083 Five Star Find The Time
084 Pauli Carmen Dial My Number
085 Johnny Kemp Just Another Lover
086 J.M. Silk Shadows Of Your Love
087 Whitney Houston How Will I Know
088 Full Force Unfaithful So Much
089 Princess In The Heat Of A Passionate Moment
090 Mel & Kim Showing Out (Get Fresh At The Weekend)
091 Five Star If I Say Yes
092 Nirvana Say When
093 Centerfold Dictator
094 Janet Jackson Control
095 Matia Bazar Ti Sento
096 Shawn Christopher People Of All Nations
097 Private Possession Feat. Hunter Hayes This Time
098 Colonel Abrams Speculation
099 Concept Mr. DJ
100 J.M. Silk Jack Your Body
101 Symphonia You And Me
102 Wired To The Beat Of The Drum
103 Brenda K. Starr What You See Is What You Get
104 Raw Don't You Try It
105 Phil Fearon Ain't Nothin' But A House Party
106 Farley "Jackmaster" Funk & Jesse Saunders Feat. Darryl Pandy Love Can't Turn Around
107 Moses We Just
108 J.M. Silk I Can't Turn Around
109 Madonna Papa Don't Preach
110 Bananarama Venus
111 Frankie Goes To Hollywood Warriors (Of The Wasteland)
112 Ben Liebrand Grandmix 1986 Blast-Off


30 januari 1987

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

20.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 1986, tijdens het programma van Curry en Van Inkel uitgezonden op Radio 3 bij VOO (Nederland)[18][19]

6 februari 1987

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

20.03-21.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 1986, tijdens het programma van Curry en Van Inkel uitgezonden op Radio 3 bij VOO (Nederland)[20]

25 december 1987

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18:00-19:00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 1987, zoals uitgezonden op Radio 3 bij VOO (Nederland)[21]

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 1987
002 The Art Of Noise Dragnet
003 Eric B. & Rakim Paid In Full
004 Club Nouveau Lean On Me
005 Levert Casanova
006 Dennis Edwards Feat. Siedah Garrett Don't Look Any Further
007 Jan Hammer Crockett's Theme
008 Sly & Robbie Boops Here To Go
009 George Michael I Want Your Sex
010 Prince Sign 'O' The Times
011 Abigeal Mead & Nigel Gold Full Metal Jacket
012 Madonna La Isla Bonita
013 Stock, Aitken & Waterman Packjammed (With The Party Posse)
014 Lillo Thomas Down Town (Ritme Track)
015 Stock, Aitken & Waterman Roadblock
016 Shakatak Mr. Manic & Sister Cool
017 Boogie Box High Jive Talkin’
018 Say When! Boys
019 Stephanie Mills (You’re Puttin’) A Rush On Me
020 Millie Scott Love Me Right
021 Hot Chocolate Sexy Thing (Ben Liebrand Remix)
022 Hot Chocolate Every One's A Winner (Ben Liebrand Remix)
023 Hot Chocolate Every One's A Winner (Groove Mix)
024 Terence Trent D' Arby Wishing Well
025 Swing Out Sister Surrender
026 Nat Augustin That Girl
027 Aretha Franklin & George Michael I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)
028 Tina Charles Dance Little Lady (’87 Remix)
029 Bangles Walk Like An Egyptian
030 John Adams Strip This Heart
031 Orange "Juice" Jones The Rain
032 INXS Need You Tonight
033 Jody Watley Looking For A New Love
034 The Pointer Sisters Be There (Acapella)
035 Tramaine The Rock
036 Prince Hot Thing
037 Donna Allen Serious
038 Donna Summer Dinner With Gershwin
039 Living In A Box Living In A Box
040 Alexander O' Neal Fake
041 Pebbles Love/Hate
042 Herb Alpert Feat. Janet Jackson Diamonds
043 Shanice Wilson (Baby Tell Me) Can You Dance
044 Jody Watley Don't You Want Me
045 Cameo Back And Forth
046 Richenel Temptation
047 Shalamar Circumstantial Evidence
048 One Way Better Quit
049 ABC The Night You Murdered Love
050 ABC The Night You Murdered Love (The Reply)
051 ABC The Night You Murdered Love (The Sheer Chic Mix)
052 Johnny Hates Jazz I Don't Want To Be A Hero
053 Starpoint D.Y.B.O.
054 Tina Turner Afterglow
055 M/A/R/R/S Pump Up The Volume
056 Was (Not Was) Walk The Dinosaur
057 Mico Wave Misunderstood
058 Dance Like A Mother You Ain't So Tough
059 Mason Pour It On
060 Donna Allen Sweet Somebody
061 Jellybean Feat. Steven Dante The Real Thing
062 Michael Jackson Bad
063 Rick Astley Never Gonna Give You Up
064 Rick Astley Whenever You Need Somebody
065 Off Electrica Salsa
066 Spagna Easy Lady
067 Spagna Call Me
068 Herb Alpert Keep Your Eye On Me
069 Prince Housequake
070 Terence Trent D' Arby Dance Little Sister
071 Mai Tai Bet That's What You Say
072 Voices In The Dark Keep It Warm
073 Nona Hendryx Why Should I Cry
074 Breakfast Club Right On Track
075 Alexander O' Neal Criticize
076 Georgio Tina Cherry
077 Five Star Whenever Your Ready
078 Kool & The Gang Peacemaker
079 Mick Jagger Let's Work
080 Total Contrast Kiss
081 Jellybean Feat. Elisa Fiorillo Who Found Who
082 Georgio Lover's Lane
083 The Jets Cross My Broken Heart
084 The Whispers Rock Steady
085 Daryl Duncan Rock The House
086 Colonel Abrams How Soon We Forget
087 Janet Jackson Pleasure Principle
088 Bananarama Love In The 1st Degree
089 Teen Dream Slip-Slide
090 Whitney Houston I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)
091 Madonna Causing A Commotion
092 Rick Astley My Arms Keep Missing You
093 Pet Shop Boys & Dusty Springfield What Have I Done To Deserve This
094 Jesse Johnson She (I Can't Resist)
095 Total Contrast Jody
096 Deja Serious
097 Company B Fascinated
098 J.M. Silk Let The Music Take Control
099 Rick & Lisa When You Gonna
100 Edwin Starr Whatever Makes Our Love Grow
101 Steve Hurley Jack Your Body
102 Jack E. Makossa The Opera House
103 Blue Mercedes I Want To Be Your Property
104 Chic Jack Le Freak (Remix ’87)
105 Earth, Wind & Fire System Of Survival
106 Whitney Houston So Emotional
107 Mel & Kim F.L.M.
108 Mel & Kim Respectable
109 Samantha Fox Nothing's Gonna Stop Me Now
110 Prince Feat. Sheena Easton U Got The Look
111 Alf / Ben Liebrand Cruisin’ On Melmac Interstate
112 Ben Liebrand Blast Off Grandmix 1987


1 januari 1988

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

13:00-14:00 uur:

Let op: dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 1987, zoals uitgezonden op Radio 3 bij VOO (Nederland)[22]

30 december 1988

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18:00-19:00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 1988, zoals uitgezonden op Radio 3 bij VOO (Nederland)[23]

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 1988
02 Phil Collins In The Air Tonight
03 Bomb The Bass Feat. Maureen Say A Little Prayer
04 Midnight Star Feat. Ecstacy Of Whodini Don't Rock The Boat
05 Joyce Sims Come Into My Life
06 Wee Papa Girl Rappers Wee Rule
07 Jermaine Stewart Say It Again
08 Derek B Goodgroove
09 Milli Vanilli Girl You Know It's True
10 Ellis, Beggs & Howard Big Bubbles, No Troubles
11 Milli Vanilli Baby Don't Forget My Number
12 Robbie Nevil Back On Holiday
13 Rick James Feat. Roxanne Shante Loosey's Rap
14 Mantronix Simple Simon (You Gotta Regard)
15 George Michael Monkey
16 Code 61 Drop The Deal
17 B.V.S.M.P. I Need You
18 Bill Withers Lovely Day (Original & Sunshine Mix)
19 The Boys Dial My Number
20 Jesse Johnson Every Shade Of Love
21 Salt 'N' Pepa Feat. E.U. Shake Your Thang
22 Michael Jackson with Jackson 5 I Want You Back
23 Erik B. & Rakim I Know You Got Soul
24 Wee Papa Girl Rappers Faith
25 Vanessa Williams He's Got The Look
26 Jermaine Stewart Get Lucky
27 Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons Oh, What A Night (Ben Liebrand Remix)
28. James Brown I'm Real
29 Mark Anthony 1919 Main St.
30 Eighth Wonder I'm Not Scared
31 Prince Alphabet St.
32 Alexander O'Neal The Lovers
33 James "D-Train" Williams In Your Eyes
34 Scritti Politti Feat. Roger Boom! There She Was
35 Cookie Crew Females (Get On Up)
36 Coldcut Stop This Crazy Thing
37 B.V.S.M.P. Be Gentle
38 Duran Duran I Don't Want Your Love
39 Mac Band Feat. The McCampbell Brothers Roses Are Red
40 The Pasadenas Tribute (Right On)
41 James Brown Static
42 Icarus Stone Fox Chase
43 Electra Jibaro
44 The Confetti's The Sound Of C
45 Lyn Collins Think (About It)
46 Michael Jackson Another Part Of Me
47 The Pasadenas Riding On A Train
48 Taja Sevelle Love Is Contagious
49 Rick Astley It Would Take A Strong Man
50 Evelyn "Champagne" King Hold On To What You've Got
51 Morris Day Fishnet
52 Giant Steps Another Lover
53 The Real Roxanne Respect
54 Five Star Another Weekend
55 Vanessa Williams The Right Stuff
56 Cut To Shock Put That Record Back On
57 Matt Bianco Good Times
58 Level 42 Children Say
59 Simon Harris Bass (How Low Can You Go)
60 Bomb The Bass Beat Dis
61 NT Gang Wam Bam
62 Tyka Nelson L.O.V.E.
63 Womack & Womack Life's Just A Ballgame
64 Londonbeat There's A Beat Going On
65 Jesse Johnson Love Struck
66 Shanice Wilson No 1/2 Stoppin'
67 Rick Astley Together Forever
68 Jellybean Feat. Richard Darbyshire Coming Back For More
69 Pebbles Mercedes Boy
70 Bomb The Bass Megablast
71 Alexander O'Neal (What Can I Say) To Make You Love Me
72 Johnny Hates Jazz Don't Say It's Love
73 Art Of Noise Feat. Tom Jones Kiss
74 Steven Dante I'm Too Scared
75 The Beatmasters Burn It Up
76 L.A. Mix Check This Out
77 Whitney Houston Love Will Save The Day
78 Dale Simon Simon
79 Johnny Kemp Just Got Paid
80 Nia Peeples Trouble
81 Narada Divine Emotions
82 S-Express Theme From S-Express
83 Coldcut Feat. Yazz & The Plastic Population Doctorin' The House
84 S-Express Superfly Guy
85 Billy Ocean Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car
86 Rick Astley She Wants To Dance With Me
87 The Jets Sendin' All My Love
88 Kim Wilde You Came
89 Taylor Dayne Prove Your Love
90 Ceejay A Little Love (What's Going On)
91 Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal
92 Inner City Big Fun
93 Samantha Fox Love House
94 Hithouse Jack To The Sound Of The Underground
95 Jack 'N' Chill Beatin' The Heat
96 Yazz & The Plastic Population The Only Way Is Up
97 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 1988 Blast-Off


29 december 1989

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.04-19.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 1989 uitgezonden op Radio 3 bij VOO (Nederland)[24]

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 1989
002 Soul II Soul Keep On Movin'
003 Rap IV Rap Keep On Movin' (The Rap Version)
004 Sybil Don't Make Me Over
005 Paula Abdul Straight Up
006 Malcolm McLaren And The Bootzilla Orchestra Waltz Darling
007 Milli Vanilli Blame It On The Rain
008 Jody Watley Friends
009 Lisa Stansfield All Around The World
010 Soul II Soul Back To Life (However Do You Want Me)
011 Wrecks 'N' Effect New Jack Swing
012 Wang Chung Dance Hall Days (Revisited)
013 Bobby Brown On Our Own
014 Bobby Brown Every Little Step
015 Beastie Boys Hey Ladies
016 Arthur Baker And The Backbeat Disciples The Message Is Love
017 Ruth Joy Don't Push It
018 Wendy & Lisa Are You My Baby
019 Inner City Whatcha Gonna Do With My Lovin'
020 Guy Teddy's Jam
021 Will Downing Test Of Time
022 Grace Jones Love On Top Of Love (Killer Kiss)
023 Public Enemy Fight The Power
024 Diana Ross Workin’ Overtime
025 The Jacksons Nothin' (That Compares 2 U)
026 The S.O.S. Band I'm Still Missing Your Love
027 Tone Loc I Got It Goin' On
028 Neneh Cherry Buffalo Stance
029 Alyson Williams Sleep Talk
030 Alyson Williams My Love Is So Raw
031 David A. Stewart Feat. Candy Dulfer Lily Was Here
032 Sydney Youngblood Sit And Wait
033 Redhead Kingpin And The F.B.I. Do The Right Thing
034 Jody Watley Real Love
035 Fine Young Cannibals She Drives Me Crazy
036 Donna Allen Joy And Pain
037 De La Soul Eye Know
038 Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock Joy And Pain
039 Janet Jackson Rhythm Nation
040 Bobby Brown My Prerogative
041 The Chimes 1-2-3
042 Stetsasonic Miami Bass
043 De La Soul Say No Go
044 Tony Scott The Chief
045 Sly & Robbie Dance Hall
046 Karyn White Secret Rendezvous
047 Madonna Like A Prayer
048 Paul Simpson Feat. Adeva Musical Freedom (Free At Last)
049 Scram Running Away
050 Chaka Khan I'm Every Woman
051 Donna Allen Can We Talk
052 Guy Spend The Night
053 Teddy Riley Feat. Guy My Fantasy
054 Heavy D. & The Boyz We Got Our Own Thang
055 Sugarhill Gang Rapper's Delight (Ben Liebrand Hip Hop Remix '89)
056 De La Soul Me Myself And I
057 The Real Roxanne Roxanne's On A Roll
058 Tony Terry Forget The Girl
059 Malcolm McLaren And The Bootzilla Orchestra Deep In Vogue
060 Sheena Easton The Lover In Me
061 Janet Jackson Miss You Much
062 Flame With Tony Terry On The Strength
063 Madonna Express Yourself
064 Donna Summer This Time I Know It's For Real
065 Rob 'N' Raz Feat. Leila K Got To Get
066 Monie Love I Can Do This
067 Aretha Franklin & Whitney Houston It Isn't, It Wasn't, It Ain't Never Gonna Be
068 James Ingram It's Real
069 Tone Loc Funky Cold Medina
070 Prince Partyman
071 Double Trouble & Rebel MC Street Tuff
072 Doug Lazy Let It Roll
073 Young MC Bust A Move
074 Sueño Latino Sueño Latino
075 Twin Hype For Those Who Like To Groove
076 Neneh Cherry Kisses In The Wind
077 Twin Hype For Those Who Like To Groove
078 Adeva Respect
079 Adeva Warning!
080 Adeva I Thank You
081 Ten City That's The Way Love Is
082 D-Mob It Is Time To Get Funky
083 Robert Howard & Kym Mazelle Wait
084 Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock Get On The Dancefloor
085 K.A. Posse Dig This
086 Home Boys Only Turn It Out
087 FPI Project Rich In Paradise (Going Back To My Roots)
088 D-Mob C'Mon And Get My Love
089 Exposé What You Don't Know
090 Living In A Box Blow The House Down
091 Paula Abdul Forever Your Girl
092 Sydney Youngblood If Only I Could
093 Black Box Ride On Time
094 Steve "Silk" Hurley Work It Out
095 Petra & Co Just Let Go
096 Ben Liebrand The Eve Of The War
097 Kiss AMC A Bit Of...
098 Coldcut Feat. Lisa Stansfield People Hold On
099 DJ Fast Eddie Yo Yo Get Funky
100 Kraze Let's Play House
101 Starlight Numero Uno
102 Lil’ Louis French Kiss
103 Double Trouble & Rebel MC Just Keep Rockin'
104 The Beatmasters Ska Train
105 The Beatmasters with Merlin Who's In The House
106 Mr. Lee Get Busy
107 Technotronic Feat. Felly Pump Up The Jam
108 Monie Love Grandpa's Party
109 Raul Orellana The Real Wild House
110 Lisa Marie With Malcolm McLaren And The Bootzilla Orchestra Something's Jumpin' In Your Shirt
111 Ben Liebrand Outro / Blast Off Grandmix 1989


5 januari 1990

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

14.04-15.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 1989 uitgezonden op Radio 3 bij VOO (Nederland)[25]

28 december 1990

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 1990 uitgezonden op Radio 3 bij VOO (Nederland)[26]

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 1990
002 Enigma The Voice Of Enigma
003 Enigma Sadeness (Part 1)
004 Double Trouble Love Don't Live Here Anymore
005 Maxi Priest Close To You
006 Beats International Feat. Lindy Layton Dub Be Good To Me
007 Maureen Walsh Thinking Of You
008 After 7 Can't Stop
009 En Vogue Hold On
010 En Vogue Lies
011 ICE MC Easy
012 Neneh Cherry Inner City Mama
013 Madonna Justify My Love
014 DNA Feat. Suzanne Vega Tom's Diner
015 Aswad Next To You
016 Loose Ends Don't Be A Fool
017 Bassomatic Fascinating Rhythm
018 Milli Vanilli All Or Nothing
019 Soul II Soul Get A Life
020 Glenn Medeiros & Bobby Brown She Ain't Worth It
021 Pebbles Giving You The Benefit
022 Innocence Natural Thing
023 Caron Wheeler Living In The Light
024 Innocence Silent Voice
025 Soul II Soul A Dream's A Dream
026 Snap! Oops Up
027 Neneh Cherry I've Got You Under My Skin
028 Caron Wheeler UK Blak
029 EMF Unbelievable
030 The Family Stand Ghetto Heaven
031 En Vogue Don't Worry
032 Jane Child Welcome To The Real World
033 Keith Sweat Make You Sweat
034 Innocence Let's Push It
035 TKA I Won't Give Up On You
036 Public Enemy 911 Is A Joke
037 Seduction Breakdown
038 Kid Frost La Raza
039 Monie Love It's A Shame (My Sister)
040 Mantronix Feat. Wondress Take Your Time
041 The Winans It's Time
042 Snap! The Power
043 Troop That's My Attitude
044 Chad Jackson Hear The Drummer Get Wicked
045 Jungle Brothers What 'U' Waitin' 4
046 Milli Vanilli Keep On Running
047 Dimples D. Sucker DJ (A Witch For Love) (Ben Liebrand Remix)
048 Snap! Cult Of Snap
049 Bell Biv Devoe Do Me!
050 Whistle! Bad Habit
051 The Deff Boyz Swing
052 Guy I Wanna Get With U
053 Today Why You Get Funky On Me
054 Hi-Five Just Can't Handle It
055 Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E. Psyko Funk
056 Dom.I.No Up The Par
057 Prince And The New Power Generation New Power Generation
058 Johnny Gill Rub You The Right Way
059 Public Enemy Welcome To The Terrordome
060 Whitney Houston I'm Your Baby Tonight
061 The Chimes Heaven
062 Bell Biv Devoe Poison
063 King Bee Back By Dope Demand
064 The Stone Roses Fools Gold
065 Ben Liebrand Feat. Tony Scott Move To The Bigband
066 Tongue 'N Cheek Nobody
067 Londonbeat I've Been Thinking About You
068 Basic Black She's Mine
069 Basic Black Nothing But A Party
070 Jungle Brothers Doin' Our Own Thing
071 Janet Jackson Black Cat
072 Was (Not Was) Papa Was A Rolling Stone
073 Soul II Soul People
074 Vanilla Ice Ice Ice Baby
075 Monie Love Monie In The Middle
076 Janet Jackson Escapade
077 King Bee Feat. Michéle Must Bee The Music
078 Tony! Toni! Toné! Feels Good
079 Madonna Vogue
080 Quincy Jones Listen Up
081 MC Wildski Warrior
082 Rebel MC Better World
083 Hypnoteck And DJ Patrice "G" Stiker Pump Pump It Up
084 Black Box Everybody, Everybody
085 Deskee Dance Dance
086 Deee-Lite What Is Love?
087 The KLF What Time Is Love
088 The Adventures Of Stevie V. Body Language
089 2 In A Room Do What You Wanna Do
090 Doug Lazy Let The Rhythm Pump
091 F.A.B. Feat. MC Parker Thunderbirds Are Go!
092 DNA La Serenissima
093 Sinéad O'Connor Nothing Compares 2 U
094 Adamski Feat. Seal Killer
095 MC Hammer Pray
096 Morris Day Jerk Out
097 Adamski The Space Jungle
098 Snap! Don't Believe The Hype
099 Snap! Mary Had A Little Boy
100 Black Box I Don't Know Anybody Else
101 The Adventures Of Stevie V. Dirty Cash
102 Technotronic Feat. Ya Kid K Rockin' Over The Beat
103 Clubland & Quartz Feat. King Bee Let's Get Busy (Pump It Up)(Snap! Remix)
104 Betty Boo Doin' The Doo
105 Deee-Lite Groove Is In The Heart
106 Simon Harris Ragga House
107 49-ers Don't You Love Me
108 Jazzi P Feel The Rhythm
109 D-Mob Put Your Hands Together
110 Twenty 4 Seven I Can't Stand It
111 Fast Eddie Most Wanted
112 ICE MC Cinema
113 2 In A Room Wiggle It
114 49-ers Touch Me
115 Kim Appleby Don't Worry
116 D-Shake Yaaaaah!
117 Technotronic Feat. MC Eric This Beat Is Technotronic
118 Technotronic Feat. Ya Kid K Get Up (Before The Night Is Over)
119 MC Fixx It Move Your Body
120 Fast Eddie Feat. Sundance Git On Up
121 Deskee Let There Be House
122 808 State Cubic
123 Atahualpa Ultimo Imperio
124 WestBam Hold Me Back
125 Twenty 4 Seven Are You Dreaming?
126 Mr. Lee Pump That Body
127 Tony Scott Gangster Boogie
128 Ben Liebrand With Voice-Over Tony Scott Outtro Grandmix 1990
129 MC Hammer U Can't Touch This


4 januari 1991

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

14.04-15.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 1990 uitgezonden op Radio 3 bij VOO (Nederland)[27]

27 december 1991

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18:04-19:00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 1991 uitgezonden op Radio 3 bij VOO (Nederland)[28]

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 1991
002 Shanice I Love Your Smile
003 Kenny Thomas Thinking About Your Love
004 DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Summertime
005 Ralph Tresvant Sensitivity
006 Dr. Alban No Coke
007 A Tribe Called Quest Can I Kick It
008 PM Dawn Set A Drift On Memory Bliss
009 Candyman Knockin' Boots
010 Color Me Badd I Wanna Sex You Up
011 L.L. Cool J Around The Way Girl
012 The Simpsons Do The Bartman
013 Dr. Alban Hello Afrika
014 Kenny Thomas Best Of You
015 Army Of Lovers Obsession
016 Salt 'N' Pepa Let's Talk About Sex
017 De La Soul Ring Ring Ring
018 Salt 'N' Pepa You Showed Me
019 Powercut Girls
020 Lisa Stansfield Change
021 Color Me Badd All 4 Love
022 Guy Do Me Right
023 Sheena Easton You Can Swing
024 Karen White Romantic
025 Christopher Williams I'm Dreamin'
026 Incognito Feat. Chyna Crazy For You
027 Prince & The New Power Generation Gett Off
028 De La Soul Keepin' The Faith
029 Ice T. New Jack Hustler
030 Joey B. Ellis Go For It
031 B.G. The Prince Of Rap This Beat Is Hot
032 The Clash Should I Stay
033 Simply Red Something Got Me Started
034 Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam Let The Beat Hit Em
035 C&C Music Factory Feat. Freedom Williams Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)
036 C&C Music Factory Here We Go (Let's Rock & Roll)
037 C&C Music Factory Things That Make You Go Hmmm
038 Redhead Kingpin & The F.B.I. Get It Together
039 Boyz II Men Feat. Tony Scott Under Pressure
040 Guy Her
041 De La Soul A Rollerskating Jam Named Saturdays
042 Michael Jackson Black Or White
043 Incognito Feat. Jocelyn Brown Always There
044 Nomad Feat. MC Mikee Freedom (I Wanna Give You) Devotion
045 Prince & The New Power Generation Cream
046 Adeva It Should Have Been Me
047 Colin England I Got What You Need
048 Madonna Rescue Me
049 King Bee Feat. Ultramagnetic MC's & Rude Boy Remington Cold Slammin'
050 Black Box Strike It Up
051 The Bingo Boys How To Dance
052 Cathy Dennis Touch Me
053 DJ Jazzy Jeff Ring My Bell
054 The KLF 3AM Eternall
055 Sonic Surfers Feat. Prhyme and Vivian Black Beat Of Zen
056 Technotronic Feat. Reggie Move That Body
057 Frankie Knuckles The Whistle Song
058 Heavy D. & The Boyz Now That We Found Love
059 Salt 'N' Pepa Do You Really Want Me
060 Crystal Waters Makin' Happy
061 Mosai III Dance Now
062 Crystal Waters Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
063 Lonnie Gordon Gonna Catch You
064 C&C Music Factory Just A Touch Of Love
065 2 In A Room Wiggle It
066 The Shamen ProGen 1991 (Move Any Mountain)
067 Monie Love & Adeva Ring My Bell
068 Tony Scott Gimme Some
069 Cut 'N' Move Spread Love
070 Clubhouse Deep In My Heart
071 Xpansions Elevation
072 Musto & Bones Dangerous On The Dancefloor
073 The KLF Last Train To Trance Central
074 R.F.T.R. Extrasyn
075 Little Louie Vega Ride On The Rhythm
076 Army Of Lovers Crucified
077 Nomad Just A Groove
078 Culture Beat No Deeper Meaning
079 Afrika Bambaataa Just Get Up And Dance
080 Human Resource Dominator
081 Chimo Bayo A Si Mi Gusta A Mi
082 D-Shake My Heart The Beat
083 Jamie Dee Burnin' Up
084 R.A.F. We Gonna Get
085 Sounds Of Blackness The Pressure (Part 1)
086 Breakboys My House Is Your House
087 808 State Cubik
088 A Homeboy, A Hippy And A Funki Dredd Total Confusion
089 Monie Love Down To Earth
090 Off Shore Can't Take The Power
091 Capella Everybody
092 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor Feat. Da Smooth Baron MC I Can't Help Myself
093 Latour People Are Still Having Sex
094 N-Joi Anthem
095 Katherine E. I'm Alright
096 Meditation Air Of Gloom
097 2 Unlimited Get Ready For This
098 Moby Go
099 Cubik 22 Night In Motion
100 Bizarre Inc. Raise Me
101 Channel X Groove To Move
102 Channel X Rave The Rhythm
103 Egma Let The Bass Kick
104 Quadrophenia The Way Of The Future
105 80 Aum Mindcontroller
106 T99 Nocturne
107 T99 Anasthasia
108 Quazar The Future
109 The Hypnotist This Is My House
110 Praga Kahn Rave Alarm
111 The Prodigy Charlie
112 Rozalla Everybody's Free (To Feel Good)
113 L.A. Style James Brown Is Dead
114 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 1991


26 december 1992

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18:00-19:00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 1992 uitgezonden op Radio 3 bij VOO (Nederland)[29]

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 1992
002 En Vogue My Lovin'
003 Shabba Ranks Mr. Loverman
004 Del Tha Funkee Homosapien Mistadobalina
005 En Vogue Free Your Mind
006 Salt'N'Pepa Start Me Up
007 George Michael Too Funky
008 Arrested Development People Everyday
009 Arrested Development Tennessee
010 Soul II Soul Joy
011 The Cover Girls Wishing On A Star
012 Kriss Kross Jump
013 Madonna Erotica
014 Kriss Kross Warm It Up
015 Soul II Soul Move The Mountain
016 Ce Ce Peniston Keep On Walking
017 John Secada Just Another Day
018 Black Machine How Gee
019 Joe Public Live and Learn
020 House Of Pain Jump Around
021 Kriss Kross I Missed The Bus
022 Teddy Riley & Tammy Is It Good To You
023 Black Machine Funky Funky People
024 Incognito Don't Worry 'Bout A Thing
025 Bobby Brown Humpin' Aroud
026 C&C Music Factory Feat. Q-Unique & D.Cooper Keep It Comin' (Dance Till You Can't Dance No More!)
027 Kym Sims A Little Bit More
028 The Pasadenas I'm Doing Fine Now
029 Heavy D. & The Boyz The Lover's Got What U Need
030 DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince The Things That U Do
031 Paris Red Promises
032 Michael Jackson Remember The Time
033 Salt'N'Pepa Expression
034 Mass Order Lift Every Voice (Take Me Away)
035 Jamie Principle Hot Body
036 Cookie Crew Brother Like Sister
037 T.L.C. Ain't 2 Proud To Beg
038 Shawn Christopher Don't Lose The Magic
039 Double You Please Don't Go
040 Beckie Bell I'll Never Know
041 Sophia Running So Hard
042 Aly Us Follow Me
043 Ce Ce Peniston Finally
044 Michael Jackson Jam
045 Luther Vandross & Janet Jackson With BBD & Ralph Tresvant The Best Things In Life Are Free
046 Ce Ce Peniston We Got A Love Thang
047 Clubland Hypnotized
048 Lidell Townsel Nu Nu
049 Nomad Your Love Is Lifting Me
050 Sleepwalker Saying Hi There
051 K-yze Sweat Dance
052 Clivilles' & Cole A Deeper Love
053 Larry Spinosa Guitar
054 Innercity Pennies From Heaven
055 Undercover Bakerstreet
056 C&C Music Factory Feat. Q-Unique & D.Cooper Keep It Comin' (Dance Till You Can't Dance No More!)
057 Dance To Trance Hello San Fransisco
058 Snap! Rhythm Is A Dancer
059 Lil Louis & The World Club Lonely
060 Opus III It's A Fine Day
061 World Series Of Life Feat. Claudine Nelson I Would Give Anything
062 Beckie Bell Steppin' Out Tonight
063 Gat Decor Passion
064 Zeon No Faith
065 Ramirez La Musica Tremenda
066 Mambo Kings Para Los Rumberos
067 Sadomasy & DJ One Body Motion
068 Bizarre Inc. Feat. Angie Brown I'm Gonna Get You
069 X-es Roller-Coaster
070 Format Solid Session
071 2 Unlimited The Magic Friend
072 Andronicus Make You Hole
073 Dr. Alban It's My Life
074 Paradise 3001 Tales Of Northern & Southern Hemispheres
075 Transformer 2 Pacific Symphony
076 Obstruction ‎ I Want You Forever
077 2 The Core Have A Nice Day
078 Felix Don't You Want Me
079 Dr. Baker Turn Up The Music
080 2 Unlimited Workaholic
081 Ramirez El Ritmo Barbaro
082 Bass Bumpers The Music's Got Me
083 Aquastep Oumpa Loempa
084 Ramirez & Pizarro Hablando
085 Chestnut Pot Of Gold
086 The Age Of Love The Age Of Love
087 Sequencial Big Boom
088 2 Unlimited Twilight Zone
089 House Nation Ultimate Seduction
090 Ultimate Seduction The Ultimate Seduction
091 Speedy J Pull Over
092 Westbam The Mayday Anthem
093 Interactive Dildo
094 N.U.K.E. Nana
095 Intrance Feat. D-Sign Te Quierro
096 3 Phase Der Klang Der Familie
097 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 92 "There Can Only Be One"


16 januari 1993

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

19:00-20:00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 1992 uitgezonden op Radio 3 bij VOO (Nederland)[30]


30 januari 1999

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

19.00-20.00 uur:

Dit is de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1983 uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)[31][32]

27 februari 1999

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

19.00-20.00 uur:

Dit is de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1984 uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)

27 maart 1999

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

19.00-20.00 uur:

Dit is de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1985 uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)

24 april 1999

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

19.00-20.00 uur:

Dit is de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1986 uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)

29 mei 1999

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

19.00-20.00 uur:

Dit is de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1987 uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)

26 Juni 1999

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

19.00-20.00 uur:

Dit is de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1988 uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)

31 juli 1999

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

19.00-20.00 uur:

Dit is de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1989 uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)

28 augustus 1999

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

19.00-20.00 uur:

Dit is de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1990 uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)

25 september 1999

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

19.00-20.00 uur:

Dit is de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1991 uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)

30 oktober 1999

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

19.00-20.00 uur:

Dit is de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1992 uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)

27 november 1999

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

19.00-20.00 uur:

Dit is de speciale directors cut van de Classicsmix, met 4 extra tracks, aangegeven met een (*), uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Hot R.S. Slow Blow (Sound Effect)
02 Gene Page Close Encounters Of The Third Kind (Intro Spraak Effect)
03 Love Deluxe Here Comes That Sound (Drum intro Sample)
04 M (Robin Scott) Popmuzik
05 Fern Kinney Groove Me
06 Sugarhill Gang Rapper's Delight
07 Chic Good Times
08 Kurtis Blow The Breaks
09 Instant Funk Got My Mind Made Up
10 Trussel Love Injection
11 Kool & the Gang Ladies Night
12 McFadden & Whitehead Ain't No Stopping Us Now
13 Jocko Rhythm Talk
14 T-Connection At Midnight
15 Shalamar Second Time Around
16 Crown Heights Affair You Gave Me Love
17 Al Hudson & The Partners You Can Do It
18 The Whispers And The Beat Goes On
19 Dynasty I Don't Wanna Be A Freak (But I Can't Help Myself)
20 Gene Chandler Get Down
21 Billy Ocean Are You Ready
22 The Jacksons Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)
23 Michael Jackson Don't Stop Till You Get Enough
24 Sister Sledge He's The Greatest Dancer
25 Sister Sledge We Are Family
26 Chic Le Freak
27 Karen Young Hot Shot
28 Santa Esmeralda Feat. Leroy Gomez Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
29 Frantique Strut Your Funky Stuff
30 Michael Zager Band Let's All Chant
31 First Choice Let No Man Put Asunder (*)
32 Rocker's Revenge Feat. Donny Calvin Walking On Sunshine (*)
33 Earth, Wind & Fire Let's Groove (*)
34 Poussez! Come On And Do It (Ben Liebrand Remix)
35 Antonia Rodriquez La Bamba
36 G.Q. Disco Nights (Rock-Freak)
37 Herbie Hancock Tell Everybody
38 Gino Soccio Dancer
39 Donna Summer Bad Girls
40 Lipps Inc. Funky Town
41 Dan Hartman Relight My Fire
42 Ashford & Simpson Found A Cure
43 Sergio Mendez & Brasil '88 I'll Tell You
44 Narada Michael Walden Tonight I'm Alright
45 Gary's Gang Showtime
46 Baby 'O In The Forest
47 The Jacksons Can You Feel It
48 Anita Ward Ring My Bell
49 Sparks Beat The Clock
50 Gary's Gang Keep On Dancin'
51 The Manhattan Transfer Twilight Zone
52 Cuba Gooding Happiness, Is Just Around The Bend (Acapella) (*)
53 Georgio Moroder Chase
54 Donna Summer I Feel Love
55 Telex Moskow Diskow
56 Harry Thumann Underwater
57 Earth, Wind & Fire with The Emotions Boogie Wonderland
58 Nightlife Unlimited Love Is In You
59 Poussez! Never Gonna Say Goodbye
60 The Jacksons Walk Right Now
61 Kat Mandu The Break
62 Helicopter Landing Sound Effect
63 Destination The Party Is Over

31 december 1999

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix Millennium Edition uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix Millenium Edition
002 Milli Vanilli Girl You Now It's True
003 Wee Papa Girl Rappers Wee Rule
004 Stock, Aitken & Waterman Roadblock
005 Bill Withers Lovely Day
006 Lisa Stansfield All Around The World
007 Jocelyn Brown Somebody Else's Guy
008 Imagination Just An Illusion
009 Nu Shooz I Can't Wait
010 The Pasadenas Tribute (Right On)
011 Odyssey Going Back To My Roots
012 Miquel Brown Close To Perfection
013 People's Choice Do It Any Way You Wanna
014 Herbie Hancock Rock It
015 Stephanie Mills Medicine Song
016 Bar-Kays Sex-O-Matic
017 King Bee Back By Dope Demand
018 Linda Lewis Class Style (I've Got It)
019 Rick Astley Never Gonna Give You Up
020 London Beat I've Been Thinking About You
021 Gloria Gaynor I Will Survive
022 M/A/R/R/S Pump Up The Volume
023 Dazz Band Let It All Blow
024 Alisha Babytalk
025 Five Star All Fall Down
026 The Jacksons Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground)
027 Suēno Latino Suēno Latino
028 Loleatta Holloway Love Sensation
029 Santa Esmeralda Feat. Leroy Gomez Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
030 First Choice Let No Man Put Us Under
031 Weeks & Company Rock Your World
032 Robin S. Love 4 Love
033 Pointer Sisters Fire
034 Hithouse Jack To The Sound Of The Underground
035 Raze Brake For Love
036 MC Sar & The Real Mc Coy It's On You
037 2 In A Room Do What You Want
038 Crystal Waters Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
039 Ce Ce Peniston Finally
040 Jenny Bee Wanna Get Your Love
041 Fun Fun Happy Station
042 Peter Brown They Only Come Out At Night
043 Carol Jiani Hit & Run Lover
044 Dan Hartman Relight My Fire
045 Herbie Hancock Tell Everybody
046 Michael Zager Band Let's All Chant
047 Poussez! Come On And Do It
048 Viola Wills If You Could Read My Mind
049 Lipps Inc. Funkytown
050 Moloko Sing It Back
051 Twenty 4 Seven I Can't Stand It
052 Mousse T. Horny '98
052 Black & White Brothers Put Your Hands Up
053 The Limit Say Yeah
054 Haddaway What Is Love
055 Snap! Rhythm Is A Dancer
056 Technotronic Feat. Ya Kid K Get Up (Before The Night Is Over)
057 Course Ready Or Not
058 M-People Moving On Up
059 Goodmen Give It Up
060 Wamdue Project King Of My Castle
061 The Jacksons Can You Feel It
062 Anita Ward Ring My Bell
063 Alisha Bridges I Love The Nightlife
064 Moby Go
065 Powerhouse Feat. Duane Harden What You Need
066 Dominica Gotta Let You Go
067 Kristine W Feel What You Want
068 Faithless Insomnia
069 T99 Anastasia
070 Dead Or Alive You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)
071 Ultra Nate Free
072 Dr. Alban It's My Life
073 Gala Freed From Desire
074 RUN DMC vs. Jason Nevins It's Like That
075 Jaydee Plastic Dreams
076 Quadrophonia Quadrophonia
077 Earth, Wind & Fire September '99 (Remix)
078 Phats & Small Feel Good
079 Tag Team Whoomp! There It Is
080 Avantgarde Get Down
081 Ann Lee 2 Times
082 Tina Cousins Killing Time
083 ATB 9PM
084 2 Eivissa Oh Lalala
085 Earth, Wind & Fire with The Emotions Boogie Wonderland
086 Sash! Encore Une Fois
087 The Sunclub Fiesta
088 Cappella Move On Baby
089 Atlantic Ocean Waterfall
090 Mark Van Dale & Enrico Water Verve
091 Culture Beat Mr. Vain
092 R.O.O.S. Instant Moments
093 T-Spoon No Time To Waste
094 DJ Jean & Peran I Give My Life
095 La Bouche Be My Lover
096 De Bos On The Run
097 John Scatman Scatman
098 The Vengaboys We Like To Party
099 DJ Jean The Launch
100 Jam & Spoon Right In The Night
101 Robert Miles Children
102 BBE 7 Days & 1 Week
103 Gouryella Gouryella
104 Kadoc The Nighttrain
105 System F Out Of The Blue
106 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix Millenium Edition


14 januari 2000

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix Millennium Edition uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)[33]

31 december 2000

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 2000, zoals uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 2000
002 Spiller Feat. Sophie Ellis-Bextor Groove Jet (If This Ain't Love)
003 Madison Avenue Don't Call Me Baby
004 Daf Fader Da Bridge
005 Triple X Feel The Same
006 Anastacia I'm Outta Love
007 Black Legend You See The Trouble With Me
008 Sunkids Feat. Chance Rise Up
009 Negrocan Cada Vez
010 ATFC Presents. OnePhatDeeva Bad Habit
011 Soul Providers Rise
012 Bini & Martini Happiness
013 Master Freakz Let Yourself Go
014 Superfunk Lucky Star
015 Masters At Work Feat. India To Be In Love
016 Da Groove Feat. Luis Anthony I'm Falling In Love
017 DJ Jean Love Come Home
018 Madison Avenue Who The Hell Are You
019 Love Connection The Bomb
020 Big Ron Let The Freak
021 DJ Antoine vs. Mad Mark Presents. Pizza Boyz ‎ La Chitara
022 York OTB (On The Beach)
023 Robbie Rivera I Can't Take It
024 Stéphane Malca Next To You
025 DJ Rene Music All Over The World
026 Future Groove Express Thru Tha Roof
027 Artful Dodger Feat. Craig David Re-Rewind (The Crowd Say Bo Selecta)
028 Lonyo Summer of Love
029 Artful Dodger Movin' Too Fast
030 B-15 Project Feat. Crissy D & Lady G Girls Like Us
031 Craig David Fill Me In
032 Chicane Feat. Bryan Adams Don't Give Up
033 Dance Valley Crew Feat. Junkie Xl Dance Valley 2000
034 Le Voix Du Monde Tribal Tunes
035 Olav Basoski Opium Scumbagz
036 First Choice The Player
037 Twin A New Day
038 Grooveyard Feat. Michel de Hey Let The Music Be Your Guide
039 E. Craig Dutch Drum Attack
040 S.O. Project Direct Dizko
041 Sander Kleinenberg My Lexicon
042 Cut Masters Front To The Back
043 Those 2 Get Wicked
044 Armin van Buuren Communication
045 Fragma Toca´s Miracle
046 Libra Presents. Taylor Anomaly (Calling Your Name)
047 Baby D. Let Me Be Your Fantasy
048 Rank 1 Airwave
049 Gaia 4 Elements
050 Signum Solar Level
051 Gouryella Walhalla
052 8th Wonder Feat. DJ Marco She Loves House Music
053 Darude Sandstorm
054 The Phunky Tec Brother Phat & Phunky
055 DJ Rob Fabrie Going Out To All The DJ's
056 Enrico Discoclubber
057 Klubbheads Big Bass Bomb
058 Klubbheads Turn Up The Bass
059 Scoop Rock the House
060 Potatoheads Pump It Up
061 Jetson Starlight(Massive Mix)
062 Hiper Gimme More
063 Sash! Adelante
064 Darude Feel The Beat
065 Warp Brothers Phatt Bass
066 Hi-Gate Pitchin'
067 System F Cry (Ferry Corsten Clubmix)
068 Delerium Feat. Sarah McLachlan Silence
069 Mario Piu Communication
070 Loop 35 Lay Down The Beat
071 Agnelli & Nelson Hudson Street
072 DJ Onne Get It On
073 LiQuid Feat. Silvy Turn The Tide
074 Club Robbers Search For The Ball
075 DJ Jurgen Higher & Higher
076 Simone Angel Contact
077 Southside Spinners Luvstruck 2000
078 DJ Peter G. vs. B.O.B. Ltd. Funky Hornblower
079 Cyber Human The Scene
080 Paffendorf Where Are You
081 Perfect Phase Horny Horns
082 Lock 'n Load Blow Ya Mind
083 Hi-Gate I Can Hear Voices
084 Cygnus X Superstring
085 Gouryella Tenshi
086 Svenson & Gielen Beauty Of Silence
087 Alibi Eternity
088 Airscape L’Esperanza
089 DJ Jose vs. G-spott The House Of Justice
090 DJ Tiësto Sparkles
091 Blank & Jones The Nightfly
092 Collusion Impetuous
093 Mac Zimms Doobeedoo
094 G-spott Melo G
095 The Sunclub Movin' On
096 Kernkraft 400 Zombie Nation
097 Southeast Players The Horny Drummachine
098 Milk Inc. Walk On Water
099 Storm Time To Burn
100 Manjaro Kili Conflicts
101 Aria Dido
102 Kosmonova Dance Avec Moi
103 Major League Wonder
104 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 2000


19 januari 2001

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

21.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2000, zoals uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland) [34][35]

31 december 2001

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 2001, zoals uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)[36]

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 2001
002 The Ones Flawless
003 Gypsymen Babarabatiri
004 Felix Da Housecat Silver Screen (Shower Scene)
005 Mark Van Dale Feat. CB Milton Something Goin’ On
006 Warm It’s The Music
007 Soulvation I Just Can't Stop
008 Ultra Nate Get It Up
009 Disco-Tex I Can Cast A Spell
010 M&S Presents. Salsoul Nugget
011 Stuart Now I’m Free
012 Ian Pooley Balmes
013 Shorte vs. Black Legend Somebody
014 Max Linen The Soulshaker
015 Big World Open Your Heart
016 Raven Maze The Real Life
017 Deepswing In The Music
018 Different Gear vs. Sia Drink To Get Drunk
019 Delerium Innocente (Falling In Love)
020 IIO Rapture
021 Kosheen Catch
022 Bastian You’ve Got My Love
023 Roger Sanchez Another Chance
024 Silverstone If I Had A Choice
025 G Club Presents. Banda Sonora Guitarra
026 Static Revenger Happy People
027 Decoy Casa Fiesta
028 Mantira Mas Y Mas
029 Solid Sessions Janeiro
030 G-Starr Morning Light
031 ATB Let U Go
032 Gigi D’Agostino La Passion
033 Rui Da Silva Touch Me
034 Roger Sanchez You Can’t Change Me
035 Chocolate Puma I Wanna Be U
036 Rising Star Touch Me
037 Storm Storm
038 Gigi D’Agostino Super
039 Alice Deejay Celebrate Our Love
040 Daddy DJ Daddy DJ
041 Parla & Pardoux Jump Let’s Party
042 Parla & Pardoux Liberte
043 ATC My Heart Beats Like A Drum
044 Coast 2 Coast Feat. Discovery Home
046 Klubbheads Here We Go
047 Perpetuous Dreamer Sound Of Goodbye
048 Storm Storm Animal
049 The Groove Brothers Work
050 DJ Prince & Justin K Got To Have
051 Fatboy Slim Star 69
052 System F Dance Valley Theme
053 Dreamcatcher I Don't Wanna Lose My Way
054 DJ Jose vs G-Spott Access
055 Mauro Picotto Komodo
056 Fragma Feat. Maria Rubia Everytime You Need Me
057 Collusion Mutual Consent
058 DJ Tiësto Flight 643
059 Madelyne A Deeper Love
060 Zippora What About You
061 Hammerhouse The Jumper
062 System F Soul On Soul
063 Members of Mayday 10 In 01
064 The Thrillseekers Feat. Sheryl Deane Synaesthesia
065 Joy Kitikonti Energizer
066 DJ Jean Lift Me Up
067 Beam & Yanou The Freefall
068 Tukan Like A Rainbow
069 Mauro Picotto Like This Like That
070 Alcazar Crying At The Discoteque
071 Plaything Into Space
072 Dance Nation Sunshine
073 Rollercoaster Don't Hold Me Back
074 Mauro Picotto Proximus
075 Peran Good Time
076 The Moon Blow Up The Speakers
077 O.T. Quartet Hold That Sucker Down
078 System F Feat. Armin van Buuren Exhale
079 The Ard Sound Of Silverspace
080 G-Spott N-R-G
081 David Forbes Questions Must Be Asked
082 System F Needle Juice
083 Lock 'N Load House Some More
084 The Crazy Drummer Rollercoaster
085 Fragma With Damae You Are Alive
086 Natural Born Grooves Kickback
087 Sylver Forgiven
088 Public Domain Operation Blade
089 DJ Jose vs. G-Spott II Symbols
090 Blank & Jones Beyond Time
091 Ian Van Dahl Castles In The Sky
092 Klubbheads Hiphopping
093 Collusion Conspiracy
094 Lasgo Something
095 Mario Piu The Vision
096 Sylver Turn The Tide
097 Svenson & Gielen Twisted
098 Milk Inc. Land Of The Living
099 DJ Tiësto Suburban Train
100 Justin K & DJ K-Mixx Northern Lights
101 Milk Inc. Livin' A Lie
102 PPK Resurrection
103 Rank 1 Such Is Life
104 Barthezz Infected
105 Barthezz On The Move
106 Gigi D’Agostino L’amour Toujours
107 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 2001


18 januari 2002

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

12.00-15.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2001, zoals uitgezonden op 31 december 2001 op Radio 538 (Nederland)[37]

31 december 2002

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 2002, zoals uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 2002
002 Galleon So I Begin
003 Gare Du Nord Boogie All Night Long
004 Praful Inspiracio
005 J.C.A. I Begin To Wonder
006 Alcazar Sexual Guarantee
007 The Soundbluntz Billie Jean
008 Moony Dove
009 Robin S. Show Me Love 2002
010 Pink Cofee Another Brick In The Wall
011 Mad'house Like A Prayer
012 Reckless Still In The Groove
013 David Guetta Love Don't Let Me Go
014 Shakedown At Night
015 Brio From Rio Just For Me
016 Masters At Work (M.A.W.) Work
017 Floris One More Day (SW Remix)
018 Db Boulevard Point Of View (Clubmix)
019 Mad'house Holiday
020 D-Note Shed My Skin
021 Goldtrix Presents. A Brown It's Love
022 De Nuit All That Mattered
023 Jakatta So Lonely
024 Tim Deluxe It Just Won't Do
025 Milky Just The Way You Are
026 Kooki Imagination
027 X-Press 2 Feat. David Byrne Lazy
028 Safri Duo Sweet Freedom
029 Jackmasters Love Can't Turn Around
030 Richard F Cookie Dough Dynamo
031 Tiga & Zyntherius Sunglasses At Night
032 Helen Garcia Soul Soothing Sunshine
033 Missy Elliott 4 My People
034 Karaja She Moves
035 Praise Cats Shine On Me
036 Riva Time Is The Healer
037 Riva Who Do You Love Now?
038 Nigel & Marvin Follow The Leader 2002
039 Tiësto 643 (Love's On Fire)
040 Michel De Hey, Secret Cinema & Mc Marxman Dance Valley Theme 2002
041 Dance Nation Dance
042 Sinead O'connor Troy
043 Lost Witness Did I Dream (Tiësto Remix)
044 ATB You're Not Alone
045 Dave Swayze Yasmine's Garden
046 Perpetual Dreamer Dust
047 Mauro Picotto Back To Kali
048 Marco V. Simulated
049 Orion See Me Here
050 DJ Jose vs. G-Spott Access
051 Antillas Feat. Clannad I Will Find You
052 Ago Put On Your Red Shoes
053 Jurgen Vries The Theme
054 Soulvation Summer In The City
055 Mauro Picotto Pulsar 2002
056 Minimalistix Close Cover
057 DJ Melvin L.O.I.S.
058 Josh Gabriel Wave 3 (Kublikana Dub)
059 Faithless Tarantula
060 Novacane Vs. No One Driving Playa Sol
061 Sonic Inc The Taste Of Summer
062 Silvio Ecomo No Dip
063 Novaspace Time After Time
064 DJ Jurgen One Step Away
065 DJ Marc Aurel Running
066 Future Breeze Temple Of Dreams
067 G-Spott G-Licious
068 4 Strings Diving
069 Aquagen Feat. Rozalla Everybody's Free
070 Ian Van Dahl Reason
071 Mystery Devotion (All I Ever Wanted)
072 Armani & Ghost Airport
073 Ferry Corsten Punk
074 Sensation The Anthem 2002
075 Brooklyn Bounce Born To Bounce
076 Rank 1 Awakening
077 Svenson & Gielen We Know What You Did
078 Lasgo Alone
079 The Nightflyer Voyage Voyage
080 Hampenberg Ducktoy
081 Ultra Free (Svenson & Gielen Mix)
82 DJ Sammy & Yanou Heaven
083 4 Strings Take Me Away
084 Gouryella Ligaya
085 Basement Jaxx Where's You're Head At
086 Marco V. Godd
087 Tiësto Lethal Industry
088 Khemistry Lights Of Fire
089 Klubbheads Let The Party Begin
090 Zippora Time Stood Still (Rudie Gouda Mix)
091 Driftwood Freeloader
092 Brooklyn Bounce Club Bizarre
093 DJ Boozywoozy One More Try
094 Tillmann Uhrmacher On The Run
095 Jan Wayne Because The Night
096 Drunkenmonky E
097 Jan Wayne Only You
098 DJ Boozywoozy Jumpin' Around
099 DJ Boozywoozy Party Affair
100 Energy 52 Café Del Mar
101 Jan Wayne Total Eclipse Of The Heart
102 Solid Solution The Logical Song
103 Scooter Nessaja
104 CK & Supreme Dream Team Dreamer
105 Ben Liebrand 0utro Grandmix 2002


3 januari 2003

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2002, zoals uitgezonden op 31 december 2002 op Radio 538 (Nederland) [38]

17 oktober 2003

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is The Grandmix Disco Edition 2, uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix Disco Edition 2
02 Full Force Alice, I Want You Just For Me
03 Joyce Sims Come Into My Life
04 Yarbrough & Peoples Don't Stop The Music
05 Stargard (Theme From) Which Way Is Up
06 Odyssey Going Back To My Roots
07 Change Change Of Heart
08 Millie Scott Automatic
09 Robert Palmer You Are In My System
10 Hall & Oates I Can't Go For That
11 Diana Ross I'm Coming Out
12 Tom Browne Funkin'For Jamaica
13 Jimmy "Bo" Horne Dance Across The Floor
14 Nu Shooz I Can't Wait
15 Peter Jacques Band Going Dancing Down The Street
16 Commodores Brick House
17 Millie Scott Prisoner Of Love
18 Dan Hartman I Can Dream About You
19 Gayle Adams Stretchin' Out
20 Level 42 Hot Water
21 Steve Arrington Feel So Real
22 Positive Force We Got The Funk
23 Sister Sledge Lost In Music (Original mix)
24 Bar-Kays Sex-O-Matic
25 Gino Soccio Try It Out
26 Linda Lewis Class Style (I've Got It)
27 Sharon Brown I Specialize In Love
28 Kool & The Gang Ladies Night
29 Leon Haywood Don't Push It, Don't Force It
30 Trussel Love Injection
31 Gene Chandler Get Down
32 Geraldine Hunt Can't Fake The Feeling
33 Chaz Jankel Glad To Know You
34 Dan Hartman We Are The Young
35 Ollie & Jerry Breakin'... There's No Stopping Us
36 Cameo Word Up!
37 Sheila E A Love Bizarre
38 Billy Ocean Stay The Night
39 Steve Arrington Dancin' In The Key Of Life
40 Al Hudson You Can Do It
41 The Reddings Remote Control
42 DeBarge Rhythm Of The Night
43 Lakeside Fantastic Voyage
44 Gwen Guthrie It Should Have Been You
45 Colonel Abrams I'm Not Gonna Let You
46 The Bangles Walk Like An Egyptian
47 Wham! Club Tropicana
48 D-Train Keep On
49 Tyrone Brunson The Smurf
50 Midnight Star Midas Touch
51 Billy Ocean Are You Ready
52 Dynasty I Don't Want To Be A Freak (But I Can't Help Myself)
53 Rose Royce Is It Love You're After
54 Weeks & Company Rock Your World (Joho, Joho)
55 Midnight Star Operator
56 Blackbox Feat. Martha Wash Everybody, Everybody
57 Jimmy "Bo" Horne Spank
58 Rick James Glow
59 Hithouse Jack To The Sound Of The Underground
60 Yazoo Situation
61 Blackbox Feat. Martha Wash Strike It Up
62 Freeze I.O.U
63 The Brothers Johnson Stomp!
64 Bobby Thurston Check Out The Groove
65 Peter Brown They Only Come Out At Night
66 Harvey Mason Groovin' You
67 Carol Jiani Hit 'N' Run Lover
68 Mr. Lee Get Busy
69 Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire Weekend
70 Narada Michael Walden Tonight I'm Alright
71 Ashford & Simpson Found A Cure
72 Latoya Jackson If You Feel The Funk
73 Technotronic Feat. Ya Kid K Get Up (Before The Night Is Over)
74 Divine Native Love
75 Gino Soccio Dancer
76 Two Tons O'Fun I Got The Feeling
77 Chaka Kahn I Feel For You
78 Aretha Franklin Think
79 Odyssey Use It Up (And Wear It Out)
80 Gwen McCrea Keep The Fire Burning
81 Azoto San Salvador
82 Manhattan Transfer Twilight Zone
83 Patrick Cowley Megatron Man
84 Patrick Cowley Menergy
85 Salt 'N' Pepa Push It
86 Rick James Superfreak
87 Afrika Bambaata & The Soul Sonic Force Planet Rock
88 The Trammps Disco Inferno
89 Bombers Everybody Get Dancin'
90 Kat Mandu The Break
91 Edwin Starr Contact
92 The Jacksons Walk Right Now
93 Musique In The Bush
94 Supermax Love Machine
95 Peaches & Herb Shake Your Groove Thing
96 Lime Your Love
97 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix The Disco Edition 2

25 oktober 2003

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

00.00-03.00 uur:

Let op: dit is de herhaling van The Grandmix Disco Edition 2, uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)

31 december 2003

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 2003, zoals uitgezonden op Radio 538[39] (Nederland)

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 2003
002 Junior Senior Move Your Feet
003 Geyster Bye Bye Superman
004 Fab For Feat. Robert Owens Last Night A Dj Blew My Mind
005 Sophie Ellis-Bextor Music Gets The Best Of Me
006 Jason Nevins Feat. Holly James I'm In Heaven
007 Room 5 Make Luv
008 Room 5 Music In You
009 Junior Jack E Samba
010 Safri Duo Falling High
011 Rogue Traders vs. INXS One Of My Kind
012 iio At The End
013 Bob Sinclar Kiss My Eyes
014 Narcotic Trust Safe From Harm
015 Holy Ghost Superman
016 Kurtis Mantronik Presents Chamonix How Did You Know
017 Panjabi MC Mundian To Bach Me
018 Hanayo Joe Le Taxi
019 DJ Sneak Fix My Sink
020 Michelle Weeks The Light
021 Fafa Monteco Presents Elesse Pop Corn
022 Deepest Blue Deepest Blue
023 R-One Happy TV
024 Bob Sinclar The Beat Goes On
025 Lee Cabrera Feat. Alex Cartana Shake It
026 Saffron Hill Feat Ben Onono My Love Is Always
027 Mint Royale Sexiest Man In Jamaica
028 DJ Spud Set It Off
029 Birgit Everybody Wants To Be
030 Drumatic Twins Feelin’ Kinda Strange (Jive)
031 4 Tune 500 Dancing In The Dark
032 Stuart Fuel To Fire
033 Sweet Coffee Don't Need You
034 Artificial Funk Together
035 Cassius Sound Of Violence
036 K-Klass Talk To Me
037 Benny Benassi Presents The Biz Satisfaction
038 Ferry Corsten Rock Your Body Rock
039 JXL Feat.Peter Tosh Don't Wake Up Policeman
040 The Underdog Project vs. Sunclub Summer Jam 2003
041 Futureshock Feat. Brian Onono On My Mind
042 Despina Vandi Gia
043 Saxo Les Bruit De La Forêt
044 Dave Gahan Dirty Sticky Floors
045 Tomcraft Loneliness
046 Kira I'll Be Your Angel
047 Cygnus X Positron
048 Riva Morning Dust
049 Armin Van Buuren Yet Another Day
050 Flores Read My Lips
051 Michel De Hey vs. Literon Keep On Movin
052 Laidback Luke Feat. Mc Marxman We Can Not Get Enough
053 Solid Globe North Pole
054 Armin Van Buuren Sunburn (Walk Through The Fire)
055 Lambda Hold On Tight
056 DJ Cor Fijneman Feat. Jan Johnston Venus
057 Sylver Why Worry?
058 Klubbers Revenge Mental Athmosphere
059 Conjure One Feat. Sinéad O'Connor Tears From The Moon
060 Scott Bond vs. Solar Stone 3Rd Earth
061 Jurgen Vries The Opera Song
062 Oceanlab Beautiful Together
063 Pirate Leaving The Sun
064 Svenson & Gielen Beachbreeze
065 Mr.Sam vs. Fred Baker Presents As One Forever Waiting
066 DJ Alpha Life Goes On
067 Paul Van Dyk Feat. Hemstock Nothing But You
068 Pulser My Religion
069 M.I.K.E. Turn Out The Lights
070 Darude Music
071 Driftwood Anything Goes
072 Sensation The Anthem 2003
073 Kai Tracid For Just One Day
074 G-Spot Louder
075 Tiësto Traffic
076 Clokx Clokx
077 Freeloader Pure Devotion
078 Orion Too Travelling
079 E-Craig Beat Goes On
080 Paul Oakenfold Hypnotized
081 Divine Inspiration The Way
82 Delerium After All
083 56 K Feat. Bejay Save A Prayer
084 Rank 1 Breathing
085 Igor S. Boomerang
086 Marco V. Del C:/*.Mp3
087 Jules & Raoul Progress
088 Base Attack Nobody Listens To Techno
089 Paul Van Dyk Times Of Our Lives
090 E- Craig Drum Beats
091 Jordan & Baker Explode
092 Ultra Beat Pretty Green Eyes
093 Michael Splint Presents Eruption I Feel Free
094 Lasgo Pray
095 Sylver Livin’ My Life
096 Ricky Fobis No Regular
097 Oxygen Feat. Andrea Britton Am I On Your Mind?
098 Underworld Born Slippery
099 4 Strings Let It Rain
100 Ron Van Den Beuken Timeless
101 Flashrider Attenzione
102 Scooter vs. Marc Acardipane Maria (I Like It Loud)
103 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 2003


9 januari 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1983 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

9 april 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix Millennium Edition uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), Deel 1 (Tracks 1 t/m 36 van CD 1)

30 april 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix Millennium Edition uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), Deel 2 (Tracks 1 t/m 36 van CD 2)

14 mei 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix Millennium Edition uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), Deel 3 (Tracks 1 t/m 34 van CD 3)

18 juni 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix Summer Edition uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), Deel 1 (Tracks 1 t/m 35 van CD 1)

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Ben Liebrand Intro Summer Grandmix
02 DJ Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince Summertime
03 Shanice I Love Your Smile
04 Diana King Shy Guy
05 Shabba Ranks Mister Loverman
06 Joyce Simms Come Into My Life
07 Full Force Alice, I Want You Just For Me
08 B.V.S.M.P. I Need You
09 Los Del Rio Macarena
10 Black Machine How Gee
11 Gazebo I Like Chopin (Remix)
12 Dimples D. Sucker DJ (A Witch For Love)
13 Timex Social Club Rumours
14 Jimmy Cliff Reggae Nights
15 Kid Creole & The Coconuts Que Pasa
16 Will Smith Gettin' Jiggy With It
17 Indeep Last Night A DJ Saved My life (Acapella)
18 De La Soul Say No Go
19 Valerie Dore The Night
20 Jovanotti Libera L’Animal
21 Silver Pozzoli Around My Dream
22 Shalamar Second Time Around
23 Lisa lisa & The Cult Jam Let The Beat Hit Em
24 The Whispers And The Beat Goes On
25 Kool & the Gang Ladies Night (Original Mix)
26 Sugarhill gang Rappers Delight (Ben Liebrand '89 Remix)
27 Billy Ocean Caribbean Queen
28 The Jacksons Blame It On The Boogie
29 Rocker’s Revenge Feat. Donny Calvin Walking On Sunshine
30 Colonel Abrams Trapped
31 C&C Music Factory Feat. Freedom Williams & Martha Wash Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)
32 Off Electrica Salsa
33 Incognito Feat. Jocelyn Brown Always There
34 Nomad Feat. MC Mikee Freedom (I Wanna Give You) Devotion
35 Tony Lee Reach up

20 juni 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix Summer Edition uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), Deel 1 (Tracks 1 t/m 35 van CD 1)

27 juni 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

01.00-02.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix Millennium Edition uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), Deel 2 (Tracks 1 t/m 36 van CD 2)

2 juli 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix Summer Edition, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), Deel 2 (Tracks 1 t/m 33 van CD 2 en tracks 1 t/m 3 van CD 3)

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Doctor’s Cat Feel The Drive
02 Ivan Baila
03 Oliver Cheatman Get Down Saturdaynight
04 Kool & The Gang Fresh
05 Miami Sound Machine Dr. Beat
06 Bobby Thurston You Got What It Takes
07 Bohannon Let’s Start The Dance
08 Koto Visitors
09 My Mine Hypnotic Tango
10 Double You Please Don’t Go
11 Heavy D & The Boyz Now That We Found Love
12 Cuba Gooding Happiness, Is Just Around The Bend (Acapella)
13 D-Train You’re The One For Me
14 Bobby Thurston Check Out The Groove
15 Inner City Good Life (Normal Mix)
16 Robin S. Show Me Love
17 Nomads Yakalelo
18 Mystic Ritmo De La Noche
19 Bobby Brown Two Can Play That Game
20 Xpansions Elevation
21 Wes Alane
22 Ryan Paris Dolce Vita
23 Hugh Masakela Don’t Go Loose It Baby
24 Fun Fun Color My Love
25 Klein & MBO Dirty Talk
26 Starlight Numero Uno
27 Moses We Just
28 Kasso Kasso
29 Clivilles & Cole Pride (A Deeper Love)
30 Nerio’s Dubwork Sunshine & Happiness
31 Beckie Bell Steppin’ Out Tonight
32 Dr. Alban Sing Hallelujah
33 Madison Avenue Don’t Call Me Baby
34 Azoto San Salvador
35 Alcatraz Give Me Love
36 Santana Jingo

4 juli 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

00.00-01.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix Summer Edition, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), Deel 2 (Tracks 1 t/m 33 van CD 2 en Tracks 1 t/m 3 van CD 3)

11 juli 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

01.00-02.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix Millennium Edition, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), Deel 3 (Tracks 1 t/m 34 van CD 3)

15 augustus 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

01.00-02.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix Summer Edition, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), Deel 1 (Tracks 1 t/m 35 van CD 1)

20 augustus 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix Summer Edition, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), Deel 3 (Tracks 4 t/m 34 van CD 3)

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 KC & the Sunshine Band Give It Up
02 DJ Jean Love Come Home
03 Mory Kante Yeke Yeke (Hardfloor mix)
04 Soulsearcher Can’t Get Enough
05 Mirando Vamos A la Playa
06 Righera Vamos a la playa
07 The Outhere Brothers Boom Boom Boom
08 Jam & Spoon Stella
09 Artful Dodger Re-Rewind
10 Delerium Feat. Sarah McLachlan Silence
11 Chicane Feat. Bryan Adams Don’t Give Up
12 Karen Young Hot Shot
13 Ben Liebrand Music & Passion
14 Sash Equador
15 Loona Bailando
16 Carillio Samba di Janeiro
17 Rozella Everybody’s Free
18 Ben Liebrand Chase
19 Dial M For Moguai Beatbox
20 The Weather Girls It’s Raining Men
21 The Vengaboys To Brazil (Remix)
22 Ruffdrivers Dreaming
23 Klubbheads six-pack 2000 megamix
24 DJ Jürgen Higher & Higher
25 Blow Your Mind Lock ‘N Load
26 Perfect Phase Horny horns
27 Poco Loco Gang Poco Loco
28 The Sunclub Fiesta (de los tamborileros)
29 Airscape L’esperanza
30 Soca Boys follow the leader (roof is on fire)
31 Ben Liebrand Outro Summer Grandmix

22 augustus 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

00.00-01.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix Summer Edition, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), Deel 3 (Tracks 4 t/m 34 van CD 3)

27 augustus 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix The Disco Edition 2, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), Deel 1 (Tracks 1 t/m 34 van CD 1)

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix Disco Edition 2
02 Full Force Alice, I Want You Just For Me
03 Joyce Sims Come Into My Life
04 Yarbrough & Peoples Don't Stop The Music
05 Stargard Which Way Is Up
06 Odyssey Going Back To My Roots
07 Change Change Of Heart
08 Millie Scott Automatic
09 Robert Palmer You Are In My System
10 Hall & Oates I Can't Go For That
11 Diana Ross I'm Coming Out
12 Tom Browne Funkin'For Jamaica
13 Jimmy "Bo" Horne Dance Across The Floor
14 Nu Shooz I Can't Wait
15 Peter Jacques Band Going Dancing Down The Street
16 Commodores Brick House
17 Millie Scott Prisoner Of Love
18 Dan Hartman I Can Dream About You
19 Gayle Adams Stretchin' Out
20 Level 42 Hot Water
21 Steve Arrington Feel So Real
22 Positive Force We Got The Funk
23 Sister Sledge Lost In Music (Original mix)
24 Bar-Kays Sex-O-Matic
25 Gino Soccio Try It Out
26 Linda Lewis Class Style (I've Got It)
27 Sharon Brown I Specialize In Love
28 Kool & The Gang Ladies Night
29 Leon Haywood Don't Push It, Don't Force It
30 Trussel Love Injection
31 Gene Chandler Get Down
32 Geraldine Hunt Can't Fake The Feeling
33 Chaz Jankel Glad To Know You
34 Dan Hartman We Are The Young

29 augustus 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

00.00-01.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix The Disco Edition 2, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), Deel 1 (Tracks 1 t/m 34 van CD 1)

01.00-02.00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix Summer Edition, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), Deel 2 (Tracks 1 t/m 33 van CD 2 en Tracks 1 t/m 3 van CD 3)

3 september 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix The Disco Edition 2, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), Deel 2 (Tracks 1 t/m 36 CD 2)

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Ollie & Jerry Breakin'... There's No Stopping Us
02 Cameo Word Up!
03 Sheila E A Love Bizarre
04 Billy Ocean Stay The Night
05 Steve Arrington Dancin' In The Key Of Life
06 Al Hudson You Can Do It
07 The Reddings Remote Control
08 DeBarge Rhythm Of The Night
09 Lakeside Fantastic Voyage
10 Gwen Guthrie It Should Have Been You
11 Colonel Abrams I'm Not Gonna Let You
12 The Bangles Walk Like An Egyptian
13 Wham! Club Tropicana
14 D-Train Keep On
15 Tyrone Brunson The Smurf
16 Midnight Star Midas Touch
17 Billy Ocean Are You Ready
18 Dynasty I Don't Want To Be A Freak (But I Can't Help Myself)
19 Rose Royce Is It Love You're After
20 Weeks & Company Rock Your World (Joho, Joho)
21 Midnight Star Operator
22 Blackbox Feat. Martha Wash Everybody, Everybody
23 Jimmy "Bo" Horne Spank
24 Rick James Glow
25 Hithouse Jack To The Sound Of The Underground
26 Yazoo Situation
27 Blackbox Feat. Martha Wash Strike It Up
28 Freeeze I.O.U
29 The Brothers Johnson Stomp!
30 Bobby Thurston Check Out The Groove
31 Peter Brown They Only Come Out At Night
32 Harvey Mason Groovin' You
33 Carol Jiani Hit 'N' Run Lover
34 Mr. Lee Get Busy
35 Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire Weekend
36 Narada Michael Walden Tonight I'm Alright

5 september 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

00.00-01.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix The Disco Edition 2, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), Deel 2 (Tracks 1 t/m 36 CD 2)

10 september 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix The Disco Edition 2, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), Deel 3 (Tracks 32 t/m 36 CD 2 en tracks 1 t/m 27 CD 3)

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Harvey Mason Groovin' You
02 Carol Jiani Hit 'N' Run Lover
03 Mr. Lee Get Busy
04 Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire Weekend
05 Narada Michael Walden Tonight I'm Alright
06 Ashford & Simpson Found A Cure
07 Latoya Jackson If You Feel The Funk
08 Technotronic Feat. Ya Kid K Get Up (Before The Night Is Over)
09 Divine Native Love
10 Gino Soccio Dancer
11 Two Tons O'Fun I Got The Feeling
12 Chaka Kahn I Feel For You
13 Aretha Franklin Think
14 Odyssey Use It Up (And Wear It Out)
15 Gwen McCrea Keep The Fire Burning
16 Azoto San Salvador
17 Manhattan Transfer Twilight Zone
18 Patrick Cowley Megatron Man
19 Patrick Cowley Menergy
20 Salt 'N' Pepa Push It
21 Rick James Superfreak
22 Afrika Bambaata & The Soul Sonic Force Planet Rock
23 The Trammps Disco Inferno
24 Bombers Everybody Get Dancin'
25 Kat Mandu The Break
26 Edwin Starr Contact
27 The Jacksons Walk Right Now
28 Musique In The Bush
29 Supermax Love Machine
30 Peaches & Herb Shake Your Groove Thing
31 Lime Your Love
32 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix The Disco Edition 2

12 september 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

00.00-01.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix The Disco Edition 2, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), Deel 3 (Tracks 32 t/m 36 CD 2 en Tracks 1 t/m 27 CD 3)

24 oktober 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

01.00-02.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix The Disco Edition 2, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), Deel 1 (Tracks 1 t/m 34 van CD 1)

31 oktober 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

01.00-02.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix The Disco Edition 2, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), Deel 2 (Tracks 1 t/m 36 CD 2)

7 november 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

01.00-02.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix The Disco Edition 2, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), Deel 3 (Tracks 32 t/m 36 CD 2 en tracks 1 t/m 27 CD 3)

12 november 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

22.00-01.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix The 90's Edition, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)[40][41]

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 90’s Edition
02 DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Boom! Shake The Room
03 Naughty By Nature Hip Hop Hooray
04 Snow Informer
05 Salt 'N' Pepa Let's Talk About Sex
06 House Of Pain Jump Around
07 Joe Public Live & Learn
08 Snap! The Power
09 Redhead Kingpin And The F.B.I. Do The Right Thing
10 King Bee Back By Dope Demand
11 Ben Liebrand Feat. Tony Scott Move To The Bigband (Acapella)
12 C+C Music Factory Feat. Freedom Williams & Martha Wash Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)
13 Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam Let The Beat Hit 'Em
14 Incognito Feat. Jocelyn Brown Always There
15 Rob 'N' Raz Feat. Leila K Got To Get
16 Nomad Feat. MC Mikee Freedom (I Wanna Give You) Devotion
17 TLC Ain't To Proud To Beg
18 Franky Knuckles The Whistle Song
19 Ce Ce Peniston We Got A Love Thang
20 Suēno Latino Suēno Latino
21 Robin S. Luv 4 Luv
22 Crystal Waters 100% Pure Love
23 Crystal Waters Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
24 Afrika Bambaataa Just Get Up And Dance
25 Robin S. Show Me Love
26 S-Express Theme From S-Express
27 R.F.T.R. Extrasyn
28 2 In A Room Wiggle It
29 Human Resource Dominator
30 Black & White Brothers Put Your Hands Up
31 Everything But The Girl Missing
32 Snap! Rhythm Is A Dancer
33 The Shamen Move Any Mountain
34 Clivilles & Cole Pride (A Deeper Love)
35 Nightcrawlers Push The Feeling
36 Ce Ce Peniston Finally
37 Inner City Big Fun
38 Shawn Christopher Don't Lose The Magic
39 Double You Please Don't Go
40 Adamski Feat. Seal Killer
41 Tony Scott Get Into It
42 Deee-Lite Groove Is In The Heart
43 D-Shake Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
44 Joey Beltram Energy Flash
45 Technotronic & Ya Kid K Get Up (Before The Night Is Over)
46 Haddaway What Is Love
47 Club 69 Let Me Be Your Underwear
48 Dr. Alban Sing Hallelujah
49 Technotronic Feat. Felly Pump Up The Jam
50 Duke So In Love With You
51 Rozalla Are You Ready To Fly
52 Inner City Good Life
53 The Goodmen Give It Up
54 Opus III It's A Fine Day
55 2 Unlimited Get Ready For This
56 Moby Go
57 Ramirez La Musica Tremenda
58 Kristine W Feel What You Want
59 2 Unlimited Twilight Zone
60 Quadrophonia Quadrophonia
61 Format 1 Solid Session
62 Capricorn 20 Hrz
63 Felix Don’t You Want Me
64 Dr. Alban It’s My Life
65 T-99 Anasthasia
66 Mory Kante Yeke Yeke (Hardfloor Mix)
67 Jaydee Plastic Dreams
68 Bass Bumpers The Music's Got Me
69 Transformer 2 Pacific Symphony
70 The Age Of Love The Age Of Love
71 Urban Cookie Collective The Key The Secret
72 Katana Erotmania
73 Klatsch! Oh Boy
74 Speedy J Pull Over
75 The Outhere Brothers Boom Boom Boom
76 The Outhere Brothers La La La Hey Hey
77 The Outhere Brothers Don't Stop (Wiggle Wiggle)
78 LA Style James Brown Is Dead
79 Praga Khan Rave Alarm
80 Tom Wilson Techno Cat
81 Celvin Rotane I Believe
82 Atlantic Ocean Waterfall
83 Snap! Do You See The Light
84 The Grid Swamp Thing
85 Rozalla Everybody‘s Free (To Feel Good)
86 Culture Beat Mr. Vain
87 The Sunclub Fiesta
88 Cappella Move On Baby
89 Emmanuel Top Acid Phase
90 The Ultimate Seduction House Nation
91 Kadoc The Nighttrain
92 2 Unlimited No Limit
93 Yves De Ruyter Calling Earth
94 Sl2 On A Ragga Tip
95 Sven Vath L'esperanza
96 Rotterdam Termination Sound (RTS) Poing!
97 Jens Loops & Things
98 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 90’s Edition

14 november 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

00.00-02.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de eerste 2 uren van de Grandmix The 90's Edition, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland), (Tracks 1 t/m 67)

31 december 2004

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 2004, uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)

Deze Grandmix kun je HIER beluisteren!

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 2004
002 Elize Shake
003 Nina Sky Move Ya Body
004 Eric Prydz Call On Me
005 Junior Jack Stupidisco
006 Soulvation Deeper
007 The Shapeshifters Lola's Theme
008 Ritmo-Dynamic Calinda
009 Bratt Carter Morning Always Comes Too Soon
010 Danni Minogue vs. Flower Power You Won't Forget About Me
011 Spankox To The Club
012 Armand Van Helden My My My
013 Mylo Drop The Pressure
014 Michael Gray The Weekend
015 Marly You Never Know
016 DJ Casper Cha Cha Slide
017 Danzel Pump It Up
018 Boogie Pimps Somebody To Love
019 Narcotic Trust I Like It
020 LMC vs. U2 Take Me To The Clouds Above
021 Dr. Kucho! Feat. Jodie Belmondo Rulez 2.0 (It’s All About You)
022 Royal Gigolos California Dreamin'
023 Scent Up & Down
024 Danny Howells & Dick Trevor Dusk ‘Til Dawn
025 DT8 Project The Sun Is Shining (Down On Me)
026 Fight Club Feat. Laurent Konrad Spread Love
027 Ridgewalkers Feat. El Find
028 Origene Sanctuary
029 Da Hool Set The Stakes High
030 Amuka Appreciate Me
031 Aven All I Wanna Do
032 Benassi Bros. Feat. Sandy Illusion
033 Dance Valley A Decade of Dance
034 Paul van Dyk Crush
035 Magnolia It's All Vain
036 Mike Heart Sex Machine
037 Benjamin Bates Whole
038 Benny Benassi Able to love
039 Axwell Feel the Vibe
040 Andain Beautiful Things
041 Motorcycle As The Rush Comes
042 Peter Martin Presents. Anthanasia Perfect Wave
043 Michael Woods Solex
044 Rank 1 Symsonic
045 Remy & Roland Klinkenberg Till Ya Drop
046 True Form Forbidden Colors
047 Novaspace Run To You
048 Randy Katana One Solid Wave
049 DJ Jose Hecitate
050 DJ Cor Fijneman Feat. Anita Kelsey Healing
051 Ferry Corsten Everything Goes
052 Ron van den Beuken Presents. Clokx Overdrive
053 Freeloader Pure Devotion
054 Above & Beyond No One On Earth
055 DJ Shog Live 4 Music
056 Manyou Drifting Away
057 Tiësto Love Comes Again
058 DJ Ton t.b. Dreammachine
059 Marco V vs. Jens Loops And Things Relooped
060 Marco V Automanual
061 Futureshock Pride's Paranoia (Marco V Remix)
062 Freestylers Push Up
063 Solid Globe Sahara
064 Outback State Of Emergency
065 N & K vs. Dennis The Menace Cruising
066 Bossanova Stonecold
067 Mojado Feat. Mr. Sam Naranja
068 Sensation The Anthem 2004
069 DJ Ton t.b. Electronic Malfunction
070 Tiësto Just Be
071 Blank & Jones Feat. Robert Smith A Forest
072 Klubbers Revenge Mental Atmosphere
073 Oceanlab Satellite
074 Armin Van Buuren Burned With Desire
075 Sam Sharp vs. Ron Van Den Beuken Twister!
076 V-Lock Birth Of Light
077 JX Restless
078 Ferry Corsten Right Of Way
079 Mark Norman Phantom Manor
080 DJ Jean Every Single Day
081 Ron Van Den Beuken Endless
082 Enmass CQ
083 4 Strings Turn It Around
084 Haak Presents. Annuanaki Frenzy
085 Firewall Kilimanjaro
086 Babylon Feat. Riny 23 Minutes
087 Tiësto Adagio For Strings
088 Katana In Silence (Txitarro Mix)
089 Svenson Sunlight Theory (O-Zone Edit)
090 G-Spott No Comment
091 Armin vs. Mike Intruder
092 Freeloader Pure Devotion
093 The Freak Rising Angel
094 8Ball Phunky Muzic
095 Candee Jay If I Were You
096 DJ Luna Mindspace (Black Anthem)
097 Lasgo Surrender
098 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 2004

22.00-23.00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1983 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

23.00-24.00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1984 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)


1 januari 2005

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

00.00-01.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Classics Mix uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

Na track 62 stopt hier de uitzending en hoor je een vuurwerk sound-effect met een Radio Veronica Jingle van Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!

26 november 2005

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

21.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 90's Edition 2 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)[42]

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 90's Edition 2
02 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor & Des'ray & D-Rock Come Take My Hand
03 Dream Warriors My Definition Of A Boombastic Jazzstyle
04 PM Dawn Set Adrift On Memory Bliss
05 LL Cool J Mamam Said Knock You Out
06 DNA Feat. Suzanne Vega Tom's Diner
07 Los Del Rio Macarena
08 Montell Jordan This Is How We Do It
09 RUN DMC Feat. Aerosmith Walk This Way
10 David A. Stewart & Candy Dulfer Lily Was Here
11 Fine Young Cannibals She Drives Me Crazy
12 Incognito Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing
13 R. Kelly She's Got That Vibe
14 C&C Music Factory Feat. Q-Unique & D.Cooper Keep It Comin' (Dance Till You Can't Dance No More!)
15 Heavy D. & The Boyz We Got Our Own Thing
16 Tony! Toni! Tone! Feels Good
17 Cathy Dennis All night Long (Touch Me)
18 Dina Carroll Ain't No Man
19 East Side Beat Ride Like The Wind (Subway Mix)
20 49-ers Touch Me (Sexual Version)
21 Off-Shore Can't Take The Power
22 Culture Beat No Deeper Meaning
23 Cappella Everybody
24 Atahualpha Ultimo Imperio (Tendethia)
25 D-Shake My Heart The Beat
26 Lidell Townsell Nu Nu
27 Double Trouble & The Rebel MC Just Keep Rockin'
28 De'lacy Hideaway
29 Simply Red Fairground
30 Raul Orellana The Real Wild House
31 C&C Music Factory Feat. Q-Unique & D.Cooper Keep It Comin' (Dance Till You Can't Dance No More!) (House Mix)
32 Wild Child Renegade Master
33 Katherine E. I'm Alright
34 Total Touch Touch Me There
35 M-People Moving On Up
36 Gusto Disco Revenge (Female Revenge Mix)
37 Sadomasy & DJ One Bodymotion
38 Kadoc Rock The Bells
39 Ramirez La Musica Tremenda
40 House Of Venus Dish And Tell
41 Format 1 Solid Session
42 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor Feat. Da Smooth Baron MC and Peggy 'The Dutchess' Can't Help Myself
43 Malcolm McLaren Something's Jumpin' In Your Shirt
44 Cubic 22 Night In Motion
45 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor Never Alone
46 Armando 100% Of Dissin' You
47 Corona The Rhythm Of The Night
48 Faithless Salva Mea
49 Chicane Offshore (Original Mix)
50 2 Unlimited Tribal Dance
51 Celvin Rotane Push Me To The Limit
52 Ann Lee 2 Times
53 Klatsch! Oh Boy
54 Mainx 88 To Piano
55 Sil Blue Oyster
56 Gala Freed From Desire
57 740 Boyz Shimmy Shake
58 L.A. Style James Brown Is Dead
59 Cappella Move On Baby
60 The Ultimate Seduction The Ultimate Seduction
61 Culture Beat Got To Get It
62 2 Unlimited The Workaholic
63 Rednex Cotton Eye Joe
64 The Sunclub Fiesta
65 Klubbers Revenge Mental Atmosphere
66 Playahitty The Summer Is Magic
67 R.O.O.S. Instant Moments
68 The Ultimate Seduction House Nation
69 Cappella Move It Up
70 Cappella U Got 2 Know
71 2 Unlimited Spread Your Love
72 Boston DJ's Move Your Body
73 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor Feat. Des'ray & D-Rock Fly (Through The Starry Night)
74 Speedy J. Something For Your Mind
75 Interactive Dildo
76 Energy 52 Cafe Del Mar
77 Westbam Mayday Anthem
78 DJ Jean The Launch
79 Southside Spinners Luvstruck (Original Mix)
80 Alexia Summer Is Crazy
81 Ramirez Bomba
82 Yves De Ruyter Calling Earth
83 N.U.K.E. Nana
84 2 Unlimited No Limit
85 Culture Beat Anything
86 Soca Boys Follow The Leader
87 Rotterdam Termination Source Poing
88 Ramirez El Gallinero
89 Pin-Occhio Pinocchio
90 Interactive Forever Young
91 Mental Theo & Charly Lownoise Together In Wonderland
92 Marusha Somewhere Over The Rainbow
93 Mental Theo & Charly Lownoise Wonderfull Days
94 DJ Paul Luv U More
95 Mental Theo & Charly Lownoise Stars
96 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor Feat. Des'ray & D-Rock Come Take My Hand
97 Mental Theo & Charly Lownoise Hardcore Feelings
98 Technohead I Wanna Be A Hippy

31 december 2005

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

21.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 2005 uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)[43]

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 2005
002 Elize Automatic (I'm Talking to You)
003 Freeloaders & The Real Thing So Much Love to Give
004 Bob Sinclar Love Generation
005 Inaya Day Nasty Girl
006 Bon Garcon Freek U
007 Tiga You Gonna Want Me
008 Ethan In my Heart
009 Infernal From Paris to Berlin
010 Porno Music Power
011 Supafly & Fishbowl Let's Get Down
012 Shapeshifters Back to Basics
013 Studio B I See Girls (Crazy)
014 Rockefeller Do It 2 Nite
015 Axwell Feel The Vibe
016 Dennis Christopher vs. Tony Cha Cha Slut!
017 The House Keepers Go Down
018 Deep Dish Flashdance
019 StoneBridge Put 'Em High
020 StoneBridge Take Me Away
021 Cabin Crew Waiting For A Star To Fall
022 Lil' Love Little Love
023 Freemasons Love On My Mind
024 Faith Evans Mesmerized (Freemasons Radio Edit)
025 Gregor Salto Looking Good
026 Dr. Kucho! & Gregor Salto Can't Stop Playing
027 Carolina Marquez The Killer's Song
028 Yves Larock Zookey (Lift Your Leg Up)
029 The Lovefreekz Shine
030 Narcotic Thrust When The Dawn Breaks
031 Reflekt Need To Feel Loved
032 D.O.N.S. Pump Up The Jam (Kurd Maverick aka Gian's Crowd Is Jumpin' Mix)
033 David Guetta The World Is Mine
034 Roger Sanchez Turn On The Music
035 Gadjo So Many Times
036 Olav Basoski Waterman
037 Uniting Nations You And Me
038 Tom Novy Your Body
039 Deep Dish Say Hello
040 Jupiter Ace 1000 Years
041 Gabriel & Dresden Arcadia
042 100% Just Can't Wait (Saturday)
043 Armand van Helden Into Your Eyes
044 Mylo vs. Miami Sound Machine Doctor Pressure
045 Andy Moor Halcyon
046 Rachael Starr Till There Was You (Gabriel & Dresden Mix)
047 Uniting Nations Out Of Touch
048 Mike Foyle vs. Signalrunners Love Theme Dusk
049 Johnson Push The Feeling On
050 Erick E Boogie Down
051 Above & Beyond vs. Andy Moor Air For Life
052 Global Deejays The Sound Of San Francisco
053 Global Deejays What A Feeling (Flashdance)
054 Ferry Corsten Fire
055 Ritmo-Dynamic Calinda (2005 Radio Edit)
056 Dave McCullen B*tch
057 Lasgo All Night Long
058 Purple Haze Adrenaline
059 Markus Schulz & Departure with Gabriel & Dresden Without You Near (Gabriel & Dresden Mix)
060 FB Who's Knockin'? (Ferry Corsten Remix)
061 Marco V Second Bite
062 Randy Katana Pleasure Island
063 Armin van Buuren Serenity
064 Clokx Tibet
065 Armin van Buuren Shivers
066 DJ Tiësto UR (Junkie XL Air Guitar Edit)
067 G-Spott City Streets
068 Mr. Sam Lyteo (Rank 1 Remix)
069 Manyou Drifting Away
070 Van Helsing & Van Giessen Enjoy The Silence
071 Project X Streaming Summer Love
072 Southside Spinners Luvstruck (Klubbheads 2005 Remix)
073 4 Strings Sunrise
074 Randy Katana Play It Loud
075 Rank 1 Beats At Rank-1 Dotcom
076 DJ Jose Stepping To The Beat
077 Jonas Steur Castamara
078 Kuffdam & Plant Summerdream (PvD Remix)
079 Roy Gates We Rock Together
080 DJ Tiësto Adagio For Strings
081 Roy Gates On My Way
082 DJ Jean Feel It
083 Ron Van Den Beuken Sunset (Ron Van Den Beuken Mix)
084 Fred Baker vs. Nyram Confirmation
085 John Marks Do It Again
086 Ernesto vs. Bastian Dark Side Of The Moon
087 Clokx Feelings
088 Thomas Bronzwaer Close Horizon
089 Frank Van Polanen Denmark
090 John Marks Update
091 The Rush vs. Thalamus Shock Your Senses
092 Dogzilla Without You
093 D.H.T. Listen To Your Heart (Furious F.EZ Radio Edit)
094 Bart Claessen Playmo (1st Play)
095 Paul van Dyk The Other Side (Deep Dish Remix)
096 Randy Katana Fancy Fair 2005
097 A Force Behind Silence
098 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 2005

23.00-24.00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1985 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)


30 december 2006

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1986 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

31 december 2006

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 2006 uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland) en op Radio One (Curaçao)

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 2006
002 The Shapeshifters & Chic Sensitivity
003 Gregor Salto Viajar (Mas Que Nada)
004 The Shapeshifters Incredible
005 Mish Mash Feat. Lois Speechless
006 Blaze Feat. Barbara Tucker Most Precious Love
007 Baggi Begovic & Bryan Dalton Safe
008 Supafly Inc. Moving Too Fast
009 Michael Gray Feat. Shelly Poole Borderline (Ready For Your Love)
010 Till West & DJ Delicious Same Man
011 Paul Oakenfold Feat. Brittany Murphy Faster Kill Pussycat
012 Ricky Rivaro The Beat Inside
013 Bodyrox Yeah Yeah
014 Camile Jones CREEPS
015 Fedde Le Grand Just Trippin’
016 Outwork Feat. Mr.Gee Electro
017 Mason Exceeder
018 Sidney Samson Shake And Rock This (Remix)
019 Untouchable 3 That Once In A Lifetime
020 Erick Morillo Jazz In Your Face
021 Erick E The Beat Is Rockin’
022 Roger Sanchez Lost
023 Real El Canario U Rock
024 Fedde Le Grand Put Your Hands Up 4 Detroit
025 Benjamin Bates Shelter
026 Beatfreakz Superfreak
027 Yoshimoto Du What U Du
028 Mischa Daniels Take Me Higher (The Remixes)
029 Ian Carey & Mochico Feat. Miss Bunty Say What You Want
030 Groove Cats Once In A Lifetime Groove
031 Bob Sinclar Feat. Steve Edwards World, Hold On (Children Of The Sky)
032 The Source Feat. Candi Staton You Got The Love
033 Dennis Christopher Soulshakin’
034 Chanel My Life
035 Phunk-A-Delic Rockin’
036 Hound Dogs I Like Girls
037 Jenn Cuneta Come Rain Come Shine
038 Solu Music Feat. Kimblee Fade
039 Bob Sinclar & Cutee B Feat. Dollarman & Big Ali Rock This Party (Everybody Dance Now)
040 Axwell Feat. Steve Edwards Watch The Sunrise
041 Freemasons Feat. Amanda Wilson Watchin’
042 The Caramel Club Mama Say Mama Sa
043 Meck Feat. Leo Sayer Thunder In My Heart Again
044 Fonzerelli Moonlight Party
045 Johnny Crockett E For Electro
046 Armin Van Buuren vs. Herman Brood Saturday Night
047 Simon & Shaker Zero
048 Olav Basoski Presents. Proper Tunes Like Dis (Fedde Le Grand Remix)
049 Hi_Tack Say Say Say (Waiting 4 U)
050 Deux Sun Rising Up
051 Supermode Tell Me Why
052 Pakito Living On Video
053 Tiësto Feat. Maxi Jazz EADance4Life
054 Pakito Moving On Stereo
055 Mischa Daniels Off My Rocker
056 DJ Jose Dedication
057 Abel Ramos Electro Fun
058 Aaron Smith Feat. Luvli Dancin’
059 Marco V. Any Better, Or?
060 Filterfunk S.O.S. (Message In A Bottle)
061 Shocksteady Take A Ride
062 Above & Beyond Good For Me
063 Super8 & P.O.S. Presents. Aalto 5
064 Club Scene Investigation Direct Dizko
065 Carl B Social Suicide
066 Armin Van Buuren Control Freak (Sander van Doorn Remix)
067 Gabriel & Dresden Feat. Molly Tracking Treasure Down
068 Marcel Woods Advanced
069 Thomas Bronzwaer Shadow World
070 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Racoon Love You More
071 Fragma Radio Air Waves
072 Roy Gates Lose Myself
073 Roy Gates Midnight Sun
074 Astatic Cascada
075 Karen Overton Your Loving Arms
076 Super8 + DJ Tab Helsinki Scorchin’
077 Cara Dillon vs. 2Devine Black Is The Colour (Coco & Green Remix)
078 Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Talla 2Xlc Full Prelude (Re:Locate vs. Solid Globe Remix)
079 Menno De Jong & Leon Bolier Presents. Solar Express Magma
080 Armin Van Buuren Sail
081 Interstate Remember Me
082 Divini & Warning 4 L.B.
083 8Ball My Love
084 G-Spott Sadness
085 Selu Vibra Divine
086 Chocolate Puma Always and Forever (Bart Claessen Dub)
087 John Marks Carnival
088 Orjan Arctic Globe
089 Ron Van Den Beuken Find The Way
090 Arksun Arisen
091 Fable Above
092 Galen Behr vs. Hydroid Carabella (Galen Behr vs. Orjan Nilsen Remix)
093 Jonas Steur Second Turn
094 Bart Claessen When Morning Comes (Bart Claessen Rework)
095 Grooveyard Mary Go Wild!
096 Re:Locate Rogue
097 Gott & Gordon Midnight
098 Re:Locate Feat. M.I.D.O.R Alcatraz
099 Bloodhound Gang Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss (The Scooter Remix)
100 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 2006


21 april 2007

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is een klein gedeelte uit de Grandmix 2006 (Tracks 1 t/m 14 van CD 1), uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)

28 april 2007

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is een klein gedeelte uit de Grandmix 2004 (Tracks 3 t/m 17 van CD 1), uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)

5 mei 2007

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is het vervolg van de Grandmix 2004 (Tracks 18 t/m 31 van CD 1), uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)

12 mei 2007

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is het vervolg van de Grandmix 2006 (Tracks 14 t/m 27 van CD 1), uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)

19 mei 2007

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-19.00 uur:

Let op: dit is het vervolg van de Grandmix 2004 (Tracks 33 van CD 1 en Tracks 1 t/m 8 van CD 2), uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)

26 mei 2007

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is het vervolg van de Grandmix 2004 (Tracks 9 t/m 19 van CD 2), uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)

2 juni 2007

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is het vervolg van de Grandmix 2006 (Tracks 28 t/m 32 van CD 1 en Tracks 1 t/m 8 van CD 2), uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)

9 juni 2007

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is het vervolg van de Grandmix 2004 (Tracks 20 t/m 32 van CD 2), uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)

16 juni 2007

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is het vervolg van de Grandmix 2004 (Tracks 1 t/m 13 van CD 3), uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)

23 juni 2007

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is een klein gedeelte uit de Grandmix 2005 (Tracks 1 t/m 13 van CD 1) in een extended versie, uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)

30 juni 2007

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is het vervolg van de Grandmix 2005 (Tracks 14 t/m 29 van CD 1), uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)

7 juli 2007

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is het vervolg van de Grandmix 2005 (Tracks 29 t/m 35 van CD 1 en Tracks 1 t/m 9 van CD 2), uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)

14 juli 2007

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is het vervolg van de Grandmix 2005 (Tracks 8 t/m 21 van CD 2), uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)

21 juli 2007

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is het vervolg van de Grandmix 2005 (Tracks 21 t/m 31 van CD 2), uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)

28 juli 2007

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is het vervolg van de Grandmix 2005 (Tracks 31 van CD 2 en Tracks 1 t/m 11 van CD 3), uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)

4 augustus 2007

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is het vervolg van de Grandmix 2005 (Tracks 12 t/m 25 van CD 3), uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)

11 augustus 2007

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is het vervolg van de Grandmix 2005 (Tracks 26 t/m 30 van CD 3 en aangevuld met een viertal andere tracks), uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)

1 september 2007

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is het vervolg uit de Grandmix 2004 (Tracks 14 t/m 25 van CD 3), uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)

8 september 2007

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is het vervolg uit de Grandmix 2004 (Tracks 25 t/m 30 van CD 3 en aangevuld met een viertal andere tracks), uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)

30 december 2007

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

00.00-01.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1986 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

31 december 2007

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

17.00-20.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 2007 uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 2007
002 Samim Heater
003 Jaymen Ooh La Lishious
004 Peter Gelderblom Waiting 4
005 Eric Prydz vs. Floyd Proper Education
006 Jes Ghos
007 Sander Van Doorn Feat. Mc Prime By Any Demand
008 Booty Luv Shine
009 King Amir Samir's Theme
010 Ricky L Feat. M:Ck Born Again
011 Chris Lake Feat. Emma Hewitt Carry Me Away
012 Chris Lake Feat. Laura V Changes
013 DJ Tilo Hanssen Mr. Perfect
014 Se:Sa Feat. Sharon Phillips Like This Like That
015 Velvet Fix Me
016 Ben Macklin Feat. Tiger Lily Feel Together
017 Funkerman & Fedde Le Grand Presents 'F To The F' Wheels In Motion
018 Funkerman Speed It Up
019 Booty Luv Boogie 2 Nite
020 Cerf Mitiska And Jaren Light The Skies (Retrobyte Classic Electrobounce Mix)
021 Out Of Office Hands Up
022 Dr. Kucho Lies To Yourself
023 Dr. Kucho & Gregor Salto Love Is My Game
024 Sandy Rivera & Haze Freak
025 Syke 'N' Sugarstarr Danz
026 Freemasons Uninvited
027 Wi-Fi Feat. Melanie M Be Without You
028 Alex Gaudino Feat. Crystal Waters Destination Calabria
029 Didier Sinclair Feel The Wave
030 Bob Sinclar Sound Of Freedom
031 Yves Larock Rise Up
032 Masters At Work (M.A.W.) Work (2007 Remix)
033 Delano & Crockett Missing
034 Dubfire Roadkill
035 Rio De Janeiro
036 The Freaks Creeps
037 DJ Jean Sexy Lady
038 David Guetta Love Is Gone
039 Yanou Feat. Liz King Of My Castle
040 Fedde Le Grand Pres. Flamingo Project Take No Shhhhh
041 Ida Corr Let Me Think About It
042 David Vendetta Love To Love You Baby
043 Sunfreakz Feat. Andrea Britton Counting Down The Days
044 Niels De Vries Suēno
045 Bobby Burns From Holland
046 Electric Junkies My Drug (Is Electro)
047 Booty Luv Don't Mess With My Man
048 Bob Sinclar Together
049 Seamus Haji Feat. Kayjay Last Night A DJ Saved My Life
050 Starkillers Discoteka (Erick E Edit)
051 Sharam Patt (Party All The Time)
052 Gregor Salto & Chuckie Toys Are Nuts
053 Kate Ryan Voyage, Voyage
054 Armin Van Buuren The Sound Of Goodbye
055 Niels Van Gogh Vs Eniac Pulverturm 2.0
056 Olav Basoski Da Beat Kicks
057 Axwell I Found U
058 DJ Jose Turn The Lights Off
059 Dash Berlin Till The Sky Falls Down (Vocal Mix)
060 Corenell vs. Lisa Marie Experience Keep On Jumpin’
061 Tiësto Feat. Christian Burns In The Dark
062 Tiesto Feat. Bt Break My Fall
063 Way Out West The Fall (Richard Durand Remix)
064 Abel Ramos Te Quiero Puta
065 Sander Van Doorn Riff
066 DJ Falk House Of God
067 Filo & Peri Feat. Eric Lumiere Anthem
068 Ferry Corsten The Race
069 Armin Van Buuren Rush Hour
070 John Marks Insanity
071 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Rank 1 This World Is Watching Me
072 Randy Katana Another Wave
073 Carlos The Silmarilla 2007
074 Carlos Alanda
075 David Forbes Super Imposed
076 Markus Schulz Never Be the Same Again
077 Above & Beyond Presents. Tranquility Base Oceanic
078 John O Callaghan Feat. Audrey Gallagher Big Sky (Agnelli & Nelson Remix)
079 Ron Van Den Beuken Alcatrazz
080 Liz Kay When Love Becomes A Lie
081 Milk Inc. Sunrise (Jeckyll & Hyde Radio Mix)
82 The High Street Allstars To France
083 The Sunclub Fiësta Reloaded
084 DJ Porny Me So Horny
085 Superstar DJ Meet Her At The Love Parade
086 Superstar DJ Resurection
087 Manian Heaven (Cascade Edit)
088 Jeckyll & Hyde Freefall
089 Jump Project The Wistle
090 Jekyll & Hyde Frozen Flame
091 The Jumpmasters Skydive
092 Jumping Jacks Life is Like a Dance
093 The High Street Allstars Rock That Beat
094 The Jumpers Blue (Da Ba Dee)
095 Jeckyll & Hyde Time Flies
096 DJ Porny Je T'aime Porny
097 Pakito Are You Ready
098 Jumping Jacks Jumping In The Moonlight
099 Zany & Dv8 Nothing Else Matters
100 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 2007

18.00-21.00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2007 uitgezonden op Slam!FM (Nederland) [44][45][46]

22:00-23:00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1987 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)


1 januari 2008

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

00.00-03.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2007 uitgezonden op Slam!FM (Nederland)

31 december 2008

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 2008 uitgezonden op Slam!FM (Nederland)[47]

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 2008
002 Kraak & Smaak Feat. Ben Westbeech Squeeze Me
003 CRW I Feel Love
004 Frank Rizardo Flute Test
005 Jean Claude Ades Shingaling
006 DJ Chus & Peter Gelderblom Feelin’ 4 You
007 Kelly Rowland Work (Freemasons Mix)
008 Fedde Le Grand & Funkerman 3 Minutes To Explain
009 Eric Prydz Pjanoo
010 Bodyrox & Luciana What Planet You On
011 Ian Oliver Feat. Eastenders Vino Vino
012 Yves La Rock Feat. Jaba By Your Side
013 Hardsoul Presents Roog & Greg Feat. Si Paul Your Love (Jordy Lishious Remix)
014 Dave Armstrong & Redroche Feat. H-boogie Love Has Gone
015 Dirty South Feat. Rudy Let It Go
016 Ian Oliver Feat. Shantel Bucovina
017 Captcha Close 2 Me
018 Kate Ryan Ella Elle L'a
019 Bingoplayers vs. Chocolat Puma Touch Me
020 Turbofunk Gotta Move'
021 Soulcatcher Falling In Love (Original / Olav Basoski / Bingoplayers Remix)
022 Gianluca Motta Feat. Molly Not Alone
023 Cahill Feat. Nikki Belle Trippin On You
024 Emilio Fernandez Reynosa
025 Mark Knight Man With The Red Face
026 Eddie Thoneick I Wanna Freak U
027 Booty Luv Dance Dance
028 Andy Duguid Feat. Leah Wasted
029 Ida Engberg Disco Volante
030 Afrojack & Partysquad Drop Down
031 Atlantic Ocean Waterfall 2009
032 Bart Claessen First Light
033 Meck Feat. Dino So Strong
034 Cliff Jones I Am Ready
035 Marco Demark Feat. Casey Barnes Tiny Dancer
036 Booty Luv Some Kinda Rush
037 Dirty South & Mync Project Everybody Freakin'
038 Hardsoul Presents TJ Cases Feat. Natalie Broomes Nothin Better Than Your Lovin’ (Hardsoul Main Reconstructed)
039 Mr. V Put Your Drink Down (Bob Sinclar Radio Edit)
040 Jean Elan Where's Your Head At (Klaas Radio Mix)
041 Jerry Ropero Feat. Cozi The Storm
042 Moussa Clarke vs. The Police She Wants Him
043 Sharam Feat. Daniel Bedingfield The One
044 Elize Hot Stuff (Hardwell Remix)
045 DJ Jurgen A Higher Love
046 Robin S. Show Me Love 2008
047 Ian Carey Red Light
048 Axwell, Bob Sinclar & Ron Carrol What A Wonderful World
049 Ron Carroll Walking Down The Street
050 Alex Gaudino Feat. Shena Watch Out
051 Spoon, Harris & Obernik Baditude
052 Sia The Girl You Lost To Cocaine
053 David Guetta Delirious
054 Dobenbeck Please Don't Go (Chris Reece Radio Mix)
055 DJ Jean The Launch Relaunched
056 Scumfrog & Rafael Frost Run To You
057 The Caramel Club Jumbo Jumbo
058 Wippenberg Chakalaka
059 Ian Carey Feat. Michelle Shellers Keep On Rising
060 David Guetta & Chris Willis vs. Tocadisco Tomorrow Can Wait
061 Deadmau5 Not Exactly
062 Dave Darrell Children
063 John Dahlback Pyramid
064 Guru Josh Project Infinity 2008 (Klaas Vocal Edit)
065 Orjan Nilsen Feat. Tarah Be As One (La Guitarra)
066 Black Box Everybody Everybody (Benny Benassi Radio)
067 R.i.o. Shine On
068 Eva Jane Spinning Around
069 Supafly Inc. Be Together
070 Ernesto vs. Bastian Thrill
071 Geo Da Silva I'll Do You Like A Truck
072 Robert Abigail Mojito Song
073 James Doman Everything Is Gonna Be Allright
074 Fedo Mora After The Rain
075 Sun Lounger Feat. Zara Lost (Club Mix)
076 Deadmau5 Clockwork
077 Ercola Feat. Danielle Every Word
078 Armin Van Buuren & DJ Shah Feat. Chris Jones Going Wrong
079 Bellatrax Feat. Saphia May I Can't Help Myself
080 D-rashid Latin Brutality (Original Radio Edit)
081 Laurent Wolf No Stress
82 Danzel Clap Your Hands (Radio Mix)
083 Lasgo Out Of My Mind
084 John Marks Feat. Blain What Do You Say
085 Miller & Divini One Way (Radio Edit)
086 Azzido Da Bass Dooms Night (Laidback Luke Remix)
087 Leon Bolier Ocean Drive Boulevard
088 John Marks Summerbreeze
089 Richard Durand Weep
090 Jochen Miller Lost Connection
091 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Sharon Den Adel In And Out Of Love (Radio Edit)
092 Ernesto vs. Bastian Super Jupiter
093 Tiësto Elements Of Life
094 Veracocha Carte Blanche
095 Ferry Corsten Radio Crash
096 Rene Ablaze Presents Fallen Skies Stealin' Love
097 Bart Claessen Catch Me
098 Simon Patterson U
099 Ben Liebrand Outtro Grandmix 2008


3 januari 2009

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1983 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

23:00-24:00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Classics Mix uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

26 december 2009

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18:00-19:00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1988 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

23:00-24:00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1989 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

31 december 2009

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 2009 uitgezonden op Slam!FM (Nederland)[48]

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 2009
02 Sidney Samson Riverside
03 Fedde Le Grand Feat. Mitch Crown Scared Of Me
04 Asino vs. DJ Jean The Bomb
05 Bingo Players Feat. Dan’thony I Will Follow
06 Chris Lake Feat. Nastala If You Knew
07 Michel Cleis Feat. Toto La Momposina La Mezcla
08 Enur Calabria (Ralvero Remix)
09 The Ian Carey Project Get Shaky
10 Chuckie Aftershock (Can’t Fight The Feeling)
11 Ralvero Feat. Mc Boogshe Party People
12 Quintin vs. DJ Jean Original Dutch
13 Chicane Poppiholla
14 Axwell, Ingrosso, Laidback Luke & Angello Feat. Deborah Cox Leave The World Behind
15 John Dahlback Pyramid
16 Bob Sinclar Feat. Shabba Ranks Love You No More
17 Deadmau5 Feat. Rob Swire Ghosts ‘N’ Stuff
18 DJ Jean Play That Beat
19 Agnes Release Me
20 Bob Sinclar & Sugarhill Gang Lala Song
21 DJ Jose Like That
22 Ida Corr I Want You (Funkerman Remix)
23 Basic Element Feat. D-Flex Touch You Right Now
24 R.I.O. After The Love
25 Cidinho E Doca Rap Das Armas (Quintino Remix)
26 Funkerman Feat. I-Fan Remember
27 Peter Gelderblom Lost
28 Daniel Bovie & Roy Rox Stop Playing With My Mind
29 Jonas Steur Get Busy
30 Asino Gimme Some More
31 Armand Van Helden & A-Trak Presents Duck Sauce Anyway
32 Groovewatchers Sexy Girl
33 Quintin Bleep It!
34 Meck Feat. Dino So Strong
35 Inna Hot
36 Outsiders Feat. Amanda Wilson Keep This Fire Burning
37 Cascada Evacuate The Dancefloor
38 Gregor Salto & Kaoma Lambada 3000
39 Pitbull I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho)
40 Fake Blood Mars
41 Roog & Erick E. Presents Housequake & A Kelsey Shed My Skin
42 The Sunclub Te Te (Shake That Heaven)
43 Sidney Samson & Tony Cha Cha Emporium 2009
44 Tristan Garner vs. Crystal Waters Gypsy Woman 2009
45 Chuckie & LMFAO Let The Bass Kick In Miami Bitch
46 David Guetta & Chris Willis Everytime We Touch
47 Sono Keep Control
48 Delerium Feat. Sarah Mclachlan Silence 2009
49 Mojado Feat. Akil Too High
50 2minds I Am Not Krazy
51 Sidney Samson Let’s Go
52 Bingo Players vs. Chocolate Puma Disco Electrique
53 Silvio Ecomo & Chuckie Moombah
54 Dizzee Rascal & Armand Van Helden Bonkers
55 Kid Cudi vs. Crookers Day ‘N Nite
56 Deadmau5 Feat. Kaskade I Remember
57 Quintino Feat. Mitch Crown Heaven
58 Pitbull Hotel Room Service
59 De Bos On The Run
60 DJ Jurgen Crazy Sexy Cool
61 Paul & Fritz Kalkbrenner Sky & Sand
62 Annagrace Let The Feelings Go
63 Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina Stereo Love
64 Andy Duguid Signals
65 David Guetta Feat. Kelly Rowland When Love Takes Over
66 Fragma Memory
67 Josh Gabriel Deep Down
68 Mac & Mac Solid Session (Superfly Edit)
69 Marco V Coma Aid
70 R.I.O. When The Sun Comes Down
71 Ton T.B. Calculating Darkness
72 Ferry Corsten We Belong
73 Chicane vs. Natasha Bedingfield Bruised Water
74 Cosmic Gate Feat. Kyler England Flatline
75 Sander Van Doorn vs. Robbie Williams Close My Eyes
76 Kate Ryan I Surrender
77 Rex Mundi Feat. Susana Nothing At All
78 Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge Feat. Meighan Nealon Faces
79 Markus Schulz Do You Dream
80 Yanou Brighter Day
81 Emilio Fernandez Saltillo
82 Robbie Rivera Closer To The Sun
83 First State Feat. Sarah Howells Brave
84 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Jaren Unforgivable
85 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Cathy Burton Rain (Cosmic Gate Remix)
86 Calvin Harris I’m Not Alone (Tiësto Remix)
87 Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren Beggin’ You
88 Art Of Trance Madagascar (Richard Durand Remix)
89 Dash Berlin Feat. Emma Hewitt Waiting
90 Lasgo Gone
91 Tiësto Presents Edward Carnby Alone In The Dark
92 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Sharon Den Adel In And Out Of Love
93 Ferry Corsten Feat. Betsie Larkin Made Of Love
94 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Jacqueline Govaert Never Say Never
95 Gaia Tuvan
96 Ron Hagen & Pascal M Riddles In The Sand
97 Lasgo Lost
98 Ram Ramsterdam
99 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 2009

23.00-24.00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Classics Mix uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)


1 januari 2010

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

02.00-03.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Classics Mix uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

31 december 2010

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 2010 uitgezonden op Slam!FM (Nederland) en gelijktijdig op Ping FM (België)

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 2010
02 Tim Berg Bromance (Avicii's Radio Edit)
03 Stromae Alors On Danse
04 Sidney Samson Feat. Lady Bee Shut Up & Let It Go (Chuckie Remix)
05 Alex De Giuiror Feat. Jay Colin The Girl That I Want
06 Atb Could You Believe
07 Asino vs. DJ Jean Yo DJ
08 Firebeatz & Joey Suki Hidden Sound
09 Inna Love
10 Tikos Groove Feat. Mendonca Do Rio Me Faz Amar
11 Yolanda Be Cool vs. D-cup We No Speak Americano
12 Bingo Players When I Dip
13 Tv Rock Feat Rudy In the Air (Axwell Radio Edit)
14 Bob Sinclar & Sahara Feat. Shaggy I Wanna
15 Armand Van Helden & A-trak Presents Duck Sauce Barbara Streisand
16 R.i.o. One Heart
17 Issy Feat David Goncalves Physical Love
18 Dennis Ferrer Hey Hey
19 Deniz Koyu What We Are
20 Flow 212 Feat. DJ Overule & Rusty Ritmo Do Meu Flow (Ralvero & Bassjackers Edit)
21 David Guetta Feat. Kid Cudi Memories
22 Chelley Took the Night (DJ Alvaro Radio Edit)
23 Laserkraft 3d Nein, Mann!
24 N.e.r.d. Feat. Nelly Furtado Hot-N-fun
25 Edward Maya This Is My Life
26 Andy Duguid Feat. Leah Miracle Moments
27 Quintino Feat Mitch Crown You Can't Deny
28 Fedde Le Grand Feat. Mitch Crown Rockin High (Nicky Romero Remix)
29 Tony Jr. & Nicolas Nox Loesje (Swingdance Mix)
30 Analog People In a Digital World vs. Tim Deluxe Feat. Sam Obernik Just Won't Do
31 Afrojack Feat Eva Simons Take Over Control
32 Swedish House Mafia Feat. Pharrell Miami 2 Ibiza
33 Tiësto Feat. Nelly Furtado Who Wants To Be Alone (Andy Duguid Mix)
34 Far East Movement Feat. Cataracs & Dev Like A G6
35 Laidback Luke & Gregor Salto Feat. Mavis Acquah Step By Step
36 Cascada Pyromania
37 Gramophonedzie Why Don't You
38 DJ Jean Flawless 52
39 Steve Angello Monday
40 Ørjan Nilsen So Long (Radio Edit)
41 Swedish House Mafia Feat. Pharrell One (Your Name)
42 Peter Luts The Rain
43 Meck Feat Dino Feels Like A Prayer
44 Boxer, Tom Feat. Antonia Morena
45 R.i.o. Hot Girl
46 Mitch Crown Crazy
47 Red Carpet Feat. Hardwell Alright
48 Angie Be Soundwaves
49 Andrew Bennett Feat. Tiff Lacey Say Your Prayers
50 Sidney Samson Feat. Sicerow Fill U Up (Emporium Theme)
51 Ricky L Feat. Meck Born Again (Balearic Soul Radio Edit)
52 The Shapeshifters Helter Skelter
53 Dirty South Phazing
54 James Talk & Ridney Forever
55 Deadmau5 Animal Rights
56 Spencer & Hill vs. Dave Darell It’s A Smash
57 Tom & Jerry Feat. Abigail Bailey Touch Me
58 Robbie Rivera Closer To The Sun
59 Daddy's Groove vs. Bob Sinclar Kiss My Agony
60 Steve Angello Knas
61 East & Young Reveal
62 Dany P-Jazz, Fedde Le Grand & Funkerman New Life
63 Adrian Lux Teenage Crime (Axwell Radio Edit)
64 Chicane Come Back
65 Avicii & Sebastien Drums My Feelings For You
66 Kelly Rowland Commander
67 Axwell Feat. Errol Reid Nothing But Love
68 Grandmaster Issy Don't Get Me Wrong
69 Kelis Acapella
70 Bob Sinclar Feat. Vybrate & Queen Ifrica & Makedah New New New
71 Inna Amazing
72 Ray & Anita In Da Name Of Love
73 Wildboyz Feat. Ameerah Sound Of Missing You
74 Ron Hagen & Al Exander Last Minute
75 First State Feat. Relyk Cross The Line
76 Ali Wilson Pandora
77 Armin Van Buuren Full Focus
78 Ferry Corsten Presents Pulse Once
79 Gareth Emery Feat. Lucy Saunders Sanctuary
80 the Blizzard & Omnia Metanoia
81 Ela Rose Feat. David Deejay I Can Feel
82 Sander Van Doorn Renegade (Theme Trance Energy)
83 Markus Schulz Feat. Justine Suissa Perception
84 Benny Benassi, Kelis, Apl & Jean-Baptiste Spaceship (Original Clubmix)
85 Dash Berlin Never Cry Again
86 Richard Durand Feat. Christian Burns Night & Day
87 Armin Van Buuren Feat Vanvelzen Broken Tonight
88 Yuri Kane Right Back
89 Rank 1 vs. Jochen Miller The Great Escape
90 Armin Van Buuren vs. Sophie Ellis-Bextor Not Giving Up On Love
91 Susana Feat Omnia & The Blizzard Closer
92 Andy Moor Feat. Carrie Skipper She Moves
93 W&W D.N.A
94 Shogun Feat. Emma Lock Save Me
95 Gaia Aisha
96 DJ’s United Remember Love
97 Ron Van Den Beuken Shelter Us
97 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 2010

21.00-24.00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2010 uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)


3 december 2011

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23:00-24:00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1987 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

17 december 2011

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23:00-24:00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1988 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

24 december 2011

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23:00-24:00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1989 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

25 december 2011

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

00:00-01:00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1990 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

31 december 2011

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 2011 uitgezonden op Slam!FM (Nederland)[49]

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 2011
002 Studio Killers Ode To The Bouncer
003 David Tort Feat. Gosha One Look
004 Pretty Boys From Saint Tropez Feat. Mel Jade Aliens
005 Sak Noel Loca People
006 Vato Gonzalez Feat. Foreign Beggars Badman Riddim (Jump)
007 Tom Hangs Feat. Shermanology Blessed (Avicii Radio Edit)
008 Spencer & Hill & Nadia Ali Believe It
009 First State Feat. Sarah Howells Skies On Fire
010 Klaas & Bodybangers Freak
011 Martin Solveig & Dragonette Hello
012 Martin Solveig Feat. Kele Ready 2go
013 Wolfgang Gartner Feat. Forever
014 Tim Berg vs. Oliver Ingrosso & Otto Knows Itrack
015 Chris Brown Feat. Benny Benassi Beautiful People
016 Firebeatz It's Like That 2011
017 Robin S. & CTK Shake It
018 Jean Elan Feat. Cosmo Klein Feel Alive
019 Rene Amesz & Baggi Begovic Smells Like Teen Spirit
020 Cascada San Francisco
021 Rio Feat. U-jean Turn This Club Around
022 Afrojack & Quintino Selecta
023 Laurent Wery Feat. Swift K.i.d & Dev Hey Hey Hey (Pop Another Bottle)
024 LMFAO Feat. Lauren Bennett & Goonrock Party Rock Anthem
025 Gareth Emery Feat Mark Frisch Into The Light
026 Nadia Ali, Starkillers & Alex Kenji Pressure (Alesso Remix)
027 Pitbull Feat. Ne-yo, Afrojack & Nayer Give Me Everything
028 Sander Van Doorn Koko
029 DJ Antoine Welcome To Saint Tropez
030 Arty Kate
031 Glenn Morrison Feat. Christian Burns Tokyo Cries
032 Peter Luts Cayo
033 Lucien Foort Feat. Candy Dulfer & Earl S Indian Dreams
034 Dominik De Leon vs. Burhan G Everything Changes (Mark Simmons Remix)
035 Bob Sinclar Feat. Rafaella Carra Far L'amore
036 Rlp & Barbara Tucker R.e.s.p.e.c.t.
037 Joshua Kane & Gregor Salto Bum Bum Bum (In The Club)
038 RJ Feat. Pitbull U Know It Ain't Love
039 Basto! Gregory's Theme
040 Deniz Koyu Tung!
041 Bingo Players Cry (Just A Little)
042 Avicii Street Dancer
043 Alex Sayz Feat. Nadia Ali Free To Go
044 Eric Chase Everybody Surrender
045 Stiekz-O-Matic & Carlos Barbosa Big Brazil 2.0
046 Hardwell Encoded
047 Ferry Corsten Feel It!
048 Swedish House Maffia Save The World
049 Save The Robot Big Ben
050 Calvin Harris Feat. Kelis Bounce
051 Maruja Retana Right Through Me
052 Alex Gaudino Feat. Kelly Rowland What A Feeling
053 Qwote Feat. Pitbull & Lucenzo Throw Your Hands Up
054 Sandro Silva & Quintino Epic
055 The Partysquad Feat. Rochelle & Jayh Body Language (Ride)
056 The Black Eyed Peas The Time
057 Afrojack & Steve Aoki No Beef
058 Ian Carey Feat. Bobby Antonie & Snoop Dog Last Night
059 Basto! Again And Again
060 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Adam Young Youtopia
061 Arty Around The World
062 Diddy Dirty Money Coming Home
063 Sander Van Doorn Presents Purple Haze Feat. Colin Janz Timezone
064 Milan & Phoenix Carnival
065 the Shrink Reloaded & Mc Pryme Nervous Breakdown 2011
066 Sophie Ellis-Bextor Bittersweet
067 Mike Candys & Evelyn One Night In Ibiza
068 The Shapeshifters She Freaks
069 Tiësto Maximal Crazy
070 Avicii Fade Into Darkness
071 Rio Miss Sunshine
072 Ducksause Big Bad Wolf
073 Nic Chagall & Duderstadt Feat. Relyk Alone With YoII
074 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Nadia Ali Feels So Good
075 Nadia Ali Rapture
076 BT & Adam K Tomahawk
077 Markus Schulz & Jochen Miller Rotunda
078 David Guetta Feat. Nicki Minaj & Flo Rid Where Them Girls At
079 Roger Sanchez & Far East Movement Feat. Kanobby 2gether
080 Sander Van Doorn Feat. Carol Lee Love Is Darkness
081 Tiësto vs. Diplo Feat. Busta Rhymes C'mon (Catch 'Em By Surprise)
82 Beat Service Outsider
083 LMFAO Feat. Natalia Kills Champagne Showers
084 Snoop Dogg vs. David Guetta Sweat
085 DJ Metzker Viktoria Feat. Mitch Crown So Amazing
086 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Laura V Drowning
087 Ummet Ozcan Reboot
088 Dash Berlin Feat. Emma Hewitt Disarm Yourself
089 Above & Beyond Feat. Richard Bedford Sun And Moon
090 Aly & Fila Feat. Jwaydan We Control the Sunlight (Original Club Mix)
091 Shogun Skyfire
092 Above & Beyond Feat. Richard Bedford Thing Called Love
093 Dennis Sheperd & Cold Blue Feat. Ana Criado Fallen Angel
094 Orjan Nilsen Between The Rays
095 Dash Berlin Feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn Better Half Of Me
096 System F vs. Cosmic Gate The Blue Theme (Ferry Corsten's Fix)
097 Grace Not Over Yet
098 Dash Berlin Earth Hour
099 Ferry Corsten Feat. Armin Van Buuren Brute (Original Extended)
100 Benny Benassi And Gary Go Cinema (Skrillex Remix)
101 Porter Robinson Spitfirel
102 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 2011

23:00-24:00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1991 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)


1 januari 2012

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

00.00-01.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Classics Mix uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

Na track 62 stopt hier de uitzending en hoor je een vuurwerk sound-effect met een Radio Veronica Jingle van Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!

02.00-03.00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Classics Mix uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

Na track 62 stopt hier de uitzending en hoor je een vuurwerk sound-effect met een Radio Veronica Jingle van Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!

31 december 2012

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 2012 uitgezonden op Slam!FM (Nederland)[50]

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 2012
002 Martin Solveig The Night Out
003 Basto I Rave You
004 Tacabro Tacata’
005 Omnia & Ira The Fusion
006 Hardwell Feat. Mitch Crown Call Me A Spaceman
007 Otto Knows Million Voices
008 Chocolate Puma & Firebeatz Just One More Time Baby
009 Inna Wow
010 Patrick Miller Dancing In London
011 Bob Sinclar Feat. Pitbull, Dragonfly & Fatman Scoop Rock The Boat
012 Showtek Feat. Justin Prime Cannonball
013 Avicii Silhouettes
014 Chris Brown Turn Up The Music
015 Nicky Romero Toulouse
016 WillIAm Feat. Eva Simons This Is Love
017 RIO Feat. U-Jean Animal
018 Digitalism vs. Tommy Trash Falling
019 Billy The Kit Feat. Stennis, Duvall & Bnann Higher
020 Ne-Yo Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself)
021 Afrojack & Shermanology Can't Stop Me
022 Rihanna Where Have You Been
023 Basto & Yves V Cloudbreaker
024 Sean Paul She Doesn't Mind
025 Spencer & Hill Feat. Ari Surrender
026 LMFAO Sexy And I Know It
027 Swedish House Mafia Greyhound
028 Usher Scream
029 Ivan Gough In My Mind
030 Chris Brown Don't Wake Me Up
031 Fedde Le Grand & Nicky Romero Feat. Matthew Koma Sparks (Turn Off Your Mind)
032 La Fuente Dounia
033 Orjan Nilsen Endymion
034 Orjan Nilsen Burana
035 Lunde Bros Can You Feel It
036 Erik Arbores Gold
037 Alvaro Make The Crowd Go
038 Norman Doray And Nervo Feat. Cookie Something To Believe In (Short Edit)
039 Sidney Samson Feat. WillIAm Better Than Yesterday
040 Deadmau5 The Veldt
041 Hardwell Cobra
042 Avicii Feat. Lenny Kravitz Superlove
043 Laidback Luke Ft Martel We Are The Stars
044 Sander Van Doorn & Mayaeni Nothing Inside
045 Rita Ora How We Do (Party)
046 Fedde Le Grand & Deniz Koyu & Johan Wedel Turn It
047 David Guetta Ft Chris Brown & Lil' Wayne I Can Only Imagine
048 Afrojack Rock The House
049 Sebastian Ingrosso & Alesso Feat. Ryan Tedder Calling (Lose My Mind)
050 Leo V Go & Do
051 Jochen Miller Zodiac
052 PSY Gangnam Style
053 Taio Cruz Troublemaker
054 Swedish House Mafia Feat. John Martin Don't You Worry Child
055 Goldfish Feat. Morning Parade Washing Over Me
056 Firebeatz & Schella Dear New York
057 Don Diablo The Golden Years
058 Loreen Euphoria
059 Tujamo & Plastik Funk Who
060 Pitbull Feat. Tjr Don't Stop The Party
061 Porter Robinson Language
062 Bingo Players Feat. Heather Bright Don't Blame The Party (Mode)
063 Erik Arbores Feat. Esmee Denters Dance4Life (Now Dance)
064 Madeon Icarus
065 Arty Open Space
066 Usher Numb
067 Project 46 & Dubvision Feat. Donna Lewis You & I
068 Armin Van Buuren Presents Gaia J'ai Envie De Toi
069 Arty, Nadia Ali & Bt Must Be The Love
070 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Ana Criado I'll Listen
071 Ferry Corsten Feat Betsie Larkin Not Coming Down
072 Cosmic Gate & Emma Hewitt Calm Down
073 Andrew Rayel Aeon Of Revenge
074 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Ana Criado Suddenly Summer
075 Gareth Emery Feat. Christina Novelli Concrete Angel
076 Emma Hewitt Miss You Paradise
077 Andrew Rayel Feat. Jano How Do I Know
078 Dash Berlin Feat. Chris Madin Silence In Your Heart
079 Aruna Save The Day
080 Armin Van Buuren We Are Here To Make Some Noise
081 Andrew Rayel 550 Senta (Aether Remix)
082 W&W Invasion (Asot 550 Anthem)
083 Ferry Corsten Feat. Ben Hague Ain't No Stoppin’
084 Above & Beyond Feat. Richard Bedford On My Way To Heaven
085 Orjan Nilsen Amsterdam
086 Richard Durand Feat. Leah Stand Again
087 Jorn Van Deynhoven Headliner
088 Savoy Feat. Sofi Under My Skin (Diy)
089 Ziggy Orbit
090 Calvin Harris Feel So Close
091 Ansol & Dyro Top Of The World
092 Bingo Players Rattle
093 Sander Van Doorn Chasin' (In The City)
094 Nadia Ali, Starkillers & Alex Kenji Pressure (Zomboy Remix)
095 Candyland Feat. Peter Dawson Castle Of Affair
096 DJ Fresh Feat. Rita Ora Hot Right Now
097 Hardwell Feat. Mitch Crown Call Me A Spaceman (Drown The Fish Remix)
098 Labrinth Feat. Tinie Tempah Earthquake
099 Major Lazer Get Free (Andy C Remix)
100 Netsky Love Has Gone
101 Madeon Finale
102 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 2012

21.00-24.00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2012 uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)

23.00-24.00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1991 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)


1 januari 2013

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

00.00-01.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Classics Mix in de speciale directors cut, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

00.00-03.00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2012 uitgezonden op 101.5 KOOL FM Today & Back in the Day Calgary (Canada)

6 april 2013

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23:00-24:00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1983 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

31 december 2013

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is het 30 jarige jubileum van de Grandmix!

Dit is de Grandmix 2013 uitgezonden op Slam!FM (Nederland)

De teaser van deze Grandmix, gemaakt door Ben Liebrand zelf, kun je hier bekijken

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 2013
002 Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Feat. Mary Lambert Same Love
003 Flume Holdin' On
004 Major Lazer Feat. Bruno Mars, Tyga & Mystic Bubble Butt
005 Nicki Minaj Feat. Drake Moment Life
006 Chris Brown Fine China
007 Major Lazer Feat. Busy Signal, The Flexican & Fs Green Watch Out For This (Bumaye)
008 Bondax Giving It All
009 Le Youth C O O L
010 Capital Cities Safe And Sound
011 Nora En Pure Come With Me
012 Chris Malinchak So Good To Me
013 Ninetoes Finder (The Path)
014 Eelke Kleijn Feat. Tres:Or Stand Up (Ein Tag Am Strand)
015 Klangkarussell Sonnentanz
016 Mark Knight & Funkagenda Man With The Red Face (Hardwell Remix)
017 Duke Dumont Feat. A*M*E Need U (100 %)
018 Wankelmut & Emma Louise My Head Is A Jungle
019 Avicii Wake Me Up
020 Bakermat Zomer
021 Parra For Cuva Feat. Anna Naklab Wicked Games
022 Michel Cleis Hey Lady Luck
023 Sharon Doorson Fail In Love
024 Showtek Feat. We Are Loud & Sonny Wilson Booyah
025 DJ Antoine vs. Mad Mark Bella Vita
026 Carly Rae Jepsen Tonight I’m Getting Over You
027 PSY Gentleman
028 Martin Garrix Animals
029 Cosmic Gate So Get Up
030 Redfoo Let’s Get Ridiculous
031 Nils Van Zandt Feat. Nicci Johnny Cash
032 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Cindy Alma Beautiful Life
033 Armin Van Buuren & W&W D# Fat
034 The Aston Shuffle vs. Tommy Trash Sunrise (Won't Get Lost)
035 Daddy's Groove & Cryogenix Tilt
036 Audien Feat. Michael S Leaving You
037 Martin Solveig & The Cataracs Feat. Kyle Hey Now
038 Billy The Kit Feat. Duvall Burn It Down
039 Sharon Doorson High On Your Love
040 Nicky Romero vs. Krewella Legacy
041 Yanou Feat. Falco Luneau Lightyears Away
042 Ben Pearce What I Might Do
043 Dimitri Vegas, Like Mike & Gta Feat. Wolfpack Turn It Up
044 W&W Lift.Off!
045 W&W Thunder
046 Chuckie & Dzeko & Torris Down To This
047 Orjan Nilsen Violetta
048 Basto Stormchaser
049 Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano & Jaz Von D Firefaces (I'm Not Listening)
050 Nicky Romero & Nervo Like Home
051 Kat Krazy Feat. Elkka Siren
052 Serebro Mi Mi Mi
053 Bakermat Vandaag
054 Bakermat Uitzicht
055 Tiësto Feat. Kyler England Take Me
056 Fedde Le Grand Rockin' N' Rollin'
057 Sebastian Ingrosso, Tommy Trash & John Martin Reload
058 Blasterjaxx Faith
059 Hardwell Feat. Amba Shepherd Apollo
060 Alvaro & Mercer Feat. Lil Jon Welcome To The Jungle
061 Ke$Ha Die Young
062 Britney Spears Work B**ch
063 The Partsquad & Mitchell Niemeyer #PantsDown
064 Dvbbs & Borgeous Tsunami
065 Eva Simons Chemistry
066 Dirty Disco Youth Black Diamond
067 Hardwell Feat. Makj Countdown
068 Daddy's Groove Stellar
069 Fedde Le Grand & Di-Rect Where We Belong
070 Krewella Alive (Hardwell Remix)
071 Loreen My Heart Is Refusing Me
072 Sharon Doorson Run Run
073 Sharon Doorson Killer
074 Icona Pop Feat. Charli Xcx I Love It
075 Zedd Feat. Foxes Clarity
076 Steve Aoki, Chris Lake & Tujamo Boneless
077 Afrojack Feat. Chris Brown As Your Friend
078 Lau, Paris & Simo Feat. Bright Lights Escape
079 Calvin Harris Feat. Ayah Marar Thinking About You
080 Dash Berlin Feat. Christina Novelli Jar Of Hearts
081 Jennifer Lopez Live It Up
82 DJ Antoine vs. Mad Mark Feat. B-Case & U-Jean House Party
083 Deorro Yee
084 Showtek & Noisecontrollers Get Loose (Tiësto Remix)
085 Mark Knight & DRamirez V Underworld Downpipe (Armin Van Buuren Remix)
086 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Trevor Guthrie This Is What It Feels Like
087 Pitbull Feat. Ke$Ha Timber
088 Erik Arbores Get Ready
089 Dirtcaps & The Million Plan Money On My Mind
090 Rasmus Faber Feat. Linus Norda We Laugh We Dance We Cry
091 Hardwell & Dyro Feat. Bright Lights Never Say Goodbye
092 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Fiora Waiting For The Night
093 Alex MORPH & Natalie Gioia Dreams
094 Fisherman & Hawkins Apache
095 Jochen Miller Feat. Dogs With Jeans We Have Tonight
096 Showtek Slow Down (Anthem Emporium)
097 Pitbull Feat. Christina Aguilera Feel This Moment
098 Suspect Amazing
099 Andrew Rayel Dark Warrior
100 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Miri Ben-Ari Intense
101 Headhunterz Feat. Tatu Colors
102 Yellow Claw Feat. Lny Tnz Last Night Ever
103 Headhunterz Feat. Krewella United Kids Of The World
104 Wildstylez Feat. Niels Geusebroek Year Of Summer
105 Brennan Heart & Wildstylez Lose My Mind
106 Code Black Brighter Day
107 Brennan Heart Feat. Jonathan Mendelson Imaginary
108 Yellow Claw Feat. Rochelle Shotgun
109 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 2013

23.00-24.00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Classics Mix uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

Na track 62 stopt hier de uitzending en hoor je een vuurwerk sound-effect met een Radio Veronica Jingle van Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!


1 januari 2014

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

00.00-01.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1983 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

4 januari 2014

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23:00-24:00 uur:

Dit is een speciale aflevering i.v.m. het 10-jarig bestaan van In The Mix op Radio Veronica; een terugblik op 2004

Dit is een groot gedeelte uit de Grandmix 2004, maar is niet de gehele mix, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

De eerste 16 nummers zijn al eerder uitgezonden in een extended versie op 28 september 2013 (Dit zijn tracks 2 t/m 17 van CD 1). Nummer 17 t/m 31 zijn ook al eerder uitgezonden in een extended versie op 5 oktober 2013 (Dit zijn tracks 18 t/m 32 van CD 1)

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Elize Shake
02 Nina Sky Move Ya Body
03 Eric Prydz Call On Me
04 Junior Jack Stupidisco
05 Soulvation Deeper
06 Shapeshifters Lola's Theme
07 Ritmo-Dynamic Calinda
08 Bratt Carter Morning Always Comes to Soon
09 Danni Minogue Vs. Flower Power You Won't Forget About Me
10 Spankox To the Club
11 Armand van Helden My My My
12 Mylo Drop the Pressure
13 Michael Gray The Weekend
14 Marly You Never Know
15 DJ Casper Cha Cha Slide
16 Danzel Pump it Up
17 Boogie Pimps Somebody to Love
18 Narcothic Trust I Like It
19 LMC vs. U2 Take Me Up the Clouds Above
20 Dr. Kucho! Feat. Jodie Belmondo Rules 2.0 (It's all About You)
21 Royal Gigolos California Dreamin'
22 Scent Up & Down
23 Danny Howels Dusk 'till Dawn
24 DT8 Project The Sun is Shining (Down on Me)
25 Fight Club Feat. Laurent Konrad Spread Love
26 Ridgewalkers Feat. El Find
27 Origene Sanctuary
28 Da Hool Feat. Heather Leigh West Set the Stakes High
29 Amuka Appreciate me
30 Aven All I wanna do
31 Benassi Bros Feat. Sandy Illusion
32 Dance Valley A decade of dance
33 Paul van Dyk Feat. Second Sun Crush
34 Magnolia It's all vain
35 Mike Heart Sex machine
36 Benjamin Bates Whole
37 Benny Benassi Presents The Biz Able to Love
38 Axwell Feel the Vibe
39 Andain Beautiful Things
40 Motorcycle As the Rush Comes
41 Peter Martin Presents Anthanasia Perfect Wave
42 Michael Woods Solex (Close to the Edge)
43 Rank 1 Symsonic (it's Up to you)
44 Remy & Roland Klinkenberg Till ya Drop
45 True Form Forbidden Colours
46 Novaspace Run To You
47 Randy Katana One Solid Wave
48 DJ Jose Hecitate
49 DJ Cor Fijneman Feat. Anita Kelsey Healing
50 Ferry Corsten Everything Goes
51 Clokx Overdrive
52 Freeloader Pure Devotion
53 Above & Beyond No One on Earth
54 DJ Shog Live 4 music
55 Manyou Drifting away
56 DJ Tiesto Feat. BT Love comes again
57 DJ Ton T.B. Dreammachine
58 Jens Loops & tings relooped (Marco V remix)
59 Marco V Automanual
60 Futureshock Pride's Paranoia (Marco V. Remix)
61 Freestylers Push Up
62 Solid Globe Sahara
63 Outback State Of Emergency
64 Nalin & Kane Vs. Dennis the Menace Cruising
65 Bossanova Stonecold
66 Mojado Feat. Mr. Sam Naranja
67 Sensation The Anthem 2004
68 DJ Ton T.B. Electronic Malfunction
69 DJ Tiesto Feat. Kirsty Hawkshaw Just Be
70 Blank & Jones Feat. Robert Smith A Forest
71 Klubbers Revenge Mental Atmosphere
72 Oceanlab Satellite
73 Armin van Buuren Feat. Justine Suissa Burned With Desire
74 Sam Sharp Vs. Ron van den Beuken Twister
75 V-Lock Birth of Light
76 JX Restless
77 Ferry Corsten Right of Way
78 Mark Norman Phantom Manor
79 DJ Jean Every Single Day
80 Ron van de Beuken Endless

18 januari 2014

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23:00-24:00 uur:

Dit is een speciale aflevering i.v.m. het 10-jarig bestaan van In The Mix, de Grandmix 2005 ingekort tot een 1 uurs versie, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

Let op: dit is een samensmelting en ingekorte versie van de volgende In The Mix afleveringen: 12 oktober 2013 (tracks 01 t/m 12), 19 oktober 2013 (tracks 13 t/m 28), 26 oktober 2013 (tracks 29 t/m 42), 23 november 2013 (tracks 43 t/m 55)

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Elize Automatic (I'm talking to you)
02 Freeloaders So much love to give
03 Bob Sinclar Love generation
04 Inaya Day Nasty girl
05 Bon Garcon Freek U
06 Tiga You gonna want me
07 Ethan In my heart
08 Infernal From Paris to Berlin
09 Powno Music power
10 Supafly vs. Fishbowl Let's get down
11 Shapeshifters Back to basics
12 Studio B I see girls
13 Rockefeller Do it 2 nite
14 Axwell Feel the vibe
15 Dennis Christopher Feat. Tony Chacha Slut!
16 The House Keepers Go down
17 Deep Dish Flashdance
18 Stonebridge Put 'em high
19 Stonebridge Take me away
20 Cabin Crew Waiting for a star to fall
21 Lil' Love Little love
22 Freemasons Feat. Amanda Wilson Love on my mind
23 Faith Evans Mesmerized (Freemasons radio edit)
24 Gregor Salto Feat. Red Looking good
25 Dr. Kucho! & Gregor Salto Can't stop playing
26 Carolina Marquez Killer song
27 Yves Larock Feat. Roland Richards Zookey (lift your leg up)
28 The Lovefreekz Shine
29 Narcotic Thrust When Dawn Breaks
30 Reflekt Need To Feel Loved
31 D.O.N.S. Feat. Technotronic Feat. Felly Pump up the jam (Kurd Maverick aka Gian's crowd is jumpin' mix)
32 David Guetta The world is mine
33 Roger Sanchez Turn on the music
34 Gadjo So many times
35 Olav Basoski Feat. Michie One Waterman
36 Uniting Nations You & me
37 Tom Novy Your body
38 Deep Dish Say hello
39 Jupiter Ace 1000 Years
40 Gabriel & Dresden Arcadia
41 100% Just can't wait (Saturday)
42 Armand van Helden Into your eyes
43 Mylo Vs. Miami Sound Machine Doctor Pressure
44 Andy Moore Halcyon
45 Rachael Starr Till there was you (Gabrield & Dresden mix)
46 Uniting Nations Out of touch
47 Mike Foyle vs. Signalrunners Love theme Dusk
48 Johnson Push the feeling on
49 Erick E Feat. Gina J. Boogie down
50 Above & Beyond vs. Andy Moor Feat. Carrie Skipper Air for life
51 Global Deejays The sound of San Fransisco
52 Global Deejays What a feeling (Flashdance)
53 Ferry Corsten Feat. Simon le Bon Fire
54 Ritmo-Dynamic Calinda (2005 radio edit)
55 Dave McCullen Bitch
56 Lasgo All night long
57 Purple Haze Adrenaline
58 Markus Schulz & Departure with Gabriel & Dresden Without you near (Gabriel & Dresden mix)
59 FB Feat. Edun Who's knockin' (Ferry Corsten remix)
60 Marco V Second bite
61 Randy Katana Pleasure island
62 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Jan Vayne Serenity (Sensation white anthem 2005)
63 Clokx Tibet
64 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Susana Shivers
65 Tiesto UR (Junkie XL air guitar edit)
66 G-Spott City streets
67 Mr. Sam Lyteo (Rank 1 remix)
68 Manyou Drifting away
69 Van Helsing & Van Giessen Enjoy the silence
70 Project X Streaming summer love
71 Southside Spinners Luvstruck (Klubbheads 2005 remix)
72 4 Strings Sunrise
73 Randy Katana Play it loud
74 Rank 1 Beats at Rank-1 dotcom
75 DJ Jose Stepping to the beat
76 Jonas Steur Castamara
77 Kuffdam & Plant Summerdream (Paul van Dyk remix)
78 Roy Gates We rock together
79 DJ Tiesto Adagio for strings
80 Roy Gates On my way
81 DJ Jean Feel it
82 Ron van den Beuken Sunset (Ron van den Beuken mix)
83 Fred Baker Vs. Nyram Confirmation
84 John Marks Do it again
85 Ernesto Vs. Bastian Feat. Susana Dark side of the moon
86 Clokx Feelings
87 Thomas Bronszwaer Close horizon

19 april 2014

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 2006, teruggebracht van 3 uur naar een 60 minuten versie! Uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

23:00-24:00 uur:

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 The Shapeshifters & Chic Sensitivity
02 Gregor Salto Viajar (Mas Que Nada)
03 The Shapeshifters Incredible
04 Mish Mash Feat. Lois Speechless
05 Blaze Feat. Barbara Tucker Most Precious Love
06 Baggi Begovic & Bryan Dalton Safe
07 Supafly Inc Moving Too Fast
08 Michael Gray Feat. Shelly Poole Borderline (Ready For Your Love)
09 Till West & DJ Delicious Same Man
10 Paul Oakenfold Feat. Brittany Murphy Faster Kill Pussycat
11 Ricky Rivaro The Beat Inside
12 Bodyrox Yeah Yeah
13 Camile Jones Creeps
14 Fedde Le Grand Just Trippin’
15 Outwork Feat. Mr.Gee Electro
16 Mason Exceeder
17 Sidney Samson Shake And Rock This (Remix)
18 Untouchable 3 That Once In A Lifetime
19 Erick Morillo Jazz In Your Face
20 Erick E The Beat Is Rockin’
21 Roger Sanchez Lost
22 Real El Canario U Rock
23 Fedde Le Grand Put Your Hands Up for Detroit
24 Benjamin Bates Shelter
25 Beatfreakz Superfreak
26 Yoshimoto Du What U Du
27 Mischa Daniels Take Me Higher (The Remixes)
28 Ian Carey & Mochico Feat. Miss Bunty Say What You Want
29 Groove Cats Once In A Lifetime Groove
30 Bob Sinclar Feat. Steve Edwards World, Hold On (Children Of The Sky)
31 The Source Feat. Candi Staton You Got The Love
32 Dennis Christopher Soulshakin’
33 Chanel My Life
34 Phunk-A-Delic Rockin’
35 Hound Dogs I Like Girls
36 Jenn Cuneta Come Rain Come Shine
37 Solu Music Feat. Kimblee Fade
38 Bob Sinclar & Cutee B Feat. Dollarman & Big Ali Rock This Party (Everybody Dance Now)
39 Axwell Feat. Steve Edwards Watch The Sunrise
40 Freemasons Feat. Amanda Wilson Watchin’
41 The Caramel Club Mama Say Mama Sa
42 Meck Feat. Leo Sayer Thunder In My Heart Again
43 Fonzerelli Moonlight Party
44 Johnny Crockett E For Electro
45 Armin Van Buuren Vs Herman Brood Saturday Night
46 Simon & Shaker Zero
47 Olav Basoski Presents Proper Tunes Like Dis (Fedde Le Grand Remix)
48 Hi Tack Say Say Say (Waiting 4 U)
49 Deux Sun Rising Up
50 Supermode Tell Me Why
51 Pakito Living On Video
52 Tiësto Feat. Maxi Jazz DanceLife
53 Pakito Moving On Stereo
54 Mischa Daniels Off My Rocker
55 DJ Jose Dedication
56 Abel Ramos Electro Fun
57 Aaron Smith Feat. Luvli Dancin’
58 Marco V. Any Better, Or?
59 Filterfunk S.O.S. (Message In A Bottle)
60 Shocksteady Take A Ride
61 Above & Beyond Good For Me
62 Super & P.O.S. Presents Aalto Five
63 Club Scene Investigation Direct Dizko
64 Carl B Social Suicide
65 Armin Van Buuren Control Freak (Sander Van Doorn Remix)
66 Gabriel & Dresden Feat. Molly Tracking Treasure Down
67 Marcel Woods Advanced
68 Thomas Bronzwaer Shadow World
69 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Racoon Love You More
70 Fragma Radio Air Waves
71 Roy Gates Lose Myself
72 Roy Gates Midnight Sun
73 Astatic Cascada
74 Karen Overton Your Loving Arms
75 Super + DJ Tab Helsinki Scorchin’
76 Cara Dillon Vs. Devine Black Is The Colour (Coco & Green Remix)
77 Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Talla XLC Full Prelude (Re:Locate Vs. Solid Globe Remix)
78 Menno De Jong & Leon Bolier Presents Solar Express Magma
79 Armin Van Buuren Sail
80 Interstate Remember Me
81 Divini & Warning + Four L.Ball My Love
82 G-Spott Sadness
83 Selu Vibra Divine
84 Chocolate Puma Always And Forever (Bart Claessen Dub)

20 april 2014

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Let op: dit is een herhaling van 30 april 2004; Grandmix Millennium Edition Deel 2, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

00:00-01:00 uur:

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 2 In A Room Do What You Want
02 Crystal Waters Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
03 Ce Ce Peniston Finally
04 Jenny Bee Wanna Get Your Love
05 Fun Fun Happy Station
06 Peter Brown They Only Come Out At Night
07 Carol Jiani Hit & Run Lover
08 Dan Hartman Relight My Fire
09 Herbie Hancock Tell Everybody
10 Michael Zager Band Let's All Chant
11 Poussez! Come On And Do It
12 Viola Wills If You Could Read My Mind
13 Lipps Inc. Funkytown
14 Moloko Sing It Back
15 Twenty 4 Seven I Can't Stand It
16 Mousse T. Horny '98
17 Black & White Brothers Put Your Hands Up
18 The Limit Say Yeah
19 Haddaway What Is Love
20 Snap! Rhythm Is A Dancer
21 Technotronic Feat. Ya Kid K Get Up (Before The Night Is Over)
22 Course Ready Or Not
23 M-People Moving On Up
24 Goodmen Give It Up
25 Wamdue Project King Of My Castle
26 The Jacksons Can You Feel It
27 Anita Ward Ring My Bell
28 Alisha Bridges I Love The Nightlife
29 Moby Go
30 Powerhouse Feat. Duane Harden What You Need
31 Dominica Gotta Let You Go
32 Kristine W Feel What You Want
33 Faithless Insomnia
34 T99 Anastasia
35 Dead Or Alive You Spin Me Around
36 Ultra Nate Free

10 mei 2014

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23:00-24:00 uur:

Dit is een langere versie van de nummers 28 t/m 34 van CD2 en 01 t/m 05 van CD 3, uit de Grandmix 2008, zoals uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 David Guetta & Chris Willis vs. Tocadisco Tomorrow can Wait
02 Deadmau5 Not Exactly
03 Dave Darrell Children
04 John Dahlback Pyramid
05 Guru Josh Project Infinity 2008 (Klaas vocal edit)
06 Orjan Nilsen Feat. Tarah Be as one (la guitarra)
07 Black Box Everybody, Everybody (Benny Benassi radio edit)
08 R.I.O. Shine On
09 Eva Jane Spinning Around
10 Supafly Inc. Be Together
11 Ernesto vs. Bastian Thrill
12 Geo da Silva I'll do you like a Truck

17 mei 2014

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23:00-24:00 uur:

Dit is een langere versie van de nummers 05 t/m 17 van CD 3, uit de Grandmix 2008, zoals uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Geo da Silva I'll do you like a truck
02 Robert Abigail Mojito song
03 James Doman Everything's gonna be allright
04 Fedo Mora & Camurri After the rain
05 Sun Lounger Feat. Zara Lost (club mix)
06 Deadmau5 Clockwork
07 Ercola Feat. Danielle Every word
08 Armin van Buuren & DJ Shah Feat. Chris Jones Going wrong
09 Bellatrax Feat. Sophia May I can't help myself
10 D-Rashid Latin brutality (original mix)
11 Laurent Wolf Feat. Eric Carter No stress
12 Danzel Clap your hands (radio mix)
13 Lasgo Out of my mind

24 mei 2014

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23:00-24:00 uur:

Dit is een langere versie van de nummers 02 t/m 14 van CD 1, uit de Grandmix 2009, zoals uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Sidney Samson Riverside
02 Fedde Le Grand Feat. Mitch Crown Scared of me
03 Asino vs. DJ Jean The Bomb
04 Bingo Players Feat. Dan’thony I Will Follow
05 Chris Lake Feat. Nastala If you Knew
06 Michel Cleis Feat. Toto La Momposina La mezcla
07 Enur Calabria (Ralvero Remix)
08 The Ian Carey Project Get Shaky
09 DJ Chuckie Aftershock (can’t fight the feeling)
10 Ralvero Feat. MC Boogshe Party People
11 Quintin vs. DJ Jean Original Dutch
12 Chicane Poppiholla
13 Axwell, Ingrosso, Laidback Luke & Angello Feat. Deborah Cox Leave the world behind

12 juli 2014

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23:00-24:00 uur:

Dit is een speciale directors cut van de 3 uur durende Grandmix The 90's Edition; in deze aflevering is enkel de eerste 57 minuten van de mix te beluisteren zonder intro, zoals uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

De volledige 3 uurs versie werd al eerder uitgezonden op 12 november 2004

De Grandmix 90's aflevering kun je HIER beluisteren

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Boom! Shake The Room
02 Naughty By Nature Hip Hop Hooray
03 Snow Informer
04 Salt 'N' Pepa Let's Talk About Sex
05 House Of Pain Jump Around
06 Joe Public Live & Learn
07 Snap! The Power
08 Redhead Kingpin & The F.B.I. Do The Right Thing
09 King Bee Back By Dope Demand
10 Ben Liebrand Feat. Tony Scott Move To The Bigband
11 C&C Music Factory Feat. Freedom Williams Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)
12 Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam Let The Beat Hit 'Em
13 Incognito Feat. Jocelyn Brown Always There
14 Rob 'N' Raz Feat. Leila K Got To Get
15 Nomad Feat. MC Mikee Freedom (I Wanna Give You) Devotion
16 TLC Ain't To Proud To Beg
17 Franky Knuckles The Whistle Song
18 Ce Ce Peniston We Got A Love Thang
19 Suēno Latino Suēno Latino
20 Robin S. Luv 4 Luv
21 Crystal Waters 100% Pure Love
22 Crystal Waters Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
23 Afrika Bambaataa Just Get Up And Dance
24 Robin S. Show Me Love
25 S-Express Theme From S-Express
26 R.F.T.R. Extrasyn
27 2 In A Room Wiggle It
28 Human Resource Dominator
29 Black & White Brothers Put Your Hands Up
30 Everything But The Girl Missing
31 Snap! Rhythm Is A Dancer
32 The Shamen Move Any Mountain
33 Clivilles & Cole Pride (A Deeper Love)
34 Nightcrawlers Push The Feeling
35 Ce Ce Peniston Finally
36 Inner City Big Fun
37 Shawn Christopher Don't Lose The Magic
38 Double You Please Don't Go
39 Adamski Feat. Seal Killer
40 Tony Scott Get Into It
41 Deee-Lite Groove Is In The Heart
42 D-Shake Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
43 Joey Beltram Energy Flash
44 Technotronic & Ya Kid K Get Up (Before The Night Is Over)
45 Haddaway What Is Love
46 Club 69 Let Me Be Your Underwear
47 Dr. Alban Sing Hallelujah
48 Technotronic Feat. Felly Pump Up The Jam
49 Duke So In Love With You
50 Rozalla Are You Ready To Fly
51 Inner City Good Life
52 The Goodmen Give It Up
53 Opus III It's A Fine Day
54 2 Unlimited Get Ready For This
55 Moby Go
56 Ramirez La Musica Tremenda
57 Kristine W Feel What You Want
58 2 Unlimited Twilight Zone
59 Quadrophonia Quadrophonia
60 Format 1 Solid Session
61 Capricorn 20 Hrz
62 Felix Don’t You Want Me
63 Dr. Alban It’s My Life
64 T-99 Anasthasia
65 Mory Kante Yeke Yeke (Hardfloor Mix)
66 Jaydee Plastic Dreams
67 Bass Bumpers The Music's Got Me
68 Transformer 2 Pacific Symphony
69 The Age Of Love The Age Of Love
70 Urban Cookie Collective The Key The Secret
71 Katana Erotmania
72 Klatsch! Oh Boy
73 Speedy J Pull Over
74 The Outhere Brothers Boom Boom Boom
75 The Outhere Brothers La La La Hey Hey
76 The Outhere Brothers Don't Stop (Wiggle Wiggle)
77 LA Style James Brown Is Dead
78 Praga Khan Rave Alarm
79 Tom Wilson Techno Cat
80 Celvin Rotane I Believe

15 november 2014

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is opnieuw de herhaling van de Grandmix 1985, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

31 december 2014

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 2014 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)[51][52]

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 2014
002 DJ Snake Feat. Lil Jon Turn Down For What
003 Kid Ink Feat. Chris Brown Show Me
004 Usher Good Kisser
005 Mapei Don't Wait
006 Cris Cab Liar Liar
007 Tiësto Feat. Matthew Koma Wasted
008 Pitbull Feat. G.R.L. Wild Wild Love
009 Alle Farben Feat. Graham Candy She Moves (Far Away)
010 Tove Lo Habits
011 Mr. Probz Waves (Robin Schultz Radio Edit)
012 Pitbull Feat. John Ryan Fireball
013 Chocolate Puma Feat. Kris Kiss Step Back
014 Röyksopp & Robyn Do It Again
015 Storm Queen Look Right Through
016 Otto Knows Parachute
017 Watermät Bullit
018 Duke Dumont Feat. Jax Jones I Got U
019 Klingande Jubel
020 Avicii Hey Brother
021 Eelke Klein Mistakes I've Made
022 Kiesza Hideaway
023 Gorgon City Feat. Mnek Ready For Your Love
024 Oliver Heldens Gecko
025 Chocolate Puma & Firebeatz I Can’t Understand
026 Spada Feat. Hosie Neal Feels Like Home (Red Velvet Dress) (Bakermat Radio Edit)
027 Fox Stevenson Sweets (Soda Pop)
028 The Chainsmokers #Selfie
029 Sharon Doorson Louder
030 Martin Garrix & Moti Virus (How About Now)
031 Afrojack & Martin Garrix Turn Up The Speakers
032 Ummet Ozcan Superwave
033 W&W Bigfoot
034 New World Sound & Thomas Newson Flute
035 Aronchupa I'm An Albatraoz
036 Sander Van Doorn, Martin Garrix & Dvbbs Feat. Aleesia Gold Skies
037 Napt Come On Surrender
038 Dubvison Backlash (Martin Garrix Edit)
039 Laidback Luke & Marc Benjamin We’re Forever
040 Firebeatz Bazooka
041 Afrojack Feat. Wrabel Ten Feet Tall
042 Bingo Players Knock You Out
043 Deorro & J-Trick Rambo (Hardwell Edit)
044 Martin Garrix Proxy
045 Martin Garrix & Firebeatz Helicopter
046 Martin Garrix & Jay Hardway Wizard
047 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Lauren Evans Alone
048 Joey Dale & Ares Carter Feat. Natalie Angiuli Step Into Your Light
049 Fatboy Slim & Riva Starr Feat. Beardyman Eat, Sleep, Rave, Repeat
050 Afrojack vs. Thirty Seconds To Mars Do Or Die
051 Blasterjaxx Mystica (Werewolf)
052 Cosmic Gate & Eric Lumiere Falling Back
053 Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Tujamo & Felguk Nova
054 Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. W&W Waves (Tomorrowland 2014 Anthem)
055 Jewelz & Scott Sparks Feat. Quilla Unless We Forget
056 Zhu Faded
057 Hardwell Feat. Matthew Koma Dare You
058 Giorgio Moroder 74 Is The New 24
059 Calvin Harris Summer
060 Andrew Rayel Feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn One In A Million
061 Hardwell Feat. Chris Jones Young Again
062 Jenaux Feat. Jared Lee Turn Your World Around
063 Afrojack Feat. Spree Wilson The Spark
064 Zeds Dead Feat. Twin Shadow & D'Angelo Lacy Lost You
065 R3Hab & Trevor Guthrie Soundwave
066 Hardwell & Joey Dale Feat. Luciana Arcadia
067 Dimitri Vegas, Like Mike & Martin Garrix Tremor (Sensation 2014 Anthem)
068 Armin Van Buuren Ping Pong (Hardwell Remix)
069 Armin Van Buuren Save My Night (Mark Sixma Remix)
070 Jochen Miller Feat. Hellen Let Love Go
071 Paris Blohm & Taylr Renee Left Behinds
072 Sidney Samson & Eva Simons Celebrate The Rain
073 Dannic Feat. Bright Lights Dear Life
074 Cosmic Gate & Jerome Isma-Ae Telefunken
075 Showtek We Like To Party
076 Omnia Tomorrow People
077 Oliver Heldens Koala
078 Faul & Wad Ad vs. Pnau Changes
079 John Martin Anywhere For You
080 Ariana Grande Feat. Zedd Break Free
081 Tiësto Red Lights
82 Dash Berlin & Jay Cosmic Feat. Collin Mcloughlin Here Tonight
083 Hardwell Everybody Is In The Place
084 Gareth Emery Feat. Bo Bruce U (W&W Remix)
085 Marlo Feat. Jano Haunted
086 Armin Van Buuren Hystereo
087 Andrew Rayel Feat. Alexandra Badoi Goodbye
088 Armin Van Buuren & Andrew Rayel Eiforya
089 Simon Patterson Feat. Sarah Howells Dissolve
090 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Laura Jansen Sound Of The Drums (Bobina Remix)
091 Jorn Van Deynhoven New Horizons (A State of Trance 650 Anthem)
092 Gaia Empire Of Hearts (Johann Stone Remix)
093 Aly & Fila Meets Roger Shah Feat. Sylvia Tosun Eye 2 Eye (Extended Mix)
094 Aly & Fila With Jaren For All Time (Extended Mix)
095 Aly & Fila With Skypatrol Feat. Sue Mclaren Running (Extended Mix)
096 Ram & Susana RAMelia (Tribute To Amelia)
097 Afrojack Feat. Snoop Dogg Dynamite
098 Yellow Claw Till It Hurt
099 Sigma Nobody To Love
100 Sigma Feat. Paloma Faith Changing
101 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 2014

23:00-24:00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is een herhaling van de Grandmix 1984 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)


10 januari 2015

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2014, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

24 januari 2015

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van een gedeelte van de Grandmix 90's Edition, tracks 1 t/m 82, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

31 januari 2015

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2014 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)[53]

23.00-24.00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is een speciale Directors Cut van de Grandmix 2010 waarbij de Grandmix van 3 uur terug gemonteerd is tot 68 minuten! Deze uitgezonden versie was korter. Het bekende vocoder intro was niet te horen en de mix liep maar tot aan track 73! Uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

5 december 2015

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

20.30-21.00 uur:

Dit is een herhaling van het eerste half uur van de Grandmix 1984, tracks 1 t/m 46, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

12 december 2015

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

20.30-21.00 uur:

Dit is een herhaling van het tweede half uur van de Grandmix 1984, tracks 48 t/m 99, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

19 december 2015

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

20.30-21.00 uur:

Dit is een herhaling van het eerste half uur uit de Grandmix 1985, tracks 1 t/m 47, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

26 december 2015

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

20.30-21.00 uur:

Dit is een herhaling van het tweede half uur uit de Grandmix 1985, tracks 51 t/m 108, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

31 december 2015

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

21.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 2015 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

De teaser van deze Grandmix, gemaakt door Ben Liebrand zelf, kun je hier bekijken

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 2015
002 Kygo Feat. Parson James Stole The Show
003 Chris Brown X Tyga Ayo
004 Major Lazer Feat. Mo & DJ Snake Lean On
005 Sharon Doorson Something Beautiful
006 Gabriel Rios Gold (Thomas Jack Remix)
007 Eva Simons Feat. Konshens Policeman
008 Kygo Feat. Ella Henderson Here For You
009 Disclosure Feat. Sam Smith Omen
010 Lady Bee Feat. Rochelle Return Of The Mack
011 Natalie La Rose Feat. Jeremih Somebody
012 Demi Lovato Cool For The Summer
013 Sam Feldt Show Me Love
014 Kygo Feat. Conrad Sewell Firestone
015 Larrykoek Feat. Bodhi Jones Honeybee (Première Fois)
016 Felix Jaehn Feat. Jasmine Thompson Ain't Nobody (Loves Me Better)
017 Filous Feat. James Hersey How Hard I Try
018 Seinabo Sey Younger (Kygo Remix)
019 Alex Adair Make Me Feel Better
020 Thomas Jack Rivers
021 Lil' Kleine & Ronnie Flex Drank & Drugs
022 The Avener & Phoebe Killdeer Fade Out Lines
023 Feder Feat. Lyse Goodbye
024 Ben Liebrand Feat. James "D-Train" Williams Weekend
025 Gregory Porter Liquid Spirit (Claptone Remix)
026 Omi Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn Remix)
027 Redondo & Bolier Feat. She Keeps Bees Every Single Piece
028 Years & Years King
029 Ne-Yo Coming With You
030 Rudimental Feat. Anne-Marie And Will Heard Rumour Mill
031 Listenbee Feat. Naz Tokio Save Me
032 Anna Naklab Feat. Alle Farben & Younotus Supergirl
033 Jess Glynne Hold My Hand
034 Philip George Wish You Were Mine
035 Oliver Heldens & Shaun Frank Feat. Delaney Jane Shades Of Grey
036 Madcon Feat. Ray Dalton Don't Worry
037 Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Feat. Ne-Yo Higher Place (Radio Edit)
038 Sigala Easy Love
039 Måns Zelmerlöw Heroes
040 Beth Don’t You Worry Child (Charming Horses Remix)
041 Larco Andes
042 Alina Baraz & Galimatias Fantasy (Felix Jaehn Remix)
043 Lost Frequencies Feat. Janieck Devy Reality
044 Zeds Dead & Oliver Heldens You Know
045 Swanky Tunes & Going Deeper Far From Home (Radio Edit)
046 Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Ummet Ozcan The Hum (Lost Frequencies Edit)
047 Michael Calfan Treasured Soul
048 Joe Stone & Daser Freak (And You Know It)
049 Martin Solveig Feat. Sam White +1
050 Don Diablo Feat. Emeni Universe
051 Michael Woods London Baby!
052 Calvin Harris + Disciples How Deep Is Your Love
053 Borgeous & Shaun Frank Feat. Delaney Jane This Could Be Love
054 Gorgon City Feat. Romans Saving My Life
055 Rondé Run (East & Young Remix)
056 Olly Murs Feat. Travie Mccoy Wrapped Up
057 Omi Hula Hoop
058 Pitbull & Ne-Yo Time Of Our Lives
059 Ariana Grande One Last Time
060 Justin Bieber What Do You Mean?
061 Otto Knows Next To Me
062 Emma Bale & Lost Frequencies Run (Lost Frequencies Radio Edit)
063 Oliver Heldens Melody
064 Nils Van Zandt Feat. Sharon Doorson Feel Like Dancing
065 Pep & Rash Rumors
066 Lost Frequencies Are You With Me
067 Lunchmoney Lewis Bills
068 Alesso Feat. Tove Lo Heroes (We Could Be)
069 Moguai Feat. Cheat Codes Hold On
070 Martin Solveig & Gta Intoxicated
071 Don Diablo On My Mind
072 Shaun Frank & Kshmr Feat. Delaney Jane Heaven
073 Martin Garrix vs. Matisse & Sadko Dragon
074 Made In June Perfect Storm
075 Deorro X Chris Brown Five More Hours
076 Calvin Harris Feat. Ellie Goulding Outside
077 Showtek Feat. Mc Ambush 90S By Nature
078 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Mr. Probz Another You
079 Afrojack Feat. Mike Taylor Summerthing!
080 Timmy Trumpet & Savage Freaks
081 Kshmr Jammu
082 Ummet Ozcan Lose Control
083 Tiësto Feat. Kshmr & Vassy Secrets
084 Broiler Feat. Ravvel Wild Eyes
085 Lea Rue I Can't Say No! (Broiler Remix)
086 Martin Garrix vs. Matisse & Sadko Break Through The Silence
087 Quintino Feat. Una Escape (Into The Sunset)
088 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Cimo Frankel Strong Ones
089 Zedd Feat. Jon Bellion Beautiful Now
090 Joe Stone Feat. Montell Jordan The Party (This Is How We Do It)
091 Mike Mago & Dragonette Outlines
092 Avicii Waiting For Love
093 Hardwell Feat. Jason Derulo Follow Me
094 Martin Garrix Forbidden Voices
095 Nicki Minaj The Night Is Still Young
096 Hardwell Feat. Harrison Sally
097 Fox Stevenson Tico
098 Hardwell Feat. Jake Reese Mad World
099 Fono Real Joy
100 Martin Garrix Feat. Usher Don't Look Down
101 Hardwell & Armin Van Buuren Off The Hook
102 Ferry Corsten & Gouryella Anahera
103 Axwell Ingrosso Sun Is Shining
104 Silento Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)
105 Shawn Mendes Stitches
106 DJ Fresh Feat. Ella Eyre Gravity
107 Netsky Feat. Digital Farms Animals Rio
108 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 2015


2 januari 2016

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

21.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is een herhaling van de Grandmix 2015 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

31 december 2016

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

21.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 2016 uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

Deze Grandmix kun je HIER beluisteren!

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 2016
002 Mike Perry Feat. Shy Martin The Ocean
003 Digital Farm Animals & Cash Cash Feat. Nelly Millionaire
004 Rochelle Feat. Kalibwoy Way Up
005 Frenship & Emily Warren Capsize
006 Era Istrefi Bonbon
007 Major Lazer Feat. Moti, Ty Dolla $Ign, Wizkid & Kranium Boom
008 Møwe & Daniel Nitt Lovers Friends
009 Sak Noel Feat. Sean Paul Trumpets
010 Nathan Goshen Thinking About It (Let It Go) (Kvr Remix)
011 Daya Hide Away
012 Major Lazer Feat. Justin Bieber & Mø Cold Water
013 Charlie Puth Feat. Selena Gomez We Don't Talk Anymore (Attom Remix)
014 Kygo Feat. Kodaline Raging
015 Alan Walker Faded
016 Willy William Ego
017 Timeflies Once In A While
018 Kygo Feat. Tom Odell Fiction
019 Yellow Claw Feat. Yade Lauren Invitation
020 Starley Call On Me
021 Campsite Dream No Diggity
022 Gavin James Nervous (The Ooh Song) Mark Mccabe Remix
023 Kygo Feat. Julia Michaels Carry Me
024 Dua Lipa Hotter Than Hell
025 Robin Schulz Feat. Akon Heatwave
026 Cheat Codes X Kris Kross Amsterdam Sex
027 Tove Lo Cool Girl
028 Major Lazer Feat. Nyla & Fuse Odg Light It Up (Remix)
029 DJ Snake Feat. Bipolar Sunshine Middle
030 Dnce Toothbrush
031 Matt Simons Catch & Release (Deepend Remix)
032 Alunageorge Feat. Popcaan I'm In Control
033 Cheat Codes Feat. Dante Klein Let Me Hold You (Turn Me On)
034 Final Song
035 Matoma & Becky Hill False Alarm
036 Matt Simons Lose Control
037 Kygo Feat. Maty Noyes Stay
038 Martin Jensen All I Wanna Do
039 Jonas Blue Feat. Jp Cooper Perfect Strangers
040 Izzy Bizu White Tiger
041 Pablo Nouvelle Feat. Sam Wills I Will
042 Eva Simons & Sidney Samson Escape From Love
043 Dnce Cake By The Ocean
044 Campsite Dream Don't Worry
045 Riton Feat. Kah-Lo Rinse & Repeat
046 Sam Feldt Been A While
047 Bolier Ipanema
048 Hardwell & Jay Sean Thinking About You
049 Bob Marley Feat. Lvndscape & Bolier Is This Love (Remix)
050 Lil Kleine Feat. Ronnie Flex 1, 2, 3
051 Disciples & David Guetta No Worries
052 Jennifer Lopez Ain't Your Mama
053 Duke Dumont Ocean Drive
054 Lil Kleine Vakantie
055 Janieck Feel The Love (Sam Feldt Edit)
056 Rudimental Feat. Ed Sheeran Lay It All On Me
057 Sam Feldt X Lucas & Steve Feat. Wulf Summer On You
058 Dillon Francis Feat. Will Heard Anywhere
059 Seeb Feat. Neev Breathe
060 Rui Feat. Sam Ashworth Million Times
061 Calvin Harris My Way
062 Lost Frequencies Feat. Sandro Cavazza Beautiful Life
063 Chris Brown Fine By Me
064 Flume Feat. Kai Never Be Like You
065 Bakermat Feat. Alex Clare Living
066 Michael Feiner Mantra
067 Sigala Feat. John Newman & Nile Rodgers Give Me Your Love
068 Hardwell Feat. Jake Reese Run Wild (Alternative Radio Edit)
069 Craig David & Sigala Ain't Givin' Up
070 R3Hab & Quintino Freak
071 Justin Bieber Children
072 Bakermat & Goldfish Feat. Marie Plassard Games Continued (Radio Edit)
073 Robin Schulz & J.U.D.G.E. Show Me Love
074 Maan Perfect World (Produced By Hardwell)
075 Jay Hardway Electric Elephants
076 Fais Feat. Afrojack Hey
077 Galantis No Money
078 Lost Frequencies What Is Love 2016
079 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Kensington Heading Up High
080 Bob Sinclar Someone Who Needs Me
081 Tiësto + Oliver Heldens Feat. Natalie La Rose The Right Song (Wombass)
082 Armin Van Buuren & W&W If It Ain't Dutch
083 Sigala Feat. Bryn Christopher Sweet Lovin'
084 Martin Garrix Feat. John & Michel Now That I've Found You
085 Tiësto Feat. John Legend Summer Nights
086 Martin Solveig Feat. Tkay Maidza Do It Right
087 Headhunterz & Skytech Kundalini
088 Otto Knows Feat. Avicii Back Where I Belong
089 Martin Garrix & Third Party Lions In The Wild
090 Lucas & Steve Make It Right
091 Dvbbs Feat. Dante Leon Angel
092 Deorro Feat. Elvis Crespo Bailar
093 Tobtok Feat. River Fast Car
094 Klingande Feat. M-22 Somewhere New
095 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Bullysongs Freefall
096 Martin Garrix & Bebe Rexha In The Name Of Love
097 Hardwell Feat. Craig David No Holding Back
098 Clean Bandit Feat. Louisa Johnson Tears
099 Afrojack Feat. Ty Dolla $Ign Gone
100 Dvbbs & Shaun Frank Feat. Delaney Jane La La Land
101 Major Lazor & Showtek Believer
102 Showtek Feat. Technoboy & Tuneboy Mellow
103 Dua Lipa Be The One
104 The Chainsmokers Feat. Daya Don't Let Me Down
105 Sigma & Rita Ora Coming Home
106 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 2016


1 januari 2017

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

00.00-01.00 uur:

Dit is een herhaling van de Grandmix 1986, uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland)

31 december 2017

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18:00-21:00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 2017 uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)[54]

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 2017
002 Lost Frequencies Feat. Netsky Here With You
003 Kygo Feat. Ellie Goulding First Time
004 Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. David Guetta Feat. Kiiara Complicated
005 Alan Walker Alone
006 Showtek & Brooks Feat. Natalie Major On Our Own
007 Galantis Hunter
008 Burak Yeter Feat. Danelle Sandoval Tuesday
009 Calvin Harris Feat. Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry & Big Sean Feels
010 Cnco & Little Mix Reggaéton Lento (Remix)
011 Freddy Moreira & Capital Candy Feat. Patexx Mood For Lovin'
012 The Chainsmokers Paris
013 Pitbull X Fifth Harmony Por Favor
014 Kygo Feat. Justin Jesso Stargazing
015 Italobrothers Summer Air
016 Kygo & Selena Gomez It Ain't Me
017 Clean Bandit Feat. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie Rockabye
018 Seeb Feat. Jacob Banks What Do You Love
019 Peking Duk Feat. Icona Pop Let You Down
020 French Montana Feat. Swae Lee Unforgettable
021 Sjur Feat. Chris Crone Let Me Love You
022 Sean Paul Feat. Dua Lipa No Lie
023 Yellow Claw Feat. DJ Snake & Elliphant Good Day
024 J Balvin & Willy William Mi Gente
025 Calvin Harris Feat. Frank Ocean & Migos Slide
026 Mr. Probz Till You're Loved
027 Martin Garrix & Troye Sivan There For You
028 Kris Kross Amsterdam & Conor Maynard Feat. Ty Dolla $Ign Are You Sure?
029 Jay Sean Do You Love Me
030 Alan Walker Feat. Noah Cyrus With Digital Farm Animals All Falls Down
031 Thomas Gold Feat. Jillian Edwards Magic
032 Chris Brown Questions
033 Mr. Probz Feat. Anderson Paak Gone
034 Neiked Feat. Dyo Sexual
035 Nevada Feat. Mark Morrison & Fetty Wap The Mack
036 Rudimental Feat. James Arthur Sun Comes Up
037 The Boy Next Door, Fresh Coast Feat. Jody Bernal La Colegiala
038 Armin Van Buuren & Garibay Feat. Olaf Blackwood I Need You
039 Cheat Codes Feat. Demi Lovato No Promises
040 Lost Frequencies & Zonderling Crazy
041 Haevn Bright Lights (Sam Feldt Remix)
042 State Of Sound Wake Up Where You Are
043 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Josh Cumbee Sunny Days
044 Zayn Feat. Sia Dusk Till Dawn (John "J-C" Carr Mix)
045 Martin Jensen Solo Dance
046 Steve Aoki & Louis Tomlinson Just Hold On
047 Deepend Feat. Graham Candy Waiting For The Summer
048 Loud Luxury Feat. Brando Body
049 P!Nk What About Us (Tiësto's AFTR:HRS Remix)
050 Felix Jaehn, Hight & Alex Aiono Hot2Touch
051 Snakehips & Mø Don't Leave
052 Tiësto Feat. Stargate & Aloe Blacc Carry You Home
053 Alok & Bruno Martini Feat. Zeeba Hear Me Now
054 Lucas & Steve Up Till Dawn (On The Move)
055 Axwell …Ö Ingrosso More Than You Know
056 Camelphat & Elderbrook Cola
057 Jonas Blue & Edx Feat. Alex Mills Don't Call It Love
058 Lucas & Steve & Firebeatz Feat. Little Giants Keep Your Head Up
059 Kygo Feat. The Night Game Kids In Love
060 Ofenbach Be Mine
061 Sam Feldt & Alex Schulz Be My Lover
062 Disciples On My Mind
063 Sultan + Shepard Feat. Nadia Ali & Iro Almost Home
064 Sigala & Digital Farm Animals Only One
065 Sander Van Doorn & Lvndscape Need To Feel Loved
066 Jax Jones Feat. Raye You Don't Know Me
067 Lucas & Steve Feat. Jake Reese Calling On You
068 Bakermat Feat. Kiesza Don't Want You Back
069 Sigala & Ella Eyre Came Here For Love
070 Martin Solveig Feat. Alma All Stars
071 Pitbull Feat. Ty Dolla $Ign Better On Me
072 Ralph Felix & Sdjm The Heat (I Wanna Dance With Somebody)
073 Robin Schulz Feat. James Blunt Ok
074 Martin Garrix & Brooks Byte
075 Ajr Weak
076 Martin Garrix Feat. Dawn Golden Sun Is Never Going Down
077 Fais & Afrojack Used To Have It All
078 Duke Dumont & Gordon City Feat. Naations Real Life
079 Tiësto Feat. Bright Sparks On My Way
080 Alok, Bruno Martini, Zeeba Never Let Me Go
081 Martin Garrix Pizza
82 Sam Feldt What About The Love
083 Bakermat Baby
084 Yellow Claw Feat. Moksi & Jonna Fraser Open
085 Sia Move Your Body (Alan Walker Remix)
086 Vassy & Afrojack Feat. Oliver Rosa Lost
087 Martin Garrix & Matisse & Sadko Forever
088 San Holo I Still See Your Face
089 Armin Van Buuren My Symphony (The Best Of Armin Only Anthem)
090 Sigma Feat. Birdy Find Me
091 Hardwell & Kshmr Power
092 Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. W&W Crowd Control (Radio Edit)
093 Martin Garrix & Dua Lipa Scared To Be Lonely
094 Marshmello Feat. Khalid Silence
095 Afrojack & David Guetta Feat. Ester Dean Another Life
096 Cmc$ Feat. Jalise Romy Keys
097 Miley Cyrus Malibu (Alan Walker Remix)
098 David Guetta Feat. Justin Bieber 2U
099 Don Diablo & Marnik Children Of A Miracle
100 When I Was Young
101 Hardwell & Austin Mahone Creatures Of The Night
102 San Holo Light
103 Lny Tnz We Go Up
104 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 2017


6 oktober 2018

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

20.30-21.00 uur:

Speciale Preview aflevering van de Grandmix Special Edition (30 Years Of Dutch Dance) Deel 1, uitgezonden op Radio 10 (Nederland), Tracks 34 en 35 van CD 1 en Tracks 1 t/m 9 en Tracks 12 en 13 van CD 2

De teaser van deze Grandmix, gemaakt door Ben Liebrand zelf, kun je hier bekijken

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Room 5 Feat. Oliver Cheatham Make Luv
02 Junior Jack E-Samba
03 Technotronic Feat. Felly Pump Up The Jam
04 Duke So In Love
05 Au & Ra & Camel Phat Panic Room
06 Oliver Heldens Gecko
07 The Shapeshifters Lola's Theme
08 Avicii Levels
09 Paul & Fritz Kalkbrenner Sky and Sand
10 Asaf Avidan One Day
11 Lucas & Steve I Could Be Wrong
12 Erick E. This Beat Is Rockin'
13 Martin Garrix Animals
14 Jaydee Plastic Dreams
15 Dr. Kucho! & Gregor Salto Can't Stop Playing

13 oktober 2018

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

20.30-21.00 uur:

Speciale Preview aflevering van de Grandmix Special Edition (30 Years Of Dutch Dance) Deel 2, uitgezonden op Radio 10 (Nederland), Tracks 14 t/m 26, m.u.v. (X), deze tracks komen niet voor op de uiteindelijke CD!

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Roger Sanchez Another Chance
02 Eric Prydz Pjanoo
03 Fedde Le Grand Put Your Hands Up For Detroit
04 Calvin Harris Summer
05 Calvin Harris Feels So Close
06 Bakermat One Day (Vandaag)
07 D-Shake Yaaaah (X)
08 Kenny "Dope" Gonzalez Presents. The Bucketheads The Bomb! (These Sounds Fall Into My Mind)
09 Felix Don’t You Want Me
10 D*Note Shed My Skin
11 Rui Da Silva Feat. Cassandra Touch Me
12 Moby Go (X)
13 Sandro Silva & Quintino Epic
14 DVBBS & Borgeous Tsunami
15 Deadmau5 & Kaskade I Remember

20 oktober 2018

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Speciale Preview aflevering van de Grandmix Special Edition (30 Years Of Dutch Dance) Deel 3, uitgezonden op Radio 10 (Nederland), Tracks 27, 29 t/m 35 van CD 2 en Tracks 1 t/m 6 van CD 3

20.30-21.00 uur:

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Faithless Insomnia
02 Fais Feat. Afrojack Hey
03 Sil Windows
04 Dennis Ferrer Hey Hey
05 David Guetta Feat. Sia Titanium
06 Hardwell Feat. Mitch Crown Call Me A Spaceman
07 Ducksauce Barbra Streisand
08 Tiësto & Dzeko Feat. Preme & Post Malone Jackie Chan
09 René & Gaston Vallée De L'Armes
10 Benny Benassi Presents The Biz Satisfaction
11 Swedish House Mafia Feat. John Martin Don’t You Worry Child
12 Hardwell Feat. Jake Reese Mad World
13 Age Of Love Age Of Love
14 Armin van Buuren Feat. Gwen Guthrie This Is What It Feels Like

3 november 2018

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Speciale Preview aflevering van de Grandmix Special Edition (30 Years Of Dutch Dance) Deel 4, uitgezonden op Radio 10 (Nederland), Tracks 10 t/m 19 van CD 1, m.u.v. (X), deze tracks komen niet voor op de uiteindelijke CD!

20.30-21.00 uur:

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Salt 'N' Peppa Let's Talk About Sex
02 Ben Liebrand Feat. Tony Scott Move To The Bigband
03 King Bee Back By Dope Demand (X)
04 Armin Van Buuren Feat. James Newman Therapy
05 Joans Blue Feat. Dakota Fast Car
06 Sam Veldt Feat. Kimberly Anne Show Me Love
07 Elvis & Junkie XL Little Less Conversation (X)
08 Klangkarussel Sonnentanz
09 Lost Frequencies Are You With Me
10 Mr. Probz Waves
11 Lucas & Steve Up Till Dawn (On The Move)
12 Alan Walker Faded

31 december 2018

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18:00-21:00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 2018 uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)[55]

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 2018
002 Marshmello & Anne Marie Friends
003 Liam Payne & J Balvin Familiar
004 Nicky Jam X J Balvin X
005 The Chainsmokers Sick Boy
006 Arlissa & Jonas Blue Hearts Ain't Gonna Lie
007 Dua Lipa Idgaf
008 Kygo Feat. Miguel Remind Me To Forget
009 Rudimental Feat. Jess Glynne, Macklemore & Dan Caplen These Days
010 Luis Fonsi & Demi Lovato Échame La Culpa
011 David Guetta & Sia Flames
012 Justin Timberlake Filthy
013 Years & Years Sanctify
014 Robin Schulz & Hugel I Believe I'm Fine
015 Aya Nakamura Djadja
016 Alvaro Soler La Cintura
017 Clean Bandit Feat. Demi Lovato Solo
018 Sofi Tukker Feat. Nervo, The Knocks & Alisa Ueno Best Friend
019 Dennis Lloyd Nevermind
020 Shawn Mendes & Zedd Lost In Japan (Remix)
021 Kris Kross Amsterdam, Ally Brooke & Messiah Vamanos
022 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Conrad Sewell Sex, Love & Water
023 Martin Garrix Feat. Mike Yung Dreamer
024 Cheat Codes X Little Mix Only You
025 Kris Kross Amsterdam X The Boy Next Door Feat. Conor Maynard Whenever
026 The Chainsmokers Feat. Emily Warren Side Effects
027 Justin Timberlake Soulmate
028 Kraak & Smaak Feat. Ivar I'll Be Loving You
029 Armin Van Buuren Feat. James Newman Therapy
030 Noah Kahan + Julia Michaels Hurt Somebody
031 Calvin Harris Feat. Partynextdoor Nuh Ready Nuh Ready
032 Don Diablo & Calum Scott Give Me Love
033 Duke Dumont Feat. Ebenezer Inhale
034 Kygo Feat. Sandro Cavazza Happy Now
035 Lost Frequencies Feat. The Nghbrs Like I Love You
036 Troye Sivan Feat. Ariana Grande Dance To This
037 Chico Rose Feat. Afrojack & Lyrica Anderson Where Did The Love Go
038 Alesso Remedy
039 Mk 17
040 Dom Dolla Take It
041 Fais Make Me Do
042 Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano, Bruno Martini Feat. Mayra Savages
043 Tiësto Feat. Gucci Mane & Sevenn Boom
044 Kav Verhouzer & Sjaak Stap Voor Stap
045 George Ezra Shotgun (Kvr Remix)
046 Sam Feldt & Mowe Feat. Karra Down For Anything
047 Sigala Feat. Paloma Faith Lullaby
048 Axwell/\Ingrosso Feat. Romans Dancing Alone
049 Purple Disco Machine Dished (Male Stripper)
050 Calvin Harris Feat. Sam Smith Promises
051 Weiss Feel My Needs
052 Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano Feat. Blaq Tuxedo Thinking About You
053 Lucas & Steve X Brandy I Could Be Wrong
054 Mk X Jonas Blue X Becky Hill Back & Forth
055 Au/Ra & Camelphat Panic Room
056 Atfc & David Penn Hipcats
057 Dennis Quinn & Shermanology Move Out Of My Way
058 Lucas & Steve Where Have You Gone (Anywhere)
059 Fisher Losing It
060 Calvin Harris & Dua Lipa One Kiss
061 Valentino Khan Lick It
062 Moguai & Zonderling Lee
063 El Profesor Bella Ciao (Hugel Remix)
064 Martin Garrix & Justin Mylo Feat. Dewain Whitmore Burn Out
065 Dubvision & Afrojack New Memories
066 Jax Jones Feat. Ina Wroldsen Breathe
067 Martin Garrix Feat. Bonn High On Life
068 Dynoro & Gigi D'Agostino In My Mind
069 Keanu Silva Fine Day
070 Oliver Heldens Feat. Shungudzo Fire In My Soul
071 Sigala & Ella Eyre & Meghan Trainor Feat. French Montana Just Got Paid
072 R3Hab & Mike Williams Lullaby
073 Robin Schulz Feat. Erika Sirola Speechless
074 Janieck Does It Matter
075 Lucas & Steve X Janieck You Don't Have To Like It
076 San Holo Feat. Bipolar Sunshine Brighter Days
077 Nicky Romero & Stadiumx Feat. Matluck Rise
078 Showtek & Moby Natural Blues
079 Axwell X Ingrosso Dreamer
080 Kygo Feat. John Newman Never Let You Go
081 Tiësto & Dzeko Feat. Preme & Post Malone Jackie Chan
082 Hardwell & Kaaze Feat. Loren Allred This Is Love
083 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Sam Martin Wild Wild Son
084 Armin Van Buuren Blah Blah Blah
085 Steve Aoki, Deorro, Makj & Max Styler Shakalaka
086 Martin Garrix Feat. Khalid Ocean
087 Afrojack Feat. Stanaj Bed Of Roses
088 R3Hab & Sofia Carson Rumors
089 Martin Garrix & David Guetta Feat. Jamie Scott & Romy Dya So Far Away
090 Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Feat. Gucci Mane All I Need
091 Sam Feldt Feat. Jeremy Renner Heaven (Don't Have A Name)
092 Brennan Heart Feat. Trevor Guthrie Won't Hold Me Down (Gravity)
093 The Galaxy Feat. Jvzel Hero
094 W&W & Darren Styles Feat. Giin Long Way Down
095 Bebe Rexha Feat. Florida Georgia Line Meant To Be
096 Afrojack X Jewelz & Sparks One More Day
097 Alan Walker Feat. Au/Ra & Tomine Harket Darkside
098 Zedd & Elley Duhé Happy Now
099 Mr. Probz Space For Two
100 Cmc$ & Grx Feat. Icona Pop X's
101 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 2018


31 december 2019

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18:00-21:00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix Decade Edition uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)[56] en integraal via Radio Calletti (Italië)!

Nr. Artiest Titel Jaar
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix Decade Edition 2019
002 Mike Perry Feat. Shy Martin The Ocean 2016
003 Flume Holdin' On 2013
004 Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike Vs. David Guetta Feat. Kiara Complicated (Extended) 2017
005 Kygo Feat. Ellie Goudling First Time 2017
006 Frenship & Emily Warren Capsize 2016
007 Lost Frequencies & Mokita Black & Blue 2019
008 Lost Frequencies & Netsky Here With You 2017
009 Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Feat. Mary Lambert Same Love 2012
010 Alan Walker Faded (Luke Christopher Remix) 2016
011 David Guetta & Sia Flames 2018
012 Justin Timberlake Feat. Chris Stapleton Say Something 2018
013 DJ Snake & Lil' Jon Turn Down For What (Main Version) 2013
014 Major Lazor Feat. Bruno Mars, 2 Chainz, Tyga & Mystic Bubble Butt 2013
015 Dua Lipa IDGAF 2018
016 Calvin Harris Feat. Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry & Big Sean Feels 2017
017 Daya Hide Away 2016
018 Peking Duk Feat. Icona Pop Let You Down (Main Mix) 2017
019 Bad Bunny Feat. Drake Mia (Bengro & Apollo Vice Remix Clean) 2018
020 DJ Snake Feat. Selena Gomez, Cardi B, Ozuna Taki Taki 2018
021 Mr. Probz Till You're Loved 2017
022 Major Lazer Feat. Justin Bieber & M0 Cold Water 2016
023 Years & Years Sanctify 2018
024 Alan Walker Feat. Noah Cyrus With Digital Farm Animals All Falls Down 2017
025 Kygo Feat. Parson James Stole The Show 2015
026 Nicki Minaj Feat. Drake Moment 4 Life 2011
027 Italobrothers Summer Air 2016
028 Marshmello Feat. Bastille Happier 2018
029 Klingande & Bright Sparks Messiah 2019
030 Digital Farm Animals & Cash Cash Feat. Nelly Millionaire (Alan Walker Remix) 2016
031 DJ Snake Feat. Justin Bieber Let Me Love You 2016
032 JP Cooper September Song (Indian Summer Mix) 2016
033 5 Seconds Of Summer Want You Back 2018
034 Major Lazer Feat. M0 & DJ Snake Lean On 2015
035 Major Lazer Feat. Moti, Ty Dolla $Ign, Wixkid & Kranium Boom (Original Mix) 2015
036 Alan Walker Alone 2016
037 Usher Good Kisser 2014
038 Mapei Don't Wait 2013
039 Sak Noel & Salvi & Sean Paul Trumpets 2016
040 The Chainsmokers Paris 2017
041 Freddy Moreira & Capital Candy Feat. Patexx Mood For Lovin' (Extended Mix) 2017
042 Sean Paul Feat. Dua Lipa No Lie 2016
043 Galantis Hunter 2017
044 Tove Lo Cool Girl 2016
045 Katy Perry Feat. Skip Marley Chained To The Rhythm 2017
046 Marshmello & Anne-Marie Friends 2018
047 Clean Bandit Feat. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie Rockabye 2016
048 Hardwell Feat. Conor Maynard & Snoop Dogg How You Love Me 2018
049 Cheat Codes X Kris Kross Amsterdam Sex (Extended Mix) 2016
050 Calvin Harris Feat. Frank Ocean & Migos Slide 2017
051 Matt Simons Catch & Release (Deepend Remix) 2015
052 J. Balvin & Willy William Mi Gente 2017
053 Bruno Mars (Without Cardi B) Finesse 2018
054 Zedd & Alessia Cara Stay 2017
055 Martin Garrix Feat. Mike Yung Dreamer 2018
056 Kygo Feat. Ella Henderson Here For You 2015
057 Justin Bieber & Bloodpop® Friends 2017
058 Disclosure Feat. Sam Smith Omen 2015
059 Starley Call On Me (Ryan Riback Remix) 2016
060 Campsite Dream No Diggity (Extended Mix) 2016
061 Rudimental Feat. James Arthur Sun Comes Up 2017
062 Martin Garric & Troye Sivan There For You 2017
063 Eva Simons Feat. Konshens Policeman (Radio Edit) 2015
064 Cheat Codes & Dante Klein Let Me Hold You (Turn Me On) (Extended Mix) 2016
065 M0 Final Song 2016
066 Thomas Gold Feat. Jillian Edwards Magic 2016
067 Armin Van Buuren & Garibay Phone Down 2019
068 Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Era Istrefi Selfish 2019
069 Lost Frequencies Feat. Flynn Recognise (Extended Mix) 2019
070 Major Lazer Watch Out For This (Bumaye) 2013
071 The Boy Next Door, Fresh Coast Feat. Jody Bernal La Colegiala 2017
072 Zedd & Maren Morris & Grey The Middle 2018
073 Justin Timberlake Soulmate 2018
074 Neiked Feat. Dyo Sexual 2016
075 Cheat Codes & Little Mix Only You 2018
076 Dua Lipa Hotter Than Hell 2016
077 Armin Van Buuren & Garibay Feat. Olaf Blackwood I Need You (Original Extended Mix) 2017
078 DJ Snake Feat. Cardi B, Ozuna, Selena Gomez, Cardi B Taki Taki (Milan Variable Remix) 2018
079 Steve Aoki Feat. The Backstreet Boys Let It Be Me 2019
080 Kygo Feat. Conrad Sewell Firestone (Original Version) 2014
081 Armin Van Buuren Feat. James Newman Therapy 2018
082 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Josh Cumbee Sunny Days 2017
083 Daft Punk Feat. Nile Rodgers & Pharrell Williams Get Lucky 2013
084 Steve Aoki & Louis Tomlinson Just Hold On 2016
085 Martin Jensen Solo Dance 2016
086 Lost Frequencies Feat. The Nghbrs Like I Love You (Extended Mix) 2018
087 Noah Kahan & Julia Michaels Hurt Somebody 2018
088 Mr. Probz Waves (Robin Schulz Remix) 2014
089 Martin Garrix Feat. Macklemore & Patrick Stump Summer Days 2019
090 Klangkarussell Sonnentanz (Extended) 2012
091 Fais Make Me Do (Môwe Extended Remix) 2018
092 Silk City & Dua Lipa Feat. Diplo & Mark Ronson Electricity More Mixes (Extended Clean) 2018
093 Alesso Remedy 2018
094 Calvin Harris My Way 2016
095 Izzy Bizu White Tiger (Marcus Layton Radio Edit) 2015
096 Felix Jaehn Feat. Jasmin Thompson Ain't Nobody (Loves Me Better) 2015
097 Pitbull Feat. G.R.L. Wild Wild Love 2014
098 Storm Queen Look Right Through (Mk Vocal Extended) 2013
099 Lucas & Steve Up Till Dawn (On The Move) 2017
100 Rudimental Feat. Anne-Marie & Will Heard Rumour Mill 2014
101 Otto Knows Parachute (Camelphat Remix) 2014
102 Camelphat & Elderbrook Cola (Radio Edit) 2017
103 Duke Dumont Feat. Jax Jones I Got U 2014
104 Sam Feldt X Lucas & Steve Feat. Wulf Summer On You (Extended Radio Mix) 2016
105 ATFC & David Penn Hipcats (Extended Mix) 2018
106 Maggie Lindemann Pretty Girl (Cheat Codes X Cade Remix) 2017
107 MK Body 2 Body (Club Mix) 2019
108 Ariana Grande No Tears Left To Cry 2018
109 Loud Luxury And Bryce Vine I'm Not Alright (Extended Mix) 2019
110 OMI Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn Remix) 2014
111 DNCE Cake By The Ocean 2016
112 Gregory Porter Liquid Spirit (Claptone Remix) 2015
113 Ben Liebrand Feat. James "D-Train" Williams Weekend 2015
114 Calvin Harris + Disciples How Deep Is Your Love 2015
115 Riton Feat. Kah-Lo Rinse & Repeat (Original Mix) 2016
116 Hardwell & Jay Sean Thinking About You 2016
117 Duke Dumont Feat. Ebenezer Inhale 2018
118 Sigala X Ella Eyre X Meghan Trainor Feat. French Montana Just Got Paid 2018
119 Stromae Alors On Danse 2009
120 Studio Killers Ode To The Bouncer (Radio Edit) 2011
121 Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano Feat. Blaq Tuxedo Thinking About You 2018
122 Loud Luxury Feat. Brando Body 2017
123 Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike X Armin Van Buuren X W&W Repeat After Me (Extended Mix) 2019
124 MK X Jonas Blue X Becky Hill Back & Forth 2018
125 AJR Weak 2017
126 Axwell ^ Ingrosso More Than You Know 2017
127 Pep & Rash Rumors (Original Mix) 2015
128 Lil' Kleine & Ronnie Flex Drank & Drugs 2015
129 Lost Frequencies Are You With Me (Radio Edit) 2014
130 George Ezra Shotgun (The Wild Remix) 2018
131 Pitbull Feat. John Ryan Fireball 2014
132 Chocolate Puma Feat. Kris Kriss Step Back 2014
133 Au/Ra & CamelPhat Panic Room (Camelphat Remix) 2018
134 Dennis Quin & Shermanology Move Out Of My Way (Original) 2018
135 Fisher Losing It 2018
136 Oliver Heldens Gecko (Original Mix) 2013
137 Swedish House Maffia vs. Tinie Tempah Miami 2 Ibiza 2010
138 Far East Movement Feat. The Cataracs, DEV Like A G6 2010
139 Swedish House Maffia Greyhound (Original Version) 2012
140 Avicii Hey Brother 2013
141 Sigala & Digital Farm Animals Only One 2016
142 Tiësto Feat Gucci Mane & Sevenn Boom (Extended Mix) 2017
143 Swedish House Maffia One 2010
144 Avicii Feat. Aloe Blacc Wake Me Up 2013
145 Eelke Kleijn Ein Tag Am Strand (Instrumental Mix) 2013
146 Calvin Harris & Dua Lipa One Kiss 2018
147 Michael Feiner Mantra (Axwell Cut) 2016
148 Oliver Heldens & Shaun Frank Feat. Delaney Jane Shades Of Grey Club Mix) 2015
149 Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Paris Hilton Best Friend's Ass 2019
150 Martin Solveig & GTA Intoxicated (Original Mix) 2015
151 Sigala Easy Love (Original Mix) 2015
152 Joe Stone & Daser Freak (And You Know It) (Radio Edit) 2015
153 Martin Solveig Feat. Sam White +1 (Club Mix) 2015
154 Michael Calfan Treasured Soul (Original Mix) 2014
155 Jax Jones Feat. Raye You Don't Know Me 2016
156 Selena Gomez X Marshmello Wolves 2017
157 Sigala & Ella Eyre Came Here For Love 2010
158 Tim Berg Bromance (Avicii's Arena Mix) 2010
159 Alex De Guirior Feat. Jay Colin The Girl That I Want (Extended Mix) 2010
160 Usher Numb (Original Version) 2012
161 San Holo I Still See Your Face 2017
162 Ariana Grande One Last Time 2014
163 Justin Bieber What Do You Mean? 2015
164 Martin Solveig Feat. Kele Ready 2 Go (Club Edit) 2011
165 Calvin Harris & Sam Smith Promises 2018
166 Dennis Ferrer Hey Hey Hey(DF's Attention Vocal Mix) 2009
167 Bingo Players When I Dip (Original Mix) 2010
168 Martin Solveig & Dragonette Hello (Club Edit) 2010
169 Duck Sauce Barbra Streisand (Original Mix) 2010
170 Hardwell Feat. Mitch Crown Call Me A Spaceman (Extended Mix) 2012
171 Chris Brown & Benny Benassi Beautiful People (Radio Edit) 2011
172 Chocolate Puma & Firebeatz Just One More Time Baby (Original Mix) 2012
173 JLO Feat. Pitbull Live It Up 2013
174 R.I.O. One Heart (Extended Mix) 2010
175 Tiësto & Dzeko Feat. Preme & Post Malone Jackie Chan 2018
176 Nils Van Zandt Feat. Sharon Doorson Feel Like Dancing (Radio Edit) 2015
177 Axwell Λ Ingrosso Feat. Trevor Guthrie Dreamer 2017
178 David Guetta Feat. Kid Cudi Memories (Extended) 2010
179 Duck Sauce Big Bad Wolf (Original Mix) 2011
180 Yolanda Be Cool vs DCUP We No Speak Americano (Original Mix) 2010
181 Chelley Took The Night (Alvaro Mix) 2009
182 Avicii Feat. Salem El Fakir Silhouettes (Disco Fries Club Mix) 2012
183 Showtek + Justin Prime Cannonball (Original Mix) 2012
184 Martin Garrix Animals (Original Mix) 2013
185 Fox Stevenson Tico (Original Mix) 2015
186 Redfoo Let's Get Ridiculous (Main Version) 2013
187 Daddys Groove & Cyrogenix Tilt (Club Mix) 2013
188 The Chainsmokers #Selfie 2014
189 Martin Garrix & MOTi Virus (How About Now) (Original Mix) 2014
190 Afrojack & Martin Garrix Turn Up The Speakers (Original Mix) 2014
191 Lucas & Steve X Janieck You Don't Have To Like It (Extended Mix) 2018
192 W&W Bigfoot (Original Mix) 2014
193 New World Sound & Thomas Newson Flute (Original Mix) 2013
194 LunchMoney Lewis Bills 2015
195 Pitbull Feat. Ne-Yo, Afrojack & Nayer Give Me Everything (R3hab Remix) 2011
196 Quintino Feat. Mitch Crown You Can't Deny (Alvaro Remix) 2010
197 Martin Garrix Proxy (Original Mix) 2014
198 Fedde Le Grand Feat. Mitch Crown Rockin High (Nicky Romero Remix) 2010
199 Martin Garrix Feat. Usher Don't Look Down 2015
200 W&W Lift Off! (Original Mix) 2012
201 AronChupa I'm An Albatraoz 2014
202 David Guetta, Martin Garrix & Brooks Like I Do 2018
203 Usher Scream (Project 46 Clubmix) 2012
204 Cascada Pyromania 2010
205 Basto! Gregory's Theme (Extended Mix) 2010
206 Martin Garrix & Jay Hardway Wizard (Original Mix) 2013
207 Fatboy Slim & Riva Starr Feat. Beardymann Eat Sleep Rave Repeat (Original Clean Edit) 2013
208 Calvin Harris Summer (Extended Mix) 2014
209 Showtek Feat. Mc Ambush 90s By Nature (Original Mix) 2014
210 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Mr. Probz Another You 2015
211 Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs Tujamo & Felguk Nova (Original Edit) 2014
212 Calvin Harris Feat. Kelis Bounce (Extended Mix) 2011
213 Swedish House Mafia Save The World 2011
214 The Black Eyed Peas The Time (Dirty Bit) 2010
215 Ricky L Feat. M:ck Born Again (Balearic Soul Club Mix) 2010
216 The Shapeshifters Helter Skelter (Original Edit) 2010
217 Deadmau5 & Wolfgang Gartner Animal Rights (Radio Edit) 2010
218 Afrojack And Steve Aoki Feat. Miss Palmer No Beef (Vocal Mix) 2011
219 Basto! Again And Again (Extended Mix) 2011
220 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Adam Young Youtopia (Michael Woods Remix) 2011
221 Tiësto Feat. KSHMR & Vassy Secrets 2015
222 Martin Garrix Feat. JRM These Are The Times 2019
223 Kesha Die Young (My Digital Enemy Remix) 2013
224 Sebastian Ingrosso + Alesso Feat. Ryan Tedder Calling (Lose My Mind) (Radio Edit) 2012
225 Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs Ummet Ozcan The Hum (Lost Frequencies Remix) 2015
226 Britney Spears Work Bitch! (Explicit Version) 2013
227 DVBBS & Borgeous Tsunami (Original Mix) 2013
228 Swedish House Mafia Feat. John Martin Don't You Worry Child (Extended Mix) 2012
229 Firebeatz & Schella Dear New York (Original Mix) 2012
230 Steve Angello Knas 2010
231 Kelis Acapella 2010
232 Zedd Feat. Jon Bellion Beautiful Now 2015
233 Avicii Waiting For Love 2015
234 Fäis Feat. Afrojack Hey 2016
235 Oliver Heldens Feat. Shungudzo Fire In My Soul 2018
236 Galantis No Money 2016
237 Asino vs DJ Jean Yo DJ (Original Mix) 2010
238 Project 46 & Dubvision Feat. Donna Lewis You & I 2012
239 Icona Pop Feat. Charli XCX I Love It (Hot Mouth Remix) 2013
240 Gorgon City Saving My Life 2015
241 Pitbull Feat. Keha Timber 2013
242 Ariana Grande Break Free 2014
243 Otto Knows Million Voices (Original Version) 2012
244 L.M.F.A.O. Feat. Lauren Bennett & Goonrock Party Rock Anthem 2011
245 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Trevor Guthrie This Is What It Feels Like (Extended) 2013
246 Chris Brown Turn Up The Music (Main Version) 2012
247 Fono Real Joy 2015
248 Will-I-Am Feat. Eva Simons This Is Love (Album Version) 2012
249 David Guetta Feat. Flo Rida & Nicki Minaj Where Them Girls At 2011
250 L.M.F.A.O. Sexy And I Know It (Original Version) 2011
251 Hardwell & Armin van Buuren Off The Hook 2015
252 Armin Van Buuren Ping Pong (Hardwell Remix) 2014
253 PSY Gangnam Style (Original Version) 2012
254 Axwell ^ Ingrosso Sun Is Shining 2015
255 Avicii Feat. Sandro Cavazza Without You 2017
256 Ziggy Orbit (Original Mix) 2012
257 Calvin Harris Feels So Close (Nero Dub) 2011
258 Steve Aoki, Deorro, Makj & Max Styler Shakalaka 2018
259 Armin Van Buuren Blah Blah Blah (Extended Mix) 2018
260 Hardwell & Kshmr Power (Extended Mix) 2017
261 Pharrell Williams Happy 2013
262 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix Decade Edition 2019


1 januari 2020

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

12:00-15:00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix Decade Edition uitgezonden op Sunshine Live (Duitsland)[57]

8 augustus 2020

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

22.30-23.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends Editie, deel 1, Tracks 1 t/m 18 van CD 1, zoals uitgezonden op Radio 10 (Nederland)

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends
02 Earth, Wind & Fire Fantasy
03 Ramsey Lewis Sun Goddess
04 Earth, Wind & Fire On Your Face
05 Earth, Wind & Fire With Angie Stone Wonderland
06 Deniece Williams Cause You Love Me Baby
07 Earth, Wind & Fire In The Name Of Love
08 Earth, Wind & Fire Feat. Mc Hammer Wanna Be The Man
09 Earth, Wind & Fire Star
10 Earth, Wind & Fire Kalimba Story
11 Earth, Wind & Fire Shining Star
12 Ramsey Lewis Whisper Zone
13 Earth, Wind & Fire Saturday Night
14 Earth, Wind & Fire With The Emotions Side By Side
15 Ramsey Lewis Tequila Mockingbird
16 Earth, Wind & Fire Every Now And Then
17 The Emotions Flowers
18 Deniece Williams Baby Baby My Love's All For You

15 augustus 2020

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

22.30-23.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends Editie, deel 2, Tracks 19 t/m 35 van CD 1, zoals uitgezonden op Radio 10 (Nederland)

Nr. Artiest Titel
00 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends
01 Earth, Wind & Fire Getaway
02 Earth, Wind & Fire Let Me Talk
03 The Emotions The Best Of My Love
04 Earth, Wind & Fire Spread Your Love
05 Earth, Wind & Fire Thinking Of You
06 Earth, Wind & Fire Mighty Mighty
07 Earth, Wind & Fire I've Had Enough
08 Earth, Wind & Fire Pride
09 Earth, Wind & Fire Jupiter
10 Earth, Wind & Fire In The Stone
11 Maurice White Stand By Me
12 Earth, Wind & Fire Fall In Love With Me
13 Earth, Wind & Fire Evil
14 Earth, Wind & Fire Sing A Song
15 The Pockets Come Go With Me
16 Earth, Wind & Fire Turn On (The Beat Box)
17 Earth, Wind & Fire System Of Survival

22 augustus 2020

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

22.30-23.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends Editie, deel 3, tracks 36 t/m 42 van CD 1 en tracks 1 t/m van 11 van CD 2, zoals uitgezonden op Radio 10 (Nederland)

Nr. Artiest Titel
00 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends
01 Earth, Wind & Fire My Promise
02 Earth, Wind & Fire Let Your Feelings Show
03 The Emotions I Should Be Dancing
04 Earth, Wind & Fire And Love Goes On
05 The Emotions I Don't Wanna Loose Your Love
06 Earth, Wind & Fire Why
07 Earth, Wind & Fire Reasons
08 Earth, Wind & Fire September
09 Earth, Wind & Fire Let's Groove
10 Earth, Wind & Fire Magic Mind
11 Philip Bailey Feat. Phil Collins Easy Lover
12 Earth, Wind & Fire After The Love Has Gone
13 Earth, Wind & Fire Can't Let Go
14 The Emotions Smile
15 Earth, Wind & Fire With The Emotions Boogie Wonderland
16 Earth, Wind & Fire Serpentine Fire
17 Earth, Wind & Fire Got To Get You Into My Life
18 Earth, Wind & Fire Magnetic

26 september 2020

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

22.30-23.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van een gedeelte uit de Grandmix 1983, tracks 1 t/m 37 uitgezonden op Radio 10 (Nederland)

31 december 2020

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

15:00-18:00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix Decade Edition uitgezonden op Radio ISLA 106 (Spanje)

18:00-21:00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de Grandmix 2020 uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)[58], Radio ISLA 106 (Spanje), Sunshine Live (Duitsland) en Radio ABC (Denemarken)

De Grandmix 2020 is hier in de speciale VU-Video van Ben Liebrand terug te beluisteren!

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 2020
002 Davian Michelle Beat Me
003 Rita Ora How To Be Lonely
004 Duncan Laurence Love Don't Hate It
005 Ludwig Göransson Theme From The Mandalorian
006 J. Balvin, Dua Lipa, Bad Bunny, Tainy One Day
007 Major Lazor, The Weekend Blinding Lights
008 Sia Together
009 Ava Max Who's Laughing Now
010 Dababy Feat. Roddy Ricch Rockstar
011 Maroon 5 Memories
012 Arizona Zervas Roxanne
013 Justin Bieber Feat. Chance The Rapper Holy
014 Ariana Grande & Justin Bieber Stuck With U
015 Alan Walker Feat. Ava Max Alone (Part. 2)
016 Di-Rect Soldier On
017 Armin Van Buuren & Avalan Should I Wait
018 Alicia Keys Underdog
019 David Guetta & Sia Let S Love
020 Harry Styles Watermelon Sugar
021 Shakira & Anuel Aa Me Gusta
022 Tones And I Never Seen The Rain
023 Halsey Marshmello Be Kind
024 Goldkimono To Tomorrow
025 Jason Derulo & Jawsh 685 Savage Love
026 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Duncan Laurence Feel Something
027 Duncan Laurence Someone Else
028 Ed Sheeran Feat. Camila Cabello & Cardi B South Of The Border (Petedown Redrum)
029 Beyoncé Feat. Shatta Wale & Major Lazer Already
030 Calvin Harris, The Weeknd Over Now (Petedown Flavor Mix)
031 Camila Cabello & Sisco Kennedy Liar
032 Chef'Special Trouble
033 Mabel Boyfriend
034 Tones And I Dance Monkey (Boogie Heights Reggaeton Remix)
035 Jason Derulo X Nuka Love Not War
036 Shaggy And Conkarah Banana
037 Harry Styles Adore You
038 Burna Boy, Sisco Kennedy, Stormzy, Ed Sheeran Own It
039 Clean Bandit Feat. 24Kgoldn Mabel Tick Tock
040 Khalid Disclosure Know Your Worth
041 Black Eyed Peas Feat. J. Rey Soul & Ozuna Mamacita (Petedown Moomba Remix)
042 Selena Gomez Lose You To Love Me
043 Doja Cat Feat. Gucci Mane Like That
044 Nea Some Say
045 Lost Frequencies, Zonderling & Kelvin Jones Love To Go
046 Sam Smith Diamonds
047 Camila Cabello Feat. Dababy My Oh My
048 Coldplay Orphans
049 Sam Feldt Feat. Rani Post Malone
050 Miley Cyrus & Stevie Nicks Midnight Sky
051 YouNotUs, Janieck, Senex Narcotic
052 Nielson Slowmotion
053 Ariana Grande 34 35 (Petedown Flavor Mix)
054 Ojam Disco 2020 (Gm2020Mix)
055 Taylor Swift The Man
056 Jason Derulo Take You Dancing
057 Dua Lipa Break My Heart (Remixes)
058 Jonas Brothers What A Man Gotta Do
059 Jonas Blue Max Naked 1
060 Selena Gomez Look At Her Now (Acapella)
061 Imanbek & Martin Jensen I'm Just Feelin (Du Du Du)
062 Lady Gaga 911
063 Kygo, Avicii, Sandro Cavazza Forever Yours
064 Lucas Steve Letters
065 Constantin X Domino Watermelon Sugar (BB Team Edit)
066 Sheppard Die Young
067 Anabel Englund Picture Us
068 Major Lazer Feat. Marcus Mumford Lay Your Head On Me
069 Martin Garrix Feat. Clinton Kane Drown (Alle Farben Remix)
070 Jonas Brothers Feat. Karol G X (Petedown Coolie Mix)
071 Twenty One Pilots Level Of Concern
072 Sam Feldt & Sigma Feat. Gia Koka 2 Hearts
073 Tiësto & Stevie Appleton Blue
074 Halsey You Should Be Sad
075 Lucas Steve Haris Perfect
076 Regard Raye Secrets
077 Tiësto & Mabel God Is A Dancer
078 Robin Schulz Feat. Alida In Your Eyes
079 Topic A7S Breaking Me
080 Tiësto The Business
081 Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike vs. Regard Say My Name
082 Celeste Stop This Flame
083 Dua Lipa Hallucinate
084 Lady Gaga Stupid Love
085 Tensnake Fiora Automatic (Kraak Smaak Extended Remix)
086 Johnny "Guitar" Watson A Real Mother For Ya (Ben Liebrand Gotta Go To A Disco Remix)
087 Little Mix Sweet Melody
088 The Weeknd Save Your Tears
089 Post Malone Circles Version
090 Rolf Sanchez Más Más Más
091 James Bay Chew On My Heart (Madism Remix)
092 Coldplay Everyday Life
093 Icona Pop Feels In My Body (Radio Mix)
094 Sam Feldt & Vize Feat. Leony Far Away From Home (MOTi Extended Club Mix)
095 Dubdogz Bhaskar Infinity (Neubauer Remix)
096 Marshmello Halsey Be Kind (Joy Radio Remix)
097 Armin Van Buuren & Jake Reese Need You Now
098 Martin Garrix, Dean Lewis, Marc Stout, Tony Arzadon Used To Love (Marc Stout & Tony Arzadon Radio Mix)
099 Sam Feldt & Sigma Feat. Gia Koka 2 Hearts (Club Mix)
100 Tones And I Ur So F*King Cool (DJ Louie Lou Remix)
101 Tones And I Never Seen The Rain (Back N Fourth Remix)
102 Billie Eilish & Barry Harris Everything I Wanted (Charlie Lane Remix)
103 Lost Frequencies & Mathieu Koss Don't Leave Me
104 Davina Michelle My Own World
105 Chef'Special Maybe This Is Love
106 Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande Rain On Me (Purple Disco Machine Remix)
107 Jax Jones, Martin Solveig, Europa, Raye Tequila
108 KC Lights Girl
109 Icona Pop X Sofi Tukker Spa
110 Armin Van Buuren Feat. Ne Yo Unlove You
111 Ytram Elderbrook Fire
112 Duke Dumont Feat. Ali B. Love Song ((538 Samen Sterk Edit)
113 Major Lazer Feat. J Balvin Feat. El Alfa Que Calor (Main Mix)
114 Lucas & Steve Feat. Alida Another Life
115 Becky Hill Feat. Tiësto Nothing Really Matters (Phantoms Remix Extended Mix)
116 Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano Feat. Rani Life After You
117 Joel Corry X Mnek Head Heart (Vip Extended Mix)
118 Meduza X Becky Hill X Goodboys Lose Control
119 Nathan Dawe Feat. Jaykae Flowers
120 Robin Schulz & Wes Alane (Yves V Extended Remix)
121 Sofi Tukker & Gorgon City House Arrest
122 Armin Van Buuren & Brennan Heart Feat. Andreas Moe All On Me
123 5 Seconds Of Summer Old Me
124 Benee Feat. Gus Dapperton Supalonely (Super Radio Edit)
125 BTS Dynamite (Jack Chang Big Room Extended Mix)
126 The Chainsmokers With Kygo Family (Lucas Steve Remix)
127 Armin Van Buuren & Avian Grays Feat. Jordan Shaw Something Real
128 Ilse Delange Changes
129 Ava Max Kings Queens
130 Martin Garrix Feat. John Martin Higher Ground
131 Martin Garrix Feat. Bonn Home
132 Ava Max Salt
133 Black Eyed Peas, Nicky Jam, Tyga Vida Loca (DJ leony Quick Edit More English)
134 The Script The Last Time
135 The Script Something Unreal
136 Avicii Feat. Noonie Bao Fades Away
137 Katy Perry Resilient
138 Billie Eilish Bad Guy
139 Kensington Uncharted
140 Dominic Fike 3 Nights
141 Di-Rect Color
142 Banners Someone To You
143 Alesso Feat. Liam Payne Midnight
144 Dua Lipa Physical
145 Justin Bieber Feat. Quavo Intentions (Main Mix)
146 Jp Saxe Feat. Julia Michaels If The World Was Ending
147 Kygo Onerepublic Lose Somebody
148 Anne Marie Birthday
149 Aitch x AJ Tracey Feat. Tay Keith Rain
150 JC Stewart I Need You To Hate Me
151 R3Hab Zayn Feat. Jungleboi Flames
152 Lil Nas X Holiday (DJ Rocco & DJ Ever B Remix)
153 Jawsh 685, Jason Derulo, BTS Savage Love (Acapella)
154 Sam Smith, Demi Lovato I'm Ready
155 Cash Cash Georgia Ku Love You Now
156 Drake Toosie Slide
157 The Weeknd Blinding Lights
158 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 2020


2 januari 2021

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

22.30-23.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van het eerste half uur van de Grandmix 1990 (Tracks 1 t/m 69) uitgezonden op Radio 10 (Nederland)

9 januari 2021

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

22.30-23.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van het tweede half uur van de Grandmix 1990 (Tracks 56 t/m 129) uitgezonden op Radio 10 (Nederland)

16 januari 2021

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

11.00-14.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2020, uitgezonden op Lebonmix Radio (Frankrijk)

19 juni 2021

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

22.30-23.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix Summer Edition, Tracks 2 t/m 18 van CD 1, zoals uitgezonden op Radio 10 (Nederland)

21 juni 2021

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

19.00-20.00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends Editie, Tracks 1 t/m 40 van CD 1, uitgezonden op Lebonmix Radio (Frankrijk)

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends
02 Earth, Wind & Fire Fantasy
03 Ramsey Lewis Sun Goddess
04 Earth, Wind & Fire On Your Face
05 Earth, Wind & Fire With Angie Stone Wonderland
06 Deniece Williams Cause You Love Me Baby
07 Earth, Wind & Fire In The Name Of Love
08 Earth, Wind & Fire Feat. Mc Hammer Wanna Be The Man
09 Earth, Wind & Fire Star
10 Earth, Wind & Fire Kalimba Story
11 Earth, Wind & Fire Shining Star
12 Ramsey Lewis Whisper Zone
13 Earth, Wind & Fire Saturday Night
14 Earth, Wind & Fire With The Emotions Side By Side
15 Ramsey Lewis Tequila Mockingbird
16 Earth, Wind & Fire Every Now And Then
17 The Emotions Flowers
18 Deniece Williams Baby Baby My Love's All For You
19 Earth, Wind & Fire Getaway
20 Earth, Wind & Fire Let Me Talk
21 The Emotions The Best Of My Love
22 Earth, Wind & Fire Spread Your Love
23 Earth, Wind & Fire Thinking Of You
24 Earth, Wind & Fire Mighty Mighty
25 Earth, Wind & Fire I've Had Enough
26 Earth, Wind & Fire Pride
27 Earth, Wind & Fire Jupiter
28 Earth, Wind & Fire In The Stone
29 Maurice White Stand By Me
30 Earth, Wind & Fire Fall In Love With Me
31 Earth, Wind & Fire Evil
32 Earth, Wind & Fire Sing A Song
33 The Pockets Come Go With Me
34 Earth, Wind & Fire Turn On (The Beat Box)
35 Earth, Wind & Fire System Of Survival
36 Earth, Wind & Fire My Promise
37 Earth, Wind & Fire Let Your Feelings Show
38 The Emotions I Should Be Dancing
39 Earth, Wind & Fire And Love Goes On
40 The Emotions I Don't Wanna Loose Your Love

Hier stopt de uitzending, onderstaande tracks horen nog wel bij de mix maar zijn niet uitgezonden!

Nr. Artiest Titel
41 Earth, Wind & Fire Why
42 Earth, Wind & Fire Reasons

20.00-21.00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends Editie, Tracks 1 t/m 32 van CD 2, uitgezonden op Lebonmix Radio (Frankrijk)

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Earth, Wind & Fire September
02 Earth, Wind & Fire Let's Groove
03 Earth, Wind & Fire Magic Mind
04 Philip Bailey Feat. Phil Collins Easy Lover
05 Earth, Wind & Fire After The Love Has Gone
06 Earth, Wind & Fire Can't Let Go
07 The Emotions Smile
08 Earth, Wind & Fire With The Emotions Boogie Wonderland
09 Earth, Wind & Fire Serpentine Fire
10 Earth, Wind & Fire Got To Get You Into My Life
11 Earth, Wind & Fire Magnetic
12 Earth, Wind & Fire Daydreamin'
13 Earth, Wind & Fire We're Living In Our Own Time
14 Earth, Wind & Fire You
15 The Emotions Waiting The Line
16 Ramsey Lewis Brazilica
17 Earth, Wind & Fire Love's Holiday
18 Earth, Wind & Fire I'll Write A Song For You
19 Earth, Wind & Fire That's The Way Of The World
20 Maurice White I Need You
21 Deniece Williams Free
22 Earth, Wind & Fire Can't Hide Love
23 Earth, Wind & Fire Sign On
24 Earth, Wind & Fire Time Is On Your Side
25 Earth, Wind & Fire Turn It Into Something Good
26 Earth, Wind & Fire Wanna Be With You
27 Philip Bailey Walking On The Chines Wall
28 Earth, Wind & Fire Cruising
29 Earth, Wind & Fire Keep Your Head To The Sky
30 Earth, Wind & Fire Gratitude
31 Earth, Wind & Fire With The Emotions All In The Way
32 Earth, Wind & Fire Be Ever Wonderful

26 juni 2021

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

22.30-23.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix Summer Edition, Tracks 20 t/m 36 van CD 1 en Track 1 van CD 2, zoals uitgezonden op Radio 10 (Nederland)

3 juli 2021

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

22.30-23.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix Summer Edition, Tracks 2 t/m 18 van CD 2, zoals uitgezonden op Radio 10 (Nederland)

10 juli 2021

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

22.30-23.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix Summer Edition, Tracks 19 t/m 33 van CD 2 en Tracks 1 t/m 3 van CD 3, zoals uitgezonden op Radio 10 (Nederland)

24 december 2021

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

19.00-20.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends Editie (CD 1 Tracks 1 t/m 39) NB. de laatste 3 tracks 40, 41 en 42 van CD 1 ontbreken in deze mix!), zoals uitgezonden op Lebonmix Radio (Frankrijk)

20.00-21.00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de herhaling van het vervolg van de Grandmix Earth, Wind & Fire and Friends Editie (CD 2), zoals uitgezonden op Lebonmix Radio (Frankrijk)

31 december 2021

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18:00-21:00 uur:

Dit is de Grandmix 2021, uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland)!![59]

De Grandmix 2021 kun je op het officiële Vimeo kanaal van Ben Liebrand hier of hier terugkijken en luisteren!

Thanks To The WOLF (World Of Liebrand Fans), for the correct titles and timestamps!!

Nr. Artiest Titel Timestamp
001 Ben Liebrand Grandmix 2021 Intro 00:00:11
002 Glass Animals Heat Waves 00:01:48
003 JC Stewart Break My Heart 00:03:11
004 Pink feat. Willow Sage Hart Cover Me In Sunshine 00:04:10
005 Major Lazer feat. Alessia Cara Hell And High Water 00:05:09
006 Davina Michelle Sweet Water 00:06:17
007 Olivia Rodrigo Good 4 U 00:07:47
008 Rag'n'bone Man All You Ever Wanted 00:08:38
009 Justin Bieber & Benny Blanco Lonely 00:09:35
010 Kid LAROI & Justin Bieber Stay 00:10:42
011 Taylor Swift Willow 00:11:39
012 Ava Max Who's Laughing Now 00:12:35
013 Doja Cat Streets 00:13:38
014 Tesher & Jason Derulo Jalebi Baby 00:15:11
015 Justin Bieber feat. Daniel Caesar & Giveon Peaches 00:17:01
016 Coldplay Higher Power 00:18:04
017 Netsky & Hybrid Minds Let Me Hold You 00:19:37
018 Ed Sheeran Overpass Graffiti 00:20:41
019 Maluma & The Weeknd Hawái (Remix) 00:22:12
020 Lil Nas X That's What I Want 00:23:40
021 Lil Nas X Montero (Call Me By Your Name) 00:24:33
022 Doja Cat Get Into It (Yuh) 00:25:37
023 Davina Michelle Nobody Is Perfect 00:26:52
024 24kGoldn feat. Iann Dior Mood 00:27:56
025 CKay feat. ElGrande Toto Love Nwantiti (North African Remix) 00:29:20
026 The Kid LAROI Without You 00:30:33
027 Billie Eilish Therefore I Am 00:32:05
028 Maroon 5 & Megan Thee Stallion Beautiful Mistakes 00:33:12
029 Clean Bandit & Mabel feat. 24K Goldn Tick Tock 00:35:18
030 Jason Derulo & Nuka Love Not War (The Tampa Beat) 00:37:16
031 Jonas Brothers Who's In Your Head 00:38:23
032 Rondé Hard To Say Goodbye 00:39:20
033 Regard feat. Troye Sivan & Tate Mcrae You 00:40:29
034 Lil Tjay feat. 6Lack Calling My Phone 00:42:32
035 Kris Kross Amsterdam, Shaggy & Conor Maynard Early In The Morning 00:44:04
036 Clean Bandit feat. Iann Dior Higher 00:45:37
037 Coldplay & BTS My Universe 00:46:32
038 Tom Grennan Little Bit Of Love 00:47:36
039 Sia & David Guetta Floating Through Space 00:49:02
040 Justin Wellington feat. Small Jam Iko Iko 00:50:14
041 P!nk All I Know So Far 00:51:31
042 Camila Cabello Don't Go Yet 00:53:06
043 Purple Disco Machine Hypnotized (feat. Sophie And The Giants) 00:53:54
044 Ed Sheeran Afterglow 00:54:47
045 Dua Lipa Love Again 00:56:00
046 Justin Bieber Anyone 00:58:00
047 Ava Max My Head & My Heart 00:59:06
048 Elton John & Dua Lipa Cold Heart 01:00:04
049 Lucas & Steve I Want It All 01:01:43
050 Tiësto The Business 01:02:47
051 Purple Disco Machine feat. Eyelar Dopamine 01:03:35
052 Tiësto & Karol G Don't Be Shy 01:04:39
053 Onerepublic Run 01:05:35
054 Dragonette, Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano & Cat Dealers feat. Bruno Martini Summer Thing 01:07:12
055 Alesso & Armin van Buuren Leave A Little Love 01:08:31
056 Swedish House Mafia & The Weeknd Moth To A Flame 01:09:37
057 Martin Garrix feat. Bono & The Edge We Are The People 01:11:05
058 Jonas Brothers & Marshmello Leave Before You Love Me 01:12:59
059 Tinlicker & Helsloot Because You Move Me 01:14:03
060 Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano, Ginge, QG Better Things (Extended Mix) 01:15:22
061 Jason Derulo Acapulco 01:16:50
062 Shouse Love Tonight 01:18:01
063 The Weeknd Take My Breath 01:19:34
064 Showtek feat. Lxandra Someone like me 01:20:37
065 Kream Take Control 01:21:40
066 Jason Derulo feat. Adam Levine Lifestyle 01:22:43
067 Shawn Mendes & Tainy Summer Of Love 01:23:45
068 Riton & Nightcrawlers feat. Mufasa & Hypeman Friday 01:24:55
069 Ofenbach Wasted Love 01:26:09
070 Lost Frequencies & Calum Scott Where Are You Now 01:27:20
071 Chef'special Afraid Of The Dark 01:28:32
072 Sam Feldt feat. ALMA & Digital Farm Animals Home Sweet Home 01:29:50
073 Afrojack & David Guetta Hero 01:30:52
074 Kungs Never Going Home 01:32:34
075 Kungs Lipstick 01:33:21
076 ATB & Topic feat. A7S Your Love (9Pm) 01:34:30
077 Tungevaag, Sick Individuals, Marf Miss You 01:35:54
078 Imagine Dragons Follow You 01:37:42
079 Ava Max Everytime I Cry 01:39:30
080 Noizu Summer 91 (Looking Back) 01:41:17
081 Ofenbach & Quarterhead Head Shoulders Knees & Toes (feat. Norma Jean Martine) 01:42:34
082 Tom Grennan Don't Break The Heart 01:43:43
083 Meduza feat. Hozier Tell It To My Heart 01:45:19
084 Ed Sheeran Bad Habits 01:46:21
085 Lost Frequencies & Mathieu Koss Don't Leave Me Now 01:47:45
086 Joel Corry x Raye x David Guetta Bed 01:49:10
087 Galantis, David Guetta & Little Mix Heartbreak Anthem 01:50:27
088 Joel Corry X Jax Jones feat. Charli XCX & Saweetie Out Out 01:51:44
089 Tate McRae You Broke Me First 01:53:33
090 Meduza feat. Dermot Kennedy Paradise 01:54:35
091 Lost Frequencies Rise 01:55:54
092 Sheppard Learning To Fly 01:57:27
093 Rain Radio & DJ Craig Gorman Talk About 01:58:44
094 Afrojack, Lucas & Steve & Dubvision Anywhere With You 01:59:54
095 Vinai Rise Up (feat. Vamero) 02:01:19
096 Hvme Goosebumps 02:02:37
097 Becky Hill & David Guetta Remember 02:03:46
098 Kream & Millean. feat. Bemendé What You've Done To Me 02:05:19
099 Robin Schulz & Felix Jaehn feat. Alida One More Time 02:06:37
100 Nathan Evans Wellerman (220 KID x Billen Ted Remix) 02:08:10
101 Shane Codd Get Out My Head 02:09:27
102 Calvin Harris feat. Tom Grennan By Your Side 02:10:29
103 Lucas & Steve X Tungevaag Paper Planes 02:11:39
104 Joel Corry Lonely 02:12:56
105 Ofenbach & Ella Henderson Hurricane 02:14:52
106 Shane Codd feat. Charlotte Haining Always on my mind 02:15:54
107 Majestic X Boney M Rasputin 02:17:11
108 Doja Cat Need To Know 02:18:52
109 Miley Cyrus feat. Dua Lipa Prisoner 02:20:00
110 David Guetta feat. Kid Cudi Memories 2021 02:21:12
111 Mike Williams Get Dirty 02:22:20
112 Navos Believe Me 02:23:39
113 Doja Cat & The Weeknd You Right 02:24:47
114 Armin van Buuren & Davina Michelle Hold On 02:26:31
115 Billie Eilish Your Power 02:28:14
116 Farruko Pepas 02:29:58
117 Leony Faded Love 02:31:48
118 Dua Lipa We're Good 02:32:54
119 Gabry Ponte X Lum!X X Prezioso Thunder 02:34:32
120 Banners If I Didn't Have You 02:35:31
121 Adele Easy On Me 02:36:59
122 Shawn Mendes Wonder 02:38:28
123 Justin Bieber Hold On 02:39:23
124 Ed Sheeran Shivers 02:40:38
125 Ariana Grande Positions 02:41:46
126 Shawn Mendes & Justin Bieber Monster 02:42:59
127 Banners Someone To You 02:44:58
128 Anne-Marie & Niall Horan Our Song 02:46:30
129 Justin Bieber Ghost 02:47:47
130 Doja Cat I Don't Do Drugs (feat. Ariana Grande) 02:49:14
131 Olivia Rodrigo Drivers License 02:50:41
132 Silk Sonic presents Bruno Mars & Anderson .Paak Leave The Door Open 02:52:45
133 The Script I Want It All 02:54:46
134 Ben Liebrand Grandmix 2021 Outro 02:55:29

18:00-21:00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Let op: dit is de herhaling van The Grandmix Disco Edition 1. Uitgezonden op Lebonmix Radio (Frankrijk)

De videomix is hier in zijn geheel terug te luisteren (Video edit made by Gustavo R. Irrazábal)

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Disco Edition
002 Carl Douglas Kung Fu Fighting
003 Black Machine How Gee
004 Jenny Burton Bad Habits
005 Jocelyn Brown Somebody's Elses Guy
006 Chaka Khan Ain't Nobody
007 Grandmaster Flash The Message
008 N-Trance Staying Alive
009 Snap! The Power
010 Joe Public Live And Learn
011 Sharon Redd Can You Handle It?
012 Blondie Rapture
013 Indeep Last Night A Dj Saved My Life
014 Pointer Sisters Automatic
015 People's Choice Do It Anyway You Wanna
016 Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam Let The Beat Hit 'Em
017 Herbie Hancock Rock It
018 René & Angela Save Your Love (For #1)
019 Sugarhill Gang Rappers Delight
020 Kurtis Blow The Breaks
021 The Whispers And The Beat Goes On
022 Quick The Rhythm Of The Jungle
023 Stephanie Mills Medicine Song
024 C&C Music Factory Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)
025 King Bee Back By Dope Demand
026 Sister Sledge Greatest Dancer
027 The Jacksons Blame It On The Boogie
028 Patrice Rushen Forget Me Nots
029 Rose Royce RR Express
030 C&C Music Factory Here We Go (Let's Rock And Roll)
031 Shannon Let The Music Play
032 C.O.D. In The Bottle
033 Labelle Lady Marmelade
034 Shannon Give Me Tonight
035 The Trammps Love Epidemic
036 Gloria Gaynor I Will Survive
037 Sister Sledge We Are Family
038 Change Lover's Holiday
039 Miami Sound Machine Dr. Beat
040 Kool & The Gang Fresh
041 Colonel Abrams Trapped
042 Oliver Cheatham Get Down Saturdaynight
043 The Whispers It's A Love Thing
044 Shalamar Take That To The Bank
045 Chic Le Freak
046 Bohannon Let's Start The Dance
047 Stacy Lattisaw Jump To The Beat
048 Kool & The Gang Celebration
049 Dan Hartman Relight My Fire
050 Taste Of Honey Boogie Oogie Oogie
051 Crystal Waters Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
052 Jerry knight Overnight Sensation
053 Heatwave Boogie Nights
054 Herbie Hancock Tell Everybody
055 Clivilles & Cole A Deeper Love
056 Michael Zager Band Let's All Chant
057 Ce Ce Peniston Finally
058 Bobby Thurston Check Out The Groove
059 The Strikers Body Music
060 D-Train You're The One For Me
061 Cyndi Lauper Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
062 Lipps Inc. Funkytown
063 Starlight Numero Uno
064 Karen Young Hot Shot
065 Robin S. Show Me Love
066 Robin S. Luv 4 Luv
067 Sly & The Family Stone Dance To The Music
068 Viola Wills If You Could Read My Mind
069 Deniece Williams Let's Hear It For The Boy
070 Earth, Wind & Fire Let’s Groove Tonight
071 Miami Sound Machine Conga
072 The Jacksons Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)
073 Technotronic Get Up (Before The Night Is Over)
074 Snap! Rhythm Is A Dancer
075 Technotronic Pump Up The Jam
076 Giorgio Moroder Chase
077 Donna Summer I Feel Love
078 Mory Kante Yeké Yeké
079 Eurythmics Sweat Dreams (Are Made Of This)
080 The Trammps Shout
081 O'Jays I Love Music
082 Anita Ward Ring My Bell
083 The Jacksons Can You Feel It
084 Dead Or Alive You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)
085 Miquel Brown So Many Men, So Little Time
086 Evelyn Thomas High Energy
087 Sylvester Do You Wanna Funk
088 Boys Town Gang Can't Take My Eyes Of You
089 Dan Hartman Instant Replay
090 Earth, Wind & Fire September
091 Earth, Wind & Fire With The Emotions Boogie Wonderland
092 Freddie James Get Up And Boogie
093 The Real Thing Can You Feel The Force
094 The Weather Girls It's Raining Men
095 Sylvester You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)
096 Gonzalez Haven't Stopped Dancing Yet
097 Patrick Hernandez Born To Be Alive
098 Ben Liebrand Outro Disco edition

21:00-24:00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Let op: dit is de herhaling van The Grandmix Disco Edition 2 zoals uitgezonden op 17 oktober 2003 en 25 oktober 2003 op Radio 538. Uitgezonden op Lebonmix Radio (Frankrijk)

Nr. Artiest Titel
01 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix Disco Edition 2
02 Full Force Alice, I Want You Just For Me
03 Joyce Sims Come Into My Life
04 Yarbrough & Peoples Don't Stop The Music
05 Stargard (Theme From) Which Way Is Up
06 Odyssey Going Back To My Roots
07 Change Change Of Heart
08 Millie Scott Automatic
09 Robert Palmer You Are In My System
10 Hall & Oates I Can't Go For That
11 Diana Ross I'm Coming Out
12 Tom Browne Funkin' For Jamaica
13 Jimmy "Bo" Horne Dance Across The Floor
14 Nu Shooz I Can't Wait
15 Peter Jacques Band Going Dancing Down The Street
16 Commodores Brick House
17 Millie Scott Prisoner Of Love
18 Dan Hartman I Can Dream About You
19 Gayle Adams Stretchin' Out
20 Level 42 Hot Water
21 Steve Arrington Feel So Real
22 Positive Force We Got The Funk
23 Sister Sledge Lost In Music (Original mix)
24 Bar-Kays Sex-O-Matic
25 Gino Soccio Try It Out
26 Linda Lewis Class Style (I've Got It)
27 Sharon Brown I Specialize In Love
28 Kool & The Gang Ladies Night
29 Leon Haywood Don't Push It, Don't Force It
30 Trussel Love Injection
31 Gene Chandler Get Down
32 Geraldine Hunt Can't Fake The Feeling
33 Chaz Jankel Glad To Know You
34 Dan Hartman We Are The Young
35 Ollie & Jerry Breakin'... There's No Stopping Us
36 Cameo Word Up!
37 Sheila E A Love Bizarre
38 Billy Ocean Stay The Night
39 Steve Arrington Dancin' In The Key Of Life
40 Al Hudson You Can Do It
41 The Reddings Remote Control
42 DeBarge Rhythm Of The Night
43 Lakeside Fantastic Voyage
44 Gwen Guthrie It Should Have Been You
45 Colonel Abrams I'm Not Gonna Let You
46 The Bangles Walk Like An Egyptian
47 Wham! Club Tropicana
48 D-Train Keep On
49 Tyrone Brunson The Smurf
50 Midnight Star Midas Touch
51 Billy Ocean Are You Ready
52 Dynasty I Don't Want To Be A Freak (But I Can't Help Myself)
53 Rose Royce Is It Love You're After
54 Weeks & Company Rock Your World (Joho, Joho)
55 Midnight Star Operator
56 Blackbox Feat. Martha Wash Everybody, Everybody
57 Jimmy "Bo" Horne Spank
58 Rick James Glow
59 Hithouse Jack To The Sound Of The Underground
60 Yazoo Situation
61 Blackbox Feat. Martha Wash Strike It Up
62 Freeze I.O.U
63 The Brothers Johnson Stomp!
64 Bobby Thurston Check Out The Groove
65 Peter Brown They Only Come Out At Night
66 Harvey Mason Groovin' You
67 Carol Jiani Hit 'N' Run Lover
68 Mr. Lee Get Busy
69 Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire Weekend
70 Narada Michael Walden Tonight I'm Alright
71 Ashford & Simpson Found A Cure
72 Latoya Jackson If You Feel The Funk
73 Technotronic Feat. Ya Kid K Get Up (Before The Night Is Over)
74 Divine Native Love
75 Gino Soccio Dancer
76 Two Tons O'Fun I Got The Feeling
77 Chaka Kahn I Feel For You
78 Aretha Franklin Think
79 Odyssey Use It Up (And Wear It Out)
80 Gwen McCrea Keep The Fire Burning
81 Azoto San Salvador
82 Manhattan Transfer Twilight Zone
83 Patrick Cowley Megatron Man
84 Patrick Cowley Menergy
85 Salt 'N' Pepa Push It
86 Rick James Superfreak
87 Afrika Bambaata & The Soul Sonic Force Planet Rock
88 The Trammps Disco Inferno
89 Bombers Everybody Get Dancin'
90 Kat Mandu The Break
91 Edwin Starr Contact
92 The Jacksons Walk Right Now
93 Musique In The Bush
94 Supermax Love Machine
95 Peaches & Herb Shake Your Groove Thing
96 Lime Your Love
97 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix The Disco Edition 2


1 januari 2022

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

00.00-03.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van The Grandmix Millennium Edition zoals uitgezonden op 31 december 1999 op Radio 538, maar nu uitgezonden op Lebonmix Radio (Frankrijk)

02.00-5.00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2021, zoals uitgezonden op 31 december 2021 op Radio 538, maar nu uitgezonden op Boogie Bunker Radio (Spanje)!

31 december 2022

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18:00-21:00 uur:

Grandmix 2022, uitgezonden op Radio 538 (Nederland).

Check HIER de VU meter video mix op het officiële Vimeo kanaal van Ben Liebrand en HIER de videomix!

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 2022
002 The Script I Want It All
003 Dean Lewis How Do I Say Goodbye
004 Benson Boone In The Stars
005 Imagine Dragons x J.I.D Enemy
006 Glass Animals Heat Waves
007 5 Seconds of Summer COMPLETE MESS
008 Shawn Mendes It'll Be Okay
009 QUIQUE Camino
010 Rosa Linn SNAP
011 The Kid Laroi Thousand Miles
012 Stromae L’Enfer
013 Taylor Swift All Too Well
014 5 Seconds Of Summer Me Myself & I
015 DI-RECT 90s Kid
016 Sorana & David Guetta RedruM
017 Adele Oh My God
018 Camila Cabello Feat. Ed Sheeran Bam Bam
019 Calvin Harris & Dua Lipa & Young Thug Potion
020 Lewis Capaldi Forget Me
021 Jason Derulo Feat. Kodak Black Slidin'
022 Dermot Kennedy Better Days
023 Rolf Sanchez Darte Un Beso
024 Bastille Remind Me
025 Coldplay x BTS My Universe
026 Rema Calm Down
027 Snelle In Mijn Bloed
028 Suzan & Freek Kwijt
029 George Ezra Anyone For You (Tiger Lily)
030 Bastille Shut Off The Lights
031 RONDÉ Hard To Say Goodbye
032 Ellie Goulding Feat. Big Sean Easy Lover
033 Kygo Feat. DNCE Dancing Feet
034 Fireboy DML & Ed Sheeran Peru
035 Sera Take A Chance
036 Flemming Zij Wil Mij
037 Purple Disco Machine + Sophie And The Giants In The Dark
038 Flemming Feat. Ronnie Flex Terug Bij Af
039 Maan & DJVT Mixmaster Naar de Maan
040 Ben Liebrand & OJAM Running Away
041 Elton John & Dua Lipa Cold Heart (PNAU Remix)
042 George Ezra Green Green Grass
043 Harry Styles Late Night Talking
044 Imagine Dragons Bones
045 Son Mieux Multicolor
046 Suzan & Freek Honderd Keer
047 Alvaro Soler x Topic Solo Para Ti
048 Imanbek & BYOR Belly Dancer
049 Claude Ladada (Mon Dernier Mot)
050 Swedish House Mafia & The Weeknd Moth To A Flame
051 Sick Individuals More Than I Want To
052 Tiësto & Ava Max The Motto
053 Ofenbach Feat. FAST BOY Love Me Now
054 Gayle Abcdefu
055 The Weeknd Sacrifice
056 VIZE x R3HAB Feat. Enny-Mae One Last Time
057 Sam Feldt x Rita Ora Follow Me
058 Clean Bandit Feat. A7S Everything But You
059 Rondé Bright Eyes
060 Joel Corry x David Guetta x Bryson Tiller What Would You Do?
061 Martin Garrix & DubVision Feat. Shaun Farrugia Starlight (Keep Me Afloat)
062 Armin van Buuren & Billen Ted Feat. JC Stewart Come Around Again
063 DubVision & Afrojack Feels Like Home
064 DubVision & The Him Sometimes
065 Alesso & Katy Perry When I'm Gone
066 David Guetta & Becky Hill & Ella Henderson Crazy What Love Can Do
067 Calvin Harris & Justin Timberlake & Halsey & Pharrell Stay With Me
068 Tom Grennan Don't Break The Heart
069 Charli XCX Feat. Rina Sawayama Beg For You
070 Megan Thee Stallion & Dua Lipa Sweetest Pie
071 Topic x A7S Kernkraft 400 (A Better Day)
072 Meduza Feat. Hozier Tell It To My Heart
073 Lucas & Steve, MARF Give Me Your Love
074 Afrojack, Lucas & Steve & DubVision Anywhere With You
075 Robin Schulz & Tom Walker Sun Will Shine
076 James Hype & Miggy Dela Rosa Ferrari
077 Armin van Buuren Feat. Philip Strand Roll The Dice
078 John Summit La Danza
079 Lost Frequencies & James Arthur Questions
080 LF SYSTEM Afraid To Feel (David Guetta & Dyro Remix)
081 Joel Corry & Tom Grennan Lionheart (Fearless)
082 Joel Corry & Becky Hill History
083 Swedish House Mafia & Connie Constance Heaven Takes You Home
084 Alok, Sigala, Ellie Goulding All By Myself
085 Nathan Dawe Feat. Ella Henderson 21 Reasons
086 La Fuente I Want You
087 Imagine Dragons Sharks
088 Alesso + Zara Larsson Words
089 Sigala Melody
090 David Guetta vs. Benny Benassi Satisfaction
091 Sunnery James x Ryan Marciano Run
092 Willy William Trompeta
093 Ofenbach 4U
094 Meduza x James Carter Feat. Elley Duhé + FAST BOY Bad Memories
095 Lucas & Steve x 4 Strings Feat. Lagique If It Ain't Love
096 Armin van Buuren Feat. Maia Wright One More Time
097 Elton John, Britney Spears Hold Me Closer
098 Tiësto & Charli XCX Hot In It
099 Dimitri Vegas x David Guetta & Nicole Scherzinger x Azteck The Drop
100 Jax Jones Feat. MNEK Where Did You Go?
101 Farruko Nazareno
102 David Guetta & Bebe Rexha I'm Good (Blue)
103 Gabry Ponte x LUM!X x Daddy DJ We Could Be Together
104 Robin Schulz & Dennis Lloyd Young Right Now
105 Acraze Feat. Cherish Do It To It
106 Ed Sheeran Celestial
107 Martin Garrix, Matisse & Sadko, John Martin Won’t Let You Go
108 Ofenbach & Ella Henderson Hurricane
109 Alok, Ella Eyre & Kenny Dope Feat. Never Dull Deep Down
110 Marf & Wulf Somebody To Love
111 Meau Dat Heb Jij Gedaan
112 Ava Max Million Dollar Baby
113 Gabry Ponte x LUM!X x Prezioso Thunder
114 The Black Eyed Peas, Shakira & David Guetta Don't You Worry
115 Tom Grennan Remind Me
116 Kensington Island
117 OneRepublic I Ain't Worried
118 Gabry Ponte x R3HAB x Timmy Trumpet Call Me
119 OneRepublic Sunshine
120 Shawn Mendes When You're Gone
121 Duncan Laurence Electric Life
122 Justin Bieber Ghost
123 Tate McRae She's All I Wanna Be
124 Tom Grennan All These Nights
125 Kris Kross Amsterdam x Antoon x Sigourney K Vluchtstrook
126 Ava Max Maybe You’re The Problem
127 Harry Styles As It Was
128 DI-RECT Through The Looking Glass
129 Davina Michelle Hyper
130 Davina Michelle I Love Me More
131 Ed Sheeran Overpass Graffiti
132 Iann Dior Let You
133 Rondé Love Myself
134 Lil Nas X Thats What I Want
135 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 2022


1 januari 2023

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

02.10-05.10 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2022, zoals uitgezonden op 31 december 2022 op Radio 538 (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op Boogie Bunker Radio (Spanje)

17.55-20.55 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is opnieuw de herhaling van de Grandmix 2022, zoals uitgezonden op 31 december 2022 op Radio 538 (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op Boogie Bunker Radio (Spanje)

7 januari 2023

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

00.00-03.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2022, zoals uitgezonden op 31 december 2022 op Radio 538 (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op Radio ISLA 106 (Spanje)[60]

01.00-04.00 uur:

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2022, zoals uitgezonden op 31 december 2022 op Radio 538 (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op Boogie Bunker Radio (Spanje)

9 januari 2023

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

18.00-21.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2022, zoals uitgezonden op 31 december 2022 op Radio 538 (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op Boogie Bunker Radio (Spanje)

12 mei 2023

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

15.00-18.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2022, zoals uitgezonden op 31 december 2022 op Radio 538 (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op Boogie Bunker Radio (Spanje)

28 juni 2023

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

12.00-15.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2022, zoals uitgezonden op 31 december 2022 op Radio 538 (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op Boogie Bunker Radio (Spanje)

2 augustus 2023

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

12.00-15.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2022, zoals uitgezonden op 31 december 2022 op Radio 538 (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op Boogie Bunker Radio (Spanje)

8 september 2023

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

16.00-19.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 2022, zoals uitgezonden op 31 december 2022 op Radio 538 (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op Boogie Bunker Radio (Spanje)

30 december 2023

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is het 40 jarige jubileum van de Grandmix!

Dit is de Grandmix 1993[61] zoals uitgezonden op Radio 10 (Nederland)

Deze Grandmix kun je op Mastermixdj digitaal bestellen, via deze LINK!

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 1993
002 Melodie MC Dum Da Dum (Sample: Zero Minus One Hour...)
003 Clannad Theme From Harry's Game
004 Ace Of Base All That She Wants
005 Inner Circle Rock With You
006 Ace Of Base Wheel Of Fortune
007 TLC Creep
008 Zapp & Roger I Wanna Be Your Man
009 SWV Right Here (Human Nature)
010 SWV I'm So Into You (Funk Swingbeat)
011 M People Don't Look Any Further
012 Salt-N-Pepa Shoop
013 Janet Jackson That's The Way Love Goes
014 Ace Of Base The Sign
015 DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Boom! Shake The Room
016 Naughty By Nature Hip Hop Hooray
017 Snow Informer
018 Charles & Eddie Would I Lie To You?
019 Snoop Dogg Who Am I (What's My Name)?
020 Positive K I Got A Man
021 Stakka Bo Here We Go
022 The Poets Of Rhythm Funky Runthrough
023 Michael Jackson Who Is It
024 Take That Pray
025 Melissa Etheridge Like The Way I Do
026 House Of Pain Shamrocks And Shenanigans
027 Marxman All About Eve
028 Gloria Estefan Mi Tierra
029 Los Del Rio Macarena
030 Prince & The New Power Generation 7
031 K7 Come Baby Come
032 Peter Gabriel Steam
033 Spin Doctors Two Princes
034 Mariah Carey Dreamlover
035 Taylor Dayne Can't Get Enough Of Your Love
036 Tears For Fears Break It Down Again
037 Bobby Brown Humpin' Around
038 Candy Dulfer Sax-A-Go-Go
039 Judy Cheeks So In Love (The Real Deal)
040 Robin S. Luv 4 Luv
041 Whitney Houston Queen Of The Night
042 Madonna Fever
043 Martha Wash Carry On
044 Womack & Womack Love Wars
045 U96 Night In Motion
046 Pet Shop Boys Can You Forgive Her? (Rollo Dub)
047 M People Someday
048 Luther Vandross Heaven Knows
049 Nightcrawlers Push The Feeling On
050 Neneh Cherry Buddy X (Masters At Work 12" House Remix)
051 Gabrielle Dreams (The Red Underground Mix)
052 M People One Night In Heaven
053 Masters At Work & India I Can't Get No Sleep
054 Jenny Bee Wanna Get Your Love
055 Nuyorican Soul The Nervous Track
056 David Morales Gimme Love
057 Bizarre Inc. Took My Love
058 Janet Jackson If
059 Rob'N'Raz Clubhopping
060 Whitney Houston I'm Every Woman
061 Joey Negro What Happened To The Music
062 Felix (Jomanda) Don't You Want My Love
063 Shawn Christopher Make My Love
064 Pet Shop Boys Go West
065 Jamiroquai Emergency On Planet Earth
066 Hardrive Deep Inside
067 Haddaway What Is Love
068 Madonna Deeper And Deeper
069 Bizarre Inc. Took My Love
070 Robin S. Show Me Love
071 Sonic Surfers Feat. Jocelyn Brown Take Me Up
072 M.C. Sar & Real McCoy Another Night
073 Freddie Mercury Living On My Own
074 Take That Feat. Lulu Relight My Fire
075 Lisa Stansfield Little Bit Of Heaven
076 The Fog Been A Long Time
077 Sagat Funk That
078 The Shamen Phorever People
079 Sybil When I'm Good And Ready
080 BFI Why Not Jazz
081 Aftershock Slave To The Vibe
082 Undercover Never Let Her Slip Away
083 Shaggy Oh Carolina
084 Dr. Alban Sing Hallelujah!
085 Us3 Cantaloop
086 Bass Bumpers The Music's Got Me
087 Staxx Joy
088 Bizarre Inc. I'm Gonna Get You
089 The Good Men Give It Up
090 DJ Bobo Somebody Dance With Me
091 Snap! Exterminate
092 Captain Hollywood Project More And More
093 CB Milton Send Me An Angel
094 Lenny Kravitz Are You Gonna Go My Way
095 RuPaul Supermodel (You Better Work)
096 Twenty 4 Seven Slave To The Music
097 Tag Team Whoomp! (There It Is)
098 Urban Cookie Collective Feels Like Heaven
099 Captain Hollywood Project Only With You
100 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor Never Alone
101 Culture Beat Got To Get (Sample 'I'm Gonna Have To Change')
102 2 Unlimited Faces
103 2 Unlimited Tribal Dance
104 Urban Cookie Collective The Key, The Secret
105 Jaydee Plastic Dreams
106 Haddaway Life
107 Kim Sanders Show Me
108 Melodie MC I Wanna Dance
109 Melodie MC Dum Da Dum
110 Moby Move (You Make Me Feel So Good)
111 Usha I Want You (Def J Club Mix)
112 Captain Hollywood Project Impossible
113 Intermission Piece Of My Heart (Acapella)
114 Cappella U Got 2 Let The Music
115 Maxx Get-A-Way
116 Prince Ital Joe Feat. Marky Mark United
117 Culture Beat Mr. Vain
118 Culture Beat Got To Get It
119 Atlantic Ocean Waterfall
120 Bass Bumpers Keep Me Runnin' (Vocal Sample)
121 Dance 2 Trance Power Of American Natives
122 T-Spoon No Time To Waste
123 Cappella U Got 2 Know
124 Klatsch! Oh Boy!
125 Snap! Feat. Niki Haris Do You See The Light? (Looking For)
126 U.S.U.R.A. Open Your Mind
127 U96 Love Sees No Colour
128 Pin-Occhio Ta Tatuta Tuta Ta (Tuta Mix)
129 Jam & Spoon Feat. Plavka Ride In The Night
130 Bass Bumpers Runnin'
131 PIN-OCCHIO Pinocchio (Legno Mix)
132 The Prodigy Wind It Up
133 Leila K Open Sesame
134 Ramirez El Gallinero (Original Mix)
135 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 1993


12 januari 2024

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

10.31-11.30 uur: (Nederlandse tijd)

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 1993, zoals uitgezonden op 30 december 2023 op Radio 10 (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op Kitten D'Amour Radio (Australië)

13 januari 2024

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

19.00-20.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 1993, zoals uitgezonden op 30 december 2023 op Radio 10 (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op Radio ISLA 106 (Spanje)[62]

23.00-23.59 uur: (Nederlandse tijd(!), plaatselijke tijd is 5 uur vroeger! van 18 tot 19 uur!)

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 1993, zoals uitgezonden op 30 december 2023 op Radio 10 (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op Paradise FM (Curaçao - Nederlandse Antillen)

19 januari 2024

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

19.00-20.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 1993, zoals uitgezonden op 30 december 2023 op Radio 10 (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op Radio ISLA 106 (Spanje)

2 februari 2024

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

12.42-13.42 uur: (Nederlandse tijd)

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 1993, zoals uitgezonden op 30 december 2023 op Radio 10 (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op Kitten D'Amour Radio (Australië)

5 Juli 2024

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

23.00-24.00 uur:

Dit is de herhaling van de speciale directors cut van de Grandmix 1988, zoals uitgezonden op 26 Juni 1999 op Radio 538 (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op Radio Veronica (Nederland) in het kader van de Top 100 van 1988 vrijdag!

6 juli 2024

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

19.00-20.00 uur:

Let op: Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 1993, zoals uitgezonden op 30 december 2023 op Radio 10 (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op SAM Ibiza Radio (Spanje)

Let op: De versie die vanavond is uitgezonden is de Grandmix 1993 Mastermix Edition! (In deze versie zijn een aantal tracks komen te vervallen; 002. Melodie MC - Dum Da Dum (Sample: Zero Minus One Hour...), 026. House Of Pain - Shamrocks And Shenanigans, 045. U96 - Night In Motion, 054. Jenny Bee - Wanna Get Your Love, 057. Bizarre Inc. - Took My Love, 061. Joey Negro - What Happened To The Music, 071. Sonic Surfers Feat. Jocelyn Brown - Take Me Up, 086. Bass Bumpers - The Music's Got Me, 090. DJ Bobo - Somebody Dance With Me, 101. Culture Beat - Got To Get (Sample 'I'm Gonna Have To Change'), 107. Kim Sanders - Show Me, 108. Melodie MC - I Wanna Dance, 120. Bass Bumpers - Keep Me Runnin' (Vocal Sample), 121. Dance 2 Trance - Power Of American Natives, 128. Pin-Occhio - Ta Tatuta Tuta Ta (Tuta Mix), 130. Bass Bumpers - Runnin', 131. PIN-OCCHIO - Pinocchio (Legno Mix))

De Grandmix 1993 Mastermix Edition kun je op Mastermixdj digitaal kopen!

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 1993
002 Clannad Theme From Harry's Game
003 Ace Of Base All That She Wants
004 Inner Circle Rock With You
005 Ace Of Base Wheel Of Fortune
006 TLC Creep
007 Zapp & Roger I Wanna Be Your Man
008 SWV Right Here (Human Nature)
009 SWV I'm So Into You (Funk Swingbeat)
010 M People Don't Look Any Further
011 Salt-N-Pepa Shoop
012 Janet Jackson That's The Way Love Goes
013 Ace Of Base The Sign
014 DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Boom! Shake The Room
015 Naughty By Nature Hip Hop Hooray
016 Snow Informer
017 Charles & Eddie Would I Lie To You?
018 Snoop Dogg Who Am I (What's My Name)?
019 Positive K I Got A Man
020 Stakka Bo Here We Go
021 The Poets Of Rhythm Funky Runthrough
022 Michael Jackson Who Is It
023 Take That Pray
024 Melissa Etheridge Like The Way I Do
025 Marxman All About Eve
026 Gloria Estefan Mi Tierra
027 Los Del Rio Macarena
028 Prince & The New Power Generation 7
029 K7 Come Baby Come
030 Peter Gabriel Steam
031 Spin Doctors Two Princes
032 Mariah Carey Dreamlover
033 Taylor Dayne Can't Get Enough Of Your Love
034 Tears For Fears Break It Down Again
035 Bobby Brown Humpin' Around
036 Candy Dulfer Sax-A-Go-Go
037 Judy Cheeks So In Love (The Real Deal)
038 Robin S. Luv 4 Luv
039 Whitney Houston Queen Of The Night
040 Madonna Fever
041 Martha Wash Carry On
042 Womack & Womack Love Wars
043 Pet Shop Boys Can You Forgive Her? (Rollo Dub)
044 M People Someday
045 Luther Vandross Heaven Knows
046 Nightcrawlers Push The Feeling On
047 Neneh Cherry Buddy X (Masters At Work 12" House Remix)
048 Gabrielle Dreams (The Red Underground Mix)
049 M People One Night In Heaven
050 Masters At Work & India I Can't Get No Sleep
051 Nuyorican Soul The Nervous Track
052 David Morales Gimme Love
053 Janet Jackson If
054 Rob'N'Raz Clubhopping
055 Whitney Houston I'm Every Woman
056 Felix (Jomanda) Don't You Want My Love
057 Shawn Christopher Make My Love
058 Pet Shop Boys Go West
059 Jamiroquai Emergency On Planet Earth
060 Hardrive Deep Inside
061 Haddaway What Is Love
062 Madonna Deeper And Deeper
063 Bizarre Inc. Took My Love
064 Robin S. Show Me Love
065 M.C. Sar & Real McCoy Another Night
066 Freddie Mercury Living On My Own
067 Take That Feat. Lulu Relight My Fire
068 Lisa Stansfield Little Bit Of Heaven
069 The Fog Been A Long Time
070 Sagat Funk That
071 The Shamen Phorever People
072 Sybil When I'm Good And Ready
073 BFI Why Not Jazz
074 Aftershock Slave To The Vibe
075 Undercover Never Let Her Slip Away
076 Shaggy Oh Carolina
077 Dr. Alban Sing Hallelujah!
078 Us3 Cantaloop
079 Staxx Joy
080 Bizarre Inc. I'm Gonna Get You
081 The Good Men Give It Up
082 Snap! Exterminate
083 Captain Hollywood Project More And More
084 CB Milton Send Me An Angel
085 Lenny Kravitz Are You Gonna Go My Way
086 RuPaul Supermodel (You Better Work)
087 Twenty 4 Seven Slave To The Music
088 Tag Team Whoomp! (There It Is)
089 Urban Cookie Collective Feels Like Heaven
090 Captain Hollywood Project Only With You
091 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor Never Alone
092 2 Unlimited Faces
093 2 Unlimited Tribal Dance
094 Urban Cookie Collective The Key, The Secret
095 Jaydee Plastic Dreams
096 Haddaway Life
097 Melodie MC Dum Da Dum
098 Moby Move (You Make Me Feel So Good)
099 Usha I Want You (Def J Club Mix)
100 Captain Hollywood Project Impossible
101 Intermission Piece Of My Heart (Acapella)
102 Cappella U Got 2 Let The Music
103 Maxx Get-A-Way
104 Prince Ital Joe Feat. Marky Mark United
105 Culture Beat Mr. Vain
106 Culture Beat Got To Get It
107 Atlantic Ocean Waterfall
108 T-Spoon No Time To Waste
109 Cappella U Got 2 Know
110 Klatsch! Oh Boy!
111 Snap! Feat. Niki Haris Do You See The Light? (Looking For)
112 U.S.U.R.A. Open Your Mind
113 U96 Love Sees No Colour
114 Jam & Spoon Feat. Plavka Ride In The Night
115 The Prodigy Wind It Up
116 Leila K Open Sesame
117 Ramirez El Gallinero (Original Mix)
118 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 1993

7 juli 2024

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

00.00- 01.00 uur: (6 juli 2024 van 18.00-19.00 uur Plaatselijke Tijd!)

Dit is de herhaling van de Grandmix 1993, zoals uitgezonden op 30 december 2023 op Radio 10 (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op Paradise FM (Curaçao - Nederlandse Antillen)

Let op: De versie die vanavond is uitgezonden is de Grandmix 1993 Mastermix Edition!

12 juli 2024

Samenstelling: Ben Liebrand

19.07-20.00 uur:

Let op: Dit is opnieuw de herhaling van de Grandmix 1993, zoals uitgezonden op 30 december 2023 op Radio 10 (Nederland), maar nu uitgezonden op SAM Ibiza Radio (Spanje)

Let op: De versie die vanavond is uitgezonden is de Grandmix 1993 Mastermix Edition!

Nr. Artiest Titel
001 Ben Liebrand Intro Grandmix 1993
002 Clannad Theme From Harry's Game
003 Ace Of Base All That She Wants
004 Inner Circle Rock With You
005 Ace Of Base Wheel Of Fortune
006 TLC Creep
007 Zapp & Roger I Wanna Be Your Man
008 SWV Right Here (Human Nature)
009 SWV I'm So Into You (Funk Swingbeat)
010 M People Don't Look Any Further
011 Salt-N-Pepa Shoop
012 Janet Jackson That's The Way Love Goes
013 Ace Of Base The Sign
014 DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince Boom! Shake The Room
015 Naughty By Nature Hip Hop Hooray
016 Snow Informer
017 Charles & Eddie Would I Lie To You?
018 Snoop Dogg Who Am I (What's My Name)?
019 Positive K I Got A Man
020 Stakka Bo Here We Go
021 The Poets Of Rhythm Funky Runthrough
022 Michael Jackson Who Is It
023 Take That Pray
024 Melissa Etheridge Like The Way I Do
025 Marxman All About Eve
026 Gloria Estefan Mi Tierra
027 Los Del Rio Macarena
028 Prince & The New Power Generation 7
029 K7 Come Baby Come
030 Peter Gabriel Steam
031 Spin Doctors Two Princes
032 Mariah Carey Dreamlover
033 Taylor Dayne Can't Get Enough Of Your Love
034 Tears For Fears Break It Down Again
035 Bobby Brown Humpin' Around
036 Candy Dulfer Sax-A-Go-Go
037 Judy Cheeks So In Love (The Real Deal)
038 Robin S. Luv 4 Luv
039 Whitney Houston Queen Of The Night
040 Madonna Fever
041 Martha Wash Carry On
042 Womack & Womack Love Wars
043 Pet Shop Boys Can You Forgive Her? (Rollo Dub)
044 M People Someday
045 Luther Vandross Heaven Knows
046 Nightcrawlers Push The Feeling On
047 Neneh Cherry Buddy X (Masters At Work 12" House Remix)
048 Gabrielle Dreams (The Red Underground Mix)
049 M People One Night In Heaven
050 Masters At Work & India I Can't Get No Sleep
051 Nuyorican Soul The Nervous Track
052 David Morales Gimme Love
053 Janet Jackson If
054 Rob'N'Raz Clubhopping
055 Whitney Houston I'm Every Woman
056 Felix (Jomanda) Don't You Want My Love
057 Shawn Christopher Make My Love
058 Pet Shop Boys Go West
059 Jamiroquai Emergency On Planet Earth
060 Hardrive Deep Inside
061 Haddaway What Is Love
062 Madonna Deeper And Deeper
063 Bizarre Inc. Took My Love
064 Robin S. Show Me Love
065 M.C. Sar & Real McCoy Another Night
066 Freddie Mercury Living On My Own
067 Take That Feat. Lulu Relight My Fire
068 Lisa Stansfield Little Bit Of Heaven
069 The Fog Been A Long Time
070 Sagat Funk That
071 The Shamen Phorever People
072 Sybil When I'm Good And Ready
073 BFI Why Not Jazz
074 Aftershock Slave To The Vibe
075 Undercover Never Let Her Slip Away
076 Shaggy Oh Carolina
077 Dr. Alban Sing Hallelujah!
078 Us3 Cantaloop
079 Staxx Joy
080 Bizarre Inc. I'm Gonna Get You
081 The Good Men Give It Up
082 Snap! Exterminate
083 Captain Hollywood Project More And More
084 CB Milton Send Me An Angel
085 Lenny Kravitz Are You Gonna Go My Way
086 RuPaul Supermodel (You Better Work)
087 Twenty 4 Seven Slave To The Music
088 Tag Team Whoomp! (There It Is)
089 Urban Cookie Collective Feels Like Heaven
090 Captain Hollywood Project Only With You
091 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor Never Alone
092 2 Unlimited Faces
093 2 Unlimited Tribal Dance

Hier stopt de mix, onderstaande tracks maken nog wel deel uit van de draailijst!

Nr. Artiest Titel
094 Urban Cookie Collective The Key, The Secret
095 Jaydee Plastic Dreams
096 Haddaway Life
097 Melodie MC Dum Da Dum
098 Moby Move (You Make Me Feel So Good)
099 Usha I Want You (Def J Club Mix)
100 Captain Hollywood Project Impossible
101 Intermission Piece Of My Heart (Acapella)
102 Cappella U Got 2 Let The Music
103 Maxx Get-A-Way
104 Prince Ital Joe Feat. Marky Mark United
105 Culture Beat Mr. Vain
106 Culture Beat Got To Get It
107 Atlantic Ocean Waterfall
108 T-Spoon No Time To Waste
109 Cappella U Got 2 Know
110 Klatsch! Oh Boy!
111 Snap! Feat. Niki Haris Do You See The Light? (Looking For)
112 U.S.U.R.A. Open Your Mind
113 U96 Love Sees No Colour
114 Jam & Spoon Feat. Plavka Ride In The Night
115 The Prodigy Wind It Up
116 Leila K Open Sesame
117 Ramirez El Gallinero (Original Mix)
118 Ben Liebrand Outro Grandmix 1993

Zie ook

Ben Liebrand In The Mix (Nederlandse Zenders)

Ben Liebrand In The Mix (Buitenlandse Zenders)

Ben Liebrand In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment)

Ben Liebrand Minimixen

Ben Liebrand In The House

Ben Liebrand Mash-Up Show

Categorie Liebrand Discografie

Externe link


  1. Handelsmerk Handelsmerk Grandmix | (Gevonden 18 juli 2021)
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  5. Telegraaf Interview Ben Liebrand (12-02-2000)Interview Telegraaf Interview Ben Liebrand | (Gevonden 17 juli 2021)
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  10. Ben Liebrand DJ Facebook Grandmix, A bit of sad news, and how it came to be | Publicatie: 30 november 2023 | Gevonden: 30 november 2023
  11. Going back decades in Dance History! (The Grandmix - Dec 30 - 23:00-24:00 - Radio 10) | Publicatie: 20 december om 19:44 uur | Gevonden: 22 december 2023
  12. Grandmix 1993 | Gevonden: 3 december 2023
  13. Het vrije volk : democratisch-socialistisch dagblad | Publicatie: vrijdag 30 december 1983 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022
  14. Grandmix 83 | (Gevonden 12 januari 2022)
  15. Grandmix 1983 - About the "Directors Cut" | Geraadpleegd op 8 februari 2022
  16. | Radio programma tijden | Nederlands Dagblad | Publicatie: Vrijdag 28 december 1984 | Gevonden 24 november 2022
  17. Het Parool, Pagina 2 | Publicatie: vrijdag 27 december 1985 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022
  18. Grand Mix nog 'n keer | Het vrije volk : democratisch-socialistisch dagblad, Pagina 2 | Publicatie: donderdag 29 januari 1987 | Geraadpleegd 5 februari 2022
  19. Grandmix '86 opnieuw op de radio | Leeuwarder Courant, Pagina 2 | Publicatie: vrijdag 30 januari 1987 | Geraadpleegd 5 februari 2022
  20. Het Parool, pagina 2 | Publicatie: vrijdag 6 februari 1987 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022
  21. Limburgsch dagblad, Pagina 37 | Publicatie: donderdag 24 december 1987 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022
  22. De jaarmix 1987 van Ben Liebrand | Disco Dance Magazine, Pagina 23 | Uitgave: nummer 2, februari 1988 | Geraadpleegd op 6 februari 2022
  23. Het Parool, Pagina 11 | Publicatie: vrijdag 30 december 1988 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022
  24. Algemeen Dagblad | Publicatie: vrijdag 29 december 1989 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022
  25. Het Parool, Pagina 19 | Publicatie: vrijdag 5 januari 1990 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022
  26. Trouw, Pagina 17 | Publicatie: vrijdag 28 december 1990 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022
  27. Het Parool | Publicatie: vrijdag 4 januari 1991 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022
  28. Trouw | Publicatie: vrijdag 27 december 1991 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022
  29. Trouw, Pagina 21 | Publicatie: donderdag 24 december 1992 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022
  30. Limburgsch dagblad, Pagina 43 | Publicatie: zaterdag 16 januari 1993 | Geraadpleegd op 5 februari 2022
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  33. Liebrands Millennium Grandmix in de herhaling | Publicatie: 8 januari 2000, 14.37 uur | (Gevonden 7 februari 2022)
  34. 538 newz week 2 | Publicatie: 9 januari 2001 | (Gevonden 23 juli 2022)
  35. Stuur van Inkel een SMS | Publicatie: 10 januari 2001 | (Gevonden 23 juli 2022)
  36. 538 Report | Publicatie: 31 december 2001, 14:05 uur | (Gevonden 23 juli 2022)
  37. 538 Report | Publicatie: 7 januari 2002 | (Gevonden 23 juli 2022)
  38. Grandmix vanavond in de herhaling op Radio 538 | Publicatie 3 januari 2003 | (Gevonden 23 juli 2022)
  39. 31 december en 1 januari in het teken van jaarmixen | Publicatie: 30 december 2003 | (Gevonden: 23 juli 2022)
  40. Ben Liebrand’s Grandmix 90’s Edition vanavond op Veronica | Publicatie: vrijdag 12 november 2004 07:39 uur | Gevonden: 4 oktober 2021
  41. Background | Gevonden: 25 december 2023
  42. Radiofreak.nlRadio Veronica zendt Grandmix 90’s Edition 2 uit (Publicatie: woensdag 23 november 2005 16:13) (Gevonden 5 oktober 2021)
  43. 538 Report: 538 blikt terug op 2005 | Publicatie: 27 december 2005 | (Gevonden: 23 juli 2005)
  44. Grandmix van Radio 538 naar Slam!FM (Publicatie: donderdag 8 november 2007 11:25) (Gevonden 5 oktober 2021)
  45. Grandmix van Radio 538 naar Slam FM | Publicatie: 9 november 2007 | (Gevonden: 23 juli 2022)
  46. Het Radio.NL maandoverzicht van november 2007 | Publicatie: 11 januari 2008 | (Gevonden 23 juli 2022)
  47. Slam!FM sluit jaar af met De Beste Beat 2008 en jaarmixen (Gepubliceerd: donderdag 11 december 2008 16:36) (Gevonden 4 oktober 2021)
  48. Slam!FM eindigt jaar met jaarmixen en decenniumoverzicht (Gepubliceerd: dinsdag 15 december 2009 11:03) (Gevonden 4 oktober 2021)
  49. Jaarmixen op 3FM, Slam!FM en Radio 538 (Gepubliceerd: donderdag 15 december 2011 15:10) (Gevonden 4 oktober 2021)
  50. Oud & Nieuw op de landelijke zender (Publicatie: zondag 30 december 2012 16:21) (Gevonden 6 oktober 2021)
  51. Grandmix van Ben Liebrand dit jaar op Radio Veronica (Gepubliceerd: maandag 29 december 2014 14:14) (Gevonden 4 oktober 2021)
  52. Ben Liebrand Grandmix op Radio Veronica (Publicatie: 31 december 2014) (Gevonden 9 januari 2022)
  53. Grandmix 2014 op Radio Veronica (Gepubliceerd 30 januari 2015 15:34) (Gevonden 8 augustus 2021)
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  58. Dit hoor je met Oud & Nieuw op de landelijke radiozenders (Publicatie: woensdag 30 december 2020 20:40) (Gevonden 6 oktober 2021)
  59. 'Dit hoor je met Oud & Nieuw op de landelijke zenders | Publicatie: donderdag 30 december 2021 20:47 | (Gevonden 17 januari 2022)
  60. This Friday Night 00.00 - 03.00 CET | Publicatie 3 januari 2023 | Gevonden: 25 december 2023
  61. Grandmix 1993 | Gevonden: 3 december 2023
  62. Grandmix 1993 Re-Run on Isla106 Saturday January 13th 19:00 | Publicatie: 5 januari 2024 - 21.12 uur | Gevonden: 6 januari 2024
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