Bewerken van Minimix

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==Minimix (Ben Liebrand)==
== Minimix ==
Naast het programma [[In The Mix]] van [[Ben Liebrand]], ontstond in 1984 het item de Minimix ook wel afgekort tot MMX, dat in het [[VOO]] radioprogramma van [[Bart en Van Inkel (VOO)]] (later werd dit de [[Curry & Van Inkel]] Show, en nog later de [[Stenders & Van Inkel]] Show) op vrijdagavond, twee platen over acht 's avonds, wekelijks werd uitgezonden.
Vanaf 25 april 1986 werd het tijdstip verplaatst naar twee platen over negen.

=== Periode 1984-1993 ===
In 1994 stopte het item en kwam later in 1999 mede door fans van [[Ben Liebrand]] en de [[Mixfreaks]] mailinglist uiteindelijk in 2000 terug op de commerciële radiozender [[Radio 538]]. Dit duurde tot en met 2002, waarna het plotseling stil werd rondom de uitzendingen. Na anderhalf jaar stilte kwam in 2004 de Minimix terug op de commerciële radiozender [[Radio Veronica]].
Naast het [[In The Mix]] programma en de [[Grandmix]] van [[Ben Liebrand]], ontstaat in 1984 het item "In De Minimix" (later werd dit Minimix, afgekort tot MMX), dat in het [[VOO]] radioprogramma van [[Bart en De Zwart (VOO)]] (later werd dit [[Bart en Van Inkel (VOO)]], in oktober 1984 werd dit de [[Curry & Van Inkel]] Show en nog later de [[Stenders & Van Inkel]] Show) en daarna zelfs nog [[Staverman & Van Inkel]]) op vrijdagavond, twee platen over acht, wekelijks wordt uitgezonden. Vanaf 25 april 1986 wordt het tijdstip verplaatst naar twee platen over negen. De Minimix duurde in eerste instantie ongeveer 15 minuten, waarin meestal meerdere platen van één artiest aan elkaar werden gemixt.  

Na verloop van tijd kwam de nadruk van de Minimix te liggen op een remix van één oude of ook van een nieuwe plaat. Een aantal van deze remixen kreeg internationale bekendheid, waaronder Phil Collins (In The Air Tonight)<ref> ''Pioniers in the house'', Pagina 11 | Auteur: Ronald Tukker | Nederlands Paperback | 9789402145786 | Druk: 1 maart 2016, 224 pagina's | Uitgever: Brave New Books | Geraadpleegd op 6 februari 2022</ref>, Hot Chocolate<ref> '' [ Liebrand Award Hot Chocolate] '' </ref> (Sexy Thing), Bill Withers (Lovely Day - Sunshine Mix)<ref>[] ''Bill Withers - Full Official Chart History '' | Geraadpleegd op 3 december 2022</ref>, Dimples D. (Sucker DJ), Sting (An Englishman in New York), Karl Keaton (Love's Burn), Salt 'N' Pepa (Let's Talk About Sex) en nog vele andere.
Vanaf 7 september 2018 is de Minimix weer wekelijks te beluisteren op de commerciële radiozender [[Radio 10]] en wordt rond 08:45 uur gedraaid in het vrijdagochtend programma [[Ekdom in de morgen]]. De Minimix is vanaf dat moment omgedoopt tot [[''De Bijna Weekend Minimix'']].

=== Minimix Weetjes ===
Hieronder volgt een (helaas nog niet compleet) overzicht van uitgezonden Minimixen op de Nederlandse Radio.
* Het intro van de Minimix is een montage van het nummer ''"Escape From The Planet Of The Ant Men"'' afkomstig van de elpee [ Dynamite] uit 1984 van ''[ Jermaine Jackson]'' gecombineerd met andere fragmenten. De originele jingle is destijds door iemand bij Veronica gemaakt en niet door Liebrand zelf.<ref>[] ''Q&A sessie Ben Liebrand'' | Publicatie op forum: 20 juni 2002 | Gevonden 12 maart 2022</ref>
* Het bekende "whoosh outro" van de Minimix komt uit het nummer ''"War"'' van het album ''[ "Welcome to the Pleasuredome"]'' van ''[ Frankie Goes To Hollywood]'' uit 1984.
* Jeroen van Inkel kondigde Ben Liebrand meestal aan als ''"Benalmaldena Liebrando"''.
* Liebrand's openingszin / groet was altijd standaard ''"Goedemorgha"''.
* Liebrand zegt een keer ''"Jullie zijn leuk beziggg"'' uitgesproken met een zachte G, wat vervolgens regelmatig terugkwam in de show, als Ben er was.<ref>[ YouTube] ''80s Achtdaagse: Staverman's Disco Met Ben Liebrand 18-2-2022'' | Gevonden 2 maart 2022</ref>
* Liebrand bedacht altijd pas op de dag van de uitzending; de vrijdagochtend, wat voor Minimix hij voor die avond zou gaan maken.
* Hij werkte altijd de hele vrijdag - tot 20.00 uur 's avonds - aan de Minimix, stapte vervolgens in de auto en racete als een gek naar de studio in Hilversum om zijn mix te laten horen.
* Tijdens de voorlaatste show van Curry en Van Inkel op 9 oktober 1987 zijn video-opnamen gemaakt. Liebrand is aanwezig met zijn Minimix van Tubular Bells. De opnamen zijn [ hier] te zien.

=== Einde Minimix? ===
== Uitzenddata Minimixen ==
Met ingang van 1994 stopt het item op de Nederlandse radio, ten gevolge van nog onbekende redenen <ref>[] BenTalk nummer 01 - 1994 | Gevonden 3 maart 2022</ref>. Op 14 mei 1994 wordt echter nog wel een speciale aflevering gemaakt door [[Jeroen van Inkel]] samen met [[Ben Liebrand]], waarin nog eenmaal de beste Minimixen van Liebrand worden gedraaid. Tijdens het programma wordt nog gesproken over een ''"Nacht van de Minimixen"'', maar is er nooit gekomen.
=== Eenmalige Minimix ===
Op zaterdag 12 juni 1999 komt, na een stilte van 5 jaar, de Minimix éénmalig terug op [[Radio 3]], mede door de inzet van Liebrand zelf, als ook door zijn fans van onder andere de [ Mixfreaks] mailinglist, die actief waren op het internet. Liebrand was te gast in het radioprogramma van [ DJ Sven] & Dave op [[Radio 3]]FM van ([ BNN]). De uitzending was tussen 19.00 uur en 20.00 uur. Naast interviews en oude Minimixen was er ook de primeur van een nieuwe "mysterieuze" Minimix.
=== Terugkeer Minimix ===
Op 4 februari 2000 keert de Minimix weer wekelijks terug op [[Radio 538]] in het vrijdagavond radioprogramma [[Lindo Radio]] van [ Lindo Duvall]<ref>[] ''Ben Liebrand’s minimix terug op de radio'' | (Publicatie: 28 januari 2000) | (Gevonden 9 januari 2022)</ref>. De oude traditie van 2 platen over 8, zoals het vroeger in het begin ooit was begonnen, wordt weer in ere hersteld. Vanaf 2001 verhuisd de Minimix naar de zaterdagmiddag om ongeveer 14.50 uur in de radioshow van Lindo Duvall op Radio 538. Vanaf 11 januari 2002 verhuisd de Minimix weer terug naar de vrijdagavond om ongeveer 21.50 uur, tijdens de show van Lindo Duvall op Radio 538.<ref>[] ''538 Report'' | Publicatie: 7 januari 2002 | (Gevonden 23 juli 2022)</ref> Na de uitzending van 8 maart 2002, wordt het plotseling stil rondom de uitzendingen.
=== Radio Veronica ===
Na anderhalf jaar stilte komt in 2004 de Minimix weer terug, maar nu op de commerciële radiozender [[Radio Veronica]] en wordt de Minimix (zowel oude als nieuwe!) uitgezonden in het eerste uur van het drie uur durende vernieuwde [[In The Mix]] programma van Ben Liebrand zelf, die dan ook de presentatie in handen neemt.
Vanaf 2005 gaat de Minimix weer terug als mix item binnen het radioprogramma [[Disco Inferno]] van [ DJ Sven] en wordt uitgezonden op de zaterdagavond iets na 21.00 uur.<ref>[] ''Dj Sven krijgt zaterdagavondprogramma op Radio Veronica'' | (Publicatie: woensdag 5 januari 2005 12:17) |  (Gevonden 5 oktober 2021)</ref> Op 7 oktober 2006 verschuift de Minimix samen met het programma Disco Inferno van DJ Sven naar het latere tijdstip van 23.10 uur. Vanaf 17 november 2006 komt de Minimix ook weer terug op de vrijdagavond om twee platen over negen en wel in het programma van [ DJ Erwin Peters] [[Avonturen Show]] op [[Radio Veronica]]. Vanaf dat moment is de Minimix zelfs twee keer per week te beluisteren, zowel op de vrijdag- als de zaterdagavond. Dit duurde niet lang want met ingang van 31 augustus 2007 komt de Minimix op de vrijdagavond alweer te vervallen.
Vanaf 20 december 2008 verhuisd het programma Disco Inferno van DJ Sven en daarmee ook de Minimix weer naar het tijdstip van vroeger: twee platen over negen!
Op donderdag 21 januari 2010 komen [[Stenders & Van Inkel]] eenmalig bij elkaar om radio te maken. Dit was i.v.m. de nationale radio- en televisie actie van Giro 555, waarbij geld werd ingezameld voor de slachtoffers van de aardbeving in Haiti. Tussen 18.00 uur en 21.00 uur komt het legendarische Stenders & van Inkel programma eenmalig terug op de radio en daarbij werd ook een Minimix gedraaid!<ref> [ Liebrand audiografie] ''Zie Notities bij Minimix 2010/01/21'' | (Gevonden 13 september 2021)</ref>
Met ingang van zaterdag 2 oktober 2010 verandert het programma Disco Inferno de naam in [[Club Classics]], maar blijft de Minimix onderdeel van het programma. Op 30 juni 2012 verandert de uitzendtijd van de Minimix weer terug naar twee platen over acht en op 25 april 2015 verhuisd de Minimix weer naar twee platen over negen. 
Op 10 juli 2015 verhuisd de Minimix naar het programma [ WeekendRick] van [ Rick van Velthuysen] en komt weer op de vrijdagavond rond de klok van 19.10 uur.
Bijna een jaar later verhuisd de Minimix vanaf april 2016 naar het radioprogramma "Martijn In De Middag" van [ Martijn Muijs] en [ Nicky Verhage] op [[Radio Veronica]] en blijft daar tot eind 2016. Tussen 2017 en september 2018 blijft het vervolgens stil rondom de Minimix, de reden is onbekend.
=== Radio 10 ===
Vanaf 7 september 2018 keert de Minimix terug op de radio en wordt dan uitgezonden op de commerciële radiozender [[Radio 10]].<ref> [ Dutchradioblog] ''Bijna Weekend Minimix met Ben Liebrand bij Gerard Ekdom in de ochtendshow op Radio 10'' (Gepubliceerd zondag 16 september 2018) (Gevonden 4 oktober 2021)</ref> De Minimix komt dan in het vrijdagochtend programma [[Ekdom in de morgen]] van [ Gerard Ekdom] en wordt gedraaid rond de klok van 08.45 uur. Vanaf dat moment wordt de Minimix ook omgedoopt tot [[''De Bijna Weekend Minimix'']], afgekort tot [[BWMMX]].
Op 3 december 2022 maakt Liebrand in het voorpraatje van [[In The Mix]] bekend, dat met ingang van zaterdag [[Minimix#2023|7 januari 2023]] de Minimix terugkeert naar het oude tijdstip van twee platen over negen (21 uur) binnen Sven's Classix Show op [[Radio 10]].
=== Minimix Internationaal ===
Vanaf februari 2021 wordt de Minimix ook internationaal uitgezonden. Op de vrijdag- als zaterdagochtend op het Spaanse radiostation [[Radio ISLA 106]] [ Ibiza] en [ Mallorca] in het ochtendprogramma ''Peter’s Let’s Dance Classics'' van DJ [[Peter Gelderblom]] rond 11.15 uur. Daarnaast wordt rond 8.30 uur lokale tijd de Minimix uitgezonden in het ochtendprogramma ''Schakel Op'' van DJ [[Maarten Schakel]] op [[Paradise FM]]<ref>[] ''Ben Liebrand krijgt programma op Curaçao" | (Gepubliceerd op donderdag 11 februari 2021 21:01) | (Gevonden: 4 oktober 2021)</ref> op Curaçao en wordt uitgezonden onder de titel [[Ben Liebrand Laatste Loodjes Mix]].<ref>[ Paradise FM] ''Maarten Schakel + Ben Liebrand Laatste Loodjes Mix'' (Gevonden: 2 oktober 2021)</ref> De Minimix wordt ook op het Franse radiostation [[Lebonmix Radio]] uitgezonden. De uitzendingen zijn op vrijdag en wordt zelfs drie keer uitgezonden, om 08.00 uur, 12.00 uur en 18.00 uur!<ref>[] ''Uitzendtijden'' | (Gevonden: 5 oktober 2021)</ref> Na twee jaar stopt na 8 juli 2023 de Minimix op [[Lebonmix Radio]] i.v.m. heroriëntatie van de programma's oa. t.g.v. beperkte financiële middelen<ref>[] ''Laatste Minimix op Le Bon Mix'' | Gevonden: 2 juli 2023</ref>
Vanaf [[Minimix_(Buitenlandse_Radio)_draailijsten_2023#Juli_2023|22 juli 2023]] start [[Kitten D'Amour Radio]] (Australië) ook met het uitzenden van de Minimix in het weekend, op wisselende tijden en vaak in vele herhalingen.
=== NPO Radio 2 ===
Op vrijdagavond 18 februari 2022 is [[Ben Liebrand]] te gast tijdens de 80's achtdaagse, met [ Gijs Staverman] op NPO [[Radio 2]] tussen 20.00 en 22.00 uur. Via een online videoverbinding, wordt Liebrand geïnterviewd over de jaren '80 en over zijn legendarische Minimixen. Tijdens de uitzending worden meerdere Minimxen uitgezonden.<ref>[ YouTube] ''80s Achtdaagse: Staverman's Disco Met Ben Liebrand 18-2-2022'' | Gevonden 2 maart 2022</ref>
== Uitzenddata Minimixen (Nederlandse Radio) ==
Hieronder volgt een (helaas nog niet geheel compleet) overzicht van uitgezonden [[Ben Liebrand]] Minimixen op de Nederlandse Radio.

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
| 1983-06-03 ||Sister Sledge || [ Hitmix] (uitgezonden in het programma [[Bart en De Zwart (VOO)]] op [[Hilversum 3]], ter gelegenheid van de Internationale Thuismix Kampioenschap Wedstrijden. [[Ben Liebrand]] zat in de jury voor Nederland en dit was een live mix, die door hem ten gehore werd gebracht)
|1984-06-29 ||   [[Ben Liebrand]] ||  Classicsmix Minimix
|   ||Sister Sledge ||Lost In Music
|1984-07-06  || Geen uitzending||
|   ||Sister Sledge || He's The Greatest Dancer
|1984-07-13  ||   [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||   Grandmix 1983 Minimix
|   ||Sister Sledge ||We Are Family
|1984-07-20  || Geen uitzending||
|   || Chic   || I Want Your Love
|1984-07-27    || Talk Talk   ||   Megamix
|   ||Sister Sledge || He's The Greatest Dancer
| ||Talk Talk || Such a Shame (Loop)
|   ||Sister Sledge ||We Are Family
| ||Miami Sound Machine || Dr. Beat
|   || Chic || Le Freak
| ||The Broads || I Got Rhythm ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|   ||Cerrone || The Chase
| ||Scritty Politti || Wood Beez (Pray like Aretha Franklin)
|   ||Donna Summer || Our Love
| ||Scritty Politti || Absolute
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|1984-06-29 ||   [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||   Classicsmix Minimix (Deze mix wordt later uitgebouwd tot de [[Grandmix#23_november_1985|Classicsmix]])
|1984-08-03  || Geen uitzending||
| || Hot R.S. || Slow Blow (Sound Effect)
|1984-08-10  ||   Giorgio Moroder    ||     Megamix
| || Love Deluxe || Here Comes That Sound (Drum intro Sample)
| || Giorgio Moroder || Chase
| || Chic || Good Times
| || Donna Summer || I Feel Love
|  ||Sugarhill Gang || Rapper's Delight
|  ||Donna Summer || Our Love
|  || Kurtis Blow || The Breaks
|  ||The Sparks || Beat the Clock
|  || Instant Funk || Got My Mind Made Up (You Can Get It Girl)
|  ||Giorgio Moroder || I Wanna Rock
|  || Trussel || Love Injection
|  ||Suzi Lane || Harmony
|  || Kool & The Gang || Ladies Night
|  ||Donna Summer || Lucky
|  || McFadden & Whitehead || Ain't No Stopping Us Now
|  ||Giorgio Moroder || Chase
|  || Jocko || Rhythm Talk
|1984-08-17 ||   [[Ben Liebrand]]  || Curry & Van Inkel Mix (Er bestaat onduidelijk of deze mix daadwerkelijk op deze datum is uitgezonden!)
| || T-Connection || At Midnight
|1984-08-24  ||   Frankie Goes To Hollywood  ||   [ Frankie Goes Bananas Mix (Relax In Stereo And Lots Of Tribes)]
|  || Shalamar || Second Time Around
|  ||Frankie Goes To Hollywood || Relax (Carnage Mix)
|  || Crown Heights Affair || You Gave Me Love
|  ||Frankie Goes To Hollywood || Two Tribes
| || Al Hudson & The Partners || You Can Do It
|1984-08-31  || Geen uitzending||
| || The Whispers || And The Beat Goes On
|1984-09-07|| Geen uitzending||
| || Dynasty || I Don't Wanna Be A Freak (But I Can't Help Myself)
|1984-09-14    || David Bowie  ||   Megamix (Dancing With The Big Boys)
| || Gene Chandler || Get Down
|1984-09-21|| Geen uitzending||
| || Billy Ocean || Are You Ready
|1984-09-28  ||   Gary's Gang  ||   Megamix (Er bestaat onduidelijk of deze mix daadwerkelijk op deze datum is uitgezonden!)
| || The Jacksons || Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)
|1984-10-05|| Geen uitzending||
| || Michael Jackson || Don't Stop Till You Get Enough
|1984-10-12  ||   Gino Soccio  || Megamix (Er bestaat onduidelijk of deze mix daadwerkelijk op deze datum is uitgezonden!)
| || Sister Sledge || He's The Greatest Dancer
|1984-10-19    || S.B.B.L.      || The Purple Mix
| || Sister Sledge || We Are Family
|1984-10-26  ||   Yazoo vs. T-Connection || Funky Situation vs. At Midnight
|  || Chic || Le Freak
|1984-11-02 ||   Imagination  ||   Megamix
|  || Karen Young || Hot Shot
|1984-11-09 ||   The Human League  ||   Megamix
|1984-07-06 || Geen uitzending||
|1984-11-16 ||   Matt Bianco & Breakout Crew  || Matt's Mood On The Rhythm Of The Drums
|1984-07-13 ||    [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||  The 15-Minute Master Mix Non-Stop Dance Party (De eerste 25 minuten uit de [[Grandmix#30_december_1983|Grandmix 1983]] ingekort tot een 15 minuten durende Minimix, waarbij een aantal nummers zijn weggelaten)
|1984-11-23 ||    The S.O.S. Band    ||  Megamix
| ||Koto || Japanese Wargame (Dub Versie) (Intro Grandmix 1983)
|1984-11-30  || Geen uitzending||
| ||Natascha King || AM-FM
|1984-12-07  ||   L.T.D. vs. Lilian Day Jackson || Back In Love Again vs. Got To Control It
| ||The S.O.S. Band || Just Be Good To Me
|1984-12-14  ||   Donna Summer ||   I Feel Love
| ||Nina Hagen || New York, New York
|1984-12-21  ||   Kraftwerk    ||   Megamix 1984 (Er bestaat onduidelijk of deze mix daadwerkelijk op deze datum is uitgezonden!)
| ||Tina Turner || Let's Stay Together
|1984-12-28  ||   Duran Duran  ||   [ Megamix (Please Tell Me About The Wild Reflex On Film)]
| ||Indeep || Last Night A DJ Saved My Life
| ||Duran Duran ||Girls On Film
| ||Indeep || When Boys Talk
| ||Duran Duran || The Wild Boys
| ||Lionel Richie ||All Night Long (All Night)
| ||Duran Duran ||Union Of The Snake
| ||Gazebo || I Like Chopin
| ||Duran Duran ||New Moon On Monday
| ||Dimples D. || Sucker DJ (A Witch For Love)
| ||Duran Duran || Is There Something I Should Know?
| ||Herbie Hancock || Rockit
| ||Duran Duran ||Hungry Like The Wolf
| || Spence || Get It On
| ||Duran Duran || The Reflex
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
| ||Kajagogoo || Too Shy
|1985-01-04 ||Geen uitzending ||
| ||Gary Byrd & The G.B. Experience Feat. Stevie Wonder|| The Crown
|1985-01-11      || Patrick Cowley || Megamix (After The Funky Lift Off Patrick Cowley Takes The Megatron Man Home Where He Gets A Little Menergy)
| ||Valerie Oliver || Get The Money
|1985-01-18 ||Geen uitzending ||
| ||David Bowie || Let's Dance
|1985-01-25 ||Geen uitzending ||
| ||Clubhouse || Good Times / Superstition (Medley)
|1985-02-01  ||     Fun Fun || Megamix
| ||Robert Palmer || You Are In My System
|1985-02-08||Geen uitzending ||
| ||NV || It's Alright
|1985-02-15||Geen uitzending ||
| ||Man Parrish || Hip Hop Bebop
|1985-02-22||Geen uitzending ||
| ||Whodini || Magic's Wand
|1985-03-01  ||     Dan Hartman vs. Jerry & Ollie  || We Are The Young vs. There's No Stoppin' Us
| ||Chic || You Are Beautiful
|1985-03-08||Geen uitzending ||
| ||Rock Steady Crew || (Hey You) The Rock Steady Crew
|1985-03-15  ||     Dan Hartman  ||   [ Relight My Fire (My Fire In The Pyro Mix)]
| ||G.L.O.B.E. & Whiz Kid || Play That Beat Mr. DJ
|1985-03-22|| Geen uitzending ||
| ||Dr. Cat || Feel The Drive
|1985-03-29  ||     The Limit (Oattes & van Schaick)    ||   No Limit (Megamix)
| ||MDMC (Modern Danceable Music Company) || How About It
|1985-04-05  ||   Geen uitzending ||
| ||Eartha Kitt || Where Is My Man
|1985-04-12  ||   Wham! ||   Megamix (Young Guns Go For Club Tropicana Because That's Where The Bad Boys Do Their Rap)
| ||Madonna || Holiday
| || Wham! || Wham Rap!
| ||Steve Harley ||Something Special
| || Wham! || Young Guns (Go For It!)
| ||Oliver Cheatham || Get Down Saturdaynight
| || Wham! || Bad Boys
| ||Michael Jackson || Billie Jean
| || Wham!|| Club Tropicana
| ||T Ski Valley || Valley Style
|1985-04-19  ||   Geen uitzending ||  
|1985-04-26  ||    Geen uitzending || 
| ||Shannon || Let The Music Play
|1985-05-03||Geen uitzending ||in verband met de uitzending van de LP Top 75
| ||Xina || On The Upside
|1985-05-10  ||     Depeche Mode  ||   The Flexible Mix (Versie 1)
| ||C.O.D. || In The Bottle
|1985-05-17  || Peter Brown  ||   Megamix
| ||Unique || What I've Got Is What You Need
| || Peter Brown  || (Love Is Just) The Game
|1984-07-20  || Geen uitzending||
| || Peter Brown  || They Only Come Out At Night
|1984-07-27    ||  Talk Talk  ||   Multimix
| || Peter Brown || Zie Zie Won’t Dance
|  ||Talk Talk || Such A Shame (DrumLoop)
|1985-05-24 || Paul Hardcastle || Megamix
| ||Miami Sound Machine || Dr. Beat
| ||Paul Hardcastle || In The Beginning
| ||The Broads || I Got Rhythm ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| ||Paul Hardcastle || 19
| ||Scritty Politti || Wood Beez (Pray Like Aretha Franklin)
| ||Paul Hardcastle & D-Train || You're The One For Me / A.M. Daybreak
| ||Scritty Politti || Absolute
| ||Pig Bag || Papa´s Got A Brand New Pigbag (Paul Hardcastle´s Electrofunk Versie)
|1984-08-03 || Geen uitzending||
|1985-05-31 ||Geen uitzending||
|1984-08-10 ||   Giorgio Moroder    ||     Megamix  
|1985-06-07 ||     Mai Tai || Megamix
|  ||Donna Summer || Bad Girls (Toot Toot Beep Beep Sample)
|1985-06-14 || Geen uitzending ||
|  || Giorgio Moroder || Chase
|1985-06-21 ||     RAH Band    ||     The Clouds Across The Moon And The Songs Across The Years Mix
|  || Donna Summer || I Feel Love
|1985-06-28 || Geen uitzendgegevens bekend|| (Onduidelijkheid bestaat of hier de Peter Brown Megamix is gedraaid!)
| ||Donna Summer || Our Love
|1985-07-05||Geen uitzending||
| ||The Sparks || Beat the Clock
|1985-07-12||Geen uitzending||
| ||Giorgio Moroder || I Wanna Rock
|1985-07-19||Geen uitzending||
| ||Suzi Lane || Harmony
|1985-07-26|| Geen uitzending! Tavares ||Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel (Irresistible Angel Mix) (werd gedraaid als Alarmschijf en niet als minimix!)
|  ||Donna Summer || Lucky
|1985-08-02 ||Geen uitzending||
|  ||Giorgio Moroder || Chase
|1985-08-09 || Miami Sound Machine  || Conga (Conga In The Bongo Mix)
|1984-08-17 ||   [[Ben Liebrand]]  || [[Curry & Van Inkel]] Selfmade Mix (''Let op: Er bestaat onduidelijk of deze Minimix daadwerkelijk op deze datum is uitgezonden!'')
|1985-08-16 ||Geen uitzending||
|1984-08-24  ||   Frankie Goes To Hollywood  ||    [ Frankie Goes Bananas Mix (Relax In Stereo And Lots Of Tribes)] (13 min 16 sec)
|1985-08-23  || Harald Faltemeyer Feat. Eddie Murphy ||    Axel F
| ||Frankie Goes To Hollywood || Relax (Carnage Mix)
|1985-08-30 ||Geen uitzending||
| ||Frankie Goes To Hollywood || Two Tribes
|1985-09-06  || Kate Bush  ||     Running Up That Hill
|1984-08-31  || Geen uitzending||
|1985-09-13  ||Geen uitzending||
|1984-09-07|| Geen uitzending||
|1985-09-20  ||   Propaganda  ||   [ P-Machinery vs.(The Nine Lives Of) Dr. Mabuse]
|1984-09-14    || David Bowie ||   Megamix (Dancing With The Big Boys) (''Dit is geen Minimix van Ben Liebrand!  In de uitzending wordt gezegd: "Ben heeft deze mix niet zelf gemaakt, maar hij heeft hem warm aanbevolen" '')
| ||Propaganda || P-Machinery
|1984-09-21|| Geen uitzending||
| ||Propaganda  || Dr. Mabuse
|1984-09-28  ||   Gary's Gang  ||   Megamix
|1985-09-27  ||Geen uitzending||
| ||Gary's Gang|| Showtime
|1985-10-04  ||   Five Star||   Megamix (Ach Val Dood Mix)
| ||Gary's Gang|| Keep On Dancin'
|   ||Five Star || All Fall Down
| ||Gary's Gang|| Makin' Music (Sample)
|   ||Five Star || Let Me Be The One
| ||Gary's Gang||Knock Me Out
|   ||Five Star || Love Take Over
| ||Gary's Gang|| Makin' Music
|1985-10-11  ||Geen uitzending||
| ||Gary's Gang|| Runaway
|1985-10-18  ||   Ready For The World  ||   Oh Sheila
| ||Gary's Gang|| Showtime
|1985-10-25  ||   Gloria Gayner  vs. Total Contrast ||   I will Survive (Survival Mix)
|1984-10-05|| Geen uitzending||
| || Gloria Gayner||   I will Survive
|1984-10-12  ||   Gino Soccio  || Megamix
| ||Total Contrast|| Takes A Little Time (Beat)
| ||Gino Soccio   ||Try It Out
|1985-11-01    ||   Grace Jones   ||   Slave To The Rhythm
|  ||Gino Soccio  ||It's Allright
|1985-11-08 ||Geen uitzending||
|  ||Gino Soccio  ||I Wanna Take You There (Now)
|1985-11-15 ||Geen uitzending||
|  ||Gino Soccio  ||Dancer
|1985-11-22 ||Geen uitzending||
| ||Gino Soccio   ||Remember
|1985-11-29    ||   Colonel Abrahams   ||     Trapped (Sollitary Confinement Mix)
| ||Gino Soccio   ||Turn It Around
|1985-12-06    ||   Dolly Dots   ||   Unique
| ||Gino Soccio   ||Rhythm Of The World
|1985-12-13    ||  Art Of Noise ||   The Mega Moments in Love Minimix
| ||Gino Soccio  ||The Visitors
|1985-12-20    || Geen uitzending||
|1984-10-19   || S.B.B.L. ([[Sander Bos]] & [[Ben Liebrand]])    || [ The Purple Mix] (10 min 58 sec)
|1985-12-27   || Geen uitzending||
| ||S.B.B.L.  || Introduction (Rap)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
| ||S.B.B.L. / Prince & The Revolution|| 1999
|1986-01-03||Geen uitzending||
| ||S.B.B.L. / Appalonia Six|| Sex Shooter
|1986-01-10||Geen uitzending||
| ||S.B.B.L. / Prince ||Controversy
|1986-01-17||Geen uitzending||
| ||S.B.B.L. / Vanity ||Nasty Girl
|1986-01-24||Geen uitzending||
| ||S.B.B.L. / Chaka Khan ||I Feel For You
|1986-01-31    ||   Tramaine    ||    [ (Spirit Of Love) Fall Down]
| ||S.B.B.L. / Prince & The Revolution ||Erotic City
| ||Tramaine Hawkins || (Spirit Of Love) Fall Down
| ||S.B.B.L. / Prince & The Revolution||When Doves Cry
| ||Five Star || All Fall Down (Sample)
| ||S.B.B.L. / Sheila E. ||Glamorous Life
|1986-02-07    ||   Drum Theatre  ||  [ Eldorado]
| ||S.B.B.L. / Prince & The Revolution ||I Would Die 4 U
|1986-02-14    ||   Full Force vs. Whistle vs. Princess vs. Paul Hardcastle||  [ Alice, Don't Waste My Time After The Inspector Has Gone]
|1984-10-26 || Yazoo vs. T-Connection || Funky Situation At Midnight (14 min 46sec)
|  ||Full Force|| Alice, I Want You Just For Me
|  ||Yazoo ||Situation
|  ||Wally Baderou ||Chief Inspector
|  ||T-Connection || Saturday Night
|  ||Grace Jones || Slave To The Rhythm (Sample)
|  ||Yazoo|| Don't Go
|  ||Paul Hardcastle || Don't Waste My Time
|1984-11-02 ||   Imagination  ||   Megamix
|  ||Princess || After The Love Has Gone
| ||   Imagination  || Music & Lights
|1986-02-21    ||   Jellybean Benitez Feat. Madonna|| [ Sidewalk Talk (Sidewalk & Hiptalk Lookin' At Ya Madonna Minimix)]
| ||    Imagination ||Just An Illusion
|1986-02-28  ||    Billy Ocean ||   [ When The Going Gets Tough (When The Mixing Gets Tough)]
| ||   Imagination  ||Flashback
|1986-03-07    ||   Miami Sound Machine ||   Conga (Conga In The Bongo Mix)
| ||   Imagination  ||Shoo Be Doo Da Dabba Doobee
|1986-03-14    ||   Prince & The Revolution||   Kiss
| ||   Imagination ||State Of Love
|1986-03-21    ||  Whistle vs. Donald Duck || (Nothing Serious) Just Buggin'
| ||   Imagination ||Flashback
|1986-03-28    ||  Cliff Richard & The Young Ones || [ Living Doll (Hi-tec Big Smack Beatbox Sweatsock Big Sound Nowhere Bound Get Down To The Lavatory Minimix)]
| ||   Imagination ||New Dimensions
|1986-04-04    ||  Bruce & Bongo ||   Geil
|1984-11-09  ||   The Human League  ||   Megamix
|1986-04-11     ||Geen uitzending ||
| ||   The Human League || Don't You Want Me (Instrumental + Vocal)
|1986-04-18    || Telex || Moscow Disco In The Shimmering Transoeral Siberia Remix
| ||   Kraftwerk || Neon Lights
|1986-04-25    || The S.O.S. Band  || The Finest
|1984-11-16  ||   Matt Bianco & The Breekout Krew  || [ Matt's Mood On The Rhythm Of The Drums] (10 min 20 sec)
|1986-05-02    || Janet Jackson  || [ What Have You Done For Me Lately (Versie 1)]
| ||Matt Bianco|| Matt's Mood
|1986-05-09    || Janet Jackson  || What Have You Done For Me Lately (Versie 2) (deze minimix werd 's middags uitgezonden in de Top 40)
| ||[ The Breekout Krew] || Matt's Mood (Rap Version)
|1986-05-09    || Ravel vs. Art Of Noise  || Bolero (The Ultimate Classical Moments In Love Mix)
|1984-11-23 ||   The S.O.S. Band    ||  Megamix
|1986-05-16    || Timmy Thomas  || [ Why Can't We Live Together (Versie 1)]
| ||The S.O.S. Band    || Tell Me If You Still Care
|1986-05-23    || Timmy Thomas vs. Colonel Abrams || Trapped Together (Versie 2)
| ||The S.O.S. Band    || Just Be Good To Me
|1986-05-30    || [[Ben Liebrand]]  || Mellow Mood Minimix
| ||The S.O.S. Band    || No One`s Gonna Love You
| ||Aretha Franklin || Like I'm Gonna Love You
| ||The S.O.S. Band    || Just The Way You Like It
| ||Earlene Bentley|| Point Of No Return
| ||The S.O.S. Band    || Take Your Time (Do It Right)
| ||Midnight Star || Headlines
|1984-11-30  || ?? Matt Bianco & Breakout Krew ?? || Matt's Mood On The Rhythm Of The Drums (mogelijk is deze minimix opnieuw herhaald op deze datum, bevestiging is gewenst!)
| ||Aurra || You And Me Tonight
|1984-12-07  ||   L.T.D. vs. Lilian Day Jackson || Back In Love Again vs. Got To Control It
| ||Skipworth & Turner || Thinking About Your Love
|   || Lilian Day Jackson || [ Got To Control It]
|1986-06-06    ||Frankie Goes To Hollywood|| [ Frankie Goes Bananas Mix (Relax In Stereo And Lots Of Tribes)]
|   || L.T.D. || (Every Time I Turn Around) Back In Love Again
|1986-06-13    ||   Jaki Graham  ||   Set Me Free
|1984-12-14  ||   Donna Summer ||   I Feel Love (ook wel de [ I Feel Love Mega Mix Trip 3] genoemd; is later als Bootleg uitgebracht!) (Dit is het eerste gedeelte uit [[In The Mix]] van [[In_The_Mix_(VOO)_draailijsten_van_1983#27_augustus_1983|1983-08-27]]!)
|1986-06-20    || Freeeze || I.O.U.
| ||Mike Anthony || Why Can't we live together (Intro effect)
|1986-06-27    || Peter Gabriel vs. Grace Jones ||   [ Sledgehammer]
| ||Poussez! || Come On And Do It (Sample Beat, oeh haa)(Meerdere keren gesampled door de mix)
| ||Peter Gabriel || Sledgehammer
| ||Donna Summer || I Feel Love
| ||Grace Jones || Slave To The Rhythm
| ||Earth, Wind And Fire || Let's Groove (Tonight)
|1986-07-04    || Madonna || Papa Don't Preach
| ||Patrick Cowley || Menergy (Sample)
|1986-07-11    || Art Of Noise Feat. Max Headroom || Paranoimia (Versie 1)
| ||Poussez! || Never Gonna Say Goodbye
|1986-07-18    ||   Jaki Graham  ||   Set Me Free
| ||Santa Esmeralda || Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
|1986-07-25    ||   Frankie Goes To Hollywood Feat. Jeroen van Inkel || Relax
| ||Who's Who || Palace Palace
|1986-08-01    ||   Tina Turner  ||   Typical Male (The Electric Fine Typical Malebox Minimix)
| ||Giorgio Moroder|| Lost Angeles
|1986-08-08    ||   Janet Jackson  || [ Nasty]
| ||Giorgio Moroder|| From Here To Eternity (Synths)
|1986-08-15    ||   Janet Jackson  || When I Think Of You
| ||Giorgio Moroder|| Faster Than The Speed Of Love
|1986-08-22  ||   Michael McDonald  ||     Sweet Freedom
| ||Donna Summer|| The Deep
|1986-08-29    ||   Human League ||     Human
| ||Poussez! || Come On And Do It
|1986-09-05    ||   RUN DMC Feat. Aerosmith  ||   [ Walk This Way]
| ||Sunbelt || Spin It
|1986-09-12    ||   Janet Jackson  || When I Think Of You (Is mogelijk 's middags uitgezonden in de Top 40)
| ||Telex || Moscow Disco
|1986-09-12    ||   MC Miker "G" & DJ Sven  ||   Holiday Rap (Remix)
| ||Donna Summer || Our Love
|1986-09-19    ||   Farley Jack "master" Funk  || [ Love Can't Turn Around]
| ||The Quick || Zulu
|1986-09-26 ||Frankie Goes To Hollywood ||[ Frankie Goes Bananas Mix (Relax In Stereo And Lots Of Tribes)]
| ||Patrick Cowley || Menergy
|1986-10-03 ||Tina Turner ||Typical Male (The Electric Fine Typical Malebox Minimix)
| ||Harlow || Take Off
|1986-10-10    || Santa Esmeralda & Leroy Gomez ||   Oh Lord, Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
| ||Boys Town Gang || Ain't No Mountain High Enough
|1986-10-17    ||   Cameo  || Word Up! (Kan'ie Wel, Kan'ie Niet Cameo Minimix)
| ||Donna Summer || I Feel Love (Patrick Cowley Remix)
|1986-10-24    || The Vienna Sulphonic Orchestra Project ||   [ Welcome To The Pleasuredome]
| ||Tantra || Top Shot (Bass)
|1986-10-31    || Grace Jones  ||   I'm Not Perfect
| ||Revanche || New York City
|1986-11-07    ||   Tina Turner  ||   [ Two People]
| ||Donna Summer || I Feel Love
|1986-11-14    ||   Herb Alpert  ||   Rotation
| ||Patrick Cowley || Menergy
|1986-11-21    ||   Janet Jackson ||   Control
|1984-12-21   ||    Kraftwerk    ||   Megamix 1984
|1986-11-28   ||    Chico DeBarge  || Talk To Me
| ||Kraftwerk || Heimcomputer (''Home Computer'')
|1986-12-05  ||   Madonna || Open Your Heart
| ||Kraftwerk  || Die Roboter (''The Robots'')
|1986-12-12 ||Art Of Noise ||[ The Megamoments In Love Mix]
| ||Kraftwerk  || Radioaktivität (''Radioactivity'')
|1986-12-19 ||Geen uitzending||
| ||Kraftwerk  || Taschenrechner (''Pocket Calculator'')
|1986-12-26 ||Geen uitzending||
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|1984-12-28   ||    Duran Duran  ||  [ Megamix (Please Tell Me About The Wild Reflex On Film)] (11 min 49 sec)
|1987-01-02   ||    Bruce Hornsby & The Range  ||  The Way It Is
| ||Duran Duran ||Girls On Film
|1987-01-09    ||   Mel & Kim vs. Frantique || Showing Out vs. Strut Your Funky Stuff
| ||Duran Duran || The Wild Boys
|1987-01-16  ||   Kraftwerk  ||     Music Non-Stop
| ||Duran Duran ||Union Of The Snake
|1987-01-23  ||   Jan Hammer  ||   [ Crockett's Theme (Versie 1)]
| ||Duran Duran ||New Moon On Monday
|1987-01-30  ||Geen uitzending ||
| ||Duran Duran || Is There Something I Should Know?
|1987-02-06  ||   Kool Moe Dee  || [ Go See The Doctor (Ga Zie Een Dokter Mix)]
| ||Duran Duran ||Hungry Like The Wolf
|1987-02-13  ||   Wired & JM Silk || [ To The Shadows Of The Beat Of The Drum]
|  ||Duran Duran || The Reflex
|  ||J.M. Silk ||Shadows Of Your Love van J.M. Silk
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''|| width="100px" | '''Tijdsduur'''
|1985-01-04|| ||Geen officiële Minimix|| Er wordt wel de "Pop '84 Mix", gemixt door Alan Coulthard gedraaid!)||
| ||Wired ||To The Beat Of The Drum
|1985-01-11||     || Patrick Cowley ||  Megamix (After The Funky Lift Off Patrick Cowley Takes The Megatron Man Home Where He Gets A Little Menergy)||
|1987-02-20  ||   Jan Hammer  ||   Crockett's Theme (Miami Vice Mix) (Versie 2)
| || ||Patrick Cowley Feat. Sylvester || Do You Wanna Funk||
|1987-02-27  ||Art Of Noise|| The Megamoments In Love Mix
|  || ||Patrick Cowley || Lift Off||
|1987-03-06 ||     Hot Chocolate  || [ 2 In A Bed (Sexy GoGo Waar Blijft Het Ons Beloofde Feestje Minimix)]
| || ||Patrick Cowley || Megatron Man||
| ||     Hot Chocolate  ||Sexy Thing
| || ||Patrick Cowley || Going Home||
| ||     Hot Chocolate  ||Every One's A Winner
| || ||Patrick Cowley || Get A Little||
|1987-03-13    ||Geen uitzending ||
|  || ||Patrick Cowley || Menergy||
|1987-03-20 ||   Herb Alpert  ||   [ Keep Your Eye On Me (The Funny Farm)]
|1985-01-18|| ||Prince|| Megamix ||
|1987-03-27  ||   Janet Jackson  || [ Let's Wait A While (En Deze Is Voor Jou Minimix) (Versie 1)]
| || ||Prince  || ?? (Intro) ||
|1987-04-03  ||   Prince  || Housequake (If You Can't Rock Steady Then Shut Up Already Damn Minimix)
| || ||Prince & The Revolution || When Doves Cry||
|1987-04-10    ||Geen uitzending ||  
| || ||Prince & The Revolution|| Erotic City (Drum Loop)||
|1987-04-17  ||   The Whispers  || The Lovebeats Go On
| || ||Apollonia 6 ||Sexshooter||
|1987-04-17  ||   Janet Jackson Feat. [[Gerbrand Westveen]] on Sax  || Let's Wait A While (Versie 2)
| || ||Vanity 6 || Nasty Girl||
|1987-04-24  ||   Club Nouveau  || Lean On Me
| || ||Prince & The Revolution|| Erotic City ||
|1987-05-01  ||   The Revellettes|| Strange Effect
| || ||Prince & The Revolution || When Doves Cry||
|1987-05-08  ||   Alf  || Stuck On Earth (Versie 1)
| || ||Sheila E||The Glamorous Life||
|1987-05-15  ||Geen uitzending ||
|1985-01-25|| ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend||
|1987-05-22  ||   Darryl Duncan  || [ Rock The House (Heavy Fragmentation Mix)]
|1985-02-01||  ||    Fun Fun ||  Megamix||
|1987-05-29  ||    Herb Alpert Feat. Janet Jackson || Diamonds (Ben's Crazy Edit)
| || ||Fun Fun ||Happy Station ||
|1987-06-05  ||   Alf  ||   Stuck On Earth (American House Mix) (Versie 2)
| || ||Fun Fun ||Colour My Love||
|1987-06-12  ||   Marshal Hain  ||   [ Dancing In The City]
| || ||Fun Fun ||Give Me Your Love||
|1987-06-19  ||   Janet Jackson ||   The Pleasure Principle
|1985-02-08|| ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend||
|1987-06-26  ||   Geen uitzending|| tgv. problemen met de opname recorder van Ben
|1985-02-15|| ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend||
|1987-07-03  ||   [[Ben Liebrand]] || Weerbericht (The Rain Dance / Def ANP Rappers)
|1985-02-22|| 1984-12-28   ||    Duran Duran  ||   [ Megamix (Please Tell Me About The Wild Reflex On Film)] ||11min 49sec
|1987-07-10   ||    Grace Jones  ||   Vicktor Should Haven Been A Jazz Musician
| || ||Duran Duran ||Girls On Film||
|1987-07-10  ||   Michael Jackson & Siedah Garrett  ||     I Just Can't Stop Loving You
| || ||Duran Duran || The Wild Boys||
|1987-07-17  ||   [[Ben Liebrand]] || Weerbericht (The Rain Dance / Def ANP Rappers)
| || ||Duran Duran ||Union Of The Snake||
|1987-07-24  ||Geen uitzending ||
| || ||Duran Duran ||New Moon On Monday ||
|1987-07-31  ||   Phil Collins || [ In The Air Tonight] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| || ||Duran Duran || Is There Something I Should Know?||
|1987-08-07    ||   Stock, Aitken & Waterman || [ Roadblock (Dirty Roadblock Detour) (a.k.a Dirty Detour Mix) (Versie 1)]
| || ||Duran Duran ||Hungry Like The Wolf||
|1987-08-14    ||   Roce Royce vs. Alexander O Neal  ||   The RR Express is Fake
| || ||Duran Duran || The Reflex||
|1987-08-21    ||   Pet Shop Boys Feat. Dusty Springfield  || What Have I Done To Deserve This
|1985-03-01|| ||    Dan Hartman vs. Ollie & Jerry ||  [ We Are The Young vs. Breakin'... There's No Stoppin' Us] ||7min 44sec
|1987-08-28    ||   Ravel vs. Art Of Noise  ||  [ The Bolero (The Ultimate Classical Moments In Love Mix)]  
| || ||Dan Hartman|| We Are The Young||
|1987-09-04  ||   Michael Jackson|| Speed Demon ((The Usual [[Ben Liebrand]] Primeur, versie 1, zonder roadrunner!)
| || ||Ollie & Jerry||Breaking'... There's No Stoppin' Us||
|1987-09-11    ||   Michael Jackson|| Bad
|1985-03-08|| ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend||
|1987-09-18    ||   Tavares || Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel
|1985-03-15|| ||    Dan Hartman   ||  [ Relight My Fire (My Fire In The Pyro Mix)] ||10min 23sec
|1987-09-25    ||  M/A/R/R/S Vs. Michael Jackson|| Pump Up The Bad Volume
|1985-03-22|| ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend||
|1987-10-02    ||   Stock, Aitken & Waterman || Roadblock (No Block Til Deutschland Mix)(Versie 2)
|1985-03-29||  || The Limit (Oattes & van Schaick) ||No Limit (Megamix)||
|1987-10-09    ||  [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Mike Oldfield || Tubelar Bells
| || ||The Limit (Oattes & van Schaick)|| She's So Devine||
|1987-10-16    || [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||   Curry & Van Inkel Last Broadcast Mix I (Mix Zonder Naam) (Laatste uitzending met [[Adam Curry]]!)
| || ||The Limit (Oattes & van Schaick)|| Destiny||
|1987-10-23    || Rick Astley ||     [ Megamix]
| || ||The Limit (Oattes & van Schaick)|| Crimes Of Passion||
|     || Rick Astley|| Never Gonna Give You Up
| || ||The Limit (Oattes & van Schaick)|| Miracles||
|     ||Colonel Abrahms|| Trapped
| || ||The Limit (Oattes & van Schaick)|| Say Yeah||
|     ||Madonna|| Holiday
| || ||The Limit (Oattes & van Schaick)|| Love Attaxx||
|     ||Rick Astley|| Whenever You Need Somebody
|1985-04-05||   ||    Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend||
|     ||Steve Arrington ||Dancing In The Key Of Life
|1985-04-12||   || Wham! || [ Megamix (Young Guns Go For Club Tropicana Because That's Where The Bad Boys Do Their Rap)] ||10min 09sec
|     ||Was (Not Was)|| Walk Like A Dinosaur (The Boom Boom Sample)
| || ||Wham! ||  Wham Rap!||
|1987-10-30    ||  Earth, Wind & Fire vs. Pink Floyd  ||   System Of Survival vs. Money
| || ||Wham! ||  Young Guns (Go For It!)||
|1987-11-06    || Alexander O'Neal  ||  [ Criticize] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| || ||Wham! || Bad Boys||
|1987-11-13    || [[Ben Liebrand]] ||   Cruisin' On Melmac Interstate (Meep Meep!)
| || ||Wham!||  Club Tropicana||
|1987-11-20      || Cock Robin  ||   El Norte
|1985-04-19||  ||    Geen uitzending || Reden onbekend||
|1987-11-27      || Jan Hammer   ||    New York Theme
|1985-04-26||  ||    Geen uitzending ||  Reden onbekend||
|1985-05-03||  ||Geen uitzending ||in verband met de uitzending van de LP Top 75||
|1987-12-04    || Eric B. & Rakim vs. Mai Tai ||   Paid In Full vs. History (Live Studio Remix!)
|1985-05-10||  ||    Depeche Mode ||  [ The Flexible Mix] (with audience) (Versie 1; deze versie duurt bijna 10 minuten, latere versies duren rond de 6 minuten!) ||10min 11sec
|1987-12-04    ||  Michael Jackson & Roadrunner ||  Speed Demon (Live Studio Remix!)(Versie 2)
| ||   || Depeche Mode  ||Get The Balance Right!||
|1987-12-11 || Geen uitzending||
| ||   || Depeche Mode  ||Just Can't Get Enough||
|1987-12-18 || Geen uitzending||
| ||   || Depeche Mode  ||Flexible||
|1987-12-25 || Geen uitzending||
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|1985-05-17|| || Peter Brown  || [ Megamix] ||9min (?)
|1988-01-01    ||Jan Hammer|| Crockett's Theme (Miami Vice Mix)
| || ||Peter Brown || (Love Is Just) The Game||
|1988-01-08    || Wally Jump Jr. & The Criminal Element  ||  Tighten Up (I Just Can't Stop Dancing)
| || ||Peter Brown || They Only Come Out At Night||
|1988-01-15    ||  INXS ||   Need You Tonight (Versie 1)
| || ||Peter Brown || Zie Zie Won’t Dance||
|1988-01-22    ||  Alf & Ceejay ||   Stuck On Earth & A Little Love (What's Going On) (Versie 3)
|1985-05-24||  || Paul Hardcastle || [ Megamix] ||9min 14sec
|1988-01-29    ||  M/A/R/R/S vs. The Andrew Sisters    ||   Pump Up The Volume vs. Swing (Samenloop Van Omstandigheden Mix)
| || ||Paul Hardcastle || In The Beginning||
|1988-02-05    ||  Vivien Vee  ||     Give Me A Break
| || ||Paul Hardcastle ||  19||
|1988-02-12    ||  Stock, Aitken & Waterman Feat. [[Gerbrand Westveen]] on Sax & on Electronic Wind || Packjammed
| || ||Paul Hardcastle & D-Train ||  You're The One For Me / A.M. Daybreak||
|1988-02-19    || INXS  ||  Need You Tonight (Versie 2)
| || ||Pig Bag || Papa´s Got A Brand New Pigbag (Paul Hardcastle´s Electrofunk Versie)||
|1988-02-26 ||Geen uitzending ||
|1985-05-31||  ||Geen uitzending||  Reden onbekend||
|1988-03-04      || The World   ||     Olympics
|1985-06-07||  ||  Mai Tai || Megamix||
|1988-03-11    ||  [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||  James Bond Theme (James Bond Van Doorstarters) (Versie 1)
| ||   || Mai Tai ||What Goes On||
|1988-03-11    || Bomb The Bass ||   Beat This
| ||   || Mai Tai ||Body And Soul||
|1988-03-18    || Sting ||   Englishman In New York
|  ||    || Mai Tai ||The Rhythm Of The Street||
|1988-03-25    |Taja Sevelle ||    Love Is Contagious
| ||   || Mai Tai ||History||
|1988-04-01    || [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||   Double-O-Seven (James Bond Theme) (Versie 2)
| ||   || Mai Tai ||What, Where, When, Who||
|1988-04-08    || Alf  ||   Hiccups
|1985-06-14||  || Geen uitzending || Reden onbekend||
|1988-04-15 ||Geen uitzending || i.v.m. uitzending [[Goud Van Oud]] Live
|1985-06-21||  ||  The RAH Band    ||    [ The Clouds Across The Moon And The Songs Across The Years Mix] ||10min 48sec
|1988-04-22    || Bill Withers ||  Lovely Day (Sunshine Mix)
| || ||The RAH Band || Perfumed Garden||
|1988-04-29    || The Revellettes|| The Only 1
| || ||The RAH Band || Clouds Across The Moon||
|1988-05-06    || Art Of Noise vs. 10CC  ||   Moments Not In Love
| || ||The RAH Band ||Rock Me Down To Rio||
| ||Art Of Noise|| Moments In Love
| || ||The RAH Band || Slide||
| ||10cc ||I'm Not In Love
| || ||The RAH Band ||Downside Up||
|1988-05-13    ||Geen uitzending ||
| || ||The RAH Band || ?? ||
|1988-05-20    ||   The Four Seasons Feat. Frankie Valli  ||   December 1963 (Oh What A Night)
|1985-06-28|| || Geen uitzendgegevens bekend|| (''Let op: Er bestaat onduidelijkheid of hier de Peter Brown Megamix opnieuw is gedraaid!'')||
|1988-05-27  ||   Prince vs. The Wee Papa Girl Rappers  ||   Alphabet Street
|1985-07-05|| ||Geen uitzending||Reden onbekend||
|1988-06-03  ||   Sting  || Fragile
|1985-07-12|| ||Geen uitzending||Reden onbekend||
|1988-06-10  ||   Rieky  || Ik Zing Zo Graag Een Liedje
|1985-07-19|| ||Geen uitzending||Reden onbekend||
|1988-06-17  ||   Froon  || Bobby Mugabe
|1985-07-26|| ||Geen uitzending! / Tavares ||Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel (Irresistible Angel Mix) (''Let op: Dit werd gedraaid als '''Alarmschijf''' en niet als Minimix!'') ||
|1988-06-24  ||   People's Choice || Do It Anyway You Wanna (Doe Het Maar Op Wat Voor Manier Dan Ook Minimix Mix)  
|1985-08-02|| ||Geen uitzending||Reden onbekend||
|1988-07-01 ||Phil Collins || [ In The Air Tonight] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|1985-08-09|| || Miami Sound Machine   ||  [ Conga (Conga In The Bongo Mix)] ||6min 18sec
|1988-07-08   ||   Salt 'N' Pepa  ||  Push It
|1985-08-16||  ||Geen uitzending||Reden onbekend||
|  ||Sheila E.|| Glamorous Life
|1985-08-23||  || Harold Faltermeyer Feat. Eddie Murphy || [ Axel F (Theme of Eddie Murphy's Beverly Hills Cop)]||6min 14sec
|  ||Prince & The Revolution|| When Doves Cry
|  || ||Club Rapper's || Axel F (New York Rap Mix)||
|  ||Kraftwerk ||Number
|  || || Harold Faltermeyer|| Axel F||
|  ||Leon Haywood|| Don't Push It Don't Force It
| || || Eddie Murphy|| Delirious (Stand Up Comedian Show 1983) (Samples)||
| ||Afrika Bambaataa & The Soul Sonic Force|| Planet Rock
|1985-08-30|| ||Geen uitzending||Reden onbekend||
| ||Musique|| Push Push In The Bush
|1985-09-06||  || Kate Bush|| [ Running Up That Hill (Ben Liebrand Remix)]|| 7min 46sec)
|1988-07-15  ||   Maarten Peters & The Dream   ||   Dance This Night Away
|1985-09-13|| ||Geen uitzending||Reden onbekend||
|1988-07-22  ||   Alexander O'Neal      ||   [ (What Can I Say) To Make You Love Me (Ben Liebrand Remix)]
|1985-09-20||  || Propaganda || [ P-Machinery vs. Dr. Mabuse] ||11min 30sec
|1988-07-29  ||   James Brown   ||   Sexmachine
| || ||Propaganda  || P-Machinery ||
|1988-08-05  ||   Joe Jackson  ||   Is She Really Going Out With Him (Non-Acapella Mix)
| || ||Propaganda || Dr. Mabuse||
|1988-08-12  ||   Yazz ||   The Only Way Is Up
|1985-09-27|| ||Geen uitzending||Reden onbekend||
|1988-08-19  ||   Luther Vandross || Never Too Much
|1985-10-04||   ||Five Star|| [ Megamix (Ach Val Dood Mix)] ||10min 46sec
|1988-08-26   ||   Sam Brown    ||   Stop
|  || ||Five Star || All Fall Down||
|1988-09-02   ||   Machine || The Bolero (Laser Mix)
|  || ||Five Star || Let Me Be The One||
|1988-09-09   ||   Rocker's Revenge    ||     Walking On Sunshine (Acid Mix)
|  || ||Five Star || Love Take Over||
|1988-09-16   ||   Cold Cut    ||     Stop This Crazy Thing
|1985-10-11|| ||Geen uitzending||Reden onbekend||
|1988-09-23  ||   John Hiatt ||     Have A Little Faith In Me
|1985-10-18||  ||    Ready For The World ||   [ Oh Sheila] ||7min 35sec
|1988-09-30 ||Geen uitzending ||
|1985-10-25||   ||  Gloria Gayner vs. Total Contrast ||[ I Will Survive (Survival Mix)] ||7min 47sec
|1988-10-07  ||   [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||  Curry & Van Inkel Last Broadcast Mix (Versie 2)
| || ||Gloria Gayner|| I Will Survive||
|1988-10-14    ||   Blondie || Call Me
| || ||Total Contrast|| Takes A Little Time (Beat)||
|1988-10-21  ||   Phil Collins  ||   Groovy Kind Of Love
|1985-11-01||    || Grace Jones || [ Slave To The Rhythm] ||11min 16sec
|1988-10-28  ||    Electra || Jibaro
|1985-11-08|| ||Geen uitzending||Reden onbekend||
|1988-11-04  || Inner City ||Big Fun (Dit is blijkt echter GEEN minimix van [[Ben Liebrand]] te zijn!!
|1985-11-15||  ||Geen uitzending||Reden onbekend||
|1988-11-11  ||   Bill Withers ||   Ain't No Sunshine (The Total Eclipse Mix)
|1985-11-22|| ||Geen uitzending||Reden onbekend||
|1988-11-18 ||     Michael Jackson || Smooth Criminal (Smeuïge Crimineel Mix)
|1985-11-29||   ||  Colonel Abrams  || Trapped (Sollitary Confinement Mix)||
|1988-11-25  ||Geen uitzending ||
|1985-12-06||    ||  Colonel Abrams  || Trapped (Sollitary Confinement Mix) (Herhaling 's middags tijdens uitzending Top 40, is toen niet helemaal uitgezonden!)||
|1988-12-02  ||   Pia Zadora   ||  Dance Out Of My Head (Acid Mix)
|1985-12-06||   ||   Dolly Dots  ||    Unique ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix) (Uitzending was waarschijnlijk 's middags in de Top 40?? Hier bestaat onduidelijkheid over!)||
|1988-12-09  ||     Art Of Noise Feat. Max Headroom || Paranoimia (Versie 2)
|1985-12-13||   ||   The Art Of Noise ||  [ The Megamoments In Love Mix] ||8min 20sec
|1988-12-16 || Alexander O'Neal || [ Criticize] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|1985-12-20||   || Geen uitzending||Reden onbekend||
|1988-12-23 || Bill Withers ||Ain't No Sunshine (The Total Eclipse Mix)
|1985-12-27||    || Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. uitzending [[Grandmix#27_december_1985|Grandmix 1985]]||
|1988-12-30 ||Geen uitzending||

'''''Let op: Vanaf 25 april 1986 wordt het tijdstip van uitzending verplaatst van twee platen over acht (20 uur) naar twee platen over negen (21 uur)!'''''
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''|| width="100px" | '''Tijdsduur'''  
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|1986-01-03|| ||Geen uitzending||Reden Onbekend||
|1989-01-06  ||   Brussel Syndicate  ||   New Beat
|1986-01-10|| ||Geen uitzending||Reden Onbekend||
|1989-01-13    ||   The Revellettes|| Sign Of Love
|1986-01-17|| ||Geen uitzending||Reden Onbekend||
|1989-01-20    ||   Sheena Easton ||   The Lover In Me
|1986-01-24|| ||Geen uitzending||Reden Onbekend||
|1989-01-27    ||   Asian Passion ||   This House Is Surrounded
|1986-01-31||   ||  Tramaine    ||   [  Fall Down (Spirit Of Love)] || 6min 23sec
|1989-02-03   ||  [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||   Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)
| || ||Tramaine (Hawkins) || Fall Down (Spirit Of Love) ||
|1989-02-10  ||   Wayne Hernandez|| All My Love
| || ||Five Star || All Fall Down (Sample)||
|1989-02-17  ||   Tone Loc      ||   Wild Thing
|1986-02-07||    ||  Drum Theatre ||  [ Eldorado] ||7min 07sec
|1989-02-24  ||    Art Of Noise Feat. Max Headroom ||  Paranoimia '89 (Versie 3)
|1986-02-14 ||   ||  Full Force vs. Whistle vs. Princess vs. Paul Hardcastle||  [ Alice, Don't Waste My Time After The Inspector Has Gone] ||6min 50sec
|1989-03-03  ||   Bill Withers  ||  Harlem '89
| || ||Full Force|| Alice, I Want You Just For Me||
|1989-03-10  ||   Labi Siffre  ||   Nothing Gonna Change
| || ||Wally Baderou ||Chief Inspector||
|1989-03-17  ||   Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock  || Get On The Dancefloor
| || ||Grace Jones || Slave To The Rhythm (Sample)||
|1989-03-24  || Geen uitzending||
| || ||Paul Hardcastle Feat. Carol Kenyon || Don't Waste My Time||
|1989-03-31  ||   Jeff Wayne  ||   The Eve Of The War (Versie 1)
| || ||Princess || After The Love Has Gone||
|1989-04-07  ||   Novo Band    ||   Dance Non Stop
|1986-02-21 ||  ||  Jellybean Benitez Feat. Madonna||  [ Sidewalk Talk (Sidewalk & Hiptalk Lookin' At Ya Madonna Minimix)] ||6min 43sec
|1989-04-14    ||  Flairck||  Sophia
|1986-02-28|| || One Way || Let's Talk (Uitzending 's middags in de Top 40)||
|1989-04-21  || Geen uitzending||
|1986-02-28||  ||    Billy Ocean  ||  [ When The Going Gets Tough (When The Mixing Gets Tough)] ||6min 58sec
|1989-04-28   ||  The Four Tops ||  The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine
|1986-03-07||1985-08-09 ||  Miami Sound Machine || [ Conga (Conga In The Bongo Mix)]||
|1989-05-05  ||   [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||  Eve Of The War (Versie 2)
|1986-03-14||    ||   Prince & The Revolution||   Kiss||
|1989-05-12   || Geen uitzending||
|1986-03-21||     || Whistle vs. Donald Duck || [ (Nothing Serious) Just Buggin'] ||7min 27sec
|1989-05-19  ||   Ram Jam || Black Betty (Rough 'N' Ready Remix)
|1986-03-28||     || Cliff Richard & The Young Ones ||  [ Living Doll (Hi-tec Big Smack Beatbox Sweatsock Big Sound Nowhere Bound Get Down To The Lavatory Minimix)] ||6min 22sec
|1989-05-26  ||   M    ||   Pop Muzik
|1986-04-04||     ||  Bruce & Bongo ||  [ Geil (Ben Liebrand Remix)]||
|1989-06-02  ||   The Sugarhill Gang ||  Rappers Delight (Remix) (Versie 1)
|1986-04-11 ||   ||Geen uitzending ||Reden Onbekend||
|1989-06-09  || The Sugarhill Gang || [ Rappers Delight (Hip Hop Remix)] (Versie 2)
|1986-04-18 ||    ||  Telex  ||  [ Moscow Disco In The Shimmering Transoeral Siberia Remix]||
|1989-06-16  ||    [[Ben Liebrand]|| Puls(t)ar (Essential Full Length Mix) (Versie 1)
|1986-04-25 ||    ||  The S.O.S. Band  || The Finest||
|1989-06-23  ||    Alexander O'Neal    ||     Hitmix (The Official Bootleg Mega-mix) (Mixer: [[Rita Liebrand]])
|1986-05-02 ||    || Janet Jackson  ||  [ What Have You Done For Me Lately (Versie 1)] ||6min 31sec
| ||   Alexander O'Neal   ||What Can I Say (To Make You Love Me)
|1986-05-09||    ||  Janet Jackson || What Have You Done For Me Lately (Versie 2) (Uitzending 's middags in de Top 40)||
| ||   Alexander O'Neal & Cherrelle ||Never Knew Love Like This
|1986-05-09 ||    || Ravel vs. The Art Of Noise  ||  [ Bolero (The Ultimate Classical Moments In Love Mix)]||
| ||   Alexander O'Neal   ||Fake
|1986-05-16||     ||  Timmy Thomas  ||  [ Why Can't We Live Together (Ben Liebrand Remix)] (Versie 1) ||7min 05sec
| ||   Alexander O'Neal    ||Hearsay
|1986-05-23||     || Timmy Thomas vs. Colonel Abrams ||[ Trapped Together] (Versie 2) ||6min 45sec
| ||   Alexander O'Neal    ||Criticize
| || ||Timmy Thomas||Why Can't We Live Together||
| ||   Alexander O'Neal    ||Innocent
| || ||Colonel Abrams||Trapped||
|1989-06-30  ||   [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Sheryl T. ||     Party Roots
|1986-05-30||     ||  [[Ben Liebrand]]   || The Mellow Mood Minimix||
|1989-07-07 ||     [[Ben Liebrand]] ||   [ Dance Classics The Mix]
| || ||Aretha Franklin || Ain't Nobody Ever Loved You||
| ||The Whispers || And The Beat Goes On
| || ||Earlene Bentley|| Point Of No Return||
| ||Weeks & Company || Rock Your World (Joho, Joho)
| || ||Midnight Star || Headlines||
| ||Jimmy 'Bo' Horne|| Spank
| || ||Aurra || You And Me Tonight||
| ||First Choice ||Let No Man Put Asunder
| || ||Skipworth & Turner || Can't Give Her Up||
| ||Michael Zager Band || Let's All Chant
|1986-06-06 ||1984-08-24    ||Frankie Goes To Hollywood|| [ Frankie Goes Bananas Mix (Relax In Stereo And Lots Of Tribes)] ||13min 16sec
|1989-07-14 ||     Michael Jackson|| Liberian Girl
|1986-06-13||   ||   Jaki Graham  ||  [ Set Me Free] ||6min 32sec
|1989-07-21 || Geen uitzending||
|1986-06-20 ||   ||  Freeeze || [ I.O.U. (Swingfeel Mellow Mix)] ||7min 42sec
|1989-07-28  ||     Mysterious||  Art The Omen
|1986-06-27||    ||  Peter Gabriel vs. Grace Jones ||   [ Sledgehammer] (Versie 1) ||6min 40sec
|1989-08-04  ||    Jody Watley vs. Soul II Soul  ||   [ Friends & Back To Life (Are Hard To Find So You're On Your Own And Back To Reality Minimix])
| || ||Peter Gabriel || Sledgehammer||
| ||Jody Watley Feat. Eric B. & Rakim || Friends
| || ||Grace Jones || Slave To The Rhythm||
| ||Soul II Soul  || Back To Life (However Do You Want Me)
|1986-07-04 ||   || Madonna || [ Papa Don't Preach] ||7min 07sec
|  ||Bobby Brown || On Our Own
|1986-07-11 ||   || The Art Of Noise Feat. Max Headroom || Paranoimia (Versie 1) ||6min 19sec
|1989-08-11 ||     [[Ben Liebrand]] || Melig Minimix
|1986-07-18|| 1986-06-13    ||  Jaki Graham  ||  Set Me Free||
| || Dorus || Twee Motten
|1986-07-25 ||   ||  Frankie Goes To Hollywood Feat. [[Jeroen van Inkel]] || Relax||
| ||De Damrakkertjes || Swiebertje
|1986-08-01 ||   ||   Tina Turner  ||  [ Typical Male (The Electric Fine Typical Malebox Minimix)] ||7 min 00sec
| ||Johnny Lion || Sophietje
|1986-08-08 ||   ||   Janet Jackson ||  [ Nasty] ||7min 39sec
| ||Malando || Olé Guapa  
|1986-08-15 ||   ||  Janet Jackson  || When I Think Of You (Versie 1)||
|1989-08-18  ||     Wet Wet Wet  ||   Sweet Surrender
|1986-08-22 ||  ||    Michael McDonald  ||    Sweet Freedom||
|1989-08-25  ||     The Riddler ||    Back To The Batgroove
|1986-08-29 ||  ||   The Human League || Human||
|1989-09-01   ||   Jermaine Stewart vs. Moses P ||   Can't This Be Love
|1986-09-05 ||   ||   RUN DMC Feat. Aerosmith  ||  [ Walk This Way] ||7min 02sec
|1989-09-08   ||   Ceejay || A Little Love (What's Going On)
|1986-09-12||    ||  Janet Jackson   || When I Think Of You (Versie 2) (Uitzending 's middags in de Top 40)||
|1989-09-15  ||    Janet Jackson || Miss You Much (Versie 1)
|1986-09-12||    ||  MC Miker "G" & DJ Sven  ||  Holiday Rap (Remix)||
|1989-09-22  ||   Jan Hammer   ||  Eurocops
|1986-09-19||    ||   Farley Jack "master" Funk || [ Love Can't Turn Around] (Versie 1) ||7min 17sec
|1989-09-29  ||    Janet Jackson  ||  Miss You Much (The Final Mix) (Versie 2)
|1986-09-26||1984-08-24 ||Frankie Goes To Hollywood ||[ Frankie Goes Bananas Mix (Relax In Stereo And Lots Of Tribes)] ||13min 16sec
|1989-10-06  ||   Luther Vandross || Megamix
|1986-10-03||1986-08-01 ||Tina Turner ||Typical Male (The Electric Fine Typical Malebox Minimix)||
| ||   Luther Vandross ||Never Too Much
|1986-10-10||     || Santa Esmeralda & Leroy Gomez ||  [ Oh Lord, Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood] ||7min 06sec
| ||   Luther Vandross ||Sugar & Spice (I Found Me A Girl)
|1986-10-17||    ||   Cameo  || [ Word Up! (Kan'ie Wel, Kan'ie Niet Cameo Minimix)] ||6min 50sec
| ||    Luther Vandross ||I Didn't Really Mean It
| || ||Cameo ||Word Up!||
| ||   Change Feat. Luther Vandross ||The Glow Of Love
| || ||Dazz Band ||Let It All Blow (Samples)||
| ||   Luther Vandross ||She's A Super Lady
|1986-10-24||     ||  The Vienna Sulphonic Orchestra Project ||  [ Welcome To The Pleasuredome] ||6min 34sec
|1989-10-13  ||   Doug Lazy vs. Stevie Wonder    ||  [ I Wish To Let It Roll]
|1986-10-31 ||    ||  Grace Jones || I'm Not Perfect||
|  ||Doug Lazy || Let It Roll
|1986-11-07 ||   ||  Tina Turner  ||   [ Two People (Tender Impact)] ||7min 19sec
| || Ben Liebrand Feat. Nasty Chat || I Wish (Instrumentaal)
|1986-11-14 ||   ||  Herb Alpert  ||  [ Rotation]||
| || Stevie Wonder || I Wish
|1986-11-21 ||   ||   Janet Jackson ||  Control (Vocoder Mix) (Curry & Van Inkel The Boys Are In Control Minimix)||
| ||Was (Not Was) || Walk The Dinosaur (Boom Boom Sample)
|  || || Janet Jackson || Control||
|1989-10-20   ||   Sydney Youngblood vs. Raze  ||   If Only I Could Break For Love
|  || || [[Ben Liebrand]]  || Vocoder||
|1989-10-27   ||   Cerrone Feat. Laura Branigan ||   Heart Of Me
|1986-11-28||   ||    Chico DeBarge  || Talk To Me (Before We Get Disco-nected)||
|1989-11-03   ||    [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. [[Gerbrand Westveen]] on Sax ||   A Love Come True
|1986-12-05 ||  ||    Madonna || Open Your Heart (Versie 1)||
|1989-11-10  ||   Chas Jankel ||    Glad To Know You
|1986-12-12|| 1985-12-13 ||The Art Of Noise ||[ The Megamoments In Love Mix] ||8min 21sec
| ||Twin Hype || For Those Who Like To Groove
|1986-12-19|| ||Geen uitzending|| Reden onbekend||
| || Hollywood Sweat Mix || "If You Haven't Dance Yet, What The Fuck Did You Come For" (Sample)
|1986-12-26|| ||Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. uitzending [[Grandmix#26_december_1986|Grandmix 1986]]||
| ||Club Groove Remix ||"Bust A Move" (Sample)
| ||Double Trouble & Rebel MC || Street Tuff
{| class="wikitable"
| ||Isaac Hayes || Theme From Shaft
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|1987-01-02||   ||   Bruce Hornsby & The Range  || The Way It Is
| ||Billy Ocean ||Are You Ready
|   ||  || Millie Scott|| Prisoner Of Love (Prisoner Of The Groove)
|1989-11-17  ||   Nina Hagen   ||   New York, New York
|1987-01-09 ||   ||   Mel & Kim vs. Frantique || Showing Out vs. Strut Your Funky Stuff
|1989-11-24   ||   Yazoo  || Situation (Hip House Situation)
| || ||Mel & Kim || Showing Out (Get Fresh At The Weekend)
|1989-12-01  ||   Diana Ross    ||   Merry Christmas (Botte Bijlen Mix)
| || ||Frantique ||Strut Your Funky Stuff
|1989-12-08    ||   [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||   Eve Of The War (House Remix) (Versie 3)
|1987-01-16||  ||   Kraftwerk   ||  Music Non-Stop
|1989-12-15    ||  Culture Beat  ||  Der Erdbeermund
|1987-01-23||  ||   Jan Hammer  || Crockett's Theme (Versie 1)
|1989-12-22    || Geen uitzending||
|1987-01-30||   ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend
|1989-12-29    || Geen uitzending||
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|1987-02-06||  ||   Kool Moe Dee   ||  [ Go See The Doctor (Ga Zie Een Dokter Mix)]
|1990-01-05    ||  [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||  Vocoder playlist Grandmix '89
|1987-02-13||   ||   Wired & JM Silk || [ To The Shadows Of The Beat Of The Drum]
|1990-01-12   || Sting ||Fragile
|  || ||J.M. Silk ||Shadows Of Your Love (Acapella)
|1990-01-19    ||  Culture Beat ||   Cherry Lips (Magic Remix)
|1990-01-26  || Geen uitzending||
| || ||Wired ||To The Beat Of The Drum
|1990-02-02  ||   [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Ceejay    ||   Give Me An Answer (Long Distance Mix - Edit versie) (Versie 1)
|1987-02-20||  ||Jan Hammer   ||    Crockett's Theme  (Miami Vice Mix) (Versie 2)
|1990-02-09  ||   Viola Wills   ||  I Think I'm Going To Fall In Love
|1987-02-27||1985-12-13   ||The Art Of Noise||[ The Megamoments In Love Mix]
| ||   Viola Wills   ||Gonna Get Along Without You Now (Sample)
|1987-03-06  ||    || Hot Chocolate || [ 2 In A Bed (Sexy GoGo Waar Blijft Het Ons Beloofde Feestje Minimix)]
|1990-02-16  ||    Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel  ||  White Lines (Don't Do It) (Remix) (Versie 1)
| ||     ||Hot Chocolate ||Sexy Thing
|1990-02-23  ||   Bobby Brown ||   Megamix (The Free Style Mega-Mix) (Mixer: [[Rita Liebrand]])
| ||    || Hot Chocolate ||Every One's A Winner
| ||    Bobby Brown  || On Our Own
| ||   Bobby Brown ||Don't Be Cruel
|1987-03-13||    ||Geen uitzending ||  Reden onbekend
| ||    Bobby Brown  ||Every Little Step
| ||    Bobby Brown ||My Prerogative
|1987-03-20||  ||    Herb Alpert  ||  [ Keep Your Eye On Me (The Funny Farm)]
| ||    Bobby Brown ||Rock Wit'Cha
|1987-03-27|| ||   Janet Jackson  ||  [ Let's Wait A While (En Deze Is Voor Jou Minimix) (Versie 1)]
| ||   Bobby Brown ||Girl Next Door
|1987-04-03||   || Prince || Housequake (If You Can't Rock Steady Then Shut Up Already Damn Minimix)
|1987-04-10 ||  ||Geen uitzending || Reden onbekend
|1987-04-17 ||  ||    The Whispers  || The Lovebeats Go On
| ||    ||The Whispers  ||And The Beat Goes On
| ||   || The Whispers  ||It's A Love Thing
|1990-03-02   ||   [[Ben Liebrand]] ||   Puls(t)ar (Clubmix) (Versie 2)
| || || Cameo || Word Up! (Beats)
|1990-03-09  ||   Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel ||   White Lines (Don't Do It) (Freestyle Remix) (Versie 2)
|1987-04-17||   ||    Janet Jackson Feat. [[Gerbrand Westveen]] On Sax || Let's Wait A While (Versie 2)
|1990-03-16   ||    [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Jochem Fluitsma on Guitar ||   Spanish Jam (Clubmix)  
|1987-04-24||   ||    Club Nouveau  || Lean On Me
|1990-03-23   ||    Sinéad O'Connor vs. Guru Josh|| [ Nothing Compares 2 Your Infinity]
|1987-05-01||   ||   The Revellettes||  Strange Effect
| ||Sinéad O'Connor || Nothing Compares To You
|1987-05-08||   ||   Alf / [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||  Stuck On Earth (Versie 1)
| ||Guru Josh || Infinity
|1987-05-15||   ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend
|1990-03-30   ||   [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||   Shake that Ass
|1987-05-22||  ||   Darryl Duncan ||  [ Rock The House (Heavy Fragmentation Mix)]
|1990-04-06    ||   [[Ben Liebrand]]   ||  Puls(t)ar (Ik Dacht Het Me Even Makkelijk Te Maken) (Versie 3)
|1987-05-29 || ||   Herb Alpert Feat. Janet Jackson || Diamonds (Ben's Crazy Edit)
|1990-04-13  ||Geen uitzending ||
|1987-06-05||   ||   Alf / [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||   Stuck On Earth (American House Mix) (Versie 2)
|1990-04-20   ||Geen uitzending ||
|1987-06-12||  ||   Marshal Hain ||  [ Dancing In The City]
|1990-04-27    ||   [[Ben Liebrand]]   ||  For The Love Of The Music
|1987-06-19||   ||   Janet Jackson ||   The Pleasure Principle
|1990-05-04   ||Geen uitzending ||
|1987-06-26||  ||   Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. problemen met de master opnamerecorder van Ben
|1990-05-11    ||  Buffallo Bob & The Rinkelstars || Sympathy For The Devil
|1987-07-03||  ||   [[Ben Liebrand]] || [ Weerbericht (The Rain Dance / Def ANP Rappers)]
|1990-05-18    ||  Ryan Paris  ||     Dolce Vita
|1987-07-10||  ||   Grace Jones  ||    Vicktor Should Haven Been A Jazz Musician
|1990-05-25    ||  Candy Dulfer||     Saxuality
|1987-07-10||  ||    Michael Jackson & Siedah Garrett  || I Just Can't Stop Loving You
|1990-06-01    ||  Dimples D.    ||    Sucker DJ (A Witch For Love) (Wacky Mix) (Versie 1)
|1987-07-17||1987-07-03   ||    [[Ben Liebrand]] || [ Weerbericht (The Rain Dance / Def ANP Rappers)]
|1990-06-08    ||  [[Ben Liebrand]] ||   Pressure Groove
|1987-07-24||  ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend
|1990-06-15  ||   Dimples D.   ||     Sucker DJ (A Witch For Love) (Met Toegevoegde Creatieve Waarde) (Versie 2)
|1987-07-31||   ||   Phil Collins || [ In The Air Tonight] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|1990-06-22   ||Geen uitzending ||
|1987-08-07 ||   ||   Stock, Aitken & Waterman || [ Roadblock (Dirty Roadblock Detour) (a.k.a. Dirty Detour Mix) (Versie 1)]
|1990-06-29   || Rose Royce vs. Alexander O'Neal || Rose Royce Express vs. Fake
|1987-08-14||    ||  Roce Royce vs. Alexander O'Neal ||  [ The RR Express is Fake]
|1990-07-06  ||  [[ Ben Liebrand]] ||  Dance Classics The Summer Mix
|  || ||Roce Royce ||RR Express
|  ||Jesse Green|| Nice And Slow
|  || ||Alexander O'Neal || Fake
|  ||Positive Force ||We Got The Funk
|1987-08-21||   ||   Pet Shop Boys Feat. Dusty Springfield  ||  [ What Have I Done To Deserve This]
| ||KC & The Sunshine Band ||Come To My Island
|1987-08-28||1986-05-09    ||   Ravel vs. The Art Of Noise  || [ The Bolero (The Ultimate Classical Moments In Love Mix)]
| ||Jimmy "Bo" Horne || Dance Across The Floor
|1987-09-04||   ||   Michael Jackson|| Speed Demon (The Usual [[Ben Liebrand]] Primeur) (Versie 1, zonder roadrunner!)
|1990-07-13   ||Geen uitzending ||
|1987-09-11 ||   ||  Michael Jackson||  Bad (Versie 1)
|1990-07-20  ||   [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||  Swingbeat Minimix
|1987-09-18||    ||  Tavares || Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel (Versie 12 genoemd door [[Ben Liebrand]]!) (Dit is niet de Irresistible Angel Mix! Deze versie begint en eindigt met een kabbelend beekje en natuurgeluiden!)
|1990-07-27  ||    [[Ben Liebrand]] ||  Dance Classics The Wicked Swingbeat Mix
|1987-09-25||    ||  M/A/R/R/S vs. Michael Jackson||  [ Pump Up The Bad Volume]
|1990-08-03  ||    Yellow Magic Orchestra ||  Fire Cracker
| || ||Michael Jackson || Bad
|1990-08-10  ||   Tony! Toni! Toné!    ||   Feels Good
| || ||M/A/R/R/S || Pump Up The Volume
|1990-08-17  ||   [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott ||   Move To The Bigband (Clubmix) (Versie 1)
|1987-10-02||    ||   Stock, Aitken & Waterman || Roadblock (No Block Til Deutschland Mix)(Versie 2)
|1990-08-24  ||Geen uitzending ||
|1987-10-09||     ||  [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Mike Oldfield || [ Tubelar Bells] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix) Check [ HIER] een video gemaakt tijdens deze uitzending met Ben Liebrand!
|1990-08-31  ||Geen uitzending ||
|1987-10-16||     ||  [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||   [ Curry & Van Inkel Last Broadcast Mix I (Mix Zonder Naam)] (Laatste uitzending met [[Adam Curry]]!)
|1990-09-07  ||Geen uitzending ||
|1987-10-23||    || Rick Astley || [ Megamix]
|1990-09-14  ||   Heatwave     ||   The Grooveline
|     || ||Rick Astley|| Never Gonna Give You Up
|1990-09-21  ||   Was (Not Was)  || I Feel Better Than James Brown
|     || ||Colonel Abrahms|| Trapped (Bassline + Acapella)
|1990-09-28  ||   Hall & Oates  ||   I Can't Go For That
|     || ||Madonna|| Holiday (Instrumentaal)
|1990-10-05  ||     Girlstreet  ||   Got To Have (A Little Bit)
|     || ||Rick Astley|| Whenever You Need Somebody
|1990-10-12  ||     Candy Dulfer  ||   Heavenly City
|     || ||Steve Arrington ||Dancing In The Key Of Life (Instrumentaal)
|1990-10-19  ||   [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Ceejay    ||   Give Me An Answer (Long Distance Mix) (Versie 2)
|     || ||Was (Not Was)|| Walk Like A Dinosaur (The Boom Boom Sample)
|1990-10-26  ||   [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott||   Move To The Bigband (Vocoder Mix) (Versie 2)
|1987-10-30||     || Earth, Wind & Fire vs. Pink Floyd   ||System Of Survival vs. Money
|1990-11-02  ||   Nigel Kennedy ||  Spring (vivaldi)
|  || ||Earth, Wind & Fire || System Of Survival
|1990-11-09 ||     Talk Talk  ||     Life's What You Make It
| || ||Pink Floyd  ||  Money
|1990-11-16  ||Geen uitzending || Wel een telefonische preview van de mix van volgende week
|1987-11-06 ||   ||  Alexander O'Neal || [ Criticize] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|1990-11-23  ||     Deee-lite ||     [ What Is Love]
|1987-11-13 ||   || [[Ben Liebrand]] vs. Roadrunner ||    [ Cruisin' On Melmac Interstate (Meep Meep!)]
| ||René & Angela || Save Your Love (For #1) (Sample)
|1987-11-20||     || Cock Robin  ||   El Norte
| ||Deee-lite || Groove Is In The Heart (Sample)
|1987-11-27||     || Jan Hammer  ||    New York Theme
| ||Prince || Get Off (Sample)
|1987-12-04||     ||  Eric B. & Rakim vs. Mai Tai  || Paid In Full vs. History (Live Studio Remix!)
| ||Guy || I Wanna Get With You (Sample)
| || ||Eric B. & Rakim ||Paid In Full
|1990-11-30  ||   Ceejay Feat. CP || (Got to be) Free
| || ||Mai Tai ||History
|1990-12-07  || Geen uitzending||
|1987-12-04||    || Michael Jackson & Roadrunner (Meep Meep)  ||   [ Speed Demon (Live Studio Remix!)] (Versie 2)
|1990-12-14  || Geen uitzending||
| || ||Michael Jackson || Speed Demon
|1990-12-21  || Geen uitzending||
| || ||Roadrunner || Meep Meep (Sample)
|1990-12-28  || Geen uitzending||
|1987-12-11|| || Geen uitzending|| I.v.m. voorbereiding Grandmix 1987
|1987-12-18|| || Geen uitzending|| I.v.m. voorbereiding Grandmix 1987
|1987-12-25|| || Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. uitzending [[Grandmix#25_december_1987|Grandmix 1987]]

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|1988-01-01||1987-02-20 ||Jan Hammer|| Crockett's Theme (Miami Vice Mix) (Versie 2)
|1991-01-04  ||Geen uitzending ||
|1988-01-08||    ||  Wally Jump Jr. & The Criminal Element  || Tighten Up (I Just Can't Stop Dancing)
|1991-01-11  ||    Kool & The Gang || Ladies Night (Swingbeat Mix)
|  ||  ||Wally Jump Jr. & The Criminal Element  ||  Tighten Up (I Just Can't Stop Dancing)
|  ||  ||Janet Jackson|| When I Think Of You
|  ||  || M/A/R/R/S || Pump Up The Volume
|1988-01-15 ||   || INXS  ||  Need You Tonight (Versie 1) (Deze versie komt later uit via DMC)
|1991-01-18  ||Geen uitzending ||
|1988-01-22||    ||  Alf / [[Ben Liebrand]]  & Ceejay  ||  [ Stuck On Earth & A Little Love (What's Going On)] (Versie 3)
|1991-01-25  ||    Sting ||  Mad About You
|1988-01-29 ||   ||  M/A/R/R/S vs. The Andrew Sisters    ||   [ Pump Up The Volume vs. Swing (Samenloop Van Omstandigheden Mix)]
|1991-02-01 ||     JayTee || Everything's Gonna Be Allright
| || ||M/A/R/R/S || Pump Up The Volume
|1991-02-08  ||   The Paradise Program ||   Deep Green
| ||  ||The Andrew Sisters || Swing Swing
|1991-02-15    ||   Salt 'N' Pepa ||   Do You Want Me (Peanuts Mix) (Versie 1)
|1988-02-05||     || Vivien Vee  ||    Give Me A Break
|1991-02-22  ||   Whitney Houston || I'm Your Baby Tonight
|1988-02-12||     ||  Stock, Aitken & Waterman Feat. [[Gerbrand Westveen]] on Sax & Electronic Wind || Packjammed
|1991-03-01  ||   The Simpsons Feat. [[Eric van de Bovenkamp]] on Piano  ||   Do The Bartman
|1988-02-19 ||    ||  INXS  ||  Need You Tonight (Versie 2)
|1991-03-08  ||    Dimples D. & Spice||  Crack Chaser
|1988-02-26|| ||Geen uitzending || i.v.m. vakantie [[Ben Liebrand]]!
|1991-03-15  ||   Massive Attack  || Unfinished Sympathy
|1988-03-04||     || [[Ben Liebrand]]   || James Bond Theme (James Bond Van Doorstarters) (Versie 1)
|1991-03-22  ||   Natalie Cole  ||  This Will Be (Bandleader Versie) (Versie 1)
|1988-03-11||    || The World  ||     Olympics (Onduidelijk of dit de juiste uitzendingsdatum is)
|1991-03-29  ||Geen uitzending ||
|1988-03-11||     ||  Bomb The Bass ||  [ Beat This]
|1991-04-05  ||   Steve Winwood ||  You'll Keep On Searching
|  ||   || Dragnet|| Theme (The Names Have Been Changed To Protect The Innocent)
|1991-04-12   ||   Punchy || Here I Come (Versie 1)
|  ||   || Thunderbirds || Theme + Samples
|1991-04-19   ||   [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||   Happy Birthday ([[Rob Stenders]] Birthday Mix)
|   ||  || Sound Effects || Samples (Channel Test)
|1991-04-26    ||  Dimples D.    ||   Sister Keep On Doing It (Versie 1)
|1988-03-18||     || Sting ||[ An Englishman In New York] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|1991-05-03   ||   Tony Scott  ||   Megamix (Expressions From Da Soul)
|1988-03-25||     ||  Taja Sevelle ||    [ Love Is Contagious] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|1991-05-10    ||   Geen uitzending ||  Een Stenders & Van Inkel Selfmade Mix, Live in the Studio
|1988-04-01||     ||  [[Ben Liebrand]] || Double-O-Seven (James Bond Theme) (Versie 2) (6min 48sec)
|1991-05-17    ||   Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
|1988-04-08 ||   ||  Alf / [[Ben Liebrand]]    || Hickups
|1991-05-24   ||   Natalie Cole ||   This Will Be (Versie 2)
|1988-04-15|| ||Geen uitzending || i.v.m. uitzending [[Goud van Out (VOO)]] Live
|1991-05-31    ||   Cristal palace || Son Of Godzilla (Zwaardrempelige Mix)
|1988-04-22 ||    || Bill Withers  ||  Lovely Day (Zonder de Samples "Hey, Hey"
|1991-06-07  ||   Kraftwerk   || [ Megamix 1991]
|1988-04-29 ||    || The Revellettes||  The Only 1
|1991-06-14  ||    Madonna || Open Your Heart (Versie 2)
|1988-05-06 ||    ||  The Art Of Noise vs. 10CC   ||  Moments Not In Love
|1991-06-21  ||    Salt 'N' Pepa   ||  Let's Talk About Sex
| || ||The Art Of Noise|| Moments In Love
|1991-06-28  ||   Spanish Energy  || Loca Noche
| || ||10CC ||I'm Not In Love
|1991-07-05  ||   Dimples D. Feat. [[Gerbrand Westveen]] on Sax||       Sister Keep On Doing It (Versie 2)
|1988-05-13||     ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend
|1991-07-12  ||   The Pasadenas  ||     Love Changes
|1988-05-20||    ||  The Four Seasons Feat. Frankie Valli  || [ December 1963 (Oh What A Night) (Ben Liebrand Remix)]
|1991-07-19  ||    Dimples D.||       I Can't Wait
|   || || Simon Harris || Beats, Breaks & Scratches (The Ultimate Breakbeat Collection) Vol. 1+2 (Samples, Fresh, Aaagh)
|1991-07-26  || Geen uitzending||
|    || || B.V.S.M.P. || I Need You (Sample, Yoh Hey Check This Out)
|1991-08-02   ||   Lisa Lisa & The Cult Jam  ||     Let The Beat Hit Em
|    || ||Full Force ||Alice, I Want You Just For Me (Sample Testing, One, Two))
|1991-08-09   ||   [[Ben Liebrand]] ||   Fanfare For The Common Man
|    || ||Hot Chocolate|| You Sexy Thing (Sexy Bonus Beats)
|1991-08-16   ||   Punchy || Here I Come (Clubmix) (Versie 2)
|    ||  ||Whistle||(Nothing Serious) Just Buggin' (Beat Sample)
|1991-08-23   ||   Steve Miller ||   Fly Like An Eagle
|   ||  ||The Wee Papa Girl Rappers || Faith (Sample)
|1991-08-30  ||   [[Ben Liebrand]] ||   Stenders & Van Inkel Last Broadcast Mix (Dit is de laatste uitzending van [[Rob Stenders]])
|   || ||The Cookie Crew  ||  Females (Get On Up) (Sample)
|1991-09-06  ||Geen uitzending ||
|1988-05-27||   ||    Prince vs. The Wee Papa Girl Rappers  || Alphabet Street
|1991-09-13   ||    Prince & The New Power Generation  || Get Off
| || ||Prince || Alphabet Street
|1991-09-20    || Blaque || Party Up
| || ||The Wee Papa Girl Rappers||  Rap
|1991-09-27  ||   Salt ‘N’ Pepa  ||   You Showed Me
|1988-06-03||  ||   Sting  ||  [ Fragile]
|1991-10-04  ||   Mai Tai vs. PM Dawn   ||   History vs. Set Adrift On Memory Bliss
|1988-06-10||  ||   Rieky || Ik Zing Zo Graag Een Liedje
|1991-10-11  ||   [[Ben Liebrand]]   ||  Switching All Systems To Techno
|1988-06-17||  ||    Froon || Bobby Mugabe
|1991-10-18  ||  [[Ben Liebrand]] ||   Life Is A Bitch (Music For Your Mother-In-Law) (Versie 1)
|1988-06-24||  ||   People's Choice || [ Do It Anyway You Wanna (Doe Het Maar Op Wat Voor Manier Dan Ook Minimix Mix)]
|1991-10-25  ||   [[Ben Liebrand]]   || Life Is A Bitch (and then you die) (Versie 2)
| || ||Alexander O'Neal || Fake (Beats)
|1991-11-01    || Extreme || More Than Words
| || ||M/A/R/R/S || Pump Up The Volume (Beats)
|1991-11-08    || Carl Linger  ||   Super Love
| ||  ||Georgio    || Bedrock (Beats)
|1991-11-15    ||  Bernard Oattes||   Love Knows The Way
|  || ||The Gap Band ||Say Oops Up Side Your Head (Acapella)
| || ||Was (Not Was) ||Walk The Dinosaur (Say Boom Boom Acapella)
|1991-11-22  ||   [[Ben Liebrand]] ||   The Birds (Hitchcock House Of Horror)  
| ||  ||Kraftwerk || Musique Non Stop (Boing Bum Tschak Sample)
|1991-11-29    ||  Lou Reed    ||   Walk On The Wild Side
| ||  ||Jellybean Feat. Madonna || Sidewalk Talk (Acapella)
|1991-12-06    ||  Depeche Mode ||   The Flexible Mix (Versie 2)
| || ||The S.O.S. Band || The Finest (Acapella)
|1991-12-13  || Harold Faltermeyer ||Axel F (Inclusief "Dit is Veronica" Jingle)
| || ||Indeep|| Last Night A DJ Saved My Life (Acapella)
|1991-12-20  || Drum Theatre ||Eldorado
| || ||Stephanie Mills || The Medicine Song (Beats)
|1991-12-27  || Geen uitzending||
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|  ||  ||Donna Summer || Bad Girls (Toot Toot Beep Beep Sample)
|1992-01-03    ||  [[Ben Liebrand]] ||  Vocoder Playlist Grandmix '91
|1988-07-01||1987-07-31 ||Phil Collins || [ In The Air Tonight] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|1992-01-10    || Human Resource vs. Afrika Bambaataa ||   Bambominator
|1988-07-08||    ||   Salt 'N' Pepa  || Push It
| ||Afrika Bambaataa || Just Get Up And Dance
|  || ||Sheila E.||Glamorous Life
|  ||Human Resource || Dominator
|  || ||Prince & The Revolution||When Doves Cry
|  ||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman
|  || ||Kraftwerk ||Number
|  ||Was (Not Was) || Walk The Dinosaur
| || ||Leon Haywood|| Don't Push It Don't Force It
|1992-01-17    || Groove Technology  ||     My Mind On The Beat
| || ||Afrika Bambaataa & The Soul Sonic Force||Planet Rock
|1992-01-24  ||   Salt 'N' Pepa  ||   Do You Want Me (Versie 2)
| || ||Musique|| Push Push In The Bush
|1992-01-31  ||   [[Ben Liebrand]] ||   Beatrix mix (Wilhousemus)
|1988-07-15||   ||   Maarten Peters & The Dream  ||   [ Dance This Night Away (Mystery Mix)]
|1992-02-07  ||Geen uitzending ||
|1988-07-22||   ||    Alexander O'Neal      ||   [ (What Can I Say) To Make You Love Me ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)]
|1992-02-14|| Sinéad O'Connor vs. Guru Josh|| [ Nothing Compares 2 Your Infinity]
|1988-07-29||   ||   James Brown  ||  (Get Up I Feel Like Being Like A) Sex Machine
| ||Sinéad O'Connor || Nothing Compares To You
|1988-08-05||   ||   Joe Jackson  ||  Is She Really Going Out With Him (Non-Acapella Mix)
| ||Guru Josh || Infinity
|1988-08-12||  ||    Yazz  ||  The Only Way Is Up
|1992-02-21  ||  Carl Linger  ||    Release Me
|1988-08-19 ||  ||    Luther Vandross || [ Never Too Much] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|1992-02-28    || Salt 'N' Pepa ||    Expression
|1988-08-26||  ||   Sam Brown    ||  Stop (Ben Liebrand Remix)
|1992-03-06    || Groove Technology   ||     Love 2 Love U
|1988-09-02||  ||   The Machine ([[Ben Liebrand]]) || [ The Bolero (Laser Mix)]
|1992-03-13  ||  Genesis|| I Can't Dance
|1988-09-09||  ||   Rocker's Revenge    || Walking On Sunshine (Acid Mix)
|1992-03-20  ||  [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||   Techno Trance Megamix
|1988-09-16||  ||    Cold Cut    ||    [ Stop This Crazy Thing]
|1992-03-27    || Teknicolor   ||    Jaws
|1988-09-23||   ||    John Hiatt || Have A Little Faith In Me (5 min 47 sec)
|1992-04-03    || TLC  ||    Ain't 2 Proud 2 Beg ([[Ben Liebrand]] House Remix)
|1988-09-30|| ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend
|1992-04-10  ||   Level 42  ||     It's Over
|1988-10-07||   ||   [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||   [[Curry & Van Inkel]] Last Broadcast Mix (Versie 2)
|1992-04-17   ||Geen uitzending ||
|1988-10-14||    ||   Blondie || Call Me (Ben Liebrand Remix)
|1992-04-24  ||Geen uitzending ||
|1988-10-21||   ||    Phil Collins  ||  Groovy Kind Of Love
|1992-05-01    || Annie Lennox ||    Precious
|1988-10-28||  ||   Electra || Jibaro
|1992-05-08    || Karen Young ||     Hot Shot
|1988-11-04 ||  || Inner City ||Big Fun (Dit blijkt echter '''GEEN''' minimix van [[Ben Liebrand]] te zijn!!
|1992-05-15  ||   Monie Love ||     Full Term Love
|1988-11-11 || ||   Bill Withers ||  Ain't No Sunshine (The Total Eclipse Mix)
|1992-05-22  ||   Sniff 'N' Tears||  Drivers Seat
|1988-11-18||  ||     Michael Jackson || Smooth Criminal (Smeuïge Crimineel Mix)
|1992-05-29  ||   Queen vs. Genesis (Queenesis) ||   Mama Will Rock You
|1988-11-25||  ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend
|  ||Queen || We Will Rock You
|1988-12-02||  ||   Pia Zadora    || Dance Out Of My Head (Acid Mix) (Versie 1)
| ||Genesis|| Mama
|1988-12-09||  ||   The Art Of Noise Feat. Max Headroom || Paranoimia (Versie 2)
|  ||Queen || Bohemian Rapsody (Sample)
|1988-12-16||1987-11-06 || Alexander O'Neal || [ Criticize] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|1992-06-05    ||  Snap!||     Megamix
|1988-12-23 ||1988-11-11 ||Bill Withers ||Ain't No Sunshine (The Total Eclipse Mix)
|1988-12-30|| ||Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. uitzending van de [[Grandmix#30_december_1988|Grandmix 1988]]
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|1989-01-06  ||   || Brussel Syndicate   ||  New Beat
|1992-06-12    || Lari Spinosa  ||  Guitar
|1989-01-13   ||  || The Revellettes|| Sign Of Love
|1992-06-19   || [[Ben Liebrand]] vs. Deep Purple ||   Child In Time
|1989-01-20   ||  || Sheena Easton ||  The Lover In Me
|1992-06-26   ||  George Michael vs. Jocelyn Brown ||   Too Funky (Power Mix) (Somebody Else's Guy's 2 Funky)
|1989-01-27    ||  || Asian Passion ||  This House Is Surrounded
| ||  George Michael || Too Funky
|1989-02-03    ||  || [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||   Jack / Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)
|  ||Jocelyn Brown||Somebody Else's Guy
|1989-02-10  ||  || Wayne Hernandez||  All My Love
|1992-07-03    || Level 42   ||  [ Ben Liebrand Hit Combination Megamix]
|1989-02-17  ||  || Tone Loc      ||  [ Wild Thing]
| || Level 42   ||Lessons In Love
|1989-02-24  ||    ||The Art Of Noise Feat. Max Headroom || Paranoimia '89 (Versie 3)
| ||  Level 42  ||Hot Water
|1989-03-03  ||   ||Bill Withers || Harlem '89
| ||  Level 42  ||Running In The Family
|1989-03-10  ||  || Labi Siffre  ||  [ Nothing Gonna Change]
| || Level 42   ||Children Say
|1989-03-17  ||    ||Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock || [ Get On The Dancefloor]
| ||  Level 42  ||Something About You
| ||  ||Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock ||Get On The Dancefloor
| ||  Level 42  ||Starchild
| ||   ||The Whispers|| And The Beat Goes On (Sample)
|1992-07-10    || ABBA ||[ Lay All Your Love On Me]
| ||  ||K.I.D. || Don't Stop (Sample)
|1992-07-17    || Innosence ||     One Love In A Lifetime
| ||  ||The Jacksons || Blame It On The Boogie (Sample)
|1992-07-24    ||  Hilversum Termination Source ||   Poing!
| ||  ||Instant Funk|| I Got My Mind Made Up (You Can Get It Girl) (Sample)
|1992-07-31    ||  MCMXCII || Ich Bin Von Kopf Bis Fuss Auf Liebe Eingesteld
| ||  ||Prince & The Revolution|| 1999 (Sample)
|1992-08-07    ||  Snap!||     The Power / Hitradio (Goodbye Mix For [[Unico Glorie]])
| || ||Prince & The Revolution|| Mountains (Sample)
|1992-08-14  ||Geen uitzending ||
| || || Weeks & Co. || Rock Your World (Sample)
|1992-08-21  ||   Jocelyn Brown ||   Somebody's Else's Guy (Versie 1)
| ||  ||Shalamar|| Take That To The Bank (Sample)
|1992-08-28  || Salt 'N' Pepa ||   Start Me Up
|1989-03-24   ||  ||Geen uitzending||Reden onbekend
|1992-09-04   ||   Grace Jones ||   7 Day Weekend
|1989-03-31   ||   ||Jeff Wayne  || The Eve Of The War (Versie 1)
|1992-09-11   ||   Felix vs. Sergio Mendes || Don't You Want me
|1989-04-07   ||  || Novo Band    ||  Dance Non Stop (Deep Funk HipHouse Mix)
|1992-09-18   ||  Phil Collins  ||   Another Day In Paradise
|1989-04-14    ||  ||Flairck|| Sophia
|1992-09-25  ||  [[Ben Liebrand]] ||   Frankfurt Techno Mix (Mayday Dildo Klang Jump)
|1989-04-21  || ||Geen uitzending||Reden onbekend
|1992-10-02 ||Geen uitzending ||i.v.m. de laatste uitzending van Staverman & van Inkel op de legendarische vrijdagavond radio. Radio 3 gaat horizontaal en Veronica verhuist naar de zaterdag!
|1989-04-28    ||   ||The Four Tops || The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine
|1992-10-10   || Karen Young|| Hot Shot (Versie 2)
|1989-05-05  ||   ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Eve Of The War (Versie 2)
|1992-10-17 || Queen vs. Genesis (Queenesis) ||   Mama Will Rock You
|1989-05-12  ||  ||Geen uitzending||Reden onbekend
|  ||Queen || We Will Rock You
|1989-05-19  ||   || Ram Jam || Black Betty (Rough 'N' Ready Remix)
| ||Genesis|| Mama
|1989-05-26  ||   || Robin Scott's 'M'    || Pop Muzik (Versie 1)
| ||Queen || Bohemian Rapsody (Sample)
|1989-06-02   ||  ||The Sugarhill Gang ||  Rappers Delight (Remix) (Versie 1, deze duurt ongeveer 5 min 30 sec)
|1992-10-24   ||  [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||   Super Sonic (Versie 1)
|1989-06-09   || ||The Sugarhill Gang ||  [ Rappers Delight (Hip Hop Remix)] (Versie 2, deze duurt ruim 7 min)
|1992-10-31   ||   Salt 'N' Pepa  ||   Start Me Up
|1989-06-09  || 1988-10-07||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Curry & Van Inkel Last Broadcast Mix II (i.v.m. het afscheid van Mario de Pizzaman werd deze mix extra gedraaid)
|1992-11-07     || Rotterdam Termination Source Feat. Herman van Veen  ||   Opzij vs. Poing
|1989-06-16  ||   ||[[Ben Liebrand]]   || [ Puls(t)ar (Essential Full Length Mix)] (Versie 1)
|1992-11-14   || Karl Keaton   ||   I'm Sorry
|1989-06-23  ||    ||Alexander O'Neal   ||     Hitmix (The Official Bootleg Mega-mix) (Mixer: [[Rita Liebrand]])
|1992-11-21   || [[Ben Liebrand]] ||  High Speed Techno Mix
| ||   || Alexander O'Neal   ||What Can I Say (To Make You Love Me)
|1992-11-28    || Betty Boo    ||    I'm On My Way
| ||   || Alexander O'Neal  & Cherrelle ||Never Knew Love Like This
|1992-12-05    ||  [[Ben Liebrand]] ||   Grandmix 1986 Minimix
| ||   || Alexander O'Neal    ||Fake
|1992-12-12    || [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||   Grandmix 1987 Minimix
| ||   || Alexander O'Neal    ||Hearsay
|1992-12-19    || [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||   Grandmix 1990 Minimix
| ||   || Alexander O'Neal    ||Criticize
|1992-12-26  || Geen uitzending||
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
| ||   || Alexander O'Neal    ||Innocent
|1993-01-02    || [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||   Vocoder Playlist Grandmix 1992
|1989-06-30  ||  ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Sheryl T. ||     Party Roots
|1993-01-09    || [[Ben Liebrand]] ||   Kom Op Met Die Bas
| || ||Sheryl T. || Rap (Deze rap komt van de multitrack van The Sugarhill Gang - Rappers Delight, maar werd nooit gebruikt!)
|1993-01-16    ||Geen uitzending ||
| || ||Odyssey || Going Back To My Roots (Instrumentaal)
|1993-01-23    || Paperboy  ||       Ditty
| || || Class Action || Weekend (Samples)
|1993-01-30    || Jocelyn Brown ||   Somebody's Else's Guy (House Remix) (part 2/2)
|1989-07-07 ||     || [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||  [ Dance Classics The Mix]
|1993-02-06    ||Geen uitzending ||
| || ||The Whispers || And The Beat Goes On
|1993-02-13    || Whitney Houston || I'll Always Love You
| || ||Weeks & Company || Rock Your World (Joho, Joho)
|1993-02-20    || Leila K || Open Sesame
| || ||Jimmy 'Bo' Horne|| Spank
|1993-02-27    || Whitney Houston || I'm Every Woman (Trance House Mix)
| || ||First Choice ||Let No Man Put Asunder
|1993-03-06    || Roots Syndicate || Mockin' Bird Hill
| || ||Michael Zager Band || Let's All Chant
|1993-03-13    || 2 Unlimited  ||   No Limit
|1989-07-14 ||   ||  Michael Jackson||  [ Liberian Girl (Ben Liebrand Remix)]
|1993-03-20   ||  Usura  ||  Open Your Mind
|1989-07-21 || ||Geen uitzending||Reden onbekend
|1993-03-27    || Shaggy || Oh Carolina
|1989-07-28  ||   || Mysterious Art || [ The Omen (Ben Liebrand Remix)]
|1993-04-03   || Van Halen  ||     Jump (Jump All Over The Place Mix)
|1989-08-04  ||   || Jody Watley vs. Soul II Soul  ||   [ Friends & Back To Life (Are Hard To Find So You're On Your Own And Back To Reality Minimix])
|1993-04-10   ||Geen uitzending ||
| || ||Jody Watley Feat. Eric B. & Rakim || Friends
|1993-04-17    || The Good Men  ||   Give it Up
| || ||Soul II Soul   || Back To Life (However Do You Want Me)
|1993-04-24    || Snow  ||  Informer (part 1/2)
| || ||Bobby Brown || On Our Own
|1993-05-01    || Snow  ||   Informer (Remix) (part 2/2)
|1989-08-11  ||   || [[Ben Liebrand]]  || Twee Motten (Meligmix)
|1993-05-08    || Geen uitzendgegevens bekend ||
| || ||Dorus || Twee Motten
|1993-05-15    || Dance II Trance || Power Of American Natives
| || ||De Damrakkertjes || Swiebertje
|1993-05-22    || 2 Unlimited  ||   Tribal Dance (DMC Remix)
| || ||Johnny Lion || Sophietje
|1993-05-29    || Robin S.|| Show Me Love
| || ||Malando || Olé Guapa 
|1993-06-05    || Jade  ||   Don't Walk Away
|1989-08-18  ||   || Wet Wet Wet || Sweet Surrender
|1993-06-12   ||  Haddaway    ||     What Is Love
|1989-08-25  ||   || The Riddler  ||   [ Back To The Batgroove]
|1993-06-19   || Haddaway|| What Is Love
|1989-09-01  ||  || Moses P. (Moses Pelham) & Jermaine Stewart ||   [ Can't This Be Love] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|1993-06-26    || Clanned || Theme From Harry's Game
|1989-09-08  ||   || Ceejay || A Little Love (What's Going On) (Versie 2)
|1993-07-03    || Pinocchio    ||   Pinocchio
|1989-09-15  ||  || Janet Jackson  ||  Miss You Much (Versie 1)
|1993-07-10    || UB40   || (I Can't Help) Falling in Love With You
|1989-09-22  ||  ||  Jan Hammer   ||  Eurocops
|1993-07-17    ||  Ron 'N Raz   ||  Clubhoppin'
|1989-09-29  ||  || Janet Jackson  || Miss You Much (The Final Mix) (Versie 2)
| ||Grace Jones || Nightclubbing (Sample)
|1989-10-06  ||   || Luther Vandross || [ The Ben Liebrand Megamix]
|1993-07-24    || Culture Beat ||   Mr. Vain
| ||  || Luther Vandross ||Never Too Much
|1993-07-31    || U96   ||   Love Sees No Colour
| ||   || Luther Vandross ||Sugar & Spice (I Found Me A Girl)
|1993-08-07|| Robin S. ||Show Me Love
| ||   || Luther Vandross ||I Didn't Really Mean It
|1993-08-14|| UB40 ||(I Can't Help) Falling In Love With You
| ||  || Change Feat. Luther Vandross ||The Glow Of Love
|1993-08-21    ||  Gabrielle  ||     Dreams
| ||   || Luther Vandross ||She's A Super Lady
| ||Robin S. || Show Me Love (Sample)
|1989-10-13  ||   || Doug Lazy vs. Stevie Wonder    ||  [ I Wish To Let It Roll]
| ||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman (Sample)
| || ||Doug Lazy || Let It Roll
|1993-08-28    || Robin S.|| Luv 4 Luv
| || ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Nasty Chat || I Wish
|1993-09-04  ||   Klatch! || Oh Boy
| ||  ||Stevie Wonder || I Wish
|1993-09-11    || Pinocchio ||     Tu Ta Tu Ta
| || ||Was (Not Was) || Walk The Dinosaur (Boom Boom Sample)
|1993-09-18    || SWV    || Right Here
|1989-10-20  ||   ||Sydney Youngblood vs. Raze   ||    [ If Only I Could Break For Love]
|1993-09-25    || Björk ||  Human Behaviour (part 1/2)
| || ||Sydney Youngblood || If Only I Could
|1993-10-02  ||   2 Unlimited  ||   Faces
| || ||Raze ||Break 4 Luv
|1993-10-09  || SWV vs. Michael Jackson || Right Here vs. Human Nature
| ||  ||René & Angela || Save Your Love (For #1) (Sample)
|1993-10-16    ||  Twenty 4 Seven || Slave To The Music
| || ||Pure Energy || Love Game (Sample)
|1993-10-23||Geen uitzending ||
| || ||Yello || I Love You (Sample)
|1993-10-30||Geen uitzending ||
|1989-10-27  ||   ||Cerrone Feat. Laura Branigan ||  Heart Of Me
|1993-11-06   || Urban Cookie Colective ||  The Key, The Secret
|1989-11-03  ||   ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. [[Gerbrand Westveen]] on Sax ||  A Love Come True
|1993-11-13||Geen uitzending ||
|1989-11-10  ||   || Chas Jankel || Glad To Know You (Versie 1)
|1993-11-20    || Salt 'N' Pepa ||   Shoop (Underground Clubmix)
| || ||Twin Hype || For Those Who Like To Groove
|1993-11-27    || 2 Unlimited  ||   Maximum Overdrive
| || || Hollywood Sweat Mix || "If You Haven't Dance Yet, What The Fuck Did You Come For" (Sample)
|1993-12-04    || Melodie MC  ||   Dum Da Dum
| || ||Club Groove Remix ||"Bust A Move" (Sample)
|1993-12-11    || Laura Pausini ||   La Solitudine
| || ||Double Trouble & Rebel MC || Street Tuff
|1993-12-18|| 2 Unlimited ||Maximum Overdrive
| || ||Isaac Hayes || Theme From Shaft
|1993-12-25 || Geen uitzending||
Met ingang van 1994 stopt de Minimix uitzending ten gevolge van nog onbekende redenen (bron?). Op 14 mei 1994 wordt echter nog wel een speciale aflevering gemaakt door [[Jeroen van Inkel]], waarin nog eenmaal de beste Minimixen van [[Ben Liebrand]] worden gedraaid.
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
| || ||Billy Ocean ||Are You Ready
|1994-05-14||Phil Collins || [ In The Air Tonight] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|1989-11-17  ||   ||Nina Hagen  ||    [ New York, New York] (Versie 1)
|1994-05-14 || [[Ben Liebrand]]|| Puls(t)ar
|1989-11-24  ||   || Yazoo  ||  [ Situation (Hip House Situation)]
|1994-05-14|| Dorus ||Twee Motten (Meligmix)
|1989-12-01  || || Diana Ross & The Supremes  ||  [ White Christmas (Botte Bijlen Mix)]
|1994-05-14|| [[Ben Liebrand]] ||The Eve Of The War (House Remix)  
|1989-12-08    ||   ||[[Ben Liebrand]]   ||  Eve Of The War (House Remix) (Versie 3)
|1994-05-14||Sinéad O'Connor vs. Guru Josh|| [ Nothing Compares 2 Your Infinity]
|1989-12-15    || || Culture Beat || [ Der Erdbeermund (Ben Liebrand Remix)] (Versie 1)
| ||Sinéad O'Connor || Nothing Compares To You
|1989-12-22    || || Geen uitzending||Reden onbekend
| ||Guru Josh || Infinity
|1989-12-29    || || Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. uitzending van de [[Grandmix#29_december_1989|Grandmix 1989]]
|1994-05-14||Janet Jackson|| Miss You Much (The Final Mix)
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! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|1990-01-05||    ||   [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||   [ Vocoder playlist] [[Grandmix#29_december_1989|Grandmix 1989]]
|1994-05-14||Alf ||Stuck On Earth
|1990-01-12||1988-06-03  ||  Sting  || [ Fragile]
|1994-05-14||Grace Jones ||Slave To The Rhythm
|1990-01-19||   ||   Culture Beat  ||  [ Cherry Lips (Magic Remix)]
|1994-05-14||Jan Hammer ||Crockett's Theme (Miami Vice Mix)  
|1990-01-26 ||  || Geen uitzending||Reden onbekend
|1990-02-02||   ||   [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Ceejay    ||   [ Give Me An Answer (Long Distance Mix - Edit versie)] (Versie 1)
|1994-05-14||Felix vs. Sergio Mendes ||Don't You Want Me vs. Fanfarra
De Minimix keert dit jaar eenmalig terug op [[Radio 3]]. In juni 1999 was [[Ben Liebrand]] te gast in het programma van Sven & Dave op [[Radio 3]] ([[BNN]]).
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|1990-02-09 || ||    Viola Wills  ||   [ I Think I'm Going To Fall In Love]
|1999-06-04|| Frankie Goes To Hollywood|| Relax (Jerome In The US of A Mix)
| ||   ||Viola Wills  ||Gonna Get Along Without You Now (Sample)
|1999-06-12|| Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock ||Get On The Dancefloor
|1990-02-16||   ||   Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel  ||  [ White Lines (Don't Do It) (Remix) (Versie 1)]
|1999-06-12|| Queenesis (Queen vs. Genesis) ||Mama Will Rock You
|1990-02-23 ||  ||   Bobby Brown  ||   [ Megamix (The Free Style Mega-Mix)] (Mixer: [[Rita Liebrand]])
|  ||Queen|| We Will Rock You
| ||    ||Bobby Brown || On Our Own
|  ||Genesis ||Mama
| ||    ||Bobby Brown  ||Don't Be Cruel
| ||    ||Bobby Brown ||Every Little Step
|  ||Queen || Bohemian Rapsody (Sample)
| ||  || Bobby Brown  ||My Prerogative
|1990-03-02  ||    ||[[Ben Liebrand]] ||   Puls(t)ar (Clubmix) (Versie 2)
|1999-06-12|| [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. The Gibson Brothers|| Music & Passion (The Mystery Minimix)
Met ingang van 4 februari 2000 keert de Minimix terug op [[Radio 538]] in het radioprogramma van [[Lindo Duvall]]. De oude traditie van 2 platen over 8, zoals het vroeger in het begin ooit was begonnen, wordt weer in ere hersteld.
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|1990-03-09  ||   || Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel ||   [ White Lines (Don't Do It) (Freestyle Remix) (Versie 2)]
|2000-02-04    || [[Armin van Buuren]] ||       Communication
|1990-03-16  ||    ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Jochem Fluitsma on Guitar  ||   Spanish Jam (Clubmix)
|2000-02-11    || [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. The Gibson Brothers||   Music & Passion
|1990-03-23  ||   ||Sinéad O'Connor vs. Guru Josh|| [ Nothing Compares 2 Your Infinity]
|2000-02-25    || [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||   The Chase
| || ||Sinéad O'Connor || Nothing Compares To You
|2000-03-03 ||Drum Theatre || Eldorado
| || ||Guru Josh || Infinity
|2000-03-10 ||Harold Faltermeyer || Axel F
|1990-03-30  ||   || [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||  [ Shake that Ass]
|2000-03-17    || DJ Jurgen    ||   Higher & Higher
|1990-04-06    ||   ||[[Ben Liebrand]]   ||  Puls(t)ar (Ik Dacht Het Me Even Makkelijk Te Maken) (Versie 3, deze mix wordt later op CD uitgebracht als de Freestyle Mix)
|2000-03-24|| Sinéad O'Connor vs. Guru Josh|| [ Nothing Compares 2 Your Infinity]
|1990-04-13||   ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend
| ||Sinéad O'Connor || Nothing Compares To You
|1990-04-20||   ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend
| ||Guru Josh || Infinity
|1990-04-27||   ||   [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||  For The Love Of The Music
|2000-03-31|| Whitney Houston ||I Will Always Love You
|1990-05-04||  ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend
|2000-04-07|| Whitney Houston ||I'm Every Woman (Trance House Mix)
|1990-05-11||   ||   Buffallo Bob & The Rinkelstars ||  [ Sympathy For The Devil]<ref>[] ''Waar gaat Sympathy For The Devil nu echt over? '' Paragraaf: ''Stenders & Van Inkel'' | Publicatie: 31 december 2020 22:01 uur | (Gevonden 17 januari 2022)</ref>
|2000-04-14|| Level 42 ||It's Over
|1990-05-18||   ||   Ryan Paris  ||    [ Dolce Vita]
|2000-04-21|| Jan Hammer ||Crockett's Theme (Miami Vice Mix)
|1990-05-25||   ||   Candy Dulfer||    [ Saxuality]
|2000-04-28|| Bobby Brown  || Megamix (The Free Style Mega-Mix) (Mixer: [[Rita Liebrand]])
|1990-06-01||    ||   Dimples D.   ||   [ Sucker DJ (A Witch For Love) (Wacky Mix) (Versie 1)]
| ||    Bobby Brown  || On Our Own
| ||    Bobby Brown  ||Don't Be Cruel
|1990-06-08||    ||   [[Ben Liebrand]] || [ I Can't Vogue While Doing The Doo] (Het nummer wordt later aangepast en als "Pressure Groove" uitgebracht op de B-kant van de 12-inch: [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Nasty Chat - I Wish)
| ||    Bobby Brown  ||Every Little Step
| ||    Bobby Brown ||My Prerogative
|  || || Betty Boo || Doin' The Doo
| ||    Bobby Brown ||Rock Wit'Cha
| ||   Bobby Brown  ||Girl Next Door
| || || Whitney Houston || So Emotional (Acapella outtakes)
|2000-05-05|| Crystal Waters ||Gypsy Woman (La Da Dee)
| || || Madonna|| Vogue
|2000-05-12    || Kool & the Gang|| Ladies Night
|1990-06-15||   ||   Dimples D.   ||    Sucker DJ (A Witch For Love) (Met Toegevoegde Creatieve Waarde) (Versie 2)
|2000-05-19 ||Kraftwerk|| [ Megamix 1991]
|1990-06-22||  ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend
|2000-05-26 ||Janet Jackson Feat. [[Gerbrand Westveen]] on Sax ||Let's Wait Awhile (Versie 2)
|2000-06-02    || Klubbheads   ||   Six Pack 2000
|1990-06-29 ||  1987-08-14|| Rose Royce vs. Alexander O'Neal || Rose Royce Express vs. Fake
|2000-06-09  ||   [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott || Move To The Bigband (Versie 3)
| || ||Roce Royce || RR Express
|2000-06-16|| Human Resource vs. Afrika Bambaataa|| Bambominator
|  || || Alexander O'Neal|| Fake
|  ||Afrika Bambaataa || Just Get Up And Dance
|1990-07-06  ||  || [[ Ben Liebrand]]  ||   [ Dance Classics "The Summer Mix"]
|  ||Human Resource || Dominator
|  || ||Jesse Green|| Nice And Slow
|  ||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman
|  || ||Positive Force ||We Got The Funk
|  ||Was (Not Was) || Walk The Dinosaur
| || ||KC & The Sunshine Band ||Come To My Island
|2000-06-23|| [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Weerbericht (The Rain Dance / Def ANP Rappers)
| || ||Jimmy "Bo" Horne || Dance Across The Floor
|2000-06-30|| Whitney Houston vs. Public Enemy ||I'm Your Baby Tonight
|1990-07-13||  ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend
|2000-07-07|| Tina Turner|| Two People
|1990-07-20||   ||   [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||  [ Swingbeat Minimix]
|2000-07-14|| Janet Jackson ||Miss You Much (The Final Mix)
|   ||   ||Diana Ross  || Upside Down (Acapella)
|2000-07-21|| Madonna ||Open Your Heart (Versie 2)
|   ||   || Redhead Kingpin And The F.B.I. ||Do The Right Thing (Happiness Remix)
|2000-07-28|| Sting ||Mad About You
|   ||   ||Guy ||Wanna Get With U
|2000-08-04|| Felix vs. Sergio Mendes ||Don't You Want Me vs. Fanfarra
|    ||   ||Bell Biv Devoe ||Do Me!
|2000-08-11   || [[Ben Liebrand]]    || Grandmix 2000 The Summer Edition Preview
|   ||   ||Steve Arrington ||Feel So Real
|2000-08-18|| Rockers Revenge Feat. Donny Calvin|| Walking On Sunshine (Acid Mix)
|   ||   ||Bomb The Bass ||Beat Dis
|2000-08-25|| M/A/R/R/S vs. Michael Jackson || Pump Up The Volume vs. Bad
|    ||   ||Britney Spears ||Hit Me Baby One More Time (Sample)
|2000-09-01   || The Trammps || Disco Inferno
|   ||   ||Diana Ross|| Ain't No Mountain High Enough (Acapella)
|2000-09-08|| Mel & Kim vs. Frantique ||Showing Out vs. Strut Your Funky Stuff
|1990-07-27||   ||   [[Ben Liebrand]] ||  Dance Classics The Wicked Swingbeat Mix
|2000-09-15|| Stock, Aitken & Waterman ||Roadblock (Diversion Mix)
|1990-08-03||   ||   Yellow Magic Orchestra ||  [ Fire Cracker]
|2000-09-22|| ABBA ||[ Lay All Your Love On Me]
|1990-08-10||  ||    Tony! Toni! Toné!    ||    Feels Good
|2000-09-29    || Lil' Louis vs. George Kranz   ||    French Kiss vs. Din Daa Daa
|1990-08-17||   ||   [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott ||  Move To The Bigband (Clubmix) (Versie 1)
|2000-10-06 ||Mai Tai vs. Eric B & Rakim ||History vs. I Know You Got Soul
|1990-08-24||   ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend
|2000-10-13 ||Jellybean Benitez Feat. Madonna ||[ Sidewalk Talk (Sidewalk & Hiptalk Lookin' At Ya Madonna Minimix)]
|1990-08-31||   ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend
|2000-10-20 ||UB40 ||(I Can't Help) Falling In Love With You
|1990-09-07||   ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend
|2000-10-27 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] ||Techno Trance Megamix (Who Is Elvis)
|1990-09-14 || ||   Heatwave Feat. [[Ben Liebrand]] on Vocoder    ||   [ The Grooveline] (Versie 1) (6min 50)
|2000-11-03 ||SWV vs. Michael Jackson ||Right Here vs. Human Nature
|1990-09-21||  ||   Was (Not Was) || [ I Feel Better Than James Brown (The Locomotion Mix)]
|2000-11-10 ||Snow ||Informer (Remix)
|1990-09-28||  ||   Hall & Oates ||   I Can't Go For That (No Can Do)
|2000-11-17 ||Haddaway ||What Is Love
|1990-10-05|| ||     Girlstreet  ||   [ Got To Have (A Little Bit)]
|2000-11-24 ||Phil Collins || [ In The Air Tonight] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|1990-10-12|| ||     Candy Dulfer ||   [ Heavenly City (S2s Mix)(Versie 1)]
|2000-12-01 ||Clannad ||Theme From Harry's Game
|1990-10-19||  ||   [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Ceejay    ||   [ Give Me An Answer (Long Distance Mix)] (Versie 2, dit is de 12 min. versie inclusief gitaarsolo intro!)
|2000-12-08 ||Geen uitzending ||
|1990-10-26||   ||   [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott||    [ Move To The Bigband (Vocoder Mix) (Versie 2)]
|2000-12-15 ||Geen uitzending ||
|1990-11-02||   ||   Nigel Kennedy ||  Spring (Vivaldi)
|2000-12-22 ||Geen uitzending ||
|1990-11-09||  ||     Talk Talk  ||    [ Life's What You Make It (Ben Liebrand Remix)]
|2000-12-29 ||DJ Jurgen ||Higher And Higher
Dit jaar verhuisd het radioprogramma van [[Lindo Duvall]] naar de zaterdagmiddag en verhuisd dus ook de Minimix mee, die dan rond de klok van 14:50 uur wordt uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]]
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|1990-11-16||  ||Geen uitzending || Wel geeft Ben een telefonische preview van de mix van volgende week!
|2001-01-06  ||  [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||   Vocoder Playlist Grandmix 2000
|1990-11-23|| ||     Deee-lite  ||      [ What Is Love]
|2001-01-13|| The Trammps ||Disco Inferno
| || ||René & Angela || Save Your Love (For #1) (Sample)
|2001-01-20|| Jocelyn Brown ||Somebody Else's Guy (House Remix)
| || ||Deee-lite || Groove Is In The Heart (Sample)
|2001-01-27|| Level 42 ||Club Megamix (The Essential Combination)
| || ||Prince & The New Power Generation || Gett Off (Sample)
|2001-02-03|| Alf ||Stuck On Earth (American House Mix)
| || ||Guy || I Wanna Get With You (Sample)
|2001-02-10  ||   Mory Kante vs. Eurythmics    ||   Sweet Yeke Yeke
|1990-11-30||   || Ceejay Feat. CP || (Got To Be) Free
|2001-02-17 || Phil Collins || Another Day In Paradise
|1990-12-07||   || Geen uitzending||i.v.m. maken van de Grandmix 1990
|2001-02-24 || Salt 'N' Pepa || Start Me Up (Louder Bass Version)
|1990-12-14||  || Geen uitzending||i.v.m. maken van de Grandmix 1990
|2001-03-03    || Colonel Abrams vs. Madonna   ||     Trapped On A Holiday
|1990-12-21||   || Geen uitzending||i.v.m. maken van de Grandmix 1990
|2001-03-10|| Deee-Lite ||     [ What Is Love]
|1990-12-28 ||  || Geen uitzending||i.v.m. uitzending van de [[Grandmix#28_december_1990|Grandmix 1990]]
|  ||René & Angela || Save Your Love (For #1) (Sample)
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! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|1991-01-04  || ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend
| ||Deee-lite || Groove Is In The Heart (Sample)
|1991-01-11 ||   || Kool & The Gang || [ Ladies Night (Swingbeat Mix)]
|  ||Prince || Get Off (Sample)
|1991-01-18  || ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend
| ||Guy || I Wanna Get With You (Sample)
|1991-01-25  ||     ||Sting ||  Mad About You
|2001-03-17 || George Michael vs. Jocelyn Brown ||  Too Funky (Power Mix) (Somebody Else's Guy's 2 Funky)
|1991-02-01  ||     ||JayTee || Everything's Gonna Be Allright
| || George Michael || Too Funky
|1991-02-08  ||   ||The Paradise Program ||    Deep Green
| ||Jocelyn Brown||Somebody Else's Guy
|1991-02-15    || || Salt 'N' Pepa  ||    Do You Want Me (Peanuts Mix) (Versie 1)
|2001-03-24 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott ||Move To The Bigband (Vocoder Mix)
|1991-02-22  ||   ||Whitney Houston vs. Public Enemy || [ I'm Your Baby Tonight]
|2001-03-31 ||Ceejay || A Little Love (What's Going On) (Versie 1)
| || ||Whitney Houston || I'm Your Baby Tonight
|2001-04-07    || Sly & The Family Stone  || Dance To The Music
| || ||Public Enemy || Welcome To The Terrordome
|2001-04-14    ||  Janet Jackson vs. Change Feat. Luther Vandross  ||   All For You vs. In The Glow Of Love
|1991-03-01  ||   ||The Simpsons Feat. [[Eric van de Bovenkamp]] on Piano ||  [ Do The Bartman]
|2001-04-15    || Janet Jackson  ||  When I Think Of You
|1991-03-08  ||   ||Dimples D. & Spice||  Crack Chaser
|2001-04-21|| Van Halen ||Jump (Jump All Over The Place Mix)
|1991-03-15  ||   ||Massive Attack  || [ Unfinished Sympathy]
|2001-04-28|| Sheena Easton ||The Lover In Me
|1991-03-22  ||   ||Natalie Cole ||   [ This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) (Bandleader Versie) (Versie 1)]
|2001-05-05   || Hot Chocolate || Sexy Thing
|1991-03-29  || ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend
|2001-05-12|| Tone Loc ||Wild Thing
|1991-04-05  ||    ||Steve Winwood || You'll Keep On Searching
|2001-05-19|| Shaggy|| Oh Carolina
|1991-04-12  ||    ||Punchy || [ Here I Come (Versie 1)]
|2001-05-26|| Punchy|| Here I Come (Clubmix)  
|1991-04-19  ||   ||[[Ben Liebrand]]  ||  Happy Birthday ([[Rob Stenders]] Birthday Mix)
|2001-06-02|| Geen uitzending|| Minimix werd daarom verschoven naar de volgende dag
|1991-04-26   ||  ||Dimples D.    ||    Sister Keep On Doing It (Versie 1)
|2001-06-03   || [[Ben Liebrand]]   ||   Trance Minimix
|1991-05-03   ||   ||Tony Scott  ||    Megamix (Expressions From Da Soul)
|2001-06-09   || [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||    Spirit Of Disco Italo Edition
| || ||Tony Scott|| Starts With A Radio Dial Spin / That's How I'm Living / Move To The Bigband
|2001-06-16|| 2 Unlimited|| Tribal Dance
| || ||Tony Scott|| Fingerlickin'
|2001-06-23 || [[Ben Liebrand]]|| The Classics Minimix
| || ||Tony Scott|| Can't Trust A Big Butt N' A Smile
|2001-06-30  ||   Björk ||   Human Behaviour
| || ||Tony Scott|| Gimme Some (Swing It Baby)
|2001-07-07 ||Geen uitzendgegevens bekend ||
| || ||Tony Scott|| Expressions
|2001-07-14||Geen uitzendgegevens bekend ||
| || ||Tony Scott|| From Da Soul
|2001-07-21 ||Karen Young ||Hot Shot (Versie 2)
| || ||Tony Scott|| Gettin' Juicy
|2001-07-28|| [[Ben Liebrand]]|| Trance Minimix
| || ||Tony Scott|| Love Let Love
|2001-08-04 ||Geen uitzendgegevens bekend ||
|1991-05-10    ||   ||Geen uitzending ||  Een Stenders & Van Inkel Selfmade Mix, Live in the Studio
|2001-08-11 ||Peter Gabriel vs. Grace Jones ||Sledgehammer
|1991-05-17   ||  ||Crystal Waters  || Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
|2001-08-18   || Salt 'N' Pepa Feat. EnVogue   ||   Whatta Man (Golden Girls Mix)
|1991-05-24   ||   ||Natalie Cole ||  This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) (Remix Version)(Versie 2)
|2001-08-25   ||  Prodigy vs. Faithless ||  Bitch As One
|1991-05-31    ||   ||Crystal Palace / ([[Ben Liebrand]]) ||  [ Son Of Godzilla (Zwaardrempelige Mix)]
|2001-09-01    || Prodigy vs. Faithless ||   Funky Insomnia
|1991-06-07  ||   || Kraftwerk    || [ Megamix 1991]
|2001-09-08    || Madonna vs. Perpetuous Dreamer || The Sound Of Vogue
| ||   ||Kraftwerk    || Home Computer
|2001-09-15 ||Art Of Noise|| The Megamoments In Love Mix
| ||   || Kraftwerk    || The Robots
|2001-09-22 ||Joe Jackson ||Is She Really Going Out With Him (Non-Acapella Mix)
| ||   || Kraftwerk    || Radioactivity
|2001-09-29 ||Rob 'N' Raz ||Clubhopping
| ||   || Kraftwerk    || Computer Love
|2001-10-06 ||Peter Gabriel vs. Grace Jones ||Sledgehammer
| ||   ||Kraftwerk    ||Pocket Calculator
|2001-10-13   || Raven Maze vs. Donna Summer  ||   The Real Life vs. I Feel Love
|1991-06-14  ||   ||Madonna || Open Your Heart (Versie 2)
|2001-10-20 ||Dance 2 Trance ||Power Of American Natives
|1991-06-21  ||   ||Salt 'N' Pepa||[ Let's Talk About Sex]
|2001-10-27 ||Prodigy vs. Faithless ||Bitch As One
|1991-06-28   ||   || Spanish Energy|| Loca Noche
|2001-10-28 ||Human League|| Human
|1991-07-05  ||   || Dimples D. Feat. [[Gerbrand Westveen]] on Sax||Sister Keep On Doing It (Versie 2) (6 min 28 sec)
|2001-11-03    || The Ones  ||   Flawless
|1991-07-12  ||   || The Pasadenas  || Love Changes (6 min 52 sec)
|2001-11-10 ||Chas Jankel ||Glad To Know You (Edited Version)  
|1991-07-19  ||  || Dimples D.|| I Can't Wait (6 min 18 sec)
|2001-11-17    || Farley Jack 'master' Funk & Jessie Saunders   ||   Love Can't Turn Around
|1991-07-26  ||  ||Geen uitzending|| Reden: De Steve Miller Band Minimix was door de grote tempoverschillen niet op tijd af.
|2001-11-24    ||  Daft Punk vs. Suzanne Vega  ||   Tom's Fast Food Diner
|1991-08-02    || || Lisa Lisa & The Cult Jam||[ Let The Beat Hit Em] (5 min 54 sec)
|2001-12-01 ||Lou Reed|| Walk On The Wildside
|1991-08-09    ||  ||Emerson, Lake & Palmer vs. [[Ben Liebrand]]||[ Fanfare For The Common Man] (5 min 28 sec)
|2001-12-08 ||Extreme|| More Than Words
|1991-08-16    ||   ||Punchy ||  [ Here I Come (Clubmix)] (Versie 2) (5 min 9 sec)
|2001-12-15 ||Cameo ||Word Up! (Kan'ie Wel, Kan'ie Niet Cameo Minimix)
|1991-08-23    ||   ||Steve Miller Band  ||[ Fly Like An Eagle] (7 min 6 sec)
|2001-12-22 ||Daft Punk vs. Suzanne Vega|| Tom's Fast Food Diner
|1991-08-30  ||   ||[[Ben Liebrand]]  || [ Stenders & Van Inkel Last Broadcast Mix] (Dit is de laatste uitzending van [[Rob Stenders]]) (4 min 14 sec)
|2001-12-29 ||Prodigy vs. Faithless ||Bitch As One
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|1991-09-06   ||  ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend
|2002-01-06   || [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Ceejay || Give Me An Answer (Armin Van Buuren Remix Edit) (part 3/4)
|1991-09-13  ||   || Prince & The New Power Generation||[ Gett Off] (6 min 16 sec)
|2002-01-11 ||Geen uitzendgegevens bekend ||
|1991-09-20    ||   ||Blaque ||  Party Up (6 min 36 sec)
|2002-01-18 ||Geen uitzendgegevens bekend ||
|1991-09-27  ||    ||Salt ‘N’ Pepa  ||  [ You Showed Me] (5 min 49 sec)
|2002-01-25    || P!nk vs. Salt 'N' Pepa  ||  Get The Party Started
|1991-10-04  ||  || Mai Tai vs. PM Dawn   ||  History vs. Set Adrift On Memory Bliss (6 min 41 sec)
|2002-02-01    || [[Ben Liebrand]]   ||  Grandmix 2001 Vocoder Playlist
| || ||Mai Tai||  History
|2002-02-08 ||Geen uitzendgegevens bekend ||
| || ||PM Dawn  || Set Adrift On Memory Bliss
|2002-02-15    || Alcazar vs. Chic    ||     My Forbidden Guarantee (Guarantee With My Forbidden Lover)
|1991-10-11  ||  || [[Ben Liebrand]] ||[ Switching All Systems To Techno] (5 min 50 sec)
|2002-02-22    ||  Marco V vs. Underworld ||   Born Godd
|1991-10-18  ||   ||[[Ben Liebrand]]||[ Life's A Bitch (Music For Your Mother-In-Law)] (Versie 1) (5 min 45 sec)
|2002-03-01 ||Geen uitzendgegevens bekend ||
|1991-10-25  ||  || [[Ben Liebrand]] ||[ Life's A Bitch (And Then You Die)] (Versie 2) (6 min 35 sec)
|2002-03-08    ||  Shakira vs. Britney Spears vs. Bee Gees || Whenever Wherever I'm Stayin' Alive (dit is tevens de laatste minimix die werd uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]])
De Minimix keert na anderhalf jaar afwezigheid weer terug op de radio, maar nu bij het andere commerciële radiostation [[Radio Veronica]]. Maakte de Minimix voorheen deel uit van iemand andermans radioprogramma; nu wordt het een onderdeel in het eerste uur, van een maar liefst drie uur durend eigen radioprogramma van [[Ben Liebrand]] [[In The Mix]].
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|1991-11-01    || || Extreme || [ More Than Words]
|2004-01-09 ||Grace Jones ||Slave To The Rhythm
|1991-11-08   || || Carl Linger  || Super Love
|2004-01-09   || Celvin Rotane vs. Destiny's Child ||       Believe My Name
|1991-11-15    || || Bernard Oattes|| Love Knows The Way
| ||Celvin Rotane ||I Believe
|1991-11-22  ||   ||[[Ben Liebrand]] ||The Birds (Hitchcock House Of Horror)
| ||Destiny's Child||Say My Name
| ||  ||L.A. Style ||James Brown Is Dead
|2004-01-09    ||  Sunclub vs. 20 Fingers ||   Lickin' Fiësta
| || || Human Resource  ||Dominator
| ||Sunclub||Fiesta
| || ||A Homeboy, A Hippie & A Funki Dredd  || Total Confusion
| || 20 Fingers || Lick It
| || ||De Electronica's || De Vogeltjesdans
|2004-01-16    ||Propaganda  ||   [ P-Machinery vs.(The Nine Lives Of) Dr. Mabuse]
|  ||  ||SoundFX ||Vogel geluiden
|  ||Propaganda || P-Machinery
|1991-11-29    ||   ||Lou Reed    ||    [ Walk On The Wild Side] (6 min 34 sec)
| ||Propaganda  || Dr. Mabuse
| || || Lou Reed || Walk On The Wild Side
|2004-01-16 ||Jellybean Benitez Feat. Madonna ||[ Sidewalk Talk (Sidewalk & Hiptalk Lookin' At Ya Madonna Minimix)]
| || || Suzanne Vega|| Tom's Diner (Acapella) (Sample)
|2004-01-23    || Whitney Houston vs. Public Enemy|| I'm Your Baby Tonight
| || ||James Brown || Funky Drummer
|2004-01-23    ||Frankie Goes To Hollywood|| [ Frankie Goes Bananas Mix (Relax In Stereo And Lots Of Tribes)]
| || ||Gerbrand Westveen || Saxofoon
|2004-01-23    || Technotronic vs. Justin Timberlake    ||   Pump It Like I Like It
|1991-12-06    || || Depeche Mode ||  [ The Flexible Mix] (Versie 2)
|2004-01-23    ||M/A/R/R/S vs. Michael Jackson ||Pump Up The Volume vs. Bad
|  ||   ||Depeche Mode  ||Get The Balance Right!
|  ||M/A/R/R/S ||Pump Up The Volume
|  ||   ||Depeche Mode  ||Just Can't Get Enough (Live Versie)
|  ||Michael Jackson||Bad
| ||   ||Depeche Mode  ||Flexible
|2004-01-23    || Joe Jackson ||Is She Really Going Out With Him (Non-Acapella Mix)
|1991-12-13||1985-08-23  ||Harold Faltemeyer Feat. Eddie Murphy ||    [ Axel F (Theme of Eddie Murphy's Beverly Hills Cop)] (Deze versie heeft een jingle door de Minimix: ''"Dit is Veronica"'')
|2004-01-30    ||Miami Sound Machine|| Conga (Conga In The Bongo Mix)
| || ||Club Rapper's || Axel F (New York Rap Mix)
|2004-01-30    || Depeche Mode|| The Flexible Mix (Versie 2)
| ||  ||Harold Faltermeyer|| Axel F
|2004-01-30    ||  Prince & The Revolution vs. Destiny's Child  ||     Kiss-A-Boo
| ||  ||Eddie Murphy|| Delirious (Stand Up Comedian Show 1983) (Samples)
|  ||Prince & The Revolution || Kiss
|1991-12-20  || 1986-02-07 ||Drum Theatre ||  [ Eldorado]
| ||Destiny's Child || Bug-A-Boo
|1991-12-27  || || Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. uitzending van de [[Grandmix#27_december_1991|Grandmix 1991]]
|2004-01-30    ||Snow || Informer (Remix)
|2004-01-30    || Sinéad O'Connor vs. Guru Josh|| [ Nothing Compares 2 Your Infinity]
{| class="wikitable"
| ||Sinéad O'Connor || Nothing Compares To You
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|1992-01-03 ||   || [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||  Vocoder Playlist [[Grandmix#27_december_1991|Grandmix 1991]]
| ||Guru Josh || Infinity
|1992-01-10  || || Human Resource vs. Afrika Bambaataa ||  Bambominator (Composition in D)
|2004-02-06    ||Janet Jackson|| Nasty
| || ||Afrika Bambaataa || Just Get Up And Dance
|2004-02-06    || Yazoo vs. T-Connection ||Funky Situation At Midnight
| || ||Human Resource || Dominator
| ||Yazoo|| Situation
| || ||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
| ||T-Connection||At Midnight
| || ||Was (Not Was) || Walk The Dinosaur
|2004-02-06    || Bobby Orlando vs. Shannon  ||     O Me Tonight
|1992-01-17   || || Groove Technology  ||    My Mind On The Beat
|2004-02-06   || Jan Hammer ||Crockett's Theme (Miami Vice Mix)
|1992-01-24  ||   ||Salt 'N' Pepa  ||  Do You Want Me (Serious Mix) (Versie 2)
|2004-02-13    || Geen uitzending ||t.g.v. storing in de programmering bij [[Radio Veronica]]
|1992-01-31  ||  ||[[Ben Liebrand]] ||   Beatrix Mix (Wilhousemus)
|2004-02-20    ||Ceejay ||(Got To Be) Free
|1992-02-07  || ||Geen uitzending || Reden onbekend
|2004-02-20    || Five Star ||Megamix (Ach Val Dood Mix)
|1992-02-14|| 1990-03-23 ||Sinéad O'Connor vs. Guru Josh|| [ Nothing Compares 2 Your Infinity] (7 min )
|   ||Five Star || All Fall Down
| || ||Sinéad O'Connor || Nothing Compares To You
|   ||Five Star || Let Me Be The One
| || ||Guru Josh || Infinity
|   ||Five Star || Love Take Over
|1992-02-21  ||  ||Carl Linger  ||   Release Me (6 min 40 sec)
|2004-02-20    || Shakira vs. Britney Spears vs. Bee Gees ||Whenever Wherever I'm Stayin' Alive
|1992-02-28   || ||Salt 'N' Pepa  ||    Expression (6 min 18 sec)
|2004-02-20   || Janet Jackson Feat. [[Gerbrand Westveen]] on Sax|| Let's Wait Awhile (Versie 2)
|1992-03-06    || ||Groove Technology  || Love 2 Love U (6 min 10 sec)
|2004-02-27    ||ABBA ||[ Lay All Your Love On Me]
|1992-03-13  ||   ||Genesis||  I Can't Dance (The Other Mix) (5 min 50 sec)
|2004-02-27    || Forrest ||  Rock The Boat (First Rough Mix)
|1992-03-20  ||  ||[[Ben Liebrand]]||[ Techno Trance Megamix (Who Is Elvis)] (6 min 35 sec)
|2004-02-27    || C&C Music Factory vs. Kylie Minogue Feat. The Bigband Horns   ||     Gonna Slowly Make You Sweat
|1992-03-27    || ||Teknicolor / [[Ben Liebrand]] || Jaws (6 min 10 sec)
|2004-02-27    ||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| Weerbericht (The Rain Dance / Def ANP Rappers Edit Versie)
|1992-04-03   || ||TLC  || Ain't 2 Proud 2 Beg ([[Ben Liebrand]] House Remix) (Versie 1)
|2004-03-05   || Talk Talk ||Multimix
|1992-04-10  ||  ||Level 42 || [ It's Over (Ben Liebrand Remix)]
|2004-03-05    || Tony Scott vs. C&C Music Factory   ||       Gonna Make The Big Band Sweat
|1992-04-17  || ||Geen uitzending|| Reden onbekend
|2004-03-12    ||Level 42 ||It's Over
|1992-04-24  || ||Geen uitzending|| Reden onbekend
|2004-03-12    || Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock ||Get On The Dancefloor
|1992-05-01   ||  ||Annie Lennox ||  Precious (5 min 57 sec)
|2004-03-12   ||  Moby vs. Underdog Project  ||     Go With The Summerjam
|1992-05-08   || ||Karen Young ||    Hot Shot (5 min 50 sec)
|2004-03-12   || Phil Collins || [ In The Air Tonight] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|1992-05-15  ||   ||Monie Love  ||    Full Term Love (5 min 52 sec)
|2004-03-12    ||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| Frankfurt Techno Mix (Mayday Dildo Klang Jump)
|1992-05-22  ||   ||Sniff 'N' Tears||  [ Drivers Seat] (6 min)
|2004-03-19    || [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Ceejay  ||  Give Me An Answer (part 4/4)
|1992-05-29  ||   ||Queen vs. Genesis (Queenesis)  ||  [ Mama Will Rock You] (6 min 43 sec)
|2004-03-19    ||Giorgio Moroder|| Megamix
| || ||Queen || We Will Rock You
|2004-03-19    ||Prodigy vs. Faithless ||Bitch As One
| || ||Genesis|| Mama
|2004-03-19    || Kate Bush|| Running Up That Hill
| || ||Queen || Bohemian Rapsody (Sample)
|2004-03-26    ||Drum Theatre ||Eldorado
|1992-06-05    || ||Snap!||    Megamix (7 min 40 sec)
|2004-03-26    || Delerium vs. Sheila & B. Devotion    ||    Silence In Space
| || ||Snap!|| Madman´s Return
|2004-03-26    || Alexander O'Neal ||Hitmix (The Official Bootleg Mega-mix) (Mixer: [[Rita Liebrand]])
| || ||Snap!||Colour Of Love
| ||   Alexander O'Neal    ||What Can I Say (To Make You Love Me)
| ||  ||Snap!|| Don't Be Shy
| ||   Alexander O'Neal  & Cherrelle ||Never Knew Love Like This
| || ||Snap!|| Money
| ||   Alexander O'Neal    ||Fake
| || ||Snap!|| Believe In It
| ||   Alexander O'Neal    ||Hearsay
| || ||Snap!||Who Stole It?
| ||   Alexander O'Neal    ||Criticize
| || ||Snap!||Rhythm Is A Dancer
| ||   Alexander O'Neal    ||Innocent
|1992-06-12    || ||Lari Spinosa  ||  Guitar (6 min 40 sec)
|2004-04-02|| Karen Young ||Hot Shot (Versie 2)
|1992-06-19    || ||[[Ben Liebrand]] vs. Deep Purple  ||   Child In Time (Versie 1) (6 min)
|2004-04-02||Delerium vs. Sheila & B. Devotion|| Silence In Space
|1992-06-26    || ||George Michael vs. Jocelyn Brown ||   Too Funky (Power Mix) (Somebody Else's Guy's 2 Funky) (6 min 55)
|2004-04-09|| Janet Jackson Feat. [[Gerbrand Westveen]] on Sax|| Let's Wait Awhile (Versie 2)
| || ||George Michael || Too Funky
|2004-04-09|| Kraftwerk ||[ Megamix 1991]
| ||  ||Jocelyn Brown||Somebody Else's Guy
|2004-04-09    ||  Madonna vs. Liberty X ||   Just A Little Bit Of Vogue (part 1/2)
| || || Zero G || Sample CD
|2004-04-16||Peter Gabriel vs. Grace Jones|| Sledgehammer
|1992-07-03    || || Level 42  ||  The Essential Combination Megamix (Underground Version) (5 min 53 sec)
|2004-04-16||Herb Alpert Feat. Janet Jackson ||Diamonds (Ben's Crazy Edit)
| || || Level 42  ||Lessons In Love
|2004-04-16||Raven Maize vs. Donna Summer|| I Feel The Real Life
| || || Level 42  ||Hot Water
|2004-04-23    ||Ready For The World|| Oh Sheila
| || || Level 42  ||Running In The Family
|2004-04-23    ||Prince & The Revolution ||Kiss (DMC Mix)
| ||  ||Level 42   ||Children Say
|2004-04-23    ||  Madonna vs. P!nk   ||       Get The Holiday Party Started!
| || ||Level 42  ||Something About You  
|2004-04-23    ||Felix vs. Sergio Mendes ||Don't You Want Me vs. Fanfarra
| || ||Level 42  ||Starchild
|2004-04-30    || [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Beatrix Mix (Wilhousemus)
|1992-07-10   || || ABBA ||[ Lay All Your Love On Me] (6 min 25 sec)
|2004-04-30   || Harold Faltermeyer|| Axel F
|1992-07-17   || ||Innocence  || Love In A Lifetime (5 min 40 sec)
|2004-04-30   || Michael McDonald|| Sweet Freedom
|1992-07-24   ||  ||Hilversum Termination Source ||    Poing! (6 min 55 sec)
|2004-04-30   ||  Kraftwerk vs. Janet Jackson  ||    Robots In Control
|1992-07-31   || ||MCMXCII || Ich Bin Von Kopf Bis Fuss Auf Liebe Eingestellt (5 min 47 sec)
|2004-05-07    ||Pet Shop Boys Feat. Dusty Springfield ||What Have I Done To Deserve This
|1992-08-07    || ||Snap!||  The Power (Hitradio) (Afscheidsmix [[Unico Glorie]]) (5 min 20 sec)
|2004-05-07    ||Dan Hartman ||Relight My Fire (My Fire In The Pyro Mix)
|1992-08-14  || ||Geen uitzending || Reden onbekend
|2004-05-07    ||Dorus ||Twee Motten (Meligmix)
|1992-08-21  ||   ||Jocelyn Brown ||  Somebody's Else's Guy (Versie 1)
|2004-05-07    || Modern Talking vs. Public Enemy || [ Modern Rapping]
|1992-08-28  || ||Salt 'N' Pepa  ||    Start Me Up (Versie 1)
|2004-05-14    ||Whistle vs. Donald Duck|| (Nothing Serious) Just Buggin'
|1992-09-04  ||   ||Grace Jones  ||   7 Day Weekend
|2004-05-14   ||Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel|| White Lines (Don't Do It) (Freestyle Remix)
|1992-09-11  ||   ||Felix vs. Sergio Mendes || Don't You Want Me
|2004-05-14   || Modern Talking vs. Public Enemy || Modern Bass As Low As It Goes
|   || ||Sergio Mendes || Fanfarra
|2004-05-21||Timmy Thomas|| Why Can't We Live Together
| || || Felix ||Don't You Want Me
|2004-05-21||Human League|| Human
|1992-09-18  ||   || Phil Collins  ||  Another Day In Paradise
|2004-05-21||Prodigy vs. Faithless|| Bitch As One
|   || || Snap! || The Power (Beats)
|2004-05-28    ||TLC ||Ain't 2 Proud 2 Beg ([[Ben Liebrand]] 12 Inch Club Mix)
|1992-09-25  ||   || [[Ben Liebrand]] ||  [ Frankfurt Techno Mix (Mayday Dildo Klang Jump)]
|2004-05-28    ||Darryl Duncan ||Rock The House (Heavy Fragmentation Mix) of (Tape Edit Mix)
| || ||Westbam || Mayday
|2004-05-28    || David Bowie vs. Martin Luther King  ||     Heroes With A Dream
| || ||Interactive || Dildo
|2004-06-04    ||Lou Reed ||Walk On The Wildside
| || ||3 Phase Feat. Dr. Motte || Der Klang Der Familie
|2004-06-04    ||The Ones || Flawless
| || ||N.U.K.E. || Nana
|2004-06-04    || Electric Light Orchestra vs. Sophie Ellis Bextor  ||       Don't Bring Me Down The Wall
| || ||The Movement || Jump
|2004-06-04    || Aaliyah vs. George Michael  ||     Whispering To That Somebody
|1992-10-02  || ||Geen uitzending||i.v.m. de laatste uitzending van [[Staverman & Van Inkel]] op de legendarische vrijdagavond radio. [[Radio 3]] gaat horizontaal en [[Veronica]] verhuist naar de zaterdag!
|2004-06-04    || Herbie Hancock vs. Dee-lite  ||     Groove is in the heart vs bring down the birds
|1992-10-10  || ||Karen Young||Hot Shot (Versie 2)
|2004-06-11    || Nina Hagen|| New York New York
|1992-10-17 ||1992-05-29  ||Queen vs. Genesis (Queenesis) || [ Mama Will Rock You]
|2004-06-11    || Janet Jackson ||Miss You Much (The Final Mix)  
| || ||Queen || We Will Rock You
|2004-06-11    || Alexander O'Neal vs. Stevie Wonder    ||   I Wish You Were Not Fake
| || ||Genesis|| Mama
|2004-06-11    || B-52's vs. Carol Williams    ||     Love Shack
| || ||Queen || Bohemian Rapsody (Sample)
|2004-06-18    || Vienna Symphonic Opera Project|| Welcome To The Pleasuredome
|1992-10-24  ||   ||[[Ben Liebrand]] ||   Super Sonic (Versie 1)
|2004-06-18    ||  Tavares || It Only Takes a Minute
|1992-10-31  ||   ||Salt 'N' Pepa  ||  Start Me Up (Louder Bass Versie) (Versie 2)
|2004-06-18    || Michael Jackson vs. Europe    ||   Billie Jean's Final Countdown
|1992-11-07    || ||Rotterdam Termination Source Feat. Herman van Veen  ||   [ Opzij, Opzij, Opzij vs. Poing]
|2004-06-25    ||Queenesis (Queen vs. Genesis) ||Mama Will Rock You
|  || ||Rotterdam Termination Source || Poing
|  ||Queen|| We Will Rock You
|  || ||Herman van Veen || Opzij, Opzij, Opzij
|  ||Genesis ||Mama
|1992-11-14    ||  ||Karl Keaton  ||   I'm Sorry
|  ||Queen || Bohemian Rapsody (Sample)
|1992-11-21   || ||[[Ben Liebrand]]  ||  High Speed Techno Mix
|2004-06-25   ||Kool & The Gang|| Ladies Night (Swingbeat Mix)
|1992-11-28   ||  ||Betty Boo   ||    I'm On My Way
|2004-06-25   ||  Shannon vs. Santana  ||    Give Me Tonight vs. Oye Como Va
|1992-12-05   ||  ||[[Ben Liebrand]] ||    [[Grandmix#26_december_1986|Grandmix 1986]] Minimix (De eerste 5 minuten!)
|2004-07-09   ||  MDMC ||    How About It
| || ||[[Ben Liebrand]] / Janet Jackson || Grandmix 1986 Intro / Control
|2004-07-09    ||Whitney Houston ||I Will Always Love You
| || ||Peter Gabriël || Sledgehammer
|2004-07-09    || Shabba Ranks vs. Ashanti    ||     Mr. Oh So Foolish Loverman
| || ||Nat Augustin || Ego
|2004-07-16    || Crystal Waters|| Gypsy Woman (La Da Dee)
| || ||Sly Fox || Let's Go All The Way
|2004-07-16    || Dance 2 Trance|| Power Of American Natives
| || ||Full Force || Alice, I Want You Just For Me!
|2004-07-16    || Madonna vs. Suzanne Vega    ||     Erotic Diner
| || ||The Real Roxanne || (Bang Zoom) Let's Go-Go
|2004-07-23||Kate Bush|| Running Up That Hill
| || ||Centerfold || Radar Love
|2004-07-23||Natalie Cole|| This Will Be (Bandleader Versie)
| || ||Whistle || (Nothing Serious) Just Buggin'
|2004-07-23||Prodigy vs. Faithless ||Funky Insomnia
| || ||Paul Hardcastle Feat.Carol Kenyon || Don't Waste My Time
|2004-07-30    ||[[Ben Liebrand]] ||Super Sonic
| || ||Midnight Star || Headlines
|2004-07-30    ||Stock, Aitken & Waterman ||Roadblock (Diversion Mix)
| || ||Five Star || Rain Or Shine
|2004-07-30    || Spandau Ballet vs. 50 Cent    ||   True In Da Club
| || ||Mr. Mister || Broken Wings
|2004-08-06|| Pia Zadora|| Dance Out Of My Head (Acid Mix)
|1992-12-12    || ||[[Ben Liebrand]]  ||  [[Grandmix#25_december_1987|Grandmix 1987]] Minimix (De eerste 5 minuten!)
|2004-08-06||Novo Band ||Dance Non-Stop
| || ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 1987
|2004-08-06||Mory Kante vs. Eurythmics ||Sweet Yeke Yeke
| || ||The Art Of Noise || Dragnet
|2004-08-13||[[Ben Liebrand]] ||World Olympics
| || ||Eric B. & Rakim || Paid In Full
|2004-08-13|| 2 Unlimited ||Tribal Dance
| || ||Club Nouveau || Lean On Me
|2004-08-13||[[Ben Liebrand]] ||Techno Trance Megamix (Who Is Elvis)
| || ||Levert || Casanova
|2004-08-20    || Prince vs. Wee Papa Girl Rappers ||Alphabet Street
| || ||Dennis Edwards Feat. Siedah Garrett || Don't Look Any Further
|2004-08-20    || Prince|| House Quake (If You Can't Rock Steady Then Shut Up Already Damn Minimix)
| || ||Jan Hammer || Crockett's Theme
|2004-08-20    || Prince & The Revolution vs. Mighty Dub Katz    ||   Magic 1999
| || ||Sly & Robbie || Boops Here To Go
|2004-08-20    ||Prince & The New Power Generation ||Get Off
| || ||George Michael || I Want Your Sex
|2004-08-20    ||Prince & The Revolution ||Kiss
| || ||Prince || Sign 'O' The Times
|2004-08-27    ||Candy Dulfer ||Saxuality
| || ||Abigeal Mead & Nigel Gold || Full Metal Jacket
|2004-08-27    ||Blondie ||Call Me
| || ||Madonna || La Isla Bonita
|2004-08-27    || Jam & Spoon vs. The Trammps  ||   Follow Me To The Disco Inferno
| || ||Stock, Aitken & Waterman || Packjammed (With The Party Posse)
|2004-09-03    ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Sheryl T. ||Party Roots
| || ||Lillo Thomas || Down Town (Ritme Track)
|2004-09-03    ||Farley Jack 'master' Funk & Jessie Saunders ||Love Can't Turn Around (The Philharmonic Remix)  
| || ||Stock, Aitken & Waterman || Roadblock
|2004-09-03    || Total Touch vs. Freestylers  ||   Push Me, Touch Me
|1992-12-19   || ||[[Ben Liebrand]]  ||  [[Grandmix#28_december_1990|Grandmix 1990]] Minimix (De eerste 5 minuten!)
|2004-09-10   ||Madonna ||Open Your Heart (Versie 2)
| || ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Intro Grandmix 1990
|2004-09-10    ||Dimples D.|| Sisters Keep On Doin' It (Versie 2)
| || ||Enigma ||The Voice Of Enigma
|2004-09-10    || Isaac Hayes vs. Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five    ||   Theme From Shaft With A Message
| || ||Enigma ||Sadeness (Part 1)
|2004-09-17    || Meteors || Cha No Yu (Tarzan & Jane)
| || ||Double Trouble || Love Don't Live Here Anymore
|2004-09-17    ||Rob 'N' Raz ||Clubhopping
| || ||Maxi Priest ||Close To You
|2004-09-17    || Anastacia vs. 2 Unlimited  ||     Out Of Love In The Twilight Zone
| || ||Beats International Feat. Lindy Layton ||Dub Be Good To Me
|2004-09-24    || Janet Jackson|| What Have You Done For Me Lately (Versie 1)
| || ||Maureen Walsh ||Thinking Of You
|2004-09-24    || Janet Jackson ||The Pleasure Principle
| || ||After 7 ||Can't Stop
|2004-09-24    || Janet Jackson  || Nasty vs. Love Will Never Do Without You
| || ||En Vogue ||Hold On
|2004-09-24    ||Janet Jackson vs. Change Feat. Luther Vandross ||All For You vs. In The Glow Of Love
|1992-12-26  ||  || Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. de uitzending van de [[Grandmix#26_december_1992|Grandmix 1992]]
|2004-09-24    ||Janet Jackson ||When I Think Of You (Versie 3)
Let op: De Laatste reguliere Minimix wordt uitgezonden op 09-01-1993 in het programma "De Eerste Stap" van [[Edwin Evers]]. De uitzendingen vinden daarna plaats op de zaterdagmiddag tijdens de uitzending van de Top 40, presentatie [ Gijs Staverman].
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|1993-01-02   || || [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||  [ Vocoder Playlist] [[Grandmix#26_december_1992|Grandmix 1992]]
|2004-09-24   ||Janet Jackson|| Miss You Much (The Final Mix)
|1993-01-09   || ||[[Ben Liebrand]] ||   [ Kom Op Met Die Bas]
|2004-09-24   ||Janet Jackson Feat. [[Gerbrand Westveen]] on Sax ||Let's Wait Awhile (Versie 2)
|1993-01-16   || ||Geen uitzending || Reden onbekend
|2004-09-24   ||Herb Alpert Feat. Janet Jackson|| Diamonds (Ben's Crazy Edit)
|1993-01-23   || ||Paperboy  ||      Ditty
|2004-09-24   ||Janet Jackson ||Nasty
|1993-01-30    || ||Jocelyn Brown ||  Somebody's Else's Guy (House Remix) (Versie 2)
|2004-10-01     ||The Four Tops ||The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine
|1993-02-06    || ||Geen uitzending || Reden onbekend
|2004-10-01    ||Billy Ocean|| When The Going Gets Tough (When The Mixing Gets Tough)
|1993-02-13    ||  || Whitney Houston || [ I'll Always Love You]
|2004-10-01    || Madonna vs. Capricorn ||   Music@20Hz
|1993-02-20    || ||Leila K. || [ Open Sesame]
|2004-10-08|| INXS ||Need You Tonight (Versie 1)
|1993-02-27    || ||Whitney Houston || I'm Every Woman (Trance House Mix)
|2004-10-08|| Björk ||Human Behaviour (Versie 2)
|1993-03-06    || ||Roots Syndicate || Mockin' Bird Hill
|2004-10-15  ||Alf|| Stuck On Earth
|1993-03-13    ||  ||2 Unlimited ||    [ No Limit]
|2004-10-15  ||   Doctor's Cat ||    Feel The Drive
|1993-03-20    || ||U.S.U.R.A. || [ Open Your Mind]
|2004-10-15  ||Daft Punk vs. Suzanne Vega ||Tom's Fast Food Diner
|1993-03-27    || ||Shaggy ||  [ Oh Carolina]
|2004-10-22||Jocelyn Brown ||Somebody Else's Guy (House Remix)
| || ||Shaggy || Oh Carolina
|2004-10-22|| [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Double-O-Seven
| || ||Henry Mancini || Peter Gunn
|2004-10-22|| Marco V. vs. Underworld|| Born Godd
| || ||Henry Mancini || Theme Of Pink Panther
|2004-10-29    || Fun Fun || Happy Station (Scratch Versie)
|1993-03-27   || 1993-03-13  ||2 Unlimited  ||    [ No Limit]
|2004-11-05   ||The Four Tops ||The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine
|1993-04-03   ||  ||Van Halen  ||    Jump (Jump All Over The Place Mix)
|2004-11-05   ||  [[Ben Liebrand]] vs. A.D.O.R.    ||    Pump the Renegade Bass
|1993-04-10    || ||Geen uitzending || Reden onbekend
|2004-11-12|| Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. uitzending van de Grandmix 90's Edition
|1993-04-17   || ||The Good Men  ||  Give it Up
|2004-11-19   ||2 Unlimited ||Tribal Dance
|1993-04-24   || ||Snow  ||  Informer (Versie 1)
|2004-11-19   || UB40 ||(I Can't Help) Falling In Love With You
|1993-05-01   ||  ||Snow  ||  Informer (Remix) (Versie 2)
|2004-11-19   ||  Donna Summer vs. Shannon    ||     Feel The Music Play
|1993-05-08   ||1993-03-27  ||Shaggy || [ Oh Carolina]
|2004-11-26   ||Annie Lennox || Precious
| || ||Shaggy || Oh Carolina
|2004-11-26    || Earth, Wind & Fire vs. Pink Floyd|| System Of Survival vs. Money
| || ||Henry Mancini || Peter Gunn
|2004-11-26    || [[Ben Liebrand]] vs. Masters At Work  ||       Spanish Work
| || ||Henry Mancini || Theme Of Pink Panther
|2004-12-03 ||Bill Withers ||Ain't No Sunshine (The Total Eclipse Mix)
|1993-05-15    || ||Dance II Trance || [ Power Of American Natives]
|2004-12-03 ||Timmy Thomas vs. Colonel Abrams ||Trapped Together
|1993-05-22    || ||2 Unlimited  ||  Tribal Dance (DMC Remix)
|2004-12-03 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. The Gibson Brothers|| Music & Passion (Clubmix)
|1993-05-29    || ||Robin S.||  Show Me Love
|2004-12-10|| Art Of Noise ||Paranoimia (Versie 2)
|1993-06-05    || ||Jade  ||  Don't Walk Away
|2004-12-10||Telex|| Moskow Diskow In The Shimmering Transoeral Siberia Remix
|1993-06-12    ||  ||Haddaway    ||     What Is Love
|2004-12-10||Sly & The Family Stone ||Dance To The Music
|1993-06-19    ||1993-06-12 ||Haddaway|| What Is Love
|2004-12-17||Prince & The Revolution vs. Destiny's Child ||Kiss-A-Boo
|1993-06-26    ||  ||Clanned || [ Theme From Harry's Game] (Versie 1)
|  ||Prince & The Revolution || Kiss
|1993-07-03    || ||Pin-Occhio    ||    [ Pinocchio]
| ||Destiny's Child || Bug-A-Boo
|1993-07-10    || ||UB40  || (I Can't Help) Falling in Love With You
|2004-12-17||Delerium vs. Sheila & B. Devotion ||Silence In Space
|1993-07-17   || ||Ron 'N Raz    ||   [ Clubhoppin']
|2004-12-17||Sunclub vs. 20 Fingers|| Lickin' Fiësta
| || ||Grace Jones || Nightclubbing (Sample)
| ||Sunclub||Fiesta
|1993-07-24    || ||Culture Beat ||    Mr. Vain (Versie 1)
| || 20 Fingers || Lick It
|1993-07-31    || ||U96  ||  [ Love Sees No Colour]
|2004-12-17||Aaliyah vs. George Michael ||Whispering To That Somebody
|1993-08-07||1993-05-29 ||Robin S. ||Show Me Love
|2004-12-17||Total Touch vs. Freestylers|| Push Me Touch Me
|1993-08-14||1993-07-10 ||UB40 ||(I Can't Help) Falling In Love With You
|2004-12-17||Shannon vs. Santana|| Give Me Tonight vs. Oye Como Va
|1993-08-21    || || Gabrielle  ||    Dreams
|2004-12-17||Alexander O'Neal vs. Stevie Wonder || I Wish You Were Not Fake
| || ||Robin S. || Show Me Love (Sample)
|2004-12-17||Tony Scott vs. C&C Music Factory ||Gonna Make The Bigband Sweat
| || ||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless) (Sample)
|2004-12-17||Technotronic vs. Justin Timberlake || Pump It Like I Like It
|1993-08-28    || ||Robin S.|| Luv 4 Luv
|2004-12-17||Jam & Spoon vs. The Trammps|| Follow Me To The Disco Inferno
|1993-09-04  ||   ||Klatch! ||  Oh Boy
|2004-12-24|| Geen uitzending||
|1993-09-11     || ||Pin-Occhio  ||     Tu Ta Tu Ta
|2004-12-31|| Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. uitzending van de Grandmix 1983
Met ingang van dit jaar verhuisd de Minimix naar de zaterdagavond (in eerst instantie naar 2 platen over negen, maar wordt later twee platen na 11 uur, soms wat later) en wordt het weer een vast onderdeel van een andere radioshow, namelijk Disco Inferno van [[DJ Sven]] op [[Radio Veronica]]
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|1993-09-18    || ||SWV vs. Michael Jackson    ||  Right Here vs. Human Nature
|2005-01-01|| Geen uitzending||
| ||  ||SWV||Right Here
|2005-01-08    || Crystal Waters vs. Do   || Homeless In Heaven
|  ||   ||Michael Jackson||Human Nature
|  ||Do || Heaven (Piano & Strings)
|1993-09-25    ||  ||Björk ||   Human Behaviour (Versie 1)
|  ||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman (Acapella)
|1993-10-02  ||   ||2 Unlimited  ||  Faces (Versie 1)
|2005-01-15    || The Trammps || Disco Inferno
|1993-10-09  || 1993-09-18 ||SWV vs. Michael Jackson || Right Here vs. Human Nature
|2005-01-22    ||  The Trammps vs. Technotronic    ||     Pump Up The Disco Jam Inferno
|  ||   ||SWV||Right Here
|  ||Technotronic Feat. Felly || Pump Up The Jam
|  ||   ||Michael Jackson||Human Nature
|  ||The Trammps || Disco Inferno
|1993-10-16    ||  ||Twenty 4 Seven || [ Slave To The Music]
|2005-01-29||Queenesis (Queen vs. Genesis)|| Mama Will Rock You
|  ||Queen || We Will Rock You
|1993-10-23|| ||Geen uitzending || Reden onbekend
| ||Genesis ||Mama
|1993-10-30|| ||Geen uitzending || Reden onbekend
| ||Queen || Bohemian Rapsody (Sample)
|1993-11-06    ||  ||Urban Cookie Colective ||  The Key, The Secret
|2005-02-05    || Lil' Louis vs. Whitney Houston ||  I Wanna French Kiss With Somebody
|1993-11-13|| ||Geen uitzending || Reden onbekend
| ||Lil Louis ||French Kiss
|1993-11-20    ||  ||Salt 'N' Pepa  ||   Shoop (Underground Clubmix)
| ||Whitney Houston || I Wanna Love Somebody
|1993-11-27    ||   ||2 Unlimited  ||    Maximum Overdrive
|2005-02-12    ||Jam & Spoon vs. The Trammps|| Follow Me To Disco Inferno
|1993-12-04    ||   ||Melodie MC  ||    [ Dum Da Dum]
| ||Jam & Spoon || Follow Me
|1993-12-11    ||  ||Laura Pausini ||   La Solitudine
|  ||The Trammps || Disco Inferno
|1993-12-18   ||1993-11-27 ||2 Unlimited ||Maximum Overdrive
|2005-02-19   || Madonna vs. Liberty X  ||   Just A Little Bit Of Vogue (part 2/2)
|1993-12-25 || || Geen uitzending|| Reden onbekend
| ||Madonna || Vogue
Met ingang van 1994 stopt de Minimix uitzending ten gevolge van nog onbekende redenen <ref>[] ''BenTalk'' nr.01 1994 | (Gevonden 8 januari 2022)</ref>. Op 14 mei 1994 wordt echter nog wel een speciale aflevering gemaakt door [[Jeroen van Inkel]], waarin nog eenmaal de beste Minimixen van [[Ben Liebrand]] worden gedraaid. Klein detail: Liebrand is samen met zijn zoontje Fabian aanwezig in de studio!
Deze aflevering kun je [ HIER] beluisteren!
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
| 1994-05-14 || - ||[[Ben Liebrand]] on Vocoder || [ Let The Journey Begin] (Track 1 van CD MegaVision '94)
|  ||Liberty X || Just A Little Bit
|1994-05-14|| 1987-07-31 ||Phil Collins ||  [ In The Air Tonight] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| ||Blackbox ||  Strike It Up
|1994-05-14 || 16-06-1989 ||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| Puls(t)ar (Versie 1)
| ||Tricky Disco || Tricky Disco
|1994-05-14||1989-08-11 ||Dorus ||Twee Motten (Meligmix)
|2005-02-26    ||  Mr. Lee vs. The Trammps    ||     Get busy at the Disco Inferno
|1994-05-14|| 1989-12-08 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] ||The Eve Of The War (House Remix)
| ||Mr. Lee || Get Busy
|1994-05-14||1990-03-23 ||Sinéad O'Connor vs. Guru Josh|| [ Nothing Compares 2 Your Infinity]
|  ||The Trammps || Disco Inferno (acapella)
| || ||Sinéad O'Connor || Nothing Compares To You
| ||Whitney Houston || I'm Every Woman (acapella)
| || ||Guru Josh || Infinity
|2005-03-05 ||Alexander O'Neal ||[ Criticize] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|1994-05-14|| 1989-09-26||Janet Jackson|| Miss You Much (The Final Mix)(Versie 2)
|2005-03-12    || Derek B.      ||     Rock The Beat
|1994-05-14|| 1987-06-05 ||Alf / [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Stuck On Earth (American House Mix) (Versie 2)
|2005-03-19|| Salt 'N' Pepa ||Push It
|1994-05-14||1985-11-01 ||Grace Jones ||  [ Slave To The Rhythm] (Niet helemaal gedraaid!)
| ||Sheila E. || Glamorous Life
|1994-05-14|| 1987-02-20|| Jan Hammer ||Crockett's Theme (Miami Vice Mix) (Versie 2)(Niet helemaal gedraaid!)
| ||Prince & The Revolution || When Doves Cry
|1994-05-14|| 1992-09-11||Felix vs. Sergio Mendes||Don't You Want Me vs. Fanfarra
| ||Kraftwerk || Number
| ||Leon Haywood || Don't Push It Don't Force It
Op 6 juni 1999 wordt er een oude Minimix uitgezonden door [[Jeroen van Inkel]] tijdens zijn radioshow op [[Radio Veronica]]
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|1999-06-04|| 1986-07-25|| Frankie Goes To Hollywood|| Relax (Jerome In The US of A Mix)
| ||Afrika Bambaataa & The Soul Sonic Force || Planet Rock
De Minimix keert eenmalig terug op 12 juni 1999 op [[Radio 3]]. [[Ben Liebrand]] was te gast in het programma van Sven & Dave ([[BNN]]).
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum'''|| width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|1999-06-12|| 1989-03-17||Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock || [ Get On The Dancefloor]
| ||Musique || Push Push In The Bush
|1999-06-12|| 1992-05-29|| Queenesis (Queen vs. Genesis) || [ Mama Will Rock You]  
|2005-03-26|| Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel ||White Lines (Don't Do It) (Freestyle Remix)
|2005-04-02|| Sinéad O'Connor vs. Guru Josh|| [ Nothing Compares 2 Your Infinity]
| || ||Queen|| We Will Rock You
| ||Sinéad O'Connor || Nothing Compares To You
| || ||Genesis ||Mama
| ||Guru Josh || Infinity
| || ||Queen || Bohemian Rapsody (Sample)
|2005-04-09|| Bobby Orlando vs. Shannon|| O Me Tonight
|1999-06-12|| ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. The Gibson Brothers|| Music & Passion (The Mystery Minimix) (Versie 1, dit is een nieuwe Minimix en betreft mogelijk de Headstrong Mix)
|2005-04-16    || [[Ben Liebrand]] ||   The Star Wars Themes
Met ingang van 4 februari 2000 keert de Minimix terug op [[Radio 538]] in het radioprogramma van [ Lindo Duvall]. De oude traditie van 2 platen over 8, zoals het ooit vroeger in het begin was begonnen, wordt weer in ere hersteld.
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2000-02-04||     || [ Armin van Buuren] ||       [ Communication]
|2005-04-23 || Shannon vs. Santana ||Give Me Tonight vs. Oye Como Va
|2000-02-11||     || [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. The Gibson Brothers||   [ Music & Passion] (Clubmix) (Versie 2)
|2005-04-30 || Delerium vs. Sheila & B. Devotion || Silence In Space
|2000-02-18||1992-05-29 ||  Queen vs. Genesis ([ Queenesis]) ||   [ Mama Will Rock You]
|2005-05-07    ||  Earth, Wind & Fire vs. The Bangles ||       Egyptian In The Stone
| || ||Queen || We Will Rock You
|2005-05-14|| Electric Light Orchestra vs. Sophie Ellis Bextor|| Don't Bring Me Down The Wall
| || ||Genesis|| Mama
|2005-05-21    || Moby vs. Soulsearcher  || Go Cos I Can't Get Enough
| || ||Queen || Bohemian Rapsody (Sample)
|2005-05-28    || Yazoo vs. First Choice || Let No Man Put This Situation Asunder
|2000-02-25||     || [[Ben Liebrand]] ||   [ The Chase]
|2005-06-04    ||  The Trammps vs. Lime    ||     Your Disco Love Inferno
|2000-03-03||1986-02-07 ||Drum Theatre ||  [ Eldorado]
|2005-06-11 ||Anastacia vs. 2 Unlimited ||Out Of Love In The Twilight Zone
|2000-03-10||1985-08-23 ||Harold Faltemeyer Feat. Eddie Murphy ||   [ Axel F (Theme of Eddie Murphy's Beverly Hills Cop)]
|2005-06-18    || [[Ben Liebrand]] / Deep Purple vs. C&C Music Factory    ||   Child In Time vs. Keep It Coming (Dance Till You Can't Dance No More!)
| || ||Club Rapper's || Axel F (New York Rap Mix)
|2005-06-25|| [[Ben Liebrand]]|| Fanfare For The Common Man
| || ||Harold Faltermeyer|| Axel F
|2005-07-02|| Luther Vandross ||Never Too Much
| || ||Eddie Murphy|| Delirious (Stand Up Comedian Show 1983) Samples
|2005-07-09    || Kraftwerk vs. Janet Jackson  ||   Robots In Control
|2000-03-17||     || DJ Jurgen    ||   [ Higher & Higher]
|2005-07-16|| Farley Jack 'master' Funk & Jessie Saunders ||Love Can't Turn Around (The Philharmonix Remix)
|2000-03-24||1990-03-23 ||Sinéad O'Connor vs. Guru Josh|| [ Nothing Compares 2 Your Infinity]
|2005-07-23|| [[Ben Liebrand]]|| The Eve Of The War (House Remix)
| || ||Sinéad O'Connor || Nothing Compares To You
|2005-07-30|| Jan Hammer|| New York Theme
| || ||Guru Josh || Infinity
|2005-08-06|| Jan Hammer|| Crockett's Theme (Miami Vice Mix)
|2000-03-31||1993-02-13 ||Whitney Houston ||I Will Always Love You
|2005-08-13|| Taja Sevelle|| Love Is Contagious
|2000-04-07||1993-02-27 ||Whitney Houston ||I'm Every Woman ([ Trance House Mix])
|2005-08-20    || Bee Gees    ||   You Should Be Dancing
|2000-04-14||1992-04-10 ||Level 42 ||It's Over
|2005-08-27|| INXS ||Need You Tonight (Versie 1)
|2000-04-21||1987-02-20 ||Jan Hammer ||[ Crockett's Theme] (Miami Vice Mix) (Versie 2)  
|2005-09-03 ||Alexander O'Neal ||[ (What Can I Say) To Make You Love Me (Ben Liebrand Remix)]
|2000-04-28||1990-02-23 ||Bobby Brown  || [ Megamix (The Free Style Mega-Mix)] (Mixer: [[Rita Liebrand]])
|2005-09-10|| Prince vs. Wee Papa Girl Rappers|| Alphabet Street
| ||   || Bobby Brown ||On Our Own
|2005-09-17    ||  Class Action vs. Modjo ||Weekend Lady
| ||  || Bobby Brown ||Don't Be Cruel
| ||  || Bobby Brown ||Every Little Step
|  ||Class Action || Weekend
| ||    ||Bobby Brown  ||My Prerogative
|2000-05-05||1991-05-17 ||Crystal Waters ||Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
| || Modjo || Lady
|2000-05-12||     || Kool & The Gang||  [ Ladies Night] ( 2step Mix)
|2005-09-24 ||Whistle vs. Donald Duck || (Nothing Serious) Just Buggin'
|2000-05-19||1991-06-07 ||Kraftwerk|| [ Megamix 1991]
|2005-10-01 ||Donna Summer vs. Shannon ||Feel The Music Play
||Donna Summer || I Feel Love
| ||   ||Kraftwerk    || Home Computer
| ||Shannon|| Let The Music Play
| ||   || Kraftwerk    || The Robots
|2005-10-08 ||Geen uitzending || i.v.m. Veronica's Album Top 750 Aller Tijden
| ||   ||Kraftwerk    || Radioactivity
|2005-10-15 ||Celvin Rotane vs. Destiny's Child || Believe My Name
| ||   || Kraftwerk    || Computer Love
|2005-10-22 ||2 Unlimited || No Limit ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| ||   ||Kraftwerk    ||Pocket Calculator
|2005-10-29 ||Van Halen ||Jump (Jump All Over The Place Mix)
|2000-05-26||1987-04-17 ||Janet Jackson Feat. [[Gerbrand Westveen]] on Sax ||[ Let's Wait Awhile] (Versie 2)
|2005-11-05 ||Gloria Gaynor vs. Total Contrast || I Will Survive
|2000-06-02||    || Klubbheads  ||   [ Six Pack 2000]
|2005-11-12 ||Shakira vs. Britney Spears vs. Bee Gees || Whenever Wherever I'm Stayin' Alive
| || ||Klubbheads || Discohopping (1997)
|2005-11-19 ||Human Resource vs. Afrika Bambaataa || Bambominator
| || ||Klubbheads || Klubhopping (1996)
| ||Afrika Bambaataa || Just Get Up And Dance
| || ||Klubbheads || Release The Pressure (1999)
| ||Human Resource || Dominator
| || ||Klubbheads || Kickin' Hard (1998)
| ||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman
| || ||Klubbheads || Pumped Up Funk (1997)
| ||Was (Not Was) || Walk The Dinosaur
| || ||Klubbheads || Turn Up The Bass (2000)
|2005-11-26 ||Geen uitzending || i.v.m. de uitzending van de Grandmix 90's Edition deel 2
|2000-06-09||  ||   [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott || Move To The Bigband ([ Jazztrip])
|2005-12-03 ||Hot Chocolate ||2 In A Bed (Sexy GoGo Waar Blijft Het Ons Beloofde Feestje Minimix)
|2000-06-16||1992-01-10 ||Human Resource vs. Afrika Bambaataa|| [ Bambominator]
|2005-12-10   || Gregor Salto vs. The Trammps  || Looking Good In The Disco Inferno
| || ||Afrika Bambaataa || Just Get Up And Dance
|2005-12-17 ||Freeez ||I.O.U. (Swingfeel Mellow Mix)
| || ||Human Resource || Dominator
|2005-12-24 ||Geen uitzending||i.v.m. de uitzending van de Top 1000 Aller Tijden op [[Radio Veronica]]
| || ||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless) (Organ Sample)
|2005-12-31|| Sugarhill Gang ||Rapper's Delight (Hip Hop Remix)  
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
| || ||Was (Not Was) || Walk The Dinosaur
|2006-01-07 ||Rockers Revenge ||Walking On Sunshine (Acid Mix)
|2006-01-14 ||Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. de uitzending van Top 1000 Aller Tijden op [[Radio Veronica]]
|2000-06-23||1987-07-03 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] ||[ Weerbericht (The Rain Dance / Def ANP Rappers)]
|2006-01-21|| Genesis ||I Can't Dance (The Other Mix)
|2000-06-30||1991-02-20 ||Whitney Houston vs. Public Enemy ||[ I’m Your Baby Tonight]
|2006-01-28 ||B-52's vs. Carol Williams|| Love Shack
| || ||Whitney Houston || I'm Your Baby Tonight
|2006-02-04 ||Herbie Hancock vs. Sophie Ellis Bextor|| Don't Bring Me Down The Birds On The Wall
| || ||Public  Enemy || Welcome To The Terrordome
|2006-02-11|| Total Touch vs. Freestylers ||Push Me Touch Me
|2000-07-07||1986-11-07 ||Tina Turner|| Two People (Tender Impact)
|2006-02-18 ||Aaliyah vs. George Michael|| Whispering To That Somebody
|2000-07-14||1989-09-26 ||Janet Jackson ||Miss You Much (The Final Mix)
|2006-02-25  ||   Sister Sledge vs. Destiny's Child    ||   She's The Greatest Woman
|2000-07-21||1991-06-14 ||Madonna ||Open Your Heart (Versie 2)
|2006-03-04|| Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. uitzending van Veronica 80's Top 880 op [[Radio Veronica]]
|2000-07-28||1991-01-25 ||Sting ||Mad About You
|2006-03-11    || Sunclub vs. Delerium  ||   Silent Fiësta
|2000-08-04||1992-09-11 ||Felix vs. Sergio Mendes ||[ Don't You Want Me vs. Fanfarra]
| ||Sunclub || Fiësta
|2000-08-11||   || [[Ben Liebrand]]    ||  Grandmix 2000 The Summer Edition CD2 Preview
| ||Delirium ||Silence
|2000-08-18||1989-09-09 ||Rockers Revenge Feat. Donnie Calvin|| Walking On Sunshine (Acid Mix)
|2006-03-18 ||Tony Scott vs. C&C Music Factory|| Gonna Make The Bigband Sweat
|2000-08-25||1987-09-25 ||M/A/R/R/S vs. Michael Jackson || Pump Up The Volume vs. Bad
| ||C&C Music Factory || Gonna Make You Sweat
|2000-09-01||   || The Trammps ||  [ Disco Inferno]
| ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott || Move To The Bigband
|2000-09-08||1987-01-09 ||Mel & Kim vs. Frantique ||[ Showing Out vs. Strut Your Funky Stuff]
|2006-03-25|| Moby vs. Underdog Project|| Go With The Summerjam
|2000-09-15|| 1987-08-07||Stock, Aitken & Waterman ||[ Roadblock] (Diversion Mix)
|2006-04-01    || Cameo vs. Michael Jackson vs. Dimples D.||  Word Up! On The Sucker DJ Doin' The Michael Jackson
|2000-09-22||1992-07-10 ||ABBA ||[ Lay All Your Love On Me]
|2006-04-08 || Sting ||Fragile
|2000-09-29||    ||  Lil' Louis vs. George Kranz  ||   [ French Kiss vs. Din Daa Daa]
|2006-04-15 || Yazoo ||Situation (Hip House Mix)
| ||  ||Lil' Louis || French Kiss
|2006-04-22 || Tavares ||It Only Takes A Minute
| || ||George Kranz ||Trommeltanz (Din Daa Daa)
|2006-04-29 || The Revellettes || Sign Of Love
|2000-10-06||1987-12-04 ||Mai Tai vs. Eric B. & Rakim ||[ History’s Got Soul]
|2006-05-06   || Wild Cherry vs. Mai Tai || Play That Funky History
| || ||Mai Tai || History
|2006-05-13    || B.B. & Q. Band  ||   Main Attraction (The Finest Remix)
| || ||Erik B. & Rakim || I Know You Got Soul
|2006-05-20 || Geen uitzending || i.v.m. de uitzending van de Album Top 1000 op [[Radio Veronica]]
|2000-10-13||1986-02-21 ||Jellybean Benitez Feat. Madonna ||[ Sidewalk Talk (Sidewalk & Hiptalk Lookin' At Ya Madonna Minimix)]
|2006-05-27 || Heatwave || Grooveline ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|2000-10-20||1993-07-10 ||UB40 ||(I Can't Help) Falling In Love With You
|2006-06-03    ||  Tavares ||Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel (Irresistible Angel Mix)
|2000-10-27||1992-03-20 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] ||Techno Trance Megamix (Who Is Elvis)
|2006-06-10|| Minimix||Heroes With A Dream
|2000-11-03||1993-09-18 ||SWV vs. Michael Jackson ||Right Here vs. Human Nature
|  || Martin Luther King || I Have A Dream
|2000-11-10||1993-05-01 ||Snow ||Informer (Remix) (Versie 2)
|  ||Queen & David Bowie|| Under Pressure
|2000-11-17||1993-06-12 ||Haddaway ||What Is Love
|  ||David Bowie || Heroes
|2000-11-24||1987-07-31 ||Phil Collins ||  [ In The Air Tonight] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|  ||M/A/R/R/S || Pump Up The Volume (Drums)
|2000-12-01||1993-06-26 ||Clannad ||Theme From Harry's Game (Versie 1)
|2006-06-17||Prodigy vs. Faithless || Funkysomnia
|2000-12-08|| ||Geen uitzending || i.v.m. productie van de [[Grandmix]]!
|  ||Prodigy || Funky Shit
|2000-12-15|| ||Geen uitzending ||i.v.m. productie van de [[Grandmix]]!
|  ||Faithless || Insomnia
|2000-12-22|| ||Geen uitzending ||i.v.m. productie van de [[Grandmix]]!
|2006-06-24    ||  Alf    || Stuck On Earth (2006 House Mix) (Versie 4)
|2000-12-29||2000-03-17 ||DJ Jurgen ||Higher And Higher
|2006-07-01 ||2 Unlimited|| Faces
Dit jaar verhuisd het radioprogramma van [ Lindo Duvall] naar de zaterdagmiddag en verhuisd dus ook de Minimix mee, die dan als laatste track voor 15.00 uur wordt uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]]
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2001-01-06||   ||   [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||  Vocoder Playlist [[Grandmix#31_december_2000|Grandmix 2000]]
|2006-07-08 ||Björk ||Human Behaviour (Versie 2)
|2001-01-13|| 2000-09-01 ||The Trammps ||Disco Inferno
|2006-07-15 ||Melody MC|| Dum Da Dum
|2001-01-20|| 1993-01-30||Jocelyn Brown ||Somebody Else's Guy (House Remix)
|2006-07-22 ||Urban Cookie Collective ||The Key, The Secret
|2001-01-27|| 1992-07-03||Level 42 ||Club Megamix (The Essential Combination)
|2006-07-29 ||Salt 'N' Pepa|| Shoop (Underground Clubmix)
|2001-02-03|| 1987-06-06||Alf / [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Stuck On Earth (American House Mix 1987)
|2006-08-05 ||Madonna vs. Suzanne Vega|| Erotic Diner
|2001-02-10  || || Mory Kante vs. Eurythmics    ||   [ Sweet Yé Ké Yé Ké] (Versie 1)
|2006-08-12 ||Alexander O'Neal vs. Stevie Wonder|| I Wish You Were Not Fake
| || ||Mory Kante ||Yé Ké Yé Ké (Hardfloor Mix)
|2006-08-19 ||Madonna vs. Capricorn ||Music@20Hz
| || ||Eurythmics|| Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)
|2006-08-26 ||Bee Gees ||You Should Be Dancing
|2001-02-17||1992-09-18 || Phil Collins || [ Another Day In Paradise]
|2006-09-02 ||Jan Hammer|| Crockett's Theme (Miami Vice Mix) (Edit Versie)
|2001-02-24|| 1992-10-31|| Salt 'N' Pepa || Start Me Up (Louder Bass Versie)
|2006-09-09 ||Herb Alpert Feat. Janet Jackson|| Diamonds (Ben's Crazy Edit)
|2001-03-03 ||   || Colonel Abrams vs. Madonna  ||    [ Trapped On A Holiday]
|2006-09-16 ||2 Unlimited ||Maximum Overdrive
| || || Colonel Abrams || Trapped
|2006-09-23|| C&C Music Factory vs. Kylie Minogue Feat. The Bigband Horns|| Gonna Slowly Make You Sweat
| || ||Madonna||Holiday
|2006-09-23 ||Prince vs. Wee Papa Girl Rappers ||Alphabet Street
|2001-03-10||1990-11-23 ||Deee-Lite ||     [ What Is Love]
|2006-09-23 ||Prince & The Revolution ||Kiss
| || ||René & Angela || Save Your Love (For #1) (Sample)
|2006-09-23 ||Prince & The Revolution vs. Destiny's Child ||Kiss-A-Boo
| || ||Deee-lite || Groove Is In The Heart (Sample)
|2006-09-23 ||Prince ||House Quake (If You Can't Rock Steady Then Shut Up Already Damn Minimix)
| || ||Prince & The New Power Generation || Gett Off (Sample)
|2006-09-23 ||Prince & The New Power Generation ||Get Off
| || ||Guy || I Wanna Get With You (Sample)
|2006-09-23 ||Prince & The Revolution vs. Mighty Dub Katz ||Magic 1999 (Carpet Ride Minimix)
|2001-03-17||1992-06-26 || George Michael vs. Jocelyn Brown ||   Too Funky (Power Mix) (Ook wel de Somebody Else's Guy's 2 Funky Minimix)
|2006-09-23    || Prince & The Revolution|| Erotic City
| ||  ||George Michael || Too Funky
|2006-09-23    ||  Prince & The Revolution ||When Doves Cry
| || ||Jocelyn Brown||Somebody Else's Guy
|2006-09-23      ||Prince & The Revolution vs. Ramirez  ||   I would die 4 U vs. Musica Tremenda
|2001-03-24|| 1990-10-26||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott ||Move To The Bigband (Vocoder Mix)
|2006-09-30 ||Crystal Waters|| Gypsy Woman (La Da Dee) (Guitar Mix)
|2001-03-31||1988-01-22 ||Ceejay || [ A Little Love (What's Going On)] (Versie 1)
|2006-10-07 ||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| Weerbericht (The Rain Dance / Def ANP Rappers) (De minimix wordt vanaf nu  uitgezonden op de zaterdagavond, twee platen over elf!)
|2001-04-07||     || Sly & The Family Stone  ||  [ Dance To The Music]
|2006-10-14 ||Karen Young ||Hot Shot ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix) (Versie 1)
|2001-04-14||   || Janet Jackson vs. Change Feat. Luther Vandross  ||  [ All For You vs. The Glow Of Love]
|2006-10-21 ||U69 ||Love Sees No Colour
|2001-04-15 (13.45 uur)||  2001-04-14  ||  Janet Jackson vs. Change Feat. Luther Vandross  ||  [ All For You vs. The Glow Of Love]
|2006-10-28    ||  Robin S. vs. Fedde Le Grand    ||  Put Your Hands Up 4 Love
|2001-04-15 (14.45 uur)||   || Janet Jackson || When I Think Of You (Versie 3)
|2006-11-04 ||Michael Jackson vs. Europe|| Billie Jean's Final Countdown
|2001-04-21||1993-04-03 ||Van Halen ||Jump (Jump All Over The Place Mix)
|2006-11-11    || Spiller vs. Everything But The Girl  ||   Missing Groove Jet
|2001-04-28||1989-01-20 ||Sheena Easton ||The Lover In Me
|2006-11-17 ||Earth, Wind & Fire vs. The Bangles|| Egyptian In The Stone (Let op: de minimix wordt vanaf deze datum op 2 dagen uitgezonden; op de vrijdagavond, in de [[Avonturen Show]] van DJ [[Erwin Peters]] om twee platen over negen en op de zaterdagavond rond 2 platen over elf in de [[Disco Inferno Show]] van [[DJ Sven]])
|2001-05-05||   || Hot Chocolate  ||  Sexy Thing
|2006-11-18|| Kool & The Gang|| Ladies Night ([[Ben Liebrand]] Swingbeat Remix)
|2001-05-12|| 1989-02-17||Tone Loc ||Wild Thing
|2006-11-24 ||Karen Young ||Hot Shot ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix) (Versie 2)
|2001-05-19|| 1993-03-27||Shaggy|| Oh Carolina
|2006-11-25|| Tramaine ||(Spirit of Love) Fall Down
|2001-05-26|| 1991-08-16||Punchy|| Here I Come (Clubmix)
|2006_12-01|| Sister Sledge vs. Destiny's Child ||She's The Greatest Woman
|2001-06-02|| ||Geen uitzending|| Minimix werd daarom verschoven naar de volgende dag
|2006-12-02   || Robin S. vs. Fedde Le Grand  ||   Put Your Hands Up 4 Love
|2001-06-03||   || [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||  [ Trance Minimix]
|2006-12-08    || Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. de uitzending van de TOP 1000 op [[Radio Veronica]]
| || ||Safri Duo || Played Alive
|2006-12-09    || Salt 'N' Pepa  || Start Me Up  ([[Ben Liebrand]] Streetmix)
| || ||Mauro Picotto || Komodo
|2006-12-15 || Queenesis (Queen vs. Genesis) ||Mama Will Rock You
|  || ||Debet Forge || Questions Must Be Asked
|  ||Queen|| We Will Rock You
|  || ||System F || Needle Juice
|  ||Genesis ||Mama
|2001-06-09||   ||  [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||   Spirit Of Disco Italo Edition
| ||Queen || Bohemian Rapsody (Sample)
|2001-06-16|| 1993-05-22 ||2 Unlimited|| Tribal Dance
|2006-12-16 ||Human Resource vs. Afrika Bambaataa ||Bambominator
|2001-06-23||1984-06-29 || [[Ben Liebrand]]|| The Classics Minimix
| ||Afrika Bambaataa || Just Get Up And Dance
|2001-06-30||   ||  Björk ||   Human Behaviour (Versie 2) ( duurt 1 min 15 sec langer dan Versie 1 uit 1993)
| ||Human Resource || Dominator
|2001-07-07|| ||Geen uitzending || i.v.m de megafestatie
| ||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
|2001-07-14|| ||Geen uitzending || i.v.m de megafestatie
| ||Was (Not Was) || Walk The Dinosaur
|2001-07-21||1992-10-10 ||Karen Young ||Hot Shot (Versie 2)
|2006-12-22 ||Joe Jackson ||Is She Really Going Out With Him (Non-Acapella Mix)
|2001-07-28|| 2001-06-03||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| Trance Minimix
|2006-12-23 ||Modern Talking|| Modern Rapping
|2001-08-04|| ||Geen uitzending ||
|2006-12-24  ||   Santa Claus Esmeralda  || Don't Let Me Be Misundersnowed (X-Mass Version)
|2001-08-11|| 1986-06-26 ||Peter Gabriel vs. Grace Jones ||   [ Sledgehammer] (Versie 1)
|2006-12-24  ||   Crystal Waters Feat. Do ||Homeless In Heaven
| || ||Peter Gabriel || Sledgehammer
|2006-12-29 ||Lou Reed|| Walk On The Wildside
| || ||Grace Jones || Slave To The Rhythm
|2006-12-30 ||James Brown ||Sexmachine (Sample Mix)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2001-08-18||   || Salt 'N' Pepa Feat. EnVogue  ||    Whatta Man (Golden Girls Mix)
|2007-01-05|| Hall & Oates|| I Can't Go For That
|2001-08-25||   ||  Prodigy vs. Faithless ||   [ Bitch As One]
|2007-01-06|| [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott|| Move To The Bigband (Jazzy mix)
| || ||The Prodigy ||Smack My Bitch Up
|2007-01-12 ||Wild Cherry vs. Mai Tai|| Play That Funky History
| || ||Faithless ||We Come One
|2007-01-13 ||Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam|| Let The Beat Hit 'Em
|2001-09-01 ||   || Prodigy vs. Faithless || [ Funky Insomnia] (5 min 52 sec)
|2007-01-19 ||Electric Light Orchestra vs. Sophie Ellis Bextor|| Don't Bring Me Up The Wall
| || ||The Prodigy || Funky Shit
|2007-01-20 ||Janet Jackson ||What Have You Done For Me Lately (Versie 1)
| || ||Faithless || Insomnia
|2007-01-26 ||Level 42 ||It's Over ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix
|2001-09-08||     || Madonna vs. Perpetuous Dreamer ||  The Sound Of Vogue
|2007-01-27 ||Level 42 || Mega-re-mix (The Essential Combination)
|2001-09-15|| 1985-12-13 ||[ Art Of Noise Feat. Peter Schön on Keyboard] ||[ The Megamoments In Love Mix]
|2007-02-02 ||Jan Hammer ||Crockett's Theme (Miami Vice Mix)
|2001-09-22|| ||Joe Jackson ||Is She Really Going Out With Him (Non-Acapella Mix) (Versie 2) (Duurt 1 min korter dan Versie 1)
|2007-02-03 ||Shakira vs. Britney Spears vs. Bee Gees ||Whenever Wherever I'm Stayin' Alive
|2001-09-29|| 1993-07-17 ||Rob 'N' Raz ||Clubhopping
|2007-02-09 ||INXS ||Need You Tonight (Versie 1)
| || || Grace Jones ||Nightclubbing (Sample)
|2007-02-10 ||Candy Dulfer ||Saxuality
|2001-10-06||1986-06-26 ||Peter Gabriel vs. Grace Jones ||   [ Sledgehammer] (Versie 1)
|2007-02-16 ||Peter Gabriel vs. Grace Jones ||Sledgehammer
| || ||Peter Gabriel || Sledgehammer
|2007-02-17  ||   Mousse T. vs. Colonel Abrams  || Trapped 'N' Horny
| || ||Grace Jones || Slave To The Rhythm
|2007-02-23 || Shaggy || Oh Carolina
|2001-10-13||    || Raven Maze vs. Donna Summer  ||   [ The Real Life vs. I Feel Love]
|2007-02-24 || Prodigy vs. Faithless || Funky Insomnia
|  || || Raven Maze ||The Real Life
|2007-03-02 || Drum Theatre || Eldorado
|  || || Donna Summer || I Feel Love
|2007-03-03 || Salt 'N' Pepa || Do U Want Me (Peanuts Mix)
|2001-10-20||1993-05-15 ||Dance 2 Trance ||Power Of American Natives
|2007-03-09 || Level 42 || Club Megamix (The Essential Combination)
|2001-10-27||2001-08-25 || Prodigy vs. Faithless ||   [ Bitch As One]
|2007-03-10 || Groove Technology || Mind On The Beat
|  || ||The Prodigy ||Smack My Bitch Up
|2007-03-16 || Spiller vs. Everything But The Girl || Missing Groove Jet
|  || ||Faithless ||We Come One
|2007-03-17 || Timmy Thomas vs. Colonel Abrams || Trapped Together
|2001-10-28||1986-08-29 ||Human League|| Human
|2007-03-23 || Herb Alpert Feat. Janet Jackson || Diamonds (Ben's Crazy Edit)
|2001-11-03 ||  || The Ones ||   [ Flawless]
|2007-03-24 || Michael Jackson || Liberian Girl
| ||   ||  The Ones ||Flawless
|2007-03-30 || Prince & The Revolution vs. Destiny's Child || Kiss-a-Boo
| ||  ||Gary's Gang ||Keep On Dancin'
|2007-03-31    || [[Ben Liebrand]]   || Sonic Move It ! (part 2/2)
| ||   || A Taste Of Honey || Boogie Oogie Oogie (Bassline)
|2007-04-06 || Michael Jackson vs. Europe || Billie Jean's Final Countdown
| ||   || Tom Tom Club || Wordy Rappinghood (Synth)
|2007-04-07 || Jocelyn Brown || Somebody Else's Guy (House Remix)
| ||   || Earth, Wind & Fire || Boogie Wonderland (Sample)
|2007-04-13 || Tavares || Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel (Irresistible Angel Mix)
|2001-11-10|| ||Chas Jankel ||[ Glad To Know You] (Versie 2) (Duurt 2 min korter dan Versie 1 uit 1989)
|2007-04-14  ||   Candy Dulfer  || Heavenly City ([[Ben Liebrand]] S2SMix)
| || ||Twin Hype || For Those Who Like To Groove
|2007-04-20|| Mousse T. vs. Colonel Abrams || Trapped 'N' Horny
| || || Hollywood Sweat Mix || "If You Haven't Dance Yet, What The Fuck Did You Come For" (Sample)
|2007-04-21|| Michael Jackson || Bad
| || ||Club Groove Remix ||"Bust A Move" (Sample)
|2007-04-27|| C&C Music Factory vs. Kylie Minogue Feat. The Bigband Horns || Gonna Slowly Make You Sweat
| || ||Double Trouble & Rebel MC || Street Tuff
|2007-04-28|| Prince & The Revolution|| Erotic City
| || ||Isaac Hayes || Theme From Shaft
|2007-05-04|| Modern Talking vs. Public Enemy || Modern Rapping
| || ||Billy Ocean ||Are You Ready
|2007-05-05|| Alexander O'Neal vs. Stevie Wonder|| I Wish You Were Not Fake
|2001-11-17 ||  || Farley Jack 'master' Funk & Jessie Saunders  ||   Love Can't Turn Around (The Philharmonic Remix) (Versie 2)
|2007-05-11|| Geen uitzending || i.v.m. de Album Top 1000 op [[Radio Veronica]]
|2001-11-24 ||   || Daft Punk vs. Suzanne Vega  ||    Tom's Fast Food Diner
|2007-05-12|| Geen uitzending || i.v.m. de Album Top 1000 op [[Radio Veronica]]
| || ||DNA Feat. Suzanne Vega || Tom's Diner
|2007-05-18|| Alexander O'Neal vs. Stevie Wonder|| I Wish You Were Not Fake
| || ||Daft Punk|| Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
|2007-05-19    || Bodyrox vs. The Trammps  ||     Bodyinferno
|2001-12-01||1991-11-29 ||Lou Reed|| [ Walk On The Wildside]
|2007-05-25 ||Prodigy vs. Faithless ||Funky Insomnia
|2001-12-08||1991-11-01 ||Extreme|| More Than Words
|2007-05-26    || Fedde Le Grand vs. Michael Jackson  ||     Billie Jean Is Trippin'
|2001-12-15|| 1986-10-17||Cameo ||Word Up! (Kan'ie Wel, Kan'ie Niet Cameo Minimix)
|2007-06-01 ||Janet Jackson ||What Have You Done For Me Lately (Versie 1)
|2001-12-22|| 2001-11-24||Daft Punk vs. Suzanne Vega|| Tom's Fast Food Diner
|2007-06-02    || Kelis vs. Outwork    ||   Elektro Shake
| || ||DNA Feat. Suzanne Vega || Tom's Diner
|2007-06-08 ||David Bowie vs. Martin Luther King|| Heroes With A Dream
| || ||Daft Punk|| Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
|2007-06-09    || Jennifer Lopez vs. Untouchable 3      || Play That Once In A Lifetime
|2001-12-29||2001-08-25 || Prodigy vs. Faithless ||  [ Bitch As One]
| ||Jennifer Lopez || Play
|  || ||The Prodigy ||Smack My Bitch Up
|  ||Untouchable 3 || Once In A Lifetime (Dave Moreaux Remix)
| || ||Faithless ||We Come One
|2007-06-15|| Madonna ||Open Your Heart (Versie 2)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2002-01-06   ||  || [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Ceejay  ||  [ Give Me An Answer (Armin Van Buuren Remix Edit)] (Versie 3)
|2007-06-16   ||  Gregor Salto vs. Freeez || I.O.U. Viajar
|2002-01-11|| ||Geen uitzending || Reden Onbekend
|2007-06-22 ||Donna Summer vs. Shannon ||Feel The Music Play
|2002-01-18|| ||Geen uitzending ||  i.v.m de herhaling van de [[Grandmix#31_december_2001|Grandmix 2001]]
|2007-06-23  ||   Carol Williams vs. The Trammps||  Love Is Inferno
|2002-01-25||     || P!nk vs. Salt 'N' Pepa  ||   [ Get The Party Started]
|2007-06-29|| The Sugarhill Gang || [ Rappers Delight (Hip Hop Remix)] (Versie 2)
| || ||P!nk ||Get The Party Started
|2007-06-30|| Kool & The Gang ||Ladies Night (Swingbeat Mix)
| || ||Salt ‘N’ Pepa || Push It
|2007-07-06|| Cameo vs. Michael Jackson vs. Dimples D.|| Word Up! On The Sucker DJ Doin' The Michael Jackson
| || ||Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire || Weekend (Acapella)
|2007-07-07|| Madonna vs. Suzanne Vega ||Erotic Diner
|2002-02-01 ||   || [[Ben Liebrand]]  ||  [[Grandmix#31_december_2001|Grandmix 2001]] Vocoder Playlist
|2007-07-13|| Class Action vs. Modjo|| Weekend Lady
|2002-02-08|| ||Geen uitzending || Reden Onbekend
|2007-07-14|| Mousse T. vs. Colonel Abrams ||Trapped 'N' Horny
|2002-02-15 ||   ||  Alcazar vs. Chic    ||     My Forbidden Guarantee (Guarantee With My Forbidden Lover)
|2007-07-20|| Wild Cherry vs. Mai Tai|| Play That Funky History
|2002-02-22||   ||  Underworld vs. Marco V || [ Born Slippy-Godd]
|2007-07-21|| Sunclub vs. Delerium ||Silent Fiësta
| || ||Marco V ||Godd
|2007-07-27|| Queenesis (Queen vs. Genesis) ||Mama Will Rock You
|  || ||Underworld || Born Slippy
|  ||Queen|| We Will Rock You
|2002-03-01||  ||Geen uitzending ||Reden Onbekend
|  ||Genesis ||Mama
|2002-03-08 ||   ||  Shakira vs. Britney Spears vs. Bee Gees || Whenever Wherever I'm Stayin' Alive (dit is tevens de laatste minimix die werd uitgezonden op [[Radio 538]])
| ||Queen || Bohemian Rapsody (Sample)
Na anderhalf jaar afwezigheid keert de Minimix weer terug op de radio, maar nu bij het commerciële radiostation [[Radio Veronica]]. Maakte de Minimix voorheen deel uit van iemand andermans radioprogramma; nu wordt het een onderdeel in het eerste uur, van een maar liefst drie uur durend eigen radioprogramma van [[Ben Liebrand]] [[In The Mix]]. De eerste uitzending startte op [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2004#9_januari_2004|9 januari 2004]].
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2004-01-09||1985-11-01 ||Grace Jones ||  [ Slave To The Rhythm]
|2007-07-28|| Sister Sledge vs. Destiny's Child|| She's The Greatest Woman
|2004-01-09||   || Celvin Rotane vs. Destiny's Child ||        Believe My Name
|2007-08-03 ||Tavares ||Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel (Irresistible Angel Mix)
| || ||Celvin Rotane ||I Believe
|2007-08-04 ||Boz Scaggs vs. Adina Howard|| Lowdown Freak Like Me
| || ||Destiny's Child||Say My Name
|2007-08-10|| Geen uitzending ||i.v.m. de herhaling van Veronica's Top 1000 Aller Tijden 2006
|2004-01-09||   || Sunclub vs. 20 Fingers ||  Lickin' Fiësta
|2007-08-11 ||Prince & The Revolution vs. Ramirez ||I Would Die 4 U vs. La Musica Tremenda (Edit Versie)
| || ||Sunclub||Fiesta
|2007-08-17 ||Mousse T. vs. Colonel Abrams ||Trapped 'N' Horny
| || ||20 Fingers || Lick It
|2007-08-18  ||   Sunclub Feat. Rick James    ||   Superfreak Fiesta
|2004-01-16|| 1985-09-20  ||Propaganda  ||    [ P-Machinery vs. (The Nine Lives Of) Dr. Mabuse]
|2007-08-25 ||Ram Jam ||Black Betty (Rough 'N' Ready Remix)
| || ||Propaganda  || P-Machinery
|2007-09-01  ||   Willie Colon Feat. Justin Timberlake ||   Set fire to me like I love you
| || ||Propaganda || Dr. Mabuse
|2007-09-08  ||   Sharron vs. Santana ||   Oye Como Va Me Tonight (Dancefloor Remix with Extra Drums)
|2004-01-16|| 1986-02-21 ||Jellybean Benitez Feat. Madonna ||[ Sidewalk Talk (Sidewalk & Hiptalk Lookin' At Ya Madonna Minimix)]
|2007-09-15|| Michael Jackson|| Speed Demon (The Usual [[Ben Liebrand]] Primeur)
|2004-01-23 ||  1991-02-22 ||Whitney Houston vs. Public Enemy ||[ I’m Your Baby Tonight]
|2007-09-22   ||   Alcazar vs. Chic vs. Stetsaonic ||Sexual quantee vs. Forbidden Lover vs. Talkin' all that jazz
| || ||Whitney Houston || I'm Your Baby Tonight
|2007-09-29|| The S.O.S. Band ||The Finest (Liebrand Remix)
| || ||Public Enemy || Welcome To The Terrordome
|2007-10-06  ||   Freemasons Feat. Diana Ross  || I'm coming out
|2004-01-23||   1984-08-24 ||Frankie Goes To Hollywood|| [ Frankie Goes Bananas Mix (Relax In Stereo And Lots Of Tribes)]
|2007-10-13 ||Janet Jackson vs. Change Feat. Luther Vandross ||All For You vs. In The Glow Of Love
|2004-01-23||     || Technotronic & Justin Timberlake || [ Pump It Like I Like It]
|2007-10-20 ||Tramaine ||(Spirit Of Love) Fall Down
|  || ||Justin Timberlake || Like I Love You (Acapella)
|2007-10-27 ||Pia Zadora ||Dance Out Of My Head (Acid Mix)
|  || ||Technotronic Feat. Felly || Pump Up The Jam
|2007-11-03 ||Janet Jackson || The Pleasure Principle
|2004-01-23  ||  1987-09-25  ||M/A/R/R/S vs. Michael Jackson ||Pump Up The Volume vs. Bad
|2007-11-10  ||   Samir's Theme vs. Wildchild  ||   Renegade Master
|  || ||M/A/R/R/S ||Pump Up The Volume
|2007-11-17 ||   Massive Attack Feat. Robin S.||   Unfinished Sympathy vs. Show Me Love
|  || ||Michael Jackson||Bad
|2007-11-24 ||   Samir Feat. Redhead Kingpin & FBI  || Do The Right Thing
|2004-01-23|| 1988-08-05  || Joe Jackson ||Is She Really Going Out With Him (Non-Acapella Mix)
|2007-12-01|| Whitney Houston vs. Public Enemy|| I'm Your Baby Tonight
|2004-01-30||  1985-08-09  ||Miami Sound Machine|| [ Conga (Conga In The Bongo Mix)]
|2007-12-08|| Rose Royce vs. Alexander O'Neal || Rose Royce Express vs. Fake
|2004-01-30|| 1991-12-06  || Depeche Mode  ||   [ The Flexible Mix] (Versie 2)
|2007-12-15|| Timmy Thomas vs. Colonel Abrams|| Trapped Together
|  ||    || Depeche Mode ||Get The Balance Right!
|2007-12-22 ||    Santa Claus Esmeralda || Don't Let Be be Misundersnowed (part 2/2)
| ||   || Depeche Mode  ||Just Can't Get Enough
|2007-12-29|| Robin S. vs. Fedde Le Grand ||Put Your Hands Up 4 Love (Updated Version)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|  ||    ||Depeche Mode  ||Flexible
|2008-01-05 ||   Dubfire Feat. Sophie Ellis Baxtor   ||   Roadkill vs. Don’t Bring Me Up The Wall
|2004-01-30 ||  || Prince & The Revolution vs. Destiny's Child  ||     Kiss-A-Boo
|2008-01-12  ||   DJ Tilo vs. Diana Ross|| Take Me Higher
| || ||Prince & The Revolution || Kiss
|2008-01-19|| DJ Tilo vs. Diana Ross|| Mr. Perfect Takes Me Higher
| || ||Destiny's Child || Bug-A-Boo
|2008-01-26 ||Paul Hardcastle || Megamix met oa.:
|2004-01-30|| 1993-05-01  ||Snow || Informer (Remix) (Versie 2)
| ||Paul Hardcastle || In The Beginning
|2004-01-30 ||1990-03-23  || Sinéad O'Connor vs. Guru Josh|| [ Nothing Compares 2 Your Infinity]
| ||Paul Hardcastle || 19
| || ||Sinéad O'Connor || Nothing Compares To You
| ||Paul Hardcastle || You´re The One For Me
| || ||Guru Josh || Infinity
| ||Pig Bag || Papa´s Got A Brand New Pigbag (Paul Hardcastle´s Electrofunk Versie)
|2004-02-06||  1986-08-08 ||Janet Jackson|| Nasty
|2008-02-02  || The Doobie Brothers vs. Out of Office   ||     Long Train Running Out Of Office
|2004-02-06||   1984-10-26 || Yazoo vs. T-Connection ||Funky Situation At Midnight
|2008-02-09 ||   Telex ||   Moskow Diskow In The Shimmering Transoeral Siberia Remix
| || ||Yazoo|| Situation
|2008-02-16 ||   2 Unlimited ||   No Limit
| || ||T-Connection||Saturday Night
|2008-02-23 ||   Billy Ocean ||   When The Going Gets Tough (When The Mixing Gets Tough)
| || || Yazoo ||Don't Go
|2008-03-01 ||   Snow ||   Informer (Remix)
|2004-02-06||   || Bobby Orlando vs. Shannon  ||    [ O Me Tonight]
|2008-03-08 ||   Doctor's Cat ||   Feel The Drive
|2004-02-06|| 1987-02-20  || Jan Hammer ||Crockett's Theme (Miami Vice Mix) (Versie 2)
|2008-03-15  ||   Sesa vs. Kraze||   Let's Play House Like This Like That
|2004-02-13||   || Geen uitzending ||t.g.v. storing in de programmering bij [[Radio Veronica]]
|2008-03-22 ||Dimples D. ||Sucker DJ (Met Toegevoegde Creatieve Waarde)
|2004-02-20|| 1990-11-30   ||Ceejay ||(Got To Be) Free
|2008-03-29  ||  Isaac Hayes vs. Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five    ||   Theme From Shaft With A Message (2008 Version)
|2004-02-20|| 1985-10-04  || Five Star ||[ Megamix (Ach Val Dood Mix)]
|2008-04-05  ||   Karen Young vs. Donna Summer|| Hotshot Coming Out
|   || ||Five Star || All Fall Down
|2008-04-12 ||Steve Winwood ||You Keep On Searchin'
|  || ||Five Star || Let Me Be The One
|2008-04-19   ||   10 CC vs. Armin van Buuren  ||   Face To Face But Not In Love
|   || ||Five Star || Love Take Over
|2008-04-26    || Kool & the Gang vs. Leon Haywood    ||   Ladies don't push it tonight
|2004-02-20||  2002-03-08|| Shakira vs. Britney Spears vs. Bee Gees ||Whenever Wherever I'm Stayin' Alive
|2008-05-03 ||Janet Jackson|| Nasty
|2004-02-20|| 1987-04-17  || Janet Jackson Feat. [[Gerbrand Westveen]] on Sax|| Let's Wait Awhile (Versie 2)
|2008-05-10 ||Geen uitzending||i.v.m. de Album Top 1000
|2004-02-27||   1992-07-10  ||ABBA ||[ Lay All Your Love On Me]
|2008-05-17 ||Prince & The Revolution vs. Destiny's Child ||Kiss-a-boo (Re-remix 2008)
|2004-02-27||     || Forrest ||  Rock The Boat (First Rough Mix) (10 min 20 sec)
|2008-05-24 ||Tone Loc|| Wild Thing
|2004-02-27||   ||  C&C Music Factory vs. Kylie Minogue Feat. The Bigband Horns  ||     Gonna Slowly Make You Sweat
|2008-05-31 ||Mory Kante vs. Eurythmics|| Sweet Yeke Yeke
|   ||   ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott || Move To The Bigband (Bigband Horns)
|2008-06-07 || 10CC vs. Armin van Buuren|| [ Face To Face But Not In Love]
|   ||   ||C&C Music Factory ||Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)
| ||10CC || I'm Not In Love
|   ||   ||Kylie Minogue || Slow
| ||Armin Van Buuren || Face to Face
|2004-02-27 || 1987-07-03 ||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| [ Weerbericht (The Rain Dance / Def ANP Rappers)] (Edit Versie!)
|2008-06-14 ||Robin S. vs. Tears For Fears & More ||Shout 4 Love
|2004-03-05|| 1984-07-27  || Talk Talk ||Multimix
|2008-06-21 ||Salt 'N' Pepa|| Do U Want Me (Serious Mix)
|2004-03-05||   ||  Tony Scott vs. C&C Music Factory  ||       Gonna Make The Bigband Sweat
|2008-06-28 ||Dubfire vs. Sophie Ellis Bextor|| Crazy Roadkill Up The Wall
|   ||   ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott || Move To The Bigband
|2008-07-05 ||Karen Young vs. Diana Ross ||Hot Shot Coming Out
|   ||   ||C&C Music Factory ||Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)
|2008-07-12 ||Out Of Office vs. The Doobie Brothers|| Long Train Running Out Of Office
|2004-03-12|| 1992-04-10  ||Level 42 ||It's Over
|2008-07-19 ||Shannon vs. Santana ||Oye Como Va Me Tonight (Dancefloor Remix with Extra Drums)
|2004-03-12|| 1989-03-17  || Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock || [ Get On The Dancefloor]
|2008-07-26 ||Rick James vs. Sunclub|| Superfreak Fiësta
|2004-03-12||   ||  Moby vs. Underdog Project  ||     Go With The Summerjam
|2008-08-02 ||Massive Attack vs. Robin S.|| Unfinished Love
|2004-03-12|| 1987-07-31  || Phil Collins || [ In The Air Tonight] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|2008-08-09 ||Michael Jackson ||Smooth Criminal (Smeuïge Crimineel Mix)
|2004-03-12|| 1992-09-25  ||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| [ Frankfurt Techno Mix (Mayday Dildo Klang Jump)]
|2008-08-16 ||Carl Linger|| Super Love
| || ||Westbam || Mayday
|2008-08-23 ||Pia Zadora|| Dance Out Of My Head ([[Ben Liebrand]] Mix)
| || ||Interactive || Dildo
|2008-08-30 ||Culture Beat|| Mr. Vain (Mr. Liebrand Remix)
| || ||3 Phase Feat. Dr. Motte || Der Klang Der Familie
|2008-09-06 ||Steve Allen|| Love Is In The Air
| || ||N.U.K.E. || Nana
|2008-09-13 ||Nina Hagen|| New York New York (New York Transformed Mix)
| || ||The Movement || Jump
|2008-09-20 ||Cerrone ||Supernature (Old-Skool Mix)
|2004-03-19||   || [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Ceejay  ||  Give Me An Answer (2004 Remix) (Versie 4)
|2008-09-27 ||Cerrone ||Supernature 2010
|2004-03-19 || 1984-08-10  ||Giorgio Moroder|| Megamix
|2008-10-04 ||Telex ||Moskow Diskow In The Shimmering Transoeral Siberia Remix
|2004-03-19 || 2001-08-25  || Prodigy vs. Faithless ||   [ Bitch As One]
|2008-10-11 ||Mousse T. vs. Colonel Abrams|| Trapped 'N' Horny
| || ||The Prodigy ||Smack My Bitch Up
|2008-10-18 ||Robin S. vs. Madonna|| Luv 4 Music
| || ||Faithless ||We Come One
|2008-10-25 ||Ce Ce Peniston vs. Faithless|| Finally Insomnia
|2004-03-19||   1985-09-06 || Kate Bush||[ Running Up That Hill (Ben Liebrand Remix)]
|2008-11-01 ||Technotronic vs. Madonna|| Pump Up Another Day
|2004-03-26 || 1986-02-07  ||Drum Theatre ||  [ Eldorado]
|2008-11-08 ||Raven Maize vs. Donna Summer|| I Feel The Real Life
|2004-03-26 ||     || Delerium vs. Sheila & B. Devotion    ||    Silence In Space (Versie 1)
|2008-11-15 ||Shirley Bassey ||Diamonds Are Forever ([[Ben Liebrand]] Elektro Remix)
| || ||Delerium Feat. Sarah McLachlan || Silence
|2008-11-22 ||Herb Alpert Feat. Janet Jackson ||Diamonds (Ben's Crazy Edit)
| || ||Sheila & B. Devotion || Spacer
|2008-11-29 ||Shakira vs. Britney Spears vs. Bee Gees ||Whenever Wherever I'm Stayin' Alive
|2004-03-26 ||  1989-06-23  || Alexander O'Neal ||Hitmix (The Official Bootleg Mega-mix) (Mixer: [[Rita Liebrand]])
|2008-12-06 ||Fox The Fox ||Precious Little Diamond ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| ||   || Alexander O'Neal    ||What Can I Say (To Make You Love Me)
|2008-12-13 ||Hall & Oates|| I Can't Go For That (No Can Do)
| ||   || Alexander O'Neal  & Cherrelle  ||Never Knew Love Like This
|2008-12-20 ||Dr. Kucho!|| Lies To Yourself vs. Jingle Bells
| ||   ||Alexander O'Neal    ||Fake
|2008-12-27 || Geen uitzending ||
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
| ||   ||Alexander O'Neal    ||Hearsay
|2009-01-03|| Michael Jackson ||Bad (DMC Mix)
| ||   ||Alexander O'Neal    ||Criticize
|2009-01-10|| Diana Ross vs. Felix ||Don't You Want Me Coming Out
| ||   || Alexander O'Neal    ||Innocent
|2009-01-17|| Farley Jack 'master' Funk & Jessie Saunders|| Love Can't Turn Around (The Philharmonic Remix)
|2004-04-02|| 1992-10-10 ||Karen Young ||Hot Shot (Versie 2)
|2009-01-24|| Art Of Noise vs. Eminem Feat. Joel Tuerner|| Beatbox Without Me!
|2004-04-02|| 2004-03-26 ||Delerium vs. Sheila & B. Devotion|| Silence In Space (Versie 1)
|2009-01-31|| Loleatta Holloway ||Love Sensation ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| || ||Delerium Feat. Sarah McLachlan || Silence
|2009-02-07|| Björk vs. Frankie Goes To Hollywood|| Human Tribes Behaviour
| || ||Sheila & B. Devotion || Spacer
|2009-02-14|| Sniff 'N The Tears|| Driver's Seat (90-09 Mix)
|2004-04-09|| 1987-04-17 ||Janet Jackson Feat. [[Gerbrand Westveen]] on Sax|| Let's Wait Awhile (Versie 2)
|2009-02-21|| Booty Luv vs. House Of Venus|| Some Kinda Rush In Da House Of Venus
|2004-04-09|| 1991-06-07||Kraftwerk ||[ Megamix 1991]
|2009-02-28|| George Michael vs. Jocelyn Brown ||   Too Funky (Power Mix) (Somebody Else's Guy's 2 Funky)
| ||   ||Kraftwerk    || Home Computer
| || George Michael || Too Funky
| ||   || Kraftwerk    || The Robots
| ||Jocelyn Brown||Somebody Else's Guy
| ||   || Kraftwerk    || Radioactivity
|2009-03-07|| Larry Spinosa vs. The Brand New Heavies|| Apparently Guitar
| ||   ||Kraftwerk    || Computer Love
|2009-03-14|| MCMXCII|| Ich Bin Von Kopf Bis Fuss Auf Liebe Eingestellt, Ich Bin So Schön
| ||   ||Kraftwerk    ||Pocket Calculator
|2009-03-21|| ABBA ||[ Lay All Your Love On Me]
|2004-04-09||   || Madonna vs. Liberty X ||    Just A Little Bit Of Vogue (part 1/2)
|2009-03-28|| Snap!|| Megamix
|2004-04-16|| 1986-06-27 ||Peter Gabriel vs. Grace Jones ||   [ Sledgehammer] (Versie 1)
|2009-04-04|| Whitney Houston vs. Mory Kante With Some Help Of Deskee ||I'm Every Woman vs. Yéké Yéké
| || ||Peter Gabriel || Sledgehammer
|2009-04-11|| 2 Unlimited|| Tribal Dance
| || ||Grace Jones || Slave To The Rhythm
|2009-04-18|| Haddaway|| What Is Love
|2004-04-16||1987-05-29 ||Herb Alpert Feat. Janet Jackson ||Diamonds (Ben's Crazy Edit)
|2009-04-25|| Klatsch!|| Oh Boy
|2004-04-16|| 2001-10-13||Raven Maize vs. Donna Summer|| I Feel The Real Life
|2009-05-02|| Gabrielle|| Dreams
|2004-04-23|| 1985-10-18  ||Ready For The World|| [ Oh Sheila]
|2009-05-09|| Electra ||Jibaro
|2004-04-23 ||   ||Prince & The Revolution ||Kiss (DMC Mix)
|2009-05-16|| Harold Faltermeyer ||Axel F (Versie 3)
|2004-04-23 ||   ||  Madonna vs. P!nk  ||       Get The Holiday Party Started!
|2009-05-23|| 2 Unlimited vs. S.O.S. Band|| Get Ready 4 Borrowed Love
|2004-04-23 || 1992-09-11  ||Felix vs. Sergio Mendes ||Don't You Want Me vs. Fanfarra
|2009-05-30|| Michael Jackson vs. ATFC|| Sleeptalk In A Burnin' Disco
|2004-04-30 || 1992-01-31 || [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Beatrix Mix (Wilhousemus)
|2009-06-06|| The Ones ||Flawless
|2004-04-30 || 1985-08-23 || Harold Faltermeyer|| Axel F
|2009-06-13|| Geen uitzendgegevens bekend||
|2004-04-30 || 1986-08-22 || Michael McDonald|| Sweet Freedom
|2009-06-20|| Geen uitzendgegevens bekend||
|2004-04-30 ||   ||  Kraftwerk vs. Janet Jackson|| [ Robots In Control] (Versie 1)
|2009-06-27|| SWV vs. Michael Jackson ||Right Here vs. Human Nature
| || ||Janet Jackson || Control (Acapella)
|2009-06-27|| Michael Jackson ||Speed Demon (The Usual [[Ben Liebrand]] Primeur)
| || ||Kraftwerk || The Robots
|2009-06-27|| Michael Jackson ||Liberian Girl
|2004-05-07|| 1987-08-21  ||Pet Shop Boys Feat. Dusty Springfield ||What Have I Done To Deserve This
|2009-06-27|| Michael Jackson ||Bad
|2004-05-07|| 1985-03-15  ||Dan Hartman ||Relight My Fire (My Fire In The Pyro Mix)
|2009-06-27|| M/A/R/R/S vs. Michael Jackson ||Pump Up The Volume vs. Bad
|2004-05-07|| 1989-08-11  ||Dorus ||Twee Motten (Meligmix)  
|2009-06-27|| Michael Jackson ||Smooth Criminal (Smeuïge Crimineel Mix)
|2004-05-07||   ||  Modern Talking vs. Public Enemy || [ Modern Rapping]
|2009-06-27|| Michael Jackson vs. Europe|| Billie Jean's Final Countdown
|2004-05-14||   1986-03-21 ||Whistle vs. Donald Duck|| [ (Nothing Serious) Just Buggin']
|2009-06-27|| Fedde Le Grand vs. Michael Jackson ||Billie Jean Is Trippin'
|2004-05-14|| 1990-03-09  ||Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel|| White Lines (Don't Do It) (Freestyle Remix)
|2009-06-27|| Janet Jackson ||Miss You Much (The Final Mix)
|2004-05-14 ||   || Modern Talking vs. Public Enemy ||  Modern Bass As Low As It Goes
|2009-07-04|| Michael Jackson ||Can You Feel It Billie Jean
|2004-05-21||1986-05-16 ||Timmy Thomas|| Why Can't We Live Together (Ben Liebrand Remix)(Versie 1)  
|2009-07-11|| Loleatta Holloway ||Love Sensation ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|2004-05-21|| 1986-08-29  ||Human League|| Human
|2009-07-18|| Haddaway ||What Is Love
|2004-05-21 ||2001-08-25 || Prodigy vs. Faithless ||   [ Bitch As One]
|2009-07-25|| 2 Unlimited vs. The S.O.S. Band ||Get Ready 4 Borrowed Love
| || ||The Prodigy ||Smack My Bitch Up
|2009-08-01|| Booty Luv vs. House Of Venus|| Some Kinda Rush In Da House Of Venus
| || ||Faithless ||We Come One
|2009-08-08|| Geen uitzendgegevens bekend||
|2004-05-28||   ||TLC ||Ain't 2 Proud 2 Beg ([[Ben Liebrand]] 12 Inch Club Mix) (Versie 2)
|2009-08-15|| Cerrone ||Supernature 2010
|2004-05-28||  1987-05-22 ||Darryl Duncan ||Rock The House (Heavy Fragmentation Mix of Tape Edit Mix)
|2009-08-22|| Prince & The Revolution ||Kiss (DMC Mix)
|2004-05-28||   || David Bowie vs. Martin Luther King  ||    Heroes With A Dream
|2009-08-29|| Lou Reed|| Walk On The Wildside
|2004-06-04|| 1991-11-29  ||Lou Reed ||[ Walk On The Wildside]
|2009-09-05|| Michael Jackson ||Don't Stop The Feeling
|2004-06-04|| 2001-11-03  ||The Ones ||[ Flawless]
|2009-09-12|| George Michael vs. Jocelyn Brown ||Too Funky (Power Mix)
|2004-06-04||   ||  Electric Light Orchestra vs. Sophie Ellis-Bextor|| [ Don't Bring Me Down The Wall] (of Don't Hold Me Up The Wall Mix) (Versie 1)
|2009-09-19|| ABBA ||[ Lay All Your Love On Me]
| || ||ELO (Electric Light Orchestra) || Don't Bring Me Down
|2009-09-26|| Twenty 4 Seven|| Slave To The Music
| || ||Sophie Ellis-Bextor|| Get Over You (Acapella)
|2009-10-03|| 2 Unlimited ||Faces (Versie 2)
|2004-06-04||   || Aaliyah vs. George Michael  ||    Whispering To That Somebody
|2009-10-10|| Alexander O'Neal ||[ Criticize] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| || || Aaliyah|| Are You That Somebody
|2009-10-17|| [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Sheryl T|| Party Roots
| || || George Michael|| Careless Whisper
|2009-10-24|| Clannad|| Theme From Harry's Game
|2004-06-04||   || Herbie Hancock vs. Dee-lite  ||    Groove Is In The Heart vs. Bring Down The Birds (Don't Bring Me Down The Birds On The Wall)
|2009-10-31|| Michael Jackson|| This Is It ([[Ben Liebrand]] Oldskool Remix)
|2004-06-11||  1989-11-17  || Nina Hagen|| New York New York
|2009-11-07|| Kristine W.|| Feel What You Want In Miami
|2004-06-11|| 1989-09-26  || Janet Jackson ||Miss You Much (The Final Mix)
|2009-11-14|| The Trammps vs. Peter Gelderblom|| Lost In Disco Inferno
|2004-06-11||    || Alexander O'Neal vs. Stevie Wonder    ||   I Wish You Were Not Fake
|2009-11-21|| Chas Jankel ||Glad To Know You (Edit Version)
| || ||Alexander O'Neal|| Fake
|2009-11-28|| Dance 2 Trance ||Power Of American Natives
| || || Stevie Wonder    || I Wish
|2009-12-05|| Peter Gabriel vs. Grace Jones|| Sledgehammer (Versie 2)
|2004-06-11||   || B-52's vs. Carol Williams    ||    Love Shack
|2009-12-12|| TLC ||Ain't 2 Proud 2 Beg ([[Ben Liebrand]] 12 Inch Club Mix)
| || ||B-52's||Love Shack
|2009-12-19|| Genesis ||I Can't Dance (The Other Mix)
| || ||Carol Williams || Love Is You
|2009-12-26|| Jellybean Benitez Feat. Madonna||[ Sidewalk Talk (Sidewalk & Hiptalk Lookin' At Ya Madonna Minimix)]
|2004-06-18|| 1986-10-24  || Vienna Symphonic Opera Project|| Welcome To The Pleasuredome
|2009-12-31|| Michael Jackson ||This Is It ([[Ben Liebrand]] Oldskool Remix)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2004-06-18||   ||  Tavares || It Only Takes a Minute
|2010-01-01|| Michael Jackson ||This Is It ([[Ben Liebrand]] Oldskool Remix)
|2004-06-18||   || Michael Jackson vs. Europe    ||    [ Billie Jean's Final Countdown]
|2010-01-02|| Cameo ||Word Up! (Kan'ie Wel, Kan'ie Niet Cameo Minimix)
| || ||Michael Jackson || Billie Jean
|2010-01-09|| Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam|| Let The Beat Hit 'Em
| || ||Europe || The Final Countdown
|2010-01-16|| Deee-lite||     [ What Is Love]
|2004-06-25|| 1992-05-29  ||Queenesis (Queen vs. Genesis) || [ Mama Will Rock You]
| ||René & Angela || Save Your Love (For #1) (Sample)
|  || ||Queen|| We Will Rock You
|  ||Deee-lite || Groove Is In The Heart (Sample)
|  || ||Genesis ||Mama
|  ||Prince || Get Off (Sample)
|  || ||Queen || Bohemian Rapsody (Sample)
|  ||Guy || I Wanna Get With You (Sample)
|2004-06-25|| 1991-01-11  ||Kool & The Gang|| Ladies Night (Swingbeat Mix)
|2010-01-21|| Phil Collins|| Another Day In Paradise
|2004-06-25||   || Shannon vs. Santana  ||    Give Me Tonight vs. Oye Como Va
|2010-01-23|| Phil Collins|| Another Day In Paradise
| || ||Shannon  || Give Me Tonight
|2010-01-30|| Cerrone|| I Want Love
| || ||Santana  || Oye Como Va
|2010-02-06|| Fun Fun ||Could This Be Love (House Mix)
|2004/07/02|| 1985-05-24 ||Paul Hardcastle ||Megamix
|2010-02-13|| Vivien Vee ||Give Me A Break
|2004/07/02|| 1988-06-03 ||Sting|| Fragile
|2010-02-20|| Public Enemy vs. Kraft|| [[Sascha Liebrand]] Mash-up
|2004/07/02|| 2002-02-15 || Alcazar vs. Chic|| My Forbidden Guarantee
|2010-02-27|| Pet Shop Boys Feat. Dusty Springfield|| What Have I Done To Deserve This
|2004/07/02||2001-04-14 || Janet Jackson vs. Change Feat. Luther Vandross ||All For You vs. In The Glow Of Love
|2010-03-06|| Earth, Wind & Fire vs. Pink Floyd ||System Of Survival vs. Money
|2004-07-09||   ||  MDMC ||[ How About It (Club Groove Mix)]
|2010-03-13|| 808 State vs. Queen|| 808 Rocks You
|2004-07-09|| 1993-02-13  ||Whitney Houston ||I Will Always Love You
|2010-03-20|| Delerium vs. Sheila & B. Devotion|| Silence In Space
|2004-07-09||   ||  Shabba Ranks vs. Ashanti    ||     Mr. Oh So Foolish Loverman
|2010-03-27|| Armand van Helden vs. The Trammps|| Chillin & Illin' in Disco Inferno
| || ||Shabba Ranks || Mr. Loverman
|2010-04-03|| Taja Sevelle|| Love Is Contagious
| || ||Ashanti ||Foolish
|2010-04-10|| Depeche Mode|| The Flexible Mix (Version 1)
|2004-07-16|| 1991-05-17   || Crystal Waters|| Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
|2010-04-17|| Wet Wet Wet|| Sweet Surrender
|2004-07-16 || 1993-05-15 || Dance 2 Trance|| Power Of American Natives
|2010-04-24|| Hot Chocolate|| 2 In A Bed (Sexy GoGo Waar Blijft Het Ons Beloofde Feestje Minimix)
|2004-07-16 ||   || Madonna vs. Suzanne Vega    ||    Tom's Erotic Diner
|2010-05-01|| Michael Jackson|| Don't Stop The Feeling
| || ||DNA Feat. Suzanne Vega || Tom's Diner
|2010-05-08|| Robin S.|| Luv 4 Luv
| || ||Madonna||Erotica
|2010-05-15|| Sting ||Englishman In New York
|2004-07-23|| 1985-09-06 ||Kate Bush||[ Running Up That Hill (Ben Liebrand Remix)]
|2010-05-22|| Michael Jackson|| This Is It ([[Ben Liebrand]] Oldskool Remix)
|2004-07-23 || 1991-03-22||Natalie Cole|| This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) (Bandleader Versie)(Versie 1)
|2010-05-29|| Kraftwerk vs. Madonna|| [ Tour Music Another Day]
|2004-07-23 || 2001-09-01||Prodigy vs. Faithless ||[ Funky Insomnia]
|2010-06-05|| Michael Jackson ||Smooth Criminal (Smeuïge Crimineel Mix)
| || ||The Prodigy || Funky Shit
|2010-06-12|| Spencer & Hill vs. Dave Darrell vs. The Underdog Project|| It's A Summer Smash Jam
| || ||Faithless || Insomnia
|2010-06-19|| Rick James|| Superfreak ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|2004-07-30|| 1992-10-24  ||[[Ben Liebrand]] ||Super Sonic
|2010-06-26|| Various Artists ||Keep The Soul Coming (4 Decades In Dance Music)
|2004-07-30||   1987-08-07 ||Stock, Aitken & Waterman ||Roadblock (Diversion Mix)
|2010-07-03|| Mr. Lee vs. The Trammps ||Get Busy At The Disco Inferno
|2004-07-30 ||   ||  Spandau Ballet vs. 50 Cent    ||   True In Da Club
|2010-07-10|| Moby vs. Soulsearcher ||Go Cos I Can't Get Enough
| || ||Spandau Ballet|| True
|2010-07-17|| Whistle vs. Donald Duck ||(Nothin Serious) Just Buggin'
| || ||50 Cent ||In Da Club
|2010-07-24|| Rockers Revenge ||Walking On Sunshine (Acid Mix)
|2004-08-06||1988-12-02 ||Pia Zadora|| Dance Out Of My Head (Acid Mix) (Versie 1)
|2010-07-31|| Human Resource vs. Afrika Bambaataa ||Bambominator
|2004-08-06||1989-04-07 ||Novo Band ||Dance Non-Stop
| ||Afrika Bambaataa || Just Get Up And Dance
|2004-08-06||2001-02-10 ||Mory Kante vs. Eurythmics ||Sweet Yé Ké Yé Ké (Versie 1)
| ||Human Resource || Dominator
|  || ||Mory Kante ||Yé Ké Yé Ké (Hardfloor Mix)
|  ||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman
|  || ||Eurythmics|| Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)
|  ||Was (Not Was) || Walk The Dinosaur
|2004-08-13|| 1988-03-04||[[Ben Liebrand]] ||World Olympics
|2010-08-07|| Celvin Rotane vs. Destiny's Child ||Believe My Name
|2004-08-13|| 1993-05-22||2 Unlimited ||Tribal Dance
|2010-08-14|| Class Action vs. Modjo|| Weekend Lady
|2004-08-13|| 1992-03-20||[[Ben Liebrand]] ||Techno Trance Megamix (Who Is Elvis)
|2010-08-21|| Raven Maize vs. Donna Summer|| I Feel The Real Life
|2004-08-20|| 1988-05-27  || Prince vs. Wee Papa Girl Rappers ||Alphabet Street
|2010-08-28|| Eddy & The Soulband ||Theme From Shaft
|2004-08-20||  1987-04-03  || Prince|| House Quake (If You Can't Rock Steady Then Shut Up Already Damn Minimix)
|2010-09-04|| Carl Linger|| Super Love
|2004-08-20||   ||  Prince & The Revolution vs. Mighty Dub Katz    ||   Magic 1999
|2010-09-11|| Analog People In Earth, Wind & 50 Cent ||System Of Survival Just Won't Do In Da Club
| || ||Mighty Dub Katz||Magic Carpet Ride
|2010-09-18|| First Choice vs. Asino vs. DJ Jean|| Yo DJ, It's Not Over
| || ||Prince & The Revolution || 1999
|2010-09-25|| Snapped Punk|| Harder Better Faster Stronger Do You See The Light Din Daa Daa
|2004-08-20|| 1991-09-13  ||Prince & The New Power Generation ||Gett Off
|2010-10-02|| Ben + Armin's Funky Disco Trip|| Ben Liebrand's Funkytown (Remixed by Armin, souped-up by Ben)
|2004-08-20||   1986-03-14 ||Prince & The Revolution ||Kiss
|2010-10-09|| USURA ||Open Your Mind
|2004-08-27|| 1990-05-25  ||Candy Dulfer ||Saxuality
|2010-10-16|| Shakira vs. Britney Spears vs. Bee Gees ||Whenever Wherever I'm Stayin' Alive
|2004-08-27||  1988-10-14 ||Blondie ||[ Call Me] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|2010-10-23|| Anastacia vs. 2 Unlimited ||Out Of Love In The Twilight Zone
|2004-08-27||   ||  Jam & Spoon vs. The Trammps  ||   Follow Me To The Disco Inferno
|2010-10-30|| Moby vs. Soulsearcher|| Go Cos I Can't Get Enough
|2004-09-03||  1989-06-30 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Sheryl T. ||Party Roots
|2010-11-06|| Shannon vs. Santana ||Give Me Tonight vs. Oye Como Va (2010 Update)
|2004-09-03||  2001-11-17  ||Farley Jack 'master' Funk & Jessie Saunders ||Love Can't Turn Around (The Philharmonic Remix) (Versie 2)
|2010-11-13|| Prince & The Revolution|| Erotic City
|2004-09-03||   || Total Touch vs. Freestylers  ||    Push Me, Touch Me
|2010-11-20|| Dance 2 Trance|| Power Of American Natives
|2004-09-10|| 1991-06-14  ||Madonna ||Open Your Heart (Versie 2)
|2010-11-27|| Marco V vs. Underworld ||Born Godd
|2004-09-10|| 1991-07-05  ||Dimples D.|| Sisters Keep On Doin' It (Versie 2)
|2010-12-04|| Prodigy vs. Faithless ||Bitch As One
|2004-09-10||   || Isaac Hayes vs. Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five    ||    Theme From Shaft With A Message
|2010-12-11|| Michael Jackson|| This Is It ([[Ben Liebrand]] Oldskool Remix)
|2004-09-17||   || Meteors || Cha No Yu (Tarzan & Jane)
|2010-12-18|| Electric Light Orchestra vs. Sophie Ellis Bextor|| Don't Bring Me Down The Wall
|2004-09-17|| 1993-07-17  ||Rob 'N' Raz ||Clubhopping
|2010-12-25  ||  Delerium vs. Sheila & B. Devotion|| Silence In Space
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2004-09-17||   ||  Anastacia vs. 2 Unlimited || [ Outta Love In The Twilight Zone]
|2011-01-01|| Shannon vs. Santana ||Oye Como Va Me Tonight (Dancefloor Remix with Extra Drums - Edit)
| || ||Anastacia || I'm Outta Love (Acapella)
|2011-01-08|| The Trammps vs. Fedde Le Grand|| Disco Inferno Rockin' High
| || ||2 Unlimited|| Twilight Zone (Instrumentaal)
|2011-01-15|| Yazoo vs. First Choice ||Let No Man Put This Situation Asunder
|2004-09-24|| 1986-05-02  ||  Janet Jackson|| What Have You Done For Me Lately (Versie 1)
|2011-01-22|| Whitney Houston vs. Mory Kante with Some Help from Deskee|| I'm Every Woman vs. Yéké Yéké
|2004-09-24||1987-06-19    || Janet Jackson ||The Pleasure Principle
|2011-01-29|| 10CC vs. Armin van Buuren|| [ Face To Face But Not In Love]
|2004-09-24||   || Janet Jackson  ||  Nasty vs. Love Will Never Do (Without You)
| ||10CC || I'm Not In Love
| || ||Janet Jackson || Nasty
| ||Armin Van Buuren || Face to Face
| || ||Janet Jackson || Love Will Never Do (Without You) (Acapella)
|2011-02-05|| Human League ||[ Don't You Want Me]
|2004-09-24||   2001-04-14||Janet Jackson vs. Change Feat. Luther Vandross ||All For You vs. In The Glow Of Love
|2011-02-12|| Robin S. vs. Sade ||Pearls 4 Luv
|2004-09-24||   2001-04-15 ||Janet Jackson ||When I Think Of You (Versie 3)
|2011-02-19|| Quintino vs Fedde Le Grand vs Mitch Crown vs Tony Junior & Nicolas Nox|| Loesje
|2004-09-24||  1989-09-26 ||Janet Jackson|| Miss You Much (The Final Mix)
|2011-02-26|| Telex ||Moskow Diskow In The Shimmering Transoeral Siberia Remix
|2004-09-24||   1987-04-17 ||Janet Jackson Feat. [[Gerbrand Westveen]] on Sax ||Let's Wait Awhile (Versie 2)
|2011-03-05|| Total Touch vs. Freestylers|| Push Me Touch Me
|2004-09-24|| 1987-05-29  ||Herb Alpert Feat. Janet Jackson|| Diamonds (Ben's Crazy Edit)
|2011-03-12|| Whitney Houston vs. Public Enemy ||I’m Your Baby Tonight
|2004-09-24|| 1986-08-08  ||Janet Jackson ||Nasty
|2011-03-19|| Spiller vs. Everything But The Girl ||Missing Groove Jet
|2004-10-01||   1989-04-28 ||The Four Tops ||The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine
|2011-03-26|| Dimples D. ||Sisters Keep On Doin’ It (Versie 2)
|2004-10-01||  1986-02-28  ||Billy Ocean|| When The Going Gets Tough (When The Mixing Gets Tough)
|2011-04-02|| Geen Uitzendgegevens bekend||
|2004-10-01||     || Madonna vs. Capricorn  ||  Music@20Hz
|2011-04-09|| Alexander O'Neal|| (What Can I Say) To Make You Love Me ([[Ben Liebrand Remix]])
| || ||Madonna || Music
|2011-04-16|| Dimples D.|| Sucker DJ (A Witch For Love)
| ||   ||Capricorn || 20 Hz
|2011-04-23|| Snap! vs. Daft Punk vs. George Kranz ||Harder Better Faster Stronger Do You See The Light Din Daa Daa
| ||   ||LA Style || James Brown Is Dead
|2011-04-30|| Bobby O. vs. Shannon|| Give Me Tonight
| ||   ||Depeche Mode || Just Can't Get Enough
|2011-05-07|| Deadmau5 & Wolfgang Gartner vs. Underdog Project|| Animal Jam
|2004-10-08||1988-01-15  ||INXS ||Need You Tonight (Versie 1)
|2011-05-14|| Robbie Wiliams vs. Destiny’s Child|| Rudeboxaboo
|2004-10-08|| 2001-06-30||Björk||Human Behaviour (Versie 2)
|2011-05-21|| Risqué ||Burn It Up (Mr Dj) ([[Ben Liebrand]] Master Edit)
|2004-10-15|| 1987-05-08 ||Alf / [[Ben Liebrand]] || Stuck On Earth (Versie 1)
|2011-05-28|| Spence ||Get It On ([[Ben Liebrand]] Master Edit)
|2004-10-15||   ||   Doctor's Cat  ||    Feel The Drive
|2011-06-04|| Total Touch vs. Jimmy “Bo” Horne|| Touch Me Here, Spank Me There
|2004-10-15|| 2001-11-24  ||Daft Punk vs. Suzanne Vega ||Tom's Fast Food Diner
|2011-06-11|| Prince & The Revolution ||Erotic City
| || ||DNA Feat. Suzanne Vega|| Tom's Diner (Acapella)
|2011-06-18|| Prince & The Revolution ||When Doves Cry
| || ||Daft Punk ||Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
|2011-06-25|| Diana Ross vs. DJ Jean vs. Crystal Waters vs. Felix|| Coming Out To Perfection
|2004-10-22|| 1993-01-30 ||Jocelyn Brown ||Somebody Else's Guy (House Remix)  
|2011-07-02|| Pia Zadora|| Dance Out Of My Head (Acid Mix)
|2004-10-22|| 1988-04-01 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] ||Double-O-Seven
|2011-07-09|| [[Ben Liebrand]] vs. Masters At Work|| Spanish Work
|2004-10-22|| 2002-02-22 ||Underworld vs. Marco V || [ Born Slippy-Godd]
|2011-07-16|| MDMC ||How About It (Club Groove Mix)
| || ||Marco V ||Godd
|2011-07-23|| Rockers Revenge ||Walking On Sunshine (Groove on Acid-mix)
| || ||Underworld || Born Slippy
|2011-07-30|| Geen uitzendgegevens bekend||
|2004-10-29||   || Fun Fun || Happy Station (Scratch Versie)
|2011-08-06|| Snap! vs. Sister Sledge ||Rhythm Is A Family
|2004-11-05||   1989-04-28  ||The Four Tops ||The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine
|2011-08-13|| [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Weerbericht (Weather Forecast)
|2004-11-05||   ||  [[Ben Liebrand]] vs. A.D.O.R.    ||     Pump the Renegade Bass
|2011-08-20|| Larry Spinosa vs. The Brand New Heavies ||Apparently Guitar
|2004-11-12||   ||Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. uitzending van de Grandmix 90's Edition
|2011-08-27|| Frankie Goes To Hollywood vs. Mai Tai|| [ Relax In History]
|2004-11-19|| 1993-05-22  ||2 Unlimited ||Tribal Dance
|2011-09-03|| The Limit vs. Liberty X ||Sexy! Say Yeah!
|2004-11-19||  1993-07-10 || UB40 ||(I Can't Help) Falling In Love With You
|2011-09-10|| Eddy & The Soulband ||Shaft (Hot Pursuit Mix)
|2004-11-19||   Komt uit In The Mix Episode: #087 [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2004#12_maart_2004|2004-03-12]]  ||  Donna Summer vs. Shannon    ||     Feel The Music Play
|2011-09-17|| Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five & Requake ||The Dub Step Message Different
|2004-11-26|| 1992-05-01  ||Annie Lennox || Precious
|2011-09-24|| The Sugarhill Gang || [ Rappers Delight (Hip Hop Remix)] (Versie 2)
|2004-11-26|| 1987-10-30  || Earth, Wind & Fire vs. Pink Floyd|| System Of Survival vs. Money
|2011-10-01|| Tavares|| It Only Takes A Minute
|2004-11-26||   ||  [[Ben Liebrand]] vs. Masters At Work  ||       Spanish Work
|2011-10-08|| [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Tribute To The Crazy Ones
|2004-12-03|| 1988-11-11 ||Bill Withers ||Ain't No Sunshine (The Total Eclipse Mix)
|2011-10-15|| Jan Hammer|| New York Theme
|2004-12-03|| 1986-05-23 ||Timmy Thomas vs. Colonel Abrams ||Trapped Together (Versie 2)
|2011-10-22|| Madonna vs. Liberty X ||[ Sexy Vogue] 2011 (Re-Mash)
|2004-12-03|| 2000-02-11 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. The Gibson Brothers|| Music & Passion (Clubmix)
|2011-10-29|| Janet Jackson & Eric Chase ||Everybody Surrender to The Pleasure Principal (A [[Ben Liebrand]] Mash-Up)
|2004-12-10|| 1988-12-09 || The Art Of Noise Feat. Max Headroom ||Paranoimia (Versie 2)
|2011-11-05|| Sting ||An Englishman In New York
|2004-12-10|| 1986-04-18 ||Telex|| Moskow Diskow In The Shimmering Transoeral Siberia Remix
|2011-11-12|| Pin-Occhio|| Pinocchio
|2004-12-10|| 2001-04-07 ||Sly & The Family Stone ||Dance To The Music
|2011-11-19|| Total Touch vs. Jimmy “Bo” Horne|| Touch Me Here, Spank Me There
|2004-12-17|| 2004-01-30 ||Prince & The Revolution vs. Destiny's Child ||Kiss-A-Boo
|2011-11-26|| Whistle vs. Donald Duck|| (Nothing Serious) Just Buggin’
| || ||Prince & The Revolution || Kiss
|2011-12-03|| The Revelletes|| Sign Of Love
| || ||Destiny's Child || Bug-A-Boo
|2011-12-10|| Geen uitzendgegevens bekend||
|2004-12-17||2004-03-26 ||Delerium vs. Sheila & B. Devotion ||Silence In Space (Versie 1)
|2011-12-17|| Bobby Brown  ||   Megamix (The Free Style Mega-Mix) (Mixer: [[Rita Liebrand]])
|  || ||Delerium Feat. Sarah McLachlan || Silence
| ||    Bobby Brown || On Our Own
| ||   Bobby Brown  ||Don't Be Cruel
|  || ||Sheila & B. Devotion || Spacer
| ||    Bobby Brown ||Every Little Step
| ||   Bobby Brown  ||My Prerogative
|2004-12-17||2004-01-09 ||Sunclub vs. 20 Fingers|| Lickin' Fiësta
| ||   Bobby Brown  ||Rock Wit'Cha
| ||   Bobby Brown  ||Girl Next Door
| || ||Sunclub||Fiesta
|2011-12-24|| [[Ben Liebrand]]|| Andre Kuipers, Jump On A Space Ship!
| || ||20 Fingers || Lick It
|2011-12-24|| [[Ben Liebrand]]|| Grandmix 1989 Vocoder Playlist
|2004-12-17|| 2004-06-04 ||Aaliyah vs. George Michael ||Whispering To That Somebody
|2011-12-31 || Snap! vs. Sister Sledge ||Rhythm Is A Family
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
| || ||George Michael || Careless Whisper
|2012-01-07|| Level 42 & BT & Adam K ||It’s Over (Tomahawk Remix)
| || ||Aaliyah || Are You That Somebody
|2012-01-14|| Shannon vs. Santana ||Oye Como Va Me Tonight (2010 Update)
|2004-12-17|| 2004-09-03||Total Touch vs. Freestylers|| Push Me, Touch Me
|2012-01-21|| Mai Tai vs. Eric B. & Rakim||History’s Got Soul
|2004-12-17|| 2004-06-25 ||Shannon vs. Santana|| Give Me Tonight vs. Oye Como Va
|2012-01-28|| King Bee vs. Sugarhill Gang|| Delight By Dope Demand
| || ||Shannon  || Give Me Tonight
|2012-02-04|| Class Action vs. Modjo ||Weekend Lady
| || ||Santana  || Oye Como Va
|2012-02-11|| Destiny’s Child vs. Celvin Rotane|| Believe My Name
|2004-12-17|| 2004-06-11 ||Alexander O'Neal vs. Stevie Wonder || I Wish You Were Not Fake
|2012-02-18|| Whitney Houston I’m Every Woman feat. Faithless, Insomnia & Teddy Pendergrass || You Can’t Hide From Yourself
|2004-12-17|| 2004-03-05||Tony Scott vs. C&C Music Factory ||Gonna Make The Bigband Sweat
|2012-02-25|| Massive Attack vs. Robin S.|| Unfinished Love
| || ||Ben Liebrand Feat. Tony Scott|| Move To The Bigband (Acapella)
|2012-03-03|| LMFAO vs. Janet Jackson ||Party Love Won’t Do
| || ||C&C Music Factory Feat. Freedom Williams|| Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)
|2012-03-10|| Geen uitzending||
|2004-12-17|| 2004-01-23 ||Technotronic & Justin Timberlake || [ Pump It Like I Like It]
|2012-03-17|| Black Box vs. Avicii ||Strike It Level Up
| || ||Justin Timberlake || Like I Love You (Acapella)
|2012-03-24|| Micheal Jackson, Janet Jackson & Luther Vandross ||Billie Jean, The Best Things In Life Are Free
| || ||Technotronic Feat. Felly|| Pump Up The Jam
|2012-03-31|| Annie Lennox|| Precious ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|2004-12-17||2004-08-27  ||Jam & Spoon vs. The Trammps|| Follow Me To The Disco Inferno
|2012-04-07|| Shaggy vs. Henri Mancini|| Oh Carolina Feat. Peter Gunn
|2004-12-24|| ||Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 1000 op Radio Veronica
|2012-04-14|| Timmy Thomas|| Why Can’t We Live Together (Trapped Remix)
|2004-12-31|| || Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. uitzending van de Grandmix 1983
|2012-04-21|| Donna Summer vs. Shannon|| Feel The Music Play (Updated 2012 version)
Met ingang van dit jaar verhuisd de Minimix naar de zaterdagavond (in eerst instantie naar 2 platen over negen, maar dit wordt later twee platen na 23 uur, soms wat later) en wordt het weer een vast onderdeel van een andere radioshow, namelijk [[Disco Inferno]] van [[DJ Sven]] op [[Radio Veronica]]
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2005-01-01|| ||Geen uitzending||
|2012-04-28|| Trammps vs. Lime|| Your Disco Love Inferno
|2005-01-08||   ||  Crystal Waters vs. Do  || Homeless In Heaven
|2012-05-05|| Yazoo vs. First Choice|| Let No Man Put This Situation Asunder
| || ||Do || Heaven (Piano & Strings)
|2012-05-12|| Jan Hammer|| New York Theme
| || ||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman (Acapella)
|2012-05-19|| Donna Summer|| I Feel Love (Patrick Cowley Remix Edit)
|2005-01-15||   || The Trammps ||  Disco Inferno (2005 Versie)
|2012-05-26|| Bee Gees|| Decadance ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|2005-01-22||   ||  The Trammps vs. Technotronic    ||     Pump Up The Disco Jam Inferno
|2012-06-02|| Faithless vs. Justin Timberlake ||Insomnia Like I Like It
| || ||Technotronic Feat. Felly || Pump Up The Jam
|2012-06-09|| Jan Hammer|| New York Theme
| || ||The Trammps || Disco Inferno
|2012-06-16|| The Pointer Sisters ||Wild Fire
|2005-01-29|| 1992-05-29 ||Queenesis (Queen vs. Genesis)||[ Mama Will Rock You]
|2012-06-23|| Marshall & Hain ||Dancing In The City
|  ||  ||Queen || We Will Rock You
| || ||Genesis ||Mama
|2012-06-30|| Eddy & The Soulband ||Theme From Shaft
| || ||Queen || Bohemian Rapsody (Sample)
|2012-07-07|| Massive Attack vs. Robin S.|| Unfinished Love
|2005-02-05|| Komt uit [[In The Mix]] Episode: #082 van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2004#6_februari_2004|2004-02-06]]  || Lil' Louis vs. Whitney Houston  ||  I Wanna French Kiss With Somebody
|2012-07-14|| [[Ben Liebrand]]|| Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)
| || ||Lil Louis ||French Kiss
|2012-07-21|| Mongo Santamaria vs. Boris Dlugosh with some drums of Robert Owens|| Watermelon Pride
| || ||Whitney Houston || I Wanna Love Somebody
|2012-07-28|| Farley Jack 'Master’ Funk & Jessie Saunders|| Love Can’t Turn Around (The Philharmonic Remix)
|2005-02-12|| 2004-08-27    ||Jam & Spoon vs. The Trammps|| Follow Me To Disco Inferno
|2012-08-04|| Geen uitzending||
| || ||Jam & Spoon || Follow Me
|2012-08-11|| M ||Pop Muzik ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| || ||The Trammps || Disco Inferno
|2012-08-18|| Vienna Symphonic Opera Project|| Welcome To The Pleasuredome
|2005-02-19||   || Madonna vs. Liberty X  ||  Just A Little Bit Of Vogue (Versie 2005)
|2012-08-25|| [[Ben Liebrand]]|| Puls(t)ar (Essential Full Length Mix)
| || ||Madonna || Vogue
|2012-09-01|| Michael Jackson ||Smooth Criminal (Smeuïge Crimineel Mix)
| || ||Liberty X ||  Just A Little Bit (Sexy)
|2012-09-08|| MC Miker 'G' & DJ Sven|| Holiday Rap (Remix)
| || ||Blackbox ||  Strike It Up
|2012-09-15|| Total Touch vs. Freestylers|| Push Me Touch Me
| || ||Tricky Disco ||  Tricky Disco
|2012-09-22|| Mysterious Art ||The Omen ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|2005-02-26||   ||  Mr. Lee vs. The Trammps    ||     [ Get Busy At The Disco Inferno]
|2012-09-29|| P!nk vs. Masters At Work|| Can't Get No Party Started
| || ||Mr. Lee || Get Busy
|2012-10-06|| PSY vs. Benny Benassi|| Satisfaction In Gangnam Style
| || ||The Trammps || Disco Inferno (acapella)
|2012-10-13|| 2 Unlimited vs. The S.O.S. Band ||Get Ready For Borrowed Love
| || ||Whitney Houston || I'm Every Woman (acapella)
|2012-10-20|| Micheal Jackson, Janet Jackson & Luther Vandross|| Billy Jean, The Best Things In Life Are Free
|2005-03-05||1987-11-06 ||Alexander O'Neal ||[ Criticize] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|2012-10-27|| Phantom vs. The B-52's|| Phantom Shack
|2005-03-12||   ||  Derek B.     ||     Rock The Beat
|2012-11-03|| Lunde Bros vs. The Doobie Brothers|| Can You Feel The Long Train Running
|2005-03-19||1988-07-08 ||Salt 'N' Pepa ||  [ Push It]
|2012-11-10|| Lunde Bros vs. The Doobie Brothers ||Can You Feel The Long Train Running (Reworked Airplay Version)
| || ||Sheila E. || Glamorous Life
|2012-11-17|| Jennifer Lopez vs. Usher|| Play Numb
| || ||Prince & The Revolution || When Doves Cry
|2012-11-24|| LMFAO Etcetera|| Just Shout Sexy ‘Music’ To My Ex
| || ||Kraftwerk || Number
|2012-12-01|| Björk vs. Frankie Goes To Hollywood|| The Human Behaviour Of Two Tribes
| || ||Leon Haywood || Don't Push It Don't Force It
|2012-12-08|| Geen uitzending||
| || ||Afrika Bambaataa & The Soul Sonic Force || Planet Rock
|2012-12-15|| David Bowie vs. Martin Luther King|| Heroes With A Dream
| || ||Musique || Push Push In The Bush
|2012-12-22|| Madonna ||Open Your Heart (Versie 2)
|2005-03-26|| 1990-03-09 ||Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel ||White Lines (Don't Do It) (Freestyle Remix)
|2012-12-29|| Geen uitzending||
|2005-04-02||1990-03-23 ||Sinéad O'Connor vs. Guru Josh|| [ Nothing Compares 2 Your Infinity]
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2013-01-05|| [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Work in Progress... The Thunderbirds
|2013-01-12|| Janet Jackson ||What Have You Done For Me Lately (Version 1)
| || ||Sinéad O'Connor || Nothing Compares To You
|2013-01-19|| Salt 'N' Pepa ||Expression (Boomin' Mix)
| || ||Guru Josh || Infinity
|2013-01-26|| [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. The Gibson Brothers ||Music & Passion
|2005-04-09|| 2004-02-06 ||Bobby Orlando vs. Shannon|| O Me Tonight
|2013-02-02|| Hot Chocolate ||Every One’s A Winner (Original [[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|2005-04-16||   || [[Ben Liebrand]] ||    The Star Wars Themes
|2013-02-09|| The Revellettes ||Sign Of Love ([[Ben Liebrand]] Clubmix)
|2005-04-23|| 2004-06-25  || Shannon vs. Santana ||Give Me Tonight vs. Oye Como Va
|2013-02-16|| Michael Jackson ||Stranger, Beat It To Moscow
| || ||Shannon  || Give Me Tonight
|2013-02-23|| Time Bandits|| Endless Road ([[Ben Liebrand]] 12" Remix) (For [[Jerry De Ruijter]] 1974 - 2013)
| || ||Santana  || Oye Como Va
|2013-03-02|| Natalie Cole ||This Will Be ([[Ben Liebrand]] 12" Remix)
|2005-04-30|| 2004-03-26 || Delerium vs. Sheila & B. Devotion || Silence In Space (Versie 1)
|2013-03-09|| Tavares ||It Only Takes A Minute ([[Ben Liebrand]] 12" Remix)
| || ||Delerium Feat. Sarah McLachlan || Silence
|2013-03-16|| Groove Technology|| Mind On The Beat
| || ||Sheila & B. Devotion || Spacer
|2013-03-23|| 2 Unlimited vs. The S.O.S. Band||Get Ready 4 Borrowed Love (Re-Re-Mix)
|2005-05-07||   || Earth, Wind & Fire vs. The Bangles  ||      Egyptian In The Stone
|2013-03-30|| Kraftwerk ||[ Megamix 1991]
| || ||Earth, Wind & Fire || In The Stone
|2013-04-06|| Energy 52 vs. David Guetta|| Cafe Del Mar Don’t Leave Me Now
| || ||The Bangles || Walk Like An Egyption (Acapella)
|2013-04-13|| Snapped Punk|| Harder Better Faster Stronger Do You See The Light Din Daa Daa (updated version)
|2005-05-14|| 2004-06-04 ||Electric Light Orchestra vs. Sophie Ellis-Bextor|| [ Don't Bring Me Down The Wall]
| ||Daft Punk || Harder Better Faster Stronger
| || ||ELO (Electric Light Orchestra) || Don't Bring Me Down
| ||Snap! || Do You See The Light
| || ||Sophie Ellis-Bextor|| Get Over You (Acapella)
| ||Georg Kranz || Din Daa Daa
|2005-05-21||   || Moby vs. Soulsearcher  ||  [ Go Cos I Can't Get Enough]
| ||Blue Six || All I Need (chords)
| || ||Moby || Go!
| ||Billy Ocean || Loverboy (intro)
| || ||Soulsearcher|| Can't Get Enough (Acapella)
|2013-04-20|| Geen uitzending||i.v.m. de Album Top 1000 Allertijden
|2005-05-28||   ||  Yazoo vs. First Choice || [ Let No Man Put This Situation Asunder]
|2013-04-27|| 808 State vs. Queen|| 808 Rocks You (2013 Noise Container Re-Work)
| || ||Yazoo || Situation
|2013-05-04|| Doctor’s Cat ||Feel The Drive ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| || ||First Choice||Let No Man Put Asunder (Acapella)
|2013-05-11|| Faithless vs. Justin Timberlake ||Insomnia Like I Like It
|2005-06-04||   ||  The Trammps vs. Lime    ||     [ Your Disco Love Inferno]
|2013-05-18|| Dimples D. & Spice || Crack Chaser ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| || ||The Trammps ||Disco Inferno (Acapella)
|2013-05-25|| King Bee vs. Sugarhill Gang ||Rapper’s Delight By Dope Demand
| ||   ||Lime || Your Love
|2013-06-01|| 2 Unlimited ||Maximum Overdrive (Updated [[Ben Liebrand]] 90's Mix)
|2005-06-11|| 2004-09-17 ||Anastacia vs. 2 Unlimited || Outta Love In The Twilight Zone
|2013-06-08|| Geen uitzending||i.v.m. Top 40 Hitdossier weekend
| || ||Anastacia || I'm Outta Love
|2013-06-15|| C&C Music Factory vs. Tony Scott ||Big Band Makes You Sweat
| || ||2 Unlimited|| Twilight Zone
|2013-06-22|| Alexander O’Neal ||[ (What Can I Say) To Make You Love Me (Ben Liebrand Remix)]
|2005-06-18||   || [[Ben Liebrand]] / Deep Purple vs. C&C Music Factory  ||  Child In Time vs. Keep It Coming (Dance Till You Can't Dance No More!) (Versie 2)
|2013-06-29|| Michael Jackson ||This Is It ([[Ben Liebrand]] Oldskool Remix)
| ||   || Deep Purple||  Child In Time
|2013-07-06|| Alacazar vs. Chic vs. Stetsasonic ||My Forbidden Lover Talking All That Jazz About Sexual Guarantees
| ||  ||C&C Music Factory Feat. Q-Unique & D.Cooper ||Keep It Coming (Dance Till You Can't Dance No More!)
|2013-07-13|| Shannon vs. Santana ||Oye Como Va Me Tonight
|2005-06-25||1991-08-09 ||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| Fanfare For The Common Man
|2013-07-20|| Whistle vs. Donald Duck ||(Nothing Serious) Just Buggin’
|2005-07-02||1988-08-19 ||Luther Vandross || [ Never Too Much] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|2013-07-27|| Sunclub vs. Delerium ||Silent Fiësta
|2005-07-09 ||   || Kraftwerk vs. Janet Jackson|| [ Robots In Control] (2005 Pumpin Mix) (Versie 2)
|2013-08-03|| Crystal Waters ||Gypsy Woman (La Da Dee)
| || ||Janet Jackson || Control (Acapella)
|2013-08-10|| Art Of Noise vs. 10CC  ||   Moments Not In Love
|  || ||Kraftwerk || The Robots
|  ||Art Of Noise|| Moments In Love
|2005-07-16|| 2001-11-17 ||Farley Jack 'master' Funk & Jessie Saunders ||Love Can't Turn Around (The Philharmonix Remix)(Versie 2)
| ||10cc ||I'm Not In Love
|2005-07-23||1989-12-08 ||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| The Eve Of The War (House Remix)  
|2013-08-17|| Lazy J vs. Daft Punk ||Float My Technologic(al) Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger Boat
|2005-07-30|| 1987-11-27||Jan Hammer|| New York Theme
|2013-08-24|| Sister Sledge vs. Destiny’s Child ||She’s The Greatest Woman
|2005-08-06||1987-02-20 ||Jan Hammer|| Crockett's Theme (Miami Vice Mix) (Versie 2)
|2013-08-31|| Will.I.Am vs. B-52's ||This Is Love Shack
|2005-08-13|| 1988-03-25 ||Taja Sevelle|| Love Is Contagious
|2013-09-07|| Rob ‘N’ Raz|| Clubhopping
|2005-08-20||   || Bee Gees    ||    You Should Be Dancing
|2013-09-14|| Forrest ||Rock The Boat (10 Min. Adventure Minimix) (Forrest Thomas 21 April 1953 - 9 September 2013)
|2005-08-27||1988-01-15 ||INXS ||Need You Tonight (Versie 1)  
|2013-09-21|| Fun Fun ||Happy Station ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|2005-09-03||1988-07-22 ||Alexander O'Neal ||[ (What Can I Say) To Make You Love Me (Ben Liebrand Remix)]
|2013-09-28|| Lafleur ||Boogie Nights ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|2005-09-10|| 1988-05-27 ||Prince vs. Wee Papa Girl Rappers|| Alphabet Street
|2013-10-05|| Shakira vs. Britney Spears vs. Bee Gees ||Whenever Wherever I’m Stayin’ Alive
|2005-09-17||   ||  Class Action vs. Modjo  ||Weekend Lady
|2013-10-12|| Karen Young vs. Diana Ross|| Comin’ Out Hot (Versie 2.0)
| || ||Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire || Weekend
|2013-10-19|| Underworld vs. Marco V ||Born Godd
| ||   ||Modjo || Lady
|2013-10-26|| K&H vs. Kraftwerk|| Journaal 24 (Numbers Remix)
|2005-09-24|| 1986-03-21  ||Whistle vs. Donald Duck || [ (Nothing Serious) Just Buggin']
|2013-11-02|| Lou Reed || Walk On The Wildside
|2005-10-01||2004-11-19 ||Donna Summer vs. Shannon ||Feel The Music Play
|2013-11-09||Will.I.Am vs. Cerrone || Is This Supernature
|  ||  ||Donna Summer || I Feel Love
| || ||Shannon|| Let The Music Play
|2013-11-16||LMFAO & Tears For Fears & The S.O.S. Band & Madonna & Liberty X || Party Shout
|2005-10-08|| ||Geen uitzending || i.v.m. Album Top 750 Aller Tijden op [[Radio Veronica]]
|2013-11-23||Eelke Kleijn vs. Robin S. Feat. Thelma Houston || Show Me Love Am Strand I Need Somebody Tonight
|2005-10-15||2004-01-09 ||Celvin Rotane vs. Destiny's Child || Believe My Name
|2013-11-30||Snapped Punk|| Harder Better Faster Stronger Do You See The Light Din Daa Daa (Updated version)
|2005-10-22|| 1993-03-13 ||2 Unlimited || No Limit ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|2013-12-07||Geen uitzending||
|2005-10-29|| 1993-04-03 ||Van Halen ||Jump (Jump All Over The Place Mix)
|2013-12-14||Prodigy vs. Faithless ||Funky Shit
|2005-11-05|| 1985-10-25 ||Gloria Gaynor vs. Total Contrast || I Will Survive
|2013-12-21||Santa Claus-Meralda || Don't Let Me Misundrstood (X-mas version)
|2005-11-12|| 2002-03-08  ||Shakira vs. Britney Spears vs. Bee Gees || Whenever Wherever I'm Stayin' Alive
|2013-12-28|| Timmy Thomas || Why Can't We Live Together
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2005-11-19|| 1992-01-10  ||Human Resource vs. Afrika Bambaataa || Bambominator
|2014-01-04|| Sunclub Fiesta vs. 20 Fingers || Lickit
| || ||Afrika Bambaataa || Just Get Up And Dance
|2014-01-11||Tavares || It Only Takes A Minute ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| || ||Human Resource || Dominator
|2014-01-18|| Icona Pop vs. Masters At Work || Work, I Like It!
| || ||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman
|2014-01-25|| Amadea || Could it be Magic (Produced by [[Ben Liebrand]])
| || ||Was (Not Was) || Walk The Dinosaur
|2014-02-01|| K&H vs. Kraftwerk || Journaal 24 (numbers remix)
|2005-11-26|| ||Geen uitzending || i.v.m. de uitzending van de Grandmix 90's Edition deel 2
|2014-02-08|| Gregor Salto vs. Freeez || I.O.U.
|2005-12-03||1987-03-06 ||Hot Chocolate ||2 In A Bed (Sexy GoGo Waar Blijft Het Ons Beloofde Feestje Minimix)
|2014-02-15||The Beatles || Eleanor Rigby
|2005-12-10||   || Gregor Salto vs. The Trammps  ||  Looking Good In The Disco Inferno
|2014-02-22||David Bowie & Martin Luther King || Heroes 2014
|2005-12-17|| 1986-06-20 ||Freeez ||I.O.U. (Swingfeel Mellow Mix)
|2014-03-01||Shannon vs. Santana || Give Me Tonight 2014
|2005-12-24|| ||Geen uitzending||i.v.m. de uitzending van de Top 1000 Aller Tijden op [[Radio Veronica]]
|2014-03-08|| Mel & Kim & Frantique || Showing Out You Funky Stuff
|2005-12-31||1989-06-09 ||Sugarhill Gang ||Rapper's Delight (Hip Hop Remix) (Versie 2)
|2014-03-15|| C&C Music Factory vs. Kylie Minogue || Everybody Slow Now (updated 2014 version)
Uitzending vind plaats op zaterdagavond iets na 21.00 uur in het programma [[Disco Inferno]] van DJ Sven.
Met ingang van 7 oktober 2006 verschuift de Minimix naar 23.10 uur.
Vanaf 17 november 2006 komt de Minimix ook weer terug op de vrijdagavond twee platen na 21 uur in Erwin Peters Avonturen Show op [[Radio Veronica]]. De Minimix is dan op vrijdag én zaterdag te beluisteren!
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2006-01-07||1988-09-09 ||Rockers Revenge Feat. Donnie Calvin ||Walking On Sunshine (Acid Mix)
|2014-03-22|| Madonna || Open Your Heart
|2006-01-14||  ||Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. de uitzending van Top 1000 Aller Tijden op [[Radio Veronica]]
|2006-01-21||1992-03-13 ||Genesis ||I Can't Dance (The Other Mix)
|2014-03-29|| Fun Fun || Could This Be Love
|2006-01-28||2004-06-11 ||B-52's vs. Carol Williams|| Love Shack
|2014-04-05|| Sunclub Fiesta vs. Sarah McLachlan || Silent Fiesta
|2006-02-04|| 2004-06-04 ||Herbie Hancock vs. Sophie Ellis-Bextor|| Don't Bring Me Down The Birds On The Wall
|2014-04-12|| Kraftwerk vs. Janet Jackson  ||   Robots In Control
|2006-02-11||2004-09-03 ||Total Touch vs. Freestylers ||Push Me, Touch Me
|2014-04-19||Madonna vs. Robin S. || Music
|2006-02-18||2004-06-04 ||Aaliyah vs. George Michael|| Whispering To That Somebody
|2014-04-26||Culture Beat || Mr Vain ([[Ben Liebrand]] remix)
|2006-02-25||   ||  Sister Sledge vs. Destiny’s Child ||[ She’s The Greatest Woman]
|2014-05-03||Modjo vs. Chic vs. Class Action|| Soup for the Weekend
| || ||Destiny's Child || Independent Woman (Acapella)
|2014-05-10||The Ones || Flawless
| || ||Sister Sledge || He's The Greatest Dancer
|2014-05-17||Shannon || Let The Music Play ([[Ben Liebrand]] 2014 remix)
|2006-03-04|| ||Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. uitzending van Veronica 80's Top 880 op [[Radio Veronica]]
|2014-05-24||Avicii vs. Blackbox || Strike it a level up
|2006-03-11||   || Sunclub vs. Delerium  ||  Silent Fiësta
|2014-05-31||The Crystal Palace || Son Of Godzilla
| || ||Sunclub || Fiësta
|2014-06-07||Destiny's Child vs. Celvin Rotane || Believe My Name
| || ||Delerium Feat. Sarah McLachlan || Silence
|2014-06-14||Prince & The Revolution Feat. 20 fingers || Erotic City
|2006-03-18||2004-03-05 ||Tony Scott vs. C&C Music Factory|| Gonna Make The Bigband Sweat
|2014-06-21||Jennifer Lopez vs. Usher || Play Numb
| || ||C&C Music Factory ||  Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)
|2014-06-28||Eelke Kleijn vs. Robin S. || Show Me Love Am Strand
| || ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott || Move To The Bigband
|2014-07-05||Daddy's Groove vs. Hugh Masakela || Don't Go Loosing It Baby
|2006-03-25||2004-03-12 ||Moby vs. Underdog Project|| Go With The Summerjam
|2014-07-12||2 Unlimited || Tribal Dance ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|2006-04-01||   ||  Cameo vs. Michael Jackson vs. Dimples D.|| Word Up! On The Sucker DJ Doin' The Michael Jackson
|2014-07-19||Shabba Ranks vs. Ashanti || Mr. Oh So Foolish Loverman
| || || Cameo || Word Up!
|2014-07-26||Prodigy vs. Faithless || Bitch as One
| || ||Dimples D. || Sucker DJ (A Witch For Love)
|2014-08-02||Geen uitzending || i.v.m. de Album Top 750
| || ||Michael Jackson || Billie Jean
|2014-08-09||Haddaway || What Is Love
|2006-04-08||1988-06-03  || Sting  || [ Fragile]
|2014-08-16||The Beatles || Eleanor Rigby
|2006-04-15||1989-11-24 || Yazoo ||Situation (Hip House Mix)
|2014-08-23|| Icona Pop vs. M.A.W. || Icona Work!
|2006-04-22||2004-06-18 || Tavares ||It Only Takes A Minute
|2014-08-30||Robbie Williams vs. Rudeboy vs. Destiny's Child || Bug-a-Boo
|2006-04-29||1989-01-13 || The Revellettes || Sign Of Love
|2014-09-06||LMFAO & Tears For Fears & The S.O.S. Band & Madonna & Liberty X || Party Shout
|2006-05-06||   ||  Wild Cherry vs. Mai Tai || Play That Funky History
|2014-09-13||Faithless vs. The Prodigy || Funky Insominia Sh*t
| || ||Wild Cherry || Play That Funky Music
|2014-09-20||Technotronic & Justin Timberlake || Pump it like I like it
| || ||Mai Tai || History
|2014-09-27||The Ones ||Flawless
|2006-05-13||     || B.B. & Q. Band  ||   Main Attraction (The Finest Remix)
|2014-10-04||Freestylers vs. total Touch ||Push and Touch Me
|2006-05-20|| || Geen uitzending || i.v.m. de uitzending van de Album Top 1000 op [[Radio Veronica]]
|2014-10-11||Studiokillers vs. First Choice || Let No Man Put Asunder
|2006-05-27|| ||Heatwave || Grooveline ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix) (Versie 2) (6min 44 sec)
|2014-10-18||Sarah McLaghlan & Sunclub ||Silent Fiesta
|2006-06-03|| || Tavares ||Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel (Irresistible Angel Mix)
|2014-10-25||Yazoo vs. First Choice || Let No Man Put Asunder This Situation
|2006-06-10||2004-05-28 ||Minimix||Heroes With A Dream
|2014-11-01||Energy 52 vs. David Guetta ||Cafe Del Mar Don’t Leave Me Now
| || ||Martin Luther King || I Have A Dream
|2014-11-08||Snapped Punk ||Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger, Do You See The Light Din Daa Daa (updated version)
| || ||Queen & David Bowie|| Under Pressure
|2014-11-15||The Sugarhill Gang || Rapper's Delight ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| || ||David Bowie || Heroes
|2014-11-22||The Doobie Brothers || Long Train Running
| || ||M/A/R/R/S || Pump Up The Volume (Drums)
|2014-11-29||LMFAO with Tears for Fears, The S.O.S. Band, Madonna & Liberty X||Party mix
|2006-06-17||2001-09-01  ||Prodigy vs. Faithless || [ Funky Insomnia]
|2014-12-06||Geen uitzending||
| || ||The Prodigy || Funky Shit
|2014-12-13||2 Unlimited vs. Anastacia || Out Of Love
| || ||Faithless || Insomnia
|2014-12-20||Fedde Le Grand vs. Robin S.|| Put Your Hands Up 4 Love
|2006-06-24||   || Alf / [[Ben Liebrand]]  || Stuck On Earth (House Mix 2006) (Versie 4)
|2014-12-27||Santa Claus-Meralda X-mas version || Don't Let Me Misunderstood
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2006-07-01||1993-10-02 ||2 Unlimited|| Faces (Versie 1)
|2015-01-03  || Haddaway || What Is Love (SM Mix by [[Ben Liebrand]])
|2006-07-08||2001-06-30 ||Björk ||Human Behaviour (Versie 2)
|2015-01-10  ||Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. herhaling van de Grandmix 2014
|2006-07-15||1993-12-04 ||Melody MC|| Dum Da Dum
|2015-01-17  ||K&H vs. Kraftwerk|| Journaal 24 (Numbers Remix)
|2006-07-22||1993-11-06 ||Urban Cookie Collective ||The Key, The Secret
|2015-01-24  ||Total Touch vs. Freestylers || Push Me Touch Me
|2006-07-29||1993-11-20 ||Salt 'N' Pepa|| Shoop (Underground Clubmix)
|2015-01-31  ||Geen uitzending ||
|2006-08-05||2004-07-16 ||Madonna vs. Suzanne Vega|| Erotic Diner
|2015-02-07 ||Faithless vs. Prodigy || Funky Insomnia Shit
|  || ||DNA Feat. Suzanne Vega ||Tom's Diner
|2015-02-14 ||Will.I.Am vs. Cerrone || Supernature
|  || ||Madonna ||Erotica
|2015-02-21 ||Icona Pop vs. Master At Work || I Like To Work It
|2006-08-12||2004-06-11 ||Alexander O'Neal vs. Stevie Wonder|| I Wish You Were Not Fake
|2015-02-28  ||Technotronic & Justin Timberlake || Pump it like I like it
|2006-08-19||2004-10-01 ||Madonna vs. Capricorn ||Music@20Hz
|2015-03-07  ||Underworld vs. Marco V || Born Slippy-Godd
|2006-08-26||2005-08-26 ||Bee Gees ||You Should Be Dancing
|2015-03-14  ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott || Discotheque
|2006-09-02|| ||Jan Hammer|| Crockett's Theme (Miami Vice Mix) (Edit Versie, 5 min 30 sec)
|2015-03-21  ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. [[Marcel Schimsheimer]] & [[Caroline Dest]] || Get On Up
|2006-09-09||1987-05-29 ||Herb Alpert Feat. Janet Jackson|| Diamonds (Ben's Crazy Edit)
|2015-03-28  ||Chic vs. Class Action || Soup For The Weekend
|2006-09-16||1993-11-27||2 Unlimited ||Maximum Overdrive
|2015-04-04  ||Benny Benassi vs. The Beatles || Eleanor Rigby
|2006-09-23||2004-02-27 ||C&C Music Factory vs. Kylie Minogue Feat. The Bigband Horns|| Gonna Slowly Make You Sweat
|2015-04-11  ||Studiokillers vs. First Choice ||Let No Man Put Asunder
|2006-09-23||1988-05-27 ||Prince vs. Wee Papa Girl Rappers ||Alphabet Street (uitgezonden tijdens [[In The Mix]] van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2006#23_september_2006|23 september 2006]])
|2015-04-18  ||Daft Punk vs. Suzanne Vega ||Tom's Fast Food Diner
|2006-09-23||1986-03-14 ||Prince & The Revolution ||Kiss (uitgezonden tijdens [[In The Mix]] van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2006#23_september_2006|23 september 2006]])
|2015-04-25  || Energy 52 vs. David Guetta ||Cafe Del Mar Don’t Leave Me Now
|2006-09-23||2004-01-30 ||Prince & The Revolution vs. Destiny's Child ||Kiss-A-Boo (uitgezonden tijdens [[In The Mix]] van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2006#23_september_2006|23 september 2006]])
|2015-05-02  ||PSY vs. Benny Benassi ||Satisfaction In Gangnam Style
|2006-09-23||1987-04-03 ||Prince ||House Quake (If You Can't Rock Steady Then Shut Up Already Damn Minimix) (uitgezonden tijdens [[In The Mix]] van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2006#23_september_2006|23 september 2006]])
|2015-05-09 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. James "D-Train" Williams ||Weekend
|2006-09-23||1991-09-13 ||Prince & The New Power Generation ||Gett Off (uitgezonden tijdens [[In The Mix]] van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2006#23_september_2006|23 september 2006]])
|2015-05-16  ||Gino Soccio || Dancer
|2006-09-23||2004-08-20 ||Prince & The Revolution vs. Mighty Dub Katz ||Magic 1999 (Carpet Ride Minimix) (uitgezonden tijdens [[In The Mix]] van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2006#23_september_2006|23 september 2006]])
|2015-05-23 ||The Ones || Flawless
|2006-09-23||    || Prince & The Revolution|| Erotic City (Nieuwe Mash-Up Mix uitgezonden tijdens [[In The Mix]] van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2006#23_september_2006|23 september 2006]])
|2015-05-30 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Iconic Groove Minimix
|2006-09-23||    |Prince & The Revolution ||When Doves Cry (Nieuwe Mash-Up Mix uitgezonden tijdens [[In The Mix]] van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2006#23_september_2006|23 september 2006]])
|  ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. James "D-Train" Williams||Weekend
|2006-09-23||    ||Prince & The Revolution vs. Ramirez ||   I would die 4 U vs. Musica Tremenda (Versie 1) (Nieuwe Mash-Up Mix uitgezonden tijdens [[In The Mix]] van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2006#23_september_2006|23 september 2006]])
|  ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Barbara Tucker||Boogie
|2006-09-30||1991-05-17 ||Crystal Waters||Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless) (Guitar Mix)
| ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. James "D-Train" Williams|| We Are The Night
|2006-10-07||1987-07-03 ||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| [ Weerbericht (The Rain Dance / Def ANP Rappers)] ('''Let op: De minimix wordt vanaf nu uitgezonden op de zaterdagavond, rond 23.10 uur''')
| ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Erica Yong ||Dancer
|2006-10-14||1992-05-08 ||Karen Young ||Hot Shot ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix) (Versie 1)
| || [[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott|| Discotheque
|2006-10-21||1993-08-07 ||U69 ||Love Sees No Colour
| ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. James "D-Train" Williams||Mister DJ
|2006-10-28||   ||  Robin S. vs. Fedde Le Grand    ||   Put Your Hands Up 4 Luve
| ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Erica Yong ||Can You Hear Me
|  || ||Fedde Le Grand  ||Put Your Hands Up For Detroit
|2015-06-06 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. James D-Train Williams || Weekend
|  || ||Robin S. || Luve 4 Luve
|2015-06-13 ||Daddy Groove vs. Hugh Masakela || Don't Go Loose It Baby
|2006-11-04||2004-06-18 ||Michael Jackson vs. Europe|| Billie Jean's Final Countdown
|2015-06-20  ||Icona Pop vs. Masters At Work || Icona Work
|2006-11-11||    || Spiller vs. Everything But The Girl  ||   Missing Groove Jet
|2015-06-27  ||Gino Soccio || Dancer
|  || ||Spiller Feat. Sophie Ellis-Bextor || Groove Jet (If This Ain't Love)
|2015-07-03 ||Geen uitzending|| De Minimix verhuisd weer naar de vrijdagavond rond 19.10 uur
|  || || Everything But The Girl ||   Missing
|2015-07-10 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Dancer (Where Is Gino Soccio?)
|2006-11-17||2005-05-07 ||Earth, Wind & Fire vs. The Bangles|| Egyptian In The Stone (Let op: de minimix wordt vanaf deze datum op 2 dagen uitgezonden; op de vrijdag- en zaterdagavond)
|2015-07-17 ||Michael Gray v.s P!nk || Weekend Let's Get The Party started
|2006-11-18||1991-01-11 ||Kool & The Gang|| Ladies Night ([[Ben Liebrand]] Swingbeat Remix)
|2015-07-24  ||Fun Fun || Happy Station (Scratch Versie)
|2006-11-24||1992-10-10 ||Karen Young ||Hot Shot ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix) (Versie 2)
|2015-07-31  ||Dead Mouse || Animal Jam
|2006-11-25||1986-01-31 ||Tramaine ||Fall Down (Spirit Of Love)
|2015-08-07  ||Earth, Wind & Fire vs. The Bangles || In The Stone vs. Walk Like An Egyptian
|2006_12-01||2006-02-25 ||Sister Sledge vs. Destiny’s Child ||[ She’s The Greatest Woman]
|2015-08-14  ||Total Touch vs. Jimmy “Bo” Horne || Touch Me Here, Spank Me There
|  || ||Destiny's Child || Independent Woman (Acapella)
|2015-08-21 || Lou Reed || Walk On The Wildside
| || ||Sister Sledge || He's The Greatest Dancer
|2015-08-28 ||Janet Jackson Feat. Gerbrand Westveen on Sax || Let's Wait a While (Versie 2)
|2006-12-02||   ||  Robin S. vs. Fedde Le Grand  ||   Put Your Hands Up 4 Luve (Updated Versie)
|2015-09-04  ||Queenesis (Queen vs. Genesis) ||Mama Will Rock You
|  || ||Fedde Le Grand  ||Put Your Hands Up For Detroit
|  ||Queen|| We Will Rock You
|  || ||Robin S. || Luve 4 Luve
|  ||Genesis ||Mama
|2006-12-08 ||   || Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. de uitzending van de TOP 1000 op [[Radio Veronica]]
| ||Queen || Bohemian Rapsody (Sample)
|2006-12-09 ||  || Salt 'N' Pepa  || Start Me Up  ([[Ben Liebrand]] Streetmix)
|2015-09-11  ||Art Of Noise vs. Eminem || Beatbox Without Me
|2006-12-15||1992-05-29 || Queenesis (Queen vs. Genesis) ||[ Mama Will Rock You]
|2015-09-18  ||Kraftwerk vs. Janet Jackson|| Robots In Control
|  || ||Queen|| We Will Rock You
|2015-09-25 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. James D-Train Williams || Mister DJ
|  || ||Genesis ||Mama
|2015-10-02 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. James "D-Train" Williams || Mister DJ (Club Remix by [[Ben Liebrand]])
|  || ||Queen || Bohemian Rapsody (Sample)
|2015-10-09 ||Geen uitzending||
|2006-12-16|| 1992-01-10||Human Resource vs. Afrika Bambaataa ||Bambominator
|2015-10-16 ||Michael Jackson || Stranger, Beat It To Moskow
|  || ||Afrika Bambaataa || Just Get Up And Dance
|2015-10-23 ||Shakira vs. Britney Spears vs. Bee Gees || Whenever Wherever I'm Stayin' Alive
|  || ||Human Resource || Dominator
|2015-10-30 ||Sunclub Fiesta vs. 20 Fingers || Lickit
|  || ||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
|2015-11-06 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Double O Seven - James Bond Mix
|  || ||Was (Not Was) || Walk The Dinosaur
|2015-11-13 ||Timmy Thomas || Why Can't We Live Together
|2006-12-22||1988-08-05 ||Joe Jackson ||Is She Really Going Out With Him (Non-Acapella Mix)
|2015-11-20  ||C&C Music Factory vs. Kylie Minogue Feat. The Bigband Horns|| Gonna Slowly Make You Sweat
|2006-12-23||2004-05-07 ||Modern Talking|| Modern Rapping
|2015-11-27  ||Jennifer Lopez vs. Usher || Play numb
|2006-12-24||  || Santa Claus Esmeralda || [ Don't Let Me Be Misundersnowed (X-Mass Version)] (Versie 1)
|2015-12-05  ||Geen uitzending||
|2006-12-24|| 2005-01-08 ||   Crystal Waters Feat. Do ||Homeless In Heaven
|2015-12-12 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott || Move To The Bigband (JazzMix)
|2006-12-29||1991-11-29 ||Lou Reed|| [ Walk On The Wildside]
|2015-12-19  ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott || Discotheque
|2006-12-30||1988-07-29 ||James Brown ||(Get Up I Feel Like Being Like A) Sex Machine (Sample Mix)
|2015-12-26  ||Santa Claus-Meralda || X-mas version of Don't Let Me Misunderstood

Vanaf 31 augustus 2007 komt de Minimix op de vrijdagavond weer te vervallen.
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2007-01-05|| 1990-09-28||Hall & Oates|| I Can't Go For That (No Can Do)
| 2016-01-01 || Sinéad O'Connor vs. Guru Josh|| [ Nothing Compares 2 Your Infinity]
|2007-01-06||2000-06-09 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott|| Move To The Bigband (Jazzy mix)
| ||Sinéad O'Connor || Nothing Compares To You
|2007-01-12||2006-05-06 ||Wild Cherry vs. Mai Tai|| Play That Funky History
| ||Guru Josh || Infinity
| || ||Wild Cherry || Play That Funky Music
| 2016-01-08 || Carol Williams vs. B-52's || Love Shack Is You
| || ||Mai Tai || History
| 2016-01-15 ||David Bowie || [ Let's Dance] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|2007-01-13||1991-08-02 ||Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam|| Let The Beat Hit 'Em
| 2016-01-22 ||Earth, Wind & Fire vs. The Bangles || Walk Like An Egyptian
|2007-01-19||2004-06-04 ||Electric Light Orchestra vs. Sophie Ellis-Bextor|| Don't Bring Me Up The Wall
| 2016-01-29 ||Timmy Thomas vs. Cuba Gooding || Why Can't We Live Together in Happiness
|2007-01-20||1986-05-02 ||Janet Jackson ||What Have You Done For Me Lately (Versie 1)
| ||Timmy Thomas ||Why Can't We Live Together
|2007-01-26||1992-04-10 ||Level 42 ||It's Over ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| ||Cuba Gooding || Happiness, Is Just Around The Bend
|2007-01-27||1992-07-03 ||Level 42 || Club Megamix (The Essential Combination)
| 2016-02-05 ||George Michael vs. Aaliyah || Careless Whispering Somebody
|2007-02-02|| 1987-02-20||Jan Hammer ||Crockett's Theme (Miami Vice Mix) (Versie 2)
| 2016-02-12 || Madonna vs. Liberty X || Just A Little Bit Of Vogue (2011 Re-Mash)
|2007-02-03||2002-03-08 ||Shakira vs. Britney Spears vs. Bee Gees ||Whenever Wherever I'm Stayin' Alive
| 2016-02-19 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Weerbericht (The Rain Dance - Def ANP Rappers)
|2007-02-09||1988-01-15 ||INXS ||Need You Tonight (Versie 1)
| 2016-02-26 ||Pointer Sisters || Fire
|2007-02-10||1990-05-25 ||Candy Dulfer ||Saxuality
| 2016-03-04 ||Jaydee vs. Raze || [ Plastic Bass Power Dreams]
|2007-02-16||1986-06-27 ||Peter Gabriel vs. Grace Jones ||  [ Sledgehammer] (Versie 1)
| ||JayDee ||Plastic Dreams
| || ||Peter Gabriel || Sledgehammer
| ||Raze || Bass Power
| || ||Grace Jones || Slave To The Rhythm
| 2016-03-11 ||Jan Hammer || Crockett's Theme
|2007-02-17||   ||   Mousse T. vs. Colonel Abrams  ||  Trapped 'N' Horny
| 2016-03-18 ||Armin van Buren || The Oldskool Remix
| || ||Mousse T. Featuring Hot 'n' Juicy ||Horny '98
| 2016-03-25 ||Massive Attack vs. Diana Ross || I'm Coming Out
| || ||Colonel Abrams ||Trapped
| ||Massive Attack||Unfinished Sympathy
|2007-02-23||1993-03-27 || Shaggy || Oh Carolina
| ||Diana Ross||I'm Coming Out
|2007-02-24||2001-09-01 || Prodigy vs. Faithless || [ Funky Insomnia] (5 min 52 sec)
| 2016-04-01 ||Avicii vs. Eurythmics || [ Wake Me Up In 1984]
| || ||The Prodigy || Funky Shit
| ||Avicii || Wake Me up
| || ||Faithless || Insomnia
| ||Eurythmics || Sexcrime 1984
|2007-03-02|| 1986-02-07 || Drum Theatre ||  [ Eldorado]
| ||Freeez || I O U
|2007-03-03|| 1991-02-15 || Salt 'N' Pepa || Do U Want Me (Peanuts Mix)
| 2016-04-08 ||Queen vs. Genesis (Queenesis)|| Mama Will Rock You
|2007-03-07||2005-05-07 ||Earth, Wind & Fire vs. The Bangles|| Egyptian In The Stone (Let op: Uitgezonden op NPO [[Radio 2]] bij [ Schiffers FM])
| ||Queen|| We Will Rock You
|2007-03-09|| 1992-07-03 || Level 42 || Club Megamix (The Essential Combination)
| ||Genesis ||Mama
|2007-03-10|| 1992-01-17 || Groove Technology || Mind On The Beat
| ||Queen|| Bohemian Rapsody (Sample)
|2007-03-16|| 2006-11-11 || Spiller vs. Everything But The Girl || Missing Groove Jet
| 2016-04-15 ||Sunclub Fiesta vs. Sarah McLachlan || [ Silent Fiesta]
|2007-03-17|| 1986-05-23 || Timmy Thomas vs. Colonel Abrams || Trapped Together (Versie 2)
| 2016-04-22 ||Suzanne Vega vs. Madonna || [ Tom's Erotic Diner]
|2007-03-23|| 1987-05-29 || Herb Alpert Feat. Janet Jackson || Diamonds (Ben's Crazy Edit)
| 2016-04-29 ||Prince & The Revolution || I Would Die 4 U
|2007-03-24||1989-07-14 || Michael Jackson || [ Liberian Girl (Ben Liebrand Remix)]
| 2016-05-06 ||Madonna vs. Robin S. || Music
|2007-03-30|| 2004-01-30  || Prince & The Revolution  vs. Destiny's Child || Kiss-A-Boo
| 2016-05-13 ||Geen uitzending||
|2007-03-31 ||   || [[Ben Liebrand]]  || Sonic Move It ! (Versie 2)
| 2016-05-20 ||Carol Williams vs. B-52's || Is It Love In The Love Shack
|2007-04-06|| 2004-06-18 || Michael Jackson vs. Europe || Billie Jean's Final Countdown
| 2016-05-27 ||C&C Music Factory vs. Kylie Minogue || Everybody Slow Now (It's Kylie's Birthday Today)
|2007-04-07|| 1993-01-30 || Jocelyn Brown || Somebody Else's Guy (House Remix)
| 2016-06-03 ||Total Touch vs. Freestylers || Push Me Touch Me
|2007-04-13|| 2006-06-03 || Tavares || Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel (Irresistible Angel Mix)
| 2016-06-10 ||Bozz Scaggs & Adina Howard || Freak Like Me
|2007-04-14 || ||   Candy Dulfer  || Heavenly City ([[Ben Liebrand]] S2SMix) (Versie 2)
| 2016-06-17 ||Amadea || Could It Be Magic (Onduidelijk of deze minimix op deze datum is uitgezonden!)
|2007-04-20||2007-02-17 ||Mousse T. vs. Colonel Abrams || Trapped 'N' Horny
| 2016-06-24 ||Michael Jackson & The Jacksons || Can You Feel It Billie Jean
|2007-04-21|| 1987-09-11||Michael Jackson || Bad (Versie 1)
| 2016-07-02 || Björk vs. Frankie Goes To Hollywood || The Human Behaviour Of Two Tribes
|2007-04-27|| 2004-02-27||C&C Music Factory vs. Kylie Minogue Feat. The Bigband Horns || Gonna Slowly Make You Sweat
| 2016-07-09 ||Level 42 || Megamix (Club Version)
|2007-04-28|| 2006-09-23 ||Prince & The Revolution|| Erotic City
| 2016-07-16 ||UB40 || (I Can't Help) Falling In Love With You
|2007-05-04|| 2004-05-07 ||Modern Talking vs. Public Enemy || Modern Rapping
| 2016-07-23 ||UB40 || (I Can't Help) Falling In Love With You
|2007-05-05|| 2004-06-11 ||Alexander O'Neal vs. Stevie Wonder|| I Wish You Were Not Fake
| 2016-07-30 ||Geen uitzending||
|2007-05-11|| ||Geen uitzending || i.v.m. de Album Top 1000 op [[Radio Veronica]]
| 2016-08-06 ||ABBA ||[ Lay All Your Love On Me]  
|2007-05-12|| ||Geen uitzending || i.v.m. de Album Top 1000 op [[Radio Veronica]]
| 2016-08-13 ||MC Miker 'G' & DJ Sven || Holiday Rap
|2007-05-18|| 2004-06-11 ||Alexander O'Neal vs. Stevie Wonder|| I Wish You Were Not Fake
| 2016-08-20 ||The Pointer Sisters ||Fire
|2007-05-19||   ||  Bodyrox vs. The Trammps  ||     Bodyinferno
| 2016-08-27 ||Robert Palmer vs. Class Action || Weekend In My System
|   ||   ||The Trammps || Disco Inferno
| 2016-09-03 ||Tavares || It Only Takes A Minute
|   ||   ||Bodyrox || Yeah Yeah
| 2016-09-10 ||Level 42 || Megamix by [[Ben Liebrand]]
|2007-05-25||2001-09-01||Prodigy vs. Faithless ||[ Funky Insomnia] (5 min 52 sec)
| 2016-09-17 ||Madonna || Open Your Heart
| || ||The Prodigy || Funky Shit
| 2016-09-24 ||Janet Jackson & Luther Vandross & Michael Jackson || The Best Things In Life Are Free
| || ||Faithless || Insomnia
| 2016-10-01 ||Fun Fun || Could This Be Love
|2007-05-26||   ||  Fedde Le Grand vs. Michael Jackson  ||     Billie Jean Is Trippin'
| 2016-10-08 ||Bros vs. Bros || Long Train Running
| || ||Fedde Le Grand|| Just Trippin'
| 2016-10-15 || Karen Young vs. Diana Ross || Comin' Out Hot
| || ||Michael Jackson  ||  Billie Jean
| 2016-10-22 ||Lou Reed vs. Suzanne Vega||Take A Walk At Tom’s Diner
|2007-06-01|| 1986-05-02 ||Janet Jackson||What Have You Done For Me Lately (Versie 1)
| 2016-10-29 ||Scary Phantom vs. B-52's || Love Shack Halloween Remix
|2007-06-02||   ||  Kelis vs. Outwork    ||   Elektro Shake
| 2016-11-05 ||Madonna vs. Suzanne Vega || Erotic Diner
| || || Kelis|| Milkshake
| 2016-11-12 ||Sugarhill Gang || Rapper's Delight
| || ||Outwork|| Elektro
| 2016-11-19 ||The Doobie Brothers vs. Lunde Bros || Long Train Running
|2007-06-08||2004-05-28 ||David Bowie vs. Martin Luther King|| Heroes With A Dream
| 2016-11-26 ||Mel & Kim || Showing Out (Get Fresh At The Weekend)
|2007-06-09||   || Jennifer Lopez vs. Untouchable 3||  Play That Once In A Lifetime
| 2016-12-03 ||Geen uitzending||
| || ||Jennifer Lopez || Play (Vocals)
| 2016-12-10 ||Massive Attack vs. Robin S. || Unfinished Love
| || ||Untouchable 3 || Once In A Lifetime (Instrumental)
| 2016-12-17 ||Avicii vs. Eurythmics || [ Wake Me Up In 1984]
|2007-06-15||1991-06-14 ||Madonna||Open Your Heart (Versie 2)
| ||Avicii || Wake Me up
|2007-06-16||   || Gregor Salto vs. Freeez || I.O.U. Viajar
| ||Eurythmics || Sexcrime 1984
|  || ||Freeez || I.O.U.
| ||Freeez || I O U
| || ||Gregor Salto||Viajar
| 2016-12-24 ||Santa Claus-Meralda|| X-mas version of Don't Let Me Misunderstood
|2007-06-22|| 2004-11-19 ||Donna Summer vs. Shannon ||Feel The Music Play
| 2016-12-31 ||George Michael vs. Aaliyah || Careless Whispering Somebody (Dit is de laatste Minimix die wordt uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]].
Na anderhalf jaar afwezigheid, keert de Minimix vanaf 7 september 2018 weer terug op de radio en wordt nu omgedoopt tot '''De Bijna Weekend Minimix''' afgekort tot '''MMX'''. Het tijdstip verschuift naar de vrijdagochtend rond de klok van 8:45 uur en wordt uitgezonden bij [[Gerard Ekdom]] in zijn ochtend show [[Ekdom in de morgen]] op [[Radio 10]].
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2007-06-23||   ||   Carol Williams vs. The Trammps||  Love Is Inferno
|2018-09-07  ||'''MMX ||'''[ Celebration In The Heart]
| || || Carol Williams|| Love Is
| ||Kool & The Gang || Celebration
| || ||The Trammps||Disco Inferno
| ||Baha Men || Who Let The Dogs Out
|2007-06-29||1989-06-09 ||The Sugarhill Gang || Rappers Delight (Hip Hop Remix) (Versie 2)
| ||Jackson 5 || I Want You Back
|2007-06-30||1991-01-11 ||Kool & The Gang ||Ladies Night (Swingbeat Mix)
| ||Dee-Lite ||Groove Is In The Heart
|2007-07-06||2006-04-01 ||Cameo vs. Michael Jackson vs. Dimples D.||Word Up! On The Sucker DJ Doin' The Michael Jackson
| ||Masters At Work || Work
|2007-07-07|| 2004-07-16||Madonna vs. Suzanne Vega ||Erotic Diner
|2018-09-14  ||'''MMX || '''[ A Real Rubberband For Ya Mother!]
|2007-07-13||2005-09-17 ||Class Action vs. Modjo|| Weekend Lady
| ||The Spinners || The Rubberband Man
| || ||Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire || Weekend
| ||Will Smith || Men In Black
| || ||Modjo || Lady
| ||Johnny 'Guitar' Watson || A Real Mother For Ya
|2007-07-14||2007-02-17 ||Mousse T. vs. Colonel Abrams ||Trapped 'N' Horny
| ||Jackson 5 || Mama's Pearl
|2007-07-20||2006-05-06 ||Wild Cherry vs. Mai Tai|| Play That Funky History
| ||Blu Cantrell || Hit Em Up
| || ||Wild Cherry || Play That Funky Music
| ||Bee Gees || Stayin' Alive
|  || ||Mai Tai || History
|2018-09-21 ||'''MMX|| '''[ 90's Is A Dancer]
|2007-07-21||2006-03-11 ||Sunclub vs. Delerium ||Silent Fiësta
| ||Barbara Tucker || Deep Inside (Sample)
|2007-07-27||1992-05-29 ||Queenesis (Queen vs. Genesis) ||[ Mama Will Rock You] (6 min 29 sec)
| ||Snap! || Rhythm Is A Dancer
| || ||Queen|| We Will Rock You
| ||49-ers || Move Your Feet
| || ||Genesis ||Mama
| ||C&C Music Factory || Keep It Coming (Dance Till You Can't Dance No More!)
| || ||Queen || Bohemian Rapsody (Sample)
| ||Kristine W. || Feel What You Want
|2007-07-28||2006-02-25 ||Sister Sledge vs. Destiny’s Child ||[ She’s The Greatest Woman] (5 min 14 sec)
| ||Delerium || Silence
|  || ||Destiny's Child || Independent Woman (Acapella)
|2018-09-28 ||'''MMX||'''Wake Me Up In 1984
| || ||Sister Sledge || He's The Greatest Dancer
| ||Avicii || Wake Me Up
|2007-08-03||2006-06-03 ||Tavares ||Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel (Irresistible Angel Mix)
| ||Eurythmics || 1984
|2007-08-04|| ||Boz Scaggs vs. Adina Howard|| Lowdown Freak Like Me
| ||Freeez || IOU
|  || ||Boz Scaggs||Lowdown
|2018-10-05 ||'''MMX||'''Girls and Virgins Just Wanna Have Fun
| || ||Adina Howard||Freak Like Me
| ||Cindy Lauper || Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
|2007-08-10|| ||Geen uitzending ||i.v.m. de herhaling van Veronica's Top 1000 Aller Tijden 2006
| ||Whitney Houston || I Wanna Dance With Somebody
|2007-08-11|| ||Prince & The Revolution vs. Ramirez ||I Would Die 4 U vs. La Musica Tremenda (Versie 2) (Deze edit versie duurt 2 min korter dan versie 1!)
| ||Madonna || Like A Virgin
|2007-08-17||2007-02-17 ||Mousse T. vs. Colonel Abrams ||Trapped 'N' Horny
| ||Indeep || Last Night A DJ Saved My Life
|2007-08-18||   ||   Sunclub Feat. Rick James    ||    [ Superfreak Fiësta]
| ||Whitney Houston || How Will I Know
|  || ||Sunclub|| Fiësta
|2018-10-26 ||'''MMX||''' Get Ready For Ooops!
| || ||Rick James ||Superfreak
| ||The S.O.S. Band  || Just Be Good To Me
|2007-08-24|| 1986-05-02||Janet Jackson|| What Have You Done For Me Lately (Versie 1)
| ||Alice Cooper  || Halo Of Flies
|2007-08-25|| 1989-05-19||Ram Jam ||Black Betty (Rough 'N' Ready Remix)
| ||2 Unlimited  || Get Ready For This
|2007-09-01||   ||  Willie Colón Feat. Justin Timberlake ||   Set Fire To Me Like I Love You
| ||The S.O.S. Band  || Borrowed Love
|| ||Willie Colón||Set Fire To Me
| ||Frankie Goes To Hollywood  || Relax
| || ||Justin Timberlake||Like I Love You
| ||Moby  || Go
|2007-09-08||   ||   Sharron vs. Santana ||  Oye Como Va Me Tonight (Dancefloor Remix with Extra Drums) (6 min 30 sec)
| ||Creedence Clearwater Revival  ||  Suzie Q
|  || ||Shannon || Give Me Tonight
| ||Alison Limerick || Where Love Lives
| || ||Santana  || Oye Como Va
| ||Snap! || Ooops Up!
|2007-09-15||1987-09-04 ||Michael Jackson|| Speed Demon (The Usual [[Ben Liebrand]] Primeur)
| ||Underdog Project  || Summer Jam
|2007-09-22||   ||   Alcazar vs. Chic vs. Stetsaonic ||Sexual Quantee vs. Forbidden Lover vs. Talkin' All That Jazz
| ||Jason Nevins  || Work That Body
|2007-09-29|| 1986-04-25 ||The S.O.S. Band ||The Finest ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| ||DJ Jean || The Launch
|2007-10-06 ||   || Freemasons Feat. Diana Ross  || I'm Coming Out
| ||Bros  || When Will I Be Famous
|2007-10-13|| 2001-04-14||Janet Jackson vs. Change Feat. Luther Vandross||All For You vs. The Glow Of Love
|2018-11-02  ||'''MMX||'''I Need You In Da Club
|2007-10-20||1986-01-31  ||Tramaine ||Fall Down (Spirit Of Love)
| ||BVSMP || I Need You
|2007-10-27||1986-04-25 ||Pia Zadora ||Dance Out Of My Head (Acid Mix) (Versie 1)
| ||Loose Ends || Hangin' On A String (Contemplating)
|2007-11-03||1987-06-20 ||Janet Jackson || The Pleasure Principle
| ||50 Cent || In Da Club
|2007-11-10||   || King Amir vs. A.D.O.R.|| Samir's Renegade Master Theme
| ||EMF || Unbelievable
|   ||  ||King Amir || Samir's Theme (Instrumental)
| ||King MC Feat. "Screamin' K" || What Have I Done For You Lately?
|   || ||A.D.O.R. || One For The Trouble (Vocals)
| ||The Trammps || Disco Inferno
|2007-11-17|| ||   Massive Attack Feat. Robin S.||    Unfinished Sympathy vs. Show Me Love
| ||Neheh Cherry || Buffalo Stance
|2007-11-24|| ||    Samir Feat. Redhead Kingpin & FBI  || Do The Right Thing
| ||Derek B. || Good Groove
|2007-12-01||1991-02-22 ||Whitney Houston vs. Public Enemy ||[ I’m Your Baby Tonight] (6 min 35 sec)
|2018-11-09  ||'''MMX||'''Another One On The Radio
| || ||Whitney Houston || I'm Your Baby Tonight
| ||Queen || We Are The Champions
| || ||Public  Enemy || Welcome To The Terrordome
| ||Queen || Another One Bites The Dust
|2007-12-08|| 1987-08-14 ||Rose Royce vs. Alexander O'Neal|| Rose Royce Express vs. Fake
| ||Janet Jackson || Nasty
|2007-12-15|| 1986-05-23||Timmy Thomas vs. Colonel Abrams||Trapped Together (Versie 2)
| ||Montell Jordan || This Is How We Do It
|2007-12-22|| || Santa Claus Esmeralda  || Don't Let Me Be Misundersnowed (Versie 2) (6 min 30 sec)
| ||Queen || Radio Ga Ga
|2007-12-29|| 2006-12-02||Robin S. vs. Fedde Le Grand ||Put Your Hands Up 4 Luve (Updated Version)
| ||Prince & The Revolution || 1999
Vanaf 20 december 2008 verhuisd de Minimix naar het tijdstip zoals het vroeger was, namelijk twee platen na 21 uur.
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2008-01-05|| ||   Dubfire Feat. Sophie Ellis-Bextor    ||    [ Crazy Roadkill Up The Wall]
| ||Diana Ross || I'm Coming Out
|   || || Dubfire || Roadkill
| ||Queen ||We Will Rock You
|   || || Sophie Ellis-Bextor  || Get Over You (Acapella)
|2018-11-16 ||'''MMX||'''Forbidden Lover's History
|2008-01-12|| ||   DJ Tilo vs. Diana Ross|| Mr.Perfect Take Me Higher
| ||The Gap Band || Say Oops Upside Your Head
|   || || DJ Tilo|| Mr.Perfect
| ||Chic || Forbidden Lover
|   || || Diana Ross ||Take me Higher
| ||Yello || I Love You
|2008-01-19|| 2008-01-12 ||DJ Tilo vs. Diana Ross|| Mr. Perfect Takes Me Higher
| ||Biz Markie || Let Me See You Bounce
|2008-01-26||1985-05-24 ||Paul Hardcastle || [ Megamix]
| ||Blondie || Rapture
| || ||Paul Hardcastle ||  In The Beginning
| ||Mai Tai || History
| || ||Paul Hardcastle ||  19
| ||Wild Cherry ||Play That Funky Music
| || ||Paul Hardcastle & D-Train ||  You're The One For Me / A.M. Daybreak
|2018-11-23  ||'''MMX||'''Stop This Groovy Space Thing
| || ||Pig Bag || Papa´s Got A Brand New Pigbag (Paul Hardcastle´s Electrofunk Versie)
| ||Sheila & The Black Devotion || Spacer
|2008-02-02||   || The Doobie Brothers vs. Out Of Office  ||Long Train Running Out Of Office
| ||The Supremes || Stop In The Name Of Love
| || ||Out Of Office || Hands Up (Instrumental)
| ||Sarah McLachlan || Delerium
| || ||The Doobie Brothers || Long Train Running (Vocals)
| ||Rick James ||Superfreak
| || ||Beckie Bell || Steppin' Out Tonight (Sequencer + Sirene)
| ||Rozalla || Free
|2008-02-09 ||1986-04-18  || Telex ||    Moskow Diskow In The Shimmering Transoeral Siberia Remix
| ||Peaches & Herb || Shake Your Groove Thing
|2008-02-16 || 1993-03-27  || 2 Unlimited ||  No Limit
| ||? || Whoop! Where's The Beef
|2008-02-23|| 1986-02-28 ||   Billy Ocean ||    When The Going Gets Tough (When The Mixing Gets Tough)
| ||Patrick Hernandez || Born To Be Alive
|2008-03-01 || 1993-05-01  || Snow ||  Informer (Remix)
| ||Una Mas || I Will Follow You
|2008-03-08 || 2004-10-15 || Doctor's Cat ||   Feel The Drive
|2018-11-30 ||'''MMX||'''Spank Me Here
|2008-03-15||   ||   Sesa vs. Kraze||  [ Let's Play House Like This Like That]
| ||Dynasty || I Don't Want To Be A Freak
|2008-03-22||1990-06-15 ||Dimples D. ||Sucker DJ (Met Toegevoegde Creatieve Waarde)
| ||Tag Team || Whoomp! There It Is
|2008-03-29||   ||   Isaac Hayes vs. Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five    ||    Theme From Shaft With A Message (2008 Versie)
| ||Jimmy 'Bo' Horne || Spank
|2008-04-05||   ||   Karen Young vs. Donna Summer|| Hotshot Coming Out
| ||Total Touch ||Touch Me There (acapella)
| ||Brothers Johnson || Stomp!
|2008-04-12|| 1991-04-05 ||Steve Winwood ||You Keep On Searchin'
| ||Crystal Waters || 100% Pure Love
|2008-04-19||   ||   10CC vs. Armin van Buuren  ||  Face To Face But Not In Love
| ||Bee Gees || You Should Be Dancin' (acapella)
| || ||10CC || I'm Not In Love
| ||Donna Summer || Hot Stuff
| || ||Armin Van Buuren || Face to Face
| ||Sly & The Family Stone || Dance To The Music (acapella)
|2008-04-26||   ||  Kool & The Gang vs. Leon Haywood    ||   Ladies Don't Push It Tonight
| ||The Wiz Feat. Diana Ross & Michael Jackson || Ease On Down The Road
|2008-05-03||1986-08-08 ||Janet Jackson|| Nasty
|2018-12-07  ||Geen uitzendgegevens bekend||
|2008-05-10|| ||Geen uitzending||i.v.m. de uitzending van de Album Top 1000
|2018-12-14  ||Geen uitzendgegevens bekend||
|2008-05-17|| ||Prince & The Revolution vs. Destiny's Child ||Kiss-A-Boo (Re-Remix 2008)
|2018-12-21  ||Geen uitzendgegevens bekend||
|2008-05-24||1989-02-17 ||Tone Loc|| Wild Thing
|2018-12-28  ||Geen uitzendgegevens bekend||
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2008-05-31||2001-02-10 ||Mory Kante vs. Eurythmics    ||   [ Sweet Yé Ké Yé Ké] (Versie 1)
|2019-01-04  ||'''MMX || '''[ Don’t Stop How I’m Living]
|  || ||Mory Kante ||Yé Ké Yé Ké (Hardfloor Mix)
|  ||Michael Jackson || Don't Stop Till You Get Enough
|  || ||Eurythmics|| Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)
|  ||Fatman Scoop & Timbaland || Drop
|2008-06-07||2008-04-19 || 10CC vs. Armin van Buuren|| [ Face To Face But Not In Love]
| ||Ce Ce Peniston || Finally
| || ||10CC || I'm Not In Love
| ||Mousse T. Feat. Hot 'N' Juicy || Horny '98
| || ||Armin Van Buuren || Face to Face
| ||Nightcrawlers || Push The Feeling
|2008-06-14|| ||Robin S. vs. Tears For Fears & More ||Shout 4 Love
| ||Colonel Abrams || Trapped
|2008-06-21|| ||Salt 'N' Pepa|| Do U Want Me (Serious Mix)
| ||Tony Scott || That's How I'm Living
|2008-06-28||2008-01-05 ||Dubfire vs. Sophie Ellis-Bextor||[ Crazy Roadkill Up The Wall]
|2019-01-11  ||'''MMX || '''Weekend
|2008-07-05||2008-04-05 ||Karen Young vs. Diana Ross ||Hot Shot Coming Out
| ||Class Action || Weekend (Acapella)
|2008-07-12||2008-02-02 ||Out Of Office vs. The Doobie Brothers|| Long Train Running Out Of Office
| ||David Bowie || Let's Dance
|2008-07-19||2007-09-08 ||Shannon vs. Santana ||Oye Como Va Me Tonight (Dancefloor Remix with Extra Drums)
| ||Michael Jackson || I Wanna Rock With You (Acapella)
|  || ||Shannon  || Give Me Tonight
|  ||C&C Music Factory || Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)
|  || ||Santana  || Oye Como Va
|  ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott || Move To The Bigband
|2008-07-26|| 2007-08-18 ||Rick James vs. Sunclub|| Superfreak Fiësta
| ||Anastacia || I'm Outta Love (Acapella)
|2008-08-02|| 2007-11-17||Massive Attack vs. Robin S.|| Unfinished Love
| ||Michael Jackson || Bad
|2008-08-09||1988-11-18 ||Michael Jackson ||Smooth Criminal (Smeuïge Crimineel Mix)
|2019-01-18|| Geen MMX|| i.v.m. de winter BBQ bij [[Radio 10]]
|2008-08-16||1991-11-08 ||Carl Linger|| Super Love
|2019-01-25||'''MMX || '''Push It Como Va
|2008-08-23|| ||Pia Zadora|| Dance Out Of My Head ([[Ben Liebrand]] Mix) (Versie 2) (duurt 44 sec. langer dan versie 1 van 1988-12-02)
| ||Whitney Houston || Queen Of The Night (Chords)
|2008-08-30|| ||Culture Beat|| Mr. Vain (Mr. Liebrand Remix) (Versie 2) (duurt 45 sec. langer dan versie 1 van 1993-07-24)
| ||Santana || Oye Como Va
|2008-09-06|| ||Steve Allen|| Love Is In The Air
| ||Inaya Day || Keep Pushin'
|2008-09-13|| ||Nina Hagen|| New York New York (New York Transformed Mix) (Versie 2) (duurt 50 sec. langer dan versie 1 van 1989-11-17)
| ||Salt 'N' Pepa || Push It
|2008-09-20|| ||Cerrone ||Supernature (Old-Skool Mix)
| ||Shannon || Give Me Tonight
|2008-09-27|| ||Cerrone ||Supernature 2010
|2019-02-01  ||'''MMX || '''Don't Stop Somebody Else's Baby
|2008-10-04||1986-04-18 ||Telex ||Moskow Diskow In The Shimmering Transoeral Siberia Remix
| ||Yarbrough & Peoples || Don't Stop The Music
|2008-10-11||2007-02-17 ||Mousse T. vs. Colonel Abrams|| Trapped 'N' Horny
| ||Bart Simpson || Do The Bartman
|2008-10-18|| Deze Minimix was te horen tijdens [[In The Mix]] van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2008#7_september_2008|2008-09-07]]||Robin S. vs. Madonna||Luv 4 Music
| ||Jocelyn Brown || Somebody Else's Guy
|2008-10-25|| ||Ce Ce Peniston vs. Faithless|| Finally Insomnia
| ||Eric B. & Rakim || I Know You've Got Soul
|   ||   ||Faithless || Insomnia (Instrumental)
| ||Rufus & chacka Kahn || Ain't Nobody
|   ||   ||Ce Ce Peniston || Finally (Vocals)
| ||Alyson Williams || Sleeptalk
|2008-11-01|| Deze Minimix was te horen tijdens [[In The Mix]] van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2008#7_september_2008|2008-09-07]] ||Technotronic vs. Madonna|| [ Pump Up Another Day]
| ||James Brown || Hot Pants
|2008-11-08|| 2001-10-13||Raven Maize vs. Donna Summer||I Feel The Real Life
| ||Marvin Gaye || Sexual Healing
|2008-11-15|| ||Shirley Bassey||[ Diamonds Are Forever] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Elektro Remix)
| ||Mantronix Feat. Wondress || Got To Have Your Love
|2008-11-22||1987-05-29 ||Herb Alpert Feat. Janet Jackson||Diamonds (Ben's Crazy Edit)
| ||Change || Change Of Heart
|2008-11-29||2002-03-08||Shakira vs. Britney Spears vs. Bee Gees||Whenever Wherever I'm Stayin' Alive
| ||Vanilla Ice || Ice Ice Baby
|2008-12-06|| ||Fox The Fox ||Precious Little Diamond ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
|2019-02-08  ||'''MMX || '''Beat It To Moskow
|2008-12-13|| 1990-09-28 ||Hall & Oates|| I Can't Go For That (No Can Do)
| ||Michael Jackson || Beat It
|2008-12-20|| ||Dr. Kucho!|| Lies To Yourself vs. Jingle Bells
| ||Michael Jackson || Stranger In Moscow
|2008-12-27||  || Geen uitzending || Reden Onbekend
|  ||Michael Jackson || Rock With You
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2009-01-03|| ||Michael Jackson ||Bad (DMC Mix) (Versie 2)
| ||Michael Jackson || Off The Wall
|2009-01-10|| ||Diana Ross vs. Felix ||[ Don't You Want Me Coming Out]
|2019-02-15  ||'''MMX || '''Can't Get Enough Conga On Earth
|2009-01-17|| 2001-11-17 ||Farley Jack 'Master' Funk & Jessie Saunders|| Love Can't Turn Around (The Philharmonic Remix)
| ||Herbie Hancock || Tell Everybody
|2009-01-24|| ||The Art Of Noise vs. Eminem Feat. Joel Turner (Beatbox Champion!)|| [ Beatbox Without Me!]
| ||Soulsearcher || Can't Get Enough
|2009-01-31|| ||Loleatta Holloway ||Love Sensation ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| ||Raw Silk || Do It To The Music
|2009-02-07|| ||Björk vs. Frankie Goes To Hollywood|| Human Tribes Behaviour
| ||Michael Jackson || Wanna Be Startin' Something
|2009-02-14|| ||Sniff 'N The Tears|| Driver's Seat (90-09 Mix)
| ||Frankie Goes To Hollywood || Relax
|2009-02-21|| ||Booty Luv vs. House Of Venus vs. Whitney Houston|| Some Kinda Rush In Da House Of Venus
| ||Michael Zager Band || Let's All Chant
|         ||   ||Whitney Houston || Queen Of The Night (Chords)
| ||Miami Sound Machine || Conga
|         ||   ||Dish & Tell || House Of Venus (Music)
| ||Divine || Natavie Love
|         ||   ||Booty luv || Some Kinda Rush (vocals)
| ||Berlinda Carlisle || Heaven Is A Place On Earth
|2009-02-28||1992-06-26 || George Michael vs. Jocelyn Brown ||  Too Funky (Power Mix) (Somebody Else's Guy's 2 Funky)
|2019-02-22  ||'''MMX || '''Massive Attack on Diana Ross
| || || George Michael || Too Funky
| ||Massive Attack || Unfinished Sympathy
|  || ||Jocelyn Brown||Somebody Else's Guy
|  ||Diana Ross || I'm Coming Out
|2009-03-07|| ||Larry Spinosa vs. The Brand New Heavies|| Apparently Guitar
|2019-03-01||'''MMX ||''' Don't You Want The Magnificent Seven
|2009-03-14|| 1992-07-31||MCMXCII|| Ich Bin Von Kopf Bis Fuss Auf Liebe Eingestellt, Ich Bin So Schön
| ||Mel & Kim || Respectable
|2009-03-21|| 1992-07-10||ABBA||[ Lay All Your Love On Me]
| ||C&C Music Factory || Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) (Sample)
|2009-03-28||1992-06-05 ||Snap!|| Megamix
| ||Human League ||Don't You Want Me Baby
|2009-04-04|| ||Whitney Houston vs. Mory Kante With Some Help Of Deskee ||[ I'm Every Woman vs. Yé Ké Yé Ké]
| ||The Clash || The Magnificent Seven
|2009-04-11||1993-05-22 ||2 Unlimited|| Tribal Dance
| ||Yes || Owner Of A Lonely Heart
|2009-04-18||1993-06-12 ||Haddaway|| What Is Love
| ||Bjørk || Human Behaviour
|2009-04-25||1993-09-04 ||Klatsch!|| Oh Boy
| ||Talk Talk || Such A Shame
|2009-05-02||1993-08-21 ||Gabrielle|| Dreams
| ||Bros || When Will I Be Famous
|2019-03-08||'''MMX ||'''Superfreak Sensation
|2009-05-16|| ||Harold Faltermeyer ||Axel F (Versie 3) (deze versie duurt 1 min. korter dan de vorige versies)
| ||The Sunclub || Fiësta
|2009-05-23|| ||2 Unlimited vs. The S.O.S. Band||Get Ready 4 Borrowed Love
| ||Loleatta Holloway || Love Sensation
|  || ||2 Unlimited || Get Ready 4 This (Instrumental)
|  ||Rick James || Superfreak
|  || ||The S.O.S. Band || Borrowed Love (Vocals)
|  ||King Bee || Back By Dope Demand
|2009-05-30|| ||Michael Jackson vs. A.T.F.C.||Sleeptalk In A Burnin' Disco
| ||Martin Solveig & GTA || Intoxicated
|   ||   ||Michael Jackson||Burn This Disco Out
|2019-03-15||'''MMX ||'''Relight La Bamba
|   ||   ||A.T.F.C. Feat. Lisa Millett ||Sleeptalk
| ||Dan Hartman ||Relight My Fire
|2009-06-06||2001-11-03 ||The Ones||Flawless
| ||Fun Fun ||Give Me Your Love
|2009-06-13|| ||Geen uitzending||i.v.m. uitzending van de Album Top 1000
| ||Antonia Rodrigues || La Bamba
|2009-06-20|| ||Geen uitzending||i.v.m. uitzending van de Album Top 1000
| ||Candido|| Jingo
|2009-06-27||1993-09-18 ||SWV vs. Michael Jackson||Right Here vs. Human Nature (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2009#27_juni_2009|Episode: #321-1]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Real to Reel || I Like To Move It
|2009-06-27||1987-09-04 ||Michael Jackson||Speed Demon (The Usual [[Ben Liebrand]] Primeur) (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2009#27_juni_2009|Episode: #321-1]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Donna Summer ||Bad Girls
|2009-06-27||1989-07-14 ||Michael Jackson||[ Liberian Girl (Ben Liebrand Remix)] (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2009#27_juni_2009|Episode: #321-1]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Vanilla Ice || Ice Ice Baby
|2009-06-27||1989-09-11 ||Michael Jackson||Bad (Versie 1) (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2009#27_juni_2009|Episode: #321-1]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Karen Young || Hot Stuff
|2009-06-27||1987-09-25 ||M/A/R/R/S vs. Michael Jackson ||Pump Up The Volume vs. Bad (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2009#27_juni_2009|Episode: #321-1]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
|2009-06-27||1988-11-18 ||Michael Jackson ||Smooth Criminal (Smeuïge Crimineel Mix) (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2009#27_juni_2009|Episode: #321-1]] van [[In The Mix]])
|2019-03-22|| Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. de uitzending van de Top 880 op [[Radio 10]]
|2009-06-27||2004-06-18 ||Michael Jackson vs. Europe|| [ Billie Jean's Final Countdown] (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2009#27_juni_2009|Episode: #321-1]] van [[In The Mix]])
|2019-03-29||'''MMX|| '''[ Forget Last Night's Thriller]
|2009-06-27||2007-05-26 ||Fedde Le Grand vs. Michael Jackson ||Billie Jean Is Trippin' (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2009#27_juni_2009|Episode: #321-1]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Patrice Rushen || Forget Me Nots
|2009-06-27||1989-09-26 ||Janet Jackson ||Miss You Much (The Final Mix) (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2009#27_juni_2009|Episode: #321-1]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Cameo || Word Up!
|2009-07-04|| ||Michael Jackson vs. The Jacksons||[ Can You Feel It Billie Jean](Versie 1) (7 min 03 sec)
| ||Georg Kranz || Trommeltanz (Din Daa Daa)
|  || ||The Jacksons ||Can You Feel It
|  ||Indeep || Last Night A DJ Saved My Life
|  || ||Michael Jackson ||Billie Jean
|  ||Janet Jackson ||Alright
|2009-07-11||2009-01-31 ||Loleatta Holloway||Love Sensation ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| ||Michael Jackson || Billie Jean
|2009-07-18||1993-06-12 ||Haddaway ||What Is Love
| ||Michael Jackson || Thriller
|2009-07-25||2009-05-23 ||2 Unlimited vs. The S.O.S. Band||Get Ready 4 Borrowed Love
| ||Europe || The Final Countdown
|2009-08-01||2009-02-21 ||Booty Luv vs. House Of Venus vs. Whitney Houston||Some Kinda Rush In Da House Of Venus
|2019-04-05  ||'''MMX ||'''Why Can't We Live Together
|2009-08-08|| ||Geen uitzending||i.v.m. de herhaling van de Album Top 1000
| ||Timmy Thomas || Why Can't We Live Together
|2009-08-15||2008-09-27 ||Cerrone ||Supernature 2010
| ||Martin Luther King || I Have A Dream
|2009-08-22||2004-04-23 ||Prince & The Revolution ||Kiss (DMC Mix)
| ||Cuba Gooding ||Happiness Is Just Around The Bend
|2009-08-29||1991-11-29 ||Lou Reed|| [ Walk On The Wildside]
|2019-04-12  ||'''MMX ||'''[ Human Tribe Behaviour]
|2009-09-05|| ||Michael Jackson ||Don't Stop The Feeling
| ||Frankie Goes To Hollywood || Two Tribes
|    ||  || Michael Jackson ||Don't Stop The Feeling
|  ||Bjørk || Human Behaviour
|    ||  ||Nightcrawlers || Push The Feeling
|  ||Human Resource || Dominator
|    ||  ||Ce Ce Peniston || Finally
|  ||The KLF || 3AM Eternal
|2009-09-12||1992-06-26 ||George Michael vs. Jocelyn Brown ||Too Funky (Power Mix)
| ||Felix|| Don't You Want Me
|2009-09-19|| 1992-07-10||ABBA||[ Lay All Your Love On Me]
|2019-04-19 ||'''MMX ||''' [ Moroder]
|2009-09-26||1993-10-16 ||Twenty 4 Seven|| Slave To The Music
| ||Giorgio Moroder || From Here To Eternity
|2009-10-03|| ||2 Unlimited ||Faces (Versie 2) (Deze versie duurt 3 min. langer dan versie 1 van 1993-10-02)
| ||Donna Summer || I Feel Love
|2009-10-10||1987-11-06||Alexander O'Neal||[ Criticize] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| ||Donna Summer || Love To Love You Baby
|2009-10-17||1989-06-30 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Sheryl T|| Party Roots
| ||Donna Summer || Bad Girls
|2009-10-24|| ||Clannad|| Theme From Harry's Game (Versie 2) (Deze versie duurt 1 min langer dan versie 1 van 1993-06-26)
| ||Yello || I Love You (Sample)
|2009-10-31|| ||Michael Jackson|| This Is It ([[Ben Liebrand]] Oldskool Remix)
| ||Corona || Rhythm Of The Night
|2009-11-07|| ||Kristine W.|| [ Feel What You Want In Miami]
| ||Donna Summer || Our Love
| ||  ||Kristine W.|| Feel What You Want
| ||   ||Chuckie & LMFAO || Let The Bass Kick In Miami Bitch (Instrumental)
| ||Shannon || Let The Music Play
| ||   ||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| 303 Baseline (Sequencer Sound)
|2019-04-26  ||'''MMX ||'''Get The Party Started
|2009-11-14|| ||The Trammps vs. Peter Gelderblom|| Lost In Disco Inferno
| ||Avant Garde || Get Down
|  || ||Peter Gelderblom || Lost (Instrumental)
|  ||Madonna || Holiday
|  || ||Mory Kante || Yéké Yéké (Bass line, 303 Sequencer & Vocal Adlibs)
|  ||P!nk || Get The Party Started
|  || ||The Trammps || Disco Inferno (Vocals)
|  ||Nightcrawlers || Push The Feeling
|2009-11-21|| 2001-11-10||Chas Jankel ||Glad To Know You (Versie 2) (Edit Versie)
| ||Snap! || The Power
|2009-11-28||1993-05-15 ||Dance 2 Trance ||Power Of American Natives
|2019-05-03  ||'''MMX ||'''Get Fresh For The Weekend
|2009-12-05|| ||Peter Gabriel vs. Grace Jones ||  [ Sledgehammer] (Versie 2) (Deze edit versie duurt bijna 2 min. korter dan versie 1 van 1986-06-27)
| ||The Ones  || Superstar
| || ||Peter Gabriel || Sledgehammer
| ||Whitney Houston  || Queen Of The Night
| || ||Grace Jones || Slave To The Rhythm
| ||Jackson 5  || I Want You Back
|2009-12-12||2004-05-28 ||TLC ||Ain't 2 Proud 2 Beg ([[Ben Liebrand]] 12 Inch Club Mix) (Versie 2)
| ||Sister Sledge  || We Are Family
|2009-12-19||1992-03-13 ||Genesis ||I Can't Dance (The Other Mix)
| ||Sophie Ellis Bextor  || Get Over You
|2009-12-26||1986-02-21 ||Jellybean Benitez Feat. Madonna||[ Sidewalk Talk (Sidewalk & Hiptalk Lookin' At Ya Madonna Minimix)]
| ||Madonna || Everybody
|2009-12-31||2009-10-31 ||Michael Jackson ||This Is It ([[Ben Liebrand]] Oldskool Remix)
| ||Mel & Kim  || Showing Out (Get Fresh At The Weekend)
Met ingang van 2 oktober 2010 wordt de naam van het programma ''Disco Inferno'' verandert in ''Club Classics''.
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2010-01-01||2009-10-31 ||Michael Jackson ||This Is It ([[Ben Liebrand]] Oldskool Remix)
| ||Sister Sledge  || All American Girls
|2010-01-02||1986-10-17 ||Cameo ||Word Up! (Kan'ie Wel, Kan'ie Niet Minimix)
|2019-05-10 ||'''MMX ||'''Feel What You Want
|2010-01-09||1991-08-02||Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam|| Let The Beat Hit 'Em
| ||Bizarre Inc. Feat. Angie Brown  || I'm Gonna Get You
|2010-01-16||1990-11-23 ||Deee-lite||      [ What Is Love]
| ||Kristine W.  || Feel What You Want
|  || ||René & Angela || Save Your Love (For #1) (Sample)
|  ||Dr. Alban  || It's My Life
|  || ||Deee-lite || Groove Is In The Heart (Sample)
|  ||[[Ben Liebrand]]  || Spanish Jam ([[Olav Basoski]] Remix)
|  || ||Prince & The New Power Generation || Gett Off (Sample)
|  ||49-ers  || Move Your Feet
|  || ||Guy || I Wanna Get With You (Sample)
|  ||Culture Beat  || Mr. Vain
|2010-01-21||1992-09-18 ||Phil Collins||Another Day In Paradise
| ||Culture Beat  || Got To Get It
|2010-01-23||1992-09-18 ||Phil Collins||Another Day In Paradise
| ||The Grid  || Swamp Thing
|2010-01-30|| ||Cerrone|| I Want Love
| ||First Choice  || Love And Happiness
|   || || Donna Summer || I Feel Love (Samples)
|2019-05-17 ||'''MMX ||'''A Real Mother Stayn' Alive (Multitrack Mashup)
|2010-02-06|| ||Fun Fun ||Could This Be Love (House Mix)
| || Johnny 'Guitar' Watson || A Real Mother For Ya (Groove)
|2010-02-13|| 1988-02-05 ||Vivien Vee ||Give Me A Break
| ||Bee Gees || Stayin' Alive (Acapella)
|2010-02-20|| || Public Enemy vs. Kraft|| [[Sascha Liebrand]] Mash-up!
|2019-05-24  ||'''MMX ||'''Johnny Sings On The BeeGees (Multitrack Mashup)
|2010-02-27||1987-08-21 ||Pet Shop Boys Feat. Dusty Springfield|| What Have I Done To Deserve This
| ||Bee Gees || Stayin' Alive (Groove)
|2010-03-06||1987-10-30 ||Earth, Wind & Fire vs. Pink Floyd ||System Of Survival vs. Money
| ||Johnny 'Guitar' Watson || A Real Mother For Ya (Acapella)
|2010-03-13|| ||808 State vs. Queen|| 808 Rocks You
|2019-05-31  ||'''MMX ||'''Friends On An African Holiday
|   ||  ||808 State || Cubik
| ||The S.O.S. Band || Just Be Good To Me
|   ||   || Queen || We Will Rock You
| ||Dr. Alban  || Hello Africa
|2010-03-20||2004-03-26 ||Delerium vs. Sheila & B. Devotion|| Silence In Space (Versie 1)
| ||10 CC  || Dreadlock Holiday
|  || ||Delerium Feat. Sarah McLachlan || Silence
|  ||50 cent  || In Da Club
|  || ||Sheila & B. Devotion || Spacer
|  ||Destiny's Child  || Independent Woman
|2010-03-27|| ||Armand van Helden vs. The Trammps|| Chillin & Illin' in Disco Inferno
| ||Suzanne Vega  || Tom's Diner
|   ||   ||Armand van Helden Feat. Netic || Illin 'N Fillin It (2009)
|2019-06-07  ||'''MMX ||''' I Believe In Love
|  ||  || The Trammps || Disco Inferno (1978)
|  ||Robin S. || Show Me Love
|2010-04-03||1988-03-25 ||Taja Sevelle|| Love Is Contagious
| ||Avicii || Wake Me Up
|2010-04-10|| 1985-05-10 ||Depeche Mode  ||   [ The Flexible Mix] (Versie 1)
| ||Whitney Houston || Love Will Save The Day
|  ||   || Depeche Mode  ||Get The Balance Right!
|  ||Happy Clappers || I Believe
|  ||   || Depeche Mode  ||Just Can't Get Enough
|  ||Karen Young || Hot Shot
|  ||   ||Depeche Mode  ||Flexible
|  ||Dan Hartman || Relight My Fire
|2010-04-17||1989-08-18 ||Wet Wet Wet|| Sweet Surrender
|2019-06-14  ||'''MMX ||'''I Wanna Kung Fu You Up!
|2010-04-24||1987-03-06 ||Hot Chocolate|| 2 In A Bed (Sexy GoGo Waar Blijft Het Ons Beloofde Feestje Minimix)
| ||Color Me Badd || I Wanna Sex You Up
|2010-05-01||2009-09-05 ||Michael Jackson|| Don't Stop The Feeling
| ||Carl Douglas || Kung Fu Fighting
|2010-05-08||1993-08-28 ||Robin S.|| Luv 4 Luv
| ||Lumidee Feat. Busta Rhymes & Fabolous || Uh Oooh
|2010-05-15||1988-03-18 ||Sting ||[ An Englishman In New York] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| ||Grace Jones || Slave To The Rhythm
|2010-05-22||2009-10-31 ||Michael Jackson||This Is It ([[Ben Liebrand]] Oldskool Remix)
| ||Soul II Soul || Back To Life
|2010-05-29|| ||Kraftwerk vs. Madonna||[ Tour Music Another Day]
| ||Jocelyn Brown || Somebody Else's Guy
| || ||Kraftwerk || Tour De France (Rhythm)
| 2019-06-21||'''MMX||'''Billie Jean Can Feel It!
| || ||Madonna || Die Another Day (Complete Track)
| 2019-06-28||'''MMX||'''The Greatest Independant Woman
|2010-06-05||1988-11-18 ||Michael Jackson ||Smooth Criminal (Smeuïge Crimineel Mix)
| 2019-07-05||'''MMX||'''Weekend Lady
|2010-06-12|| ||Spencer & Hill vs. Dave Darrell vs. The Underdog Project|| [ It's A Summer Smash Jam]
| || Class Action ||Weekend (Tonight Is Party Time)
|  || ||The Underdog Project ||Summer Jam (Vocals)
|  || Modjo || Lady (Hear Me Tonight)
| || ||Spencer & Hill || It's A Smash (Instrumental)
| 2019-07-12||'''MMX||'''Sweet Talk Rock In My Car
|2010-06-19|| ||Rick James|| Superfreak ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| ||Jeanette Lady Day||Come Let Me Love
|2010-06-26|| ||Frankie Valli vs. Joey B. Ellis & Tynetta Hare vs. C&C Music Factory vs. Quintino Feat. Mitch Crown||Keep The Soul Coming (4 Decades In Dance Music)
| ||Salt 'N' Pepa || Shoop
|   ||   ||Frankie Valli ||Soul (Horns + Instrumental)
| ||d'Atra Hicks || Sweettalk
|   ||   ||Joey B. Ellis & Tynetta Hare ||Go For It (Heart And Fire) (Sequencer)
| ||Queen || We Will Rock You
|  ||   ||C+C Music Factory ||Keep It Coming (Dance Till You Can't Dance No More!) (Vocals)
|  ||Central Line||Nature Boy
|  ||   ||Quinino Feat. Mitch Crown ||You Can't Deny (Drums)
|  ||Shalamar || Make That Move
|2010-07-03||2005-02-26 ||Mr. Lee vs. The Trammps    || [ Get Busy At The Disco Inferno]
| ||Basement Jaxx || Where's your Head At
|  || ||Mr. Lee || Get Busy
|  ||Billy Ocean || Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car
| || ||The Trammps || Disco Inferno (acapella)
| 2019-07-19||'''MMX||'''Don't Rock That Funky Bad Boat
|  || ||Whitney Houston || I'm Every Woman (acapella)
|  ||Maceo & The Macs || Across The S
|2010-07-10||2005-05-21 ||Moby vs. Soulsearcher ||Go Cos I Can't Get Enough
| ||Anastacia || I'm Outta Love
|2010-07-10||2009-02-21||Booty Luv vs. House Of Venus vs. Whitney Houston || Some Kinda Rush In Da House Of Venus (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2010#10_juli_2010|Episode: #320]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Midnight Star Feat. Ecstacy of Whodini || Don't Rock The Boat
|2010-07-10||2010-06-26||Frankie Valli vs. Joey B. Ellis & Tynetta Hare vs. C&C Music Factory vs. Quintino Feat. Mitch Crown|| Keep The Soul Coming (4 Decades In Dance Music) (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2010#10_juli_2010|Episode: #320]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Aaliyah || Rock The Boat
|2010-07-10||2009-11-07 ||Kristine W vs. DJ Chuckie & LMFAO  || Feel What You Want In Miami (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2010#10_juli_2010|Episode: #320]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||The Bar-Kays || Let's Have Some Fun
|2010-07-10||2010-06-12||Spencer & Hill vs. Dave Darrell vs. The Underdog Project || It's a Summer Smash Jam (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2010#10_juli_2010|Episode: #320]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Gwen Guthrie || Nothing Going On But The Rent
|2010-07-10||2009-05-23||2 Unlimited vs. The S.O.S. Band || Get Ready 4 Borrowed Love (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2010#10_juli_2010|Episode: #320]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Mantronix Feat. Wondress || Take Your Time
|2010-07-10||2007-11-10||King Amir vs. A.D.O.R. || Samir's Renegade Master Theme (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2010#10_juli_2010|Episode: #320]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Michael Jackson || Bad
|2010-07-10||2008-10-25||Ce Ce Peniston vs. Faithless || Finally Insomnia (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2010#10_juli_2010|Episode: #320]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Stardust || Music Sounds Better With You
|2010-07-10||2007-06-09||Jennifer Lopez vs. Untouchable 3||Play That Once In A Lifetime (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2010#10_juli_2010|Episode: #320]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Evelyn "Champagne" King || Your Personal Touch
|2010-07-10||2009-11-14||The Trammps vs. Peter Gelderblom||Lost In Disco Inferno (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2010#10_juli_2010|Episode: #320]] van [[In The Mix]])
| 2019-07-26||'''MMX||'''Push The Power
|2010-07-10||2010-05-29||Kraftwerk vs. Madonna||Tour Music Another Day (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2010#10_juli_2010|Episode: #320]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Snap! || The Power
|2010-07-10||2008-02-02||The Doobie Brothers vs. Out Of Office||Long Train Running Out Of Office (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2010#10_juli_2010|Episode: #320]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Nightcrawlers || Push The Feeling
|2010-07-17||1986-03-21 ||Whistle vs. Donald Duck|| [ (Nothing Serious) Just Buggin']
| ||Kraftwerk || Numbers
|2010-07-24||1988-09-09 ||Rockers Revenge Feat. Donnie Calvin ||Walking On Sunshine (Acid Mix)
| ||The S.O.S Band || The Finest
|2010-07-31||1992-01-10 ||Human Resource vs. Afrika Bambaataa ||Bambominator
| ||Ce Ce Peniston || Finally
|  || ||Afrika Bambaataa || Just Get Up And Dance
|  ||Mousse T. Feat. Hot 'N' Juicy || Horny '98
|  || ||Human Resource || Dominator
|  ||Triple X || Feel The Same
|  || ||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
|  ||Daft Punk || One More Time
|  || ||Was (Not Was) || Walk The Dinosaur
|  ||C.O.D. || In The Bottle
|2010-07-31|| 2009-10-31|| Michael Jackson || This Is It ([[Ben Liebrand]] Oldskool Remix)(uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2010#31_juli_2010|Episode: #321-2]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Black Machine || How Gee
|2010-07-31||1993-09-18|| Michael Jackson vs. SWV || Human Nature vs. Right Here (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2010#31_juli_2010|Episode: #321-2]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Master Freakz || Let Yourself Go
|2010-07-31|| 1987-09-04||Michael Jackson || Speed Demon (The Usual [[Ben Liebrand]] Primeur) (Versie 1) (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2010#31_juli_2010|Episode: #321-2]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Barry White || You See The Trouble In Me
|2010-07-31|| 1989-07-14||Michael Jackson || Liberian Girl ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix) (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2010#31_juli_2010|Episode: #321-2]] van [[In The Mix]])
| 2019-08-02||'''MMX||'''[ The State Of An Egyptian]
|2010-07-31|| 1987-09-25||Michael Jackson vs. M/A/R/R/S || Pump Up The Volume vs. Bad (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2010#31_juli_2010|Episode: #321-2]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Derek B. || Good Groove
|2010-07-31|| 2009-09-05||Michael Jackson vs. Nightcrawlers & Ce Ce Peniston || Don't Stop Till You Get Enough (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2010#31_juli_2010|Episode: #321-2]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Wally Badarou || Chief Inspector
|2010-07-31|| 1988-11-18||Michael Jackson || Smooth Criminal (Smeuïge Crimineel Mix) (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2010#31_juli_2010|Episode: #321-2]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Toto ||Africa (Vibes)
|2010-07-31|| 2009-07-04||Michael Jackson || Can You Feel It Billie Jean (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2010#31_juli_2010|Episode: #321-2]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Donna Summer || State Of Independance
|2010-07-31|| 2001-04-14||Janet Jackson vs. Change Feat. Luther Vandross || All For You vs. In The Glow Of Love (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2010#31_juli_2010|Episode: #321-2]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||The Bangles || Walk Like An Egyptian (acapella)
|2010-08-07||2004-01-09||Celvin Rotane vs. Destiny's Child||Believe My Name
| ||Whistle || (Nothing Serious) Just Buggin'
|2010-08-14||2005-09-17 ||Class Action vs. Modjo||Weekend Lady
| ||B.B. & Q. Band || Genie
|  || ||Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire || Weekend
|  ||Snap! || The Power
|  || || Modjo || Lady
|  ||Snap! || Oops Up!
|2010-08-21||2001-10-13 ||Raven Maize vs. Donna Summer|| I Feel The Real Life
| ||The Beastie Boys || Intergalactic
|2010-08-28|| ||Eddy & The Soulband ||[ Shaft (Hot Pursuit Mix)]
| 2019-08-09||Geen MMX|| i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 810 van de jaren 80 op [[Radio 10]]
|2010-09-04|| 1991-11-08||Carl Linger|| Super Love
| 2019-08-16||'''MMX||'''Pride
|2010-09-11|| ||Analog People In Earth, Wind & 50 Cent ||System Of Survival Just Won't Do In Da Club
| ||Robin Owens || I'll Be Your Friend (Rhythm)
|  ||  ||Earth, Wind & Fire ||System Of Survival
|  ||Mongo Santamaria|| Watermelon Man (acapella)
|   || ||Analog People In A Digital World vs. Tim Deluxe Feat. Sam Obernik ||Just Won't Do
| ||Hugh Masekela|| – Don't Go Lose It Baby
|  || ||50 Cent ||In Da Club
|  ||Boris Dlugosch || Hold Your Head Up High
|2010-09-18|| ||First Choice vs. Asino vs. DJ Jean|| [ Yo DJ, It's Not Over]
| ||Sylvester || You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)
|  || ||Asino & DJ Jean || Yo DJ
|  ||Diana Ross || I'm Coming Out
| || ||First Choice ||Let No Man Put Asunder (Acapella)
| 2019-08-23||'''MMX||'''Every Woman's Insomnia
|2010-09-25|| ||Snapped Punk||[ Harder Better Faster Stronger Do You See The Light Din Daa Daa]
| ||Faithless || Insomnia (Moody Mix)
|  || ||Daft Punk || Harder Better Faster Stronger
|  ||Whitney Houston || I'm Every Woman
|  || ||Snap! Feat. Niki Haris|| Do You See The Light (Looking For)
|  ||Teddy Pendergrass || You Can't Hide From Yourself
|  || ||George Kranz || Din Daa Daa (Trommeltanz)
|  ||Studiokillers || Ode To The Bouncer
|  || ||Blue Six || All I Need
|  ||Lipps Inc. ||Funky Town
| || ||Billy Ocean || Loverboy
| 2019-08-30||'''MMX||'''Robots In Control
|2010-10-02|| ||Ben + Armin's Funky Disco Trip|| [[Ben Liebrand]]'s Funkytown (Remixed by Armin, souped-up by Ben)
| ||Kraftwerk || The Robots
|2010-10-09||1993-03-20 ||U.S.U.R.A.  ||  [ Open Your Mind]
| ||Kraftwerk || Numbers
|2010-10-16||2002-03-08 ||Shakira vs. Britney Spears vs. Bee Gees ||Whenever Wherever I'm Stayin' Alive
| ||Janet Jackson || Control
|2010-10-23||2004-09-17||Anastacia vs. 2 Unlimited || Outta Love In The Twilight Zone
| 2019-09-06||'''MMX || '''Brick House Dance
|  || ||Anastacia || I'm Outta Love
|  ||Commodores || Brickhouse
| || ||2 Unlimited|| Twilight Zone
| ||Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five || The Message
|2010-10-30||2005-05-21 ||Moby vs. Soulsearcher|| Go Cos I Can't Get Enough
| ||Bobby Brown || My Prerogative
|2010-11-06|| ||Shannon vs. Santana ||[ Oye Como Va Me Tonight (2010 Update)]
| ||Jody Watley || Real Love
|  || ||Shannon  || Give Me Tonight
|  ||Tech N9ne || I'm A Playa
|  || ||Santana  || Oye Como Va
|  ||Herbie Hancock || Rock It
|2010-11-13||2006-09-23 ||Prince & The Revolution|| Erotic City
| ||Dimples D. || Sucker DJ (A Witch For Love)
|2010-11-20||1993-05-15 ||Dance 2 Trance|| Power Of American Natives
| ||Prince & The Revolution || Kiss
|2010-11-27||2002-02-22 ||Underworld vs. Marco V || [ Born Slippy-Godd]
| ||M/A/R/R/S || Pump Up The Volume
| || ||Marco V ||Godd
| 2019-09-13||'''MMX||'''90's Mix
|  || ||Underworld || Born Slippy
|  ||Black Box || Everybody, Everybody
|2010-12-04||2001-08-25 ||Prodigy vs. Faithless ||  [ Bitch As One]
| ||20 Fingers|| Short Dick Man
|  || ||The Prodigy ||Smack My Bitch Up
|  ||Wildchild || Renegade Master
|  || ||Faithless ||We Come One
|  ||Clivillés & Cole || A Deeper Love
|2010-12-11||2009-10-31 ||Michael Jackson|| This Is It ([[Ben Liebrand]] Oldskool Remix)
| ||Sonic Surfers || Beat Of Zen
|2010-12-18|| 2004-06-04||Electric Light Orchestra vs. Sophie Ellis-Bextor|| Don't Bring Me Down The Wall
| ||Club 69 ||Let Me Be Your Underwear
|2010-12-25|| 2004-03-26 ||  Delerium vs. Sheila & B. Devotion|| Silence In Space (Versie 1)
| ||Dr. Alban ||Sing Hallelujah!
|  || ||Delerium Feat. Sarah McLachlan || Silence
|  ||Winx || Don't Laugh
|  || ||Sheila & B. Devotion || Spacer
|  ||Gat Decor || Passion
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2011-01-01|| ||Shannon vs. Santana ||Oye Como Va Me Tonight (Dancefloor Remix with Extra Drums) (Versie 4) (Dit is een edit van de 2007 versie!)
| ||49-ers || I Got The Music
| || ||Shannon  || Give Me Tonight
| 2019-09-19|| Geen MMX|| i.v.m. de uitzending van de 90's week op [[Radio 10]]
| || ||Santana  || Oye Como Va
| 2019-09-26|| '''MMX||'''[ Disco Inferno]
|2011-01-08|| ||The Trammps vs. Fedde Le Grand|| Disco Inferno Rockin' High
| ||The Trammps || Disco Inferno (Acapella)
|2011-01-15||2005-05-28 ||Yazoo vs. First Choice ||Let No Man Put This Situation Asunder
| ||Tecnotronic Feat. Felly || Pump Up The Jam
|2011-01-22||2009-04-04 ||Whitney Houston vs. Mory Kante With Some Help From Deskee|| I'm Every Woman vs. Yé Ké Yé Ké
| ||Mr. Lee || Get Busy
|2011-01-29||2008-04-19 ||10CC vs. Armin van Buuren|| [ Face To Face But Not In Love]
| || ||10CC || I'm Not In Love
| ||Madonna || Die Another Day
| || ||Armin Van Buuren || Face to Face
| ||Shannon || Let The Music Play
|2011-02-05|| ||Human League ||[ Don't You Want Me]
| ||Donna Summer || I Feel Love
|2011-02-12|| ||Robin S. vs. Sade ||[ Pearls 4 Luv]
| 2019-10-04|| '''MMX||'''The Young Come Out At Night
| || ||Sade || Pearls
| ||Matt Bianco || Good Times
| || ||Robin S. || Luv For Luv
| ||Dan Hartman || We Are The Young
|2011-02-19|| ||Quintino vs. Fedde Le Grand vs. Mitch Crown vs. Tony Junior & Nicolas Nox|| [ Loesje]
| ||David Guettta || Love Don't Let Me Go
| || ||Tony Junior & Nicolas Nox || Loesje
| ||Ollie & Jerry || Ain't No Stoppin'Us
| || ||Fedde Le Grand Feat. Mitch Crown || Rockin' High
| ||Fun Fun|| Happy Station
| || ||Quintino Feat. Mitch Crown  || You Can't Deny
| ||Raw Silk || Do It To The Music
|2011-02-26||1986-04-18 ||Telex ||[ Moskow Diskow In The Shimmering Transoeral Siberia Remix]
| ||Prince & The Revolution || 1999 (Acapella)
|2011-03-05||2004-09-03 ||Total Touch vs. Freestylers|| Push Me, Touch Me
| ||Madonna || Frozen
|2011-03-12||1991-02-22 ||Whitney Houston vs. Public Enemy ||[ I’m Your Baby Tonight]
| ||Dan Hartman || They Only Come Out At Night
| || ||Whitney Houston || I'm Your Baby Tonight
| 2019-10-11|| '''MMX|| '''[ Disco Twilight Wonderland]
| || ||Public  Enemy || Welcome To The Terrordome
| ||Southstreet Players || Who Keeps changing Your Mind
|2011-03-19||2006-11-11 ||Spiller vs. Everything But The Girl ||Missing Groove Jet
| ||Gusto || Disco's Revenge
|2011-03-26||1991-07-05 ||Dimples D. ||Sisters Keep On Doin’ It (Versie 2)
| ||Tag Team || Whoomp! There It Is
|2011-04-02|| ||Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. uitzending van de Album Top 1000
| ||Manhattan Transfer || Twilight Zone
|2011-04-09||1988-07-22 ||Alexander O'Neal|| (What Can I Say) To Make You Love Me ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| ||Patrick Cowley || Megatron Man
|2011-04-16||1990-06-15 ||Dimples D.|| Sucker DJ (A Witch For Love)
| ||Robin S. ||Show Me Love (Acapella)
|2011-04-23||2010-09-25||Snap! vs. Daft Punk vs. George Kranz ||[ Harder Better Faster Stronger Do You See The Light Din Daa Daa]
| ||Earth, Wind & Fire With The Emotions || Boogie Wonderland
|2011-04-30||2004-02-06 ||Bobby O. vs. Shannon|| Give Me Tonight
| 2019-10-18||'''MMX ||'''Bigband Gonna Make You Sweat
|2011-05-07|| ||Deadmau5 & Wolfgang Gartner vs. Underdog Project|| Animal Jam
| ||C&C Music Factory  ||Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)
|   ||  ||Deadmau5 & Wolfgang Gartner ||Animal Rights
| ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott || Move To the Bigband
| ||   ||The Underdog Project || Summer Jam
| ||King Bee  || Back By Dope Demand
|2011-05-14|| ||Robbie Wiliams vs. Destiny’s Child|| Rudeboxaboo
| ||Lyn Collins  || Think
| ||  ||Robbie Williams || Rudebox
| ||Vera Hall || Troubled
| ||   ||Destiny's Child || Bug A Boo (Acapella)
| 2019-10-26|| Geen MMX||
|2011-05-21|| ||Risqué ||Burn It Up (Mr Dj) ([[Ben Liebrand]] Master Edit)
| 2019-11-01||'''MMX||'''Bad Gypsy Dinosaur
|2011-05-28|| ||Spence ||Get It On ([[Ben Liebrand]] Master Edit)
| ||Was (Not Was) || Walk The Dinosaur
|2011-06-04|| ||Total Touch vs. Jimmy “Bo” Horne|| [ Touch Me There, Spank Me There]
| ||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman
|2011-06-11||2006-09-23 ||Prince & The Revolution ||Erotic City
| ||Karen Young || Hot Shot
|2011-06-18||2006-09-23 ||Prince & The Revolution ||When Doves Cry
| ||Donna Summer || Bad Girls
|2011-06-25|| ||Diana Ross vs. DJ Jean vs. Crystal Waters vs. Felix|| [ Coming Out To Perfection]
| ||Whitney Houston || Love Will Save The Day
| ||   ||DJ Jean || Flawless
| ||Freeze || I.O.U.
| ||   ||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman (She’s Homeless)
| 2019-11-08|| '''MMX||'''Hot Shot I'm Sexy
| ||   ||Diana Ross|| I’m Coming Out (Acapella)
| ||Rod Stewart || Do You Think I'm Sexy
| || ||Felix || Don’t You Want Me
| ||Karen Young || Hot Shot
|2011-07-02||1988-12-10 ||Pia Zadora|| Dance Out Of My Head (Acid Mix)
| ||Chic || Le Freak
|2011-07-09|| 2004-11-26 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] vs. Masters At Work|| Spanish Work
| ||George Michael || Careless Whisper
|2011-07-16|| ||MDMC ||[ How About It (Club Groove Mix)] (125 BPM!)
| 2019-11-15|| '''MMX||'''Shout The Message
|2011-07-23|| ||Rockers Revenge Feat. Donnie Calvin ||Walking On Sunshine (Groove On Acid-Mix) (Versie 2, 118 BPM)
| ||Beats International Feat. Lindy || Just Be Good For Me
|2011-07-30|| ||Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. de uitzending van de Album Top 1000 Aller Tijden
| ||Tears For Fears || Shout
|2011-08-06|| ||Snap! vs. Sister Sledge ||Rhythm Is A Family
| ||Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five  || The Message
|2011-08-13|| 1987-07-03||[[Ben Liebrand]] ||[ Weerbericht (The Rain Dance / Def ANP Rappers)]
| ||Redhead Kingpin & FBI || Do The Right Thing
|2011-08-20|| 2009-02-28||Larry Spinosa vs. The Brand New Heavies ||Apparently Guitar
| ||Eminem || My Name Is
|2011-08-27|| ||Frankie Goes To Hollywood vs. Mai Tai|| [ Relax In History]
| ||Ashford & Simpson || Solid
| || ||Mai Tai || History (Acapella)
| ||Kid Creole & The Coconuts || I'm A Wonderful Thing
| || ||Frankie Goes To Hollywood || Relax
| ||Diana Ross || Upside Down
|2011-09-03|| ||The Limit (Oattes & van Schaick) vs. Liberty X ||[ Sexy! Say Yeah!]
| 2019-11-22|| '''MMX|| '''Remember The 24K Magic Night
| || ||The Limit (Oattes & van Schaick) || Say Yeah (Instrumentaal)
| ||Bruno Mars || 24K Magic
| || ||Liberty X || Just A Little (Sexy) (Acapella)
| ||Average White Band || Pick Up The Pieces
|2011-09-10||2010-08-28 ||Eddy & The Soulband ||[ Shaft (Hot Pursuit Mix)]
| ||Michael Jackson|| Remember The Time
|2011-09-17|| ||Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five & Requake ||The Dub Step Message Different
| ||George Benson || Give Me The Night
| || ||Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five || The Message
| ||Queen||Another One Bytes The Dust (Bassline)
| || ||Requake || Different (Dubstep)
| ||Earth, Wind & Fire || Let Me Talk (Trumpets)
| || ||Michael Jackson|| Beat It (Guitar Solo)
| ||Matt Bianco || Matt's Mood
|2011-09-24|| ||The Sugarhill Gang || Rappers Delight(ed) (The '89 Remix With A Fat Beat) (2011 Update) (Versie 2)
| 2019-11-29|| '''MMX||'''Family Bring Me Down Over You!!
|2011-10-01||2004-06-18 ||Tavares|| [ It Only Takes A Minute]
| ||The Electric Light Orchestra || Don't Bring Me Down
|2011-10-08|| ||[[Ben Liebrand]] ||Tribute To The Crazy Ones (Steve Jobs Tribute)
| ||Sophie Ellis Bextor || Get Over You
|2011-10-15||1987-11-27 ||Jan Hammer|| New York Theme
| ||Sister Sledge || We Are Family
|2011-10-22|| ||Madonna vs. Liberty X ||[ Sexy Vogue] 2011 (Re-Mash)
| 2019-12-06|| Geen MMX||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
|2011-10-29|| ||Janet Jackson & Eric Chase ||Everybody Surrender to The Pleasure Principal (A [[Ben Liebrand]] Mash-Up)
| 2019-12-13|| Geen MMX||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
|2011-11-05|| 1988-03-18||Sting ||[ An Englishman In New York] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| 2019-12-20|| Geen MMX||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
|2011-11-12||1993-07-03 ||Pin-Occhio    ||   [ Pinocchio]
| 2019-12-27|| '''MMX|| '''[ A Thrilling Situation]
|2011-11-19||2011-06-04 ||Total Touch vs. Jimmy “Bo” Horne|| [ Touch Me There, Spank Me There]
| ||Yazoo || Situation
|2011-11-26||1986-03-21 ||Whistle vs. Donald Duck|| [ (Nothing Serious) Just Buggin']
| ||Michael Jackson || Thriller
|2011-12-03||1989-01-13 ||The Revelletes|| Sign Of Love
| ||First Choice || Let No Man Put Asunder
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2011-12-10|| ||Geen uitzending||i.v.m. de uitzending van de Album Top 1000 Aller Tijden
|2020-01-03||'''MMX ||'''Part Of The Grandmix Decade Edition
|2011-12-17||1990-02-23 || Bobby Brown  || [ Megamix (The Free Style Mega-Mix)] (Mixer: [[Rita Liebrand]])
| ||Dnce || Cake By The Ocean
| ||   || Bobby Brown  || On Our Own
| ||Gregory Porter || Liquid Spirit (Claptone Remix)
| ||  || Bobby Brown  ||Don't Be Cruel
| ||   || Bobby Brown  ||Every Little Step
| ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. James "D-Train" Williams || Weekend
| ||  || Bobby Brown  ||My Prerogative
|2011-12-24|| || Andre Kuipers|| Jump On A Space Ship! (Rhythm In Space)
| ||Calvin Harris & Disciples || How Deep Is Your Love
| || ||Christian Varela ||Space
| ||Riton Feat. Kah-Lo || Rinse & Repeat (Original Mix)
| || ||Benny Benassi Feat. Kelis, & Jean-Baptiste || Spaceship
| ||Hardwell & Jay Sean ||Thinking About You
| || ||Steve Miller Band || Space Intro
| ||Duke Dumont Feat. Ebenezer || Inhale
| || ||Snap! ||Rhythm Is A Dancer
| ||Sigala & Ella Eyre & Meghan Trainor Feat. French Montana || Just Got Paid
|2011-12-24||1990-01-05 ||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| Vocoder Playlist [[Grandmix#29_december_1989|Grandmix 1989]]
|2020-01-10||'''MMX || '''[ Running With Captain Sensible]
|2011-12-31 || 2011-08-06 ||Snap! vs. Sister Sledge ||Rhythm Is A Family
| || Captain Sensible ||Say Wot
'''''Vanaf 30 juni 2012 verandert het tijdstip van uitzending naar twee platen na 20 uur!'''''
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2012-01-07|| ||Level 42 & BT & Adam K ||It’s Over (Tomahawk Remix)
| ||The Gap Band || I Don't Believe You Wanna Get And Dance (Oops!)
| || ||BT & Adam K || Tomahawk
| ||The Isley Brothers || Between The Sheets (The Revenge Rework)
| || ||Level 42 || It's Over
| ||BBG || Snappiness (Sweet Inspiration)
|2012-01-14||2010-11-06 ||Shannon vs. Santana ||[ Oye Como Va Me Tonight (2010 Update)]
| ||Eric B. & Rakim || Paid in Full (Derek B's Urban Respray)
| || ||Shannon  || Give Me Tonight
| ||Color Me Badd || I Wanna Sex You Up (Instrumentaal)
| || ||Santana  || Oye Como Va
| ||Del Tha Funkee Homosapien || Mistadobalina
|2012-01-21||2000-10-06 ||Mai Tai vs. Eric B. & Rakim||[ History’s Got Soul]
| ||Stock, Aitken & Waterman || Packjammed
| || ||Mai Tai || History
| ||Van Halen || Running With The Devil
| || ||Erik B. & Rakim || I Know You Got Soul
|2020-01-17||'''MMX || '''I Can't Go For Serious
|2012-01-28|| ||King Bee vs. The Sugarhill Gang|| [ Rappers Delight By Dope Demand]
| ||Prince & The New Power Generation || Get Off
| || ||King Bee || Back By Dope Demand (Instrumentaal)
| ||Christina Milan || AM To PM
| || ||The Sugarhill Gang || Rapper's Delight (Acapella)
| ||Walter Murphy || A Fifth Of Beethoven
|2012-02-04||2005-09-17 ||Class Action vs. Modjo ||Weekend Lady
| ||Donna Allan || Serious
| || ||Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire || Weekend
| ||Hall & Oates || I Can't Go For That (No Can Do)
| || ||Modjo || Lady
| ||Lynn Collins || Think
|2012-02-11||2005-09-17||Destiny’s Child vs. Celvin Rotane|| Believe My Name
|2020-01-24||'''MMX || '''Yes We Can Kick It
|2012-02-18|| ||Whitney Houston Feat. Faithless & Teddy Pendergrass || I'm Every Woman Can’t Hide From Yourself
| ||Full Force || Alice, I Want You Just For Me
| || ||Whitney Houston || I'm Every Woman
| ||Coolio ||Gangsta's Paradise
| || ||Faithless || Insomnia
| ||The Pointer Sisters || Yes We Can Can
| || ||Teddy Pendergrass || You Can't Hide From Yourself
| ||Whitney Houston || I'm Every Woman
|2012-02-25|| 2007-11-17||Massive Attack vs. Robin S.|| Unfinished Love
| ||DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince || Summertime
|2012-02-25|| 1986-03-14 ||Prince & The Revolution || Kiss (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2012#25_februari_2012|Episode: #380]] van [[In The Mix]]
| ||A Tribe Called Quest || Can We Kick It
|2012-02-25||1988-05-27|| Prince Feat. The Wee Papa Girl Rappers || Alphabet Street (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2012#25_februari_2012|Episode: #380]] van [[In The Mix]]
| ||The Supremes || Stop In The Name Of Love
|2012-02-25||1987-04-03|| Prince || Housequake (If You Can’t Rock Steady Then Shut Up Already Damn (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2012#25_februari_2012|Episode: #380]] van [[In The Mix]]
| ||Duran Duran ||White Lines
|2012-02-25||1991-09-13||Prince & The New Power Generation|| Gett Off (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2012#25_februari_2012|Episode: #380]] van [[In The Mix]]
| ||Howard Jones || What Is Love
|2012-02-25||2006-09-23||Prince & The Revolution || Erotic City (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2012#25_februari_2012|Episode: #380]] van [[In The Mix]]
| ||James Brown || I'm Real
|2012-02-25||2006-09-23|| Prince & The Revolution || When Doves Cry (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2012#25_februari_2012|Episode: #380]] van [[In The Mix]]
| ||Kurtis Blow || I'm Chillin'
|2012-02-25||2004-08-20||Prince & The Revolution vs. Mighty Dub Katz || Magic 1999 (Carpet Ride) (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2012#25_februari_2012|Episode: #380]] van [[In The Mix]]
|2020-01-31|| Geen MMX||i.v.m. winter BBQ bij [[Radio 10]]
|2012-02-25||2006-09-23||Prince & The Revolution vs. Ramirez || I Would Die For You vs. Musica Tremenda (Versie 1) (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2012#25_februari_2012|Episode: #380]] van [[In The Mix]]
|2020-02-07||'''MMX || '''[ The Final Count Dance]
|2012-02-25||2004-01-30|| Prince & The Revolution vs. Destiny's Child || Kiss-A-Boo (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2012#25_februari_2012|Episode: #380]] van [[In The Mix]]
| ||Europe || The Final Countdown
|2012-03-03|| ||LMFAO vs. Janet Jackson ||Party Love Won’t Do (Versie 1) (5min.03sec)
| ||Whitney Houston || I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Acapella)
| || ||LMFAO Feat. Lauren Bennett, GoonRock || Party Rock Anthem
|2020-02-14||'''MMX || '''Getting Jiggy With Your #1
| || ||Janet Jackson|| Love Will Never Do (Without You) (Acapella)
| ||Imagination || Just An Illusion
|2012-03-03||1986-08-08  ||Janet Jackson || Nasty (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2012#3_maart_2012|Episode: #381]] van [[In The Mix]]
| ||Madonna || Erotica
|2012-03-03||  ||Janet & Michael Jackson || Screamin' Black Or White (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2012#3_maart_2012|Episode: #381]] van [[In The Mix]]
| ||Janet Jackson || Boyfriend
|2012-03-03|| ||Janet Jackson & Luther Vandross vs. Michael Jackson ||Billie Jean Is Free (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2012#3_maart_2012|Episode: #381]] van [[In The Mix]
| ||Princess ||Say I'm Your Number One
|2012-03-03||1986-05-02  || Janet Jackson || What Have You Done For Me Lately (Versie 1?) (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2012#3_maart_2012|Episode: #381]] van [[In The Mix]]
| ||Suzanne Vega ||Tom's Diner
|2012-03-03||1989-09-29  ||Janet Jackson || Miss You Much (Ska-Mix) (Versie 2?) (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2012#3_maart_2012|Episode: #381]] van [[In The Mix]]
| ||Laura Branigan || Self Control
|2012-03-03||2001-04-14  || Janet Jackson vs. Luther Vandross || The Glow Of Love Is All For You (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2012#3_maart_2012|Episode: #381]] van [[In The Mix]]
| ||Will Smith || Getting Jiggy
|2012-03-03||1986-08-15  || Janet Jackson || When I Think Of You (Versie 1?) (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2012#3_maart_2012|Episode: #381]] van [[In The Mix]]
| ||Whodini || Magic's Wand
|2012-03-03|| 1987-06-19 || Janet Jackson || Pleasure Principle (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2012#3_maart_2012|Episode: #381]] van [[In The Mix]]
|2020-02-21|| '''MMX || '''Shake Up The Jam??
|2012-03-03|| 2004-04-30 || Janet Jackson vs. Kraftwerk || Robots In Control (Versie 1?) (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2012#3_maart_2012|Episode: #381]] van [[In The Mix]]
| ||Art Of Noise || Dragnet
|2012-03-03||2004-09-24 || Janet Jackson || Nasty vs. Love Will Never Do Without You (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2012#3_maart_2012|Episode: #381]] van [[In The Mix]]
| ||Dust Junkys || Beat Box Wash
|2012-03-10|| ||Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. uitzending van de Album Top 1000 Allertijden op [[Radio Veronica]]
| ||Cheryl Lynn || Shake It Up Tonight
|2012-03-17|| ||Black Box vs. Avicii ||Strike It Level Up
| ||Technotronic Feat. Felly || Pump Up The Jam
|2012-03-24|| ||Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson & Luther Vandross ||[ Billie Jean, The Best Things In Life Are Free]
| ||Phil Collins || Sussudio
| || ||Luther Vandross & Janet Jackson with BBD & Ralph Tresvant || The Best Things In Life Are Free
| ||Jellybean Feat. Madonna || Sidewalk Talk
| || ||Michael Jackson || Billie Jean
| ||Bobby Brown || Two Can Play That Game
|2012-03-31||1992-05-01 ||Annie Lennox|| Precious ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| ||Kraftwerk || Home Computer
|2012-04-07||1993-03-27 ||Shaggy vs. Henri Mancini|| Oh Carolina Feat. Peter Gunn
| ||Double Trouble & The Rebel MC || Just Keep Rockin'
|2012-04-14||1986-05-23 ||Timmy Thomas|| [ Why Can’t We Live Together] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix) (Versie 1)
| ||Reel 2 Real || I Like To Move It
|2012-04-21|| ||Shannon vs. Donna Summer|| [ Feel The Music Play (Updated 2012 Versie)]
|2020-02-28||'''MMX || '''[ Give A Little Bit]
| || ||Shannon || Let The Music Play (1983)
| ||Supertramp || Give A Little Bit
| || ||Donna Summer || I Feel Love (1977)
| ||Nelly Furtado || Big Hoops
|2012-04-28|| 2005-06-04||The Trammps vs. Lime|| Your Disco Love Inferno
| ||Pat Benatar || Love Is A Battlefield
|2012-05-05||2005-05-28 ||Yazoo vs. First Choice|| Let No Man Put This Situation Asunder
| ||The Fine Young Cannibals || She Drive's Me Crazy
|2012-05-12||1987-11-27||Jan Hammer|| New York Theme
| ||Michael Jackson || They Don't Care About Us
|2012-05-19|| ||Donna Summer|| I Feel Love (Patrick Cowley Remix Edit)
|2020-03-06|| '''MMX || '''[ 1 April 1983 In 5 Minutes]
|2012-05-26|| 2005-08-20||Bee Gees|| Decadance ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| ||Sandy Kerr || Thug Rock
|2012-06-02|| ||Faithless vs. Justin Timberlake ||Insomnia Like I Like It
| ||Central Line || Nature Boy
|2012-06-09||1987-11-27 ||Jan Hammer|| New York Theme
| ||Angela Bofill ||Too Tough
|2012-06-16|| ||The Pointer Sisters ||Wild Fire
| ||Michael Jackson || Billie Jean
| || ||The Pointer Sisters|| Fire (Acapella)
| ||Fresh Face || Huevo Dancing
| || ||Tone Loc || Wild Thing (Beats)
| ||Mike And Brenda Sutton || Don't Let Go Of Me (Grip My Hips And Move Me) (acapella)
|2012-06-23||1987-06-12 ||Marshall & Hain ||Dancing In The City
| ||Wham! || Wham Rap!
|2012-06-30||2010-08-28 ||Eddy & The Soulband ||[ Shaft (Hot Pursuit Mix)]
|2020-03-13|| '''MMX|| '''I'm OK Uptown Party Girl
|2012-07-07||2007-11-17 ||Massive Attack vs. Robin S.|| Unfinished Love
| ||Julius Brown || Party
|2012-07-14||1989-02-03 ||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| Jack / Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)
| ||Billy Joel || Uptown Girl
|2012-07-21|| ||Mongo Santamaria vs. Boris Dlugosh With Some Drums Of Robert Owens|| Watermelon Pride
| ||American Gypsy || I'm OK, You're OK
|   ||   ||Mongo Santamaris || Watermelon Man
|2020-03-20||'''MMX || '''Dirty Talk In The Family
| || ||Boris Dlugosh Presents Booom! || Hold Your Head Up High (Acapella)
| ||Klein & MBO || Dirty Talk
| || ||Robert Owens|| I'll Be Your Friend (Drums)
| ||Blondie || Heart Of Glass
|2012-07-28|| 2001-11-17 ||Farley Jack 'Master’ Funk & Jessie Saunders|| Love Can’t Turn Around (The Philharmonic Remix) (Versie 2)
| ||Michael Jackson || Black Or White
|2012-08-04|| ||Geen uitzending||i.v.m. uitzending van de Album Top 1000 Allertijden op [[Radio Veronica]]
| ||Midway || Set it Out
|2012-08-11|| ||Robin Scott's 'M' ||Pop Muzik ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix) (Versie 2) (Deze versie is niet eerder uitgezonden geweest!)
| ||Michael Jackson || Wanna Be Startin' Something
|2012-08-18||1986-10-24 ||V.S.O.P. (Vienna Symphonic Opera Project) || [ Welcome To The Pleasuredome]
| ||Leki || Breakin' Out
|2012-08-25||1989-06-16 ||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| [ Puls(t)ar (Essential Full Length Mix)]
| ||Chas Jankel || Ai No Corrida
|2012-09-01||1988-11-18 ||Michael Jackson ||Smooth Criminal (Smeuïge Crimineel Mix)
| ||Frankie Goes To Hollywood || Relax
|2012-09-08||1986-09-12 ||MC Miker 'G' & DJ Sven|| Holiday Rap (Remix)
| ||Sister Sledge || We Are Family
|2012-09-15|| 2004-09-03 ||Total Touch vs. Freestylers|| Push Me Touch Me
| ||Level 42 || Running In The Family
|2012-09-22|| 1989-07-28||Mysterious Art ||[ The Omen (Ben Liebrand Remix)]
|2020-03-27|| Geen MMX||i.v.m. uitzending van de 80's lijst op [[Radio 10]]
|2012-09-29|| ||P!nk vs. Masters At Work|| Can't Get No Party Started
|2020-04-03|| '''MMX|| '''[ We Wil Rock That Funky Music]
| || ||P!NK || Get The Party Started
| ||Queen || We Will Rock You
| || ||Masters At Work Present India ‎|| I Can’t Get No Sleep
| ||Wild Cherry || Play That Funky Music
|2012-10-06|| ||PSY vs. Benny Benassi|| Satisfaction In Gangnam Style
| ||Aerosmith || Walk This Way
| || ||PSY ||Gangnam Style
|2020-04-10|| '''MMX||'''[ A Happy Take On Me] (Multitrack Mash-Up)
| || ||Benny Benassi|| Satisfaction
| ||Pharrell Williams || Happy
|2012-10-13|| 2009-05-23||2 Unlimited vs. The S.O.S. Band ||Get Ready For Borrowed Love
| ||A-Ha || Take On Me
|2012-10-20||2012-03-24 ||Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson & Luther Vandross ||[ Billie Jean, The Best Things In Life Are Free]
|2020-04-17|| Geen MMX||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
| || ||Luther Vandross & Janet Jackson with BBD & Ralph Tresvant || The Best Things In Life Are Free
|2020-04-24|| '''MMX||'''[ Slow Rock The Boat]
| || ||Michael Jackson || Billie Jean
| ||Aaliyah || Rock The Boat (acapella)
|2012-10-27|| ||Phantom vs. The B-52's|| Phantom Shack
| ||Midnight Star Feat. Ecstacy of Whodini || Don't Rock The Boat (acapella)
|2012-11-03|| ||Lunde Bros vs. The Doobie Brothers|| Can You Feel The Long Train Running (Versie 1)
| ||En Vogue || My Lovin'
| || ||Lunde Bros. ||Can You feel It
| ||52nd Street || Tell Me
| || ||The Doobie Brothers||Long Train Running
| ||Terence Trent d'Arby || Whishing Well
|2012-11-10|| ||Lunde Bros vs. The Doobie Brothers ||Can You Feel The Long Train Running (Reworked Airplay Version) (Versie 2)
| ||Donna Allen || Joy And Pain
| || || Lunde Bros. ||Can You feel It
| ||Kylie Minogue || Slow (acapella)
| || ||The Doobie Brothers||Long Train Running
| ||Robert Palmer || You Are In My System
|2012-11-17|| ||Jennifer Lopez vs. Usher|| Play Numb
| ||Sophie Ellis-Bextor || Get Over You (acapella)
| || ||Jennifer Lopez ||Play
|2020-05-01|| '''MMX The Beatles Feat. Joel 'Spanky' Gray on trumpet || '''Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
| || || Usher||Numb
|2020-05-08|| '''MMX George Michael & Aaliyah || '''Are You That Careless Somebody
|2012-11-24|| ||LMFAO & Loyd Feat. Andre 3000 (And More)|| [ Just Shout Sexy ‘Music’ To My Ex] (De titel wordt later omgedoopt tot de Party Shout Minimix(!))
|2020-05-15|| '''MMX||'''[ Luv 4 Luv 2 Play]
| || ||LMFAO || Sexy And I Know It
| ||Robin S. || Luv 4 Luv
| || ||Lloyd Feat. Andre 3000|| Dedication To My Ex (Miss That)
| ||Indeep || When Boys Talk
| || ||Sly & the Family Stone || Dance To The Music
| ||Chimo Bayo || Asi Me Gusta
| || ||Liberty X || Just A Little (Sexy)
| ||Cookie Crew || Like Brother Like Sister
| || ||Madonna || Music
| ||2 In A Room || Do What You Want
| || ||Tears For Fears || Shout
| ||Jennifer Lopez || Play
| || ||The S.O.S Band || Just Be Good To Me
| ||Jimmy 'Bo' Horne || Spank
|2012-12-01|| 2009-02-07 ||Björk vs. Frankie Goes To Hollywood|| [ The Human Behaviour Of Two Tribes]
|2020-05-22|| '''MMX || '''[ Like Rockin' All Over The Beat]
|2012-12-08|| ||Geen uitzending||i.v.m. uitzending van de Album Top 1000 Allertijden op [[Radio Veronica]]
| ||My Mine || Hypnotic Tango
|2012-12-15|| 2004-05-28 ||David Bowie vs. Martin Luther King|| Heroes With A Dream
| ||Vera Hall || Troubled So Hard
|2012-12-22||1991-06-14 ||Madonna ||Open Your Heart (Versie 2) (Op speciaal verzoek van [[Jerry de Ruijter]])
| ||Far East Movement Feat. The Cataracs || Like A G6
|2012-12-29|| ||Geen uitzending||i.v.m. uitzending van de 90's Top 750 van 2012 op [[Radio Veronica]]
| ||Adamski ||Killer (Remix)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2013-01-05|| ||[[Ben Liebrand]] ||Work in Progress... The Thunderbirds
| ||Coldcut Feat. Lisa Stansfield || People Hold On
|2013-01-12||1986-05-02 ||Janet Jackson ||What Have You Done For Me Lately (Versie 1)
| ||The KLF || What Time Is Love
|2013-01-19|| 1992-02-28||Salt 'N' Pepa ||Expression (Boomin' Mix)
| ||Technotronic || Rockin' All Over The Beat
|2013-01-26|| 2000-02-11||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. The Gibson Brothers ||Music & Passion
| ||Double You || Please Don't Go
|2013-02-02|| ||Hot Chocolate ||Every One’s A Winner (Original [[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| ||Shawn Christopher || Don't Lose The Magic
|2013-02-09||1989-01-13 ||The Revellettes ||Sign Of Love ([[Ben Liebrand]] Clubmix)
| ||Madison Avenue || Don't Call Me Baby
|2013-02-16|| ||Michael Jackson ||[ Stranger, Beat It To Moscow]
| ||Yvonne Elliman || Love Pains
| ||   ||Michael Jackson ||Stranger In Moscow
|2020-05-29|| '''MMX ||'''Somebody's Bart Machine
| ||   |||Michael Jackson ||Beat It
| ||Maxi Priest || Close To You
|2013-02-23|| ||Time Bandits|| Endless Road ([[Ben Liebrand]] 12" Remix) (For [[Jerry De Ruijter]] 1974 - 2013)
| ||Bart Simpson || Do The Bartman
|2013-03-02||1991-05-24 ||Natalie Cole ||This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) ([[Ben Liebrand]] 12" Remix)
| ||Digital Under Ground || The Humpty Dance
|2013-03-09||2004-06-18 ||Tavares ||It Only Takes A Minute ([[Ben Liebrand]] 12" Remix)
| ||Alyson Williams || Sleeptalk
|2013-03-16||1992-01-17 ||Groove Technology|| Mind On The Beat
| ||Mantronix Feat. Wondress|| Got To Have Your Love
|2013-03-23|| ||2 Unlimited vs. The S.O.S. Band||Get Ready 4 Borrowed Love (Re-Re-Mix)
| ||Karyn White || The Way You Love Me
|2013-03-30||1991-06-07 ||Kraftwerk ||[ Megamix 1991]
| ||James Brown ||Sexmachine
| ||   ||Kraftwerk    || Home Computer
| ||Boyz II Men || Thank You
| ||   || Kraftwerk    || The Robots
| ||DJ Tools || This Beat Is Fresh
| ||   || Kraftwerk    || Radioactivity
|2020-06-05|| '''MMX||'''You And I
| ||   || Kraftwerk    || Computer Love
| ||Delagation || You And I
| ||   || Kraftwerk    ||Pocket Calculator
| ||Justin Timberlake || Like I Love You
|2013-04-06|| ||Energy 52 vs. David Guetta|| Cafe Del Mar Don’t Leave Me Now
| ||K.I.D. || Don't Stop
| ||   || Energy 52 || Cafe Del Mar
| ||Colonel Abrams || Trapped
| ||  ||David Guetta || Love Don’t Let Me Go
| ||   ||EGMA || Let The Bass Kick
| ||Colonel Abrams || The Truth
|2013-04-13|| ||Snapped Punk||[ Harder Better Faster Stronger Do You See The Light Din Daa Daa] (Updated Version 2.0)
| ||Alexander O'Neal || Criticize
| || ||Daft Punk || Harder Better Faster Stronger
| ||Snap! || The Power
| || ||Snap! Feat. Niki Haris|| Do You See The Light (Looking For)
|2020-06-12||'''MMX|| '''[ A Maneater in Hotel California]
| || ||George Kranz || Din Daa Daa (Trommeltanz)
| ||Hall & Oattes || Maneater
| || ||Blue Six || All I Need (chords)
| ||The Eagles|| Hotel California
| || ||Billy Ocean || Loverboy (intro)
|2020-06-19||'''MMX||'''[ MacArthur's Dance]
|2013-04-20|| ||Geen uitzending||i.v.m. de Album Top 1000 Allertijden
| ||Donna Summer|| MacArthur Park
|2013-04-27|| ||808 State vs. Queen|| 808 Rocks You (2013 Noise Container Re-Work) (Versie 2.0)
| ||Britney Spears || You Gotta Work
|2013-05-04|| ||Doctor’s Cat ||[ Feel The Drive] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| ||Rupaul || Supermodel
|2013-05-11||2012-06-02 ||Faithless vs. Justin Timberlake ||Insomnia Like I Like It
| ||Katmandu || The Break
|2013-05-18|| ||Dimples D. & Spice || Crack Chaser ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| ||Doug Willes || Feel The Funk
|2013-05-25||2012-01-28 ||King Bee vs. The Sugarhill Gang|| [ Rappers Delight By Dope Demand]
| ||Gonzales || Haven't Stopped Dancing Yet
| || ||King Bee || Back By Dope Demand (Instrumentaal)
| ||The Communards || Never Can Say Goodbye
| || ||The Sugarhill Gang || Rapper's Delight (Acapella)
|2020-06-26||'''MMX||'''[ Michael Jackson]
|2013-06-01|| ||2 Unlimited ||Maximum Overdrive (Updated [[Ben Liebrand]] 90's Mix) (Versie 2.0)
| ||Michael Jackson||History
|2013-06-08|| ||Geen uitzending||i.v.m. Top 40 Hitdossier weekend
| ||Michael Jackson|| Blame it On The Boogie
|2013-06-15||2004-03-05 ||C&C Music Factory vs. Tony Scott ||Big Band Makes You Sweat
| ||Michael Jackson|| Beat It
|2013-06-22|| 1988-07-22 ||Alexander O’Neal ||[ (What Can I Say) To Make You Love Me (Ben Liebrand Remix)]
| ||Michael Jackson|| Dancing Machine
|2013-06-29|| 2009-10-31 ||Michael Jackson ||This Is It ([[Ben Liebrand]] Oldskool Remix)
| ||Michael Jackson|| Rock With You
|2013-07-06||2007-09-22 ||Alacazar vs. Chic vs. Stetsasonic ||My Forbidden Lover Talking All That Jazz About Sexual Guarantees
| ||Michael Jackson|| Bad
|2013-07-13||2004-06-25 ||Shannon vs. Santana ||Oye Como Va Me Tonight
| ||Michael Jackson|| Black Or White
| || ||Shannon  || Give Me Tonight
| ||Michael Jackson|| Jam
| || ||Santana  || Oye Como Va
| ||Michael Jackson|| Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)
|2013-07-20|| 1986-03-21||Whistle vs. Donald Duck || [ (Nothing Serious) Just Buggin']
| ||Michael Jackson|| Blood On The Dance Floor
|2013-07-27|| 2006-03-11||Sunclub vs. Delerium ||Silent Fiësta
| ||Michael Jackson|| Billie Jean
|2013-08-03|| 1991-05-17 ||Crystal Waters ||Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
| ||Michael Jackson|| Thriller
|2013-08-10||1988-05-06 ||The Art Of Noise vs. 10CC  ||   [ Moments Not In Love]
|2020-07-03|| '''MMX||'''[ 90's Swingbeat]
| || ||The Art Of Noise|| Moments In Love
| ||Redhead Kingpin & The FBI || Do The Right Thing
| || ||10CC ||I'm Not In Love
| ||Diana Ross || Upside Down
|2013-08-17|| ||Lazy J vs. Daft Punk ||Float My Technologic(al) Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger Boat
| ||Guy || Wanna Get With U
|2013-08-24||2006-02-25 ||Sister Sledge vs. Destiny’s Child ||[ She’s The Greatest Woman]
| ||Bell Biv Devoe || Do Me!
| || ||Destiny's Child || Independent Woman (Acapella)
| ||Steve Arrington || Feel So Real
| || ||Sister Sledge || He's The Greatest Dancer
| ||Bomb The Bass || Beat Dis
|2013-08-31|| ||Will.I.Am vs. B-52's ||This Is Love Shack
| ||Britney Spears || Hit Me Baby One More Time
|2013-09-07||1993-07-17 ||Rob ‘N’ Raz|| Clubhopping
| ||Diana Ross || Ain't No Mountain High Enough
|2013-09-14|| ||Forrest ||[ Rock The Boat (10 Min. Adventure Minimix)] (Forrest Thomas 21 April 1953 - 9 September 2013)
|2020-07-10|| '''MMX||'''For The Love Of Money
|2013-09-21||2004-10-29 ||Fun Fun ||Happy Station ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix Classic)
| ||The O'Jay || For The Love Of Money
|2013-09-28|| ||Lafleur ||Boogie Nights ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)<ref>[] ''1983 was de zomer van Boogie Nights'' | Publicatie: 29 juli 2019  | Tekst: André Verheul | (Gevonden 17 januari 2022)</ref>
| ||Pink Floyd || Money
|2013-10-05||2002-03-08 ||Shakira vs. Britney Spears vs. Bee Gees ||Whenever Wherever I’m Stayin’ Alive
| ||Beyonce Feat. Jay Z || Crazy in Love
|2013-10-12|| ||Karen Young vs. Diana Ross|| Comin’ Out Hot (Versie 2.0)
| ||Jay Z Feat. DMX || Money Cash Hoes
|2013-10-19||2002-02-22 ||Underworld vs. Marco V || [ Born Slippy-Godd]
| ||Del Da Funky Homosapien || Mr. Dobolina
| || ||Marco V ||Godd
| ||Garbage || Stupid Girl
| || ||Underworld || Born Slippy
| ||The Real Roxanne || Bang Zoom
|2013-10-26|| ||K&H (Jeroen Kuitenbrouwer & Ward Henselmans) vs. Kraftwerk|| Journaal 24 (Numbers Remix)
| ||Five Star || Can't Wait
|2013-11-02|| 1991-11-29||Lou Reed || [ Walk On The Wildside]
| ||Soul II Soul || Back To Life
|2013-11-09|| ||Will.I.Am vs. Cerrone ||[ Is This Supernature]
| ||Justin & Madonna || 4 Minutes
| || ||Cerrone || Supernature (Acapella)
| ||Mark Anthony || 1919 Main Street
| || ||Will.I.Am || This Is Love
| ||Lillo Thomas || Settle Down
|2013-11-16|| 2012-11-24||LMFAO & Loyd Feat. Andre 3000 (And More)|| [ Party Shout (ook wel de Just Shout Sexy ‘Music’ To My Ex Minimix)]
| ||Duran Duran || Notorious
| || ||LMFAO || Sexy and I Know It
|2020-07-17|| '''MMX||'''Uptown Flawless
| || ||Lloyd Feat. Andre 3000|| Dedication To My Ex (Miss That)
| ||Mark Ronson Feat. Bruno Mars || Uptown Funk
| || ||Sly & the Family Stone || Dance to the Music
| ||James Brown || Gravity
| || ||Liberty X || Just A Little (Sexy)
| ||One Way || Let's Talk
| || ||Madonna || Music
| ||Narada Michael Walden || I Should Have Loved Ya
| || ||Tears For Fears || Shout
| ||Sister Sledge || Lost In Music
| || ||The S.O.S Band || Just Be Good To Me
| ||Michael Jackson || Jam
|2013-11-23|| ||Eelke Kleijn vs. Robin S. Feat. Thelma Houston || [ Show Me Love Am Strand I Need Somebody Tonight]
| ||Sharades || Gimme The Funk
|   || ||Eelke Kleijn || Ein Tag Am Strand
| ||Kraftwerk || The Robots
|   || ||Robin S. || Show Me Love  
| ||Rose Royce || Is It Love You're After
| || || Thelma Houston|| I Need Somebody Tonight
| ||The Ones || Flawless
|2013-11-30||2010-09-25 ||Snapped Punk||[ Harder Better Faster Stronger Do You See The Light Din Daa Daa] (Updated version)
|2020-07-24|| '''MMX||'''It's A Trapped
| || ||Daft Punk || Harder Better Faster Stronger
| ||Admiral Akbar || It's A Trap (Star Wars Episode 6)
| || ||Snap! Feat. Niki Haris|| Do You See The Light (Looking For)
| ||MMousse T. Feat. Hot 'N' Juicy || Horny '98
| || ||George Kranz || Din Daa Daa (Trommeltanz)
| ||Bee Gees || Tragedy
| || ||Blue Six || All I Need (chords)
| ||Triple X || Feel The Same
| || ||Billy Ocean || Loverboy (intro)
| ||Colonel Abrams ||Trapped
|2013-12-07|| ||Geen uitzending||
|2020-07-31|| '''MMX||'''[ Pump Up The Volume And Get Down]
|2013-12-14||2001-09-01 ||Prodigy vs. Faithless ||[ Funky Insomnia]
| ||M/A/R/R/S || Pump Up The Volume
| || ||The Prodigy || Funky Shit
| ||NV|| It's Alright
| || ||Faithless || Insomnia
| ||Dennis Edwards Feat. Siedah Garrett || Don't Look Any Further (Acapella)
|2013-12-14||2013-08-17||Daft Punk Vs Lazy Jay|| Technologically Stronger (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2013#14_december_2013|Episode: #453]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Gene Chandler || Get Down
|2013-12-14||2011-06-25||Diana Ross vs. DJ Jean vs. Crystal Waters Vs Felix|| Coming Out To Perfection (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2013#14_december_2013|Episode: #453]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Eric B. & Rakim || I Know You Got Soul
|2013-12-14||2010-06-12||Spencer & Hill vs. Dave Darrell vs. The Underdog Project ||  It's a Summer Smash Jam (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2013#14_december_2013|Episode: #453]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||King Bee || Back By Dope Demand
|2013-12-14||2009-02-21||Booty Luv vs. House Of Venus vs. Whitney Houston || Some Kinda Rush In Da House Of Venus (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2013#14_december_2013|Episode: #453]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Positive Force || We've Got The Funk
|2013-12-14||2009-05-23||2 Unlimited vs. The S.O.S. Band || Get Ready 4 Borrowed Love (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2013#14_december_2013|Episode: #453]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Adele || Rumour Has It
|2013-12-14||2009-11-07||Kristine W vs. DJ Chuckie & LMFAO  || Feel What You Want In Miami (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2013#14_december_2013|Episode: #453]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Janet Jackson || Pleasure Principle
|2013-12-14||2010-06-26||Frankie Valli vs. Joey B. Ellis & Tynetta Hare vs. C&C Music Factory vs. Quintino Feat. Mitch Crown|| Keep The Soul Coming (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2013#14_december_2013|Episode: #453]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Black Machine || How Gee
|2013-12-14||2013-11-09||Will.I.Am vs. Cerrone || Is Supernature Love (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2013#14_december_2013|Episode: #453]] van [[In The Mix]])
|2020-08-07|| '''MMX||'''Boogie Wonderland
|2013-12-14||2012-10-06|| PSY vs. Benny Benassi ||Satisfaction Gangnam Style (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2013#14_december_2013|Episode: #453]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Earth, Wind & Fire With The Emotions || Boogie Wonderland
|2013-12-14|| 2004-08-27 ||The Trammps vs. Jam & Spoon || Body Inferno (uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2013#14_december_2013|Episode: #453]] van [[In The Mix]])
| ||Neil Pierce || A Night At Ronnie's
|2013-12-21|| 2007-12-22||Santa Claus Esmeralda ||Don't Let Me Be Misundersnowed (Versie 2)
|2020-08-14|| Geen MMX|| onbekende reden
|2013-12-28||1986-05-16  ||Timmy Thomas || Why Can't We Live Together ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix) (Versie 1)
|2020-08-21|| '''MMX||'''[ Shining Fantasy Goddess]
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2014-01-04|| ||Sunclub Fiesta vs. 20 Fingers || Lickit
| ||Earth, Wind & Fire || Fantasy
|2014-01-11|| ||Tavares || It Only Takes A Minute ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| ||Earth, Wind & Fire || Shining Star
|2014-01-18||  ||Icona Pop vs. Masters At Work || [ I Like To Work It]
|  ||Ramsey Lewis || Sun Goddess
| || ||Icona Pop || I Love It
|2020-08-28|| '''MMX||'''[ Don't Stop The Music]
| || ||Masters At Work || Work
| ||Adamski || Space Jungle
|2014-01-25|| ||Amadea || Could It Be Magic (Produced by [[Ben Liebrand]])
| ||Alexander O'Neal || Hearsay '89
|2014-02-01|| ||K&H vs. Kraftwerk || Journaal 24 (numbers remix)
| ||Alexander O'Neal || (What Can I Say) To Make Me Love You
|2014-02-08|| ||Gregor Salto vs. Freeez || [ I.O.U.]
| ||Alexander O'Neal ||Criticize
|2014-02-15|| ||The Beatles vs. Benny Benassi || [ Eleanor Rigby vs. Able To Love]
| ||Destiny Child || ? (Acapella)
|2014-02-22|| ||David Bowie & Martin Luther King || Heroes 2014
| ||Heavy D. & The Boyz|| We've Got Our Thang
|2014-03-01|| ||Shannon vs. Santana || Give Me Tonight 2014
| ||K.I.D.||Don't Stop
|2014-03-08|| ||Mel & Kim & Frantique || Showing Out You Funky Stuff
| ||The S.O.S. Band|| The Finest (Acapella)
|2014-03-15|| ||C&C Music Factory vs. Kylie Minogue || Everybody Slow Now (Updated 2014 Version!)
| || Crown Heights Affair ||You Gave Me Love
|2014-03-22|| ||Madonna || Open Your Heart
| || Ray Parker Jr. ||Ghostbusters
|2014-03-29|| ||Fun Fun || [ Could This Be Love]
|2020-09-04|| '''MMX||'''[ Summer Holiday]
|2014-04-05||2006-03-11 ||Sunclub Fiesta vs. Sarah McLachlan || Silent Fiesta
| ||Pino d'Angio || Ma quale Idea
|2014-04-12||2004-04-30  ||Kraftwerk vs. Janet Jackson||[ Robots In Control (Versie 2)]
| ||MC Miker 'G' & DJ Sven || Holiday Rap
| || ||Janet Jackson || Control (Acapella)
| ||Rocker's Revenge || Walking On Sunshine
| || ||Kraftwerk || The Robots
| ||Mighty Dub Catz || Magic Carpet Ride
|2014-04-19|| ||Madonna vs. Robin S. || Music
| ||Ivan || Baila
|2014-04-26|| ||Culture Beat || Mr. Vain ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| ||Catch 22 || Boogie Down
|2014-05-03|| ||Chic vs. Class Action vs. Modjo || [ Soup For The Weekend]
| ||Rumba Tres || Baila Me Rumba
| || ||Chic || Soup For One
| ||Gipsy Kings || Volare
| || ||Modjo || Lady (Hear Me Tonight)
| ||Nancy Ames || Eso Beso
| || ||Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire || Weekend (Acapella)
| ||Gloria Estefan || Oye Mi Canto
|2014-05-10|| ||The Ones ||  [ Flawless]
| ||Bee Gees ||You Should Be Dancing
|2014-05-17|| ||Shannon || [ Let The Music Play (Ben Liebrand 2014 Remix)]
|2020-09-11||'''MMX||'''[ Ride Like The Wind To Funkytown]
|2014-05-24|| ||Avicii vs. Blackbox || Strike It A level Up
| ||Christopher Cross || Ride Like The Wind
|2014-05-31||1991-05-31 ||The Crystal Palace || Son Of Godzilla
| ||Lipps Inc. || Funkytown
|2014-06-07||2004-01-09 ||Destiny's Child vs. Celvin Rotane || Believe My Name
|2020-09-18|| '''MMX||'''[ The Shape Of Whenever] (Multitrack Remix!)
|2014-06-14|| ||Prince & The Revolution Feat. 20 Fingers || Erotic City
| ||Ed Sheeran || The Shape Of You
|2014-06-21|| 2012-11-17 ||Jennifer Lopez vs. Usher || Play Numb
| ||Shakira || Whenever Wherever
|2014-06-28||2013-11-23 ||Eelke Kleijn vs. Robin S. || Show Me Love Am Strand I Need Somebody Tonight
|2020-09-25|| '''MMX Johnny 'Guitar' Watson || '''[ A Real Mother For Ya (Go To A Disco Mix)]
|2014-07-05|| ||Daddy's Groove vs. Hugh Masakela || [ Don't Go Loosing It Baby]
|2020-10-02|| '''MMX||'''[ Madonna]
| || ||Hugh Masekela || Don't Go Lose It Baby
| ||Madonna || Buenos Aires
| || ||Daddy's Groove & Cryogenix || Tilt
| ||Madonna ||Into The Groove
|2014-07-12||1993-05-22 ||2 Unlimited || Tribal Dance ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| ||Madonna ||American Life
|2014-07-19||2004-07-09 ||Shabba Ranks vs. Ashanti || Mr. Oh So Foolish Loverman
| ||Madonna ||Vogue
|2014-07-26|| 2001-08-25 ||Prodigy vs. Faithless ||  [ Bitch As One]
| ||Madonna ||Holiday
| || ||The Prodigy ||Smack My Bitch Up
| ||Madonna ||Music
| || ||Faithless ||We Come One
| ||Madonna ||Deeper And Deeper
|2014-08-02|| ||Geen uitzending || i.v.m. de Album Top 750
| ||Madonna ||Die Another Day
|2014-08-09|| 1993-06-12||Haddaway || What Is Love
|2020-10-09|| '''MMX|| '''[ Give Me Tonight]
|2014-08-16|| 2014-02-15||The Beatles || Eleanor Rigby
| ||Shannon || Give Me Tonight
|2014-08-23||2014-01-18 ||Icona Pop vs. Masters At Work || [ I Like To Work It]
| ||Chic || I Want Your Love
| || ||Icona Pop || I Love It
| ||Gloria Gaynor || I Will Survive
| || ||Masters At Work (M.A.W.) || Work
| ||Chic || Soup For One
|2014-08-30||2011-05-14 ||Robbie Williams vs. Destiny's Child || Rudeboxaboo
| ||Criminal Element Orchestra || Put The Needle To The Record
|   || ||Robbie Williams || Rudebox
| ||Cassius || The Sound Of Violence
|   || ||Destiny's Child || Bug-A-Boo (Acapella)
| ||Mr. Fingers || Can You Feel It
|2014-09-06||2012-11-24 || LMFAO & Loyd Feat. Andre 3000 (And More)|| [ Party Shout] (ook wel de Just Shout Sexy ‘Music’ To My Ex Minimix)
| ||Cock Robin || The Promise You Made
| || ||LMFAO || Sexy and I Know It
| ||Whitney Houston || Queen Of The Night
| || ||Lloyd Feat. Andre 3000|| Dedication To My Ex (Miss That)
|2020-10-16||'''MMX||'''Give Me The Night
| || ||Sly & the Family Stone || Dance to the Music
| ||George Benson || Give Me The Night
| || ||Liberty X || Just A Little (Sexy)
| ||Harold Faltermeyer || Theme From Axel F
| || ||Madonna || Music
| ||Lenny Kravitz || Believe In Me
| || ||Tears For Fears || Shout
| ||Love Deluxe || Here Comes That Sound
| || ||The S.O.S Band || Just Be Good To Me
| ||Adeva || In And Out Of Love
|2014-09-13|| ||Faithless vs. The Prodigy || [ Funky Insomnia]
| ||MFSB || K-Jee
| || ||The Prodigy || Funky Shit
|2020-10-23|| '''MMX Pet Shop Boys || [ West End Girls (9 Coarse Remix Suite)]
| || ||Faithless || Insomnia
|2020-10-30|| '''MMX ||'''[ Rock The Boat]
|2014-09-20|| 2004-01-23||Technotronic & Justin Timberlake || [ Pump It Like I Like It]
| ||Forrest || Rock The Boat
| || ||Justin Timberlake || Like I Love You (Acapella)
| ||Midnight Star Feat. Ecstacy of Whodini || Don't Rock The Boat
| || ||Technotronic Feat. Felly|| Pump Up The Jam
| ||TKA || Come Get My Love
|2014-09-27||2001-11-03 ||The Ones || [ Flawless]
| ||Stevie Wonder || I Wish
|2014-10-04|| ||Freestylers vs. Total Touch ||Push And Touch Me
| ||Inner City || Big Fun
|2014-10-11|| ||Studiokillers vs. First Choice || Let No Man Put Asunder
| ||Wamdue Project || King Of My Castle
|2014-10-18||2006-03-11 ||Sarah McLaghlan & Sunclub ||Silent Fiësta
| ||Janet Jackson || Control
|2014-10-25|| ||Yazoo vs. First Choice || Let No Man Put Asunder This Situation
| ||Whitney Houston || Love Will Save The Day
|2014-11-01||2013-04-06 ||Energy 52 vs. David Guetta ||Cafe Del Mar Don’t Leave Me Now
| ||The Jamaica Girls || On The Move
|2014-11-08|| 2013-04-13||Snapped Punk ||Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger, Do You See The Light Din Daa Daa (Updated version)
| ||Danny Howels || Breathe
|2014-11-15|| ? ||The Sugarhill Gang || Rapper's Delight ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix) (Versie: ?)
| ||King Unique || Curfew Time
|2014-11-22|| ||The Doobie Brothers || Long Train Running
|2020-11-06|| '''MMX||''' [ Life On Mars]
|2014-11-29|| 2012-11-24 ||LMFAO & Loyd Feat. Andre 3000 (And More)|| [ Party Shout] (ook wel de Just Shout Sexy ‘Music’ To My Ex Minimix)
| ||Dexter Wansel || Life On Mars
| || ||LMFAO || Sexy and I Know It
| ||Dennis Edwards || Don't Look Any Further (acapella)
| || ||Lloyd Feat. Andre 3000|| Dedication To My Ex (Miss That)
| ||Chic || Le Freak
| || ||Sly & the Family Stone || Dance to the Music
|2020-11-13||'''MMX ||''' [ Skyfall 007]
| || ||Liberty X || Just A Little (Sexy)
| ||Adele || Skyfall
| || || Madonna || Music
| ||Imagination || Body Talk
| || ||Tears For Fears || Shout
| ||Daniel Graig || As 007
| || ||The S.O.S Band || Just Be Good To Me
|2020-11-20||'''MMX||'''[ 100 (de 100ste Minimix!)]
|2014-12-06|| ||Geen uitzending||
| || 95 North || The Request (acapella) (Excuse Me Mister Deejay, Could You Play Something With A Beat?)
|2014-12-13|| 2004-09-17 ||Anastacia vs. 2 Unlimited || Outta Love In The Twilight Zone
| || Madonna || Music (Bass In Background)
| || || Anastacia || I'm Outta Love
| ||Robin S. || Luv 4 Luv
| || ||2 Unlimited|| Twilight Zone
| || 50 Cent || In Da Club (acapella; go go go go go Sample)
|2014-12-20|| 2006-10-28 ||Fedde Le Grand vs. Robin S.||  Put Your Hands Up 4 Love
| ||Donna Summer || Bad Girls
|2014-12-27||2007-12-22 || Santa Claus Esmeralda|| Don't Let Me Be Misundersnowed (Versie 2)
| ||Total Touch|| Touch Me There
Let op: Vanaf 3 juli 2015 verhuisd de Minimix weer naar de vrijdagavond rond 19.10 uur.
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2015-01-03|| || Haddaway || [ What Is Love] (SM Mix by [[Ben Liebrand]])
| ||The Doobie Brothers||Long Train Running
|2015-01-10|| ||Geen uitzending|| i.v.m. herhaling van de [[Grandmix#31_december_2014|Grandmix 2014]]
| ||Whitney Houston || Love Will Save The Day
|2015-01-17||2013-10-26  ||K&H vs. Kraftwerk|| Journaal 24 (Numbers Remix)
| ||Sly & The Family Stone || Dance To The Music
|2015-01-24||2004-09-03  ||Total Touch vs. Freestylers || Push Me Touch Me
| ||Bee Gees || You Should Be Dancing
|2015-01-31|| ||Geen uitzending ||Reden onbekend
| ||The Jacksons || Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)
|2015-02-07|| 2001-09-01 ||Faithless vs. Prodigy || [ Funky Insomnia]
| ||Barry Manilow|| Copacobana
| || ||The Prodigy || Funky Shit
| ||The Jacksons || Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)
|  || ||Faithless || Insomnia
|  ||Destiny's Child || ? (Dance - Ooh)
|2015-02-14||2013-11-09  ||Will.I.Am vs. Cerrone || [ Is This Supernature]
| ||Bee Gees || You Should Be Dancing
| || ||Cerrone || Supernature (Acapella)
| ||Lee Cabrera Feat. Alex Cartana || Shake It (Move A Little Closer)  
| || ||Will.I.Am || This Is Love
| ||Booty Luv || Boogie 2nite
|2015-02-21||2014-01-18  ||Icona Pop vs. Master At Work || [ I Like To Work It]
| ||Beats International Feat. Lindy || Just Be Good To Me
| || ||Icona Pop || I Love It
| ||Bee Gees || You Should Be Dancing (Horns)
| || ||Master At Work (M.A.W.) || Work
| || Jacksons || Can You Feel It (strings)
|2015-02-28||2004-01-23  ||Technotronic & Justin Timberlake || [ Pump It Like I Like It]
| ||Double Trouble & The Rebel MC || Street Tuff (Bassline)
| || ||Justin Timberlake || Like I Love You (Acapella)
| ||Isaac Hayes || Theme From Shaft (Guitar Riffs)
| || ||Technotronic Feat. Felly || Pump Up The Jam
| ||The Shamen || Move Any Mountain
|2015-03-07|| 2002-02-22 ||Underworld vs. Marco V || [ Born Slippy-Godd]
| ||Tears For Fears || Shout
| || ||Marco V ||Godd
| ||ATFC Feat. OnePhatDeeva  || In And Out Of My Life
| || ||Underworld || Born Slippy
| ||Cassius || When The Sun Goes Down
|2015-03-14|| ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott || [ Discotheque]
| ||Georgio||Bedrock (Bassline)
|2015-03-21|| ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. [[Marcel Schimsheimer]] & [[Caroline Dest]] || Get On Up
| ||2 Unlimited || Maximum Overdrive
|2015-03-28||2014-05-03  ||Chic vs. Class Action vs. Modjo || [ Soup For The Weekend]
| ||DeeeLite || Groove Is In the Heart
| || ||Chic || Soup For One
| || || ? (Beat)
| || ||Modjo || Lady (Hear Me Tonight)
| ||Adamski || Killer
| || ||Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire  || Weekend (Acapella)
| ||Michael Jackson|| Bad
|2015-04-04|| 2014-02-15 ||Benny Benassi vs. The Beatles || Eleanor Rigby
| ||Class Action || Weekend
|2015-04-11|| 2014-10-11 ||Studiokillers vs. First Choice ||Let No Man Put Asunder
| ||Michael Jackson || Don't Stop Till You Get Enough
|2015-04-18||2001-11-24  ||Daft Punk vs. Suzanne Vega ||Tom's Fast Food Diner
| || Carol Jiani || Hit 'N Run Lover (Cowbells)
|2015-04-25||2013-04-06  || Energy 52 vs. David Guetta ||Cafe Del Mar Don’t Leave Me Now
| ||Colonel Abrams ||Trapped
|2015-05-02|| 2012-10-06 ||PSY vs. Benny Benassi ||Satisfaction In Gangnam Style
| ||The S.O.S. Band || The Finest (Vocal Sample)
|2015-05-09|| ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. James "D-Train" Williams ||Weekend
| ||Bee Gees|| Tragedy (Vocal Sample)
|2015-05-16|| ||Gino Soccio || Dancer
| ||Tripple X ||Feel The Same
|2015-05-23||2001-11-03  ||The Ones ||  [ Flawless]
| ||Earth, Wind & Fire || Bada (Sample)
|2015-05-30|| ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || [ Iconic Groove] Minimix
| ||Modjo || Lady
|  || ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. James "D-Train" Williams||Weekend
|  || ? || Papapara (Sample)
|  || ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Barbara Tucker||Boogie
|  ||Pasadenas || Tribute (Right On Time) (Hit It)
| || ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. James "D-Train" Williams|| We Are The Night
| ||Technotronic Feat. Felly || Pump Up The Jam
| || ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Erica Yong ||Dancer
| ||The Wiz Feat. Diana Ross & Michael Jackson || Brand New Day
|  || ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott|| Discotheque
|  ||Dan Hartman || Relight My Fire (The Piano Background)
| || ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. James "D-Train" Williams||Mister DJ
| ||Robbie Williams|| Let Me Entertain You
| || ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Erica Yong ||Can You Hear Me
| ||Paul Johnson ||Get Get Down
|2015-06-06|| 2015-05-09 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. James D-Train Williams || Weekend
| ||Montell Jordan || This Is How We Do it
| ||Wildchild || Renegade Master
|2015-06-13||2014-07-05  ||Daddy's Groove vs. Hugh Masakela || [ Don't Go Loosing It Baby]
| ||Black Box || Everybody, Everybody
| || ||Hugh Masekela || Don't Go Lose It Baby
| ||Prince & The Revolution || 1999
| || ||Daddy's Groove & Cryogenix || Tilt
|2020-11-27|| '''MMX Lou Rawls || '''You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine
|2015-06-20||2014-01-18  ||Icona Pop vs. Master At Work || [ I Like To Work It]
| ||Charlie Calello Orchestra || Sing Sing Sing (Drums)
| || ||Icona Pop || I Love It
| ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Bassline
| || ||Master At Work (M.A.W.) || Work
|2020-12-04|| Geen MMX ||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
|2015-06-27||2015-05-16  ||Gino Soccio || Dancer
|2020-12-11|| Geen MMX ||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
|2015-07-03|| ||Geen uitzending|| De Minimix verhuisd weer naar de vrijdagavond rond 19.10 uur
|2020-12-18|| Geen MMX ||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
|2015-07-10|| ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Erica Yong ||[ Dancer] (Where Is Gino Soccio?)
|2020-12-25|| Geen MMX ||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2015-07-17|| ||Michael Gray vs. P!nk || Weekend Let's Get The Party started
|2021-01-01|| Geen MMX||
|2015-07-24|| ||Fun Fun || Happy Station (Scratch Versie)
|2021-01-08||'''MMX || '''[ Daddy Cool]
|2015-07-31|| 2011-05-07 ||Deadmau5 & Wolfgang Gartner vs. Underdog Project || Animal Jam
| ||Boney M. || Daddy Cool
|2015-08-07|| ||Earth, Wind & Fire vs. The Bangles || [ Walk Like An Stoned Egyptian]
| ||Dua Lipa ||Break My Heart
| || ||Earth, Wind & Fire || In The Stone
| ||Michael Jackson || Workin' Day And Night
| || ||The Bangles || Walk Like An Egyptian (Acapella)
| ||Midway || Set It Out
|2015-08-14|| ||Total Touch vs. Jimmy “Bo” Horne|| [ Touch Me Here, Spank Me There]
| ||Cuban Link Feat. Mya || Sugar Daddy
|2015-08-21||1991-11-29  || Lou Reed || [ Walk On The Wildside]
|2021-01-15|| '''MMX|| '''Do It Any Way You Wanna
|2015-08-28|| 1987-04-17 ||Janet Jackson Feat. [[Gerbrand Westveen]] on Sax || Let's Wait a While (Versie 2)
| ||People's Choice || Do It Any Way You Wanna
|2015-09-04|| 1992-05-29 ||Queenesis (Queen vs. Genesis) ||[ Mama Will Rock You]
| ||INXS || Need You Tonight
| || ||Queen|| We Will Rock You
| ||Britney Spears|| ...Baby One More Time
| || ||Genesis ||Mama
| ||Will Smith || Party Starter
| || ||Queen || Bohemian Rapsody (Sample)
| ||Madison Avenue ||Don't Call Me Baby
|2015-09-11||2009-01-24  ||The Art Of Noise vs. Eminem Feat. Joel Tuerner || Beatbox Without Me
| ||Huey Lewis And The News || Power Of Love
|2015-09-18||2004-04-30  ||Kraftwerk vs. Janet Jackson|| [ Robots In Control] (Versie 1)
| ||Daryl Hall & John Oates || I Can't Go For That (No Can Do)
| || ||Janet Jackson || Control (Acapella)
| ||Tom Browne ||Funkin' For Jamaica
| || ||Kraftwerk || The Robots
| ||Survivor || Eye Of The Tiger
|2015-09-25|| ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. James D-Train Williams || Mister DJ
|2021-01-22|| '''MMX|| '''[ Brick House]
|2015-10-02|| ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. James "D-Train" Williams || Mister DJ (Club Remix by [[Ben Liebrand]])
| ||The Commodores || Brick House
|2015-10-09|| ||Geen uitzending|| Reden onbekend
| ||Herbie Hancock || Rock It
|2015-10-16|| 2013-02-16 ||Michael Jackson || [ Stranger, Beat It To Moscow]
| ||Steve Miller Band|| Fly Like An Eagle
|2015-10-23|| 2002-03-08 ||Shakira vs. Britney Spears vs. Bee Gees || Whenever Wherever I'm Stayin' Alive
| || The Chamberlain from the Movie The Dark Crystal ||[ It's Time to make... my move (Sample)]
|2015-10-30|| ||Sunclub Fiesta vs. 20 Fingers || [ Lick It]
| ||Snap! || The Cult of Snap (Sample)
|2015-11-06||1988-04-01  ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Double-O-Seven (James Bond Mix)(Versie 2)
| || Phantasia || Violet Skies (Sample)
|2015-11-13|| 1986-05-16 ||Timmy Thomas || Why Can't We Live Together ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix) (Versie 1)
| || Boney M. || [ Kalimba de Luna] (Do you really want to party) (Sample)
|2015-11-20|| 2004-02-27 ||C&C Music Factory vs. Kylie Minogue Feat. The Bigband Horns|| Gonna Slowly Make You Sweat
|   ||Criminal Element Orchestra || Put The Needle On The Record (Sample)
|2015-11-27|| 2012-11-17 ||Jennifer Lopez vs. Usher || Play Numb
|2021-01-29|| '''MMX|| '''Stomp!
|2015-12-05|| ||Geen uitzending|| Reden onbekend
| ||The Brothers Johnson || Stomp!
|2015-12-12|| ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott || Move To The Bigband (JazzMix)
| ||Lee Cabrera Feat. Alex Cartana || Shake It (Move A Little Closer)
|2015-12-19||  ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott || Discotheque
|2015-12-26|| 2007-12-22 ||Santa Claus Esmeralda|| Don't Let Me Be Misundersnowed (Versie 2)
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
| 2016-01-01 ||1990-03-23  ||Sinéad O'Connor vs. Guru Josh|| Nothing Compares 2 Your Infinity
| ||Gianni Coletti Feat. The Go-Gospel Girls || Gimme Fantasy
| || ||Sinéad O'Connor || Nothing Compares To You
| ||Goldie Alexander || Show You My Love
| || ||Guru Josh || Infinity
| ||Wally Jump Junior || Private Party
| 2016-01-08 || || Carol Williams vs. B-52's || Love Shack Is You
| ||The Jacksons || Shake Your Body Down (To The Ground)
| 2016-01-15|| ||David Bowie || [ Let's Dance] ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)
| ||Blaze Feat. Barbara Tucker || Most Precious Love
| 2016-01-22|| 2005-05-07 ||Earth, Wind & Fire vs. The Bangles || [ Walk Like An Egyptian]
| ||The Jonzun Crew || Pack Jam (Look Out For The OVC)
| || ||Earth, Wind & Fire || In The Stone
| ||Samantha Fox || Love House
| || ||The Bangles || Walk Like An Egyptian (Acapella)
| ||Mel & Kim|| FLM
| 2016-01-29|| ||Timmy Thomas vs. Cuba Gooding || Why Can't We Live Together in Happiness
| ||Madonna || Music
| || ||Timmy Thomas ||Why Can't We Live Together
| ||Robin S. || Love 4 Love
| || ||Cuba Gooding || Happiness, Is Just Around The Bend
| ||Crystal Waters ||100% Pure Love
| 2016-02-05|| ||George Michael vs. Aaliyah || Careless Whispering Somebody
| ||Tears For Fears || Shout
| 2016-02-12||2011-10-22 || Madonna vs. Liberty X || Sexy Vogue (Just A Little Bit Of Vogue) (2011 Re-Mash)
| ||Usher Feat. Lil' Jon & Ludacris || Yeah!
| 2016-02-19||1987-07-03 ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || [ Weerbericht (The Rain Dance / Def ANP Rappers)]
| ||Human League || Love Action
| 2016-02-26||2012-06-16 ||Pointer Sisters || Fire
== Zie ook ==
| 2016-03-04|| ||Jaydee vs. Raze || [ Plastic Bass Power Dreams]
* [[In The Mix (VOO) draailijsten van 1983]]
* [[In The Mix (VOO) draailijsten van 1984]]
| || ||JayDee ||Plastic Dreams
* [[In The Mix (VOO) draailijsten van 1985]]
| || ||Raze || Bass Power
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2004]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2005]]
| 2016-03-11 || ||Jan Hammer || Crockett's Theme (Versie ?)
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2006]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2007]]
| 2016-03-18 || ||Armin van Buren || [ The Oldskool (Ben Liebrand Oldskool Remix)]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2008]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2009]]
| 2016-03-25 || ||Massive Attack vs. Diana Ross || [ I'm Coming Out] (Later wordt de titel A Massive Attack on Diana Ross)
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2010]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2011]]
| || ||Massive Attack||Unfinished Sympathy
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2012]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2013]]
| || ||Diana Ross||I'm Coming Out
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2014]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2015]]
| 2016-04-01 || ||Avicii vs. Eurythmics || [ Wake Me Up In 1984] (Versie 1, deze duurt 5 min 14 sec)
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2016]]
| || ||Avicii || Wake Me up
* [[In The Mix (Radio 10) draailijsten van 2017]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio 10) draailijsten van 2018]]
| || ||Eurythmics || Sexcrime (Nineteen Eighty.Four)
* [[In The Mix (Radio 10) draailijsten van 2019]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio 10) draailijsten van 2020]]
| || ||Freeez || I.O.U.
* [[In The Mix (Radio 10) draailijsten van 2021]]
| 2016-04-08||1992-05-29 ||Queen vs. Genesis (Queenesis)|| [ Mama Will Rock You]
* [[In The Mix (Sunshine Live) draailijsten van 2007]]
| || ||Queen|| We Will Rock You
| || ||Genesis ||Mama
| || ||Queen|| Bohemian Rapsody (Sample)
| 2016-04-15||2006-03-11 ||Sunclub Fiesta vs. Sarah McLachlan || [ Silent Fiesta]
| 2016-04-22|| 2004-07-16||Suzanne Vega vs. Madonna || [ Tom's Erotic Diner]
| 2016-04-29||? ||Prince & The Revolution || I Would Die 4 U (Versie ?)
| 2016-05-06|| 2014-04-19 ||Madonna vs. Robin S. || Music
| 2016-05-13|| ||Geen uitzending|| Reden onbekend
| 2016-05-20|| ||Carol Williams vs. B-52's || Is It Love In The Love Shack
| 2016-05-27|| 2014-03-15||C&C Music Factory vs. Kylie Minogue || Everybody Slow Now (updated 2014 version) (It's Kylie's Birthday Today)
| 2016-06-03||2004-09-03 ||Total Touch vs. Freestylers || Push Me Touch Me
| 2016-06-10||2007-08-04 ||Bozz Scaggs & Adina Howard || Freak Like Me
| 2016-06-17||2014-01-25 ||Amadea || Could It Be Magic (Onduidelijk of deze Minimix op deze datum is uitgezonden!)
| 2016-06-24||2009-07-04 ||Michael Jackson vs. The Jacksons ||[ Can You Feel It Billie Jean] (Versie 1)
|  || ||The Jacksons ||Can You Feel It
|  || ||Michael Jackson ||Billie Jean
| 2016-07-02|| || Björk vs. Frankie Goes To Hollywood || The Human Behaviour Of Two Tribes
| 2016-07-09|| ||Level 42 || Hitcombination (Club Version) (Versie 2)
| 2016-07-16||1993-07-10 ||UB40 || (I Can't Help) Falling In Love With You
| 2016-07-23||1993-07-10 ||UB40 || (I Can't Help) Falling In Love With You (Onduidelijk of deze Minimix op deze datum nogmaals is uitgezonden!)
| 2016-07-30|| ||Wel of geen uitzending?|| Onduidelijk of hier wel of geen Minimix is uitgezonden!
| 2016-08-06|| 1992-07-10 ||ABBA ||[ Lay All Your Love On Me]
| 2016-08-13|| 1986-09-12 ||MC Miker 'G' & DJ Sven || Holiday Rap
| 2016-08-20||2012-06-16 ||The Pointer Sisters ||Wild Fire
| 2016-08-27|| ||Robert Palmer vs. Class Action || Weekend In My System
|  || ||Robert Palmer || You Are In My System
|  || ||Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire ||Weekend
| 2016-09-03|| ||Tavares || It Only Takes A Minute
| 2016-09-10|| 2016-07-09 ||Level 42 || Hitcombination (Megamix by [[Ben Liebrand]]) (Versie 2)
| 2016-09-17|| 1991-06-14||Madonna || Open Your Heart (Versie 2)
| 2016-09-24||2012-03-24 ||Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson & Luther Vandross ||[ Billie Jean, The Best Things In Life Are Free]
|  || ||Luther Vandross & Janet Jackson with BBD & Ralph Tresvant || The Best Things In Life Are Free
|  || ||Michael Jackson || Billie Jean
| 2016-10-01|| 2010-02-06 ||Fun Fun || Could This Be Love
| 2016-10-08|| ||Bros vs. Bros || Long Train Running
| 2016-10-15|| || Karen Young vs. Diana Ross || Comin' Out Hot
| 2016-10-22|| ||Lou Reed vs. Suzanne Vega||Take A Walk At Tom’s Diner
| 2016-10-29|| ||Scary Phantom vs. B-52's || Love Shack Halloween Remix
| 2016-11-05|| 2004-07-16||Madonna vs. Suzanne Vega || Erotic Diner
| 2016-11-12|| ?||Sugarhill Gang || Rapper's Delight (Versie ?)
| 2016-11-19|| ?||The Doobie Brothers vs. Lunde Bros || Long Train Running (Versie ?)
| 2016-11-26||1987-01-09 ||Mel & Kim  vs. Frantique || Showing Out vs. Strut Your Funky Stuff
| 2016-12-03|| ||Wel of geen uitzending?|| Er bestaat onduidelijk of hier wel of geen Minimix is uitgezonden!
| 2016-12-10||2007-11-17 ||Massive Attack vs. Robin S. || Unfinished Love
| 2016-12-17||2016-04-01 ||Avicii vs. Eurythmics || [ Wake Me Up In 1984] (Versie 1)
| || ||Avicii || Wake Me up
| || ||Eurythmics || Sexcrime (Nineteen Eighty.Four)
| || ||Freeez || I.O.U.
| 2016-12-24||2007-12-22||Santa Claus Esmeralda || Don't Let Me Be Misundersnowed (Versie 2)
| 2016-12-31||2016-02-05 ||George Michael vs. Aaliyah || Careless Whispering Somebody (Dit is de laatste Minimix die werd uitgezonden op [[Radio Veronica]].
|  || ||George Michael||Careless Whisper
|  || ||Aaliyah || Are You That Somebody
[[Ben Liebrand]] zit dit jaar iedere zaterdagavond bij [[Radio 10]] met het programma ITM (In The Mix) van 20.30 tot 21.00u. Over de invulling van heruitzending van de Minimix is tot op heden, 05-02-2017 nog niets bekend. Wanneer en of hoe dat ingevuld zal gaan worden, weet niemand.
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2017-03-03 ||(Geen echte MMX, maar een ingekorte [[In The Mix]] aflevering zoals uitgezonden op [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2017#11_maart_2017|17 maart 2017]], uitgezonden in ''Somertijd's Weekend Dancemix'') || [[Ben Liebrand]] ||Somertijd Weekend Dancemix
| || ||Ben Liebrand || Intro Vocoder ‘’“This is Ben Liebrand In The Mix.....Showtime”’’
| || ||Prince & The Revolution || 1999
| || ||Foreal People || Discotizer (Acapella)
| || ||Vanity 6 || Nasty Girl
| || || Madonna || Into The Groove
| || || Jellybean Feat. Madonna || Sidewalk Talk
| || ||The Human League || Don't You Want Me
| || ||NV || It's Alright
| || ||Indeep || Last Night A DJ Saved My Life
| || ||Patrice Rushen || Forget Me Nots
| || ||Michael Jackson || Billie Jean (Acapella)
| || ||Prince || Controversy
| || ||George Kranz || Trommeltanz (Din Daa Daa)
| || ||Michael Jackson || Thriller
| || ||Yazoo || Situation
|2017-07-22 ||(Geen echte MMX, maar aangekondigd als ''Sven's Lange...'')||Chaka Khan ||I'm Every Woman (Ben Liebrand Remix, New Edit) (Versie 1)
Na anderhalf jaar afwezigheid, keert de Minimix vanaf 7 september 2018 weer terug op de radio en wordt nu omgedoopt tot '''[[''De Bijna Weekend Minimix'']]''' afgekort tot '''[[BWMMX]]'''. Het tijdstip verschuift naar de vrijdagochtend rond de klok van 8:45 uur. Voorafgaand aan de Minimix volgt meestal eerst een kort telefonisch interview over de mix met [[Ben Liebrand]]. De Minimix wordt uitgezonden bij [ Gerard Ekdom] in zijn ochtend show [[Ekdom in de morgen]] op [[Radio 10]].
'''In de onderstaande lijsten komen soms ook minimixen voor die niet op Radio 10 zijn uitgezonden maar op een andere Nederlandse zender, dit staat dan aangegeven bij de bewuste datum!'''
''Let op: de meeste titels van de BWMMX-en zijn door [[Ben Liebrand]] zelf aangeleverd, waarvoor dank!''
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2018-09-07||  ||'''BWMMX #001 ||'''[ Celebration In The Heart]'''
| ||||Kool & The Gang || Celebration
| ||||Baha Men || Who Let The Dogs Out (Acapella)
| ||||Jackson 5 || I Want You Back (Acapella)
| ||||Dee-Lite ||Groove Is In The Heart
| ||||Masters At Work (M.A.W.) || Work
|2018-09-14||  ||'''BWMMX #002 || '''[ A Real Rubberband For Ya Mother]'''
| ||||The Spinners || The Rubberband Man
| ||||Will Smith || Men In Black (Acapella)
| ||||Johnny 'Guitar' Watson || A Real Mother For Ya
| ||||Jackson 5 || Mama's Pearl (Acapella)
| ||||Blu Cantrell || Hit Em Up (Acapella)
| ||||Bee Gees || Stayin' Alive
|2018-09-20 (Let op: dit is een afwijkende datum, éénmalig op donderdag uitgezonden!)||  ||'''BWMMX #003|| '''[ 90's Is A Dancer]''' (Of luister ['s%20Is%20A%20Dancer HIER])
| ||||Barbara Tucker || Deep Inside (Sample)
| ||||Snap! || Rhythm Is A Dancer
| ||||49-ers || Move Your Feet
| ||||C&C Music Factory Feat. Q-Unique & D.Cooper || Keep It Coming (Dance Till You Can't Dance No More!)
| ||||Kristine W. || Feel What You Want
|  ||||Delerium Feat. Sarah McLachlan || Silence
|2018-09-28||  ||'''BWMMX #004''' Avicii vs. Eurythmics ||'''[ Wake Me Up In 1984]''' (Versie 2) (Let op: deze versie is korter dan Versie 1 van 2016-04-01 en duurt maar 4 min 37 sec)
| ||||Freeez || I.O.U.
| ||||Avicii || Wake Me Up (Acapella)
| ||||Eurythmics || Sexcrime (Nineteen Eighty.Four)
|2018-10-05||  ||'''BWMMX #005||'''[ Girls And Virgins Just Wanna Have Fun]'''
| ||||Cindy Lauper || Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
| ||||Whitney Houston || I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Acapella)
| ||||Madonna || Like A Virgin
| ||||Indeep || Last Night A DJ Saved My Life (Acapella)
| ||||Whitney Houston || How Will I Know
|2018-10-12||  ||'''BWMMX #006||''' [ Walk Like A Good Times Egyptian Star]'''
| ||||Earth, Wind & Fire ||In The Stone
| || ||The Bangles || Walk Like An Egyptian (Acapella)
| || ||Barry White || You See The Trouble With Me (Sample: Put Your Hands Together)
| || ||Chic || Good Times (Acapella)
|2018-10-19||  ||'''BWMMX #007||'''[ Striking Up A Sexy Vogue]'''
| || ||Madonna || Vogue
|  ||||Rock Master Scott & The Dynamic Three || [ Request Line] (Sample)
| || ||Liberty X || Just A Little (Sexy) (Acapella)
| || ||Black Box || Strike It Up
| || ||Tricky Disco || Tricky Disco
|2018-10-26||  ||'''BWMMX #008||''' [ Get Ready For Ooops]'''
| || ||The S.O.S. Band  || Just Be Good To Me
| || ||Alice Cooper  || Halo Of Flies
| || ||2 Unlimited  || Get Ready For This
| || ||The S.O.S. Band  || Borrowed Love (Acapella)
| || ||Frankie Goes To Hollywood  || Relax (Acapella)
| || ||Moby  || Go!
| || ||Creedence Clearwater Revival  ||  Suzie Q
| || ||Alison Limerick  || Where Love Lives
| || ||Snap! || Ooops Up!
| || ||Underdog Project  || Summer Jam
| || ||Jason Nevins  || Work That Body
| || ||DJ Jean  || The Launch
| || ||Bros  || When Will I Be Famous
|2018-11-02||  ||'''BWMMX #009||'''[ I Need You In Da Club]'''
| ||||B.V.S.M.P. || I Need You
| ||||50 Cent || In Da Club (Acapella)
| ||||Loose Ends || Hangin' On A String (Contemplating)
| ||||EMF || Unbelievable
| ||||King MC Feat. "Screamin' K" || What Have I Done For You Lately? (Acapella)
| ||||The Trammps || Disco Inferno
| ||||Neneh Cherry || Buffalo Stance
| ||||Derek B. || Good Groove
|2018-11-09||  ||'''BWMMX #010||'''[ Another One On The Radio]'''
| ||||Queen || We Are The Champions
| ||||Queen || Another One Bites The Dust
| ||||Janet Jackson || Nasty (Acapella)
| ||||Montell Jordan || This Is How We Do It
| ||||Queen || Radio Ga Ga
| ||||Prince & The Revolution || 1999 (Acapella)
| ||||Diana Ross || I'm Coming Out (Acapella)
| ||||Queen ||We Will Rock You
|2018-11-16||  ||'''BWMMX #011||'''[ Forbidden Lover's History]'''
| ||||The Gap Band || Say Oops Upside Your Head
| ||||Chic || Forbidden Lover
| ||||Yello || I Love You
| ||||Biz Markie || Let Me See You Bounce
| ||||Blondie || Rapture
| ||||Mai Tai || History
| ||||Wild Cherry ||Play That Funky Music
|2018-11-23||  ||'''BWMMX #012||'''[ Stop This Groovy Space Thing]'''
| ||||Sheila & The Black Devotion || Spacer
| ||||The Supremes || Stop In The Name Of Love
| ||||Sarah McLachlan || Delerium
| ||||Rick James ||Superfreak
| ||||Rozalla || Free
| ||||Peaches & Herb || Shake Your Groove Thing
| ||||Steph De & The G Squad || Where's The Beef?
| ||||Patrick Hernandez || Born To Be Alive
| ||||Una Mas || I Will Follow You
|2018-11-30||Dit lijkt op een edit-versie van Episode: #089 van [[In The Mix]] van  [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2004#26_maart_2004|26 maart 2004]] bij [[Radio Veronica]], de eerste 8 tracks met 2 extra acapella's  ||'''BWMMX #013||'''[ Spank Me Here]'''
| ||||Dynasty || I Don't Want To Be A Freak (But I Can't Help Myself)
| ||||Tag Team || Whoomp! There It Is (Acapella)
| ||||Jimmy 'Bo' Horne || Spank
| ||||Total Touch ||Touch Me There (Acapella)
| ||||The Brothers Johnson || Stomp!
| ||||Crystal Waters || 100% Pure Love
| ||||Bee Gees || You Should Be Dancin' (Acapella)
| ||||Donna Summer || Hot Stuff
| ||||Sly & The Family Stone || Dance To The Music (Acapella)
| ||||The Wiz Feat. Diana Ross & Michael Jackson || Ease On Down The Road
|2018-12-07||  ||Geen BWMMX uitzending || i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
|2018-12-14||  ||Geen BWMMX uitzending || i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
|2018-12-21||  ||Geen BWMMX uitzending || i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
|2018-12-28||  ||Geen BWMMX uitzending || i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2019-01-04||  ||'''BWMMX #014''' || '''[ Don’t Stop How I’m Living]'''
|  || ||Michael Jackson || Don't Stop Till You Get Enough
|  || ||Fatman Scoop & Timbaland || Drop (Acapella)
|  || ||Ce Ce Peniston || Finally
|  || ||Mousse T. Feat. Hot 'N' Juicy || Horny '98
|  || ||Nightcrawlers || Push The Feeling
|  || ||Colonel Abrams || Trapped (Acapella)
|  || ||Tony Scott || That's How I'm Living
|2019-01-11||  ||'''BWMMX #015''' || '''[ Weekend]'''
|  || ||Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire  || Weekend (Acapella)
|  || ||David Bowie || Let's Dance
|  || ||Michael Jackson || I Wanna Rock With You (Acapella)
|  || ||C&C Music Factory || Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)
|  || ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott || Move To The Bigband (Acapella)
|  || ||Anastacia || I'm Outta Love (Acapella)
|  || ||Michael Jackson || Bad
|2019-01-18|| ||Geen BWMMX i.v.m. de winter BBQ bij [[Radio 10]]!|| '''Let op:''' de nummering verandert hier; BWMMX #016 wordt pas uitgezonden op 12-02-2021; dit heeft te maken met de nummering die [[Ben Liebrand]] zelf gemaakt had; hij is van BWMMX #015 naar BWMMX #017 gegaan, omdat deze dag geen BWMMX werd uitgezonden en daardoor BWMMX #016 was overgeslagen. De nummering van [[Ben Liebrand]] wordt hier verder aangehouden!
|2019-01-25|| ||'''BWMMX #017''' || '''[ Push It Como Va]'''
|  || ||Whitney Houston || Queen Of The Night (Chords)
|  || ||Santana || Oye Como Va
|  || ||Inaya Day || Keep Pushin' (Acapella)
|  || ||Salt 'N' Pepa || Push It
|  || ||Shannon || Give Me Tonight (Acapella)
|2019-02-01||Let op dit is een re-work van de eerste 11 tracks uit Episode: #091 van [[In The Mix]] van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2004#16_april_2004|16 april 2004]]  ||'''BWMMX #018''' || '''[ Don't Stop Somebody Else's Guy]'''
|  || ||Yarbrough & Peoples || Don't Stop The Music
|  || ||The Simpsons || Do The Bartman (Acapella)
|  || ||Jocelyn Brown || Somebody Else's Guy
|  || ||Eric B. & Rakim || I Know You've Got Soul
|  || ||Rufus & Chaka Khan || Ain't Nobody
|  || ||Alyson Williams || Sleeptalk
|  || ||James Brown || Hot Pants
|  || ||Marvin Gaye || Sexual Healing
|  || ||Mantronix Feat. Wondress || Got To Have Your Love
|  || ||Change || Change Of Heart
|  || ||Vanilla Ice || Ice Ice Baby
|2019-02-08||  ||'''BWMMX #019''' || '''[ Beat It To Moskow]'''
|  || ||Michael Jackson || Beat It
|  || ||Michael Jackson || Stranger In Moscow
|  || ||Michael Jackson || Rock With You
|  || ||Michael Jackson || Off The Wall
|2019-02-15||Let op: dit lijkt op een edit mix van een gedeelte uit Episode: #083 van [[In The Mix]] van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2004#13_februari_2004|13 februari 2004]]||'''BWMMX #020''' || '''[ Can't Get Enough Conga On Earth] '''
|  || ||Herbie Hancock || Tell Everybody
|  || ||Soulsearcher || Can't Get Enough (Acapella)
|  || ||Raw Silk || Do It To The Music
|  || ||Michael Jackson || Wanna Be Startin' Something
|  || ||Frankie Goes To Hollywood || Relax (Acapella)
|  || ||Michael Zager Band || Let's All Chant
|  || ||Miami Sound Machine || Conga
|  || ||Divine || Natavie Love
|  || ||Berlinda Carlisle || Heaven Is A Place On Earth
|2019-02-22||2016-03-25  ||'''BWMMX #021''' || '''[ Massive Attack On Diana Ross]''' (De titel was voorheen Massive Attack vs. Diana Ross - I'm Coming Out)
|  || ||Massive Attack || Unfinished Sympathy
|  || ||Diana Ross || I'm Coming Out
|2019-03-01|| ||'''BWMMX #022'''||''' [ Don't You Want The Magnificent Seven]'''
|  || ||Mel & Kim || Respectable
|  || ||C&C Music Factory || Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) (Sample)
|  || ||Human League ||Don't You Want Me Baby
|  || ||The Clash || The Magnificent Seven
|  || ||Yes || Owner Of A Lonely Heart
|  || ||Bjørk || Human Behaviour
|  || ||Talk Talk || Such A Shame
|  || ||Bros || When Will I Be Famous
|2019-03-08|| ||'''BWMMX #023''' ||'''[ Superfreak Sensation]'''
|  || ||The Sunclub || Fiësta
|  || ||Loleatta Holloway || Love Sensation (Acapella)
|  || ||Rick James || Superfreak (Acapella)
|  || ||King Bee || Back By Dope Demand
|  || ||Martin Solveig & GTA || Intoxicated
|2019-03-15||Let op: dit lijkt op een edit / rework mix van een gedeelte uit Episode: #118 van [[In The Mix]] van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2005#12_februari_2005|12 februari 2005]] ||'''BWMMX #024''' ||'''[ Relight La Bamba]'''
|  || ||Dan Hartman ||Relight My Fire
|  || ||The Black & White Brothers || Put Your Hands Up (In The Air) (Acapella)
|  || ||Fun Fun ||Give Me Your Love
|  || ||Antonia Rodrigues || La Bamba
|  || ||Candido|| Jingo
|  || ||Real to Reel || I Like To Move It
|  || ||Donna Summer ||Bad Girls
|  || ||Vanilla Ice || Ice Ice Baby (Acapella)
|  || ||Karen Young || Hot Stuff
|  || ||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless) (Acapella)
|2019-03-22|| ||Geen BWMMX uitzending|| i.v.m. de uitzending van de Top 880 op [[Radio 10]]
|2019-03-29|| ||'''BWMMX #025''' || '''[ Forget Last Night's Thriller]'''
|  || ||Patrice Rushen || Forget Me Nots
|  || ||Cameo || Word Up!
|  || ||Georg Kranz || Trommeltanz (Din Daa Daa)
|  || ||Indeep || Last Night A DJ Saved My Life
|  || ||Janet Jackson ||Alright
|  || ||Michael Jackson || Billie Jean
|  || ||Michael Jackson || Thriller
|  || ||Europe || The Final Countdown
|2019-04-05||  ||'''BWMMX #026''' ||'''[ Why Can't We Live Together]'''
|  || ||Timmy Thomas || Why Can't We Live Together
|  || ||Martin Luther King || I Have A Dream
|  || ||Cuba Gooding ||Happiness, Is Just Around The Bend
|2019-04-12||  ||'''BWMMX #027''' ||'''[ Human Tribe Behaviour]'''
|  || ||Frankie Goes To Hollywood || Two Tribes
|  || ||Bjørk || Human Behaviour
|  || ||Human Resource || Dominator
|  || ||The KLF || 3AM Eternal
|  || ||Felix|| Don't You Want Me
|2019-04-19||  ||'''BWMMX #028''' ||''' [ Moroder]'''
|  || ||Giorgio Moroder || From Here To Eternity
|  || ||Donna Summer || I Feel Love
|  || ||Donna Summer || Love To Love You Baby (Acapella)
|  || ||Donna Summer || Bad Girls (Beep Beep, Toot Toot)
|  || ||Corona || Rhythm Of The Night (Acapella)
|  || ||Donna Summer || Our Love
|  || ||Yello || I Love You (Sample)
|  || ||Shannon || Let The Music Play (Acapella)
|2019-04-26||  ||'''BWMMX #029''' ||'''[ Get The Party Started]'''
|  || ||Avant Garde || Get Down
|  || ||Madonna || Holiday
|  || ||P!nk || Get The Party Started (Acapella)
|  || ||Nightcrawlers || Push The Feeling
|  || ||Snap! || The Power
|2019-05-03||  ||'''BWMMX #030''' ||'''[ Get Fresh For The Weekend]'''
|  || ||The Ones  || Superstar
|  || ||Whitney Houston  || Queen Of The Night
|  || ||Jackson 5  || I Want You Back (Acapella)
|  || ||Sister Sledge  || We Are Family
|  || ||Sophie Ellis-Bextor  || Get Over You
|  || ||Madonna  || Everybody
|  || ||Mel & Kim  || Showing Out (Get Fresh At The Weekend)
|  || ||Sister Sledge  || All American Girls
|2019-05-10 ||Let op: dit lijkt op een edit / rework mix van een gedeelte uit Episode: #153 van [[In The Mix]] van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2005#10_december_2005|10 december 2005]] ||'''BWMMX #031''' ||'''[ Feel What You Want]'''<ref>[] ''Friday 10th of May 2019'' | Gevonden: 28 juni 2024</ref>
|  || ||Bizarre Inc. Feat. Angie Brown  || I'm Gonna Get You
|  || ||Kristine W.  || Feel What You Want
|  || ||Dr. Alban  || It's My Life
|  || ||[[Ben Liebrand]]  || Spanish Jam (Olav Basoski Remix)
|  || ||49-ers  || Move Your Feet
|  || ||Culture Beat  || Mr. Vain
|  || ||Culture Beat  || Got To Get It
|  || ||The Grid  || Swamp Thing
|  || ||First Choice  || Love And Happiness
|2019-05-17||  ||'''BWMMX #032''' ||'''[ A Real Mother Stayin' Alive]''' (Multitrack Mashup)
|  || ||Johnny 'Guitar' Watson|| A Real Mother For Ya (Groove)
|  ||  ||Bee Gees || Stayin' Alive (Acapella)
|2019-05-24||  ||'''BWMMX #033 ||'''[ Johnny Sings On The Bee Gees]''' (Multitrack Mashup)
|  || ||Bee Gees || Stayin' Alive (Groove)
|  || ||Johnny 'Guitar' Watson || A Real Mother For Ya (Acapella)
|2019-05-31 ||  ||'''BWMMX #034''' ||'''[ Friends On An African Holiday]'''
|  || || Beats International Feat. Lindy Layton  || Just Be Good To Me (Acapella)
|  || ||Dr. Alban  || Hello Africa
|  || ||10CC  || Dreadlock Holiday
|  || ||50 cent  || In Da Club (Acapella)
|  || ||Destiny's Child  || Independent Woman
|  || ||Suzanne Vega  || Tom's Diner (Acapella)
|2019-06-07||  ||'''BWMMX #035''' ||''' [ I Believe In Love (1)]''' (Let op: 2022-04-15, BWMMX #151 heeft dezelfde titel ''I Believe In Love (2)'')
|  || ||Robin S. || Show Me Love
|  || ||Avicii || Wake Me Up (Acapella)
|  || ||Whitney Houston || Love Will Save The Day
|  || ||Happy Clappers || I Believe
|  || ||Karen Young || Hot Shot
|  || ||Dan Hartman || Relight My Fire
|2019-06-14||  ||'''BWMMX #036''' ||'''[ Wanna Kung Fu Yu Up]'''
|  || ||Color Me Badd || I Wanna Sex You Up
|  || ||Carl Douglas || Kung Fu Fighting (Acapella)
|  || ||Lumidee Feat. Busta Rhymes & Fabolous || Uh Oooh
|  || ||Grace Jones || Slave To The Rhythm (Sample Keep It Up)
|  || ||Soul II Soul || Back To Life (Samples What's Going On + Back To Reality)
|  || ||Jocelyn Brown || Somebody Else's Guy (Sample Aaaaagh)
| 2019-06-21|| ||'''BWMMX #037''' ||'''[ Billie Jean, Can Feel It!]''' (Versie 2) (Dit is een kortere versie van 5 min 07 sec t.o.v. 2009-07-04)
|  || ||Michael Jackson || Billie Jean
|  || ||The Jacksons || Can You Feel It
| 2019-06-28|| ||'''BWMMX #038''' ||'''[ The Greatest Independant Woman]'''
|  ||  ||Sister Sledge || He's The Greatest Dancer
|  || || Destiny's Child  ||Independant Woman (Acapella)
| 2019-07-05|| ||'''BWMMX #039'''||'''[ Weekend Lady]'''
|  || ||Afrika Bambaataa & The Soul Sonic Force || Planet Rock (Sample)
|  || ||Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire  ||Weekend (Acapella)
|  || ||Modjo || Lady (Hear Me Tonight)
| || ||Michael Jackson|| Smooth Criminal (Sample)
|2019-07-05||2018-09-14 ||'''BWMMX #002 || '''[ A Real Rubberband For Ya Mother!]''' (Uitgezonden op NPO Radio 5 in het programma van [ Tineke de Nooij]<ref>[] ''Ben Liebrand met Seventies-mix in TinekeShow op NPO Radio 5'' (Publicatie: 3 juli 2019) (Gevonden 9 januari 2022)</ref>, de TinekeShow tussen 12 en 14 uur) (Beluister [ HIER] de uitzending)
| || ||The Spinners || The Rubberband Man
| || ||Will Smith || Men In Black (Acapella)
| || ||Johnny 'Guitar' Watson || A Real Mother For Ya
| || ||Jackson 5 || Mama's Pearl (Acapella)
| || ||Blu Cantrell || Hit Em Up (Acapella)
| || ||Bee Gees || Stayin' Alive
| 2019-07-12||Let op: dit lijkt op een edit / rework mix van een gedeelte uit Episode: #166 van [[In The Mix]] van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2006#8_april_2006|8 april 2006]] ||'''BWMMX #040'''||'''[ Sweet Talk Rock In My Car]'''
|  || ||Jeanette Lady Day||Come Let Me Love
|  || ||Salt 'N' Pepa || Shoop
|  || ||D'Atra Hicks || Sweettalk
|  || ||Queen || We Will Rock You
|  || ||Central Line||Nature Boy
|  || ||Shalamar || Make That Move
|  || ||Basement Jaxx || Where's your Head At
|  || ||Billy Ocean || Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car
| 2019-07-19|| ||'''BWMMX #041'''||'''[ Don't Rock That Funky Bad Boat]'''
|  || ||Maceo & The Macs || Across The S
|  || ||Anastacia || I'm Outta Love
|  || ||Midnight Star Feat. Ecstacy of Whodini || Don't Rock The Boat
|  || ||Aaliyah || Rock The Boat
|  || ||The Bar-Kays || Let's Have Some Fun
|  || ||Gwen Guthrie || Nothing Going On But The Rent
|  || ||Mantronix Feat. Wondress || Take Your Time
|  || ||Michael Jackson || Bad
|  || ||Stardust || Music Sounds Better With You
|  || ||Evelyn "Champagne" King || Your Personal Touch
| 2019-07-26||Let op: dit lijkt op een edit / rework mix van een gedeelte uit Episode: #185 van [[In The Mix]] van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2006#8_oktober_2006|8 oktober 2006]] ||'''BWMMX #042'''||'''[ Push The Power]'''
|  || ||Snap! || The Power
|  || ||Nightcrawlers || Push The Feeling
|  || ||Kraftwerk || Numbers
|  || ||The S.O.S Band || The Finest (Acapella)
|  || ||Ce Ce Peniston || Finally
|  || ||Mousse T. Feat. Hot 'N' Juicy || Horny '98 (Acapella)
|  || ||Mousse T. Feat. Hot 'N' Juicy || Horny '98
|  || ||Triple X || Feel The Same (Acapella)
|  || ||Daft Punk || One More Time
|  || ||C.O.D. || In The Bottle (Intro)
|  || ||Black Machine || How Gee
|  || ||Master Freakz || Let Yourself Go
|  || ||Barry White || You See The Trouble In Me
| 2019-08-02|| ||'''BWMMX #043'''||'''[ The State Of An Egyptian]'''
|  || ||Derek B. || Good Groove
|  || ||Wally Badarou || Chief Inspector
|  || ||Toto ||Africa (Vibes)
|  || ||Donna Summer || State Of Independance
|  || ||The Bangles || Walk Like An Egyptian (acapella)
|  || ||Whistle || (Nothing Serious) Just Buggin'
|  || ||B.B. & Q. Band || Genie
|  || ||Snap! || The Power
|  || ||Snap! || Oops Up!
|  || ||The Beastie Boys || Intergalactic
| 2019-08-09|| ||Geen BWMMX uitzending || i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 810 van de jaren 80 op [[Radio 10]]
| 2019-08-16|| ||'''BWMMX #044'''||'''[ Pride]'''
|  || ||Robert Owens|| I'll Be Your Friend (Drums)
|  || ||Mongo Santamaria|| Watermelon Man (acapella)
|  || ||Hugh Masekela|| – Don't Go Lose It Baby
|  || ||Boris Dlugosch || Hold Your Head Up High
|  || ||Sylvester || You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)
|  || ||Diana Ross || I'm Coming Out
| 2019-08-23|| ||'''BWMMX #045'''||'''[ Every Woman's Insomnia]'''
|  || ||Faithless || Insomnia (Moody Mix)
|  || ||Whitney Houston || I'm Every Woman
|  || ||Teddy Pendergrass || You Can't Hide From Yourself
|  || ||Studiokillers || Ode To The Bouncer
|  || ||Lipps Inc. ||Funky Town
| 2019-08-30|| 2005-07-09 ||'''BWMMX #046'''||'''[ Robots In Control]''' (Versie 2)
|  || ||Kraftwerk || The Robots
|  || ||Kraftwerk || Numbers
|  || ||Janet Jackson || Control (Acapella)
| 2019-09-06||  ||'''BWMMX #047''' || '''[ Brick House Dance]'''
|  || ||Commodores || Brickhouse
|  || ||Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five || The Message
|  || ||Bobby Brown || My Prerogative
|  || ||Jody Watley || Real Love
|  || ||Tech N9ne || I'm A Playa
|  || ||Herbie Hancock || Rock It
|  || ||Dimples D. || Sucker DJ (A Witch For Love)
|  || ||Prince & The Revolution || Kiss
|  || ||M/A/R/R/S || Pump Up The Volume
| 2019-09-13|| ||'''BWMMX #048'''||'''Everybody's Passion'''
|  || ||Black Box || Everybody, Everybody
|  || ||20 Fingers|| Short Dick Man
|  || ||Wildchild || Renegade Master
|  || ||Clivillés & Cole || A Deeper Love
|  || ||Sonic Surfers || Beat Of Zen
|  || ||Club 69 ||Let Me Be Your Underwear
|  || ||Dr. Alban ||Sing Hallelujah!
|  || ||Winx || Don't Laugh
|  || ||Gat Decor || Passion
|  || ||49-ers || I Got The Music
| 2019-09-20|| ||Geen BWMMX uitzending|| i.v.m. de uitzending van de 90's week op [[Radio 10]]
| 2019-09-27|| ||'''BWMMX #049'''||'''[ Disco Inferno] '''
| || ||The Trammps || Disco Inferno (Acapella)
| || ||Technotronic Feat. Felly || Pump Up The Jam
| || ||Mr. Lee || Get Busy
| || ||Madonna || Die Another Day
| || ||Shannon || Let The Music Play
| || ||Donna Summer || I Feel Love
| 2019-10-04|| ||'''BWMMX #050'''||'''[ The Young Come Out At Night]'''
| || ||Matt Bianco || Good Times
| || ||Dan Hartman || We Are The Young
| || ||David Guetta || Love Don't Let Me Go
| || ||Ollie & Jerry || Ain't No Stoppin'Us
| || ||Fun Fun|| Happy Station
| || ||Raw Silk || Do It To The Music
| || ||Prince & The Revolution || 1999 (Acapella)
| || ||Madonna || Frozen
| || ||Peter Brown || They Only Come Out At Night
| 2019-10-11|| ||'''BWMMX #051'''|| '''[ Disco Twilight Wonderland]'''
| || ||Southstreet Players || Who Keeps changing Your Mind
| || ||Gusto || Disco's Revenge
| || ||Tag Team || Whoomp! There It Is
| || ||Manhattan Transfer || Twilight Zone
| || ||Patrick Cowley || Megatron Man
| || ||Robin S. ||Show Me Love (Acapella)
| || ||Earth, Wind & Fire With The Emotions || Boogie Wonderland
| 2019-10-18|| ||'''BWMMX #052''' ||'''[ Bigband Gonna Make You Sweat]'''
| || ||C&C Music Factory  ||Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)
| || ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott  || Move To the Bigband (Acapella)
| || ||King Bee  || Back By Dope Demand
| || ||Lyn Collins  || Think
| || ||Vera Hall  || Troubled (Acapella)
| 2019-10-26|| ||Geen BWMMX uitzending|| Nb. op 21 oktober 2019 is de moeder van [[Ben Liebrand]] overleden: Jessie Liebrand-Provan (1930-2019)
| 2019-11-01|| ||'''BWMMX #053||'''[ Bad Gypsy Dinosaur]'''
| || ||Was (Not Was) || Walk The Dinosaur (Acapella)
| || ||Crystal Waters || Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)
| || ||Karen Young || Hot Shot (Acapella)
| || ||    ?        || Get Up, Gonna Make You Get Down (Sample)
| || ||Donna Summer || Bad Girls
| || ||Whitney Houston || Love Will Save The Day (Acapella)
| || ||Freeze || I.O.U.
| 2019-11-08|| ||'''BWMMX #054'''||'''[ Hot Shot I'm Sexy]'''
| || ||Rod Stewart || Do You Think I'm Sexy (Acapella)
| || ||Karen Young || Hot Shot
| || ||Chic || Le Freak (Sample Aaaaaagh)
| || ||George Michael || Careless Whisper (Acapella Snippet)
| 2019-11-15|| || '''BWMMX #055'''||'''[ Shout The Message]'''
| || ||Beats International Feat. Lindy Layton || Just Be Good For Me
| || ||Tears For Fears || Shout
| || ||Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five  || The Message
| || ||Redhead Kingpin & The F.B.I. || Do The Right Thing
| || ||Eminem || My Name Is (Acapella)
| || ||Ashford & Simpson || Solid
| || ||Kid Creole & The Coconuts || I'm A Wonderful Thing
| || ||Diana Ross || Upside Down
| 2019-11-22||  ||'''BWMMX #056'''|| '''[ Remember The 24K Magic Night]'''
| || ||Bruno Mars || 24K Magic (Acapella)
| || ||Average White Band || Pick Up The Pieces
| || ||Michael Jackson|| Remember The Time
| || ||George Benson || Give Me The Night
| || ||Queen||Another One Bytes The Dust (Bassline)
| || ||Earth, Wind & Fire || Let Me Talk (Trumpets)
| || ||Matt Bianco || Matt's Mood
| 2019-11-29|| ||'''BWMMX #057'''||'''[ Don't Drive Me Crazy Up And Down The Wall]''' (Versie 2) (Weliswaar een andere titel, maar dit is een verbeterde versie van 04-06-2004!)
| || ||ELO (Electric Light Orchestra) || Don't Bring Me Down
| || ||Sophie Ellis-Bextor || Get Over You (Acapella)
| || ||Sister Sledge || We Are Family (Acapella / Ad libs van Kathy Sledge)
| 2019-12-06|| ||Geen BWMMX uitzending ||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
| 2019-12-13|| ||Geen BWMMX uitzending||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
| 2019-12-20|| ||Geen BWMMX uitzending||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
| 2019-12-27|| ||'''BWMMX #058'''|| '''[ A Thrilling Situation]'''
| || ||Yazoo || Situation
| || ||Michael Jackson || Thriller
| || ||First Choice || Let No Man Put Asunder
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2019#28_december_2019|2019-12-28]] ([[In The Mix]] Episode: #591 ''BWMMX Special 1'')|| 2019-11-22||'''BWMMX #056'''||'''Remember The 24K Magic Night'''
| || ||Bruno Mars || 24K Magic (Acapella)
| || ||Average White Band || Pick Up The Pieces
| || ||Michael Jackson|| Remember The Time
| || ||George Benson || Give Me The Night
| || ||Queen||Another One Bytes The Dust (Bassline)
| || ||Earth, Wind & Fire || Let Me Talk (Trumpets)
| || ||Matt Bianco || Matt's Mood
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2019#28_december_2019|2019-12-28]]||2019-05-17||'''BWMMX #032''' ||'''[ A Real Mother Stayin' Alive]''' (Multitrack Mashup)
|  || ||Johnny 'Guitar' Watson|| A Real Mother For Ya (Groove)
|  ||  ||Bee Gees || Stayin' Alive (Acapella)
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2019#28_december_2019|2019-12-28]]||2018-11-02||'''BWMMX #009||'''I Need You In Da Club'''
| ||||B.V.S.M.P. || I Need You
| ||||50 Cent || In Da Club (Acapella)
| ||||Loose Ends || Hangin' On A String (Contemplating)
| ||||EMF || Unbelievable
| ||||King MC Feat. "Screamin' K" || What Have I Done For You Lately? (Acapella)
| ||||The Trammps || Disco Inferno
| ||||Neheh Cherry || Buffalo Stance
| ||||Derek B. || Good Groove
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2019#28_december_2019|2019-12-28]]||2018-10-12||'''BWMMX #006||''' [ Walk Like A Good Times Egyptian Star]'''
| ||||Earth, Wind & Fire ||In The Stone
| || ||The Bangles || Walk Like An Egyptian (Acapella)
| || ||Barry White || You See The Trouble With Me (Sample: Put Your Hands Together)
| || ||Chic || Good Times (Acapella)
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2019#28_december_2019|2019-12-28]]||2019-01-25||'''BWMMX #017''' ||'''Push It Como Va'''
|  || ||Whitney Houston || Queen Of The Night (Chords)
|  || ||Santana || Oye Como Va
|  || ||Inaya Day || Keep Pushin' (Acapella)
|  || ||Salt 'N' Pepa || Push It
|  || ||Shannon || Give Me Tonight (Acapella)
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2019#28_december_2019|2019-12-28]]||2019-09-27||'''BWMMX #049'''||'''[ Disco Inferno] '''
| || ||The Trammps || Disco Inferno (Acapella)
| || ||Technotronic Feat. Felly || Pump Up The Jam
| || ||Mr. Lee || Get Busy
| || ||Madonna || Die Another Day
| || ||Shannon || Let The Music Play
| || ||Donna Summer || I Feel Love
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2020-01-03|| ||'''BWMMX #059''' ||'''[ Liquid Spirit In The Weekend (Part Of The Grandmix Decade Edition)]'''
| || ||Dnce || Cake By The Ocean
| || ||Gregory Porter || Liquid Spirit (Claptone Remix)
|  || ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. James "D-Train" Williams || Weekend
| || ||Calvin Harris & Disciples || How Deep Is Your Love
| || ||Riton Feat. Kah-Lo || Rinse & Repeat (Original Mix)
| || ||Hardwell & Jay Sean ||Thinking About You
| || ||Duke Dumont Feat. Ebenezer || Inhale
| || ||Sigala & Ella Eyre & Meghan Trainor Feat. French Montana || Just Got Paid
|2020-01-10|| ||'''BWMMX #060'''|| '''[ Running With Captain Sensible]'''
| || ||Captain Sensible ||Say Wot
| || ||The Gap Band || I Don't Believe You Wanna Get Up And Dance (Oops Up Side Your Head)
| || ||The Isley Brothers || Between The Sheets (The Revenge Rework)
| || ||BBG || Snappiness (Sweet Inspiration)
| || ||Eric B. & Rakim || Paid in Full (Derek B's Urban Respray)
| || ||Color Me Badd || I Wanna Sex You Up (Instrumentaal)
| || ||Del Tha Funkee Homosapien || Mistadobalina
| || ||Stock, Aitken & Waterman || Packjammed
| || ||Van Halen || Running With The Devil
|2020-01-17|| ||'''BWMMX #061''' || '''[ I Can't Go For Serious]'''
| || ||Prince & The New Power Generation || Gett Off
| || ||Christina Milan || AM To PM
| || ||Walter Murphy || A Fifth Of Beethoven
| || ||Donna Allan || Serious
| || ||Hall & Oates || I Can't Go For That (No Can Do) (Acapella)
| || ||Lynn Collins || Think ('88 Loop)
|2020-01-24|| ||'''BWMMX #062''' || '''[ We Can Kick It In Summertime]'''
| || ||Full Force || Alice, I Want You Just For Me
| || ||Coolio ||Gangsta's Paradise
| || ||The Pointer Sisters || Yes We Can Can
| || ||Whitney Houston || I'm Every Woman
| || ||DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince || Summertime
| || ||A Tribe Called Quest || Can We Kick It
| || ||The Supremes || Stop In The Name Of Love
| || ||Duran Duran ||White Lines
| || ||Howard Jones || What Is Love
| || ||James Brown || I'm Real
| || ||Kurtis Blow || I'm Chillin'
|2020-01-31|| ||Geen BWMMX uitzending||i.v.m. de winter BBQ bij [[Radio 10]]
|2020-02-07|| ||'''BWMMX #063''' || '''[ The Final Count Dance]'''
| || ||Europe || The Final Countdown
| || ||Whitney Houston || I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Acapella)
|2020-02-14|| ||'''BWMMX #064''' || '''[ Getting Jiggy With Your #1]
| || ||Imagination || Just An Illusion
| || ||Blackstreet || Girlfriend/Boyfriend (Acapella)
| || ||Princess ||Say I'm Your Number One
| || ||Suzanne Vega ||Tom's Diner (Acapella)
| || ||Laura Branigan || Self Control
| || ||Will Smith || Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Acapella)
| || ||Whodini || Magic's Wand
|2020-02-21|| || '''BWMMX #065''' || '''[ Pump Up And Move It]'''
| || ||The Art Of Noise || Dragnet
| || ||Dust Junkys || Beat Box Wash
| || ||Cheryl Lynn || Shake It Up Tonight
| || ||Technotronic Feat. Felly || Pump Up The Jam (Acapella)
| || ||Phil Collins || Sussudio
| || ||Jellybean Feat. Madonna || Sidewalk Talk (Acapella)
| || ||Bobby Brown || Two Can Play That Game
| || ||Phil Fearon || Ain't Nothing But A House Party (Synths)
| || ||Kraftwerk || Home Computer (Beats)
| || ||Double Trouble & The Rebel MC || Just Keep Rockin'
| || ||Reel 2 Real || I Like To Move It
| || ||Technotronic Feat. Ya Kid K || Get Up (Before The Night Is Over) (Acapella)
|2020-02-28|| ||'''BWMMX #066''' || '''[ Give A Little Bit]'''
| || ||Supertramp || Give A Little Bit
| || ||Nelly Furtado || Big Hoops
| || ||Pat Benatar || Love Is A Battlefield
| || ||The Fine Young Cannibals || She Drive's Me Crazy
| || ||Michael Jackson || They Don't Care About Us
|2020-03-06|| ||'''BWMMX #067'''  || '''[ 1 April 1983 In 5 Minutes]'''
| || ||Sandy Kerr || Thug Rock
| || ||Central Line || Nature Boy
| || ||Angela Bofill ||Too Tough
| || ||Michael Jackson || Billie Jean
| || ||Fresh Face || Huevo Dancing
| || ||Mike And Brenda Sutton || Don't Let Go Of Me (Grip My Hips And Move Me) (acapella)
| || ||Wham! || Wham Rap!
|2020-03-13|| ||'''BWMMX #068'''|| '''[ Uptown Party Girl]'''
| || ||Julius Brown || Party
| || ||Billy Joel || Uptown Girl
| || ||American Gypsy || I'm OK, You're OK
|2020-03-20|| ||'''BWMMX #069'''|| '''[ Dirty Talk In The Family]'''
| || ||Klein & M.B.O. || Dirty Talk
| || ||Blondie || Heart Of Glass
| || ||Michael Jackson || Black Or White (Acapella)
| || ||Midway || Set It Out
| || ||Michael Jackson || Wanna Be Startin' Something (Sample)
| || ||Leki || Breakin' Out
| || ||Chas Jankel || Ai No Corrida
| || ||Frankie Goes To Hollywood || Relax (Acapella)
| || ||Sister Sledge || We Are Family (Sample)
| || ||Level 42 || Running In The Family
|2020-03-27|| ||Geen BWMMX uitzending||i.v.m. uitzending van de 80's lijst op [[Radio 10]]
|2020-04-03|| ||'''BWMMX #070'''|| '''[ We Wil Rock That Funky Music]'''
| || ||Queen || We Will Rock You
| || ||Wild Cherry || Play That Funky Music
| || ||Aerosmith || Walk This Way (Guitar)
|2020-04-10|| ||'''BWMMX #071'''||'''[ A Happy Take On Me]''' (Multitrack Mash-Up)
| || ||Pharrell Williams || Happy
| || ||A-Ha || Take On Me
|2020-04-17|| ||Geen BWMMX uitzending||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
|2020-04-24|| ||'''BWMMX #072'''||'''[ Slow Rock The Boat]'''
| || ||Aaliyah || Rock The Boat (acapella)
| || ||Midnight Star Feat. Ecstacy of Whodini || Don't Rock The Boat (acapella)
| || ||En Vogue || My Lovin'
| || ||52nd Street || Tell Me
| || ||Terence Trent d'Arby || Whishing Well
| || ||Donna Allen || Joy And Pain
| || ||Kylie Minogue || Slow (acapella)
| || ||Robert Palmer || You Are In My System
| || ||Sophie Ellis-Bextor || Get Over You (acapella)
|2020-05-01|| ||'''BWMMX #073''' || '''[ Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band]''' (Versie 2020!)
|  || ||The Beatles Feat. Joel 'Spanky' Gray On Trumpet || Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
|2020-05-08||2019-02-01  ||'''BWMMX #018''' || '''[ Don't Stop Somebody Else's Baby]''' (Let op: Het is niet, zoals vermeld staat op de [ website] van [[Ben Liebrand]], een BWMMX van George Michael & Aaliyah - Are You That Careless Somebody!)
|  || ||Yarbrough & Peoples || Don't Stop The Music
|  || ||The Simpsons || Do The Bartman (Acapella)
|  || ||Jocelyn Brown || Somebody Else's Guy
|  || ||Eric B. & Rakim || I Know You've Got Soul
|  || ||Rufus & Chaka Khan || Ain't Nobody
|  || ||Alyson Williams || Sleeptalk
|  || ||James Brown || Hot Pants
|  || ||Marvin Gaye || Sexual Healing
|  || ||Mantronix Feat. Wondress || Got To Have Your Love
|  || ||Change || Change Of Heart
|  || ||Vanilla Ice || Ice Ice Baby
|2020-05-15|| ||'''BWMMX #074'''||'''[ Luv 4 Luv 2 Play]'''
| || ||Robin S. || Luv 4 Luv
| || ||Indeep || When Boys Talk
| || ||Chimo Bayo || Así Me Gusta A Mí (That's The Way I Like It) (Acapella)
| || ||Cookie Crew || Like Brother Like Sister
| || ||2 In A Room || Do What You Want (Acapella)
| || ||Jennifer Lopez || Play
| || ||Jimmy 'Bo' Horne || Spank
|2020-05-22||  ||'''BWMMX #075''' || '''[ Hold On Please Don't Go]'''
| || ||My Mine || Hypnotic Tango
| || ||Vera Hall || Troubled So Hard
| || ||Far East Movement Feat. The Cataracs || Like A G6
| || ||Adamski ||Killer (Remix)
| || ||Coldcut Feat. Lisa Stansfield || People Hold On
| || ||The KLF || What Time Is Love
| || ||Technotronic Feat. Ya Kid K || Rockin' Over The Beat
| || ||Double You || Please Don't Go
| || ||Shawn Christopher || Don't Lose The Magic
| || ||Madison Avenue || Don't Call Me Baby
| || ||Yvonne Elliman || Love Pains
|2020-05-29|| ||'''BWMMX #076'''||'''[ Somebody's Bart Machine]'''
| || ||Maxi Priest || Close To You
| || ||The Simpsons || Do The Bartman
| || ||Digital Under Ground || The Humpty Dance
| || ||Alyson Williams || Sleeptalk
| || ||Mantronix Feat. Wondress|| Got To Have Your Love
| || ||Karyn White || The Way You Love Me
| || ||James Brown ||Sexmachine
| || ||Boyz II Men || Thank You
| || ||DJ Tools || This Beat Is Fresh
|2020-06-05|| ||'''BWMMX #077'''||'''[ You And I]'''
| || ||Delagation || You And I
| || ||Justin Timberlake || Like I Love You
| || ||K.I.D. || Don't Stop
| || ||Colonel Abrams || Trapped
| || ||Colonel Abrams || The Truth
| || ||Alexander O'Neal || Criticize
| || ||Snap! || The Power
|2020-06-12|| ||'''BWMMX #078'''|| '''[ A Maneater in Hotel California] (Versie 3)'''
| || ||Hall & Oattes || Maneater
| || ||The Eagles|| Hotel California (Acapella)
|2020-06-19|| ||'''BWMMX #079'''||'''[ MacArthur's Dance]'''
| || ||Donna Summer|| MacArthur Park
| || ||Britney Spears || You Gotta Work
| || ||Rupaul || Supermodel
| || ||Katmandu || The Break
| || ||Doug Willes || Feel The Funk
| || ||Gonzales || Haven't Stopped Dancing Yet
| || ||The Communards || Never Can Say Goodbye
|2020-06-26|| ||'''BWMMX #080'''||'''[ Michael Jackson]'''
| || ||Michael Jackson||History
| || ||Michael Jackson|| Blame it On The Boogie
| || ||Michael Jackson|| Beat It
| || ||Michael Jackson|| Dancing Machine
| || ||Michael Jackson|| Rock With You
| || ||Michael Jackson|| Bad
| || ||Michael Jackson|| Black Or White
| || ||Michael Jackson|| Jam
| || ||Michael Jackson|| Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)
| || ||Michael Jackson|| Blood On The Dance Floor
| || ||Michael Jackson|| Billie Jean
| || ||Michael Jackson|| Thriller
|2020-07-03|| ||'''BWMMX #081'''||'''[ 90's Swing]'''
| || ||Redhead Kingpin & The F.B.I. || Do The Right Thing
| || ||Diana Ross || Upside Down
| || ||Guy || Wanna Get With U
| || ||Bell Biv Devoe || Do Me!
| || ||Steve Arrington || Feel So Real
| || ||Bomb The Bass || Beat Dis
| || ||Britney Spears || Hit Me Baby One More Time
| || ||Diana Ross || Ain't No Mountain High Enough
|2020-07-10|| ||'''BWMMX #082''' ||'''[ Crazy Money]'''
| || ||The O'Jays || For The Love Of Money
| || ||Pink Floyd || Money
| || ||Beyonce Feat. Jay Z || Crazy in Love
| || ||Jay Z Feat. DMX || Money Cash Hoes
| || ||Del Da Funky Homosapien || Mr. Dobolina
| || ||Garbage || Stupid Girl
| || ||The Real Roxanne || Bang Zoom
| || ||Five Star || Can't Wait
| || ||Soul II Soul || Back To Life (However Do You Want Me)
| || ||Justin & Madonna || 4 Minutes
| || ||Mark Anthony || 1919 Main Street
| || ||Lillo Thomas || Settle Down
| || ||Duran Duran || Notorious
|2020-07-17|| ||'''BWMMX #083'''||'''[ Uptown Flawless]'''
| || ||Mark Ronson Feat. Bruno Mars || Uptown Funk (Acapella)
| || ||James Brown || Gravity
| || ||One Way || Let's Talk
| || ||Narada Michael Walden || I Should Have Loved Ya
| || ||Sister Sledge || Lost In Music
| || ||Michael Jackson || Jam
| || ||Sharades || Gimme The Funk
| || ||Kraftwerk || The Robots
| || ||Rose Royce || Is It Love You're After
| || ||The Ones || Flawless
|2020-07-24|| ||'''BWMMX #084'''||'''[ It's A Trapped]'''
| || ||Colonel Abrams ||Trapped (Acapella)
| || ||Admiral Akbar || It's A Trap (Sample from Star Wars Episode 6)
| || ||Mousse T. Feat. Hot 'N' Juicy || Horny '98
| || ||Bee Gees || Tragedy (Acapella)
| || ||Triple X || Feel The Same
|2020-07-31|| ||'''BWMMX #085'''||'''[ Get Down Pump Up]'''
| || ||M/A/R/R/S || Pump Up The Volume
| || ||NV|| It's Alright
| || ||Dennis Edwards Feat. Siedah Garrett || Don't Look Any Further (Acapella)
| || ||Gene Chandler || Get Down
| || ||Eric B. & Rakim || I Know You Got Soul
| || ||King Bee || Back By Dope Demand
| || ||Positive Force || We've Got The Funk
| || ||Adele || Rumour Has It
| || ||Janet Jackson || Pleasure Principle
| || ||Black Machine || How Gee
|2020-08-07|| ||'''BWMMX #086'''||'''[ Boogie Wonderland]'''
| || ||Earth, Wind & Fire With The Emotions || Boogie Wonderland
| || ||Neil Pierce || A Night At Ronnie's
|2020-08-14|| || Geen MMX|| Onbekende reden
|2020-08-21|| ||'''BWMMX #087'''||'''[ Shining Fantasy Goddess]'''
| || ||Earth, Wind & Fire || Fantasy
| || ||Earth, Wind & Fire || Shining Star
|  || ||Ramsey Lewis Feat. Earth, Wind & Fire || Sun Goddess
|2020-08-28||Dit lijkt op een edit versie van een gedeelte van [[In The Mix]] Episode: #241 van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2008#6_april_2008|6 april 2008]], aangevuld met extra tracks (*)||'''BWMMX #088'''||'''[ Don't Stop The Ghostbusters]'''
|  || ||Adamski || Space Jungle (Acapella) (*)
|  || ||Alexander O'Neal || Hearsay '89
|  || ||Alexander O'Neal || (What Can I Say) To Make You Love Me
|  || ||Alexander O'Neal ||Criticize (Acapella) (*)
|  || ||Destiny Child || Bills, Bills, Bills (Acapella) (*)
|  || ||Heavy D. & The Boyz|| We've Got Our Thang
|  || ||The S.O.S. Band|| The Finest (Acapella) (*)
|  || ||K.I.D.||Don't Stop
|  || ||Crown Heights Affair ||You Gave Me Love
|  || ||Ray Parker Jr. ||Ghostbusters
|2020-09-04||Dit lijkt op een edit versie van een gedeelte uit [[In The Mix]] Episode: #253 van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2008#13_juli_2008|13 juli 2008]], aangevuld met extra tracks (*)||'''BWMMX #089'''||'''[ Summer Holiday]'''
| || ||Pino d'Angio || Ma Quale Idea
| || ||MC Miker 'G' & DJ Sven || Holiday Rap
| || ||Rocker's Revenge || Walking On Sunshine (*)
| || ||Mighty Dub Catz || Magic Carpet Ride (*)
| || ||Ivan || Baila
| || ||Catch 22 || Boogie Down (*)
| || ||Rumba Tres || Baila Me Rumba
| || ||Gipsy Kings || Volare
| || ||Nancy Ames || Eso Beso (That Kiss)
| || ||Gloria Estefan || Oye Mi Canto
| || ||Bee Gees ||You Should Be Dancing (*)
|2020-09-11|| ||'''BWMMX #090'''||'''[ Ride Like The Wind To Funkytown]'''
| || ||Christopher Cross || Ride Like The Wind
| || ||Lipps Inc. || Funkytown
|2020-09-18|| ||'''BWMMX #091'''||'''[ The Shape Of Whenever]''' (Multitrack Remix!)
| || ||Ed Sheeran || The Shape Of You
| || ||Shakira || Whenever Wherever
|2020-09-25|| ||'''BWMMX #092''' || '''[ Gotta Go To A Disco]'''
|  || ||Johnny "Guitar" Watson ||A Real Mother For Ya ([[Ben Liebrand]] Go To A Disco Mix)
|2020-10-02||Dit lijkt op een edit versie van een gedeelte uit [[In The Mix]] Episode: #260 van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2008#7_september_2008|7 september 2008]] ||'''BWMMX #093'''||'''[ Madonna]'''
| || ||Madonna ||Into The Groove (Shep Pettibone Remix)
| || ||Madonna ||American Life (Rap)
| || ||Madonna ||Vogue (Bette Davis Dub)
| || ||Madonna ||Holiday (Dub Version)
| || ||Madonna ||Music (Acapella)
| || ||Madonna ||Deeper And Deeper
| || ||Madonna ||Die Another Day (Acapella)
|2020-10-09|| ||'''BWMMX #094'''|| '''[ I Will Survive]'''
| || ||Shannon || Give Me Tonight
| || ||Chic || I Want Your Love
| || ||Gloria Gaynor || I Will Survive (Acapella)
| || ||Chic || Soup For One
| || ||Criminal Element Orchestra || Put The Needle To The Record
| || ||Cassius || The Sound Of Violence
| || ||Mr. Fingers || Can You Feel It
| || ||Cock Robin || The Promise You Made
| || ||Whitney Houston || Queen Of The Night
|2020-10-16|| ||'''BWMMX #095'''||'''[ Give Me The Night]'''
| || ||Love Deluxe || Here Comes That Sound
| || ||Harold Faltermeyer || Axel F
| || ||George Benson || Give Me The Night (Acapella)
| || ||Lenny Kravitz || Believe In Me
| || ||Adeva || In And Out Of Love
| || ||MFSB || K-Jee
|2020-10-23|| ||'''BWMMX #096''' || '''[ West End Girls (9 Coarse Remix Suite)]'''
|  || ||Pet Shop Boys ||West End Girls
|2020-10-30|| ||'''BWMMX #097''' ||'''[ Rock The Boat]'''
| || ||Forrest || Rock The Boat
| || ||Midnight Star Feat. Ecstacy of Whodini || Don't Rock The Boat (Acapella)
| || ||TKA || Come Get My Love
| || ||Stevie Wonder || I Wish (Acapella)
| || ||Inner City || Big Fun
| || ||Wamdue Project || King Of My Castle
| || ||Janet Jackson || Control
| || ||Whitney Houston || Love Will Save The Day
| || ||The Jamaica Girls || On The Move
| || ||Danny Howels || Breathe
| || ||King Unique || Curfew Time
|2020-11-06|| ||'''BWMMX #098'''||''' [ Life On Mars]'''
| || ||Dexter Wansel || Life On Mars
| || ||Dennis Edwards || Don't Look Any Further (acapella)
| || ||Chic || Le Freak
|2020-11-13|| ||'''BWMMX #099''' ||''' [ Skyfall 007]'''
| || ||Adele || Skyfall (Acapella)
| || ||Imagination || Body Talk
| || ||Daniel Graig || As 007 (Samples uit de James Bond film Skyfall)
|2020-11-20|| ||'''BWMMX #100'''||'''[ Minimix 100]'''
| || ||95 North || The Request (acapella) (Excuse Me Mister Deejay, Could You Play Something With A Beat?)
| || ||Madonna || Music (Bass In Background)
| || ||Robin S. || Luv 4 Luv
| || ||50 Cent || In Da Club (Acapella; "Go, Go, Go, Go, Go Shorty" Sample)
| || ||Donna Summer || Bad Girls (Acapella)
| || ||Total Touch|| Touch Me There (Acapella)
| || ||The Doobie Brothers||Long Train Running (Acapella)
| || ||Whitney Houston || Love Will Save The Day (Acapella)
| || ||The Isley Brothers || Dance To The Music (Acapella)
| || ||Bee Gees || You Should Be Dancing (Extra's)
| || ||The Jacksons || Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) (Acapella)
| || ||Barry Manilow|| Copacobana (At The Copa)
| || ||The Jacksons || Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) (Strings + Horns)
| || ||Lee Cabrera Feat. Alex Cartana || Shake It (Move A Little Closer) (Acapella)
| || ||Booty Luv || Boogie 2nite
| || ||Beats International Feat. Lindy Layton || Just Be Good To Me (Acapella)
|  || ||Jacksons || Can You Feel It (strings)
| || ||Double Trouble & The Rebel MC || Street Tuff (Bassline)
| || ||Isaac Hayes || Theme From Shaft (Guitar Riffs)
| || ||The Shamen || Move Any Mountain (Part 1) (Acapella)
| || ||Tears For Fears || Shout (Acapella)
| || ||Adeva || In And Out Of My Life (Acapella)
| || ||Cassius || When The Sun Goes Down
| || ||Georgio||Bedrock (Bassline)
| || ||2 Unlimited || Maximum Overdrive (Acapella)
| || ||Deee-Lite || Groove Is In The Heart (Video Mix Acapella)
|  || ||Adamski || Killer
|  ||  ||Ian Dury || Reasons To Be Cheerful, Part 3
| || ||Deniece Williams || I've Got The Next Dance
| || ||Michael Jackson|| Bad (Acapella)
| || ||Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire  || Weekend (Acapella)
| || ||Michael Jackson || Don't Stop Till You Get Enough
| || ||Carol Jiani || Hit 'N Run Lover (Cowbells)
| || ||Colonel Abrams ||Trapped (Acapella)
| || ||The S.O.S. Band || The Finest (Vocal Sample)
| || ||Bee Gees|| Tragedy (Vocal Sample)
| || ||Tripple X ||Feel The Same
| || ||Earth, Wind & Fire || Bada (Sample)?
| || ||Modjo || Lady (Hear Me Tonight)
|  || ||Tweet || Boogie 2 Nite (Acapella)
|  || ||Negrocan || Cada Vez
|  || || The Pasadenas || Tribute (Right On Time) (Hit It)
| || ||Technotronic Feat. Felly || Pump Up The Jam (Acapella)
| || ||The Wiz Stars Feat. Diana Ross & Michael Jackson || A Brand New Day
| || ||Robbie Williams|| Let Me Entertain You (Acapella)
| || ||Paul Johnson ||Get Get Down
| || ||Montell Jordan || This Is How We Do It (Acapella)
| || ||Wildchild || Renegade Master (Acapella)
| || ||Black Box || Everybody, Everybody (Acapella)
| || ||Prince & The Revolution || 1999 (Acapella)
|2020-11-27|| ||'''BWMMX #101'''|| '''[ You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine]'''
|  || ||Lou Rawls||You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine
| || ||Charlie Calello Orchestra || Sing Sing Sing (Drums)
| || ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Bassline
|2020-12-04|| ||Geen BWMMX uitzending ||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
|2020-12-11|| ||Geen BWMMX uitzending ||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
|2020-12-18|| ||Geen BWMMX uitzending ||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
|2020-12-25|| || Geen BWMMX uitzending ||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''
|2021-01-01|| || Geen BWMMX uitzending|| Reden onbekend
|2021-01-08|| ||'''BWMMX #102''' || '''[ Daddy Cool]'''
| || ||Boney M. || Daddy Cool
| || ||Dua Lipa ||Break My Heart
| || ||Michael Jackson || Workin' Day And Night
| || ||Midway || Set It Out
| || ||Cuban Link Feat. Mya || Sugar Daddy
|2021-01-15|| || '''BWMMX #103''' || '''[ Do It Any Way You Wanna]'''
| || || People's Choice || Do It Any Way You Wanna
| || ||INXS || Need You Tonight
| || ||Britney Spears|| ...Baby One More Time
| || ||Will Smith || Party Starter
| || ||Madison Avenue ||Don't Call Me Baby
| || ||Huey Lewis And The News || Power Of Love
| || ||Hall & Oates || I Can't Go For That (No Can Do)
| |||| Tom Browne ||Funkin' For Jamaica (N.Y.)
| || ||Survivor || Eye Of The Tiger
|2021-01-22|| || '''BWMMX #104''' || '''[ Rock The Brick House]'''
| || ||The Commodores || Brick House (Acapella)
| || ||Herbie Hancock || Rock It
| || ||Steve Miller Band|| Fly Like An Eagle
|  || ||The Chamberlain From The Movie The Dark Crystal ||[ It's Time to Make... My Move (Sample)]
| || ||Snap! || The Cult Of Snap (Sample)
| || ||Phantasia || Violet Skies (Sample)
|  || ||Boney M. || [ Kalimba De Luna] (Do You Really Want To Party) (Sample)
|  || ||Criminal Element Orchestra || Put The Needle On The Record (Sample)
|2021-01-29|| || '''BWMMX #105''' || '''[ Stomp And Shake It]
| || || The Brothers Johnson || Stomp!
| || ||Lee Cabrera Feat. Alex Cartana || Shake It (Move A Little Closer)
| || ||Gianni Coletti Feat. The Go-Gospel Girls || Gimme Fantasy (Acapella)
| || ||Goldie Alexander || Show You My Love
| ||||Wally Jump Junior || Private Party
| || ||The Jacksons || Shake Your Body Down (To The Ground)
| || ||Blaze Feat. Barbara Tucker || Most Precious Love
| || ||The Jonzun Crew || Pack Jam (Look Out For The OVC)
| || ||Samantha Fox || Love House
| || ||Mel & Kim|| F.L.M.
| || ||Madonna || Music
| || ||Robin S. || Love 4 Love (Acapella)
| || ||Crystal Waters ||100% Pure Love (Acapella)
| || ||Tears For Fears || Shout (Acapella)
| || ||Usher Feat. Lil' Jon & Ludacris || Yeah!
| || ||Human League || Love Action
|2021-02-05||2019-07-05 ||'''BWMMX #039'''||''' [ Weekend Lady]'''
| || ||Afrika Bambaataa & The Soul Sonic Force || Planet Rock (Sample)
| || ||Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire || Weekend (Acapella)
| || ||Modjo || Lady (Hear Me Tonight)
| || ||Michael Jackson|| Smooth Criminal (Sample)
|2021-02-12  || 1990-03-23||    '''BWMMX #016''' || '''[ Nothing Compares 2 Your Infinity]''' (Zie opmerking bij 2019-01-18 m.b.t. afwijkende nummering!)
| || ||Sinéad O'Connor || Nothing Compares To You
| || ||Guru Josh || Infinity
|2021-02-19  || || '''BWMMX #106''' || '''[ Sympathy For Frankie]'''
| || ||Frankie Goes To Hollywood || Relax
| || ||The Rolling Stones || Sympathy For The Devil (Acapella)
| || ||Van Halen || Running With The Devil
| || ||Genesis || Mama
|2021-02-26  || ||    '''BWMMX #107''' || '''[ Daft Punk]'''
| || ||Daft Punk||One More Time (2000)
| || ||Daft Punk||Technologic (2005)
| || ||Daft Punk||Giorgio By Moroder (2013)
| || ||Daft Punk||Harder, Better, Faster, Stonger (2001)
| || ||Daft Punk||Give Life Back To Music (2014)
| || ||Daft Punk||Around The World (1997)
| || ||Daft Punk Feat. Pharrell Williams ||Get Lucky (2013)
|2021-03-05||  || '''BWMMX #108''' || '''[ Jamaican Beat]'''
| || ||Tom Browne ||Funkin' For Jamaica (N.Y.)
| || ||G.L.O.B.E. & Whiz Kid ||Play That Beat Mr. D.J. (Acapella)
| || ||Hall & Oates ||I Can Go For That (No Can Do) (Acapella)
| || ||Janet Jackson||Rhythm Nation
|2021-03-12||  || '''BWMMX #109''' ||  '''[ Gimme All Your Lovin' Time After Time]'''
| || ||ZZ Top ||Gimme All Your Lovin'
| || ||Cindy Lauper ||Time After Time (Acapella)
|2021-03-19||  || '''BWMMX #110''' ||  '''[ Let's Go Funky]'''
| || ||Prince & The Revolution ||Let's Go Crazy
| || ||Wally Badarou ||Chief Inspector
| || || [[Ben Liebrand]] || on Bass!
|2021-03-26 ||  || Geen BWMMX uitzending ||  i.v.m. uitzending van de 80's Top 810 op [[Radio 10]]
|2021-04-02 ||  ||'''BWMMX #111''' ||  ''' [ Major Tom Across The Moon] '''
|  || ||RAH Band|| Clouds Across The Moon
|  || ||Christina Milian  || From AM To PM
|  || ||David Bowie  || Space Oddity
|  || ||Full Force  || Alice, I Want You Just For Me!
|2021-04-09||  ||'''BWMMX #112''' ||  '''[ Sweet Yé Ké Yé Ké]''' (Versie 2) (Versie 1 uitzending: 2001-02-10)
|  || || Dr. Dre Feat. RBX, The Lady of Rage & Kurupt|| Lyrical Gangbang (Sample: "This Should Be Played At High Volume Preferably In A Residential Area")
|  || ||Eurythmics  || Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)
|  || ||Mory Kante  || Yé Ké Yé Ké
|  || ||M People  || Moving All Up (Moving on Up Sample)
|  || ||Bronski Beat  || Smalltown Boy
|  || ||Reel 2 Real  || I Like To Move It (Sample)
|  || ||Duke  || So In Love With You
|  || ||Madonna  || Die Another Day
|  || ||Diana Ross  || Ain't No Mountain High Enough
|2021-04-16||  ||'''BWMMX #113''' ||  '''[ Blame It Off The Wall]'''
|  ||  ||The Jacksons  ||  Blame It On The Boogie
|  ||  ||James Brown  ||  (Get Up I Feel Like Being Like A) Sex Machine (Acapella)
|  || ||Sharon Brown || Specialize In Love
|  ||  ||King MC Feat. "Screaming K"  ||  What Have I Done For You Lately? (Acapella)
|  ||  ||Janet Jackson  ||  What Have You Done For Me Lately?
|  ||  ||Alexander O'Neal  ||  Fake (Acapella)
|  ||  ||Roy Ayers & Ubiquity  ||  Running Away
|  ||  ||80's Child  ||  I Can't Wait (Midnight Riot)
| ||  ||Michael Jackson  ||  Off The Wall (Acapella)
|2021-04-23||  ||'''BWMMX #114''' ||  '''[ Found A Cure For A Festival]'''
|  ||  ||Ashford & Simpson  ||  Found A Cure
|  ||  ||DB Boulevard  ||  Point Of View
|  || ||Kool & The Gang || Celebration (Acapella)
|  ||  ||Shalamar  ||  Uptown Festival
|  ||  ||The Jacksons  ||  Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground)
|  ||  ||Jimmy "Bo" Horn  ||  Spank
|  ||  ||Praise Cats  ||  Shined On Me
|  ||  ||Rockers Revenge Feat. Donnie Calvin ||  Walking On Sunshine
| ||  ||Tricky Disco  ||  Tricky Disco
| ||  ||Technotronic Feat. Ya Kid K  ||  Get Up (Before The Night Is Over)
|2021-04-30||  ||'''BWMMX #115''' || '''[ James Brown]'''
| ||  ||James Brown || Funky Drummer
| ||  ||Bud Haggart || The Turbo Encabulator
| ||  ||James Brown || (Get Up I Feel Like Being Like A) Sex Machine
| ||  ||James Brown || Super Bad
| ||  ||The Jones Girls || Nights Over Egypt (Backing Vocals)
| ||  ||Raw Silk || Do It To The Music (Backing Vocals)
|2021-05-07||  ||'''BWMMX #116''' || ''' [ Holy Thumping Funk] '''
| || ||Bar-Kays || Holy Ghost
| || ||Chumbawamba || Tumbthumping
|  || ||Instant Funk || I Got My Mind Made Up (You Can Get It Girl)
|2021-05-14||  || '''BWMMX #117''' || '''[ Total Touch 25 Years!]'''
|  || ||Double Trouble Feat. Rebel MC || Street Tuff
|  || ||Zapp || It Doesn't Really Matter
|  || ||First Choice || Ain't He Bad
|  || ||Isaac Hayes || Theme From Shaft
|  || ||Goldie Alexander || Show You My Love
|  || ||Robin S. || Luv 4 Luv
|  || ||Total Touch || Touch Me There (Acapella)
|2021-05-21||  || '''BWMMX #118''' ||'''[ The Power Of Your Love]'''
| ||  ||Lime || Your Love
| ||  ||Huey Lewis & The News || The Power Of Love (Acapella)
|2021-05-28||  ||Geen BWMMX uitzending|| Reden onbekend
|2021-06-04||  || '''BWMMX #119  -  RUN "DMSeal" ''' || '''[ Walk This Crazy Way]'''
| || ||RUN DMC Feat. Aerosmith || Walk This Way
|  || ||Seal || Crazy
|2021-06-11||  || '''BWMMX #120'''||  ''' [ 90's Mix]''' (Re-worked from the Grandmix 90's Edition tracks 11 t/m 19!)
|  || ||C&C Music Factory Feat. Freedom Williams ||Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now)
|  || ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott|| Move To The Bigband (Acapella)
|  || ||Madison Avenue|| Don't Call Me Baby (Acapella)
|  || ||Lisa Lisa & The Cult Jam ||Let The Beat Hit Em
|  || ||Montell Jordan ||This Is How We Do It (Acapella)
|  || ||Incognito Feat. Jocelyn Brown || Always There
|  ||  ||Rob 'N' Raz Feat. Leila K  ||Got To Get
|  ||  ||Nomad Feat. MC Mikee Freedom ||(I Wanna Give You) Devotion
|  ||  ||TLC  || Ain't 2 Proud 2 Beg ([[Ben Liebrand]] Club Mix)
|  ||  ||Frankie Knuckles|| The Whistle Song
|  || ||Rozalla || Everybody's Free (To Feel Good)
|  ||  ||Reel 2 Real ||I Like To Move It (Sample)
|  ||  ||Ce Ce Peniston ||We Got A Love Thing
|2021-06-18||  || Geen BWMMX uitzending<ref>[] ''Radio 10, Netherlands
No Minimix'' | Publicatie: 20 juni 2021 01.50 uur | Gevonden: 1 mei 2024</ref> ||  i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 510 van de 90's op [[Radio 10]].
|2021-06-25||  || '''BWMMX #121'''||  '''[ George Michael Jackson]'''
|  || ||George Michael || Careless Whisper
|  || ||Michael Jackson || They Don't Really Care About Us
|  || ||George Michael || Hard Day
|  || ||George Michael || Too Funky
|  || ||Michael Jackson || Speed Demon
|  || ||George Michael || I Want Your Sex
|  || ||Michael Jackson || Don't Stop Till You Get Enough
|  || ||George Michael || Faith (Acapella)
|2021-07-02|| ||'''BWMMX #122 - Delerium vs. Sheila & B. Devotion''' ||'''[ Silence In Space]''' (Versie 2)
|  || ||Delerium Feat. Sarah McLachlan || Silence
|  || ||Sheila & B. Devotion || Spacer
|2021-07-09 ||  || '''BWMMX #123''' || '''[ Love Will Always Shuffle It]''' (Versie 2) (4 min 52 sec)
| || ||LMFAO Feat. Lauren Bennett, GoonRock || Party Rock Anthem
|  || ||Janet Jackson|| Love Will Never Do (Without You) (Acapella)
|  || ||Avicii|| Silhouettes
|  || ||Showtek || Cannonball
|2021-07-16 ||  || '''BWMMX #124''' ||''' [ The Brass Look] ''' ([[Ben Liebrand]] Multitrack Mashup)
|  ||  ||Roxette|| The Look
|  ||  ||The Pretenders || Brass In Pocket (Acapella)
|  ||  || Dennis Edwards  ||Don't Look Any Further (Acapella Sample)
|  ||  || Imagination|| Flashback (Organ Sample)
|2021-07-23 ||  || '''BWMMX #125''' ||''' [ Children, Men, Girls and Sisters]  '''
|  || ||Robert Miles || Children
|  || ||David Guetta & Chris Willis || Love Don't Let Me Go (Acapella)
|  || ||The Weather Girls || It's Raining Men
|  || ||Eurythmics & Aretha Franklin || Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves
|  || ||The Sweet Inspirations || Celebration!
|  || ||Irene Cara || Fame
|2021-07-30 ||  || '''BWMMX #126''' ||''' [ Hot Hot Mystic Playa]  '''
|  || ||Arrow || Hot Hot Hot
|  || ||Bruno Mars || 24 K Magic (Acapella)
|  || ||Candido || Jingo
|  || ||The Shamen || Move Any Mountain (Acapella)
|  || ||Mystic || Ritmo de La Noche
|  || ||Miami Sound Machine || Conga
|  || ||Tatjana || Baila Baila
|  || ||Fun Fun || Give Me Your Love (Acapella)
|  || ||Ricky Martin || (Un, Dos, Tres) Maria
|  || ||Cuba Gooding || Happiness (Is Just Around The Bend) (Acapella)
|  || ||Righeira || Vamos A La Playa
|  || ||MC Sar & The Real McCoy || It's On You (Acapella)
|  || ||Son By Four || Sofia
|2021-08-06 ||  || Geen BWMMX uitzending in de maand augustus|| i.v.m. zomervakantie [ Gerard Ekdom]
|2021-08-13 ||  || Geen BWMMX uitzending in de maand augustus|| i.v.m. zomervakantie [ Gerard Ekdom]
|2021-08-20 ||  || Geen BWMMX uitzending in de maand augustus|| i.v.m. zomervakantie [ Gerard Ekdom]
|2021-08-27 ||  || Geen BWMMX uitzending in de maand augustus|| i.v.m. zomervakantie [ Gerard Ekdom]
|2021-09-03 ||  || '''BWMMX #127'''|| '''[ ABBA! Part 1]'''
|  || ||ABBA|| Dancing Queen
|  || ||ABBA|| Chiquitita
|  || ||ABBA|| Our Last Summer
|  || ||ABBA|| Knowing Me, Knowing You
|  || ||ABBA|| Take A Chance On Me
|  || ||ABBA|| Fernando
|  || ||ABBA|| Money, Money, Money
|2021-09-10 ||  || '''BWMMX #128'''|| '''[ ABBA! Part 2]'''
|  || ||ABBA||Super Trouper
|  || ||ABBA||Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)
|  || ||ABBA||SOS
|  || ||ABBA||Summer Night City
|  || ||ABBA||Voulez-Vous
|2021-09-17 ||  || '''BWMMX #129'''|| '''[ ABBA! Part 3]'''
|  || ||ABBA||The Winner Takes It All
|  || ||ABBA||Head Over Heels
|  || ||ABBA||On And On And On
|  || ||ABBA||The Visitors
|  || ||ABBA||Kisses Of Fire
|  || ||ABBA||Mamma Mia
|  || ||ABBA||Lay All Your Love On Me
|2021-09-24|| 2021-01-29|| '''BWMMX #105''' || '''[ Stomp And Shake It]
| || || The Brothers Johnson || Stomp!
| || ||Lee Cabrera Feat. Alex Cartana || Shake It (Move A Little Closer)
| || ||Gianni Coletti Feat. The Go-Gospel Girls || Gimme Fantasy (Acapella)
| || ||Goldie Alexander || Show You My Love
| ||||Wally Jump Junior || Private Party
| || ||The Jacksons || Shake Your Body Down (To The Ground)
| || ||Blaze Feat. Barbara Tucker || Most Precious Love
| || ||The Jonzun Crew || Pack Jam (Look Out For The OVC)
| || ||Samantha Fox || Love House
| || ||Mel & Kim|| F.L.M.
| || ||Madonna || Music
| || ||Robin S. || Love 4 Love (Acapella)
| || ||Crystal Waters ||100% Pure Love (Acapella)
| || ||Tears For Fears || Shout (Acapella)
| || ||Usher Feat. Lil' Jon & Ludacris || Yeah!
| || ||Human League || Love Action
| 2021-10-01||  || '''BWMMX #130''' || '''[ One Of These Nights I Want To Break Free]'''
| || ||Queen || I Want To Break Free (Acapella)
| ||  || The Eagles|| One Of These Nights
| ||  || Blondie|| Rapture (Sax, Claps & Bass)
| ||  ||Kurtis Blow  || I'm Chillin' (Beats)
| ||  ||The Soup Dragons || I'm Free (Chorus)
| ||  ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Extra Bits & Pieces
| 2021-10-08||  Let op: Dit is een edit versie van [[In The Mix]] van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2016#30_januari_2016|30 januari 2016]] || '''BWMMX #131''' || '''[ Tony Scott 50!!]'''
| || ||B.E.W.A.R.E. Feat. Tony Scott ||  Pick Up The Pieces
| || ||Tony Scott & Tierce Kizzo|| Do It Again
| || ||Tony Scott  || The Chief
| || ||Tony Scott || From Da Soul
| || ||[[Ben Liebrand]] Feat. Tony Scott || Move To The Bigband
| || ||Tony Scott || Love Let Love
| || ||Tony Scott || Get Into It
| || ||Tony Scott || That's How I'm Living
| 2021-10-15|| || '''BWMMX #132''' || '''[ The S.O.S. Band]
| || ||The S.O.S. Band || Just Be Good To Me
| || ||The S.O.S. Band || Borrowed Love
| || ||The S.O.S. Band || Even When You Sleep
| || ||The S.O.S. Band || No One's Gonna Love You
| || ||The S.O.S. Band || Just Get Ready ([[Ben Liebrand]] Classic Groove)
| || ||The S.O.S. Band || The Finest
| 2021-10-22|| || '''BWMMX #133'''||''' [ New York Under Pressure]'''
| || ||Vanilla Ice||Ice Ice Baby
| || ||Frank Sinatra||New York New York
| || ||Queen & David Bowie||Under Pressure
| 2021-10-29||Let op: Dit is een edit versie van de eerste 7 tracks van [[In The Mix]] van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2005#16_juli_2005|16 juli 2005]]  || '''BWMMX #134'''||'''[  Now That We Found A Hit And Run Lover]'''
| || ||Third World || Now That We Found Love
| || ||Heavy D. & The Boyz || Now That We Found Love
| || ||D-MOB || It Is Time To Get Funky
| || ||Earth, Wind & Fire || System Of Survival
| || ||Toney Lee || Reach Up (Acapella)
| || ||The Adventures Of Stevie V || Dirty Cash (Money Talks)
| || ||Carol Jiani || Hit And Run Lover (Remix)
| || ||Bee Gees || Jive Talkin' (Acapella) (* extra track!)
| 2021-11-05|| || '''BWMMX #135'''||''' [ Every Woman Into The Groove (Multitrack Mix)]'''
| || ||Madonna || Into The Groove
| || ||Chaka Khan || I'm Every Woman
| 2021-11-12||Let op: Dit is een edit versie van de eerste 7 tracks van [[In The Mix]] van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2005#27_augustus_2005|27 augustus 2005]]  ||'''BWMMX #136'''||''' [ Billy's Best Body]'''
| || ||Stacy Lattisaw || Dynamite
| ||  ||Michael Jackson || Billie Jean
| || || Wham! || Everything She Wants (Acapella)  (* extra track!)
| || ||D-Train || Keep On
| || ||Luther Vandross & Janet Jackson With Bell Biv Devoe & Ralph Tresvant || The Best Things In Life Are Free
| || ||Lil' Louis || Do U Luv Me
| || ||The Strikers || Body Music
| || ||D-Train || You're The One For Me
| || ||The Beatmasters With Merlin || Who's In The House
| 2021-11-19||    || '''BWMMX #137'''||''' [ Greedy Wish]'''
| || ||Stevie Wonder || I Wish (Instrumentaal)
| ||  ||Ariane Grande || Greedy (Acapella)
| || || Grace Jones || Slave To The Rhythm (Sample: "Keep It Up")
| || ||Alexander O'Neil || Fake (Trumpets)
| || ||Gwen Stefani || Hollaback Girl (Acapella)
| 2021-11-26||  ||'''BWMMX #138'''||'''[ Philly Soul Mix Part 1]'''
| || ||MFSB Feat. The Three Degrees ||TSOP (The Sound Of Philadelphia)
| || ||MFSB Feat. The Three Degrees ||Love Is The Message
| || ||Jean Carn||Was That All It Was
| || ||McFadden & Whitehead||Ain't No Stopping Us Now
| || ||The Three Degrees||Dirty Ol' Man
| || ||The Three Degrees|| When Will I See You Again
| || ||MFSB||The Zip
| || ||The Trammps||Love Epidemic
| || ||Harold Melvin & Blue Notes||Satisfaction Guaranteed (Or Take Your Love Back)
| || ||Philadelphia International All Stars || Let's Clean Up The Ghetto
| 2021-12-03||  ||'''BWMMX #139'''||'''[ Philly Soul Mix Part 2]'''
| || ||The O'Jays||Back Stabbers
| || ||Archie Bell & The Drells||The Soul City Walk
| || ||The Intruders||(Win, Place Or Show) She's A Winner
| || ||Harold Melvin & The Bluenotes||Don't Leave Me This Way
| || ||Lou Rawls||See You When I Git There
| || ||Billy Paul||Your Song
| || ||The Trammps||Shout
|2021-12-10|| ||Geen BWMMX uitzending ||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
|2021-12-17|| ||Geen BWMMX uitzending ||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
|2021-12-24|| ||Geen BWMMX uitzending ||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
|2021-12-31|| ||Geen BWMMX uitzending ||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''|| width="100px" | '''Tijdsduur'''
|2022-01-07|| || Geen BWMMX uitzending ||i.v.m. vakantie van [ Gerard Ekdom]<ref>[] ''Radio 10, Netherlands'' | Publicatie: 8 januari 21:07 uur | Gevonden: 29 mei 2024</ref>||
|2022-01-14|| ||  '''BWMMX #140'''    || '''[ Call Me So Close Baby]'''<ref>[] ''Radio 10, Netherlands'' | Publicatie: 16 januari 19:28 uur | Gevonden: 29 mei 2024</ref>||
|  ||  ||Carly Rae Jepsen || Call Me Maybe||
|  ||  ||Calvin Harris || Feel So Close||
|  ||  ||Blondie || Call Me||
|  ||  ||Madison Avenue || Don't Call Me Baby||
|  ||  ||Vibe Residents Feat. Dragonfly || The DJ's Calling||
|  ||  ||Britney Telecom || Tone's||
|2022-01-21|| 2020-02-14|| '''BWMMX #064''' || '''[ Getting Jiggy With Your #1]'''<ref>[] ''Radio 10, Netherlands'' | Publicatie: 22 januari 2022 21:20 uur | Gevonden: 29 mei 2024</ref> (T.g.v. een technische storing bij [[Radio 10]] werd deze Minimix herhaald!)||
|2022-01-28||  || '''BWMMX #141'''||''' [ True Memory Bliss''']<ref>[] ''Last weekend was glitch weekend'' | Publicatie: 30 januari 2022 04:30 uur | Gevonden: 29 mei 2024</ref>||
|  ||  ||P.M. Dawn || Set A Drift On Memory Bliss||
|  ||  ||Spandau Ballet || True||
|  ||  ||Derek B. ||Good Groove (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||Milli Vanilli || Girl You Know It's True||
|  ||  ||Axwell || It's True||
|2022-02-04||  || '''BWMMX #142'''  ||''' [  I Want You Chained To The Rhythm]'''||
|  ||  || Katy Perry || Chained To The Rhythm (Acapella)||
|  ||  || Chic || I Want Your Love||
|2022-02-11||  || '''BWMMX #143'''  ||'''[ A Winner Can't Go For That]'''||
|  ||  ||Average White Band||Pick Up The Pieces||
|  ||  ||Daryl Hall & John Oates||I Can't Go For That (No Can Do)||
|  ||  ||Hot Chocolate|| Every One's A Winner (Acapella)||
|  ||  || Bruno Mars Feat. Cardi B || Finesse (Acapella)||
|  ||  || Bruno Mars || Treasure (Acapella)||
|  ||  || David Bowie || Fame (Acapella)||
|2022-02-18  ||Dit lijkt op een edit versie van de eerste paar tracks van [[In The Mix]] Episode: #236 van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2008#2_maart_2008|2 maart 2008]]||'''BWMMX #144'''||'''[ 2 Brothers On The 4th Floor Mix]'''||
|  ||  ||2 Brothers On The 4th Floor Feat. Da Smooth Baron MC and Peggy 'The Dutchess' || Can't Help Myself||
|  ||  ||2 Brothers On The 4th Floor Feat. Da Smooth Baron MC and Gale Robinson || Turn Da Music Up (DJ Marcello & Rutger 'Rutti' Kroese Remix)||
|  ||  ||2 Brothers On The 4th Floor || Never Alone||
|  ||  ||2 Brothers On The 4th Floor Feat. Des'ray & D-Rock || Fly (Trough The Starry Night)||
|  ||  ||2 Brothers On The 4th Floor Feat. Des'ray & D-Rock || Dreams (Lick Mix)||
| 2022-02-18|| 1987-07-31|| '''Phil Collins'''||'''In The Air Tonight ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)''' (Uitgezonden op NPO [[Radio 2]] tijdens de 80's achtdaagse, met [ Gijs Staverman] en [[Ben Liebrand]], tussen 20.00 en 21.00 uur) ||
| 2022-02-18|| 1987-07-03||'''[[Ben Liebrand]]'''|| '''Weerbericht (The Rain Dance / Def ANP Rappers)''' (Gedeeltelijk uitgezonden op NPO [[Radio 2]] tijdens de 80's achtdaagse, met [ Gijs Staverman] en [[Ben Liebrand]], tussen 20.00 en 21.00 uur)||
| 2022-02-18||2004-10-29||'''Fun Fun''' || '''Happy Station (Scratch Versie)''' (Gedeeltelijk uitgezonden op NPO [[Radio 2]] tijdens de 80's achtdaagse, met [ Gijs Staverman] en [[Ben Liebrand]], tussen 20.00 en 21.00 uur)||
| 2022-02-18||1990-06-15||'''Dimples D.''' || '''Sucker DJ (A Witch For Love)''' (Uitgezonden op NPO [[Radio 2]] tijdens de 80's achtdaagse, met [ Gijs Staverman] en [[Ben Liebrand]], tussen 20.00 en 21.00 uur)||
| 2022-02-18|| 1987-06-05 || '''Alf / [[Ben Liebrand]] ''' || '''Stuck On Earth (American House Mix) (Versie 2)''' (Uitgezonden op NPO [[Radio 2]] tijdens de 80's achtdaagse, met [ Gijs Staverman] en [[Ben Liebrand]], tussen 21.00 en 22.00 uur)||
| 2022-02-18|| 1987-02-20||'''Jan Hammer'''|| '''Crockett's Theme (Miami Vice Mix) (Versie 2)''' (Uitgezonden op NPO [[Radio 2]] tijdens de 80's achtdaagse, met [ Gijs Staverman] en [[Ben Liebrand]], tussen 21.00 en 22.00 uur)||
| 2022-02-25|| Dit lijkt op een edit versie van de eerste paar tracks van [[In The Mix]] Episode #109 van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2004#19_november_2004|19 november 2004]] || '''BWMMX #145 '''|| '''[ Renegades Go All The Way]'''<ref>[] ''Radio 10, Netherlands'' | Publicatie: 26 februari 2022 21:29 uur | Gevonden: 28 mei 2024 </ref>||
| ||  ||Eric B. & Rakim || Paid In Full||
| ||  ||Sly Fox || Let's Go All The Way||
| ||  || Wild Child || Renegade Master (Acapella)||
| ||  ||De La Soul || Ring, Ring, Ring (Ha Ha Hey)||
| ||  ||Hot Chocolate || You Sexy Thing||
| ||  ||Patti Labelle || Release||
| ||  ||Will Smith || Men In Black||
| ||  ||The Art Of Noise || Beatbox||
|  ||  ||M/A/R/R/S || Pump Up The Volume (Sample)||
| ||  ||Rock Steady Crew || (Hey You) The Rock Steady Crew (Sample)||
| 2022-03-04||  || '''BWMMX #146 ''' ||'''[ Don't You Want My Flashback]'''<ref>[] ''Radio 10, Netherlands'' | Publicatie: 5 maart 2022 00:13 uur | Gevonden: 28 mei 2024 </ref>||
| ||  ||Human League || Don't You Want Me||
| ||  ||Imagination||Flashback||
| 2022-03-11||  || '''BWMMX #147 ''' ||'''[ Party Station]'''<ref>[] ''Radio 10, Netherlands'' | Publicatie: 12 maart 2022 21:39 uur | Gevonden: 29 mei 2024</ref>||
| ||  ||Peter Brown || They Only Come Out At Night||
| ||  ||Fun Fun || Happy Station||
| ||  ||Black & White Brothers|| World Wide Party||
| ||  ||Shirley Lites ‎||Heat You Up (Melt You Down)||
| ||  ||Prince And The Revolution || 1999 (The New Master)(Acapella)||
| 2022-03-18||  ||'''BWMMX #148'''||'''[ The Eye Of Dr. Mabuse]'''<ref>[] ''Radio 10, Netherlands'' | Publicatie: 20 maart 2022 17:57 uur | Gevonden: 29 mei 2024</ref> (Check [ HIER] de Ableton videoclip van deze Minimix!)||
| ||  ||Propaganda||P. Machinery||
|  ||  ||Propaganda|| Dr. Mabuse||
| ||  ||Survivor||The Eye Of The Tiger||
| ||  || Rocky Balboa || Motivation Speech (Movie Outtakes)||
| 2022-03-25||  ||Geen BWMMX ||i.v.m. de uitzending van de 80's Top 810 op [[Radio 10]]||
|2022-04-01|| 1992-07-03  || '''BWMMX #149 / Level 42''' || '''[ The Hit Combination ]'''||
|2022-04-08||    ||'''BWMMX #150''' ||'''[ Jump Around One Of These Nights]'''<ref>[] ''Friday 8th of April 2022'' | Gevonden: 29 mei 2024</ref>||
|    ||  || House Of Pain||Jump Around||
|    ||  || Blondie ||Heart Of Glass (Sample)||
|    ||  || Eagles || One Of These Nights||
|    ||  || Berlinda Carlisle ||Heaven Is A Place On Earth (Acapella)||
|2022-04-15||    ||'''BWMMX #151''' ||'''[  I Believe In Love (2)]'''<ref>[] ''Radio 10, Netherlands'' | Publicatie: 13 mei 2022 19:21 uur | Gevonden: 29 mei 2024</ref> (Let op: dit is niet de herhaling van 2019-06-07, BWMMX #035, maar heeft wel dezelfde titel!)||
|    ||  ||Calvin Rotane||I Believe (Uuh!)||
|    ||  ||10CC||I'm Not In Love||
|    ||  ||The K London Production Club||I Believe||
|    ||  ||Yello||I Love You||
|    ||  ||Madonna||Get Stupid (Til Tok)||
|2022-04-22||    ||'''BWMMX #152''' ||'''[ Summer Jam Passion]'''||
|    ||  ||The Underdog Project || Summer Jam (Acapella)||
|    ||  ||The Flirts || Passion||
|2022-04-29||1991-11-29||'''BWMMX #153 / Lou Reed '''||''' [ Walk On The Funky Side]'''||
|    ||  ||Lou Reed || Walk On The Wild Side||
|    ||  ||James Brown || Funky Drummer||
|    ||  ||Suzanne Vega || Tom's Diner||
|    ||  ||Gerbrand Westveen || Saxofoon||
|2022-04-30|| 1993-09-18  || '''Michael Jackson & SWV'''||'''Human Nature vs. Right Here''' (Zoals uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#30_april_2022|Episode: #321-3]] van [[In The Mix]] op [[Radio 10]])||
|2022-04-30|| 1987-09-04|| '''Michael Jackson'''||'''Speed Demon (The Usual [[Ben Liebrand]] Primeur) (Versie 1)''' (Zoals uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#30_april_2022|Episode: #321-3]] van [[In The Mix]] op [[Radio 10]])||
|2022-04-30|| 1989-07-14||'''Michael Jackson''' || '''Liberian Girl ([[Ben Liebrand]] Remix)''' (Zoals uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#30_april_2022|Episode: #321-3]] van [[In The Mix]] op [[Radio 10]])||
|2022-04-30|| 1987-09-11||'''Michael Jackson''' || '''Bad (Videomix) (Versie 1)''' (Zoals uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#30_april_2022|Episode: #321-3]] van [[In The Mix]] op [[Radio 10]])||
|2022-04-30|| 1987-09-25||'''Michael Jackson vs. M/A/R/R/S''' || '''Pump Up The Bad Volume''' (Zoals uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#30_april_2022|Episode: #321-3]] van [[In The Mix]] op [[Radio 10]])||
|2022-04-30||1988-11-18|| '''Michael Jackson''' || '''Smooth Criminal (Smeuïge Crimineel Mix)''' (Zoals uitgezonden in [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#30_april_2022|Episode: #321-3]] van [[In The Mix]] op [[Radio 10]])||
|2022-05-06||Dit lijkt op een edit versie van de eerste 5 tracks van [[In The Mix]] Episode #112 van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2004#12_december_2004|12 december 2004]] ||'''BWMMX #154'''<ref>[] ''Friday 6th of May 2022'' | Gevonden: 29 mei 2024</ref> ||'''[ Slave To The Funky Rhythm]||
|  ||  ||Grace Jones || Slave To The Rhythm||
|  ||  ||Midnight Star Feat. Ecstacy Of Whodini || Don't Rock The Boat (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||George Michael || Too Funky||
|  ||  ||Jocelyn Brown || Somebody Else’s Guy (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince || Boom! Shake The Room||
|  ||  ||L.L. Cool J || Around The Way Girl||
|2022-05-13||Let op: Dit lijkt op een edit versie van [[In The Mix]] Episode #123 van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2005#19_maart_2005|19 maart 2005]] met een aantal extra tracks (*) toegevoegd! ||'''BWMMX #155''' ||'''[ Funky!]'''<ref>[] ''Radio 10, Netherlands'' | Publicatie: 13 mei 2022 19:23 uur | Gevonden: 28 mei 2024</ref>||
|  ||  ||KrisKross || Warm It Up||
|  ||  ||Voices In The Dark || Keep It Warm (Sample) (*)||
|  ||  ||Stetsasonic ||Talkin' All That Jazz||
|  ||  ||Erick Morillo Feat. Real 2 Real ||Jazz It Up (*)||
|  ||  ||Bobby Brown|| My Perogative||
|  ||  ||Jody Watley ||Real Love||
|  ||  ||Whistle|| (Nothin Seriously) Just Buggin' (Acapella) (*)||
|  ||  ||Wee Pappa Girl Rappers || Heat It Up (Acapella) (*)||
|  ||  ||Herbie Hancock|| Rock It||
|  ||  ||Dimples D. ||Sucker DJ (Acapella)||
|2022-05-20||  ||'''BWMMX #156''' ||'''[ High Energy Pulstar]''' (Check [ HIER] de Ableton videoclip van deze Minimix!)||
|  ||  ||Vangelis||Pulstar||
|  ||  ||Evenlyn Thomas||High Energy (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||The Future Sound Of London||Papua New Guinea||
|  ||  ||Gino Soccio||Remember||
|  ||  ||The Night Writers||Let The Music (Use You)||
|  ||  ||Lisa Stansfield || What Did I Do To You?||
|2022-05-27||  ||Geen BWMMX uitgezonden||Reden Onbekend!||
|2022-06-03|| ||'''BWMMX #157''' || '''[ Pump It Up Mix]'''||
|  || ||Adamski || The Space Jungle ||
|  ||  ||Black & White Brothers || Pump It Up!||
|  ||  ||Mix Masters Feat. MC Action || In The Mix||
|  ||  ||Technotronic Feat. Felly || Pump Up The Jam||
|  ||  ||Doug Lazy ||Let The Rhythm Pump||
|2022-06-10|| ||'''BWMMX #158'''||'''[ Running Up That Stranger Hill]''' (Check [ HIER] de video van de Minimix!)||
|  ||  ||Kate Bush||Running Up That Hill||
|  ||  ||Stranger Things || Sound Excerpts Season 4||
|  ||  ||Propaganda || P.Machinery (Beta Mix)||
| ||  ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Strings & Orchestral Percussion||
|2022-06-17||  ||'''BWMMX #159'''||'''[ Tron The Unbelievable Legacy]'''||
| ||  ||Daftpunk || Better, Faster, Stronger||
| ||  ||The Crypt ||The Legacy||
| ||  ||EMF || Unbelievable ||
| ||  ||Tron Legacy ||Soundtrack||
| ||  ||Tron Legacy ||Voice Overs||
|2022-06-24|| ||'''BWMMX #160'''||'''[ Deep Down Street Player]'''<ref>[] ''Radio 10, Netherlands'' | Publicatie: 25 juni 2022 00:17 uur | Gevonden: 29 mei 2024</ref>||
| ||  ||Crystal Waters||Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)||
| ||  ||Chicago||Street Player||
| ||  ||Alok, Ella Eyre & Kenny Dope Feat. Never Dull ||Deep Down ||
| ||  ||Hardrive || Deep Inside||
|2022-07-01|| ||'''BWMMX #161'''||'''[ Ipanema Thru Tha Roof]'''||
| ||  ||Antonio Carlos Jobim||The Girl From Ipanema||
| ||  ||Future Groove Express||Thru Tha Roof||
|2022-07-08|| ||'''BWMMX #162'''||'''[ Crazy What Native Love Can Do]'''  (Check [ HIER] de Ableton videoclip van deze Minimix!)||
| ||  ||Calvin Harris Feat. Ne-Yo || Let's Go||
| ||  ||David Guetta, Becky Hill & Ella Henderson || Crazy What Love Can Do (Acapella)||
| ||  ||Divine || Native Love (Step By Step)||
| ||  ||Tone Loc || Wild Thing (Acapella)||
| ||  ||Bananarama || I Heard A Rumour (Miami Mix)||
|2022-07-15|| Let op: Dit lijkt op een edit versie van de eerste 5 tracks van [[In The Mix]] Episode: #115 van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2005#22_januari_2005|22 januari 2005]] met extra tracks (*) toegevoegd!||'''BWMMX #163'''||'''[ Life Is ABC]'''||
| ||  ||Talk Talk|| Life's What You Make It||
| ||  ||The Jackson 5|| ABC (Sample) (*)||
| ||  ||Joyce Sims ||Come Into My Life||
| ||  ||Stevie Wonder|| Sir Duke (Acapella) (*)||
| ||  ||Snow|| Informer (Acapella)||
| || || Mr. Mister|| Broken Wings||
| ||  ||The Jackson 5|| ABC (Acapella) (*)||
| ||  ||The S.O.S. Band|| No One's Gonna Love You||
|2022-07-22|| || Geen BWMMX uitzending ||i.v.m. vakantie van [ Gerard Ekdom]||
|2022-07-29|| || Geen BWMMX uitzending ||i.v.m. vakantie van [ Gerard Ekdom]||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#30_juli_2022|2022-07-30]] ([[In The Mix]] Episode: #648 ''BWMMX Special 2'')||2021-03-19||'''BWMMX #110'''||''' Let's Go Funky'''||
| || ||Prince & The Revolution ||Let's Go Crazy||
| || ||Wally Badarou ||Chief Inspector||
| || || [[Ben Liebrand]] || on Bass!||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#30_juli_2022|2022-07-30]]||2022-06-10|| '''BWMMX #158''' || '''[ Running Up That Stranger Hill]''' ||
|  ||  ||Kate Bush||Running Up That Hill||
|  ||  ||Stranger Things || Sound Excerpts Season 4||
|  ||  ||Propaganda || P.Machinery (Beta Mix)||
| ||  ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Strings & Orchestral Percussion||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#30_juli_2022|2022-07-30]]||2020-09-18|| '''BWMMX #091'''||'''[ The Shape Of Whenever]''' (Multitrack Remix!)||
| || ||Ed Sheeran || The Shape Of You||
| || ||Shakira || Whenever Wherever||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#30_juli_2022|2022-07-30]]||2020-11-06||'''BWMMX #098'''||''' [ Life On Mars]'''||
| || ||Dexter Wansel || Life On Mars||
| || ||Dennis Edwards || Don't Look Any Further (Acapella)||
| || ||Chic || Le Freak||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#30_juli_2022|2022-07-30]]||2022-06-24||'''BWMMX #160'''||''' Deep Down Street Player'''||
| ||  ||Crystal Waters||Gypsy Woman (She's Homeless)||
| ||  ||Chicago||Street Player||
| ||  ||Heartdrive||Deep Down Inside||
| ||  ||Alok, Ella Eyre & Kenny Dope Feat. Never Dull ||Deep Down ||
| ||  ||Hardrive || Deep Inside||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#30_juli_2022|2022-07-30]]||2022-05-20|| '''BWMMX #156''' ||'''[ High Energy Pulstar]''' ||
|  ||  ||Vangelis||Pulstar||
|  ||  ||Evenlyn Thomas||High Energy (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||The Future Sound Of London||Papua New Guinea||
|  ||  ||Gino Soccio||Remember||
|  ||  ||The Night Writers||Let The Music (Use You)||
|  ||  ||Lisa Stansfield || What Did I Do To You?||
|2022-08-05|| || Geen BWMMX uitzending ||i.v.m. vakantie van [ Gerard Ekdom]||
|2022-08-12|| || Geen BWMMX uitzending ||i.v.m. vakantie van [ Gerard Ekdom]||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#13_augustus_2022|2022-08-13]] ([[In The Mix]] Episode: #649 ''BWMMX Special 3'') ||2021-10-22||'''BWMMX #133'''||''' [ New York Under Pressure]'''||
| || ||Vanilla Ice||Ice Ice Baby||
| || ||Frank Sinatra||New York New York||
| || ||Queen & David Bowie||Under Pressure||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#13_augustus_2022|2022-08-13]]|| 2020-07-17||'''BWMMX #083'''||''' Uptown Flawless'''||
| || ||Mark Ronson Feat. Bruno Mars || Uptown Funk (Acapella)||
| || ||James Brown || Gravity||
| || ||One Way || Let's Talk||
| || ||Narada Michael Walden || I Should Have Loved Ya||
| || ||Sister Sledge || Lost In Music||
| || ||Michael Jackson || Jam||
| || ||Sharades || Gimme The Funk||
| || ||Kraftwerk || The Robots||
| || ||Rose Royce || Is It Love You're After||
| || ||The Ones || Flawless||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#13_augustus_2022|2022-08-13]]||2019-12-27|| '''BWMMX #058'''|| '''[ A Thrilling Situation]'''||
| || ||Yazoo || Situation||
| || ||Michael Jackson || Thriller||
| || ||First Choice || Let No Man Put Asunder||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#13_augustus_2022|2022-08-13]]||2020-11-20||'''BWMMX #100'''||'''[ Minimix 100]'''||
| || ||95 North || The Request (acapella) (Excuse Me Mister Deejay, Could You Play Something With A Beat?)||
| || ||Madonna || Music (Bass In Background)||
| || ||Robin S. || Luv 4 Luv||
| || ||50 Cent || In Da Club (Acapella; "Go, Go, Go, Go, Go Shorty" Sample)||
| || ||Donna Summer || Bad Girls (Acapella)||
| || ||Total Touch|| Touch Me There (Acapella)||
| || ||The Doobie Brothers||Long Train Running (Acapella)||
| || ||Whitney Houston || Love Will Save The Day (Acapella)||
| || ||The Isley Brothers || Dance To The Music (Acapella)||
| || ||Bee Gees || You Should Be Dancing (Extra's)||
| || ||The Jacksons || Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) (Acapella)||
| || ||Barry Manilow|| Copacobana (At The Copa)||
| || ||The Jacksons || Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) (Strings + Horns)||
| || ||Lee Cabrera Feat. Alex Cartana || Shake It (Move A Little Closer) (Acapella)||
| || ||Booty Luv || Boogie 2nite||
| || ||Beats International Feat. Lindy Layton || Just Be Good To Me (Acapella)||
|  || ||Jacksons || Can You Feel It (Strings)||
| || ||Double Trouble & The Rebel MC || Street Tuff (Bassline)||
| || ||Isaac Hayes || Theme From Shaft (Guitar Riffs)||
| || ||The Shamen || Move Any Mountain (Part 1) (Acapella)||
| || ||Tears For Fears || Shout (Acapella)||
| || ||Adeva || In And Out Of My Life (Acapella)||
| || ||Cassius || When The Sun Goes Down||
| || ||Georgio||Bedrock (Bassline)||
| || ||2 Unlimited || Maximum Overdrive (Acapella)||
| || ||Deee-Lite || Groove Is In The Heart (Video Mix Acapella)||
|  || ||Adamski || Killer||
|  ||  ||Ian Dury || Reasons To Be Cheerful, Part 3||
| || ||Deniece Williams || I've Got The Next Dance||
| || ||Michael Jackson|| Bad (Acapella)||
| || ||Class Action Feat. Chris Wiltshire  || Weekend (Acapella)||
| || ||Michael Jackson || Don't Stop Till You Get Enough ||
| || ||Carol Jiani || Hit 'N Run Lover (Cowbells)||
| || ||Colonel Abrams ||Trapped (Acapella)||
| || ||The S.O.S. Band || The Finest (Vocal Sample)||
| || ||Bee Gees|| Tragedy (Vocal Sample)||
| || ||Tripple X ||Feel The Same||
| || ||Earth, Wind & Fire || Bada (Sample)?||
| || ||Modjo || Lady (Hear Me Tonight)||
| || ||Tweet || Boogie 2 Nite (Acapella)||
| || ||Negrocan || Cada Vez||
| || || The Pasadenas || Tribute (Right On Time) (Hit It)||
| || ||Technotronic Feat. Felly || Pump Up The Jam (Acapella)||
| || ||The Wiz Stars Feat. Diana Ross & Michael Jackson || A Brand New Day||
| || ||Robbie Williams|| Let Me Entertain You (Acapella)||
| || ||Paul Johnson ||Get Get Down||
| || ||Montell Jordan || This Is How We Do It (Acapella)||
| || ||Wildchild || Renegade Master (Acapella)||
| || ||Black Box || Everybody, Everybody (Acapella)||
| || ||Prince & The Revolution || 1999 (Acapella)||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#13_augustus_2022|2022-08-13]]||2022-02-04||'''BWMMX #142''' ||''' I Want Your Chain To The Rhythm'''||
|  ||  || Katy Perry || Chained To The Rhythm (Acapella)||
|  ||  || Chic || I Want Your Love||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#13_augustus_2022|2022-08-13]]||2020-09-11||'''BWMMX #090'''||'''[ Ride Like The Wind To Funkytown]'''||
| || ||Christopher Cross || Ride Like The Wind||
| || ||Lipps Inc. || Funkytown||
|2022-08-19|| ||'''BWMMX #164'''||'''[ Britney On Fire]'''||
| ||  ||The Ohio Players || Fire||
| ||  ||Britney Spears ||  Baby One More Time||
| ||  ||Daft Punk || One More Time||
| ||  ||Christina Milian || AM to PM||
| ||  ||The Trammps || Disco Inferno||
| ||  ||James Brown || Hit Me ||
|2022-08-26||  ||'''BWMMX #165'''|| '''[ Can You See And Feel The Light]'''||
| ||  ||Ennio Morricone || Chi Mai||
| ||  ||Michelle Weeks || The Light (Acapella)||
| ||  ||Snap! || Do You See The Light||
| ||  ||Faithless || God Is A DJ (Acapella)||
| ||  ||The Jacksons || Can You Feel It||
| ||  ||Dead Or Alive || You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#27_augustus_2022|2022-08-27]] ([[In The Mix]] Episode: #650 ''BWMMX Special 4'')||2020-08-21||'''BWMMX #087'''||''' Shining Fantasy Goddess'''||
| || ||Earth, Wind & Fire || Fantasy||
| || ||Earth, Wind & Fire || Shining Star||
| || ||Ramsey Lewis Feat. Earth, Wind & Fire || Sun Goddess||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#27_augustus_2022|2022-08-27]]||2018-10-12|| '''BWMMX #006||''' [ Walk Like A Good Times Egyptian Star]'''||
| || ||Earth, Wind & Fire ||In The Stone||
| || ||The Bangles || Walk Like An Egyptian (Acapella)||
| || ||Barry White || You See The Trouble With Me ( Sample: Put Your Hands Together!)||
| || ||Chic || Good Times (Acapella)||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#27_augustus_2022|2022-08-27]]||2018-11-16|| '''BWMMX #011||''' Forbidden Lover's History'''||
| || ||The Gap Band || Say Oops Upside Your Head ||
| || ||Chic || Forbidden Lover ||
| || ||Yello || I Love You ||
| || ||Biz Markie || Let Me See You Bounce ||
| || ||Blondie || Rapture ||
| || ||Mai Tai || History ||
| || ||Wild Cherry ||Play That Funky Music ||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#27_augustus_2022|2022-08-27]]||2019-02-01||'''BWMMX #018''' || '''Don't Stop Somebody Else's Guy'''||
|  || ||Yarbrough & Peoples || Don't Stop The Music||
|  || ||The Simpsons || Do The Bartman (Acapella)||
|  || ||Jocelyn Brown || Somebody Else's Guy||
|  || ||Eric B. & Rakim || I Know You've Got Soul||
|  || ||Rufus & Chaka Kahn || Ain't Nobody||
|  || ||Alyson Williams || Sleeptalk||
|  || ||James Brown || Hot Pants||
|  || ||Marvin Gaye || Sexual Healing||
|  || ||Mantronix Feat. Wondress || Got To Have Your Love||
|  || ||Change || Change Of Heart||
|  || ||Vanilla Ice || Ice Ice Baby||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#27_augustus_2022|2022-08-27]]||2019-05-31 || '''BWMMX #034''' ||'''Friends On An African Holiday'''||
|  || || Beats International Feat. Lindy Layton  || Just Be Good To Me (Acapella)||
|  || ||Dr. Alban  || Hello Africa ||
|  || ||10CC  || Dreadlock Holiday ||
|  || ||50 cent  || In Da Club (Acapella)||
|  || ||Destiny's Child  || Independent Woman ||
|  || ||Suzanne Vega  || Tom's Diner (Acapella)||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#27_augustus_2022|2022-08-27]]||2019-06-14||'''BWMMX #036''' ||''' Wanna Kung Fu Yu Up'''||
|  || ||Color Me Badd || I Wanna Sex You Up||
|  || ||Carl Douglas || Kung Fu Fighting (Acapella)||
|  || ||Lumidee Feat. Busta Rhymes & Fabolous || Uh Oooh||
|  || ||Grace Jones || Slave To The Rhythm (Sample: Keep It Up)||
|  || ||Soul II Soul || Back To Life (Samples What's Going On + Back To Reality)||
|  || ||Jocelyn Brown || Somebody Else's Guy (Sample: Aaaaagh)||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#27_augustus_2022|2022-08-27]]||2018-10-26||'''BWMMX #008||''' Get Ready For Ooops'''||
| ||||The S.O.S. Band  || Just Be Good To Me||
| ||||Alice Cooper  || Halo Of Flies||
| ||||2 Unlimited  || Get Ready For This||
| ||||The S.O.S. Band  || Borrowed Love (Acapella)||
| ||||Frankie Goes To Hollywood  || Relax (Acapella)||
| ||||Moby  || Go!||
| ||||Creedence Clearwater Revival  ||  Suzie Q||
| ||||Alison Limerick  || Where Love Lives||
| ||||Snap! || Ooops Up!||
| ||||Underdog Project  || Summer Jam||
| ||||Jason Nevins  || Work That Body||
| ||||DJ Jean  || The Launch||
| ||||Bros  || When Will I Be Famous||
|2022-09-02||  ||'''BWMMX #166''' ||'''[ The Good, The Bad, The Ugly and Me, Myself and I]'''||
|  ||  || Il Volo & Ennio Morricone || The Ecstasy of Gold (The Good, The Bad and The Ugly)||
|  ||  ||Imagination || Flashback||
|  ||  ||De La Soul || Me Myself And I ||
|  ||  ||Steve Aoki & Angger Dimas Feat. Iggy Azalea || Beat Down||
|  ||  ||The Three Degrees || The Heaven I Need||
|  ||  ||Electric J || So Good||
|  ||  ||Science Project || Bad Prince||
|  ||  ||Salt 'N' Peppa || Push It||
|  ||  ||Black Feat. Missy Elliot || The Ugly||
|2022-09-09||  ||'''BWMMX #167'''||'''[ Da Funky Beats]'''||
|  ||  ||Tullio De Piscopo ||Stop Bajon||
|  ||  ||Pink Floyd || Money||
|  ||  ||Public Domain Feat. Chuck D.||Rock Da Funky Beats||
|  ||  ||Imagination ||Music & Lights (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||Boston || More Than A Feeling (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||Wang Chung || Dance Hall Days||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#10_september_2022|2022-09-10]] ([[In The Mix]] Episode: #651 ''BWMMX Special 5'')|| 2022-07-15||'''BWMMX #163'''||'''Life Is ABC'''||
| ||  ||Talk Talk|| Life's What You Make It||
| ||  ||The Jackson 5|| ABC (Sample)||
| ||  ||Joyce Sims ||Come Into My Life||
| ||  ||Stevie Wonder|| Sir Duke (Acapella)||
| ||  ||Snow|| Informer (Acapella)||
| || || Mr. Mister|| Broken Wings||
| ||  ||The Jackson 5|| ABC (Acapella)||
| ||  ||The S.O.S. Band|| No One's Gonna Love You||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#10_september_2022|2022-09-10]]|| 2022-08-19||'''BWMMX #164'''||'''Britney On Fire'''||
| ||  ||The Ohio Players || Fire||
| ||  ||Britney Spears ||  Baby One More Time||
| ||  ||Daft Punk || One More Time||
| ||  ||Christina Milian || AM To PM||
| ||  ||The Trammps || Disco Inferno||
| ||  ||James Brown || Hit Me ||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#10_september_2022|2022-09-10]]||2022-09-02||'''BWMMX #166''' ||'''The Good, The Bad, The Ugly and Me, Myself and I'''||
|  ||  || Il Volo & Ennio Morricone || The Ecstasy of Gold (The Good, The Bad and The Ugly)||
|  ||  ||Imagination || Flashback||
|  ||  ||De La Soul || Me Myself And I ||
|  ||  ||Steve Aoki & Angger Dimas Feat. Iggy Azalea || Beat Down||
|  ||  ||The Three Degrees || The Heaven I Need||
|  ||  ||Electric J || So Good||
|  ||  ||Science Project || Bad Prince||
|  ||  ||Salt 'N' Peppa || Push It||
|  ||  ||Black Feat. Missy Elliot || The Ugly||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#10_september_2022|2022-09-10]]||2022-05-13||'''BWMMX #155''' ||'''Funky!'''||
|  ||  ||KrisKross || Warm It Up||
|  ||  ||Voices In The Dark || Keep It Warm (Sample)||
|  ||  ||Stetsasonic ||Talkin' All That Jazz||
|  ||  ||Erick Morillo Feat. Real 2 Real ||Jazz It Up||
|  ||  ||Bobby Brown|| My Perogative||
|  ||  ||Jody Watley ||Real Love||
|  ||  ||Whistle|| (Nothin Seriously) Just Buggin' (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||Wee Pappa Girl Rappers || Heat It Up (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||Herbie Hancock|| Rock It||
|  ||  ||Dimples D. ||Sucker DJ (Acapella)||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#10_september_2022|2022-09-10]]||2021-01-22||'''BWMMX #104''' || '''[ Rock The Brick House]'''||
| || ||Commodores || Brick House (Acapella)||
| || ||Herbie Hancock || Rock It||
| || ||Steve Miller Band|| Fly Like An Eagle ||
|  || ||The Chamberlain From The Movie The Dark Crystal ||[ It's Time To Make... My Move (Sample)] ||
| || ||Snap! || The Cult Of Snap (Sample)||
| || ||Phantasia || Violet Skies (Sample)||
| || ||Boney M. || [ Kalimba De Luna] (Do You Really Want To Party) (Sample)||
| || ||Criminal Element Orchestra || Put The Needle On The Record (Sample)||
|[[In_The_Mix_(Radio_10)_draailijsten_van_2022#10_september_2022|2022-09-10]]||2022-07-01||'''BWMMX #161'''||'''Ipanema Thru Tha Roof'''||
| ||  ||Antonio Carlos Jobim||The Girl From Ipanema||
| ||  ||Future Groove Express||Thru Tha Roof||
|2022-09-16||  ||'''BWMMX #168'''||'''[ PopCorn Style]''' ||
|  ||  ||Hot Butter || Popcorn||
|  ||  ||PSY || Gangnam Style||
|  ||  ||50 Cent || In Da Club||
|  ||  ||DeepZone || It's Gonna Be Alright||
|  ||  ||Sniff 'n' the Tears || Drivers Seat||
|  ||  ||Avant Garde || Get Down||
|2022-09-23||  || Geen BWMMX || i.v.m. 90's Top 800 op [[Radio 10]]||
|2022-09-30||  ||'''BWMMX #169'''||'''[ Which Way's The Finest]'''||
|  ||  ||Stargard ||Theme From "Which Way Is Up"||
|  ||  ||Black Machine || How Gee (Sample: One, Two, Three, Four)||
|  ||  ||Backstreet Boys || We've Got It Goin' On (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||The Simpsons || Do The Bartman (Acapella)||
|  ||  || ??  || ?? (Sample: Un, Dos, Tres) ||
|  ||  ||Alexander O'Neal & Cherrelle || Saturday Love ||
|  ||  ||Sheena Easton ||  You Can Swing It (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||The S.O.S. Band ||The Finest ||
|  ||  ||Alexander O'Neal || Fake||
|  ||  ||Janet Jackson || What Have You Done For Me Lately?||
|  ||  ||Edwin Starr || War!||
|  ||  ||Herb Alpert || Keep Your Eye On Me||
|  ||  ||Survivor || Eye Of The Tiger (Acapella)||
|2022-10-07|| ||'''BWMMX #170'''||''' [ On The Beat Is What It Takes] '''||
|  ||  ||Bobby Thurston || You've Got What It Takes||
|  ||  ||Dua Lipa || Hotter Than Hell (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||Madonna || Vogue (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||Jimmy 'Bo' Horne || Spank (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||Deee-lite || Groove Is In The Heart (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||B.B. & Q. Band || On The Beat||
|  ||  ||The Shamen || Move Any Mountain (Acapella)||
|2022-10-14||  ||'''BWMMX #171'''||'''[ When White Doves Kiss]'''||
|  ||  || Laid Back ||White Horse||
|  ||  || Prince And The Revolution|| Kiss (Acapella)||
| ||  || Prince And The Revolution|| When Doves Cry (Acapella)||
| ||  || Chic|| Le Freak (Strings)||
|2022-10-21||  ||'''BWMMX #172'''||'''[ Disco Inferno Multitrack Remix (2022 Versie)]'''||
|  ||  ||The Trammps || Disco Inferno||
|2022-10-28||  ||'''BWMMX #173''' ||'''[ Chillin' Me Softly]''' (Versie 1)||
|  ||  ||Roberta Flack|| Killing Me Softly With His Song||
|  ||  ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Additional Production and Remix!||
|2022-11-04||Dit lijkt op een edit versie van de eerste 8 tracks van [[In The Mix]] Episode #117 van [[In_The_Mix_(Radio_Veronica)_draailijsten_van_2005#5_februari_2005|5 februari 2005]] met 3 extra tracks (*) toegevoegd ||'''BWMMX #174''' ||''' [ Brazilian Night Of The Young Guns] '''<ref>[] ''Radio 10, Netherlands'' | Publicatie: 5 november 2022 22:09 uur | Gevonden: 29 mei 2024</ref>||
|  ||  ||Spoonie G || I'm All Shook Up||
|  ||  ||B.O.B. Feat. Bruno Mars || Nothin' On You (Acapella) (*)||
|  ||  ||Earth, Wind & Fire || Brazilian Rhyme||
|  ||  ||Duran Duran || I Don't Want Your Love||
|  ||  ||Was (Not Was) || Walk The Dinosaur||
|  ||  ||DeBarge || Rhythm Of The Night||
|  ||  ||Shalamar || A Night To Remember (Acapella) (*)||
|  ||  ||Wham! || Young Guns (Go For It)||
|  ||  ||Kelis || Milkshake (Acapella) (*)||
|  ||  ||Talk Talk || Such A Shame||
|2022-11-11|| ||'''BWMMX #175''' ||''' [ Whoomp! There Is The Money For Nothing]'''||
|  ||  || Dire Straits ||Money For Nothing||
|  ||  || Tag Team ||Whoomp! There It Is (Acapella)||
|  ||  || ?? || Disco Disco (Sample)||
|  ||  || Sly & the Family Stone||Dance to the Music||
|  ||  || Kano || I'm Ready||
|  ||  || Tone Loc || Wild Thing (Drum Sample)||
|  ||  ||The Doobie Brothers || Long Train Running (Harmonica Sample)||
|  ||  ||Trans-X || Living On Video||
|2022-11-18|| ||'''BWMMX #176''' ||'''[ The Finest Bananza Shoop] '''||
| ||  || George Michael || Father Figure||
| ||  || Herbie Hancock ||Chameleon (Bassline)||
| ||  || Midnight Star || Headlines (Sample "Extra Extra")||
| ||  || Akon ||Bananza (Belly Dancer) (Acapella)||
| ||  || Salt 'N' Pepa|| Shoop (Acapella)||
| ||  || Whistle || (Nothing Serious) Just Buggin'||
| ||  ||The S.O.S. Band || The Finest (Acapella)||
|2022-11-25|| ||'''BWMMX #177''' ||'''[ Workin’ Around The World]''' (kijk [ HIER] naar de Ableton versie) ||5min 23sec
| ||  || Michael Jackson || Workin' Day And Night||
| ||  || Daft Punk || Around The World||
|2022-12-02|| ||'''BWMMX #178''' ||'''[ Thriller (The Song Formerly known as 'Starlight')]'''<ref>[] ''Radio 10, Netherlands'' | Publicatie: 4 december 2022 00.38 uur | Gevonden: 19 mei 2024</ref>|| 5min 40sec
| ||  ||Michael Jackson || Thriller ||
|2022-12-09|| ||Geen BWMMX uitzending ||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]||
|2022-12-16|| ||Geen BWMMX uitzending ||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]||
|2022-12-23|| ||Geen BWMMX uitzending ||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]||
|2022-12-30|| ||Geen BWMMX uitzending ||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]||
'''Let op: Vanaf zaterdag 7 januari 2023 keert de Minimix van [[Ben Liebrand]] terug op het ''"oude tijdstip"'' van twee platen over negen (21.10 uur) in [[Sven Classix Show]] op [[Radio 10]]'''
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''|| width="100px" | '''Tijdsduur'''
|2023-01-07||  || '''Earth, Wind & Fire With The Emotions'''||'''[ Boogie Wonderland (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]''' ||6min 37sec
|2023-01-14||  || '''Divine'''||'''[ Native Love (Step by Step) (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)] (Versie 1)''' ||5min 22sec
|2023-01-21||  ||'''Thelma Houston'''||'''[ Don't Leave Me This Way (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]''' ||6min 41sec
|2023-01-28||  ||'''Heatwave'''||'''[ Boogie Nights (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]''' ||6min 14sec
|2023-02-04||  ||'''Heatwave'''||''' [ Grooveline (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]'''<ref>[] '' Minimix : Heatwave - Groove Line'' | Publicatie: 4 februari 2023 23.08 uur | Gevonden: 28 mei 2024 </ref> ||6min 09sec
|2023-02-11||  ||'''Chic'''||'''[ Le Freak (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]''' ||5min 22sec
|2023-02-18||  ||'''Raw Silk'''||'''[ Do It To the Music (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]''' ||6min 01sec
|2023-02-25||  ||'''The Flirts'''||'''[ Passion (Ben Liebrand Sweet N Simple Remix)]''' ||5min 38sec
|2023-03-04||  ||'''Timex Social Club'''||'''[ Rumors (Ben Liebrand Minimix)]''' ||6min 05sec
|2023-03-11||  ||'''The Flirts'''||'''[ Passion (Ben Liebrand Oldskool Mix)]''' || 5min 58sec
|2023-03-18||  ||'''Roberta Flack & Donny Hathaway'''||'''Where Is The Love (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)''' ||5min 43sec
|2023-03-25||  ||'''Ray Parker Jr.'''||'''[ Ghostbusters (Ben Liebrand Minimix)]''' || 5min 58sec
|2023-04-01||1987-07-31 ||'''Phil Collins'''||'''In The Air Tonight (Ben Liebrand Remix)'''|| 7min 28sec
|2023-04-08||Mashup uit [[Ben_Liebrand_In_The_House_(Radio_ISLA_106)_Draailijsten_/_Playlist_2021#27_februari_2021|Episode: #086]] van [[In The House]] ||'''Chic''' ||'''[ Everybody Dance (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]'''||5min 46sec
|  ||  ||Chic||Everybody Dance (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||Discotron, Sandy's Groove|| Some Kinda Magic (Dub Mix)||
|2023-04-15||  ||'''Barry Manilow''' || '''[ Copacabana (At The Copa) (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]''' ||6min 41sec
|2023-04-22||  ||''' Ashford & Simpson '''|| '''[ Found A Cure (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]''' ||6min 37sec
|2023-04-29||  ||'''RAH Band'''||'''[ Clouds Across The Moon (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)] '''||6min 21sec
|2023-05-06||  ||'''Viola Wills'''||'''[ If You Could Read My Mind (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)] '''||6min 21sec
|2023-05-13||  ||'''Divine'''||'''[ Native Love (Step by Step) (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework Extended Version)] (Versie 2)'''||6min 57sec
|2023-05-20||  ||'''Spence''' (Henk Braaf)||'''[ Get It On (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]'''<ref>[] ''The Minimix this weekend!'' | Publicatie: 19 mei 2023 - 19.24 uur | Gevonden: 19 mei 2024</ref>||6min 04sec
|2023-05-27||1986-11-07||'''Tina Turner'''||'''[ Two People (Ben Liebrand Tender Mix)]'''||7min 48sec
|2023-06-03||  ||'''OJAM'''||'''[ Rotation (Ben Liebrand Rework)]'''|| 5min 58sec
|2023-06-10||  ||'''Antonio Carlos Jobim & Astrud Gilberto & Stan Getz '''||'''[ The Girl From Ipanema (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]'''||5min 10sec
|2023-06-17||  ||'''Lalo Shifrin vs. Kosheen '''||''' [ Magnum Force vs. Hide U]'''||5min 18sec
|  ||  ||Lalo Shifrin || Magnum Force (Main Title)||
|  ||  ||Kosheen || Hide U ||
|2023-06-24||  ||'''Sharon Brown'''||'''[ I Specialize In Love (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]'''||6min 22sec
|2023-07-01||Mashup uit [[Ben_Liebrand_In_The_House_(Radio_ISLA_106)_Draailijsten_/_Playlist_2021#11_december_2021|Episode: #125]] van [[In The House]] ||'''Instant Funk'''||''' [ Instant Funk Pushin' It (Minimix / Mashup)]||5min 21sec
|  ||  ||Instant Funk || Got My Mind Made Up (You Can Get It Girl) (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||Gann De Santis & Fabo Faltoni ||Give A Hand To Me (Tōnis Remix)||
|  ||  ||Salt 'N' Pepa|| Push It (Sample)||
|  ||  ||Inaya Day || Keep Pushin'!!! (Sample)||
|  ||  ||Boris Dlugosch || Keep Pushin' (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||Opus || It's A Fine Day (Acapella)||
|2023-07-08||  ||'''Marcin vs. Mary J Blige''' ||'''[ Work That Habanera (Minimix / Mashup)]'''||5min 47sec
|  ||  ||Marcin || Carmen Habanera On One Guitar||
|  ||  ||Nelly Furtado ||Big Hoops ||
|  ||  ||Mary J Blige || Work That||
|  ||  ||M.A.W. || Work (Sample)||
|2023-07-15||  ||'''Fleetwood Mac'''||'''[ Don't Stop (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]'''|| 5min 31sec
|2023-07-22||  ||'''Fleetwood Mac'''||'''[ Go Your Own Way (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]'''||6min 04sec
|2023-07-29||  ||'''Visage vs. The Weeknd'''||'''[ My Face Fade To Grey (Minimix / Mashup)]'''||6min 00sec
|  ||  ||Visage || Fade To Grey||
|  ||  ||The Weeknd ||Can't Feel My Face ||
|  ||  ||Moroder || Sample||
|2023-08-05||  ||'''Rick James  '''||'''[ Super Freakie (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]  '''||6min 00sec
|2023-08-12||  ||'''Wham!'''||'''[ Everything She Wants (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]'''||6min 08sec
|2023-08-19||Mashup uit [[Ben_Liebrand_In_The_House_(Radio_ISLA_106)_Draailijsten_/_Playlist_2021#12_juni_2021|Episode: #101]] van [[In The House]]||'''Sean Newman vs. Michael Jackson'''||'''[ Rolling Base vs. Rock With You (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]'''||5min 02sec
|  ||  ||Sean Newman || Rolling Base||
|  ||  ||Michael Jackson ||Rock With You (Acapella)||
|2023-08-26||  ||'''Lime'''||'''[ You're Love (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]''' <ref>[] ''In honor of Denis LePage, A fresh version of Lime - Your Love '' | Publicatie: 27 augustus 2023 00:44 uur | Gevonden: 28 mei 2024</ref>||6min 16sec
|2023-09-02||  ||'''Moses'''||'''[ We Just (Ben Liebrand 12 Minute Evolution Mix)]'''<ref>[] ''This Saturday on Sven's Classix'' | Publicatie: 29 augustus 2023 22:12 uur | Gevonden: 28 mei 2024 </ref>||11min 52sec
|2023-09-09||  ||'''Divine Sounds'''||'''[ What People Do For Money (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]'''||5min 53sec
|2023-09-16||Mashup uit [[Ben_Liebrand_In_The_House_(Radio_Calletti)_Draailijsten_/_Playlist_2020#24_april_2020|Episode: #054]] van [[In The House]]  ||'''Dan Hartman'''||'''[ Reeeeelight My Fire (Ben Liebrand Reeeeemix) (ook wel "De Extra Botte Bijl Remix")]'''<ref>[] ''The Minimix!'' | Publicatie: 15 september 2023 22:22 uur | Gevonden: 28 mei 2024 </ref>||4min 45sec
|  ||  ||Dan Hartman || Relight My Fire (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||Supernova || I Got This (Original Mix)||
|2023-09-23||  ||'''Deodato'''||'''[ S.O.S. Fire In The Sky (Recreation Mix Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]'''<ref>[] ''Minimix : Deodato - Fire In The Sky'' | Publicatie: 23 september 2023 23:10 uur | Gevonden: 28 mei 2024</ref>||5min 40sec
|2023-09-30||Mashup uit [[Ben_Liebrand_In_The_House_(Radio_ISLA_106)_Draailijsten_/_Playlist_2021#5_juni_2021|Episode: #100]] van [[In The House]]  ||''' Michael Jackson'''||''' [ Get On The Floor (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]'''|| 5min 38sec
|  ||  ||Michael Jackson  || Get On The Floor (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||Dr. Cyclotron  ||  Get On The Floor||
|2023-10-07||  ||'''Sister Sledge '''||'''[ Lost In Suēno Latino Music (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]'''|| 5min 32sec
| || ||Sister Sledge||Lost In Music||
| || ||Suēno Latino||Suēno Latino||
|2023-10-14||Mashup uit [[Ben_Liebrand_In_The_House_(Radio_Calletti)_Draailijsten_/_Playlist_2019#1_november_2019|Episode: #029]] en [[Ben_Liebrand_In_The_House_(Radio_Calletti)_Draailijsten_/_Playlist_2020#3_januari_2020|Episode: #038]] van [[In The House]] ||''' Rod Stewart '''||''' [ Do Ya Think I'm Sexy (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]'''|| 5min 38sec
| || ||Rod Stewart || Do Ya Think I'm Sexy (Acapella)||
| || ||Dirty Secretz || Tribute (Original Mix)||
|2023-10-21||Mashup uit [[Ben_Liebrand_In_The_House_(Radio_ISLA_106)_Draailijsten_/_Playlist_2021#9_januari_2021|Episode: #079]] van [[In The House]] ||''' Imagination'''||'''[ Just An Illusion (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]'''||5min 16sec
| || ||Imagination||Just An Illusion (Acapella)||
| || ||T.Markakis||Strings Of Life (Original Mix)||
|2023-10-28||Mashup uit [[Ben_Liebrand_In_The_House_(Radio_Calletti)_Draailijsten_/_Playlist_2019#27_september_2019|Episode: #026]],[[Ben_Liebrand_In_The_House_(Radio_Calletti)_Draailijsten_/_Playlist_2020#3_januari_2020|Episode: #038]] en [[Ben_Liebrand_In_The_House_(Radio_ISLA_106)_Draailijsten_/_Playlist_2021#5_juni_2021|Episode: #100]] van [[In The House]]||'''House of Pain'''||'''[ Jump Around Samoa (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]'''|| 5min 34sec
| || ||House Of Pain || Jump Around (Acapella)||
| || ||HeverJara Feat. Reveh & Drezza || Samoa (Original Mix)||
|2023-11-04||Mashup uit [[Ben_Liebrand_In_The_House_(Radio_ISLA_106)_Draailijsten_/_Playlist_2021#10_april_2021|Episode: #092]] van [[In The House]] ||'''Sister Sledge'''||'''[ He’s The Greatest Speed Dancer (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]'''|| 5min 22sec
| || ||Sister Sledge || The Greatest Dancer (Acapella)||
| || ||Kenny Bizzarro || Speed (Original Mix)||
|2023-11-11||Mashup uit [[Ben_Liebrand_In_The_House_(Radio_ISLA_106)_Draailijsten_/_Playlist_2022#22_april_2022|Episode: #084]] van [[In The House]]||'''Michael Jackson'''||'''[ Smooth Criminal I Can Feel (Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework)]'''|| 5min 02sec
| || ||Michael Jackson || Smooth Criminal (Acapella)||
| || ||Animist ||I Can Feel (Original Mix)||
|2023-11-18||  ||'''Chaka Khan'''||'''[ I'm Every Woman (Ben Liebrand 2023 Remix)] (Versie 2)'''|| 5min 58sec
|2023-11-25||  ||Geen MMX uitzending||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]||
|2023-12-02||  ||Geen MMX uitzending||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]||
|2023-12-09||  ||Geen MMX uitzending||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]||
|2023-12-16||  ||Geen MMX uitzending||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]||
|2023-12-23||  ||Geen MMX uitzending||i.v.m. uitzending van de Top 4000 op [[Radio 10]]||
|2023-12-30||1991-03-22 ||'''Natalie Cole'''||'''This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) (Bandleader Versie) (Versie 1)''' (Deze Minimix werd aangekondigd als een '''Ben Liebrand 2023 Rework''', maar was gewoon een herhaling!)|| 5min 15sec
{| class="wikitable"
! width="120px" | '''Datum''' || width="120px" | '''Eerste uitzenddatum''' || width="320px" | '''Artiest''' || width="380px" | '''Titel'''|| width="100px" | '''Tijdsduur'''
|2024-01-06||  ||''' [[Ben Liebrand]], Laatste gedeelte uit de [[Grandmix#30_december_2023|Grandmix 1993]]!  '''||''' [ 'Minimix 1993']<ref>[] ''This Saturday during Sven's Classix'' | Publicatie: 5 januari 2024 | Gevonden: 6 januari 2024</ref> '''|| 4min 31sec
|  ||  ||Atlantic Ocean || Waterfall||
|  ||  ||Dance 2 Trance || Power Of American Natives||
|  ||  ||T-Spoon || No Time To Waste||
|  ||  ||Cappella || U Got 2 Know||
|  ||  ||Klatsch! || Oh Boy!||
|  ||  ||Snap! Feat. Niki Haris || Do You See The Light? (Looking For)||
|  ||  ||U.S.U.R.A. || Open Your Mind||
|  ||  ||U96 || Love Sees No Colour||
|  ||  ||Pin-Occhio || Ta Tatuta Tuta Ta (Tuta Mix)||
|  ||  ||Jam & Spoon Feat. Plavka || Ride In The Night||
|  ||  ||Bass Bumpers || Runnin’||
|  ||  ||Pin-Occhio || Pinocchio (Legno Mix)||
|  ||  ||The Prodigy || Wind It Up||
|  ||  ||Leila K || Open Sesame||
|2024-01-13||  ||''' Dua Lipa vs. Phil Collins '''||'''[ Swan Song In The Air]'''||  5min 30sec
|  ||  ||Dua Lipa || Swan Song||
|  ||  ||Phil Collins|| In The Air Tonight (Acapella)||
|2024-01-20||  ||'''Chic vs. Boney M.'''||'''[ Everybody Sunny Dance]'''<ref>[] ''The Minimix, with a very Chic version of Boney M!'' | Publicatie: 20 januari 2024 17:21 uur | Gevonden: 28 mei 2024</ref>||  6min 50sec
|  ||  ||Chic||Everybody Dance (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||Boney M.|| Sunny||
|2024-01-27||  ||'''Armin van Buuren & HRRTZ Feat. Julia Church'''||'''[ Fire With Fire]'''<ref>[] ''During Sven's Classix'' | Publicatie: 24 januari 2024 20.28 uur | Gevonden: 27 januari 2024</ref>||5min 36sec
|2024-02-03||  ||'''Fun Fun'''||'''[ Happy Station (Le Rework)]'''<ref>[] ''During Sven's Classix!'' | Publicatie: 3 februari 2024 19.57 uur | Gevonden: 3 februari 2024</ref><ref>[ Bandcamp] '' Fun Fun - Happy Station (Ben Liebrand Remixes)'' | Publicatie: 4 februari 2024 | Gevonden: 4 februari 2024</ref>|| 5min 32sec
|2024-02-10||Mashup uit [[Ben_Liebrand_In_The_House_(Radio_ISLA_106)_Draailijsten_/_Playlist_2024#20_januari_2024|Episode: #227]] van [[In The House]], maar nu verder uitgewerkt!  ||'''Sammy Davis, Jr.'''||'''[ Baretta's Theme]'''<ref>[] ''During Sven's Classix'' | Publicatie: 9 februari 2024 - 20.09 uur | Gevonden: 9 februari 2024</ref>||4min 53sec
|  ||  || Sammy Davis, Jr. ||Baretta's Theme (Acapella)||
|  ||  || Deepmore||Oui (Original Mix)||
|  ||  || The Original TV-Version||Baretta's Theme ||
|2024-02-17|| Mashup uit [[Ben_Liebrand_In_The_House_(Radio_ISLA_106)_Draailijsten_/_Playlist_2024#3_februari_2024|Episode: #229]] van [[In The House]], maar nu verder uitgewerkt! ||'''Vaughan Mason & Crew vs. Lubelski '''||'''[ Bounce Rock Skate Roll]'''<ref>[] ''During Sven's Classix on Radio 10'' | Publicatie: 17 februari 2024 18.34 uur | Gevonden: 17 februari 2024</ref>|| 4min 59sec
|  ||  ||Vaughan Mason & Crew || Bounce, Rock, Skate, Roll (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||Lubelski || Synth City (Original Mix)||
|  ||  ||[[Ben Liebrand]] || Additional Instruments||
|2024-02-24||  ||''' Hotei vs A.D.O.R. '''||'''[ Battle For The Renegade Master]'''<ref>[] ''The Minimix : Battle For The Renegade Master'' | Publicatie: 24 februari 2024 - 20.07 uur | Gevonden: 24 februari 2024</ref>||4min 10sec
|  ||  || Tomoyasu Hotei || Battle Without Honor Or Humanity (Featured in Kill Bill, but also the excellent series 'Blue Eye Samurai)||
|  ||  ||A.D.O.R. || One For The Trouble||
|2024-03-02||  ||'''Dusty Springfield  '''||'''[ The Look Of Love]'''<ref>[] ''The Minimix : The Look Of Love'' | Publicatie: 2 maart 2024 - 16.40 uur | Gevonden: 2 maart 2024</ref>|| 4min 51sec
|2024-03-09||  ||''' Sharon Brown '''||'''[ I Specialize in Disco]'''<ref>[] ''The Minimix during Sven's Classix'' | Publicatie: 9 maart 2024 - 20.50 uur | Gevonden: 9 maart 2024</ref>|| 5min 32sec
|2024-03-16||  ||'''Advance'''||'''[ Take Me To The Top (Ben Liebrand Le Disco Remix)]'''<ref>[] ''The Minimix during Sven's Classix'' | Publicatie: 16 maart 2024 - 20.50 uur | Gevonden: 16 maart 2024</ref><ref>[] ''Advance - Take Me To The Top (Ben Liebrand Remixes)'' | Publicatie: 24 maart 2024 | Gevonden: 24 maart 2024</ref><ref>[] ''Advance - Take Me To The Top (Ben Liebrand Remixes)'' | Publicatie: 24 maart 2024 17.57 uur | Gevonden: 24 maart 2024</ref>|| 6min 15sec
|2024-03-23||  ||''' Timmy Thomas vs. T-Connection '''||'''[ Why Can't We Live Together (The 1981 Bootleg Minimix)]<ref>[] ''The Minimix : The 1981 Timmy Thomas T-Connection Bootleg'' | Publicatie: 23 maart 2024 21.02 uur | Gevonden: 24 maart 2024</ref>'''||5min 05sec
|2024-03-30||  ||'''Roberta Flack'''||'''[ Killing Me Softly With His Song (Ben Liebrand Rework)]''' (Versie 2)<ref>[] ''I proudly present the official American release on Rhino Records: Roberta Flack - Killing Me Softly (Ben Liebrand Rework)'' | Publicatie: 30 maart 2024 15.03 uur | Gevonden: 31 maart 2024</ref>|| 6min 12sec
|  ||  || Sascha Liebrand ||  Live Bass Line||
|  ||  ||[[Ben Liebrand]] ||Additional Production and Remix||
|2024-04-06||  ||'''Linda Lewis'''||'''[ Class/Style (I've Got It) (Ben Liebrand Rework)]'''|| 5min 56sec
|2024-04-13||Mashup uit [[Ben_Liebrand_In_The_House_(SAM_Ibiza_Radio)_Draailijsten_/_Playlist_2024#6_april_2024|Episode: #238]] van [[In The House]], maar nu verder uitgewerkt!||'''Lionel Richie '''||''' [ Hello]''' <ref>[] ''The Minimix! Hello With Lionel Richie, Ian Carrera and a bit of Steve Miller Band!'' | Publicatie: 14 april 2024 21.38 uur | Gevonden: 15 april 2024</ref>'''|| 5min 24sec
|  ||  ||Lionel Richie||Hello (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||Ian Carrera||Just Cruisin' (Extended Mix)||
|  ||  ||Steve Miller Band|| Fly Like An Eagle ||
|2024-04-20||Mashup uit [[Ben_Liebrand_In_The_House_(Radio_ISLA_106)_Draailijsten_/_Playlist_2024#6_januari_2024|Episode: #225]] van [[In The House]], maar nu verder uitgewerkt!  ||'''CEV's vs. Tom Tom Club'''||'''[ Mercury / Wordy Rappinghood]'''||5min 23sec
|  ||  ||CEV's||Mercury (Original Mix)||
|  ||  ||Tom Tom Club|| Wordy Rappinghood (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||[[Ben Liebrand]]|| Synthesizers + Geluidseffecten + meer...||
|2024-04-27||  ||'''Divine Sounds  '''||'''[ What People Do For Money (What People Do Duo Mix)]<ref>[] ''The Minimix - A combination of the Nu-Disco and Electro Mix!'' | Publicatie: 27 april 2024 17.44 uur | Gevonden: 27 april 2024</ref>'''||5min 26sec
|2024-05-04||  ||'''Midway'''||'''[ Set It Out]<ref>[] ''The Minimix during Sven's Classix'' | Publicatie: 4 mei 2024 19.13 uur | Gevonden: 4 mei 2024</ref>'''|| 6min 38sec
|2024-05-11||Mashup uit [[Ben_Liebrand_In_The_House_(SAM_Ibiza_Radio)_Draailijsten_/_Playlist_2024#2_maart_2024|Episode: #233]] van [[In The House]], maar nu verder uitgewerkt! ||'''Billy Ocean vs. Barbara Tucker'''||'''[ Are You Ready For The Promised Land]<ref>[] ''The Minimix during Sven's Classix'' | Publicatie: 11 mei 2024 18.20 uur | Gevonden: 11 mei 2024</ref> '''|| 4min 58sec
|  ||  ||Billy Ocean||Are You Ready (Acapella)||
|  ||  ||Barbara Tucker Presents The BCrew ||Promised Land (Micky More & Andy Tee Dubstrumental)||
|2024-05-18||  ||'''Kiss'''||'''[ I Was Re-Made For Loving You]<ref>[] ''The Minimix during Sven's Classix'' | Publicatie: 18 mei 2024 15.10 uur | Gevonden: 18 mei 2024</ref>'''|| 5min 08sec
|2024-05-25||Mashup uit [[Ben_Liebrand_In_The_House_(SAM_Ibiza_Radio)_Draailijsten_/_Playlist_2024#17_februari_2024|Episode: #231]] van [[In The House]], maar nu verder uitgewerkt!||'''Tom Jones vs. Bohannon'''||''' [ Think I Better Dance Now]'''<ref>[] ''The Minimix during Sven's Classix'' | Publicatie: 25 mei 2024 16.59 uur | Gevonden: 25 mei 2024</ref>|| 4min 33sec
|    ||  ||The Art Of Noise Feat. Tom Jones || Kiss (Acapella)||
|    ||  ||Bizarre Inc. || Playing With Knives||
|    ||  || B.T. Express Feat. William Robinson || This Must Be The Night For Love ||
|    ||  ||Bohannon || Let's Start The Dance ||
|    ||  ||Bruno Bar|| Let's Have A Good Time (Crackazat Remix) / Good Times EP ||
|2024-06-01||  ||'''The Three Degrees'''||'''[ When Will I See You Again (Ben Liebrand Rework)]'''<ref>[] ''The Minimix during Sven's Classix'' | Publicatie: 1 juni 2024 20.09 uur | Gevonden: 1 juni 2024</ref>|| 4min 20sec
|2024-06-08||  ||'''Tina Turner vs. Discosteps'''||''' [ Goldeneye 007]'''<ref>[] ''The Minimix during Sven's Classix'' | Publicatie: 8 juni 2024 18.31 uur | Gevonden: 8 juni 2024</ref>||4min 54sec
|    ||  ||Tina Turner || Goldeneye (Acapella) ||
|    ||  ||Discosteps || All For You ||
|    ||  ||007 & Q || Samples ||
|2024-06-15|| Mashup uit [[Ben_Liebrand_In_The_House_(Radio_ISLA_106)_Draailijsten_/_Playlist_2024#3_februari_2024|Episode: #229]] van [[In The House]], maar nu verder uitgewerkt!||'''Stargard'''||'''[ Wear It Out]'''<ref>[] ''The Minimix during Sven's Classix'' | Publicatie: 15 juni 2024 11.55 uur | Gevonden: 15 juni 2024</ref>|| 5min 01sec
|    ||  ||Stargard || Wear It Out (Acapella)||
|    ||  ||True2Life & Nicky Louise||Let The Rhythm (Instrumental Mix)||
|2024-06-22||  ||'''Fun Fun vs New Order'''||'''[ Give Me Your Love On A Blue Monday]'''<ref>[] ''Make sure you don't miss this one!'' | Publicatie: 22 juni 2024 17.23 uur | Gevonden: 22 juni 2024</ref>|| 6min 27sec
|    ||  ||Fun Fun || Give Me Your Love (Acapella)||
|    ||  ||New Order || Blue Monday||
|2024-06-29||  ||'''Fun Fun'''||'''[ Give Me Your Love (Ben Liebrand Le Disco Mix)]'''<ref>[] ''The Minimix during Sven's Classix'' | Publicatie: 29 juni 2024 19.53 uur | Gevonden: 29 juni 2024</ref>|| 6min 10sec
|2024-07-06||  ||'''  '''||'''  '''||
|2024-07-13||  ||'''  '''||'''  '''||
|2024-07-20||  ||'''  '''||'''  '''||
|2024-07-27||  ||'''  '''||'''  '''||
== Uitzenddata Minimixen (Buitenlandse Radio) ==
* [[Minimix_(Buitenlandse_Radio)_draailijsten_2021|Minimix (Buitenlandse Radio) draailijsten 2021]]
* [[Minimix_(Buitenlandse_Radio)_draailijsten_2022|Minimix (Buitenlandse Radio) draailijsten 2022]]
* [[Minimix_(Buitenlandse_Radio)_draailijsten_2023|Minimix (Buitenlandse Radio) draailijsten 2023]]
* [[Minimix_(Buitenlandse_Radio)_draailijsten_2024|Minimix (Buitenlandse Radio) draailijsten 2024]]
== Zie ook ==
===Ben Liebrand In The Mix (Nederlandse Zenders)===
* [[In The Mix (VOO) draailijsten van 1983]]
* [[In The Mix (VOO) draailijsten van 1984]]
* [[In The Mix (VOO) draailijsten van 1985]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2004]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Radio Calletti) Draailijsten / Playlist 2019]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2005]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Radio Calletti) Draailijsten / Playlist 2020]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2006]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2007]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2008]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2009]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2010]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2011]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2012]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2013]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2014]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2015]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Veronica) draailijsten van 2016]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio 10) draailijsten van 2017]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Radio ISLA 106) Draailijsten / Playlist 2020]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio 10) draailijsten van 2018]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Radio ISLA 106) Draailijsten / Playlist 2021]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio 10) draailijsten van 2019]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio 10) draailijsten van 2020]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio 10) draailijsten van 2021]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio 10) draailijsten van 2022]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio 10) draailijsten van 2023]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio 10) draailijsten van 2024]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Sunshine Live) Draailijsten / Playlist 2021]]

===Ben Liebrand In The Mix (Buitenlandse Zenders)===
== Externe link ==
* [ Officiële Website] Ben Liebrand
* [[In The Mix (Sunshine Live) draailijsten van 2007]]
* [ Audiografie] Ben Liebrand
* [[In The Mix (Sunshine Live) draailijsten van 2008]]
* [ Website] Dutch Mix History
* [[In The Mix (Ping FM) draailijsten van 2010]]
* [[In The Mix (Ping FM) draailijsten van 2011]]
* [[Dance Classics In The Mix (Nostalgie) draailijsten 2016]]
* [[Dance Classics In The Mix (Nostalgie) draailijsten 2017]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio ISLA 106) draailijsten van 2020 / Playlist 2020]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio ISLA 106) draailijsten van 2021 / Playlist 2021]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio ISLA 106) draailijsten van 2022 / Playlist 2022]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio ISLA 106) draailijsten van 2023 / Playlist 2023]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio ISLA 106) draailijsten van 2024 / Playlist 2024]]
* [[In The Mix (SAM Ibiza Radio) draailijsten van 2024 / Playlist 2024]]
* [[In The Mix (Lebonmix Radio) draailijsten van 2021 / Playlist 2021]]
* [[In The Mix (Lebonmix Radio) draailijsten van 2022 / Playlist 2022]]
* [[In The Mix (Lebonmix Radio) draailijsten van 2023 / Playlist 2023]]
* [[In The Mix (Boogie Bunker Radio) draailijsten van 2021 / Playlist 2021]]
* [[In The Mix (Boogie Bunker Radio) draailijsten van 2022 / Playlist 2022]]
* [[In The Mix (Boogie Bunker Radio) draailijsten van 2023 / Playlist 2023]]
* [[In The Mix (Boogie Bunker Radio) draailijsten van 2024 / Playlist 2024]]
* [[In The Mix (Paradise FM) draailijsten van 2021 / Playlist 2021]]
* [[In The Mix (Paradise FM) draailijsten van 2022 / Playlist 2022]]
* [[In The Mix (Paradise FM) draailijsten van 2023 / Playlist 2023]]
* [[In The Mix (Paradise FM) draailijsten van 2024 / Playlist 2024]]
* [[In The Mix (Antenne NRW) draailijsten van 2022 / Playlist 2022]]
* [[In The Mix (100% RETRO) draailijsten van 2022 / Playlist 2022]]
* [[In The Mix (100% RETRO) draailijsten van 2023 / Playlist 2023]]
* [[In The Mix (Kitten D'Amour Radio) draailijsten van 2022 / Playlist 2022]]
* [[In The Mix (Kitten D'Amour Radio) draailijsten van 2023 / Playlist 2023]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Happy) draailijsten van 2023 / Playlist 2023]]
* [[In The Mix (Radio Happy) draailijsten van 2024 / Playlist 2024]]
===Ben Liebrand In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment)===
* [[In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment) draailijsten van 2007]]
* [[In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment) draailijsten van 2008]]
* [[In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment) draailijsten van 2009]]
* [[In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment) draailijsten van 2010]]
* [[In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment) draailijsten van 2011]]
* [[In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment) draailijsten van 2012]]
* [[In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment) draailijsten van 2013]]
* [[In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment) draailijsten van 2014]]
* [[In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment) draailijsten van 2015]]
* [[In The Mix (KLM In-Flight Entertainment) draailijsten van 2016]]
===Ben Liebrand Minimixen===
* [[Minimix#Uitzenddata_Minimixen|Uitzenddata Minimixen (Nederlandse Radio)]]
* [[Minimix#Uitzenddata_Minimixen_.28Buitenlandse_Radio.29|Uitzenddata Minimixen (Buitenlandse Radio)]]
===Ben Liebrand Grandmixen===
* [[Grandmix#Uitzenddata_Grandmixen|Uitzenddata Grandmixen]]
===Ben Liebrand In The House===
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Radio Calletti) Draailijsten / Playlist 2019]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Radio Calletti) Draailijsten / Playlist 2020]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Radio ISLA 106) Draailijsten / Playlist 2020]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Radio ISLA 106) Draailijsten / Playlist 2021]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Radio ISLA 106) Draailijsten / Playlist 2022]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Radio ISLA 106) Draailijsten / Playlist 2023]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Radio ISLA 106) Draailijsten / Playlist 2024]]
*[[Ben Liebrand In The House (SAM Ibiza Radio) Draailijsten / Playlist 2024]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Sunshine Live) Draailijsten / Playlist 2021]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Sunshine Live) Draailijsten / Playlist 2022]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Sunshine Live) Draailijsten / Playlist 2024]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Lebonmix Radio) Draailijsten 2021 / Playlist 2021]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Lebonmix Radio) Draailijsten 2022 / Playlist 2022]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Lebonmix Radio) Draailijsten 2023 / Playlist 2023]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Boogie Bunker Radio) Draailijsten van 2021 / Playlist 2021]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Boogie Bunker Radio) Draailijsten van 2022 / Playlist 2022]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Boogie Bunker Radio) Draailijsten van 2023 / Playlist 2023]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Boogie Bunker Radio) Draailijsten van 2024 / Playlist 2024]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Radio Happy) Draailijsten 2023 / Playlist 2023]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House (Radio Happy) Draailijsten 2024 / Playlist 2024]]
===Ben Liebrand Mash-Up Show===
* [[Ben Liebrand Mash-Up Show (Radio Calletti) Draailijsten / Playlist 2020]]
===Categorie Liebrand Discografie===
* [[:Category:Liebrand discografie|Discografie Ben Liebrand op]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The Mix Episodes]]
* [[Ben Liebrand In The House Episodes]]
== Externe link ==
* [ Officiële Website] Ben Liebrand
* [ Officiële Website] Mastermix DJ Service UK
* [ Mastermix DJ] Ben Liebrand Page
* [ Officiële Website] Radio 10
* [ Direct Stream] Radio 10 (128 kbps)
* [ Ekdom In De Morgen] Podcast Radio 10
* [ Ekdom in de morgen] Website
* [ Ekdom in de morgen] Website
* [ Direct Stream] NPO Radio 2 (192 kbps)
* [ Officiële Website] Radio ISLA 106 Ibiza & Mallorca
* [ Direct Stream] Radio ISLA 106 (192 kbps)
* [ Officiële Website] Lebonmix Radio
* [ Direct Stream] Lebonmix Radio (192 kbps)
* [ Officiële Website] Boogie Bunker Radio
* [ Direct Stream] Boogie Bunker Radio (192 kbps)
* [ Officiële Website] Paradise FM
* [ Podcast] Paradise FM (128 kbps)
* [ Direct Stream] Paradise FM (64 kbps)
* [ Liebrand-Audiografie] Ben Liebrand
* [ Website] Dutch Mix History
* [ Officiële Website] Radiofreak
* [ Officiële Website]

== Referenties ==
== Referenties ==
Regel 9.571: Regel 5.497:

[[Categorie:Veronica Omroep Organisatie]]
[[Categorie:Radio Veronica (Talpa Radio)]]
[[Categorie:Radio Veronica (Sky Radio Groep)]]
[[Categorie:Hilversum 3]]
[[Categorie:NPO 3FM]]
[[Categorie:Radio 10]]
[[Category:Liebrand discografie]]
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